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rekt thread bois

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 289
Thread images: 71
File: 4PEZuvg.gif (2 MB, 400x267) Image search: [Google]
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rekt thread bois
Ai santo cielo! Perche?!
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k we have this, now we need the other faggot that posts the ISIS shit.
>Kid gets his neck run over
>still gets up
>bitch only breaks her hips a liittle
>stays dead
File: disco inferno.webm (2 MB, 638x360) Image search: [Google]
disco inferno.webm
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May I ask you how he even catches on fire?
File: Chinese Space Program.webm (2 MB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
Chinese Space Program.webm
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He poured some kind of flammable liquid on him as he comes into the shot then lights a lighter.
I've seen it a lot. I like how he gets up and you can actually see his face like "oh shit I fucked up".
Why does /gif/ have much better ylyl and rekt threads? Come on /b/ get your shit together.
So why? It doesn't seem like a suicidal attempt.
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Please explain how that kid still got up after that..
Did he survive?
His heck got runned over and legs how is he up
I dont know the story behind this webm but I would guess he was some kind of public official and got caught doing something wrong and he couldnt take the scrutiny any more and did this in an attempt to atone. But that is just my guess. *shrug*
What happened here
nerve gas
Op here. I think he died later, his brain was soup.

Not nerve gas.
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blyat why?????
the hell is wrong with some communities. So many people just standing there
chinese with a cowboy hat
the funny thing is, its always black tribes doing that shit. there is NO white country which would allow such shit
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fuck you
Kids are elastic, notice how elastic band get stiff and break over years of use? Yeah, that bitch was a used elastic band, only had one plowing left in her.
Too much.
fuck youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!

actually i did that. Nice to see it being reused! :)
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What about the nigger who decapitated his mother?
havent seen that one somone post it
Saved for future reference.
Dat filename.

> this hurts a little more than expected
> abort mission!
>giving the attention whore what she wants

Definitely nerve gas tho
I love this every time. That kid is gonna grow up to be spec ops. Holy fuck.
Is the watermark a meme now?
Mario jumping out the tube
Thats not true. It depends what the person is accused of, and it doesnt even matter if theyre guilty or not. If i said that man was accused of raping multiple children, everyone would just enjoy the show.
How the hell did that guy in the suit catch on fire?!

i think he had 2nd thoughts once it started
That vest did fuck all......
I can't tell what's happening here.
Would you want that crowd to turn on you?
fuck you
he did something fucked up like steal or being gay. he looks like a faggot so.. ill go witht that.
Smooth landing.
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>dat crunching at the end
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fuck your external links
face blown off by a tank shell

The kid died a week later of eternal bleeding.
clever cunt
and the driver had a couple drinks too many out of regret and desperation, stumbled out to pee and fell into an alligator pond.
[needs citation]

>Young people are more resilient than older people.

Whoa. It's like you've tapped into something that no one has ever voiced.
Well, that depends, in the cases of disease, older people can be more resilient, due to autoimmunity
this is why you don't fuck with an APC while not behind solid cover
How uneducated are you lot on here?
Clearly it was a protest for some reason or another.
Buddhist monks protested last century by setting themselves on fire,
Judging by his ethnicity, I should imagine it was a similar protest.
Nah dude. Your mom smokes hardy black cocks.

Insert "generally."

Don't be a faggot, feggit.
You're right.
Nigger mentality.
Loads of evidence of it.
Just think of the black mob violence in the US
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but wouldn't I be even more of a faggot, if I inserted generally?
He doesnt look very monkish does he. I imagine the other guy is right and you are wrong. The 2 men behind him were protesting against him. See the cards they were holding up, 'indict him' or words to that effect. It was a press conferance for a public official. Only public officials and P.I.'s wear those hats
Same anon. It was a mongolian union leader protesting the sale of mongol coal industry to the chinese.
How the fuck does that kid get up after that squishing, that almost looks fake it's so unbelievable
>protesting the sale of mongol coal industry to the chinese
At least he was burning for his passion
You can see him with the bottle of liquid in the very beginning, then the lighter in his right hand.

Some sort of protest? Although I have never understood the bit about setting yourself on fire to protest something.
Truly a savage race, Jesus
We might be underestimating the technical marvel that is shock absorbers
Its worth it

LMAO, unlucky!
Shock value. Lets convince BLM to start doing it
No he isn't, he died of internal injuries later on
Fake and gay. Gets lots of comments though, I've seen this in at least five threads and you fags seem to love it every time.
Back history
When has that ever happened in the civilised West
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chakrarnie 1 copy.png
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pete steele n manson.jpg
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eat sh*t f*cker.
dune coon btfo, one less
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What a fucking attention whore

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shock absorbers don't affect corner weight
the woman hit the back of her head pretty far when the car pushed her down. The kid probably had adrenaline/shock and couldn;t feel pain temporarily. I bet he keeled over in pain and laid down after this.
From the thumbnail I thought this was GTA footage
I've never been baited so hard in my life jesus christ
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well that escalated precipitously, didn't it
That's what he gets for not wearing a helmet
Love how his only thought is checking on Mom.
Did he think it would tingle?
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kek this one got me
There's two more trucks coming down the hill, and the first one's starting to jackknife.
indeed like minded anon
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Hold up that guy on the right shot him as he was falling backwards? That's fucking sick
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Bring this thread back niggers
They shot back really quick - and accurate! The guy coming in the door seemed like he missed all the shots.
So the guy coming in was a cop?
Fuck the world
Yeah rekt the cunt aye :)
Thank fuck too, that kid is lucky af
kid died from eternal bleeding i heard
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What other shit you guys want ? ISIS or fights ?
Good eye!
the fact that the kid didn't get hit at all is impressive. I thought the guy was gonna pop him with his death rattle.
File: Fucking_Niggers.webm (2 MB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
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This got me so fucking badly
oh boy that sure hurts. :(
File: White_Shirt_Disagreement.webm (178 KB, 400x300) Image search: [Google]
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dis nigga got balls to handle that without crying like a bitch
Pls continue based anon
religion, retarded health and minimal hygiene improvement reasons.
>eternal bleeding

does he keep bleeding after died?
dumb bitch wasn't even wearing any pants
what a horrible mother.
this all seems very very faek tho tbh
File: Chav_done.webm (2 MB, 640x436) Image search: [Google]
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it's not fake
File: Bus_Passengers.webm (509 KB, 720x590) Image search: [Google]
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its called a dress you muslim.
just chekd, its legit. motorcycle nigger has his skull crushed by an 18-wheeler and it does in fact make a sick crunching sound.
No it's just because she's a woman and knows she can milk it.
fucking subhumans cant even drag the guy out from under the truck so he doesnt get crushed.
What's a pass user?
Jesus Christ that was some high quality bait
I know which one this is but I will never not click it.
haha brilliant, fucking show off!

I broke my arm in 2 places and it was bent like a spaghetti noodle. Didn't hurt at all. But an hour later waiting for medical attention in the hospital waiting room it was some of the worst pain I've felt in my life.
im saving this holy shit
i have seen many rekt and this one really got me
Was that actually a circumcision or some kind of punishment for something?
Why are they Smurfs?
not a clue, some bastard got his skull caved in my sand niggers.
that guy holding his dick must be gay. thats how it works rite?
What was this Mexican dude doing with ISIS?
bc anonymity
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>eternal bleeding
filename op
ISIS killed some guy because he didn't live his life according to their ancient book of fairy tales.
hes the human torch
that was a weak ass punch
looks incredibly fake. what do they mean when they edit the head smash?
everythings fucked in this vid
>not naming this 'when the bass drops'
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holy shit fake as fuck
hes batman
File: chocolate_milk_meets_drain.webm (2 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 854x480
Deal with it, faggots.
But black lives matter!
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Something similar happend in Peru. Basically is this in a bigger scale.
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Wtf XD
Im glad someone noticed that to
want to really rage, the ape nigger got off because the responding cop said something racist to the subhuman shitstain
Are you saying smurfs all look the same, thats just rascist
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fake and gay
he wasn't even a nigger, you really expect me to believe that shit?
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I thought I was having a stroke.
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rip in peas
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shes gotta start having the dinner on the table by 6
honestly fuck off m8. I am tired of people triggering my OCD

That's actually kinda depressing.
He'd still kick your ass
Lov u mom
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He's slavic, that's a white nigger
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dick drill.webm
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how in the hell is it still alive?
gay ass dog
Ugh, you can even see some excess skin hanging off the thumb. It's slightly in the dark, so some of you, who are not as used to gore as me, might not notice.
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walks off like a goddamn champ
File: liquid ass.webm (1 MB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
liquid ass.webm
1 MB, 480x270

You know I actually can't remember what most of these actually are, just going off the filenames
Dear God, don't ever let me become that desperate for big cums. I'm already wondering how much better it feels compared to regular fapping.
it's small brain is still ok
He dieded
You jelly poorfag?
White milk is better anyway. Seems to be the general order of things around here.
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1 MB, 1138x640
post link fag
File: m-muh patriarchy.webm (1 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
m-muh patriarchy.webm
1 MB, 720x404
looks fakw to me
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fuck you
fucking niggers
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You ignorant fuck.
when you go to the well one too many times, the well is going to one day punch a bitch
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That black guy in the background
wtf, this was so hard for my tastes
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Tried to save that webm. But I can't watch it on my cellphone, anyone knows why?
Can't kick your ass if he can't reach it.
Mace is a nice guy
you need a new brain
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Sh-should I laugh, or be inspired?
are people really this fucking retarded
Holy fuck I can't read, I just assumed it was a watermark
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1 MB, 620x242
dude is a mongolian coal miners union leader protesting some deal with china
Wtf Britney, not again!
For what part of the illusion do you need a guy air humping you? Or doesn't he know he's being filmed?
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uhg, getting sucked off by a dog.

some weird ass bestiality in a wreck thread
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Horse's foot without hoof
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I don't see how this is inspiring. It's not like anybody can seriously think he is achieving anything in martial arts. It's just a bunch of people virtue signaling and clapping for him so that they feel better about themselves.

He is too disabled to do martial arts, period. Nothing mean about saying that, it's just the truth.
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That actually looks fucking disgusting.
Look at the blood blubbering out fag, shit doesn't work like that
It's cool
I prefer regular milk
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talk shit get hit.webm
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Damn son to happened
Fights brother
yes, actually it does.
actually well done anon, fuck you but well done.
The black belt isn't a fixed standard for people to reach, it is in proportion to their ability. Everyone has their own black belt to achieve. That guy, I think, has reached his own black belt; he has reached as good as he's going to get.
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beast mode.....
nope dumbfag

children have softer more flexible bones than adults. that's why you can shake babies but it does nigger their brains
Fuck off nigger
Well I'm a med student and I'm telling you it doesn't
That degenerate Chinese fucker, Son To?
Kid riped,
Womyan lived.
You crack a lot of skulls in med school these days?
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Wait.... wait wait wait WHAT?
Did he survive a car to the neck? that ;ittle kid?
is this fake or some shit? is he superman? How the hell did his mother die if she only had her legs ran over?
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fucking devastated
File: nig sucker punch.webm (1 MB, 360x640) Image search: [Google]
nig sucker punch.webm
1 MB, 360x640
I'm too dumb to get a PhD in quantum mechanics. But by that sort of logic I should have a PhD in quantum mechanics because I understand as much about it as I will ever understand.

That is a shitty system of logic to apply to life. Awarding gold stars to everybody just makes the world a shitty place.
Thread replies: 289
Thread images: 71

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