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feels thread continued, what's on your mind /b/?

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feels thread continued, what's on your mind /b/?
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i miss her, bros. i miss her so fucking much.
that's a nice quote
I miss her /b/
Will tell story if bumped and interest shown
>girl I've had a crush on for about about Kindergarten through 12th grade rejected me (lesbian, she didn't even remember me)
>both girls I liked in hs, said they like my best friend
>one stopped dating me to go out with him
>the girl who took my v card was moving too fast, told her I didn't want to be hurt again
Fast forward to now, a year later, wondering if I rejected the one person who actually liked me for who i am, wondering if I threw away my only chance for true love.
Wondering why I'll never be as good as my best friend, wondering why I'm just his demo version.
i know that feel anon. Hopefully we can both push onwards. But for now, im just going to cry
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Do tell
I miss her too, ill listen
Keep bumping is long. Plus I'm high
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(1/3)Usually just lurk, but reading these Feels threads are my nightly ritual, and helps with my depression. I know my life is "good" by all accounts but I still can't help from feeling like shit and like it's all meaningless
> be me 20
> chubby but not ugly. Most people like hanging out with me since I've gotten anxiety in check. But I'm usually friend zoned and I'm too insecure to pursue most girls for fear of being a "creep"
> beta when it comes to girls
> like creative writing and guitar
> took time off after hs and now can't get in uni
> black sheep of family
> family religious and I feel like it's ruined a lot of my life
> parents judge me for smoking and partying and it makes me feel like shit
I'm tired of the humanity. I hate everyone, i feel like shit all the fucking days on my life.
Cultural marxist dystopia. Its deeply depressing.
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> work as server while going to community college
> feel like I'm running in circles with life
> lonely af
> only had one gf ever and we broke up 2 years ago
> gave her my v in the back of my car a few months back
> she's a major whore (only reason I fucked her)
> ever since depression started I've become isolated emotionally and push my family away
> keep all but my best friend at a distance
Few days ago ex gf texted me "hey beautiful, how are you?" I was going to ignore it, but we started texting back and forth. Now 2 days later she tells me she had sex with another dude that she really likes but long story short that dude likes another girl as well. Now shes asking me for advice on what to do.
Now im wondering what does she want from me? Is she trying to make jealous? She has been jealous of my past relationships when we were together to the point where she would cry.

>My post didnt get much response. Any inputs?
theres such thing as the bro code
lots of dudes spout it but 5% actually abide by it
if he was really your friend and you projected these insecurities on him and he still went for the bitch then he is not in fact a real friend

also, you are enough man and your time will come
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tonight i came clean to my girlfriend that im a heroin addict becuase i want to move away and quit. she said she wanted to try it to and see what its like. i was not ready for that
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> want a relationship so bad but bad at showing interest to girls
> for the first time ever have a decent amount of female friends
> don't want to risk trying to be anything more with them tho
> a 7/10 girl at work has been giving me mixed signals. Don't know if she's into me or just friendly to guys in general. Kinda like her
> a 6/10 girl at uni is really sweet and is probably one of my favorite people to hangout with, but we share a lot of the same friends so I don't want to ruin that by pursuing her
> probably going to just get a shitty apartment with bro that's in same boat with me since no uni wants us
> feel like I'm destined to just live a mediocre life and die going no where
> depression seems like it's holding me in a stand still
> I'm just overall indecisive and a pussy when it comes to making important life decisions
Sorry I know Im probably sound like I'm bitching about nothing, but wanted to vent..
to the asshole that said anons dad is making him suicidal. thats not his dads fault. being poor isnt the end of the world and actually makes peoples character much better than the vapid rich kids that look down on those people and think material possessions make a person. sure youre life will be easier and you might be happier because of this but its superficial. making something of yourself from nothing is far more fulfilling.
why the fuck would she open with hey beautiful and then proceed to tell you about another dude she's fucking? wtf, sounds like a cold bitch imo
(went to post this as a reply in last thread, but thread 404'd before i could post)..

long time lurker /b/ro. by long time, i mean i've been here since sopohomore year in high school, i graduated in 2009. so 2007? idk. idc. point is i feel you so fucking hard, words cannot even describe.

>be me in high school.
>be super smart, do extremely well. extra curricular activities up the bung hole plus band and theater.
>graduate with 3.975 gpa, 3rd in my class of 700 students.
>full ride scholarship to top tier local university. less than half hour drive. take dat shit.
>stat fucking around with drugs. experimenting with everything. aside from smoking pot heavily and daily, i pop pills and do shrooms.
>xannax. bars. a lot. sometimes valiums. mixed with perks, or vics, depending on mood.
>gpa is still holding up at university until one night, winter semester freshman year.
>be on /b/ in 2014 at 3am
>be high as fuck on bars
>post threat geared towards my university (which i have no intention of delivering on) to entertain /b/ros
>one /b/ro is not a /b/ro. one calls fbi.
>they raid my house 2 days later

there's a lot more to my story. lemme know if i should continue.
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why do i feel compelled to drown myself in alcohol to forget how much i fucking suck.
Thanks anon. Though, he didn't go out with that one, he went out with the other one, but I gave him the go ahead. Pretty much all girls in our friend group go after him, given enough time. So I'm not mad at him. But thanks, what else can we do but wait and pray, right?
I posted a follow up, im not even sure her story is true. 50/50 on it. If it wasnt what would her intentions be?
nigger how do you think relationships start? through mutual friends. it's literally how people meet their gf's
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>be one year ago
>senior in high school
>driving around drunk with friends, go to a party
>talking to a girl inside
>me her and two of my friends decide to go to my friends house because his parents are out of town
>sit in back seat with her
>hands touch, eyes meet, heart pounding, start making out
>fast forward a month and we're dating hard core
>she's the first girl i have sex with
>date all senior year and through the summer
>never think about college, deny the fact that we're going to be 8 hours apart, never talk about it
>college starts
>miss her so bad
>finally this past weekend we both are in our home town again for fall break
>have the most imcredible and passionate reunion
>feels like the first time we kissed
>best sex of my life, feel like all my doubts about our future are gone
>this is my soulmate, my little puppy, my best friend
(Im crying so hard right now /b/ros)
>we're about to sleep after the sex
>she starts sobbing, i ask whats wrong
>she admits that last weekend she drunkenly hooked up with a guy at a party
>i cant even describe the feel i got hearing her say that
I cant even think about her, cried my eyes out the whole next day, i cant stay with her, she didnt even seem sorry because she said she barely remembers it and it wasnt really her. I feel like i have to move on but it just feels so shitty
You are right to be careful with starting a relationship with friends, as long as shes not in your close circle of friends you should be fine
go on.
the fuck are you talking about man? if he was just poor, that would be understandable. but his dad is GAMBLING away the money. how could you possibly think that's okay?

if they were just poor, i wouldn't give the dad shit. being broke is one thing, but his father is shirking his responsibilities and neglecting his family, which is disgusting. why should he care about his dad when his dad doesn't care about him enough to stop gambling and take care of his fucking family like a man?
Oh fuck it, I will join in again. Went out for a walk and got a cup of coffee from a local 24/7 store. I might as well join in.
Be me suffering from anorexia because my desire to comfort eat isn't helping anymore. Losing weight and on top of that am having very noticeable suicidal thoughts lately, debating on popping blood thinners for a week then slicing my wrists after snorting Coke or something similar. Haven't because of a friend and my family.
Questions ask away.
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well shit thats my story, if anyone has questions i'll answer them i guess -Adonis
you just told us you have two girls interested in you, but your too much of a faggot to do anything. So that's on you, your call
How are you holding up now?
I dont know but I do the same thing and it makes it worse. Yet I still do it. Over and over and over.
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every fucking time i regret it. addiction runs in my family. why cant i just be okay like a normal person

>feds raid my house. i wake up at 6am in my bed room to 6 guys armed pointing shotguns and m16s at me pointing flashing lights and yelling my name
>i live 2 houses from the corner in my neighborhood. they have the corner blocked off outside
>i shit you not. about 20 marked/unmarked federal cars/suvs/vans. overkill?
>they search house. find no weapons. confiscate laptop and cell phone.
>p.s. i'm an arab.
>they leave and i don't hear from them for 3 months.
>3 months pass, they come back and arrest me and take me in on a felony count of conveying false information US statute 1038(a).

even more to the story.
Me too. Its been two months and it aint getting any better.
Three months, im waiting for her to call like she always has. But never this long of a wait
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Honestly, i'm depressed and conflicted, i don't want to ruin her finally steady life, by reuniting with her, shes been all over this country, and lives a far more depressing life than i do, so ultimately i feel the sting of not being with her, but she knows the sting of never truly feeling loved, i guess what im trying to say is, if shes happy i want her to be happy. -adonis
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Understanding that I can only live one life path when every second I'm surrounded with ultimate possibilities to change my life path. It's overwhelming - I just want to live my life to the fullest
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My first love pt1.

>Be me
>Sophomore year of HS
>Live in Small Town America, quaint little town, HS had less than 1,500 people
>Everybody kind of knew each other because nobody really came nor went
>Still remember the god tier cookouts that the fire chief of the town would throw every so often
>Knew all the police officers by name, really nice people, didn't even think of them as cops
>The whole town had an outward appearance of being perfect and that's because it was
>None of that "dark secret" shit you see in movies where the entire village is full of cannibals
>Just a small, cute little town, everybody living simple lives
>To the day I die I will remember it
>This town was and is what I believe the American Dream to be
>Just a bunch of people living freely without a care in the world
>Be that one kid in HS that is smart and everybody knows it
>Everybody comes to me for help and or answers
>Never flirted with any girls because beta
>I have a few friends but nobody über close to me like everybody else had
>Started to be thought of as weird because of this but people didn't risk insulting me as they needed me
>Only person I could call a friend in the sense of hung out every day was Nick and even then it was just to smoke weed
>Get kind of depressed about this as the year goes on, nobody really liked me for who I was
>It was either for help or weed
>Until she came along...
more please.
>fight my shit in pretrial. super expensive attorney. the charge carries 0 to 5 years.
>we work out a plea for 3 years of probation.
>i'm a pot head.
>smoke all of pretrial. drop dirty a shit ton.
>pretrial lasted about a year, then the 3 years of probo kicked in at the end of 2011.
>smoke smoke smoke smoke weed weed weed weed. drop dirty. a lot through probation.
>now 2014. literally 1 month before the 3 years of probo would have been up, the judge summons on me
>judge starts listing all my dirties.
>judge says that i was sentenced lightly with 3 years of probation, because i'm "unsupervisable."
>sentences me to 24 months in federal prison at a medium high security spot in pennsylvania.
You're a brave man, Adonis. It takes a lot to accept you can't force yourself into someone's life, as much as you want to be a part of theirs.
Have you tried calling her? A almost slipped with that today. If I did I probably would have got no response and just felt worse.
holy shit dude, if that's true, that's insane
you got fucked by the long dick of the law
did you actually do anything?
All I had to deal with my depression was my friends. Now all of them are at college while I'm working and staying at home. I haven't had someone to talk to in so long.

i forgot to mention that the guidelines on my violations called for a sentence range of 3 to 9 months.

>he damn near tripled the maximum recommended guideline for the violations.
>in court with family getting sentenced. parents crying. shit sucks.
>get hauled out in cuffs and on the next van to the county.
>county sucks, but don't spend long there, less than a week.
>get to a "detention center" in local region (within an hour drive of home).

Federal Detention Center = FDC. it's the spot where federal inmates go while either fighting a case, waiting to get sentenced, or waiting to get designated to a spot that they will do their time at after sentencing.

>I stay there for 3 months. kind of like a better version of the county. but still shitty. prison is shitty. i hate life.
>i get designated to a place about a 7 hour drive from home in pennsylvania.
>FCI McKean, medium level prison.
>i just got out on september 1st /b/ros. shit's great being free.

i have a ton of prison stories. and i can share pics of my prison tats if anyone wants a looksee.
im into it please be more
yeah, please do so! what was prison like for someone who came from like a regular life?
Glad you're happy being free. Not everyone in prison is bad the way movies and tv make it seem.
stories and tats lets gooo /b/ro
a sexy hooker i fucked two months ago recently over dosed. watching the pics and videos i took when we fucked
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well, i love her theres no doubt, but im sure her husband does too, i dont ever want to ruin the life of the person i love, i guess my own pain will always come behind her happiness, after all she's the only person who ever made me feel purpose, its fair i do the same. -Adonis
nice bullshit. your just a druggy that got caught and your pulling the race card, you made up a bullshit story to make people feel bad for you.
I ask myself that a lot but I honestly think its up to us. We either stop or we dont. Never mind that disease bullshit that AA pushes.
post pics
Your sacrifice will be worth it one day, I'm sure. But you gotta have faith and be patient. Think of it like exercise, it hurts like a bitch, muscles will be torn, but you'll come out a stronger person.
Just thinking about how much I hate chinks.
why, theyre literally the most superior race
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>mfw i see some of you at least were lucky to had somebody to be with

I had oportunities to try something with a few girls but i"ve never had the guts to actually do it, or at least tell what i feel, i"m starting to think that it will be like this forever, and already got used to it
Kill yourself chink.
Fucking slant eyed cockroaches.
Next time op, just go balls out and tell her. Regret and the nights wondering what could have been is more painful than rejection.

>Fast forward to finals week of that year
>Dead of winter and that's when I usually start to get depressed
>Existing depression worsened I would find trouble getting up in the morning
>No motivation to do anything, all the days blurred together
>All the while I keep getting annoying questions from literally everybody in my chem class
>"Anon, what is the molar mass of potassium nitrate?"
>"Anon, how do I calculate the net energy transfer for this chemical equation?"
>Shit pissed me off but I didn't complain
>Nothing I could do
>Then she came along
>Let's give her a name shall we?
>Call her Kate
>Kate was this qt3.14 half Korean chick, really quiet and never talked to anybody
>She had a very unique complexion as I recall, like an average Caucasian with a bit more of a yellow tone
>Athletic body type with thin legs and thigh gap
>Burgundy colored straight hair that ran down to about her shoulders
>Her eyes
>Goddamn it her eyes
>Asian looking slant to them but also wider than normal
>Hazel green colored, she always looked as if she was fantasizing about something
>They had a curious and warm gaze to them yet at the same time appeared flirty and challenging
>Pretty much a 10/10 to me
>One day she comes up to ask me for help
>Never came before, never talked to much anybody
>This is when it all started...
Been having mental problems and I don't know why. Already behind in college because of this shit. Relized I need help but my therapist keeps rescheduling.

Just bought a few grams of coke and I'm slipping back into old habits. I always thought I was smart and life would work out but now I'm not so sure.
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Miss my ex. The one that got away. She took my whole heart when she left, and now I don't see the point in getting out of bed. Pic related.
i'm brown though. you don't have to be asian to acknowledge their superiority
Poo in loo Pajeet.
I'm gonna die
nothing you say is going to change the superiority of asians haha
Nah she just knows she can trust you having been in a proper relationship unlike the one shes dealing with now.
Even though things may be over for you as a couple she still feels like she can depend on you. You must've been a good catch /b/reh
How? Disease?
Your life sounds a lot like mine anon. At least you're in college and have that to hold on to. Take it seriously and that's your ticket to a better future. I'm 22 now and did one semester after HS and have yet to go back. My family is financially stable but insist I pay for it on my own which leads to a circle of anxiety.
they eat tiger penis because they think it has medicinal properties.
Pretty sure I have cancer.
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prison tat 1 = spiderman. compliments of a kid out of WV named JP.

prison was shitty at first. but the key to getting through it is to use your time wisely, set up a routine, and get shit done.
could you imagine if you had the time to do whatever you wanted for two whole years?
>There's literally people that come out of prison as absolute experts in different kinds of shit.
>personally, i learned a ton about computers through reading.
>learned html, css, python, javascript, and a decent about of C.
>I am currently registered in 4 CIS classes at the community college and am transferring 90 credits in the winter to another decent area university. Doing well in all 4 class. A's
>Work 55 to 60 hours a week. waiter at a restaurant. good ass business at the restaurant tho. i.e. i went in from 4pm to 10pm (dinner shift) and left with $140. This is about average for a weekend dinner shift. some days a lot more.

basically i'm back on my feet, i've hit the ground running.

p.s. forgot to mention that (i technically was released september 1st from BOP custody), i was released to the custody of a halfway house in my city in may. so i've been able to work and go to school since the summer.
They're basically insects.
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>be me
>was fat ol ugly fuck in high school
>so no girls were into me
>get into college
>get tinder
>0 tinder matches
>one day I looked in the mirror and said I'm changing
>since then I've lost 35 pounds
>look better than before
>get plenty of tinder matches per day, mostly 5/10 girls and under, rarely 8s, never 9 or 10.
>all of them stop replying after 1-2 messages
>BUT THEN ONE DAY I matched with this gorgeous girl
>blonde hair, glasses
>looked pretty much like girl in the picture (girl in picture is not her)
>hit off really well, talk for two days
>I never asked out a girl before so this was my first time ever at attempting it
> i ask "Hey, you wanna go catch a movie or something on friday or something?" (It's sunday)
> she says "Can you do saturday?"
>OH MY GOD.jpg
>I say "Yeah that sounds awesome ! can't wait"
>next day no new messages, not really worried, all is cool
>thursday I ask "Do you want me to pick you up on saturday?"
>no response
>friday comes..
>I ask "Hey, so, is saturday still happening?"
>she gives me a block of text saying how she's busy
>i say "oh no it's cool I understand"
>she says: "thanks for understanding"
>no texts from her for 1 week
>I send her a text "Hey how's everything going?"
>no response
>have never spoken to her since

I'm still trying to improve my body image, but I'm on the verge of giving up going to the gym and just accepting the fact I can't get girls. This was the closest encounter I had with a girl that was remotely interested in me and she blew me off.

Looking back I did sound pretty superficial, so maybe she thought I lacked personality. Or maybe she found another dude.

I don't know. I'm not mad at her. I just wish I was more attractive.
>pretty sure.
get diagnosed you idiot unless you want to die. then let it eat you away.

they have the highest racial iq. white people believe in a zombie god haha

>Kate comes up to me and straight up asks to borrow my entire notebook
>Ask her why and she avoids the question, just saying she needs to study
>Tell her I can sent her copies of notes inside and she refuses
>Can't really say no to people because beta but now that I think about it if i did say no....
>Get notebook back a single day later much to my surprise
>She gives notebook back to me first thing in the morning
>Before school starts and people are kind of just roaming around
>She made a point of finding me so I thought something was up from then on out
>Decide to open up notebook
>Lo and behold on the back cover there is a phone number written with cute little heart stickers placed all around it
>Could not believe my eyes
>Felt my depression all of a sudden melt away
>Somebody was actually into me for something presumably more than my services
>I felt alive again
>Hastily finish my finals I knew I could get an F in and still pass
>Run home as fast as I can because I only lived a block or so away from my school
>After finals is 3 week winter break so shit felt good
>Christmas was coming up, all the stress of school gone for now
>Best feeling ever, most hopeful and optimistic I was or probably ever will be again
>Decide to text number the next day
>She responds almost instantly
>We talk about how we think tests went and flirt a little
>I eventually get it out of her that she likes me
>I make sure to tell her I feel the same way
>Was so awkward back then but give me some goddamn slack
>Then the best Christmas of my life rolled around...
You don't have cancer till your doctor tells you. Good luck anon
Chinks fell for a Jews lies about communism you dirty subhuman cunt.
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she is the lighter skinned one. nice saggy double d's and couldndeep throat like a champ. jerking off extra hard knowing she over dosed
it's tinder dude, you aren't going to find the love of your life. that being said, could we see some of your convos? we could let you know if you're being obviously socially autistic or something
and europe fell for fascism and blew up half up of your own continent haha
wtf, that's fucked up dude. jerking off to a dead chick is one thing, but her oding turning you on is messed up haha
>be me, senior in hs
>Met Mr. Right in freshman year let's call him Atoku
>we dated almost 3 years off and on
>my parents fucked it up
>Atoku had pretty bad depression, and my parents hated it.
>I loved him more than anything in the world
>we were a cute couple, him being like 6'2 and me standing at a tall 5'2
>I spent every waking moment with him, we couldn't get enough of each other.
>my parents broke it off for good once
>I being a 16 year old rebel at the time defied everything they said.
>him and I were inseparable, still seeing each other even though he lived 40 minutes away by car
>one day he was really depressed and said I deserved way better than him.
>he starts to pick up a drug problem
>I blamed myself because he did it cause of the depression.
>i was upset when he told me and I told him I didn't like it
>he broke up with me after that
>this happened this last summer, and now he's got a new girlfriend
>I talked to him like twice since the summer
>last week was the most recent, in which I asked if he loved the new girl
>his response "I guess you could say so"
>my heart fell to the floor
>I've had this mentality that we were going to get back together soon since it's always been like that
>Atoku is over me now
>I'm still in love with him
>seeing things that constantly remind me of him
>talking to people who always talk about him
>always on my mind
>I loved him more than anything and now he is gone..
are you the anon from last night??
or is this just super ripe copy pasta?
I love them so much and I can't take the fact they don't even care about what I do daily. I told them I didn't want to talk anymore and I would message them at a time where I could be there friend.

I don't know what's worse the fact I said that and I'm betraying every promise I've made to them or the fact it didn't even phase them or make them upset.
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Perhaps im not the most qualified for advice, but i used to be a professional model, so i know the ins and outs of a multitude women/relationships, the fact is the women on tinder have an anonymous interface, they don't have the need to reply, because they don't think they are hurting anyone (yes this applies to men too), now that being said its best to try to aim for the uglier girl. now i'm not referring to someone who's personality you aren't attracted to, but rather find someone who will show up, and try to hit it off with them, gain some people skills, and try to move past the spaghetti. anyway that's the best way ive found to meet someone long term. -Adonis

>Turns out Kate only lived a block or so away from me
>Never say her before because up until this year she went to catholic school
>Christmas rolls around
>Parents throw huge ass party and what better person to invite than Kate
>Was on Christmas Eve so her parents reluctantly let her stay at my place
>Apparently they already trusted me because my mom and her mom were friends at work
>Family had tradition where we made gingerbread houses
>Kate and I make this shitty one that barely holds up, then we decide to say fuck it and eat it
>Mom lets me open one present
>Halo 4
>Show Kate Halo 4
>She gasps and says she always wanted it because she played Halo as well
>My luck right?
>We go down to my basement where the Xbox was and play for solid 2 hours
>Playing multiplayer
>She is obviously better than me
>Keeps kicking my ass with energy sword and teabags my corpse every time
>Get mad and playfully push her
>She pushes back and nails me with sticky grenade
>Second before it detonates and I die she pauses the game
>Says if I can kill her one time she will kiss me
>She un pauses the game and I watch as my red spartan ass fly's across the map
>She stands still in the game, letting me kill her
>Playfully says "you win" then tackles me to the floor
>Make out for like an hour
>Happiest I've been in my life.

I was about to post the same thing.
I know how you feel /b/rother. You are not alone. I am starting to think or actually I know that the problem in this world is me. I have had so many opportunities, golden ones that come once in a lifetime, and I have missed them all. Every single one.... Once or twice I was brave enough to take them but nothing ever happened because I fucked everything up before anything got off the ground.

I used to hate the world but now all I hate is me. I am the problem. And the only problem in my life is me.
I cannot imagine what it is like not to be born, to not have a consciousness and to not even exist in reality but in my heart I know that it would have been best for this world if that were the case. It would've been best for me too.
I don't want to commit suicide because that will only cause more for my family than I have already caused. That option is now out of my mind which is more of a curse than a gift because I used to think "its ok I have a way out if this shit hits rock fucking bottom where ever the fuck that is, I have a way out." But now I know that I must be here.

I have missed out on all of the beautiful fruit that life has to offer and the piercing wind of time passing erodes my heart as I see those around me basking in life's utter glory while I am forced to suffer in silence, watching from the distance. This is truly the most painful aspect of it all, the existence of a life so pure and care free, the true meaning of freedom and love exists in the lives of people I see everyday only adding more anguish to my being because I know I could have been one of those people but, again, I fucked up before it even started and instead of being one of those people..... I am me.

Just as worthless in the eyes of others as in the eyes of myself.

Goodnight /b/ No one will probably ever read this because it will be lost in the sea of the words of others, but if anyone does, have a wonderful night I love you
I am anon from last night, I like telling this story because different people have different reactions to it and I tell it different and recall more if it each time I retell it. It helps to relive the few days where I was actually happy without drugs. :)
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Literally dying is so much easier and less stressful
I miss him so much /:
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only screenshot I have. I deleted tinder so I can't really go back and retrieve logs
hey man, i love you too
>no homo
but i do..

I hope you are young and just super depressed and naive cause it will get better. The only way for it to get better is to change .. Easier said than done.. but you know that right?
looks ok to me man. if your personality is ok and you look good too, it just comes down to a game of numbers
looks like youre doing fine anon. Just be confident in yourself thats the biggest part.
You are doing fine in your conversations but second guessing yourself on /b/ and thats why its not going to work.
Youre hanging out with her this weekend and if not she didnt say no.... So either way it seems like a win or something close to it.
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4chans the only place I can openly talk about my being into traps.
I wish I could be a little more open with the ppl around me. It's not like I questioning my sexuality, but because of my job and the friends I have, it wouldn't be the best.
And it's not like my friends wouldn't accept that I like a little penis now and again, but the relationship would change.
And I'm not exactly confident, so I can't even indulge in my fetish.
I thought I had something on whisper yesterday, but it didn't pan out.
I think I'm just yearning to cuddle with someone.
Goodnight anon. Don't kill yourself. Its a long test, but you've got to be brave. If Heaven is real, you can't get in if you kill yourself. It's the only reason I'm still here.
Just got out a relationship I never wanted to be in. The girl I was in the relationship with was ugly as hell. She just came up to me and asked me out and I didn't wanna embarrass her. I made the relationship last for around a month and then I decided to end it. I never felt so much relief in my life. It actually felt kinda good breaking up with her. Like you know when you're trying to pop you're jaw and after like 30 tries you get that bomb ass pop? That's how I felt.
i hope none die tonight
Im so broken , but need to sleep... and waiting for the " EVERYTHING GET BETTER....NOT OK , BUT BETTER"
have a nice night/morning
>be 3 years ago
>did a home invasion with my former best friend
>single mom and daughter easy mark
>be gathering all the loot getting ready to bounce when I notice Eric is fucking gone
>as I'm heading up the stairs I'm hearing crying and sound of Skin slapping against echother
>the daughter is face down and with her pajamas around her ankles crying her eyes out
>Erics pounding her from behind
While the mom is screaming and thrashing around while bound and gagged
>had to wait downstairs for about 20 hours for him to finish
>I can still hear the screams and cries and it makes me want to fucking kill myself
>she couldn't have been older than 12
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i have classes that i fucking paid for later today and it's 2:40am and i'm posting about how sad i feel on an image board. i don't know how pathetic this is but i don't feel like i can be open with anyone but this beige ass fucking text field. is that sad?

you're all lovely. don't hurt yourselves. it'll be okay. i hate shitting out platitudes like that but it'll be fucking okay. i promise. and i hope i can learn to practice what i fucking preach.

goodnight, bros. stay safe.
Appreciate your opinion. We've been together on and off over 4 years, and this has never happened before.
Anon am in need of more feel good vibes. Did you continue the relationship with her?
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>be me
>gril is crazy about me
>"i love you anon, you're everything I've ever looked for in a man"
>"me too anonette, i love you too"
>dump her after a week because she's not blonde and white
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thats fucked man
you should feel bad you didnt do anything to stop it, you should of at least left.

at least you feel remorseful tho, means your not a complete sack of shit
change how? nothing will change..... I have passed the point where life holds its fondest memories. Even if it does change there is no going back, nothing can compare to the carefree years I never had.

My words are wasted and even more I am wasting your time as well. Thank you for commenting /b/rother. I see no change in the future... I have changed a lot myself, I used to be much worse but what I found is that even so, when I changed so drastically my life stayed the same and so it will continue to do so.

If you have the time any wisdom would be much appreciated no matter how minute..
tinder is shite, only gonna work for a quick hook up honestly.

>After that night on we were pretty much inseparable from one another
>Madly in love
>Felt better than any drug I've ever taken
>To have somebody hold you and whisper in your ear that they love you
>No other feeling can even come close to what I had
>All my depression faded into memory as I suddenly found new purpose in my life
>Just being happy and being there for the person who I made happy
>Fast Forward to end of school year because nothing really eventful happened
>One night she says she wants to do something and I suggest stargazing with my giant ass neckbeard telescope
>Parents let me get tent and tell me to be safe
>Set up camp in spot in the woods behind my house with a clearing in the tree canopy
>This was the spot I went to smoke weed with my friends and I was surprised to find out that Kate actually thought it was funny
>She accepted me for who I was, even if I was that faggot high school stoner who made gravity bongs out of Gatorade bottles
>We both look at stars through telescope for a bit
>Leans over to me and says "This is not why I'm here"
>She lays down on shitty air mattress in tent and motions for me to lay next to her
>Wraps blanket around both of us and we just look up for a bit
>Leans over to me and says "I've always loved you"
>I go in for deep passionate kiss and one thing lead to another
>Lost virginity on shitty air mattress that night
>But I would not trade it for anything in the world, that experience will be with me forever.
>And so we went, on with high school as horny teenagers
>Loving each other
>Loving Life
>Then the end of senior year came and it all went downhill....
thank you anon for your response... See you in heaven one day. Until then keep living as well /b/rother, cheers
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does anybody have that picture of pepe laying in bed, just waking up and the sun is rising and you can see it coming through the window
his alarm clock says 6:23 or something along those lines
Google this

>does anybody have that picture of pepe laying in bed, just waking up and the sun is rising and you can see it coming through the window
his alarm clock says 6:23 or something along those lines
Girl I really loved and was dating for a year randomly just decided to fall off the face of the earth and block me on everything. I'm at Uni apparently this is normal but even as a 3rd year never experienced this shit. I'm texting her a lot, go to her dorm one day to see if she's okay and she calls the police. I get a fucking stalking charge and the university makes me drop out and I'm on probation now for 6+ months. I had to drop out of Uni during my best year and I'm transferring to a different school. She completely fucked over my whole life and never got an explanation. This girl was madly in love with me and we'd spend all night talking and cuddling, the night before she disappeared told me she loved me and couldn't wait to see me. Absolutely the weirdest feeling and hurtful feeling in the world. I wanna say I fucking hate her but I can't because I actually love her or what used to be her. Now she drinks a lot and is probably fucking other dudes and I'm at home and lost my school I loved. Was even a year ahead of her and had all my friends. Don't even know what to do sometimes when I think about it, I just kind of am angry at the world and sad I lost my fucking school
I did, why else would I be asking in a feels thread?

Go ahead, Google it, tell me if you find it
Europe also created the modern world you smelly water rat. Now kill your self smelly paki.

>Graduate HS
>Excited to go off to UNI but not excited to leave Kate
>Kate decides to stay in town for a year or so to figure out what she wanted to do
>Always told me she wanted to be a nurse
>She certainly had the brains for it
>I distinctly remember now that I'm not so drunk the last thing I said to her at the airport
>"You can be anything you want to be, I love you"
>She just watched me go through the gate and onto the plane
>Start UNI
>Everything was going fine, Kate and I kept in touch quite often
>Majored in Biomed Engy so she was proud
>Stop talking as much second semester and I don't notice it due to work piling up
>Eventually we only talked once a week
>Becoming more and more distant
>Then summer rolled around again
>Decided to go back home to see my folks and Kate
>Worst mistake of my life
>I should have stayed
>Should have let myself continue to believe she was still who she was when I knew her
>goddamn it /b/ I'm really telling this story again......
Just stay away, dont try and contact her. Same sorta thing happened. She contacted me
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Thanks for the advice /b/ros
I'm going to bed tho
gnight everyone.
Did you get help yet?
Cheers, I'll save you a spot haha.
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post ww2 berlin
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pls help, can't find it anywhere
On 4chan. Fml
Connected with a girl who's into someone else. She tells me she's in love with the both of us but not looking for a real relationship. Eventually things get awkward as we're talking, and i find out she's dating the other dude. Rumor starts by her dick ass friend's that i want to kick her boyfriends ass. He approaches me one day in a store asking me what the fuck is my problem. We talk and come to understand that she'd been fucking with me even after she started dating fuckhead and told him she stopped talking to me. He talks to her about it and she blocks my number and stops talking to me and now i wish i had just punched her boyfriend in the face and not talked to him. Now i feel lonelier than ever, because i felt like i had truly connected and started to love this girl over the two months we had been talking. Now i regret not trying harder to be with her and not having told her how i feel sooner.
You got to try and create the care free years man for yourself. It is never too late. You gotta be positive throughout change as scary and misleading as it is, for if your negative only negative things will happen. You absolutely manifest your own destiny but if you think the way you are thinking nothing will change.

Im living with existential dread as a cloud over my head barely wanting to live or even move for that matter and it sucks.. so im sorry if i cant offer the best wisdom but what i said is true and I hope for both our sakes we can follow it
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GF of 1 year, madly in love, one day out of the blue told me she realized "she was a lesbian" and has "finally found herself"

dumped me, went out with another guy a week later.
god bless /k/
>went to a fucking awesome concert on thursday, had a fuckign amazing time and it honestly made me happier for a few days
>then on saturday, went to my buddies birthday party and he had invited my ex, which would have been a dealbreaker on me going, without letting me know, which was pretty shitty to deal with
>had to have my cat put down today
>prof decides its reasonable to assign a fucking research essay on friday, due tuesday
it feels like every time i have a good experience, life has to come in out of fucking nowhere and ruin everything for me
at this point, i basically just want to go to another concert, get shitty and just headbang and grind on sluts until i cant feel anymore
Got fired today :/

>Come back home and go to Kate's house after having a few with my Dad
>Ask Kate's mom where she is
>Says she's out and will be back in an hour or so
>Decide to throw lame ass surprise party for her to make her feel special
>That would just end up being a cruel ironic joke
>2 hours passed
>I was worried about her
>But finally she came
>And I barely recognized her
>Her hair was dyed purple
>Nose piercings and facial tattoos
>Her beautiful voice was gone, it now sounded gruff and manly
>Her arms looked odd
>I go in to hug her just as I normally would and she kind of enthusiastically puts her arms around me
>The words she said still hurt me to this day
>"Dude, grow up"
>At which point I left the house in a fit of rage
>What had happened to her?
>Who did this?
>This was note the Kate I knew and loved
>This is someone different
>Needless to say I drank a little to much that night
Redoing last year of highschool since i fucked it up completely and I already failed a course. I am too busy drinking and doing drugs that I don't even focus at all on studying. End my life fam
sounds like you had way more shittier experiences than good ones tbh. one good concert is not worth all that shit imo, sucks /b/ro
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Just get it done bro.
Graduated last July.
Went to a charter school with independent study after 8th grade because I was too anxious and too much of a bitch to face highschool where I knew I'd get made fun of
Got kicked out of the charter school in 11th because I was drunk on campus and had a shitty knife on me.

Finished at a continuation school that I was lucky enough to get into, the high school wouldnt take me nor would any other school program because of it.

It gets better. Lay off the drugs, I've been straight edge for a year now. It's not worth it. Trust me. I've been down that road.
>it's a "anon has a one sentence story he tells in 30 shrektext posts because he's a faggot" episode
shes fucked bro, lets hope fuckhead dumped her too. You seem like a compassionate being, you dont deserve that. Consider yourself lucky, you dodged a bullet

Our apologies, anon. This thread is not good enough for you. Here! Let me redirect you


>Head levels off around day 3 of being back home
>Decide to call up my old buddies for a quick smoke
>Nick comes over
>he brings more weed than usual and say "its all for you"
>Ask him why
>He said he came bearing bad news but nonetheless news I "had a right to know"
>He showed me pictures of Kate at a party giving hand jobs to other guys
>One of her passed out on the floor butt naked with her hair shaved off
>The same hair I lovingly ran my fingers though
>She was also a heroin addict, hence her odd looking arms
>I don't know how or why this happened
>Can't help but think it was I who caused it by not talking to her enough at UNI
>Hate myself every day for it
>No matter how loving a girl who I am dating now may seem I always compare them to the Kate I knew.
>The love I had
>The only love
>The one I lost

Fuck my life /b/

last time I'll post this story in a while
sure seems that way, anon
maybe i'm being a whiny bitch right now, but i wish things would just work out for me at some point, without having to do things in the most difficult fashion possible because the universe decided i dont get to be happy
It's especially shitty because I've never talked to someone and been able to express myself the way I do now. Even when I was dating some other cunt for 3 years I feel like the two months I've known this girl for has already meant more to me.
I kek'd a little
thank you so much for your comments. Know that out of 8 billion people on this earth you are the only one who cares... And know that this probably will never happen because I am worthess in every sense of the word, but I am going to give it a go.
Next few months ill try what youre sayign because it does make sense, and if theres even a little tiny shift, Ill keep living life..

But I want you to know that although we will never meet remember you helped me out and gave some wisdom when no other soul would.... Thank you for caring..

I hope you find what you are looking for in life as well. I urge you to do the same, live this life we have been given, live move and enjoy because you have a kind heart for helping and out of everyone else,
I wish you the best /b/rother...

goodnight and goodbye

Thank you for your time.
take what you've learned and move onto the next one mane
I'm cheating on my face to face girlfriend in a long distance relationship. Weird.
ive isolated myself for so long that i don't even enjoy talking to people anymore. i want to have sex with girls but i have no strong desires to have friends or do social stuff. maybe im acoustic
It's not your fault dude. Those where her choices. Though, you can't put things back the way they were 100%, you can try to fix things. It's never too late, my cousin's an addict. Odds are Kate needs help, support, and love. If I were you, I'd try to talk to her. Good luck anon, I hope things work out for you and Kate.
whats a face to face girlfriend? Lol
Whether or not this story was fake, it really got to me.
Really sad and really shows what happens after the transition to college when one is in a relationship, especially if that relationship Is long distance.
Anon, I hope everything goes well for you in your life. I can't say whether or not you leaving her caused this, but whether or not you believe in god just believe that life gets better for those who are good, and you have truly been an awesome guy throughout your life.
The halo part really got to me. I imagined myself in your position and suddenly felt the most happiest I felt in awhile.
When the stars align and someone you actually met in real life dates you.
She's not a part of my life anymore. She's probably either a prostitute or dead. Both scare me.
I miss her guys, ill share a feels but not gonna greentext because im a lazy bastard.
I was a seinior in highschool and i swear i met the best girl ever, she was perfect for me. I was planning on marrying her and everything but at the time i kept thinking there was a better girl out there somewhere. Ended up in me breaking up with her, she begged for me to come back but i didnt and now shes moved on and im kinda stuck here lost. Is there someone better than her? Or am I stuck because i threw away that one special girl?
Okay so I get the face to face part...

But what's this "girlfriend" you speak of??
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definitely acoustic
Fuck, I'm dead.
Good to know I made someone else happy tonight
I wish this was fake man
The feels are too much

Good night you magnificent bastard!
I am in a serious rationship for two and a half years now. And I met a girl online who I talk to more than my real girlfriend.
Fuck you man. You fucking ruined a great relationship. Even if you are wondering "will I ever find a better girl than this" at least fucking wait it out a bit and don't think about marriage for awhile. After a couple of years and you find no one better than her than marry her. But yet you ruined it. You will never find anyone better than this girl. I honestly wish I can just punch you in the face for fucking up something beautiful.
I think I love with this guy. He made it abundantly clear at one point that he likes me and would love for us to be together. Such were circumstances at that time that I couldn't get in a relationship with him. Now he's seeing someone else. Nothing more than the fact that he's happy could've made me happier. Sometimes however, I find myself wondering what would life be like if we were together. I've never felt the following words to be anymore truer:

For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'it might have been'.
I'm sorry to hear that. Just know, you did the best you could. I can't say I relate, but just know, I'm proud of you. You graduated, you tried. If she's not the same, that's not on you. Who knows what's in store? Maybe you'll find someone new, hopefully she can clean her act up. I just hope you find peace anon. Focus on yourself, be strong, and don't lose faith. Even if the world is against you, God has your back. And though I highly doubt he would be, if God is against you, I will have your back instead.

No problem, good luck anon
I always think about her, but she hates it when I say that I miss her
You're not stuck. You may have to wait, if she's not the one. It might be worth it to talk to her. You don't wanna lie awake at night wondering what could've been.
yea dude, i feel like complete shit because of it, it wasnt the best relationship though, she would always fight with me because of the stupidest shit. but i know i fucked it up. realized that shit a long time ago anon
Took my girlfriend back. I want to be loved. She says she loves me but I man I know says I may be a placeholder until she finds a new person.
>"Let's call him atoku"
Is this ylyl? If yes i lost
I've already talked to her, she seems like shes in love with this guy now and knowing her she means it.
Love your Story anon reminds me of me and my gf getting together.
Well anon, you'll just have to wait. It might be long, it might be short, but it will be worth it. I'm still waiting myself, so I pray you find the one soon.
Well thanks for the encouragement. I Put Kate out of my life until I need to feel something. I wonder if she even remembers me name and face?

Ain't it funny how you find the nicest people in the most unlikely places? Especially places like these with some of the worst types people lurking about? Nicest damn people I've met were from the website bar none. Most people are total assholes in real life, but here, we're all equal, we might not always treat each other as such but it is for some odd reason possible in such a normally depraved place as this.

Thank you anon, for all your support, wherever you are and if we ever cross paths I have your back as you have mine.

we're all brother here.
This has been a great feels thread. Really wish this can saved for the memory book. To all the anons in this thread: life will get better. Pretty cliche thing to say but that's what's been keeping me alive all these ideas. I believe that life will get better for me and I won't just be alone everyday and cry myself to sleep thinking about me never finding a true love. I'm just barely hanging on, but at least I've found my reason for living. I hope you all find yours.
Goodnight brother, I hope our paths cross one day.
Thanks man, Its nice to have someone that cares at least. I hope you find the one too anon.
This thread is good.
Good night my friend
It is my hope we will one day meet
Even if my may not know it.
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>my dream is to be a musician

why couldn't my dream have been to be a pencil pusher? I can succeed in that
If it's any consolation my tinder is just dozens and dozens of messages with no response. It's just part of being a guy I guess
Well said anon. I support you in your bravery for making it this far. This goes for eveyone in this thread. I believe in God and I believe in all of you. Love is out there, if you can't find romantic love, know that you are loved by God and I. I pray you find what we're all looking for: fulfillment, appreciation, someone to hold, someone who cares. Good luck to you all.
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Life is a series of challenges, its how we decide to overcome and learn these challenges, that we can truly attain the happinees all of us strive for, what im saying is, we are only here because we are stumped in the series of problems life throws at us, perhaps what we should be doing is learning from the feels of other anons, and gaining traction from the anonymous support that is ever present within these threads, as always goodnight -Adonis
No one dreams to be pencil pusher. Pretty much everybody in that position has given up their dreams for the sake of more money.
Thanks, right back at you. There's always someone who cares, as hard as it is to believe. I care and so does God. Good luck anon, I hope you find someone who appreciates you.
Same to you brother.
Follow that dream anon. You can still pursue your dream while taking care of your other responsibilities. Money is temporary, music and emotions are irreplaceable.
Goodnight Adonis, your wisdom doesn't fall on deaf ears. I'm listening wholeheartedly.
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I travel on by nature's path until I fall and find rest, breathing my last into that air from which I draw my daily breath, and falling on that earth which gave my father his seed, my mother her blood, my nurse her milk; the earth which for so many years has fed and watered me day by day; the earth which bears my tread and all the ways in which I abuse her.
You can talk to us Anon. We're here for you.
- ting yih
It says feels thread, the fuck did you expect motherfucker?
It makes me happy that this has a good ending for you, I hope you have a good life. (Also you got out on my birthday which is cool)
I guess

I just feel like I'm not good enough to do anything with it, even though most people I've met say I'm good at guitar
What the fuck am I doing?
Was in the last thread

What did you end up doing?
It never hurts to try. Don't let your doubt turn you away from what you love. Bob Dylan is famous and he sings like shit. You don't have to be the next Mozart or Beethoven to be good at music. You just have to be true to yourself and speak from the heart.
Don't worry anon, you can get in shape. And atleast you aren't me and stuck at 5'4" :>
In the creative process us humans are often too self critical. Im sure you're ripe with talent, use your sorrows in your tunes and just keep at it, you never know
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India without even having a war.
but Bob Dylan wrote top tier shit during top protest time

I can't write that well
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Goodnight to all in this thread. May God have mercy on your souls. I hope you find whatever it is your looking for, whether it be love, peace, or change. Good luck, I support you all, I believe in you guys. I'm proud of you for making it this far.
I feel for you /b/ro I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me in life if I don't change soon. Also the last parts of your post were honestly beautifully written. That shit was some touching poetry man. You should try writing if you don't already. Much love to you too
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Ill leave you with this, I sit here today the same as you, and everyone else, because i am in just as much of a slump, where i am my emotions, and humanity are treated more like a falsehood, or are ignored, but in this thread, we want nothing more than to make everyone else here finally no longer have to come to this thread for support, or rather come here to help one another, what im trying to articulate, is that despite being anonymous, despite not having any distinct motivation to help me, right now i feel more accepted, and happier than i have in a long time, so to everyone else reading this right now, i care for you personally, we all have our own stories, some happier than others, but its these experiences that shape us, and in this thread, we are equal. Goodnight me friends -Adonis
And you don't have to. If you want to succeed, first you must try. Try looking for another musician to play with. Who better to have your back than the one who plays alongside you. Goodnight and goodluck.
Went out with my family and my gf for dinner, we stayed the night at my parents house. I also got a few days off work, because my gf gave me a cold so bad a thing in my brain started acting up and I was coughing blood. Overall though, it was worth it.
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You're awesome man, keep on keeping on
good night
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How easy is it for /b/ to move on from a girl? It should be easy as fuck for me, there's already another girl madly in love with me, but I feel hopelessly stuck on my ex. We didn't end on bad terms, and still actually talk and are chill friends, but she confirmed there's no chance of us getting back together. Am I just being a pussy or has /b/ also struggled with a similar experience? How long does it usually take to recover?

Pic related, the new girl drew us today.
goodnight, only the best. -adonis
Fuck you I asked for feel good vibes not his shit.
Sitting here next to my ex, whom I still love, looking at porn. So lonely, I just need somebody to love
It takes me a long time, especially if it was true love, I too just confirmed today that she will never get back with me.. I hope i get over her soon

I wouldnt advise dating another girl while still having feelings.. The last time me and this gril broke up I tried dating some one else and it didnt work, cause im madly in love with this bitch.

good luck anon
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