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Best president ever.

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Best president ever.
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Obama is tied with Bill Clinton in my lifetime (50 years).
Trump is a disgrace to humanity
damn you're old man
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>humanity isn't a disgrace
it's a trap
Obama is my nigga
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I've only been alive through 4 different presidents and I have to say Obama has been the coolest, but Bill is up there too.
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Greatest of all time.
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kilimanjaro is taller than everest if you consider acutal distance climbed not altitude

best president started in biggest hole ever

maybe history will understand
Fuck outta here.

I'm glad Reagan's dead.
I put Soros's face on that meme for a reason.
His biggest achievement, Obamacare, is the biggest failure of all time.
yes indeed. going to be sorry to see him go
Best president a half nigger? Lol
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Voted for him twice.

Fuck off Trumpkins.
remember how he got shit on for visiting his ranch once in a while
now obama plays more golf then tiger woods and not a peep
good for you,want a cookie?
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greatest fuck up maybe
The architect of union busting.

>greatest of all time
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>Voted for him twice.
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No thank you Billy Bob.
>repubs rail against it in conception
>repubs slam it out of the house/senate
>repubs gut what they can out of it
>obamacare slips by a shadow of what it was supposed to be
>repubs cry over it before it even takes effect
>negative coverage 24/7
>repubs say it's failed before it even is set to work
>large portion of americans outright refuse to use it in protest
>continue doomsday predictions since day 1
>calls it a failure
why are republicans like this
I think he's most likable, but not the best. Actually think Reagan, then HW were best...then Him....Then Carter...then the other faggots
Fixed it for you OP.
what side are you on??? the fuck
you mean er, right?
>Social Healthcare
>Good healthcare
Pick one faggot, it's not hard to see socialized programs generally suck and fail compared to private
Twice motherfuckers. Dude wasted Bin Laden.
center right. which is no side these days. ya'll are trippin, bunch of nutballs
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does trump like to grab gunts?
mandated insurance isn't social healthcare...
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President Carter was the only president to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestine.
No one else was able to do that.
im confused as to why you think its an accomplishment to vote for Obama twice when literally over half the country, including myself, did the same thing
is your life so devoid of meaning that you have to assert mundane tasks as some great achievement?
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The greatest president of all time is Teddy Roosevelt. Second place is his mustache.
they are tied, both shitty democrats
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Nigga please
its not even really mandated. its get it or pay a fairly low fee.
its all those evil republicans fault, not like the democrats had the majority and the presidency for a long stretch or anything
oh well lets keep shaking our fists at those no good republicans
no, i suppose it isn't, but it's about 100% too much govt in the healthcare system either way
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sure kid. did donald tell you that?
Why not both?

Those who can afford it goes to private, and those who can't goes to social. It works in Canada.
I'm guessing you're 16 or under....because Obama has been the 3rd worst president of my lifetime after Carter and Nixon.
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Not her fault the daughter likes getting her pussy slammed.
Op here.

I just like to stir shit.
Nope, just don't enjoy waiting weeks for medical service and I love not being taxed ~40 or 50% of my income for some nigger to get surgery
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Simmer down there.
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Wouldn't have ever been a president if the best president Abe hadn't been in.
I jess realized I totally read it wrong. thought it was best in my lifetime, not all time. Lincoln, Washington, TR, Reagan, FDR, Kennedy in no particular order,but probly that one
The fact that Bush Jr. is not on this list invalidate your opinion.
Nice b8 m8.
Because who pays for the poor people's service? Taxpayers, I don't want to pay for other people's medical costs lol, it isn't the government's job to do that anyways
Starting -any- political thread stirs shit, so you haven't accomplished any more than anyone else who has started a political thread.
We've got a real troll here.
you've been listening to your rich republican propaganda masters too much. Their paid off by the rich health insurance companies. There is no way a for-profit health system will ever favor the patient.
lol - from country that has terrrible health stats while paying 2 - 3 times more per capita than any other first world country.
>comparing 1820's Democratic party with modern Shit show Den party.
Nigga please, Andrew Jackson was a REAL man of the the people.
Oh so you vote Democrat, so you can tax more money from people that have some/lots of it so the masses can become dependent on the government, making the government a daily necessity? Good goy.
Nigger lover
Well, he did essentially save the internet in the US.
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I prefer paying a bit more taxes than having to pay 3000$ per childbirth.
I love all my fellow countrymen, nigger or notter.
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>voting democrats
>not realizing they're republican's m8s
>not voting green party
>mfw I live in a country with free college licenciate's degree (equivalent to bachelor+master's)
>Implying Congress had nothing to do with any of those things.

Which party ran congress back then? I forget.
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you won't be 14 forever
He was horrible to the point I'd rather forget about him. I'd probably rate him just after Carter.

Obama has been almost as bad...but GWB wasn't worse than Carter or Nixon....

Honestly, we've had more shitty Presidents the last 50 years than good ones.
You mean K2, but we're all only arguing politics, what's accurate thought have to do with it?
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yah, thats not free. someone payin. so'k, jess sayin.
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im just asking a question
you can chooe to answer or not, just as long as you know not answering is in and of itself an answer
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Check the data, even tax based payments considered you guys get it up the arse for health care. Including tax based payments and the fact that America ranks poorly for health here's what you are paying
Hey if they don't want us to buy the pill.
Then it's easy, you can just NOT HAVE CHILDREN IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD THEM. Wow, that's pretty hard!

Really? Last I checked a LOT of those Europoors are having issues paying for it all with the "migrants" using it too

Sure, free shit is nice, but someone has to pay for it. I'd rather pay $200 and see a doctor than let something set for 2 weeks waiting to get in

I actually somewhat agree with that, there just needs to be more competition tbqh, I hate how much the CEOs are payed, but I mean they're the CEO, so you can't really do anything
How much is a pair of blue jeans?
>hurr durr who's gonna pay for that
>fox news logic
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... because I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE A RETARDED NIGGER, basically.
>At 60.2%, Denmark last year had the highest top personal income tax rate among the 34 countries in the OECD
Try harder faggot
>Bill Clinton

You Clinton faggots are ridiculous.
"All I know is things were better when Bill wuz in office".

He happened to be in office during the internet boom and the best thing he did was nothing except for the fake balancing the budget bullshit.
Things were already going to shit as he left office, Bush inherited Clinton's mess but he didn't harp on and on about the fuckfest the last guy handed him like Obama and Hilary do.
Clinton didn't want to start trouble and seriously deal with the rising terror groups who were escalating attacks against us, instead he does some half ass shit in irrelevant situations where they don't even know what's really going on in Africa and Serbia instead of hitting Al-Qaeda.
He left us with NATFA which is still fucking everyone in North America except for the 1% who own huge corporations, which includes fucking the entire Mexican agricultural industry which is why we have millions of mostly desperate former farmers fleeing to our country from Mexico in droves ever since and decent paying US jobs becoming shitty paying Mexican jobs.

At least Obama has done less to fuck things up besides watch and foster the disaster going on in the middle east somebody else is going to wind up having to deal with and worst of all Obamacare, "hey can't afford $600 dollars a month for insurance? Fuck you you're going to buy it anyway or be fined $1600 and increasing every year when tax time rolls around.
Oh and if you decide to buy the insurance you are going to pay the same as you used to for good coverage for almost worthless coverage.
Luckily that shit is already imploding.
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about tree fiddy
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I'm a registered Democrat. I always vote. Do you?
there are plenty of good reasons to support raising tax rates, i/e support military, support public schools, support roads that arent shit, good police/security, airports, making sure the elderly don't starve or die without care. Those are all things that make up the vast majority of our budget.

What $9k per year gets you
>But we need universal health care anon! For the poor!
Right, because a thing called charity and church didn't work for the past couple thousand years
If I want to see a doctor, I walk a couple blocks to a clinic and I see a doctor.

On a bad day, I read a magazine for half an hour while I wait...

Oh, and I don't pay a thing ever. For anything.
then explain why denmark is rated the happiest country in the world.
yes i do, i am a independent
Dont forget that Bill no longer had the Soviet Union to worry about.
Right, and most of the cost is with Social Security and shit, which isn't the job of the government I believe, private funds, family support, and general goodwill should be enough. Survival of the fittest my bucko
all muscle
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Notice where the US is. Notice that the top country has socialized healthcare.
survival of the fittest is a culture where once youre 80 you get tossed in a fucking oven. Your morals and ethics are defective.
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My daughter will fight for her.
Bill was best in modern years, 'Bama's pretty good though, Bush left him with some disastrously fucked up shit.
Clinton came into power during an economic boom. he happened to hit that sweet spot of success before shit starts to tank thanks to reaganomics
the only thing people can point to during his presidency was him balancing the budget, something that he was dragged into kicking and screaming by congress then later took credit for
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Me too. I voted for Bubba twice.

That may happen. However he may have to resign and let Bob Dole to take over by default. It's expected Hillary will drop out soon.
reaganomics had nothing to do with it. it was a short-lioved peace dividend becauase backwards countries like Russia can't get with the fucking program. Theyd rather fight over spoils then set up a real economy.
Imagine free health care and college in the US with all our niggers.
There's a reason why we don't do it.
Survival of the fittest is when guys who have muscles are tricked into digging ditches and fighting wars for guys like me.

Damn right survival of the fittest.

Welcome to the human race, where intellect rules.
I'm not a political whore. I don't sit on the fence waiting for free shit.
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Here, I see a huffingtonpost link so I guess you cant digest shit unless it's uncited and shitty, so have this
He already got an oreo
Also notice every country on that list doesn't have to pay for a large military because of their guaranteed safety behind America thanks to NATO. Make them have a military and the money shifts pretty fast
Carter's a good man. Complete opposite of Trump.
you have to want to go to college to use free college. free college benefits the middle class and upwardly mobile, usually at the expense of the poor (less discretionary spending for welfare programs) and the very rich whose taxes go up. Most people here would be the beneficiaries
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see you think that, but in reality the muscle guy is digging ditches for the smart people and you die of starvation because you arent fit enough to dig ditches and arent smart enough to outmaneuver the clever ones

you right that brawn is the minnow in that pond, but your the worm painting shark teeth on his side
If I recall survival of the fittest is an essential value of nature, I don't think it's moral or ethics, of course I don't want people to die, but why are people entitled to the product of my labor?
and yet you vote democrat,
your contradicting yourself there,
im an independent because id dont buy into blindly voting for a person merely on what letter appears next to their name

notice you still havent answered the question though
kek and checked
Nah, actually, unlike you, I've already proven myself in life.

All gravy now.
Get back to digging.
so you want to live in nature? How long do you think you'd make it living alone in nature? The very nature of living in a society is you are accepting that you will focus on your specialty while others focus on theirs. We benefit as a whole by this for reasons too obvious to mention. Most of us would prefer living in a society. Youre free to go start a survivalist camp in Montana tho.
Idiot. Afford Care Act is just another way to drive the economy into a ditch and give out something for nothing, then rape policy holders through rate increases. Redistribution of wealth is not an intelligent solution to anything. Fewer choices, higher costs, adding to an already overwhelming deficit...these are the products of failure and of politicians. Left-wing liberals appeal to ignorance and emotion without a shred of intellectual foresight. Nothing is free. And affordable is a way of saying cheap and shot-to-hell. Don't be so fucking stupid, America.
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Then you have no ideology or allegiance or loyalty. You're a whore and likely a troll.
Trumpkin detected.
Wow, tangent much? Who said I want to live in nature lol? I don't mind government, I just don't like the whole "We're forcefully taking your money and going to spend it, but we're going to give it to some other people while we're at it" sorta thing, I'm not an anarchist, I think no government is just as bad as too much government. I just don't like the re-distribution of wealth in any form
trump will ruin america
half nigger? you mean double dosed
half of trumps online 'polling' cant even vote kek
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Did you cheek your antipsychotic medication?
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It was a flawed attempt to address the very real fact that peoples lives are ruined for no fault of their own if they don;t have health insurance in America. A flawed system is not going to have a perfect fix. If people were rational they would concentrate on addressing the flaws in ACA without bashing each other over the head with their ideology. The reality is that in America, we spend 90% of our medical dollars during the last years of our lives because we now have the technology to keep corpses breathing 10 years or more. This is why our healthcare costs are going up, not ACA. We have a for-profit healthcare system. technologies and drugs that perform miracles are expensive.
You stated you shared the values of nature. Nature has no values. strong lives, weak dies. Very few people share those values, and i dont think there is a political market for it.
Pretty much. Through beaten in some areas by Clinton.
>i dont think there is a political market for it
I mean capitalism? It's working pretty damn well if you ask me and look at the world
we never did get a peak at his grades from college.
leaving /b/ and never coming back. sign me up for one of those telegram or kik chats. fuck this shit. can't take it anymore.
So far it has worked-ish. Would be better if it could be implemented in a complete way rather than the half-assed thing that passed congress.
You sick sick bastard!
He got shit for living on his farm pretty much full time.
Capitalism is fantastic, but it destroys itself if there is no safety net. I'm an entrepreneur. I've started 4 companies, the first 3 failed spectacularly. My fourth supports me well and ima happy to pay the higher taxes now to repay the times when the system supported my failed earlier attempts. I have a different perspective due to this.
Except for the whole part where Americans who couldn't afford health insurance are now legally required to buy it at often twice the cost of what it was beforehand.
Preach it brother
Hello from Norway.
You guys dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
Have fun being tardlings.
I'm sorry to hear about your first three, good luck on the fourth though!

But there IS a safety net, it's called charity! I mean people were poor before the govt. decided to do stuff, it's just a cultural change in which churches and charities aren't as prevalent I suppose. I guess it's cool you're fine with being forced to give money/goods to people that haven't done anything to deserve it, but I mean it's your money, I just don't want to be forced to
Yeah, exactly, GOAT.
At often twice the cost? Go get that shit debunked on google.
Hello Norway.
It seems your military spending was around $7 million in 2012.
How about you leave the United State's protection then? See how much money you have left after you have to spend money to actually protect yourselves?
why so sad:(
Fine, Dude, your opinion. But if we're taking about systems, and what works best, I think its pretty crucial point out that the vast majority of the growth in the chart here....was after the welfare state was well established.
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Tl;dr fuck obama
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Part III (Haiti Emails 1):

Part IV (Haiti Emails 2):

Part V (Haiti Emails 3):



Part I (State Dept. - Clinton Foundation Emails 1):

Part II (State Dept. - Clinton Foundation Emails 2):
Lol what?

Are you forgetting that little war in the 1940s in which we became the most important industrial, military, and economic nation in the world because of the said war? Catapulting us years and years ahead and a military and GDP much larger than ever imagined?

That wasn't welfare bro, that was good old fashioned free markets needing potatoes and M1 Garands
The two best presidents of all time were Ronald Regan, and Ronald Regan 2nd term. -Stephen Colbert
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The Clintons absolutely raped Haiti, and plundered it. Her brother is going for round 2 over the last couple of years hustling them out of a big gold mine scheme too.
britfag here, please keep talking :)
i wasnt claiming welfare was causing growth, I was simply pointing out that it has done little to slow growth down, and that from personal experience peopel are more likely to take risks (starting a business is a big risk) if they know that they and their families won't starve if things don't pan out.
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yeah right... the clown who brought us to the brink of Nuclear War with Russia and race war at home.

dipshit. But hey... he releases mix-tapes derp.
>implying the polls or the main stream media mean ANYTHING
Alright Nigel, you fucking Paki, just keep sucking the govt.'s tit and you'll awake as Winston Smith in his flat, not Nigel that has eggs on toast and a fear of assault knives

I apologized, I thought you meant that it was due to welfare and such. Well then those people shouldn't take the risk if they can't take the penalties, it's a double edged sword. No, it hasn't been TOO MUCH of a burden here, but with more programs and more taxes it can change quickly. Do you really think the majority of Americans would be cool with that 60% tax or whatever Denmark has?
Why did you use green text? I assume you thought your point of view was more important to other opinions
Im assuming your ass!

We're not war mongering fags like the US.
nope. He's killed more people though.
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The majority of americans pay far less taxesthan the rest of the world. It's a long way to 60%. We'd be better off with a lower corporate tax rate for the sake of competitiveness, but who is arguing for a marginal tax rate that high?

This is bullshit.
As much as the Dems think he's the anti-Bush, he's really quite similar to Bush. Extended and expanded the patriot act. Increased NSA domestic surveillance. Increased drone strikes over tenfold. Has waged war upon more countries than Bush ever did. Never even bothered to get congressional approval for booming Libya, Yemen, Somalia, etc, like Bush got congressional Alfonso to invade Iraq.

Also, Obamacare is nothing like the "socialised healthcare" the repubs earned us about, it's just expanded coverage and restriction of existing insurance monopolies.

He really isn't bad.
Refute it then.

Well, I know many actually. Mostly hardcore Bernouts and socialists that want free college/health/blowjobs basically, I mean how else could you even go about paying for that?
Nevermind he withdrawed from Iraq, leaving the power gap basically creating ISIS, and backing down like a bitch to Putin over Ukraine. Oh, and Iran. Oh, and North Korea. Hes pretty fucking bad with foreign shit
I'm not a fan of obama or anything but why would anyone believe that picture, theres no sources.
Smart, smart, smart! I had the sources somewhere but I cant find them now..fuck me, I spent awhile too

I guess just ignore it in all honestly, I need to make a citation sheet in that folder
Nothing wrong with the Iran deal. The cold war tradition of economic sanctions hardly worked back then, and certainly won't work now. Better to have Iran treated like an adult so that they start behaving like an adult.
Well we shouldnt have Versailles'd it, but certainly it could've been more in our favor...not to mention the millions of dollars we sent them
Also, Isis or some other shit would have emerged eventually. It was only a matter of time. But that is a fault of both dems and repubs. You can blame Obama or Bush or FDR or the Queen of fucking England.

Hajis gonna hajj.
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Haji indeed will Hajj, but it'd be a better situation if it wasn't hajj'd cause of us!
thats a dood with a dick, what are you gay?
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