Comfy thread
warm bump
listening to this
while watching it, dat feels man.
anybody here ? OP dead ?
those windows literary burn money
get in fags
sorry for the shitty res
what is insulation ?
all those cables... thats the opposite of comfort for me
Mah niqqa.
comfy tank
The banner saga has to be one of the least comfy universes
that would be comfy until i wanted to masturbate
The universe is un-chill as fuck, but leaning back in my chair and watching the long band march on ever so slowly over a beautifully handdrawn landscape most certainly is.
>mfw comfy thread
any aquari here?
Very much so! ~
0/10 bait
Something about this gif. is really comfy to me. ~
holy fuck OP that looks comfy as shit
Ah but then when I bring my trap over and fuck dat boypucci the trump supporters will burn my house down
It's comfy to me. I love Asian high-rise apartment buildings, like the ones in Hong Kong and South Korea.
Nah, we won't. ~
I don't like just any setting, but that does seem quite comfy - being on a really high-up balcony, or even the roof of one of those houses would be fantastic! ~
Do you live their
No, none of that.
I lived in Korea.
god this does not make me miss living in Korea. I don't know why Americans romanticize it so much. it's dreary, dirty, isolating. Sure it's got a bunch of pretty museums, monuments, natural parks, etc., but so does every place. East Asia isn't special. It's fairly cold and unwelcoming.
whereat? I presume Ansan
cold, even with the lightning
I can't explain it, but I love it so much.
depressing that this can't be my life.
>live their
i spent 7 years in Busan. Not straight, mainly spring-fall, went home stateside in the winters usually. i have zero desire to go back, except for maybe a couple of weeks with my wife so she can experience all the sight-seeing.
why not?
This is why I'm always on the move. You're always comfy when you're in new/exotic places. Sell your fucking house and become a hobo!
I'd like to.
I was there for three years, from 2009-2012.
Fuck, that's comfy! ~
Imagine having your bed right by a large-ish window in that very setting!
cuz i have a wife and two kids and a mortgage and a job? besides i'm not enough of a survivalist to go live in the woods without pulling some chris mccandless bullshit and starving myself to death.
I lived in Korea for two years when I was a kid because my dad is in the army. I'm enlisting and that's one of the places I want to get deployed to, what did you guys like/disliked about it?
Far too many things to list on both sides. Let's just say that I deeply regret not staying there permanently.
i always had this sensation that even in a city with a population density 10, maybe 20, times higher than the town i grew up in, i felt so much more alone. like you're just so surrounded by so many people and different personalities and concrete and steel and electrical wires/cables and neon signs, that you have to put up severe barriers just in order to survive all that madness.
i see your point but you should follow your heart anon
What are the requirements to get deployed somewhere in the (I presume) US army? I'm a swede, but I'd like to do military service somewhere somewhat uncucked.
that's fucking great. Would sleep in it.
likes, though? the food - 100% amazing. if you're near Incheon, it's very easy to get around as a foreigner. even if not, public transportation is a breeze. things on the whole are cheap - clothes, electronics, food.
Be careful not to fall into escapism and idealism, Be realistic but not pessimistic.
is this your place anon?
>See this picc
>inmedialty wants to be 8 yo
>inside that house
>playing Warcraft 2 or The SIms
>Eating cake with chocolate milk
Took this pic myself
>grew up in Washington with cold weather
>moved to Arizona because I fucking hated being cold
I do not miss it one bit but I do miss those days when I could just come home, bundle up and play nintendo
Or I had lacrosse practice when I was older
Neat! I have a ton of fine pictures I took myself, but none on my computer. ~
this looks like a video game, great pic!
love comfy threads
helps when its fucking 85 F in mid october, should be 60 F.
where are you? i'm in the same boat - it's been 80's for a couple weeks straight here.
So Anon, what're you doing today/what did you do?
The ultimate comfy is the situation, not the place.
winter is coming
Translate to celsius for your swedish comf-bro, would you kindly.
It's around 9 celsius here daytime, currently. ~
Great Lakes
The whole year has been hot, had almost no snow last year. Not comfy.
I want to have my windows open with snow falling.
A lot of the people I know say that they want to retire there so I can get why
I think that might actually be a plus for me. I lived in New York for a year and I liked the atmosphere
It depends on your job, wich is determined by a test called the ASVAB. That stands for the armed services vocational aptitude battery and it's basically a retard test. If you did well in high school you shoild be able to get just about any job you want. I got a 94 so I can pick literally any job in the military (the test is for all branches but different jobs need different scores). Also it'll a good way to become US Citizen.
We still go to Korean restaurants because of how great the food was there. Im a bit of a weeb so I know that you can is supposed to be quiet on the bus and Train but whats it like in Korea?
like 28-30C
Met my crush and had a friendly conversation with her
about 30 C should be closer to 16 C
>supposed to be
Just so! ~
That's how hot it gets at worst in the summer over here, kek
I prefer the cold - you can wear whatever you like, including thick comfy sweaters. ~
Made tons of progress in Dark Souls 2, took a looong walk in the Autumn weather, studied a bit of french and now I'm watching House of cards whilst comfposting! ~ But you, Anon, what are YOU doing with your day?
not sure if comfy
it would be incredible. i really like the feeling of anonymity i get in big cities
great comfy picture
That's disgusting
best of luck to you, Anon
one of the comfiest
Likewise! It's kinda like that one quote from The Great Gatsy, which goes something like "I prefer large parties - you get no privacy at the small ones.". I think it's really relatable to the large cities, as well. I've lived in one of the largest cities of Sweden for my entire life (but recently went as an exchange student to a small village in France - it was quite comfy though).
Here's a version with Pepe
subaru ?
I'd really like to go to either Norway or Iceland sometime (soon). I might convince my family to go on a trip there. ~
I've always lived in the countryside I'd like to live in a city at one point in my life but I reckon country life has made me too laid back and racist
thank you for sharing
This makes me so happy,
i love a good comfy thread
The old Nagrand. Awesome
I was always hiding in Silvermoon city. Only me there literally. Full PvP server
glad you liked it.
Yeah, the city I live in is one of the most west-wing in the country (says quite a fuckin' bit for Sweden), I relatively recently became redpilled.
Living in the city is neat for said reasons, but it's also neat for getting to places swiftly (any sort of store, et.c.)
Heck yes boi
Nearly all of WoW gets me nostalgic these days (not that I play anymore).
General request? Anyone got any more winter/cold comfy pics?
Why of course! ~ And likewise.
Norwegian fag here, shits expensive here but not as many cucked tourists as iceland. would avoid coming here until late november/december if you are looking to get some comfy vibes because now its just rain.
Quit back in WotLK but came back a few months in Pandaland (loved it) now I occasionally install the 40GiB PTR to fly around for a few hours
comfy threads <3
I know it's expensive af, but it's
1: Close to Sweden
2: Extremely relevant to my interests
Actually, do you know if you have any runestones in Norway?
Yes! <3
I'd slowly, slowly get claustrophobic from that, but it just might be really comfy. ~
rolling (ignore me...)
>reading newspaper
>doesn't read online news
Found that middle section console way WAY worse. How the fuck are you going to lie down??
you could just get the news read to you, you know "read text out loud"...
Pepe Yorke
You know why that juts out like that?