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Rekt threat

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 67
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Rekt threat
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You don't fuck with Gargamel, kids.
Fuckin niggers
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is de head?
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is he dad?
>>709084947 nah, he is fine, that's the 3rd world anesthesia
he is died'?>>709085088
In the 1800s here in the UK we had people called Knocker Uppers. In Asia they've adopted the idea, but got it wrong.
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stop posting this shit, it's not rekt, nothing fucking happened to the truck, the roof fell, but the truck was like 20cm away from everything you dumb bitch!
does anyone have the one of the chink who fall onto his kid and breaks his neck?
This history
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File: Rip in peace lightning man.webm (1 MB, 406x720) Image search: [Google]
Rip in peace lightning man.webm
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plane crash.webm
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downhill skillz.gif
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What the fuck happened there? And who the fuck would run outside a storm with a piece of metal on your head?
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runner's high.jpg
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I don't have a problem with somebody trying to make education a little more engaging for kids, it may be hilariously out of touch but its still an effort.
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"At first I was like; Then I was like"
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You gonna see some shit

I hope it is not what I think it is
Delet this
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File: riotpolice.webm (477 KB, 470x360) Image search: [Google]
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found the underage retard
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File: Woops Montage.webm (2 MB, 720x480) Image search: [Google]
Woops Montage.webm
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Stop Anon.
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what's the story behind this ?
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>Aluminum (Al), also spelled aluminium, chemical element, a lightweight, silvery-white METAL of main Group 13 (IIIa, or boron group) of the periodic table. Aluminum is the most abundant METALlic element in Earth’s crust and the most widely used nonferrous METAL.

sauce of image
It is a metal dipshit
There was hail during the storm, he didn't want to get bonked on da head.
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>shoo-shoot your goo my dude
bait taken
needs a song
I don't know what you think, but it's sore nipples
aluminum is a metal but it does not conduct electricity you fucking faggot

So he decides that getting "bonked on da head" by lightning is better?
bitches be cray as feck
Ha! Also chequed.
it's fake nigger
Le old "I was pretending to be retarded" damage control excuse
It's a hard knock life.
Yeah, it's illegal to put cameras in bathrooms. That's why stores have signs that say "do take any merchandise with you in the bathroom, shoplifting can be a felony" etc. etc.

It is, that's why smart runners tape their nipples.
It appears to be at a bar or club though, so technically that rule wouldn't apply would it?

Aluminum provides a better conductivity to weight ratio than copper, and therefore is also used in wiring power grids and for power wiring of some airplanes.

It's certainly non-ferrous, but it sure as hell will conduct electricity! Pay attention in school son.
File: fuck infinity.png (168 KB, 500x283) Image search: [Google]
fuck infinity.png
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i hope that isn't blood...i mean...he could've warn little dot bandaids over his nips to protect them.
i guess this is something that insomniacs fear
Please go touch some aluminum wireing connected to a power source and tell us your experiences.

Highway to Hell?
i think its an advertisement , with the message that men can be raped as well as women
did he died?
This dude has 0% neck. His chest is connected to his fucking chin
this thread is shit, some one post some decent rekt please
File: I'll save you.webm (792 KB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
I'll save you.webm
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I wan the footage from the girl who fucking cock blocked the camera at the perfect fucking moment.
More like this please ?
I remember when I use to want to throw up being on rekt thread now it fucking sucks. What happened /b/

men can be raped by men only tho
/b/een overtaken /b/y /b/eta cucklords
only the donald can grab women by the pussy and get away with it
I feel bad for this guy cause his legs looked fucked to hell, but its really his own fault. wtf did he think the guy was gonna do? hes running from the cops, its not like hes gonna obey the law and stay on the road knowing hes gonna hit the spikes
File: I gotcho back.webm (412 KB, 400x300) Image search: [Google]
I gotcho back.webm
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1812 Overture
you feel bad for someone on a rekt thread wtf WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF
I wanted fruity Pebbles!
he redirected traffic to where he was standing and stayed right there. smart, smart
and what if a woman shoved something you dont want, in your anus, and did that continuously till you pass out?
Hope this niggas dead
Take an aluminum can, go up to your main line on the roof, and touch it. See what happens. You fucking dumb faggot.
i thinp he libbed
Whats the context of this?
what the fuck is going on in this video?
damn 4chan has been around a long time and increased quite a lot in popularity, according to that graph. nice. I'm happy for 4chan
bitch you gay, how the fuck something go in your dry ass unless you bend over and spread your shit. and that is not rape only sexual harassment
he is.
Rip doggo
Dubs tho
probably bit some guy to death, had to sac.
cant you tell it is reversed? wtf
yeah, profs at colleges aren't going to put in a shread of effort.... pieces of shit
File: Needs extinguisher lessons.webm (2 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
Needs extinguisher lessons.webm
2 MB, 720x404
>a local man bids a tearful farewell to a beloved companion in an ancient local religious custom
Some societies are just backwards, huh?
she could knock you out before doing that, you dumb bitch
1 less chinese. good good
File: rip doggo.webm (990 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
rip doggo.webm
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that's racist.
gay ass shit nigger, don't post again
/b/ look, bunch of newfags who don't know wtf they are doing.
no, I just meant, that injury looks fucked up. I actually dont feel bad for him because, like I said, it was his own fault lol
Some people rescued a dog from the sewer. Then some anon thought it would be clever to play it in reverse and try to made it pass as if they were burying alive the puppy, even if it made no fucking sense at all.

In short, a forced dumb meme
watch it in reverse for a satanic message

>she could knock you

lying ass gay bitch, you pretended to be asleep and spread your gay ass
Space program?
File: 1v1.gif (2 MB, 530x292) Image search: [Google]
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why do you talk like a fuckin nigger?

You must be new here.
that should straight up be sexual assault
ohhh good shit kek I didn't notice
File: tony hawk pro nigger.webm (460 KB, 480x480) Image search: [Google]
tony hawk pro nigger.webm
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>he coughs up fire
i dont. i only type like one to trigger you dumb asshole
Everytime a nigga hurts himself a white boy gets his keks. Bravo!
newfag niggers will blend in eventually
thats exactly how a nigger would respond
hahahaha what a newfag has to explain his trolling wtf. what a shit trolll
not my fault your mother only responds to nigger cock
Can somebody in law enforcement look up this guy's fingerprint?
Electrical engineering student checking in... can confirm you are a fucking idiot anon
Like A Boss
Electrical Engineering fag*** Checking in.... can confirm you are a fucking idiot
Salty much huh you little cunt?
>driver dead?
You're trying to hard faggot
go go go in my hoverounnnnnnnnnnnnnn
>6249 â–¶
>>>709095740 (You)
no you are
I saw him in the papers.
im playing golf today not mowing the it
Yeah that dude is probably on a sex offender registry for doing that.
File: Burger king kills Ronald.gif (386 KB, 200x124) Image search: [Google]
Burger king kills Ronald.gif
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A dog sacrifice idiots.
>tri force
damn that's a crazy bitch
No, He is fine and now is a super rich motherfucker kek
ive killed myself for less
rekt threads are supposed to make people laugh.

i'm not a human, but it made me laugh. nothing personal kid
say hello to my little friend
That is not a rekt
How long have you been on /b/ summer is over faggot

back, nothing happened
said the animal white knight.. "gotta save the animals, one animal at a time"
>marry dat
holy fuck!
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It's like he upped the ante
He didn't get hit by lightning.
It was confirmed later on plebbit
wrong again bozodick
you have a superhuman ability to be able to tell that.
you've never even seen this show before and don't know the characters
File: slowmo-knockout.webm (1 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 640x360
tell me, how good is hell? In a scale from 9 to 10
you must be new here.
>I'll complain, but I will do nothing to improve the thread like posting content
>you must be new here
you must be new here
you must be new here
you guys must be new here, nothing personal kid
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2 MB, 402x482
Why don't you dicknoses stop the fucking discussion and start posting?!
>you must be new here
>you must be new here
you must be new here
>you guys must be new here
you must be new here
i see you are the one who is actually new to here
is he dead? kek
the austism is strong
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Samefag, shut up.
its fake. they dont put cameras in a bathroom
File: No YOU move.gif (2 MB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
No YOU move.gif
2 MB, 400x400
It's always a shoe or a hat.
File: Wongfag.jpg (19 KB, 392x166) Image search: [Google]
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Try again not only one anon
you must be new here
can i get a slo mo on this
is it dead?
you must be new here
What game is that?
you must be new here, nothing personal kid
It's not a game, it's real life
when we people learn that proves nothing
u new?
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how can people not tell this is reversed?
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dubs hatheth spoken
File: When the combo hits just right.webm (841 KB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
When the combo hits just right.webm
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Exanima. It's on Steam. sunk over 200 hours into its arena mode. Steep learning curve, tho
EVERYONE he is new here dont mind him
>dull razor
ta pegando fogo bicho
oppisite day
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Bullshit. It's not 35 degrees warmer worldwide you idiot. Fucking climate change scammers.
What gam is this?
wow, that's the craziest real life footage of a bum fight i've ever seen... crazy real life footage i say, old boy. where did you get it?
What's the name of this game again?
Ummm what? I think you're failing to understand the graph.
Aluminum is a metal.
Non ferrous and inneffective at conducting, so he is retarded with his implication, and so are you.
Yeah its a girl flashing her tits at a concert, thought it would make a good reaction pic
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>>709099554 hahahhahaha isn't that a funny name for a website?
you are sick man
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That's blood.
File: Check the oooiiiillll.gif (2 MB, 320x320) Image search: [Google]
Check the oooiiiillll.gif
2 MB, 320x320
Would love sauce on that pls.
you must be fag here
damnnnn, I've seen a lot of gore on the internet, but nothing like that
oloco bixo quem sabe faz ao vivo
>conservatives making up shit again and passing it as fact
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DA source is

jahahhaha try and go there and see what is there.
the bish got beaten by a bish
File: what happened.gif (2 MB, 215x177) Image search: [Google]
what happened.gif
2 MB, 215x177
s'what i thought. i got da bast gore videos.
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Love this. They act all tough until they realize they gotta get hurt to get what they want
Like, if people just took a second to wonder why jay walking was illegal, they wouldn't do it
Luv it... when the shithead thieves find out the innocent have guns too!....carry mine.....
File: I got this.gif (2 MB, 175x141) Image search: [Google]
I got this.gif
2 MB, 175x141
I meant sauce on the webbum of the guy smacking his chest from brain trauma.
>hat trick.webm
Made this today
you're probably one of those indian niggas that likes to touch power lines cause you think the power only flows on the inside of the wire
I'd love to fuck that bitch hard and long.
i was imagining ode to joy through the entire time and the hits match the beat.
fuck you
It's a "boys can be raped too infomercial"
free motorcycle
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>sprints away from the guy with the fire extinguisher
These kids are awesome, I wanna hang with then, no pedo
>runs away as soon as he sees gun
did the thugs only have a fake gun?
Anyway nice instant justice
reinstalling crusader kings 2
>setup music fits perfectly
I'm studying english. Is it ok to say "like" every five seconds?
Okay that's hot.
when you truffle shuffle hard
thanks a lot for that bro
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If the guy used the fire extinguisher on him, he would have suffocated.

that caption
Fucking kek
Also frostbite.
What ever happened to Alice? Only oldfags remember her.
Thought it was two dykes
Cucumber bandersnatch
oh fuck, that was sad
kek, only if he pushed it down his throat. it would have extinguished the dickheads clothes at least
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i loled
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Actually, the carbon dioxide in it displaces the oxygen so if it was on him he could die of suffocation. Furthermore, the chemicals inside the canister are extremely cold and would cause frostbite, causing fingers and toes to begin falling off.
>Play song

What I’ve done

I'll face myself
To cross out what I’ve become
Erase myself...
who the fuck doesnt know aluminum is a metal
>youll suffocate if someone hit you with a fire extinguisher in a large room
File: raep noo.........jpg (114 KB, 548x614) Image search: [Google]
raep noo.........jpg
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Yes the Russian one
He ran down a hallway.
Very enclosed space, he'd be dead. Best he could do is stop drop and roll.
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Wasted trips.
"Stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself"
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dont you worry about it
>he ran somewhere else, where there is fresh new air
>he would of died
So, on his situation, what's the best way to deal with it? Or he's just fucked with no chance to survive?
fat folds m9
>Those crossed thumbs
Old Alice got threatened into oblivion, Alice2 is the current one. Any other question?
>>709090101 In all actuality the climate is getting warmer but there is nothing we can do to stop it or even truly effect it. It is a natural process called a core flip it takes place about every 50,000 years. Essentially the core of the earth slows causing a weakening of or protective atmospheric shield. This in turn let's in more radiation from our sun and cosmic rays. We are in the last 1000 years (est) before this core flip and right before it happens we will have a period of time when the average earth daily temp will be about 125 to 130 fair. .. The nights will look like a green Arora Borealis world wide due to the amount of cosmic radiation that will be getting in. After the flip the core will start turning the opposite direction. The shield will be fully recharged, and more that likely the planet will become very cold for a couple of thousand years.. This is the real reason for global warming a natural process in the lifecycle of our planet.
Sexual assault actually
You have summoned the brazilians. I hope you're happy, anon.
Probably fucked. The fire was inside him. If there was no fire in him, he could just stop, drop, and roll, and he'd be fine.
Why is there an Alice2?
File: moh_viadao_voce.jpg (21 KB, 317x239) Image search: [Google]
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BR television at its finest
She wanted to keep the legacy of Alice1 supposedly, she has quite a few followers nowadays.
It wouldn't matter if he was anywhere else. The carbon dioxide doesn't just go away after it's released it will sit on him and take prevent oxygen from entering his lungs.
I'm not sure if anyone could be as nice, loving and caring as the first Alice in 2006. I wonder what this new Alice is like.
She hosts psychology help threads every once in a while, acts very lovey dovey with her anons really. She even hosts some cooking threads as well. I'm actually an avatarfag in this whole deal with help threads.
gr8 b8 m8
Not a gore thread you retard.
That's pretty cool. I used to be a follower of Jack, uh, a Jackfag? Yes. But I still appreciated the first Alice a lot. I would like to meet this second Alice, though.
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1018 KB, 273x167
That title tho
You are thinking of magnetism
Its not magnetic.
Well, currently there is an Alice and a Reimu, you really never heard of these?
Who is Alice? Is she from a show?
jesus christ
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I know Reimu very well. She helped me through some pretty hard times in my life. I hope she is doing well.
>who is alice
>pass cuck
Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 67

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