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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>708169681 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 198
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, Remember to get enough sleep!
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Alice 7.jpg
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I haven't seen you get first in a long time.
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Nonon is back and at it!
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2 truths 1 lie

1 favorite color pink
2 have a cat
3 parents love me
You can the first reply bby

It's time to an hero
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why so glum, chum?
Hey Shirobro! How are you?
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I prefer taking the last image because if you fail nobody will know you tried.
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I accept failure as a part of my life. Let people watch, i will not falter.
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How has everyones night/day been going?
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casual wear.png
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Hello! I'm doing pretty good. Just watching some YouTube. How about you? Good as always I'd hope?
Favorite color pink.
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This mine.
Good as always! This night is a little bit slower than I'd remember, but that's perfectly fine with me.
Because life is meaningless and nothing we do has, or ever will matter
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Neat, so whatcha watching on youtube?
If you dont mind me asking.

Just ok? Life sucks or meh?

Heya Nui!!
>>708181553 (Stella)
Very good looking, but why does she have one?
Pink isn't your favorite color
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Yeah its slow, but it has its fast moments.
you're claiming 2 waifus?
if you truly believe that you would kill yourself

so what's stopping you?

oh yeah you care enough to live
that is my favorite color yes
life is ok
it actually is :o
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How's life treating you today?

So far my Sunday's been very relaxed.
Has your day been eventful?

And that's exactly why you should enjoy life.
>implying I'm selfish enough to make my parents go through that
I'm bad but I'm not that bad
Still looking for something to make it enjoyable until the above is not a problem
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Slow nights are best nights.
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nothing matters when you're dead ya dingus
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You don't have things you enjoy doing?
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I always thought you were more of a blue kind of person
That it does, especially when you play some vidya or something.
Especially if you feel comfy.
>no life
>Juvia claimed
What a shocking discovery, you should publish a paper about this. I don't think anyone has thought of this before
Not particularly lately. Just things to pass the time
Could you guys please stop? There threads are pointless.
Spent it fine. Day is fine, life is fine.
I'm fine.

Are you doing great?

Loved ones still alive
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That's ok. Try potato salad makes it mildly more ok, but wouldn't senkets be a husbando?

Couldn't agree more.

Quite, but good events, nothing bad.

Well then.
pink > black > purple > white > blue > red > green > orange > brown > yellow :) >>708184666
then stop worrying about your parents and kill yourself ya dingus
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stella blank stare.png
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Yuuko gets it
that didn't stop my cousin...
what are you a potato salad dealer?
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Back from dropping of Nonon.
We can learn from his mistake.

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Nice pink hair.
Bitch I might be.. (I mean that in a unoffensive way)
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Forgot to say claim. Pretty clear though.
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I'm sure if you keep on searching for something you'll be fine.
Finding things to enjoy isn't too difficult.

Great might be an overstatement, but I'm definitely doing well.
Just listening to some music right now.

That's nice. Anything worthy of mention?
I'm offended...
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Oh shit.
Now it's a real tragedy~

Perfect night
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Hey that's my line
best girl on the left :3

I didn't talk to her nor do I talk to anyone in my beaner ass family
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I figured out that using an air compressor stuffed in a turkey creates quite the mess, oh well life is life, made me laugh, so its all good.

Im sorry I didn't mean to use the phrase "might be"

We just got to wait for Yuno and Lucy.
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I forgive you
big head
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Pretty waifu and nice dubs
Still looking. Maybe something will come up soon

Yeah, i'm pretty distant with my family too

Whoever you are
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Pink squad
I don't put my name because I figure I made it clear in the beginning of most of my message streams

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Just the way I like it.
Are you up to anything interesting?

Aren't air compressors quite large?

I doubt I'm creative enough to suggest things that you haven't already thought of. Good luck with your search, though.
How are you doing this evening Mikura
best pink!
Or I guess, this morning
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Your'e a welcome addition to the squad Mikura!

Well the tube part not the whole air compressor itself, just something added to shit not to do in the garage.
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watching Japanese monster folklore while reading chemistry.
You never know. I have come up with a few possibilities, but no motivation to actually try and do them. I have schoolwork I need to do before I actually try to do something for fun anyway so it kind of works out for now
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Not bad, what about you?

It's 2:32am for reference.

Best anonymous.

Glad to be a part of it.
It's 640 PM

it was klonata (me) ;-;
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Tfw I can't post pink because that's basically Ram with a chest and happy personality
I guess it's a meh sort of day. It's dragged on forever.
I might go to bed shortly even though it's only 10:40
I would call that morning. Though the argument could be made for night as well
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How did your matches go?
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Howve ya been today?
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Whatever keeps you entertained, I suppose.

The Folktales from Japan anime?

I'd imagine the desire to find something enjoyable would serve as decent motivation.
Though motivation is a tough one. I wouldn't know what to do about a lack of motivation.
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Death is no escape

No, just like there weird monsters people think they have.
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Yeah, well what keeps you entertained?
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Hey again

I'm back waifus wats good
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初音ミク – 1233.jpg
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You should really get more pics here since you post from phone so often.
Hows life?

>tfw I'm only pink during spring

For me morning starts at about 6am, no big logic behind it, just the fact that that's when I used to wake up when I was studying.

Good I guess, not much going on.
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T-Totally pink haired.
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Well thats better than a hypocritical hamster stealing your salad.

AYYYY Whats Good!

Hmm dubs... Temp Member Status?
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It's like purgatory. How've you been cinnamon bun?
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love me
I'm listening to music right now with my speakers I never use, sounds good

how are you, beautiful? ;-;
haha loser
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Pretty badly
I was just trying to play OW with a friend but other people, who happen to be drunk, kept talking while I tried to play
10/10 would do it again
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Pink is the best

I'm drunk enough so you'll pass for today
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When you said you were watching something, I imagined it would be something audiovisual.

Watching anime, reading, listening to music. I don't have any extraordinary hobbies, unfortunately.
I haven't found a means to fix lack of motivation either. If I do, I'll post it here. I feel like many here could benefit from it
6:00 is far too early in the day. I have to do that a couple times a week and I am hardly awake when the alarm goes off
Are you drinking again? >:)
Were you pulling shitty teams? Or people around you are drunk and rowdy
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want my ginko trip?
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Post a sad image.
I want to see if you have one

Living in absence of both pain and love.
You get a life outside of work yet?

>call ruri for love
That's my thing
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I agree, we can let it slide..

Asking for some of this?
>pic related
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But Amatsu it was just qp and i didn't shout ;-;
ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ᵐᵉ
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I'm not, they were
People around me were drunk, talking loudly and couldn't concentrate well on the game
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what is
>Makoto really doesn't pull off pink hair well though
>And getting black hair to turn pink is more of a pain in the ass than you'd think.


What kind of music do you listen to?
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Hey cute Amatsu ;)
Mmm not much still watching good ice cube movies and needing a cig hbu
Bye Felicia
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初音ミク – 1177.jpg
2 MB, 1374x1968

I don't know, that sounds pretty interesting. Better than my monotone routines.

What are you listening to?
I'm doing k.

Thanks Mai.
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Definitely do.

I appreciate the offer, but I'm fine with the one I have right now.

I like to think I have a pretty broad taste, but lately I've been enjoying post-rock and shoegazing a lot.
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its ok its backwards anyway.
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Alice Sleeping.jpg
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Oh, I thought you lived alone. Rowdy people around while you're trying to focus on things is obnoxious as hell
Even worse when they're drunk

I'm going to go to sleep now I guess, nothing better to do. See you all tomorrow
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Whats going on everybody
nothing doctor nick
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Tell that to my ears who received a severe ass-whooping
It hurts

Hello pal
Still doing alright?

I meant in the voice chat

Goodnight Acadie
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>I prefer your snow Miku form
>a lot cuter imo
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I bet, so hows it been going?
Luckily I have a cig, and just doing some graphics arts shite.

To a point I guess. So do you like music?

Well are you going to finish that croissant?

>Whoah thread had a boom
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Well, at least you aren't hurting. But you love Yuuko, don't you?

If you call "a life outside of work" spending time with my Queen Juri every waking moment I'm off the clock, then I have. I've been seeing my friends a little more often recently which has been nice as well. It's good to still see you around.
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Shoegazing, I've never heard that term before. Is it like late 80's British invasion? or am I mistaken?
just some punk albums, oddly enough they relax me more than other genres and I'm just laying here
post your dick or leave thread ;c
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P much just finishing laundry trying to figure out how to make brownies from cake mix.
Talking to a friend about the holidays hbu
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Lute is Cute!
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all i want to know is; who has the other half of this blade.
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Haven't seem someone make use of Unicode's bidirectional algorithm in combination with a tripcode before, that's pretty clever.

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That's "Hi everybody"

I can't it's too small
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Not bad

I do of course!

Good to see you too. As you can see everyone is gone. ~
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Dang good for u haha :c
Hey der sweet ryuko how ya doin >>708190009
Cool pic bro c:
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4 inches.jpg
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QOTT: how big is your dick?

anyone claiming 6 or above must post pics to prove c:

this gave me an idea
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初音ミク – 864.jpg
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Sleep tight.

Which one? She has more than one snow and they are rather distinct. This is my favourite one.

Most people do. I sort of enjoy trying new things often. What cigs do you smoke?

That is correct, the albums that defined the genre are British and from those times.

I don't think it's that odd. I hate that I can't find the genre very interesting though.

>post-rock and shoegazing
What about both together?
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Thanks cute :3
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That'd be me?
it's one of my favorites

I hate the government! >:)
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I'm doing pretty good! How are you?
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B-But it wasn't my fault...
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Ur dick is small.png
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Perfect because i am the smallest bit smaller than 6 in

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if i remember right, that is what is what she was searching for the first episode. it got more complicated later on, but yeah.
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Just don't put yeast?
I dunno

I'm just having a headache

I blame everyone :^)
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You need to turn that :C into a C:
Can't seem to sleep (nor do I want to), busy day planned?
Blus. And Yourself?
I'm very confused. Other than that Mavis is cool.
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Yep, I don't recognize anyone here. Not that I have the last 3 times I've stopped by, but that's okay. Seeing that you're still around is enough, any more would be considered an added bonus.
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Horn Rem is nice Rem

The one where she wears a parka
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Blame yourself then :c
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Eew das no good take some pills go to sleep?
P good not excited for Monday but excited for (yous) from you
Whimsical <3
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Look at what I'm drinking lol. And yes that is quorra from Disney infinity.
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Green claimed
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You got that shit right boi C;
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Keep in touch with any anons?

Not when i see your waifu
No ~
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I got work on Monday :l (bahhh sweet)

Green stuff eh? On a health kick?
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Nah, I'll just lay down until I fall asleep
Ayyyy Emi!

Ayyyyyy party time!

Kinda. Work later on, but I got a seriously fucked schedule since I gotta go back for a double shift after I get off in the morning.
But for now, I'm trying to decide what video I wanna upload.
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yeah i'm trying to be healthy
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初音ミク – 947.jpg
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The only punk album that I can say I thoroughly enjoy is Portuguese, but it's not like I tried many.

I try to stay away from smoking just tobacco but I liked luckies.
I buy chesterfield ounces because they are cheap and handy to use in spliffs.
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Nefarious Emi.png
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Knew it would work.

Sounds like day, and a good thing to start with.
what's it called I'll listen to it :0
I bet you have a cute little cock :3
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Lotta cute girls in this thread~
Akari is mine.
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Are-are you in possession of a uh husbandus protrusions:3
Good idea I can't yet beds not made
May I ask where you work rebellious cute?
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No, all communications with said anons eventually dissolved and disappeared into nothingness. But I'm partially to blame for that, because ever since Juri dropped she's become my world both competitively and otherwise.

What about you? Anyone you still speak to?
Actually we're all obese hairy men
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初音ミク – 81.jpg
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Ugh, are you sure you want to do this? The lyrics and track names are basically lol so randumb with tons of ortography errors on purpose. I guess this song is alright to listen without understanding it, specially while watching the clip.
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Have a nice day!

I see, so what are you up to?
Speak for yourself, I got in good shape for my waifu.
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I work at a donation center (thrift store)
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Where's this qt 3.14 from?
U too good to me sweety
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Suprised Green 2.png
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Who? Me or Green?
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Yes i am

Yeah, i good amount actually. I'm lucky and thankful for that.
You got those 3 great irl friends still kicking.
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I had a chance to make a "I like my Rem horny" joke.
What's good?

I dunno, I thought I had some good footage, but.... nothing's really popping out and saying "UPLOAD ME" right now... maybe I won't bother with this batch.
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初音ミク – 1149.jpg
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Just the usual circlejerking before I get tired enough to pass out.
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Yeah, they like to check up on me from time to time. I'm glad to hear it's worked out well for you here.
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And you took it and I applaud your lewdness it's fantastic.
Oh-oh.. my
You don't even need a ring sweetheart
I worked at a goodwill it was shit haha
Anything involving (you)
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holy shit that's lewd

Oh nothing, just smoking and playing the Witcher. How about you?
I don't like those types of instrumental pauses in punk music, ruins the flow of the song, but I surprisingly liked that slower part with the softer singing, so it was alright

the dog was scary though ;-;
that's why I say it ;p
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It's not so bad. A tad boring at times but the constant flow makes the day go by faster.
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I'm going away now, have a pleasant night
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初音ミク – 1140.jpg
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Dog sees a cow and wants to fuck it, it's reasonable to be scared of him.

Do you speak Spanish?
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Nonon(Fresh Prince).jpg
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Yee. :3

Ryuko won't stop chewing, might I suggest a nice mustard?
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Cock ring ain't coming off~

Great family you made for yourself.

I still say relieve the lost dream by making a family of your own.
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I appreciate it.
>I can get very lewd
>Rem being horny
>and dominant
>and bloody
I don't which is why I don't get along with my family ;-;

Do you speak poetarsiges?
Bleh. Why is work like this today. Feels bad man.
Mustard and rice doesn't sound to good.
even better
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Do it


It's sleeping time tho
Good Night~
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Night fellow pink hair!
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I'll take whatever I can get. Friendship will be as close to family as I'll ever get.
Bet not~
Hell ye boi
lol I felt the same but so many call outs killed me
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