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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 121
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If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless
>i'm a newfag, I know nothing about 4chinchen

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>call the police
>smoker entered the bus by the time they arrived
>had to pay for unreasonable call
nah i'll pass on calling the dogs, BAKA.
>Then it must not be a big enough problem. Otherwise they would make a way.
guess you're right. big part of our population, including children smokes here. guess i'm one of the few people here who are actually bothered by it.
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The wurm
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To all drawfriends: I request lapis in your artstyle
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>There is no safe-sex
How about sex between virgins?
>for unprotected anonymous sex
No, I'm against both, but what we are talking about is depicting them on /b/.

>Would they be offended if Eggs was depicted
As I said, I won't be offended by a drawing, I said in the previous thread that initially overreacted, and that Suncat is free to draw what they please.

Plus making someone move to not get affected by your bad habits is bullying, and I will not support that!

It's what it all boils down to, I don't like bullies. Most smokers aren't but some are, whether they realize it or not.

How can you make bullying, without breaking the term moral?

It's nothing amoral in having unprotected sex and contracting every STD in the universe, as long as both parties are informed and consenting and will not spread this to others with a different mind set or expect others to pay for their medical expenses.

Am I wrong?
im a newfag and I saw these on other drawthreads and I want to know the story behind Them
Anyone here open-minded enough to be willing to draw the unusual yet exotic joys of hyperscat?
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Asked like 6 different people already..

Now why would I do that, I actually like this little lump of flesh, it's like a cat but it can walk on 2 legs.. sometimes.

Just don't reply to that troll.
Let's get back to where we left, did you buy the oblong veggies to play with?
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First and foremost: Welcome

So basically, this is a repeat request that I've been asking for, on and off, since about Feb 2013. I just pop in a draw thread and post my thing. You got a handful of other repeats throughout the years. One guy who wants artists to draw their avatars in a jeep, being headbutted through a tree. One dude wants Rainbow Dash smoking a bong. Another guy has a collection going of some anime chick hanging out with every Pokémon

They're just repeat requests
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>nah. not right now. il do it later.

Don't play with my feelings Anon, becuase I am a very sensible person.
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For the anon asking for this french kiss antler girl getish, heres you rough sketch
Oh, and as for the other guy you had replied to. He's just some dude who wants to be a known regular, it seems like. He hates threads, people, and he thinks he's gotta let us know
>How about sex between virgins?
Holy shit eggs, even virgins can get herpes, aids and many other std's, sex is not the only propagation method. You could get herpes or pretty much any other std in many other ways even if you were born without genitals.

How can you be so naive? As punishment for your ignorance I demand you now ignore this irrelevant argument and go back to your veggies.
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Simple SFW requests?
A Snek wearing a top hat and moustache wrapping a little mouse with its tail to hug it

Very cute I know
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Lamia pls
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Wilford Brimley lecturing us anons about diabetes.
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>guess i'm one of the few people here who are actually bothered by it.

And yet you're not bothered enough to simply move. Baka.

You're doin' this to yourself.

>How about sex between virgins?
Pregnancy. Also Eggs is far from a virgin.

>but what we are talking about is depicting them on /b/.
Which you're for.

>Plus making someone move to not get affected by your bad habits is bullying, and I will not support that!

No one if bullying you. They're not acting upon you directly. To move or not to move is your choice. If someone was walking towards you while on fire, would you simply stand there?

>and will not spread this to others

It's amoral and a public health hazard simply because you CANNOT assure that the spread won't happen. Baka.
Are you taking requests, because I really like your artstyle?
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Ive never seen him do it before but maybe things will change today?
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Requesting a feline version of this girl. A feline version like this one:

Would be something nice she as a smug kitty.

I'm requesting: 80% cat and 20% human= a feline version
I'm not requesting 80% human and 20% cat= furry
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Who? No

I'll try
hay. smirk here. sorry, i had to go. worked called in. hope you have a great evening tho.
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He's not a troll, he is the emperor, and you must answer when addressed!

What about tested people then?
You ignorance counters mine.

So you see children as an indisputable evil?
>Which you're for.
Yeah, you can post whatever drawings you want here,
>They're not acting upon you directly.
They ARE. Their actions can give me cancer.
>spread won't happen
What if you get tested and assure you have nothing to spread?
We already agreed that unsafe sex is bad IRL, what are you arguing about?
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My cannon is here to stay.. can't stop me now.
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I hope everyone moves away from this thread now.
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well moving before finishing education would be dumb, especially since i get it for free. baka.
who doesn't like his artstyle tho
hope you have a nice evening too
or whatever time is it where you live
he does do them, once a blue moon or so
Heyyyy Smirky~ <3
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She is no child.
Thank you
Dubs confirm its Skelegirl
Please don't make me get disappointed in you. I don't care how well he draws or how old the fag is. He's a disgusting person, and I don't want to talk about him.
Let's get back to the veggies, shall we?
das rood anon
>yellow cum
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Maximum Butthurt detected

The only troll here is (You) my dear anon
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sphinx (1).png
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Dubs confirm dats r00d
Ive been lurking for months, ive never once seen it
Dubs confirm Dubs confirm dats r00d
nice x4
C-c-c-c-c-combo breaker
>2 off

The chain was good while it lasted
i wanted to get x4 :(
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>Are you taking requests, because I really like your artstyle?

Asking if someone is taking requests is retarded so thats already a strike against you.

What would you like? Be bold. Be daring.

>So you see children as an indisputable evil?

They're not indisputably good nor evil. But can be a horrible inconvenience if you were not setting out to create them.

>Their actions can give me cancer.
Your inaction is what will give you cancer. You are in charge of your own destiny. They're not holding you down.

>What if you get tested and assure you have nothing to spread?

Do you mean to get tested after every single solitary physical encounter you have with another human?

Because thats what you would need to do.

Cancer for education. Fair trade I suppose.
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To the guy who requested a full nelson pic, here it is
>1 off
>What about tested people then?
>You ignorance counters mine.

YOU FOOL. Your ignorance knows no limits!
You know how long lab results for those kinds of tests take? Days! Sometimes Weeks!

You could literally get infected at any second between the moment you get your samples taken and the moment you get your results. Such tests are just a minor reassurance that your partner was not infected days ago. We already established no sexual intercourse is needed for infection, so even if you were to believe your partner had no intercourse between the time they got their test done and the time they got the results, the possibility of an infection in that time, although highly improbable, is still a possibility.
Safe sex is not real.

That's why many rely on you to do the sex for them,you are an eggsorsomething person, you don't get sick, you are the hero this aids infested world needs, now shut up and go eat a carrot!
Your a failure
>1 off from starting the chain again
But I still like your drawings :3
blue moons are pretty rare.
He has to be in an odd mood for it to happen or something. All I can remember at the moment were some "your character doing ___" reqs when he was parading around as femEHG. not any time recent
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Fuck off
Your character in an armor, holding a sword standing on top of a pile made out of other drawfags defeated characters.
ikr, yellow cum is a possible sign of an infection or severe dehydration.
This >>708643007 poor guy is not well and requires immediate medical diagnosis.
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slaep .png
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no education = no travel visa to burgerland tho
so close yet so far
thanks anon
i almost like it too
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I've never posted in a draw thread before
well she does look like she's been banging him for hours
I think that's just urine but he has not healthy for sure
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>Your character in an armor, holding a sword standing on top of a pile made out of other drawfags defeated characters.

Why tho?

>I think that's just urine
>thick, cloudy, goopy urine

I feel like that would be even worse. Dude's gonna die lol
Welcome to the land of augments and shit flinging. We draw requests sometimes too. Sometimes.

What's your name?
Draw me a nude milf fag.
hey there! do you want your eggs fried, boiled or fertilized?
My names Ashley

Sounds like my kind of place lol
Obviously Neggs likes 'em fertilised :^)
That's a nice name

If dubs we now refer to you as Ash as your artsona name
I am just really interested in seeing how you would bring it on paper. I hope that is okay.
If you want I can surely come up with another idea.
Can we call you Ash as your artsona name for now on?
Cute name btw
True, sever dehydration is the most likely true explanation in this case.

It was of my understanding that only females were capable of occasionally having urine mixed with their ejaculations due to the way their sexual anatomy works, yet I'm not well informed in urine related topics so you could be right.
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requesting porn of switch-chan
Nice. So basically telling me that it's my fault that other people misbehave is not rude. Telling me that I deserve getting lung cancer because I cant fight with several men every morning is not rude. Telling me that my opinion doesn't matter because I wasn't born in the US is not rude. If that sort of person is respected in this thread, I think I've made a mistake coming here.
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Holy shit the euphoria is real

You did make a mistake you should've stayed at tumblr or Reddit instead of coming to /b/ you fucking fag please fuck off
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>He really took this shit personally lol
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you're a bit right anon, but come on, how serious he can be? take it easy and pretend hes kidding.
So? I think Ash is a nice short name for her
Sure haha
I mean it could happen with males but it would be super painful if you managed to ejaculate and piss at the Same time.

But I was just saying I didn't know that color change through dehydration could happen with love goo
Thank you. It looks fantastic.
can confirm; that shit stings
you do realize where you are right?
>"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
God bless
Are you just lurking or do you take request?
Go fuck off I have hats
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Don't be a pussy.
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How does it feel to know none of you fags will ever art as good as me
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Green skele in a group of normies saying "Kill me for a second time please I beg you"
Pic related
7/155.8 would fap to again and suck
Feels bad man
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I Miss Muh Homies.jpg
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Go Premium, dude. Buy more hats. Don't settle for Achievement hats like Pumpkin or Gibus

Give into Valve

Um I can try to do a request for someone!
I'm suicidal and this thought pushed me to the EDGE
Requesting mundane goat eating titanite shard
A lewd nurse if you are okay with that.
Thank you!
You Died
I will try haha
I have the brotherhood of arms and a strange Mr cuddles minigun

No unusuals though
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requesting her with bean-chan
Thank you. I believe in you.
> nah
ok thanks anyways
Woah, a craft hat and cheap stranges

Do you top score regularly? What's your longest KS?
I just play to fuck around. Gotta level up them strange mittens and man treads.
I do too, but I'm not shitter enough to stoop so low to be happy with a weak 6 points in 49 mins. 100+ or bust
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Anon Runes.png
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Operation save thread started, posting my shitty drawings
Question for femanons and fem drawfags.
Do you care if a man is circumsized or not?
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>How does it feel to know none of you fags will ever art as good as me
I just did
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U ever feel like u wanna drop everything, just go home and play the Sims instead?
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Summoning drawfag who saved us last time.
Where are you?
i don't play sims but every day at work i hope i get hurt so i can go home, hate my job
To the drawfag that's doing my French kiss request...
How's it going?
Yes circumsized dicks suck to suck
I'm mediocre at best but om not that shit.

At the very least I can farm point with tele traps
Can you stop with this shitty debate.

*badam tss*
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I hope you are into cuckoldry... I like you. but I can't deny that I've been know to gobble his dick at times. No EHG no Eggs, I'm shaped in his image, literally.

Don't take your EHG-hate too hard, most of us have been offended by his arrogance at some point.

>if you were not
But what if you were? Would that be safe sex?
>Your inaction
No, because they set this line of events in action, they are responsible.
>Because thats what you would need to do.
Not really, if this is a disease that can be transmitted between people merely interacting, it's not a STD it's a contagious disease, and abstinence would not prevent it.

but we are talking sex and the diseases related to this are STDs. If sex is no factor it's retarded to speak of safe or unsafe sex in regards to that disease. Any interaction that could transmit an STD would be out of the ordinary, and you could ask your partner if they had been of risk since they got the lab work done.

fried.. or actually scrambled.

>Obviously Neggs likes 'em fertilised :^)
Eggs can't get preggo w human spunk
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It's one thing to be /b/, and another to be a toxic piece of shit that only serves its time here barely contributing anything besides some sick prankz broo.

I agree with this sentiment.
At one point, I just mentally filter him out once the thread starts getting nowhere, though.

Speaking of, any requests out?
EHG and Neggs lewd when?

I'm down for that shit Neggs
Oh wait im blind.
Ew no, fuck off EHG
You can still buy fertilized eggs. They taste about the same unless they are a little too far into development
Iunno, I think you must be shit if you think I initially meant "You're bad for not having cosmetics"

It was more like "You're bad if you just got this game a week ago". That's some shitter talk right there
It's already happened
well, as long as I can't tell the difference I guess I'm cool with that.
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I ain't EHG my nigga I'd just like to see EHG and Neggs fuck

Is that a bad thing? or are you just a faggot?
back to tumblr dogfinger
Hey guys it's Cathulhu here, today is gonna be a double upload
You sir... are the best.
Why does neggs keep changing colors?
I did not realize ehg was a nigger, mind blown
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i didn't know i wanted this
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> back
Oh wow, you're just the cutest little tot aren't you.
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They fucked later that day
Last winter
Why not?

I know right I didn't know either but atleast he's the good type of nigger
Partly me joking and partly me being a retard. I know hats don't make the player and I know I'm far from the best.
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Drawing Poses rn
Still disgusting that you diddled a defenseless animal, to be honest
M-mind if I s-see?
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what's good thread?
anything fun to draw?
Very cute!
he does contribute tho
he always draws a new thing for each one of his replies
besides, isn't 4chan 90% sick prankz?
>anything fun to draw?
I don't have it
A lot of people complain about my art being so edgy and it not being round round. Is it really that bad? Pretty insecure...
If you want to
i'm seconding this
Requesting drawfag avatars drawn manly/ thicc.
A winged hussar
Anyone have this?

I'm r-really interested to s-see this....heh h-heh....
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>i don't play sims
Fuckin up famly.
>but every day at work i hope i get hurt so i can go home, hate my job
Is it dangerous?
Which ones u got scrub?
nothing wrong here, keep drawing faggot!
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idk i like it edgy and i can't stand my style for how soft it usually is. guess it depends on taste
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I'm sorry it's so shitty but I had to draw it on my phone and I tried to be real fast for you haha
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>But what if you were? Would that be safe sex?
No, because you cannot guarantee that they are disease free. Even with testing.

>No, because they set this line of events in action, they are responsible.

You are responsible for yourself and your own health. If you do not act in defence of that health you are at fault for the outcome. You wouldn't let an ugly infection just get out of hand simply because you think infections are dumb would you?

>Not really, if this is a disease that can be transmitted between people merely interacting, it's not a STD it's a contagious disease

Baka. Most STDs are not transmitted solely through sexual contact. Sexual contact is simply their primary mode of infection. You can still get them otherwise.

>abstinence would not prevent it

Abstinence would lower the risk more so than sexual contact. Baka BAKA.

>I did not realize ehg was a nigger, mind blown
I love this.

I love this every time it happens.
Looks cute

Welcome to the club Ash make sure to come back sometime if you have to go
Dude.. What the fuck are you wearing?
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be a ginger again
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Hey yall
Fay is back from her vacation in the south
what's good, thread?
Thank you. It looks amazing.
Requesting a knife pls
What's the matter bones? I j-just wanna s-see it

P-please don't h-hurt me
Eyy fay. Where'd ya go
>Is it dangerous?
i carry around a "round sawblade" in the end of a long pipe with a motor in the other end, i work in the woods and basically i could fall and cut of my foot , hand or head at any given time, today i fell and the fucking thing slammed my right in the nutz, not enough for me to be able to go home tho
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candy_corn -.png
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Requestan anything of candle girl, doesn't have to be lewd
>cut of my foot
post the godamn image lazy ass
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pepper unnnngh.png
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help meeeee
by giving me requests
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>what's good

Not you.

>I will never dominate Eggs because he's too much of a slow bitch to take all 1.5 inches of this dik

Sad. Truly a tragedy.
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Requesting her pleasuring herself while laying on a bed
Agreed EHG Agreed
Unless you roll a one in life there is no chance you can get an std outside of the hankey pankey
Do you have anything where we can see more of your art? Like Deviantart, or some shit.
Pepper giving her first bj for the first time
If your not doing Lewds

Pepper joking Team Skull from Pokemon sun and moon
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains
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No I was just afraid that I'd take too long and the thread would die
mayyyybe later, i don't feel like drawing rn
just reposting the same shit
Toon link the cheerleaders
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There is a lot of niggers in Oklahoma
I hoped you didnt get hurt
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>Do you have anything where we can see more of your art? Like Deviantart, or some shit.

A dusty ass tumblr that I never update -sob- -sob-
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You fool.

I am eternal. I am everything that ever was, and ever will be. I am the shadows under your bed, the darkness that encompass your very mind and soul.

I am all of me. If I don't say so myself.
Requesting Gwenpool dressed as this clown, doing juggle with these grenades on the street as pic related.

I let this in case you need a tad of inspiration:
Sounds kinda boring. What is there to-do there
Good enough
Please post
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>I am eternal. I am everything that ever was, and ever will be. I am the shadows under your bed, the darkness that encompass your very mind and soul.
>I am all of me. If I don't say so myself.
> edge of that post
oh boy I just cut myself just by the edge of that
Update your shit, aho.
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1 MB, 3264x2448
Yo people. Im back.
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>Good enough

You say that.

But I always the end...
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53 KB, 364x380
>i carry around a "round sawblade" in the end of a long pipe with a motor in the other end,
U sound like a boss stage fite.
> i work in the woods and basically i could fall and cut of my foot , hand or head at any given time,
Holy fuckin shit man, u deal with that day to day?
> today i fell and the fucking thing slammed my right in the nutz, not enough for me to be able to go home tho
Death reached up just to punch some nuts it sounds like.
>You fool.
i might be a fool, but i don't fool around with dogs! :')
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I mean, we do have several boards that encourage shitposts, and even a dedicated board for it, but you post whatever on /b/ I guess.
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That's how I feel about my genitals
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I caught a fish

and it was the first time I got to see the large family I have there
Taking SFW requests.
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I guess it's my curse that I take everything too seriously, get offended by people's jokes, others are always so easy going, easy to call names, easy to 'troll' and banter. They told me 4chan is toxic, but I didn't realise it untill too late.
I'm sorry I ever came here, but at least I didn't grow too attached to the place. Feeling like creating too much drama out of it, but I just need to say that for my own's sake, for it to be easier for me.
I wish you all don't forget that even though the letters on your screen are virtual, there are real people behind every post.
Excuse me, those, whom I may have offended, Goodbye.
Sincerely yours, "You can call me Susan if that makes you happy".
That was real. I don't know what to say
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>If you do not act in defence of that health you are at fault for the outcome
This is pretty much the exact same mentality that teaches girls to avoid getting raped instead of boys not raping, and I don't support it, because you are letting one group terrorize another due to their leverage. Smokers can pollute the air at will, non-smokers can't un-pollute it.
>ugly infection
If I had that I would be morally obliged to prevent it spreading.
>You can still get them otherwise.
Yeah, but they all include exchanging body fluids, which you usually notice.

Sure, you have the fragment of a percentage of cases that get transmitted other wise, but seeing that this risk is constant and affects all, I don't think it makes sense to evaluate it as a factor.

The risk of your partner having contracted this disease beforehand by other means is just as big as you doing so in the future.
>lower the risk
You could still get it by other means discussed above.

You can if you exchange body fluids or get intimate non sexually.
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118 KB, 550x733
Fuck off you faggot
>U sound like a boss stage fite.
if only
>Holy fuckin shit man, u deal with that day to day?
the chance that it will happen is small, specially since i turn of the saw with a simple "thumb forward" move

BUT 3 times in half a year i did not manage to turn it off and the blade tickled my leg (not really but it was close)

>Death reached up just to punch some nuts it sounds like.
i died a little at that moment
Awesome, thanks.
How big was the fish. Also hope for had fun with your family
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85 KB, 500x500

maybe some other time


yeah sure

rock climbing gear,
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Requesting this loli with his head smashed and with 2/3 of this Sledgehammer into his vagina.
Any light, non fetish fur request?
Nobody gives a fuck, you useless cunt.
fucking retard
But how often is body fluid exchanged non sexually
super lightbulb robot
what is your head?
goddammit abusefag you are going overboard there.
Uh? I'm talking about the girl. That dude is just a image of reference.
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Come on, so it seems the recent circumstances have made you aware of a character flaw; you take things to seriously. Now, you have LEARNT something, which is the blessing of arguments, and you can use this new knowledge to direct effort for improvement, if you so desire.

I'll be sorry to see you leave, but it's true that this place can be toxic, so you have to decide what feel the better for you.

Blood transfusion, heath care, idk.
But as I said, these circumstances are extraordinary and you would most likely notice.
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>teaches girls to avoid getting raped instead of boys not raping

Baka! There is no reason why you cannot teach BOTH!! You accept the dangers of second-hand smoke enough to be offended, but not enough to avoid it?

> I would be morally obliged to prevent it spreading.

A simple infection from a cut isn't going to spread to another person. Yet you would still treat it? Why?
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Who are you.png
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I don't know who are are, and I don't care. Just have fun drawing.
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This is Ash and I drew myself if y'all wanna see what I look like
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Then again it's better than the Alolan Persian, aka Garfield.
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Stuffing your face as usual you fat lazy cat
That's pretty gud but nothing really tops rattata with a moustache
Look, i know he's a dick. But i agree with a lot of his points. I think EHG is right on this one.
Is that your serious face?
>I wish you all don't forget that even though the letters on your screen are virtual, there are real people behind every post
But on this site no one really cares if it is a snowflake behind the post, we say what comes to our minds anyway, and we don't have to give a shit or even read what people say or reply. Hurray for free speech
so, all drawfags here
is it a bad habit to zoom and turn around the canavs while drawing? i do that both while digital painting and on paper, and i don't know anyone else who does that.
Don't put genders into this. Chris might get involved.
>doesn't realize it's a copypasta
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Another marble to the pile.

Glad this one didn't get too ragged.
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I dunno, it was just a regular large mouth bass
And I did have a lot of fun, it was great.
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Will draw things while I doodle.
I do that a lot on paper, I guess it just depends on your own drawing preference. It doesn't really matter that much, just draw how you want.
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>if only
Nah I bet you can be. Next dark souls, I see it. Ur roar could b like, I hate my jojoba.

>the chance that it will happen is small, specially since i turn of the saw with a simple "thumb forward" move
Aw well that's way better to hear, it sounded like they just strap u to a machine that does a job and also kills ur ass.

>BUT 3 times in half a year i did not manage to turn it off and the blade tickled my leg (not really but it was close)
That's scary m9. 3 times in half a year seems pretty sketch, maybe get some chain mail pants? U gotta get benefits of some kind.

>i died a little at that moment
So did several of ur potential kids, or just got dat sick brain damage.
>doesn't realize it's a copypasta
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hello le thread, what's up ?
fuck off
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Well anyway glad to see one of my favorite drawfags back
In the mood for requests tonight?
Thanks for the new pasta! Others were getting stale
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So you are saying smoking is wrong cause you are oblivious potentially harming people with that dangerous second-hand smoke, but the risk is real, so we should make an effort to avoid it?
>you would still treat it
Same reason I won't an hero. I value my own health, for my own benefit and those around me.

I don't wanna live in a society where girls can't travel or dress how they like to prevent being raped. Raping and smoking are completely pointless and can be prevented, cause not all people smoke/rape.

You are limiting one group of people because they lack the ability to counter an offence, which I believe is amorality at the core.

>rape victims are part of the problem
Would you maybe consider drawing this, if you are ok with that?
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This thread is rather slow

Yeah dood, there it is~~ not very used to the whole body contact thing
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red dot.jpg
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Want to take porn request? Ride on anon cock, POV style, he might bulge your belly with his cock a little, if you want.
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Thanks man. Looks really good
Requesting a zigger.
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pepper skull.png
158 KB, 900x600

lmao this sounds fun
Can you draw a deer
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a cube

see ya later fam
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Aye. Half of the thread volume is those two going back and forth with eachother.

I'll be open for requests too while there's still interest. Preferably something you think I'd like to take.
> Preferably something you think I'd like to take.
Dog's ass?
Draw your mommy heavily pregnant, gangbanged.
What would you like to take?
not right now taith, im not feeling lewd rn
How do you feel about bugs? Can you draw a lady bug
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Iunno, something cute, furry... Some species I've never heard of...

I think there was a whole thread dedicated to Tails going on around here somewhere. Furry shota galore, but maybe not something I'd be able to adequately represent on a phone. Or ever.
... So, too gross to draw, but okay for an experimental session.
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Requesting this loli wearing a wedding dress but with tears and with a sad face.
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don't worry, it takes more to kill her... and IT !

(first of all kekek) also good luck...
What's with you and your obsession with that loli?
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Hi, can I take requests?
How about a gargoyle?
Give me a character trait to design a character from.
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pepper lady.png
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who are you? cute~
i request you in a bug suit
fuck off
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>So you are saying smoking is wrong cause you are oblivious potentially harming people with that dangerous second-hand smoke, but the risk is real, so we should make an effort to avoid it?

Essentially. Smoking is terrible. But there's no point in not trying to avoid the smoke as some kind of dumb protest. You may very well get cancer before the smoker. Every body is different after all.

>I don't wanna live in a society where girls can't travel or dress how they like to prevent being raped.

I don't either, but that is the society we live in yes?

Walking a couple feet away from a smoker is a lot easier than avoiding a rapist I might add. That's not even considering that most rapes and sexual assaults come from someone close to you.

>You are limiting one group of people because they lack the ability to counter an offence

Limiting? No. I'm applying the same logic you would in defence of your health from an infection. Protect yourself. Especially if it's as simple as just turning your back or walking away.
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Not nearly as invested as Kahl, especially anthro, but eh. Fuzzy ones are :ok-hand:
we almost bump limit new thread pls
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tfw they want me to design.png
220 KB, 1080x1080
i'm going to sleep
most likely won't be back to draw until monday
Get fucked hard by anon, let's hear your moans of pleasure.
shouldnt the new thread be created when image limit is reached instead of bump limit? who cares if the thread isnt being bumped, theres still 40 more images we can post
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Oh boi
Oj szkoda, miałem nadzieję częściej pogadać. Zapraszam na DA, znasz mój nick, było by miło.
ciągle będę lurkować
Whoever these were ,they fucking motivated me.
Chciałem zobaczyć jak wyglądają twoje inne rysunki, i pogadać poza tym szambem.
A just want see my wafiu wearing a wedding dress.
dałam ci watcha
jak masz o czym gadać to pisz
ale nie chcę żadnego "hej co u ciebie i wgl"
fuck off
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1 B, 486x500
Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 121

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