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Are there any other liberals who are as sick and tired as I am

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 327
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Are there any other liberals who are as sick and tired as I am of the white guilt meme? I'm white and it's fucking awesome. I wouldn't have it any other way. And I vote progressive. Why are so many liberals such beta faggots? There's no good reason why we should be.

Also guns. I don't want to take anyone's weapons away. I have several myself. That's two liberal memes that I wish would die.
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Then you should vote Trump to cleanse the focus group controlled cancer that is the democrat party.
I disagree with him on almost every policy issue though. I also think he's a general piece of shit but I'm honestly not even that concerned with that anymore. The real point is simply that I'm not buying what he's selling.
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"Critical whiteness" as a form of anti-racism is so completely retarded. It's racism against whites, nothing else.
because if alphas go to war, betas have more chance.
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I vote with them.
American blacks really need to stop doing this with their kids' names. They're holding themselves back in life with that shit. Jesus.
They basically want to give their kids spears instead of history books and they wonder why their community is so fucked.
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Probably because your candidate is cucked
I'm not racist but they definitely have some opportunities to help their own case which they are not taking advantage of. All I'm trying to say. I've known some lovely capable and cool blacks.
Ya I'm liberal as well and all this bullshit going around, now a days the continent have turned liberals and democrat's into a center right juggernaut, it just a load of bs, hey question fellow liberals do you hate that the left always has to such the Muslim religions dick when it comes to certain issues instead of admitting some things that are wrong?
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Honestly, it's a "poor" person problem, more then it is a black person problem. If you look at trailer parks full of white people, the crime and conditions are equally as horrible.
They need to motivate each other as a community to do better and top making excuses for why things are so shitty.
>more then

Yeah I grew up in Alabama and I can confirm white trash culture is just as awful.
Then as a privileged white person, you should have no problem supporting civil rights issues like BLM.
*more so than a black person problem

...Fucking happy now anon?
Please shut up.
I do. I'm just not a self hating bitch about it. That's sort of my point really.
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>w-waaah the evil "alt-righter" said that word I don't like!
If people would bother comparing these things side by side, I think they could finally take race out of the issue and address the problem honestly.
Then we might see some actual progress.
No. Make me faggot.

If you are white, then you need to shut up and let other whites do their part in improving this society.
Understanding and empathizing with people less fortunate than you is not "self-hating," anon.
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thay hate us because they arent us.
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>Civil Rights

Pick one
>white guilt meme
>white guilt meme
>medium quality bait
fixed that for you
fuck you stormfag
Again, that's exactly my point. So why do so many white liberals act like they're the scum of the earth just for being white? I agree with you but there's a leap that some people make here that they shouldn't.
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Congratulations on being a true progressive and not what demented sjws or right-wingers think "progressive" means these days.

No. Picture related.
>So why do so many white liberals act like they're the scum of the earth just for being white

Where on earth are you even getting that this attitude even exists?
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holy shit
you just blew my fuckin mind
>never saw that shit

It's actually hilarious how white-guilt numales like you preach about how "less fortunate" blacks are.

American black's """"oppression"""" pales in comparison to actually oppressed people in third-world countries - but you won't hear a peep about it from cucks like you because BLM is more of a popularity contest than it is a civil rights movement
Mostly social media I guess, including 4chan. Are you saying you have no idea what I'm talking about?
so you're just a butthurt troll posting strawman bullshit nobody believes

no fucks given
Well I'm not saying it's the only problem, just a contributing factor.
Self defeating attitudes and gangster culture being something they admire (which accounts for them having no father figures), I think accounts for the rest.
You don't know what you're talking about.

For one thing you're dumb enough to believe something extreme you read represents everyone.

>posting strawman

Spouting fallacies from your community college logic class isn't an argument.

I didn't say it represents everyone, faggot. It's a bad meme. THAT'S MY POINT.
Because racist "arguments" aren't totally fallcious

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>Where on earth are you even getting that this attitude even exists?

So leftists are in the denial stage now?
keep posting shitty trolls stormfag

your pain over racial equality is amusing
literally comparing the status of first-worlders with third-worlders, and think there isn't a problem.
>racial equality
so there's actual laws which force companies to have X ammount of white workers?
there's laws which forces universities to give free tuition to white students ?
oh right..
I don't think this is a new thing
Don't even bother posting misleading unscientific graphs based on outdated data.
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>racist "arguments"

>h-he said something I don't like == f-fallacy!!!

And you still haven't provided an argument. Try again when you can formulate something beyond "DAS RACISSSS!!"

Otherwise, Tumblr is that way ----->
When dipshits like you accept whites and blacks as equals, things like Affirmative Action will go away.

But you can't, can you?
>Asserts graph is bad
>Doesn't show a good one
>Or even proof of bad one being a bad one

Step up your game bruh
But you are a racist. Why should we pretend otherwise?
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You never hear a word about the tens of thousands of Africans IN Africa today who are enslaved by other Africans.

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literally or figuratively?

Do you actually believe that the current status of first-worlders is more important than third-worlders?

It's beyond hilarious how hypocritical liberals are

Not an argument
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Please do enlighten us with your updated sources and superior statistical analysis.

>When dipshits like you accept whites and blacks as equals

You do realize that Affirmative action is objectively racist?

>correlation with no F or T Test
>being this much of a newfag with statistics

Pro-tip: Leave the hard stuff to your betters anon.
Yeah actually it is THE argument.

You hate blacks, you believe in the concept of "white guilt."

You are a pathetic racist dipshit.

>being this new at labor laws

Mate. Affirmative Action does not allow for race based decisions you cuck.
I don't care.

If you want Affirmative Action to go away, stop supporting institutionalized racism and start embracing multiculturalism.
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You still haven't provided a single counter-argument to my original post beyond a single word.

I don't hate blacks, but white-guilt is without a doubt real. You have yourself as a perfect example
White guilt is just a way for white liberals to feel superior to other whites. When they say whites are bad, they're always the exception. They're always one of the good ones.

In this way, white guilt is about pride and ego, and nothing to do with actually feeling any genuine guilt or sorrow or remorse.
Treating one culture as more special by giving it affirmative action is counter productive to multiculturalism.
Stop being a hypocrite and work towards actual equality and multiculturalism.
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Since you have failed to cite any scrap of evidence to the contrary I can only assume that you have no actual ground to stand on. Feel free to keep posting though.
I was under the impression it was a cuck issue, they just enjoy getting fucked in the ass and being a good pet.
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You haven't made an argument, period.

>white guilt is no doubt real

No it isn't, fuckwad. "White guilt" is a cynical term that racists use to discredit civil rights movements.

Just as you're doing.

>Affirmative Action does not allow for race based decisions you cuck

Are you retarded?

>an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination


>I don't care.

Of course you don't.

>institutionalized racism

Like Affirmative action?
I really don't fucking care.

Affirmative Action will remain in place until racists like you take a step back and let other cultures flourish in this country.
They just opened racist anonymous in Silicon Valley. It's super real. The go find me about paying people's rent based on guilt about past racism and slavery, real. Set up by an artist. These things are infuriating. Come on people. Survival is survival. Guilt is people ringing their own self approval bells. Like an addictive drug, our brain rewards us when guilt works.
wow faggot is sure butthurt that there are mechanisms in place to combat institutionalized racism

It doesn't matter what evidence exists or doesn't exist.

Correlation values are meaningless without F or T tests. i.e., your claim is supported by meaningless data.

What you need is the correlation, AND a P-value at the very minimum to establish any sort of causality.

Try Googling the correlation between pirates and global temperatures. That's what your claim is like without the F or T Test and the associated P-value.

Why do you push an agenda that favors the well-being of a certain sect of first-worlders while ignoring the plight of millions of starving third-world victims around the world?

It's because your beliefs boil down to winning a popularity contest.
If racist is realizing that e.g blacks/whites/asians can be defined as groups, and that differences can be found between those groups then anyone with half a fucking brain is racist.

If you do not understand this, you do not understand statistics. And if you do not understand statistics, stop trying to fucking argue anything because your arguments are worse than worthless.
I suppose it can be, but it's primarily about proving how you're better than everyone else.

If it were just about being cucked, they wouldn't be so fierce to argue and call everyone out for everything. I don't think a cuck would be a very outspoken person.
There are no differences between those groups.
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>institutionalized racism

Affirmative action IS institutionalized racism by definition

How dimwitted can you be?
It's the hot catch phrase. Everyone has been preferential to their own races in the past. Now it's time to change this, overnight? Good luck with that.
Oh lawd.
What makes you think this is an "argument?"

I'm saying you fucking racists had better back off and let society breathe. Or you're going to get more laws that serve to restrict your racism.

Contrary to popular belief, race based hiring decisions are still illegal as fuck in America.

AA provides equal OPPORTUNITY, not equal outcome. e.g., if your company is primarily white, then barring any sort of inadvertent impact in your hiring process, you are encouraged to advertise open positions at black majority colleges, for example.

That's it! It doesn't allow you to hire a black man over a white man unless you have a non-race based reason to do so.
Yeah keep denying real racism exists while calling liberals the real racists.

Stupid stormfag.
So asians are not shorter than blacks?

And blacks don't have a higher incidence of dark eyes than whites?

And whites are no more likely to get skin cancer than blacks?

Ok then, thanks for proving my point.
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Feel free to refute any of this.
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Here is white guilt in action.
If you need further proof, feel free to browse black Hitlers other videos.
>No it isn't, fuckwad. "White guilt" is a cynical term that racists use to discredit civil rights movements.
Fucking ignorant anon. Go back to Tumblr, the true "Safe Space"
If that's racism, racism is healthy, correct, and a way to interpret daily life that's meaningful and helpful in a million ways.

So if you agree with my argument, fellow racist, let's all live in peace and use this knowledge to better ourselves.

Those are all traits that result from very very VERY small variations in DNA.

Also, there is no empirical difference between the races. It is more like a spectrum when it comes to DNA and physical characteristics, not the neat little boxes society decided on.
There is literally no proof that any of that is a given trait of ANY race.

The issue is that you believe the white race is the most intelligent and capable of the most accomplishments.

Just put your fucking cards on the table, stormfag.
bern ,, what is his basis of understanding of engines that drove americans into prosperity,a world economic political power,and its religious heritage,40 years of being an academic theorist,who never had a paycheck till age 38,
sorry bern,
refute what?

Some unsourced graphic from /pol/?

So some edited youtube video made by some butthurt faggot with an agenda is "proof" now?

Since when?
Sources are given at the bottom of each section.

You're unwillingness to entertain new ideas is the fucking trademark of the new left.
Racism is never "healthy," fuckwad.

Like I said, leave the hard stuff to your betters. You're clearly not cut out for it.

There's no shame in being terrible at something. I for example, am terrible at peeling potatoes.
>So some edited youtube video made by some butthurt faggot with an agenda is "proof" now?
>Since when?
Anon < 0
Yeah I'm totally unwilling to take your stupid fucking racist propaganda seriously.

So would most people.
>10+ year old data
>Doesn't remove outliers
>Doesn't specify what a dot represents (I could research it, but I shouldn't have to)
>Range of X axis value ranges varies.

This acts as if 80 percent correlation means shit . Your dick size would probably have a 80+ percent correlation with your foot size, but it doesn't actually prove a cause and effect relationship. You can't predict dick size within 20 percent accuracy from foot size.

You have no clue what you're talking about. There is state legislation right now that gives preferential treatment to specific races or sexes.

>California Proposition 209

>Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, 149 Wn.2d 660, 72 P.3d 151 (2003), 2003

Two examples. Affirmative action IS institutionalized racism as it provides OBJECTIVE advantages to certain races, sex, ethnicity, etc

I don't care about other cultures, fuck them.

Affirmative action will be done away with soon, more people are caring less about other cultures too, since culture doesn't make you a better or worse worker.
You fucking racist.
Sorry the truth hurts faggot.

Racism exists, and white supremacist types like you constantly seek to discredit it.
You're calling it propaganda because it doesn't fit with what you currently believe. I'm sure two years ago I would've said the same thing.

Regardless, if you don't want to have a conversation we can end it here.
Right because you're the one afraid of people of color, that makes me the Real Racist.

Stupid stormfag.
>Racism exists, and white supremacist types like you constantly seek to discredit it.
I know that racism exist, faggot. But that still means it can happen to whites. Again (You) < 0
There is literally no differerences between races, and racism actually exists.

Why would I want to take some butthurt graphic that says otherwise seriously?

There is no such "proof" of it being any other way.
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>Go to pet store
>Ask for a Labrador retriever for your children
>Clerk shows you a Pitt Bull

Don't worry, there is no empirical difference between breeds.

No one who does any serious work cares about your culture either.

But they do care about diversity of culture. Doesn't matter what the fuck your culture is. The company as a whole just needs more diverse backgrounds.
As long as you keep defending the stormfag point of view, you're the one who can't get past zero, not me.

You have a crippling fear of color, anon. I'd get counseling.
>There is no such "proof" of it being any other way.
>inb4 let me ignore all evidence and go on my own beliefs
Soo nice of you to come here
Hmm... I can see your point there.
Master and good subordinate mentality maybe? Maybe a bit of Stockholm syndrome mixed in there too.
You didn't look at the graphic, how can you tell it isn't reputable? I'm claiming races are different, I provide evidence from peer reviewed studies and books.

You claim they aren't, while simply regurgitating what others say.

I'm not going to have a productive conversation with you, I'm done.
Your first sentence doesn't make sense at all, so I'll just skip it.

As for the rest. There's not a single study showing that there IS NO DIFFERENCE. There's a shitload about the actual differences. It's not neat, but it's very real, and very well researched. If you believe something else you need to either go to school or just read some papers on your downtime yourself.

Again, you definition of racism might need rethinking. If you define anyone accepting that races can be grouped as racist, you are delusional.

And just, by the way, I'm a minority, but I know statistics. Honestly this is either all trolling, or /b/ is really populated with the absolute dregs when it comes to science.
I'm in the same boat. Just because I'm a liberal doesn't mean I hate whites. White is good, niggers are pretty dumb to be honest.

Dog breeds are also a social construct. The AKC literally made up the breeds for our own amusement.

It's actually hilarious how you've dodged every single argument and statistic in this thread.

Is this how liberals normally argue?

>imb4 "RAYCISS" isn't an arugment
>You have a crippling fear of color, anon. I'd get counseling.
I don't have a fear of color, lefty. You're just living in your own world. Maybe you should get out the basement for once?
>stormfag bullshit

pick one
>White person, expressing guilt for being white
"It's not proof yo"
You're a hopeless retard, please fuck off.
Could someone explain what "white-guilt" is to a poor third world anon that lives in a shithole? People were suppose to feel guilt for being white? Like descendants from European people? Or just non black like Asians?
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>leave the hard stuff to your betters

Who do you think collected and analyzed all this data? Me personally? Still waiting on anything at all from you though.
Because you're a butthurt racist faggot who got it off /pol/.

Why should I take it seriously?
You've made no arguments.

And there are no statistics that "prove" blacks are inferior to whites.
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>denying real racism exists

That straw man is really is starting to take a beating from you
>pick one
>Giving me (you)s
>Thinking evidence makes fellow anon a stormfag
Oh what a lovely day
Yeah you do, actually, because you keep replying.

You're a stormfag. Embrace it.
Like I said, I could care fuck all for whatever edited video you stormfags are trying to pass off as legit.
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I have a question to the white guilt people: why is it always said the white people, as an entire race, should be held accountable for some peoples involvement in the slave trade in Africa?

Even not going into that blaming people today on the actions of people in the past is fucking ridiculous; why is not looked at as the descendants of just the people involved?

Most white Europeans had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with slavery in Africa. Why the fuck should they give a shit about the actions of a few?/ Just because they have the same skin colour? Sounds awfully racist to me.
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I'm saying if you have proof otherwise, please show me because I'm willing to be swayed.
As long as you keep arguing with me, there is no strawman. You deny racism exists, and you keep believing there is a concept called "white guilt."

If you aren't going to change your tune, then you need to stop replying.
>Because you're a butthurt racist faggot who got it off /pol/.
You must be new
>Why should I take it seriously?
Because we the people of /pol/ have made our influence through out most of the boards on this damn site, nigger.
No I just love giving you (you)s. You're not fucking me and this much
Further proves our point that you need to go back to Tumblr

>You've made no arguments.

Another non-argument.



>And there are no statistics that "prove" blacks are inferior to whites.

Who said anything about proving that blacks are inferior to whites? Is that guilt starting to kick in?
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Nice dubs m8
you've yet to post any evidence, so no.

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>I'm not racist
Hey I'm just supporting a fellow anon, faggot. He got the proves but you ignore with "muh feels".
Thanks m8
No you haven't fuckwad. Everybody here laughs at you /pol/ fags. You're scared of blacks, and you support a total dipshit like Trump.
>No I just love giving you (you)s.

what is this a new meme at /pol/ to post when you get your ass totally handed to you like here?

Neither of those posts are arguments.

And nobody cares about your strawman view of what you think liberals are, stormfag.
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Is this normally how eurocucks debate?
I don't give a flying fuck about race and I don't think anyone should either.
You view people differently depending on their race and culture, not me, I'm not even willing to consider your race or culture into your job application.
You are, by definition, a racist.
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I am totally with you. I am a white male upper middle class Socialist and I hate this bullshit about how I am supposed to feel guilty for having light skin, a dick, and being part of (superior) Western civilization.
I've seen no proof presented that either backs up the concept of "white guilt" as legit, or that racism isn't a huge problem in this country.

Keep claiming victory stormfags.

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>Neither of those posts are arguments.

Alright, now I know this is bait. Keep dodging

Nah, I don't think it was you.

I'm simply suggesting that maybe you shouldn't base your beliefs on statistics you read about.

Base it on what your betters say you should believe. Ya know, people who have at least taken a basic STAT class.

I'm not presenting evidence. Also notice that I have thus far made absolutely no claim about anything. I have merely demonstrated that your claims are based on extremely flawed evidence, if not outright fraud, using what anyone can learn from a basic STAT class.

You wanna be a racist? A white nationalist? Fine with me. I'm a raging racist too. That and I also hate poor people who can't understand anything more than necessary for a GED.

But don't tell me that your prejudices are based on statistically or scientifically verifiable data. It's human to have prejudices. But saying your prejudices are based on anything remotely empirical puts you in retard territory anybody with a modicum of scientific education.
Right. Liberals are the real racists, and stormfags like you are victims.

Ha got you to adit you're a stormfag, fucking brilliant.
>Everybody here laughs at you /pol/ fags. You're scared of blacks, and you support a total dipshit like Trump.
It's like you haven't been on /pol/ and you don't understand how much we hate niggers, skype.
>what is this a new meme at /pol/
You must love being agent.
Nothing to dodge. Your hatred and fear for people of color is totally obvious.
You thinking that a person being black, makes them different and in need of special treatment, makes you a racist.
You view people differently based on their race, you are a racist.
Stop it. Stop being racist.
No we just hate niggers, it's almost like you're agent.
>Ha got you to adit you're a stormfag, fucking brilliant.
um, you're the stormfag here.

I am the white person who supports civil rights.

You are so twisted with your hatred of people of color you are talking total nonsense.
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Keep dodgin' those arguments yuropoor!
>you don't understand how much we hate niggers
Of course I understand it.

You're stupid privileged white basement dwellers who have exactly zero interaction with people of color. You're pathetic.
It's not my video dip shit, the guy is an actual activist. Gazi Kodzo, look him up, you know how to work google right?

You're either mentally deficient or balls deep in denial.
>I vote progressive
progressive != liberal. you're smearing the good name of liberalism. kys faggot.
I'm a white American Hillary Clinton supporter, stormfag.

Try that one again.
Strange, aversion and apprehension towards a culture that make itself with a proclivity towards violence and aggression.

Really makes you think.
>I am the white person who supports civil rights.
>You are so twisted with your hatred of people of color you are talking total nonsense.
>You're stupid privileged white basement dwellers who have exactly zero interaction with people of color. You're pathetic.
Whatever you say, normie.
I don't care. If you don't want to be treated like a dipshit, stop posting youtube videos as "evidence" of anything.
OP here. This thread sure escalated quickly.
What else did you learn over at stormfag about black people, kek?
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>I can not refute a single thing you've claimed but you are still wrong.

Mmm yes, your nigger tears envigorate me.
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Is stormfag your go-to when you're all out of arguments?

Stop being racist... Just stop. Stop it.
Give it a try, try not considering someones race into your thoughts and views.
I bet you can't do it can ya? That's because you're a racist.
marks* not make
t. phoneposter
Like I said, whenever you faggots come up with an actual argument instead of "durr white guilt" I'll be here.
I'm with you. I'm a full-on libtard; pro-choice, pro-arts, pro-universal healthcare, the fucking works.
But I have a gun, and I support the rights of non-psychos and non-criminals to have them too. And I'm white as fuck and I am happy that way. I'd be happy black, too, but white I am and white I am proud to be.
>Hillary Clinton supporter
These people unironically exist? I thought her voters just had enough brain cells not to want Trump. I had no idea anyone actually liked her.
>liberals are the real racists
>still projecting this hard

Nice try, normie. Trying to separate the boards like you do with actual people.
I'll with you 100% op. These are the two things wrong with the Democrats. If they would drop the gun issue, they'd gain an ass of votes, and no one would leave because they weren't pro gun control enough. If nothing else they need to work hard to clarify that they don't want to infringe on the gun rights of everyday people. This issue is killing them.

Again, F or T Test required.

Just Google it man. You can learn it in maybe 10 minutes if you have sufficient capacity for janitorial work.
Yeah, actually Clinton supporters like me make up the majority of the country.

Sorry to harsh your narrative.
Haha, by stormfront, did you mean, working side-by-side with blacks for 5 years? Easy to get real life and shitposting confused, I get that.
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>When Anon can't figure out how to google
>When Anon rejects reality
You wear a safety helmet and pads when your mommy takes you out to town huh?
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Sure lots of straw man beating in this post for somehow who constantly claims it

Are you a recent community-college student by chance?
I quickly checked the URL to see if I was in /pol/. Just realized niggers from /pol/ decided to take a gander into /b/ and a shitstorm got started.
What "gun issue" is that?
The majority of the country favors increased background checks and closing the so-called gun show loophole. That's it.
>Getting this triggered over the nomrie meme
Guess you think everyone is normal in your eyes
>can't prove point
>tells anons to "google" shit

THANK YOU. Increase background checks and I will be all fine and dandy.
When did /b/ become a safespace?
>Sorry to harsh your narrative.
One, you're not fooling me or anyone. Bernie had majority democratic support and you know it. Two, what the fuck does this even mean? Harsh my narrative?
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>Anon tries to stop being racist and can't
>Anon thinks aligning himself liberal makes him being racist an impossibility
Just couldn't do it could ya? You couldn't even bring yourself to trying, huh?
>ust realized niggers from /pol/ decided to take a gander into /b/ and a shitstorm got started.
They always do that. Never gets old. Love all the (You)s from them
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>niggers from /pol/
You'd really be better off saying how much you hate blacks. This discussion would be finally an honest one.
>Provides literal display of white guilt
>Anon deflects with super retard 'kek' powers
No just pointing out what a hivemind you are, using buzzwords because you can't think for yourself.
Clinton defeated Sanders fair and square by a good 3 million voters. Sanders failed to get the minority vote and that's what sunk him.
>No just pointing out what a hivemind you are
That might be true jew but none the less you never go back
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But anon, I've never once said it or hinted to it. Why keep moving the goalposts?

Is that useless degree or minimum-wage job of yours making you cranky lately?
I'd assume that's a two way street. I agree though. She's only likable for not being that thin skinned fake tanned pussy.
I'm not making any claims except that those graphs were bullshit and misrepresent the data. I've always assumed it to be true that poverty is a greater cause of violence/crime and was interested in seeing something either supporting or not supporting it. But instead we had shit graphs.
your projecting is pathetic faggot

I'm not the racist here, YOU are. Otherwise you'd be agreeing with me and not OP.
It never was. I just never have seen a shitstorm of poli-talk this big. Either that or I've never cared enough to look into it.
right, so calling you out for telling anons to google shit because you can't prove your point=white guilt

how's being 12?
>fair and square
>collusion within the DNC and Wasserman-Schultz to get Hillary the nomination as evidenced by leaked emails.
right so anyone who calls your shit out must be Jewish too

>tanned pussy.
It's like you haven't seen trump in Wrestling. Ya still haven't gotten a chance to see Hilldog fight. Maybe that's because she relies way too much on her "Guards"
They're very wishy washy and constantly tell one group that they're only for very limited controls while dog whistling that they're for much more extreme controls. It allows them to be easily painted as gun grabbers. They need to come out and be extremely clear and they don't because they think it will scare off the very anti gun crowd.
I haven't moved from my original argument this entire time.

And if you don't want to be lumped in with the stormfags, stop posting like them.
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Right there with ya, man.
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I can clearly leave out the race of someone when considering things, like hiring for jobs.
Affirmative action is based off race and I'm against something being based off race.

You want bias job hiring based off race.
You, are a racist.
Stop it. Stop being a racist.
>fair and square
That's so astoundingly naive. Look I hope she wins, because she's not Trump, but your girl is a rotten crook. You should accept this just as that other anon should accept that he's a racist.
oh so you're a conspiracy fag about the Election

I'm sorry

>The majority of the country favors increased background checks

If by majority you mean center-left drones like you, sure.

It's certainly not the majority LOL
Oh man the amount of projecting from you keeps on giving me good keks.
>how's being 12?
How's the projector in the theater, Rodger Dodger.
The Democrats have been very clear about their position on firearms, actually.

You're not listening to them, and believe the gunfag propaganda about how Hillary's going to take away your guns.
It's a month until the next president of the United States is chosen. It really isn't that unremarkable. Fuck, I'm just happy to see a thread that isn't FB-fap material.
>liberals are the real racists


>I haven't moved from my original argument this entire time.


Can you remind me what that argument was?

>And if you don't want to be lumped in with the stormfags, stop posting like them.

Posting what? Statistics? Questions that you can't even answer?
The guy is a text book cowardly blowhard. She may be a twat, but she has gigantic balls. She is a fighter.
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My nigga. We should try to raise awareness. I personally know a lot of moderates who get turned off of democratic candidates because of these people we're complaining about. That and because of the anti-gun stances.
When evidence shows up, does it stop being a conspiracy?
Actually it's based on real statistics. Hardly my opinion. And then the DNC voted to make Clinton the nominee. I suppose you believe some tinfoil bullshit about that, too.


Try again libtard
Yeah actually the majority of the country across the political spectrum favors increased background checks.

Sorry you can't handle that.
I give you a link.
To a video.
Showing a white man, displaying guilt for being white.
This factually proves the existence of white guilt.
You made an assertion about the video.
I told you that you could do your own research to find out it's validity, I've given you evidence and to dismiss it, you nee to provide evidence against it.
I'm not doing your job for you to prove your counter claim, I'm not your mother.
You are the 12 year old here.
>you're the real racist
wow you're really buttmad about being called out for your racist tendencies, anon.

>She may be a twat, but she has gigantic balls. She is a fighter.
>Gigantic balls
Gigantic balls to be a puppet for the the system
Wouldn't call it tinfoil when the person involved the scandal steps down from her position in the house. Seems fairly incriminating.
My argument is that the concept of "white guilt" is a term racists use to discredit civil rights movements.

And you're proving that point nicely. :)
>>you're the real racist
Kek even more projecting, Rodger Dodger
>You are the real racist
I think you missed the message here.

>Being a racist
â–²Something you should stop
Yes I do, and these leaked emails back up what we already knew about that.
There is no "evidence" which proves that Clinton either rigged the Election or that Sanders wasn't given his fair chance.

You're just butthurt he didn't win.
I disagree. They've done a terrible job showing gun owners that they adamantly support their rights.

I don't own guns, so I don't believe anything based on how it will impact me. I know a lot of blue collar gun owners that hate Democrats passionately because of their perceived position on guns. If Democrats worked hard to dispel that, it would help them tremendously. When asked about gun control during the debate, she commented about bg checks, no fly lists, etc, but never said flat out that she cares deeply about protecting the 2nd amendment.
>We should try to raise awareness
I do. Every time a liberal friend or family member brings up gun control, I just show them this. Gun control does not reduce violence (it might even increase it), it simply changes the weapons used.

>Yeah actually the majority of the country across the political spectrum favors increased background checks.

Let's see some sources before you make ridiculous claims like that.

CNN, buzzfeed, and huffington post don't count
>You're just butthurt he didn't win.
>You're just butthurt
For someone claiming not to use buzzwords, you sure are using alot of them
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a Youtube video is not "proof" of anything.

We don't know made the video, for what purpose, or that the material contained there hasn't been edited to reflect someone's agenda.

You should know this from having been in 9/11 threads.

The bottom line is I don't believe you can reputably prove your points.
Those leaks have been true time and time again. Not a great "argument".
Dude, you can believe whatever paranoid fantasy you want to, but I'm not going to give your cool stories any legitimacy.

The official record shows that Clinton beat Sanders handily and that she is now the nominee.

You need to accept this.
>We don't know made the video, for what purpose, or that the material contained there hasn't been edited to reflect someone's agenda.
Not like you could watch the video or anything, all this sliding Rodger Dodger
what is this the word of the day you etch into your scrotum?

>what is this the word of the day you etch into your scrotum?
>My only comeback is a joke
>official record
Yeah I don't think anyone here is arguing about what the official record shows, but rather whether it can be trusted.
the message is that you hate blacks, and believe in stupid cringing concepts like "white guilt."

Otherwise you'd be agreeing with me.
No they don't shithead. You want to believe. Just say it.
>When evidence shows up, does it stop being a conspiracy?
Conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future.

So, no. A conspiracy is a conspiracy, regardless of whether there is evidence. A conspiracy theory is the claim of a conspiracy without absolute proof (and they are often the subject of fun). But most of the "conspiracy theories" about Clinton are turning out to be true. And now they they have proof, they are no longer theories-- they are proven conspiracies.

TL;DR: People that say "Hur dur conspiracy theorist!" are making ad hominem attacks rather than address confirmed corruption in Clinton's campaign. Fuck them.
>laughs at own joke
This is now a cringe thread

>discredit civil rights movements

And which civil rights movement are you talking about? BLM?

Are you specifically referring to blacks being alienated by police?

If so, look no further for your answer:

You do realize you're literally just calling him a heretic right?
Which is bullshit. Merely calling for background checks and closing the gun show loophole is not disrespect for gun owners.

Americans have shown broad and consistent support for expanded background checks for gun purchasers. In July, 85% of the public – including large majorities of both Republicans (79%) and Democrats (88%) – favored making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks. There also was substantial bipartisan support for laws to prevent people with mental illness from purchasing guns.
anything to avoid admitting you're wrong faggot

>This is now a cringe thread
It already was fellow anon
Bullshit. You have literally nothing to back this up.
How many times has this issue of slavery and racism been brought up in order to get more benefits, more affirmative action, more money for the AA community? This is obviously an appeal to "white guilt". Yet, any gain American may have had from slaves has already been paid out through these programs. Not to mention, how can you effectively argue that whites benefit from a system instead of benefiting from other intangible factors like a moral code, IQ differences, stronger family values, etc.?
Again only proving my post further, Dodger Rodger
Shut up.. You argue like a fucking 8th grader.
Seeing as how there is no reason not to trust it, you're just chasing conspiracy theories.

Clinton beat Sanders. Deal with it.
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>Shut up..
Caught you there, junior
>You argue like a fucking 8th grader.
But I'm not arguing anon, I'm shitposting and you're taking my hook nice and mighty.
Why the fuck are you even arguing this?

Sanders would be even more pro-civil rights than Clinton, and would have pushed for the same gun regulations.
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Fuck you there is
>giving an arguement based on facts and intellect
>on the internet
who gives a fuck? did you forget wher you are?
let the retarded 12 year olds continue to meme. aint nobody care
and the price for the cringiest amerifag thread today goes to.......

seriously: get a voting system, that is not stuck in the 17 century to talk about politics...
Why did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz step down from her position if there was no credibility to the leaks?
right, blacks are savage criminals not to be trusted

we get that you believe that, anon

next butthurt rant
>Dodger Rodger
wow you are just Mr. Cringe today stormfag
I think people can have guns. Just fucking lock them up so your retarded kids can't shoot up their schools
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wew, nice one!
White people are cucks, you guys self imposed the white guilt bs on yourselves , it's like u beat the game and now ur imposing handicaps on ur self to make it fun
>lol durr i troll u

nice damage control stormfag
Here's (You)r Favorite (You)tuber, Leafy
>even more pro-civil rights than Clinton
Yeah and that's great.
>same gun regulations
I got the picture Sanders really didn't want to ban guns. Or at least I don't think he'd have focused much attention here. He would always try to pivot away from those questions indicating to me that he had other shit he'd much rather be addressing.
Great counter, you should be on a debate team with your razor-sharp intellect.
oh look another stupid youtube vid

you sure showed us libs


This is the movement he is with, his videos are even up on this website.
He also has a twitter and facebook, just /gazikodzo on either
Still shitposting the hell out of you, retard. You must be very close minded not to see this.

This Thomas bloke is a legend. As an Ausfag, I've never heard of him. His words certainly ring true here. Thanks for posting - saved.
vote for "what's Aleppo?' then, at least he's a welcome change from this fucked up two party system
Wasserman-Shultz stepped down primarily because she was chairman when the e-mails got hacked, and because the Party was already pissed off at her about the 2014 Election.
>denying evidence this hard
Ctr pls go
except it's not a strawman
if you are agreeing with cherrypicked "statistics" that blacks are violent.

You really just can't admit you're a shit-tier person, can you anon?
>The message is
You're a racist.
Not me, you. You are a racist.
I give no fucks able "black", "white", or "brown".
You do, you can't stop seeing them and treating people differently based off them.
It's time to stop man... Stop being a racist.
And she chose to take action days after the leaks came out?
JewTube raid happening here! >>708291320
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Probably voting for the qt gilf. I'm not at all a fan of libertarianism. Stein is in way the fuck over her poor little head but her positions are most in line with my own at least.
I doubt Clinton's going to get any guns banned, either. The background checks and closing the gun show loopholes? Absolutely.

So why the fuck are we talking about guns in a white guilt thread again??
Collected data from government agencies is far from cherry-picked.
I'm actually doing a fine job without your advice.

And tou have literally no evidence to back up your cool stories.
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wtf i hate whites now
I really don't care. There is no such thing as "white guilt." Stop being a faggot.
>durr hurr ize still troll u's

sure, stormfag
keep that damage control flowing
>some butthurt faggot's youtube vid

pick one
>keep that damage control flowing
>Still belives the damage control
Oh ctr
oh right, now anyone who calls out your stormfag bullshit must be shilling for Clinton

>white guilt
you mean not being racist? If you think you can judge whether or not someone has "white guilt" by their actions you're just another fucking retard

Also, guns are dangerous, it's an irresponsible hobby that needs to be more tightly controlled.
In your mind, maybe.
I'm arguing there's barely any evidence on either side. White guilt should be a non-issue. It shouldn't exist.
>durr libs r thuh reel racists durr


so btfo
>muh conspirasees

do you shit your pants every time you hear a car backfire
There is such a thing a white guilt. I have, empirically, just proven it's existence.
Stop protecting your fragile beliefs like a bitch and accept reality.
Just stop. Stop being such a bitch. Stop.
I'm proud to be white. My ancestors signed the declaration of independence. You won't catch me apologizing for shit.
Yeah it is, actually when you're using it to push your racist agenda.
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>keeps proving my point
Ctr are a real thing kid
The establishment is desperate
do you have these 3 letters tattooed on your dick anon?

you seem pretty obsessed
I believe in you, you can overcome your racism if you try hard enough.
Do it. Stop being a racist.Just do it.
Because a lot of people did a lot of truly horrible shit, but white people fucked up and documented their horrible shit and set up legitimate enterprises and governments proud of their shit, as proof of their ability and willingness to do maximum shit for like any reason at all. Unlike everyone else, who had the sense to hide their shit and pretend everything was normal.

Modern libtards are racist, and think that because they are white, they share in the guilt of those other white people who were actually guilty, just because all of us white ppl, and to varying extent, everyone else, are benefitting from that shit yet today.

The are incorrect. They do not get to take credit for others accomplishments just because they have the same skin color, nor share those people's blame for their shit. ...unless they agree with the shit strongly enough to propagate it themselves, in which case, that's their shit they are guilty of.
White guilt doesn't exist.

I'm sort aligned to the left and I know based on observation of the media that white guilt is a fucking thing. I have black coworkers whom I treat with respect and no I am not a racist.
>stepped down
You mean got a promotion...
>There is such a thing a white guilt.
No there isn't shithead.
>I have, empirically, just proven it's existence.
no you haven't, stormfag.

Keep claiming victory

If you don't think that's suspicious, I don't know what to tell you. I'm sure when your girl says she's hanging out with her guy friend over at his place for a few nights, you're fine with it.
do you print out those words in 50 point font and shove your greasy dick right through the center?
Name a policy of Trumps that you disagree with fucktard.
Yeah, I'm tired of white liberals telling white liberals that we all need to feel bad about being white. Does being white have benefits in American culture that negroes don't have? Yes. But is that my fault? Will my irrational feeling of guilt solve the problem? Of course not.
And white liberals need to admit that the problems black people are just as much their own doing as the racist government's. The police mistreat black people because black people are more violent and criminally inclined than any other race in America. Violence and criminality is a central and lauded part of black culture in this country. The police don't just make this shit up and frame every nigger that goes to prison. The system is never going to change until black culture changes.
>libs are the real racists
>sure thing Cap'n Stormfront
Not a argument
More gun control is an official part of the democratic platform, if you vote democrat you support taking guns. Your presidential nominee has said she believes the supreme court was wrong and that the right to bear arms is not an individual right of the people, she believes it only applies to militias. She has also said she would be open to an Australian style gun confiscation. You can find the videos of her saying these things on youtube. It doesn't matter if you personally want to take away peoples guns, if you vote for people that do that makes you just as bad.
>know based on muh cool story white guilt is real

If self-preservation is considered racist, then fuck, you got me man.
>return to trickle-down economics
>repeal healthcare laws
>build a wall, Mexico will pay for it
>sucking Putin cock
no she didn't fuckhead

Shultz is out. Yes I know you faggots think an "honorary" position is a "promotion."

That's how tinfoil you fuckers are.
>>sucking Putin cock
You must love to start wars then, anon.
I don't. I actually rely on real proof before I make judgments.

And then there are faggots like you.
Clinton campaign picked her up right up after she stepped down.
>That's how tinfoil you fuckers are.
This shows how much of a normie you have become anon. 9/10 you made me reply to you
Neither is your childish insistence that anyone who calls out your stupid bullshit must be shilling for Clinton. You first, faggot.
Except you have zero reason to believe the white race is under attack. You're just paranoid as fuck.
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