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Only ways to delete a pic off of encyclopedia dramatica or I

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 43
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Only ways to delete a pic off of encyclopedia dramatica or I will delete the thread
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pink omega.jpg
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Nobody gives a shit kill yourself
Duck off, autofellatio guy.
Go suck your own dick again, OP
Holy shit, you're suck a smoking faggot.
No wonder your ex spread the pics around.
guys what asshole, yes someone does care. I am not going to live my life knowing every person on this planet can google one fucking word and me be the first fucking picture.
thats amia miley shes a hot little fuck rat
Hey! Autofellatio guy!

No one normal searches that shit. But you ARE helping to let people know to google you now. Good job.

Autofellatio, everybody.
>or I will delete the thread
what kind of a threat is that?
guess what cunt, I dont give a fuck if some loser in a basement like you see's me doing that. I can not be the fucking first image for anyone who hears the word and googles it. Yes i realize i fucked up. i just need advice on how to bleach it from the site.
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Too bad, huh?
>I don't care
>I care

Pick one m8.
What the fuck compelled you to do it in front of anyone, let alone let her take a pic?
>I don't know how to email a website and claim stolen property.

What, are you as stupid as you are gay?
Guess what you fucking asshole? Doing it in front of a girl and becoming the fucking google search for it is way fucking different. a girl that fingers herself does not become the "fingering" defitiont

Have you tried to write to the owner of the site and contacted Google about it ?
literally no one knew or cared before you brought this up, you fucking dumbass. youre not near as important as you think you are. but if you keep acting like a pussy you might be, for all the wrong reasons. learn to internet fucktard. WOAH Jen Law has nudes but it wasnt at the forefront of your thought now was it. shes a celebrity. youre not. let that sink in. why am I helping you. gnight.
This my nig, its the Streissand Effect. The harder you fight to hide this shit the more its going to be shared. Your sadness will make you a meme
No. you let her know you were mad gay when you did that. She told all her, and probably your, friends.

Letting her take PROOF?! You're a fucking retard. That pic is up for life.
You thinking your friends are gay enough to google something like that shows the company you keep.
Google does not respond. I am weary to email ED cause me worrying means they may plaster it over even more. The gf owns the rights to the pic from what i understand.
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Nope. Consenting parties and all that.
Ray J took the video. He released it. She sued for all profits and claimed rights due to lack of consent. Then she proceeded to consent for money.

You're just plain dumb and gay.
You are deleted
whats the problem? Every guy here probably just wishes they could suck their own dick because it's the only action they'll get
Uh, don't know what your definition of deleted means. Still definitely there. Not breaching any rules either.

Quit being a homo.
fuck off. I am not going to be the fuckind definition for any curious person on this fucking planet to see
Too late. It's been there for quite a while.

Also, you asked for help and constantly tell people to fuck themselves. Maybe you should learn how to human.

Also, you were told to email and then followed up by saying you don't want to.

You're a fucking homo retard. Go suck your own dick some more.
You see the fucking "delete post" button on the bottom right? yeah that fucking how.
OP right now
Only works to delete your OWN post you illiterate mongoloid.

Fuck you're stupid on every level.
better than tinder! plenty of horny sluts of your city on
No no.
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too late my ass! every fucking person hears the term when growing up. ED will die off and I certainly will not be the fucking picture teenagers laugh at. You have done something similiar you fucking idiiot.
Email google you fucking rage queen and ask them to remove it. You can email ED too.
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Nope. Never tried to be a faggot.
And no, I never heard the term when growing up.

How fucking gay were your friends, holy shit. No wonder you did it.
holy fuck. He IS the definition.
Yeah he sure is.
What a disgusting human being...
Should have posted this in /adv/
Google says to email ED. If i email ED they will demand me prove its owned by me. i need to delete it some way where it isnt known which is why i fucking came heree.
I'll take " Who is pretending to be her ex to rub the salt in for $500"

tits plz
oh my jeezus, it's you again, MAXIMUM KEK,how's that dick been tasting lately op? salty?
You haven't tried emailing ed. So you don't know what they'll do, you ignorant fag.

Fuck your generation is worthless.
Next time I order a pepperoni pizza, it will be in honor of this woman's nipples.
ED is known to be fucking trolls. If I message them it will only make them do worse. I am not a fucking idiot.
How about you ask them politely? You know, like you did with your dick.
>They're known for doing things, I'd know because I totally heard this rumor and it's totes obvi. I mean, no, I haven't tried or anything but I bet it's true.

Fuck off and die, faggot. Please delete yourself. If they don't delete the pic, you can file a lawsuit. God damn, you child. Learn the law of the land you practice your faggotry in.
Before you call me an idiot, would you put your name in a lawsuit with a picture of you doing that? It does exactly what ED would want which is to make me a laughing stock. When you can tell me you would from my positiont, then i will listen to you.
Don't know how you were able to do that with such a small cock.

Autofellatio guy.
Hmm. Would I place an embarrassing picture in front of two lawyers and a judge, only to receive the success of said image that is tormenting my every waking moment being removed, including a large settlement due to mental anguish and free psychatric treatment just to run the their bills?

Are you legit autistic or what?
Yes, you jackass. I also find it hilarious that you think one guy would risk hundreds of thousands of dollars just to go "lololo trolled him. He won't go through with it!"
Noone else is as retarded as you, obviously.
I was told that since it was someone else that took the picture that it wasnt legally mine. Her releasing it under "educational" purposes shielded her. is this bullshit?
Have you heard the saga of the furry artist who wanted her name taken off there?
So now you admit you won't even research your own shit. Fucking wow.
>I heard
I READ infallible proof that you're a legitimate retard, of the homosexual variety.

I was going to legitimately assist you. Now I wish you the worst both now and in the future.

Last bit of advice, no. You didn't consent the release. More so, you were told that the pic was deleted, because you never consented to the picture being taken in the first place. It's a breach of privacy, it's revenge porn, its mental/psychological anguish.

TDLR; illegal, have removed, if don't then sue successfully - no questions asked.
you obviously know this is a bait thread, right?
Is the picture not the property of the one that takes it if the subject is agreeing to posing?
> educational

Wow man. You should be proud. You could teach other OPs how to do it. Or you could create a t-shirt with your famous picture, write "I am the one" underneath and sell it for $6.90.
better than tinder! plenty of horny whores of your city will fuck for free on
fuck off
say you didn't consent to the picture being taken. told her to delete it and she said she did then you found it online. boom, lawsuit. after a while you'll get over the embarrassment and not give a fuck, and you'll be rich as fuck. best case scenario they don't want to get sued and they'll take it down. better start now before we spread it all over the internet. then you're really fucked.
who said he agreed to pose?
"hey femanon, i trust you enough to show you something. check this out" *autofellatios*
"OMG anon! that's incredible" *takes pic*
"hey delete that, femanon!"
"okay, anon." *posts to ED*
It was during a spring break. do i need any evidence that i told her to erase it?
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just because
You gotta give urself the succ for the jury
What does that mean?
I will fucking kill myself if I have to deal with this for the rest of my life. I have emailed google and there is no response. Google is the fucking encyclopedia for any person that hears of a new word. I am not going to be that fucking word
It means wall 2 wall ball 2 jaw at court
atleast u get the succ

So whats ur yoga routine like?
What does that even mean?
You will have to put your wiener in your face again
link to article plz
Fuck off
>You gotta give urself the succ for the jury
There is no fucking article. it is a very short term picture that my bitch ex sent out. that is all. it is.

ere u go m8, op is the first to toot his skin flute
Hahahahaha oh anon you made me laugh

If you are legit OP, /b/ is the last place you should be coming for help of this nature. I can suck my own dick too - and all these little faggots are simply jealous, narcissistic little cunts who are completely disconnected from their empathy. They don't care.
Bro stop being a bitch slutty girls think that shit is hot. Who cares man the fuck up and own it
Then replace the ED picture with your picture. I never asked to be the fucking main visual of that word!
no way fag what am I queer like u homo?
i can suck my dick, but unlike you i dont
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Everyone save the pic before it's deleted ready for reupload
Here OP, we found another self-sucker foe your consolation. You can suck eachother so you don't feel lonely in this cold, cruel world.
You're right I Have tried being this stupid. And I still didn't post about it on b.
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To undo diccsucc u must video yourself tossing ur salad. Its the only way
those tits are needed
unleash the krakens
You should be proud
Wow I can't tell if you're low key trollibg or just plain retarded. We have tools your gay ass ten times what to do because there's no way to "delete "the image they have. Even if you could they probablt have multiple copies and could easily post it again
If i can't delete it, how do i make it much lower on the search results? I absolutely know i have fucked up. I dont want to be a grandfather and have people seeing that.
Pay google off to have it censored from search terms on their indexing? Good luck tho.,just an idea probably impossible
You make threads asking ppl to google self-peepee-mouth-man and to click other images than your self-peepee-mouth
hahaholyfuckrofl man in just waiting for this guy to kill himself and is hear about it on the news
what the fuck does this even mean?
can someone fill me in on what happened?
how did this faggot get his picture on ED?
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Hey OP, why don't you just grow some facial hair and get a haircut different from the picture. Then you can say, "That ain't me, that doesn't even look like me." Dye hair for bonus points
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>Op's ancestor
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Honestly you aren't going to remove it from the internet, so this isn't a bad idea
He sacked his own dick. The end.
whats with the picture of girls holding autofellatio guy's picture?
I cant gorw a beard and how the hell am i supposed to get a differernt haircut? I cant dye my hair cause of jobs. Deleting the pic is the only option.
he put his own weiner in his mouth n let the girl cucking him record it on ED
it can never be deleted now
i was not fucking cucked by her. she said she would have sex with me if i did it. I dont even know what that means
"how the hell am i supposed to get a differernt haircut?"
you really are autistic OP, i hope you en dup killing yourself
I'm sure you could bleach it or dye it a natural color no problem. Or shave your head. If you don't want to try and look different, then you will have to learn to accept your fate, cause that picture is only becoming more popular at this point.
Yes it f ucking can
why would she have sex with you when you just blew yourself? She doesn't need to do anything you can just do it all yourself
better than tinder! plenty of horny as fuck girls of your city on
This autist can't change his hairstyle. I don't believe this. This is bait.

Unless he is a marine, which makes the whole story really plausible.
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Hey OP
>According to the only known recording of the succ, there was a stunned silence in the arena, I assume similar to Lesnar's win over The Undertaker at WrestleMania30, then the crowd gets super-salty and so does OP's mouth.
You fucking idiiot, i said "TRYING". I didnt get to fuck her cause she said she had to go.
Hey OP, at least you're famous now. The Internet will never forget you !
you dont know 4chan then. it is gone before you know it
Because you fucking freaked her out trying to blow out your own candle. She cucked you bro, she's fucking some other dude who isnt such a fucking submissive shit that he sucked a dick when a girl asked him to.
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underrated as fuck post
Fuck off, it was late. and she was glad i got myself off. She had just been possibily dating the guy she ended up with.
That's definitely fascinating situation you're in. If you try to delete it from ED, they will just revert it, because all previous versions of articles and pictures are saved. Google will tell you to contact ED. If you contact them, they will make everybody know about you and then ask for proof it's you. And then tell everybody again. So even if they remove it after all, it's gonna be all over the Internet, because all other users will take care of that. ED will not silently cooperate, because it's ED. And I'm not aware of any other way to remove it.
Good luck.
Then you're cuck by definition. You define 2 interesting social phenomena.
>and she was glad i got myself off

>"OMG I cant believe this pervert is actually sucking his own dick. Does he think I'm going to fuck him after witnessing this shit? WTF is wrong with him? I'm getting a photo to put up on ED. Is he fucking cumming into his own mouth? What a fucking creep I can't believe he thinks this would turn me on."

Uh hey anon, I gotta go its late I have a pet hamster or something an-

>SLLLLLUUUURRRPPP Hey wait a minute baby we just got to the good part

>Yeah I'll just see my self out.
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holy shit i thought this thread was a joke but OP really cucked himself because he was told to IM DYING LAUGHING
>how's your cum taste?
you see i wouldn't know because i've never had a dick in my mouth
Kill yourself fucking degenerate
She told me to do it all the way you dumbass
fuck you I used a condom we practised safe sex
it'd be pretty neat if we could get "gawker but for people no one cares about" shut down for hosting 'revenge porn', lmao
Give us the link to the picture and we'll take it down
Even better before tit job and shitty neck tattoo
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Yeah her old pics are so hot I'd suck my own dick looking at them
Topkek plus asses, yay.
better than tinder! plenty of horny girls of your city would jerk you on
google and their fucking diversity mandate even in the weirdest fringe subject
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Wait so ops the one sucking his own dick
Q: Why does OP go by the nickname "Shotgun"?
A: Give him a cock and he'll Blow!
better than tinder! plenty of horny girls of youur city on
You don't have to give him a cock dumbass, he's got his own.
One time, before sucking my own dick, I cut out a picture of a girl I had a crush on. Then I pushed my cock through the back of her photo, with my cock coming out of her mouth. Next, I sucked my own cock off while kissing her photo, pretending that she was blowing me while we were making out. From this moment forward, I have considered myself a meta-sexual. Ever do anything this awesome before?
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Hey dickheads, this is zaiger, user:zaiger, [email protected], I own ED. If you want something deleted just ask. It has ALWAYS been that way, stop being such drama whores.
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Then fucking erase my picture! I dont own the rights but it obviously is meant to make fun of me!
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OP the self sausauge sucker.jpg
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OP and his roomate
what picture? link or email it to me
seriously. fucking erase the main autofellatio picture. i was worried that messaging would make it worse. I dont own the rights to the picture (i actually am not sure) but i cant be the subject where anyone in the world googles one word and they see me.
So ask me instead of posting on a totally different site i never go ti
Can someone catch me up to speed here? Wtf is OP talking about?
i have no clue how to message you
they want me to delete something but they dont tell me what
Sure I'll just need you to electronically sign your legal name after your request and I'll take it down
I just posted it, tell me here or email [email protected]
> op be gay faggot who sucked his dick to get seks
> gf took pic and now its first image when you search autofellatio in google lmao
Are you from Nantucket, perchance?
He just wants your email to sell to third parties don't do it
how tf did this shit start?
take down the main picture on here:
Lulz yet sad LOL
Breathing's not difficult in every day life. But trying to jam your own cock in your mouth can make breathing difficult.
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I'm telling you right no own ED. All you have to do is email [email protected] and ask for something to be deleted and I have no problem doing it
Eyo OP you had your dick sucked by a girl and realized that she isn't as good at sucking your dick as you are
jesus christ are you really this retarded?
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I just want to have sex with women, so sucking my own cock every once in a while isn't that big of a deal.
Sorry typo its fucking 7am: I'm telling you right now I own ED. All you have to do is email [email protected] and ask for something to be deleted and I have no problem doing it
You're always going to have a dick in your mouth if you're sucking your own dick.
Will trade nudes of this chick

Kik: claymantm
are you serious
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Also you can DM @EDdotSE on twitter and get then same result. We delete shit on request.
Confirmed bait.
Op just electronically sign your legal name here and I'll take it down pursuant to 17 usc section 512
Oh god, the smell after a hot, sweaty day doing yardwork. Come home, make some iced tea, think you'll enjoy a bit of sucking your own knob for a bit. But no, the oils and dead skin have fermented a cheese so strong, so pungent you can't bear the smell. Yet, you can't resist. You bury your nose in the scrotum, sniffing intensely, until the combination of deepthroat and dick cheese causes you to vomit. Not only that, but the contraction of your stomach muscles only pushes your cock further down your throat, and you vomit until there's nothing left. Then mom walks in.
100% serious
True owner of ED here, do not believe this troll. We are staunch supporters of the 1st amendment and will not be taking your pic down.

As a matter of fact, I am putting it on our homepage for the next month. Next time you want to get your dick wet, put it in her mouth instead of yours son.
You are such pains in my ass.
I dont believe him but obviously you are full of shit. I have never fucking seen any naked pictures on the front page.
No actually im the real owner. I belive it should stay because it is a nice picture. It is a nice picture that belongs to ME
and you are such a dick in my mouth
Fuck you you re a liar show me the SQL then
You have hacked my site. Prepare for legal action.
Op again just electronically sign your name, don't listen to this hacking troll
Wow.... such proof... idiot

no way
you cant spell but can suck your own dick nice op
nah, im in #ed @ and that's really the owner of the website offering to take the picture down if op files a complaint.
>show me the SQL


My full name is Myke Wieble just fucking do it
How did you start up your online business?
Was it self-made or did you hire someone else to create the website?
Isn't that site just a shitty version of urban dictionary?
Just fucking email [email protected] and tell me what u want deleted, I am not arguing with a bunch of 4chan troll faggots pretending to be me
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Fine, SQL attached.
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Can someone confirm this?
If you really were the owner, you should be less vocal. Your site is shit mate
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turn off lights.gif
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holy shit guys is anyone compiling this thread? is this actually real life its 3AM and this dude is trying to take a picture of him sucking his own dick off the internet MY FUCKING SIDES
looks like him if you imagine a dick in his mouth
Nigger girlvynal started ED lurk more
Look, the main picture in autofellatio is the pic that needs deleted.
are you really you though? am i really me?
I already proved it was me faggot
Op don't believe this degenerate
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is it?
picture his dick in his mouth and seems legit
Myke Wieble autofelatio guy confirmed
pretty sure autofellatio guy is named mark
hey bud so here's the thing, 4chan PROBABLY isn't the place to talk about this how did people even know it was you i haven't read the whole thread yet
well google the ozarks basketball team numbers find out some info facebook etc, compare and contrast to the photo above =
Kek you're another level of stupid
He fucking told us
I fucking came here trusting you people and now my life is ruined what the fuck I'm never sucking my dick again
im trying to help someone delete an image, the amount i care about what u think about my site is immeasurable.
facebook com/michael.weible
Not the guy
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH i just read that shit up top 10/10 i hope its not just the 2 girls trolling but either way im having a hearty chuckle
You goddamn nigger. What the fuck is your site even?
that page is down? did he just delete his FB?
There is one thing you can delete, yourself you cunt
this is 100% true. When she tried to kill ED I revived it and took it over along with ryan and E. If it wasn't for us ED would be oh fucking Internet right now
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Maybe that's the only one showing up when I search for him
I fucking deleted it you faggots just jelous you cant suck my dick
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Love this thread
yeah she through a bitch fit and tried to just delete everything didn't she?
If it suddenly just disappears then he just confirmed it for us
Why would you ever think taking a picture of that would be a good idea
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here faggot OP follow the instructions in this gif.
Fucking great had me crying, well done
Am I gay when the first thing I think is "Wow what a nice cock"
I havent removed anything yet
whats goin on? someone has link?

yes she wasn't very happy but unfortunately she was stupid and didnt know how to protect her intelectual property
If she gave herself oral though, that'd be different.

Christ OP, how do you not understand this: don't bring it up. Forget it's there and it'll go away. You live in an age where people get bored with news stuff in about a week, much less stupid shit that people do.

You'll look back on it in a year or so and laugh. Quit panicking.
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You can suck your own dick. Your life was never normal.
yu havent even told me what to delete sperg
OP is bait mother fuckers. OP isn't like us he wants to live a normal life and try but fail at the american dream fuck off OP but btw that chick is cute as fuck
>calls ppl loners in basements
>sucks his own cock and post pictures online
You know you are a gay jew and deserve worse, don't you?
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a few time yes, i met one girl on internet and when we seen each other for the first time in the cinema, she was fat and smelled like pee, i just ignored her.

the other time was a petite chick from high school, i took her home, we played some guitar hero and some shit and then we fucked, she had no ass and no tits, i felt like i fucked a 12yo anorexic girl, mid-fuck i couldn't go on so i pulled out and went to sleep, the next morning i told her to leave and never heard of her again

its been 5years that i didnt had sex, help.
Just FYI anyone can get anything deleted from ED if you jusst ask. It is pretty easy to DM @EDdotSE on twitter or email us,
Dude, sauce plz on the girl
yes, i have said that 10 times, you now how to get hod of me if you can read this thread

They probably never looked at him right anyway. Plus, it's worth remembering this: the reason a dog licks it's own balls is because it can. If OP can do it too, let him.

Who really gives a shit?

That said, the only people who care now are the ones seeing OP flip out about something half the guys on /b/ have either tried before but failed to do, or have thought about trying.

MassageCreep - Amia Miley - Amia's Tight Massage Creep
is your brother Sue Basko?
>Guy sucks own dick for blow job from girl
>Girl takes pic
>Guy doesn't get blow job from girl only from self
>Confirmed gay
>Wants all proof taken down
>OP becomes poster boy os self fellatio
What the fuck you saying nigger
It's pretty impressive, but good luck convincing society
Fuck all of you I hope you get caught jerking off to gay porn or something you faggots
considering this site is like 18 years old i don't think that will be a problem. you won't be the first person to try and take it down.
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go fuck yourself lazy shit
I am now going to google autofellatio
Thanks for not being a total fag /b/ro
hahahahah OP wtf is wrong with you. hahahaha you can suck your own dick. Now you can continue to live alone and be a disgrace to you're family well done sir. This is the internet it will never be taken down
bet the first result is ED
STFU before you end up like OP with your own dick in your mouth faggot
>go fuck yourself
But thats what got OP into this mess in the first place!
Have fun at church, cocksmoker.
lol I was totally wrong, guess we need to work harder on that

We live in an age where people are encouraged to come up with a new name for their identity and the dress like a clown, are you kidding? OP would probably get a parade.

The last gay thing I looked at had something to do with auto-fellatio
The thing is I won't. Because I'm not a degenerate. Unlike you. Faggot.
im foncused are you guys like in the thread right now wrecking this cuck's life?
Ooh, internet tough guy. Tough enough to threaten someone on the web, too lazy to even skim a thread. Go fuck yourself and try to be famous like OP you self-suck slut
good to know 4chan is still fill of the same brand f asshole as before moot sold out
What is cuck??

OP's just freaking out and it keeps escalating. Nobody is really doing anything.
99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% chance that no one in real life will know you are the dude in the picture on ED who was sucking his own dick

but now that you've made such a big deal about it and garnered so much attention everyone you ever meet will know
you when i bang ur gf
I could say the same for you smart ass. Eat a dick fag boy
I am fucked and yes i am worried about it spreading.
You sent it to my fucking mom and dad! fuck you
Why would 4chan change because moot left?
>ED is known to be fucking trolls. If I message them it will only make them do worse.

because posting your cries for help here will only make it better
Cared enough to answer. So easily measurable to me ;)

Encyclopedia dramatica is a virus and popup filled site anyway, no one will take it seriously anyway.

Being in the Google results, that's another story. Why would you take that picture and upload it anyway?
So a cuck is a guy who got cheated on??
The Shillary Cunton supporters and trap lovers had us worried
Girl in OP pic, looks like megan fox anyone agree??
lol, can't even come up with his own insults. Just goes with the glorified "I'm rubber, you're glue" response.

This is why I love talking to people like you: like hitting retards on a highway, so easy
This thread sent my sides into orbit
ever heard of adblock?
yes a cuckold is a guy who lets other dudes bang his gf
Fuck ED. I agree.

I took the pic cause I was trying to get laid. the girl wanted to see me do my party trick. I went all the way with it. I knew girls would not spreadi it.
ONK, ONK, ONK not sure what you gained or how you feel any better no one is triggered soooooooooooo........ yeah.....
Someone archive/cap this thread to immortalize ops stupidity and reckless faggotry
I am more worried about how 4chan will continue i heard we are having money problems
ED is like #1 on google for like every article they have, if you don't like it it is 100% due to buttdevistation.
OP is bait as fuck does anyone actually believe this shit
Anybody gonna post proof there sending stuff to him, I can't find him anywhere
How you do you teake down an ED picture?
4chan will never die because of money, it'll be sold to the highest bidder until we reach a sjw admin, then it'll die and be reincarnated as Tumblr 2.0
>>708102010 say as you obviously rage onto the keyboard.
If that is rage to you......... no point in continuing this.... forget it kek
Whoever did start this, because I just can't believe that OP is really the kid in question, you are doing anons work.

This shit is hilarious and his dumb ass deserves to be remembered. Thank you faceless hero
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Aaaaand rage quit. The cycle is complete
Well I read something about a thread that was posted "Winter is coming" Current owner having problems keeping up with cost and then Martin Shkreli request to join "Board Of Directors"
Im dropping out fuck you all
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