Check this shit out, a chinese dude puts crabs, snaeks, rats, scorpions, ants, cockroaches etc. to fight eachother.
Fucking gladiator shit
Fuckin white rat was bleeding out in one of em
Bump, i know you love this shit
> 2 rats vs. 1 crab
> this kills the crab
oh shit, i didnt think someone would post a thread
how do i get chat off the screen
green swtich on screen
You go and fuck your mother
regards from ylilauta :D we got better thread with 8000+ replies
Pls, most of it is shitpost and asking hoe to get comments off
vitun rotat saatana
ebin :DDD
delete system32
veeti nukkumaan
Guys, how do I get the messages out of the screen?
install ask toolbar
how i get thath texts off screen??
read the 17 fucking replies in the thread faggot
not gonna say it again
pres green buttoun on pleier
doesn't work
where i can found that switch??
no bullyings läts be frends
sucks to be you then, enjoy the chat
on the video
hou ai kan ket teskt of te skreeen ?
i can not foundt it
can't find
lurk moar faggot
/b/ is dead
the chat is blocking the stream how do i turn it off?
fucking shit texts
i want remove them
Fuck you
the chat text is fucking awesome
where is it?
i can't understant them
I lol'd like shit at "" I'm clearly way too drunk for this shit SELECT ALL IMAGES WITH FLIE LICE
are you retarded?
i like yo styru
awsome. i get them text off
did i miss it?
battle goes on
not much going on
That white rat using the carpet thing to cover the scorpion... I've never seen them use the eenvironment like that
i have good internet but the damn thing keeps buffering. fuck this chinky website.
why doesn't the scorp just rush them and sting it
right click on the video and select "4"
usually works for everyone
The aryan master race rat is learning to be the greatest gladiator of all time
Thanks, Anon. It worked.
and the spotted one ain't doing shit
Yea they're pretty smart. The white one is a damn beast that does most of the work while the beta cuck rat just sits in the corner shitting himself
i have a feeling the brown one is a female and thats why the (presumably) the male is fighting
spotted rat=beta
white rat=aryan
these are their names now
Aryan is fucking skurwysyn to the fucking max
RIP scorpion
rip scorpion
rats win scrop dead as shit
this white rat is fucking beast lmao
is there 4.5 mil watchers on this shit or only 32 k?
whos next?
"only" 32k
no i just some times ned help and my that s why my care taker visit me but she won not be her befor monday
vittu ebin :DDD
i think 28k
the 32k could be subs. idk i dont read runes
well yeah 4.5 mil and 32k are a big gap but this shit is still cool
Jesus, they ate the bastard already.
They dismembered that fucking non-mammalian scumfuck
that scorp is still alive
The word after 4.5 translates to 'height'
Also this shit boring, scorpion has been ded for some time now
>some russian or chinese website
>not just linking to AMERICAN youtube.
Fuck off commie shill.
You probably linked some chink annimay shit too. KYS.
things still alive man it keeps twitching and trying to go for the throat or just take a piss and come back
get a better internet you poor nigger
人 = ren = people
Other thread got deleted.
YouTube is shit
fucking kill yourself
You won't see any of this kind of unique shit in YouTube you faggot
normiess the cancer of IB
>beta cuck rat
how the fuck is that thing alive, it's half eaten by the rats and there's body parts all over the place
not anymore damn
How do I make an account??
well i just checked back in and saw like half a body
Is this 24/7? how much is it up?
thanks for sharing by the way
savage. brtfgt
>You won't see shitty Chinese videos on american websites.
I don't want to watch two chinese dudes making out or a baby being run over or even any of those chinese cartoons.
Links to an AMERICAN website or deport yourself to China since you seem to love it so fucking much.
what of rat is that????¡
Mammals won't fight other mammals. It's a bro-type of alliance.
Put one of these in!
You're an idiot.
did squirrel just flip shit and try fighting then puseed out
faggot tryin to hide lul. We need a name.
>brown rat wont fight scorpion but bites harmless treedog
wow really made me think
you remind me of a faggot named eric. get cucked m8
oh shit nigger what are they doing
Chink is abusing KKK rat. Wtf?
aryan vs stripey nigger
now kkk gona lose cuz no waifu to defend
one of them needs to be named rato
tree dog is free
LOL did that chipmunk escape?!
Pissing the fucker off so he'll get into fight mode
It's still hiding under the yellow thing
Yeah, he was trying to catch the rat when the chipmunk bolted from under the mat.
they changed it into an africa box
You behind, mang
Should have a battle royale with 10 starving rats all released into on little cage
tree dog has been caught
water is now very effective
not a tree rat ;~; they're so cute pls nu
What are they doing with KKKbro?
No where to hide now fucking chipmunk
anything goes in this town
he won last fight, he can rest for a day, idk.
Look, Its Princess Fluffybutt for next fight!
I love animals, but I can't stop watching
he is going to be kill because he challenges Asian mans powerlevel
Is the hamster going to fight Alvin?
treedog has battle damage tho D:
I whant that overkill KKK-Rat back. It would kill everything.
THAT KKK rat is something
same man this shit is intense
Chipmunks are the niggers of the rodent world
Oh my god the size of that cockroach
i think this has hit reddit these are all time high views. i can wait too get cucked
Chat with us, we're watching it too.
It's not that big.
wait wat did it end
This is unfair man, how could a beetle win against a mouse
rat vs ottoman
Oh we're zoomed, fuck I thought it was a monster. Fuck that.
He's just feeding.
He should dress them up in little bathing suits and cover them in lube.
Dunno and say thanks to ylilauta, a finnish imageboard.
I was watching yesterday on mobile but doesn't work anymore
I made it to the scorpion vs rats.... what other fights have there been?
the stream has been going on for days, propably not going to end any time soon
Kek at 'muricunts
omg thanks for sharing op this is kekkolous
people are so fucking stupid, gald warz when
Rats vs. Chipmunk (no fight, chipmunk managed to hide until end of battle)
Mouse vs. Cockroach (no battle, because what the fuck can a cockroach do to a mouse)
Chipmunk is now alone in a cage, so he will probably get in to the next fight
nuke japan again
some people are spamming animal abuse in the chat
>spamming animal abuse will stop this
sneks are cute. CUTE!
I was one of them
how do you make an account i dont know chingchong
I only feel bad for the cute treerats
that human skull
Genuinely feel bad
Doubt it, but you won't ruin it for the rest of us.
is everyones streams being weird mine keeps cutting out
they care for the animals
You need to take all but your firstborns out onto a remote hillside and leave them there then they'll send u a password
Git out fag
Kawaii snake petting.
log in with twitter or facebook, the only way tbh
Is it on reddit? There is 8k+ posts on a finnish image board about this from yesterday
oh fuck
fuck animals man
is this like an animal showcase?
that one giant fucking ant
what the fuck man
Solid Snek vs Lizard Wizard would be so nice
then you can commit sudoku moralfag
>China currently has no animal-welfare laws.[1][2][3]
Do anyone know why Jackie chan have so many animal?
Ants Vs Lizard??
Chinks gotta eat, too
wait how long does a pig live with without a head?
ant vs beetle
what are those ants fighting?
3 days
maggot looking thing can't see it anymore
what's in the box bois
THIS IS ANIMAL CRUELTY! I can't believe people enjoy watching such a thing, you people disgust me! I have reported this page to the police!
already done taht
it's a chinese site you know that right?
I heard its aparently not ilegal in china
But anyway random insects vs doesn't sound that bad, its the usual nature life they live
has how to join anonymous dank memes and how to take a screenshot open in other tabs
>had to make a big ass screenshot to put all his shitty retarded memes in it.
Madame president Hillary Rodham Clinton !
That picture with tabs was not worth it kys
cute hamsters i hope kkk rat joins in
as far as my very acute googling reddit dosnt know liml to finnish board?
why is he feeding he hamsters?
pls teemo no rip
Anyone know what the box with the liquid was ontop with the ants
>how to unrape sister
whats that chrome theme?
you are on it bro you just dont know it yet
cmon you chink mother fucker. This is just fucking sad at this pint. Poor animals :( Would love to meet you in a back street alley. :)
Chink's cumbox
pepes back!
that theme. kill urself.
think ants might get poured on pepe
>Having fantasies about sucking random chink's dick in some back street alley
Faggot chink detected
I don't know what it's called, if you know where to find name of current theme I'll check for you, pic is what main screen looks like
oh shit
Found the newfag
this might get messed up and fun been boring for a bit now
this dumb chink isnt doing shit you autists
Yea, anything wrong being gay? You sick fuck its 2016 get your head out of your arse.
the rat vs scorpion was really boring
Not anymore he's not. Something needs to happen soon or I'm out.
MFW actually white and blue-eyes, I am a faggot tho
haha nice meme :^)
I upboated this post
I found it, thank you.
It looks awesome
It may be ok in Faggotland, but NOT IN MY AMERICA!!!
NP bro, enjoy it
they need to drop a rat in that ant thing
Does the chink understand that these are living animals who can feel pain just as us humans? Think he needs to re-wire is brain and so goes for all of you who enjoy this. Sick fucks.
Holy fuck.
>Dead warrior carcasses are fed to thousands of ants.
>ants home is completely littered with various dead animal parts. Baby turtle shells, scorpion carapaces ect.
This guy's been doing this for a long time, he's got a fucking system going.
>I am a faggot tho
How can you be so man? Is your parents knowing you are gay?
hes not a dumb ass he knows they feel pain he just dosnt care
Shut up, newfag.
Stfu Ill fucking smash your skull open m8
Yea, all my family/ close friends know, just my school and stuff doesn't know, but I'm open, just that at school noone ever asks, but gonna sleep now, getting late and having friends over tomorrow
Is this faggot just doing ant reruns again, or are we about to see something interesting?
Ok man sleep well, i'm not a faggot myself but i have nothing against gays as long as they don't touch me.
Oh we have a tough guy here huh....... *unsheathes my twin katanas* Well, let's see how tough you really are! *jumps into the air* TAAAAKE THIIIIIIIIIIIIS *spins around and slashes your face open* Not so tough now, huh????? *grabs you and throws you up* It's time to finish this little charade *holds my katanas above my head* YOU ARE FINIIIIISHEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps upwards so that you get impaled on my swords* Heh.... easy.....
I'd say half of us don't enjoy it, it's fucked. but now that we've found it we can't look away.
wtf, that was the most autistic thing I've ever read
Inside his house he is god, he is The Architect.
>When was the last time any of you faggots had this amount of power?
It's Pasta
>on 4chan
are u sure?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
bitch good luck i'm behind 7 proxies
It's ants.
>*uzips pants*
>*Hear u moaning for my cock"
>Put cock in your ass
>Insta ejaculates in your face
>Spreads ur ass cheeks with ur katanas
>Pours scalding water down your ass while jizz dripping of your face
>Well anon, its been a good ride.
Guess I win after all.
i has aspergers and im on 4chan
Why is the chink so autistic for ants? Are we going to see anything good tonight or is it just this shit for another three hours straight?
Holy shit hahaha
rat vs ants
ants got memed on NEXT CONTESTANT
I wonder how he funds all of this, maybe betting on them??
More like rat eats a grub and has a short, uninteresting interaction with an ant or two.
I thought slants were supposed to be good at generating entertaining content. They've been doing it for years and they're practically bred for it at this point.
so his is what the other side looks like
they fear the white death
host is sleeping rn i think
Then who moved the cage?
It's a re-run.
People in chat are saying it's a replay
wasn't that hamster killed by ants and scorpions earlier today?
KKK and his waifu are back!
no it escaped while fight scorpion
Why is this shit telling me to download the gook app
It let me watch before
Replay apprently
I didn't see that one.
Same and can't be bothered to go to pc
sorry actually what happened was they stopped fighting each other
then he put in spider and then he escaped
pepe vs kkk and digger
pepe no ;_;
KKK and beta vs Pepe? woow
beta got his leg!
why is KKK fighting the alt-right?
Fucking retarded mang toad has no teeth or claws the fuck is it going to fight?
they aren't fucking fighting at all
Dicks out for Pepe.
We've gone into black and white mode. The rats have officially drawn blood.
I feel so bad for the frog actually
I am secretly rooting for the frog.
It's a fucking TOAD