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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>707704331 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 142
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Kyouko (6).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Suika claim
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>>707709865 (CC)
Doxing is always an option

>>707709873 (Gore)
Often times they request too much. Like this one time she asked me to come over, weather was fucking hot but she told me to come anyways.

>>707709910 (Konata)
I'm not so sure I'm ready to put my dick in an STD bath. Also, we're pretty close.
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Syndra [306].jpg
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C.C.(best one I have).jpg
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Daily reminder: The old C.C. is dead. I asked Galil to assassinate the fucker. Now I am in his place. If anyone has a problem, please stop having a problem because you are hurting me.
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They are pretty pieces of hardware. I've fooled around mostly with VSTs, Nexus and Massive but I'm not really talented or acknowledged on this.
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face 5.jpg
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I miss the old waifus like sarah and hand

now we just got newfags that steal other old waifus
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Beep boop

You put on your hat before your clothes?
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help me.png
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that's a lot of chicken nuggets
I paid an escort to watch madoka with me once,
didn't lead to any sexual stuff though, I didn't want that.
I just wanted someone to watch madoka with.
Not to sound pretentious, but knowing what you're doing to the sound to tranform it and why it sounds the way is does makes it easier. If only I had any creative ability.

I'll stick to being a mindless sound engineer drone. Beep boop.
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you shouldnt shun the newfags though. this autism train is going full speed.

these threads used to be much more cut-throat.

now that we have rules and regulars, we should welcome every autist that walks through theses doors.
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Syndra [166].jpg
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You dont?
i just clicked a random image hope its a good claim
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*gets hurt* Not hard enough. I don't see a problem with me being here. People say I am better than the old C.C.
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You have a rabbit account or something? You can join us while watching some random anime.

>on 4chan
Choose one.
I don't wear a hat.

it doesnt really matter.
im just saying people are already nicer theses days.
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How is that pretentious? It makes perfect sense and although pushing random buttons and knobs can work it can be tedious when you have a sound in mind but no idea how to reproduce it.

>If only I had any creative ability.
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she looks dangerous where is this from ?
you got a chat?
can you link plz?
Obviously you have no clue.

Back during the rise of image macros people were much nicer within the community and more hostile to people outside of it. Doesn't mean it was a hugbox, more a teamwork style thing.

4chan is full of the selfish now.
depends on where you lurked. my experience was different. not wrong.
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Syndra [196].jpg
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>not wearing a hat
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we must bully! >:D
here's a tip: i like you
I watched anime with sachi and some other dinguses there so yes
>we should welcome every autist that walks through theses doors.
No we shouldn't
>already asking for off thread communication
well fuck you too then bro.
im just tryin to socialize.
Have fun downloading thousands of miku pics, I need to wank and go to sleep.
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Oh thanks (◠‿◠)
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Maybe sometime soon.
>trust me you really don't wanna

I never really go on there because it's always locked when I come on
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Yura from Blade and Soul
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I will. Have a good wank and sweet dreams, nice anon who seems to know me but I'm unsure who you are.
I just like to tease, sorry ;-;
well add me sometime or I can add you
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>not having real horns
Boomerangs are so last year
Hi Syndra :3
>mfw autocorrect wants to insert Syndra and Chen
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*turns on IP locator/home finder*
I'm using phone data and live in a trailer, good luck

>people say i'm better than the old C. C.
Most active anons are new though
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Comfy plushie is comfy
ive been lurking in these claim threads for a long time and still dont know what the fuck yall talkin about like everybody knows each other and shit.
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Remfrom4chan is my username
>meanwhile this cat and two others outside my window
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Don't give much shits. Still getting the praise.

Oh.. Just the tip..
Rape handles
We literally talk about anything. Waifu related shit to irl stuff
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Tired plushie is tired. Hello Smugs.
well i know that. but from what i remember this shit used to be strictly claiming and that was it. i was there when rules were established on these threads. i just never found a spot outside of 4chin to chat and shit.
Well you seem nice enough so i don't see the problem
You should value the praise for what it is though
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Neat! I did not understand what you wrote because I am tired as FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK right now. But thank you for positive reply and shit.
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I'll try to add you

here's a pic I found of my cat, camera sucks sorry
so are we gonna hook up or what?
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Syndra [156].jpg
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Real horns will only make it easyer to hold you down :^)
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I would let them in my room, but then again. Random cats. In my backyard.
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Hello Syndra. How are you today?
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Oh yes

Go to sleep. Morning

Well we became a community here
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Yeah something like that. But I will probably go to sleep soon. I don't even know what I wrote. I hope it makes sense.
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Oh I chose the bad pic. I def need sleep.

I give succ and go to sleep. Sorry no smexy time. :(
The people praising you aren't the people who know the original C. C.
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what would be the pros and cons of having a blind waifu like Alouette
I wouldn't mind you dominating me

anyways you should get your rest! ;-;
I'm thinking of getting more cats cuz Oreo is lonely :(
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There is a discord which has all the newfags in it that is 100% cancer
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She won't know about all the bodypillows and anime merch you have
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images (7) (1).jpg
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Please remove me from your fantasies.
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The people who know him are You Know Gasai and some other niggers on Discord. They seem to be ok with me.

This is the last answer sorry bb. I am fucking dying here.
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ic ic. so i should just settle with thread?
i need a new movie room to lurk in.
anybody have reccomendations on synctube type sites?
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It's your choice, more cars means more company when you feel lonely
>but not too many cats
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I said get your rest ;-;

and ok take care beautiful...
I used to have like 20 rabbits so I'm OK with it
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so when i leave for a week someone else tries to take my place...

seems about right.

mandatory uta claim
go fuck yourself edition
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I can't. Still at work.
Hola amigo
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初音ミク – 299.jpg
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Kinda meant you would look like a cat lady but that's also ok
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somos amigos son que, en primer lugar, carajo i oído.
¿quien es este?

your finally posting with pics.
when i was last here you were on a streak of,
i'll let you finish that sentence.
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Smug MAGA.jpg
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Hail to the king, hail to the one
Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun
Hail to the king
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I'm sleepy ;-;

goodnight cuties!
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what does these letters mean
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avenged sevenfold.
hail to the king.
only reason i know:
code geass amv's

and yes, you should hail me.

its spanish hun.
use google translate if you dont understand it.
i dont need to because i have a friend who knows 5 languages in my living room
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初音ミク – 899.jpg
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Not entirely sure what you mean, I post a lot of random crap sometimes like album covers.


Sweet dreams.
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Syndra [160].png
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Im alright, just got back from my doctor, got some new medicine.
What about you?
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My flesh will feed the demon,
No trial, no case for reason
I've been chosen to pay with my life
Mad men define what mad is,
Turning witches and saints to ashes
Rising masses marching to find,
Heretic blood
Code Geass a shit
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Why would you wear one sock?
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i knew you were the album spamming god.
but i never saw you post a waifu.

you believe so?
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初音ミク – 970.jpg
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Asymmetry is neat.
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Youre so annoying.jpg
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Awww okay Goodnight

Poor uty

No, bad. Go to sleep
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初音ミク – 713.jpg
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Nah. CD spammer is a cool dude but I'm not him. Pic is a clue for who I used to post as.
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spanish is a faggot language
1799px -
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Just posted some semi-loodz, fighting off tiredness, not much else. New medicine eh? Something serious?

Only if you come with me~
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Cat face smug.jpg
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Little loli

You're a big idol now. Do it yourself
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Extremely Happy.png
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Lash your tongue of bane
Carry me to nowhere
Mental holocaust
Battle never ends
Lie! Mask the pain
Of a child who's forsaken
Lie! To myself
Praise the new regime
Nah, I've never even watched it.
Oh shit, a Smug!
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let's all love lain!
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Syndra [223].jpg
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Why not?
Post more.
No, nothing that serious. Just a bad cold.
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But it's cold. I need a Snug Smug to warm me up!
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i was half way through writing a paragraph on how im actually rather wealthy and how you shouldn't go telling lies when i realised you we're on about emotions.

mami, homura, or kyoko

got that right,
it fits you.
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I would if I had more. But this is all I have.
Ah, well hope you get over it soon. Colds suck.
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go watch it.

love does not equal hail.
my religious god is lain, though she may not be an actual god, she is my god.
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it does but i don't wanna learn it
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anyone heard of yokai watch?
its a 100% pokemon ripoff, with a show to boot
i am not sure what im watching, how is this legal?
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Kyouko (63).jpg
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then is our god so cruel that we are not allowed to love?
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Syndra [207].png
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>cropping the fork out
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>spanish is a faggot language
What about Portuguese?

Second is correct.
>go watch CG
I second this.
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Hello Big Smugger, how are you this morning?
I read that as Ian
>TFW Ian will never invite you to do a video with him
Why even live
I'm no weeaboo
According to /tg/ its actually different
Portuguese is for MEGAfaggots.
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But y tho

Also y
And I cropped it out for a different place that I didn't want to see them.
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neither do i, so i don't blame you.

pokemon is ending soon, we need a replacement for the shitty kids.

no, maybe, idk.
all i know is lain is my god, i worship lain.
i do not love nor hate lain, i just worship lain.
you do not need to believe the same as me, you can love lain, i just believe i should only worship lain.

you went from ok tier to pleb tier.
i hope your proud.

you claim a waifu from a show i droped within the first 4 minuites.
your on a message board talking to weebs about weeb shit.
your a fuckin weeb, admit it and accept your fate among the rest
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Can't be as bad as the country
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初音ミク – 511.jpg
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I asked for that one, I'll still tell you to fuck off.

I've been hearing that for quite some time now but it was expected. I'm completely satisfied with my choice.

The country ain't so bad. We have beaches... and beaches.
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>Doesn't like Upotte
What are you, gay?
Watching 2 animes doesn't make me a weeb, especially when I don't ever talk about them unless its here.
Hey galil
Did you read it just now or what?
Whats the difference then?
That kinda makes sense
But isnt Pokemon comming kut with a new game very soon?
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good your proud.
if you weren't there would be no fun in wiping your face in my banter.
if you catch my drift.
but i wont dig into you now.
i'm in a lazy mood.


you have spent time around weebs, you are your surroundings, and if you surround yourself with weebs what are you?

also you have only watched 2 shows,
fuckin filthy casual scum.

yea, it will either be its last game or its 2nd to last game.
they will either end pokemon all together or just remake the whole franchise.
i could explain this all in detail to you, with facts about alchemy and philosophy reinforcing it, but im in a lazy mood.
so... these aren't the droids you are looking for
Oh snap! A desert fox!



Oh. Rich fag eh? You wanna buy me some expensive memes?

Doing fine. Nothing out of the norm today what's up with you?
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No, this was a while ago when it was being criticized by everyone for being a Pokémon ripoff.I don't remember the differences because I'm retarded, but I'll see if I can find the thread in the archives.
Also, Pokémon is definitely dying, have you seen their latest releases? Every kid just runs around yelling "OMG MEGA EX *insert some stupid ass new Pokémon here* OMG" and that's all it is now.
>Filthy casual
>But somehow a weeb
I only come here for the gay cuck BBC porn and memes.
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Let's fight about irrelevant subjects on the internet, spout boring opinions and judge everyone else because they have different opinions. Let's just spend our entire day in this thread, instead of doing something productive with our life.
Let's cry about how much life sucks, but do nothing ourselves to change it.
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I knew you could help~
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the best memes arent brought, they are earned.

your a casual weeb, like all the naruto teens comming into this shitty fanbase.

the only truth in the universe.
Same old same old, playing some vidya while I wait to leave for class
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Not so elitist.jpg
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Isn't that what friends do?

Wise words. Gimme memes that you earned now

Im at work bored. At least you're occupied
Nihilism is indeed the only truth
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Why are people with gauges always terrible?
How's it going Smuggers?
But I'm not a weeb though, I've watched Upotte and FullMetal Alchemist and that's it, I don't talk.about them unless its on 4chins and I don't have any sort of anime merchandise.
Also, nihilism is SHIT.
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oh really i didnt know this
hope you will find the strength to explain this to me once
i see no real reason for nintento to stop such a goldmine
enjoying another morning thread?
i dont know it still sells
sure for people who play since the first gen it seems dead
but for kids its still really inviting
i notice a qt
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The pills decided to work after I went to bed for the second time, but i still didn't get enough sleep

Probably gonna fail my english final, but I know I'll pass my government final

Post more dull things :3

Get intresting.
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It really went to shit though, these kids don't play with energy cards or anything, they just put down their strongest card and spam the strongest move and they either win and start bragging to everyone or they lose and start crying and claiming the other one cheated.
Just work hard and follow your dreams
Slow day I take it?
Hey Yuno, how was your day?
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fuck no, earn them yourself.
>i should of made that moutash lighter

true dat

so your a beta fag?
i cant believe that.

and you have no idea what nihilism is, do you?

its getting old, they were at there best in gen 1.
they know this, the proof is in pokemon go.
a revamp would be the best thing for the franchise.
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Gonna be hard when i have to do an essay on the two Hebrew creation stories, list differences and similarities and somehow do a paragraph of each one I find in each story
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Am i elitist yet.jpg
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Bored at work. What up with you?

Yes indeed, tsunny. Now see above

Yup .-.

> l like it. Its fine dude
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Late claim
I hope you're familiar with the Torah. Good goy :^)
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what the fuck
i wasnt talking about the card game lol
i mean its rather popular but the games and the show are the biggest money makers
it was, dramatic? i guess thats abtly put
i guess the repair company will fix my laptop for free so thats good
its 100% a hard disc issue btw
how is your morning?
pokemon go wasnt from nintendo though, they just gave it a greenlight
which of the seven?
im watchin some anime with some faggots
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stella oh hey.gif
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Its a meme you dip

From what I remember it's just not caring, but everyone I know who has said they're a nihilist has been the biggest asshole around.
Fugg me, that's some kinda bullshit.
Same here tbh fam
Nobody plays the games either dude
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>all the other Tomoko claimers are asleep

Well that's rare.
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stop posting my pics
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初音ミク – 869.jpg
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Sounds like my plan for the year.

PGO is a normie game and not aimed at actual pokéfags.
I'd say gen2 was the peak, the games were a lot more polished and complete while the designs were still rather fresh instead of digimon imitations.
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What kind of job is it?
Dramatic? How so? At least they'll repair it for free, it'd really suck of they didn't especially since it's the same thing they supposedly fixed not too long ago.
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they made more money off pokemon go than what they did in the past 3 years combined without pokemon go

nice way to end a back and forth.

its the belief that there is no meaning in anything. everything is meaningless, due to this belief many nihilists tend to drift into depression
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ok stella senpai
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not from a marketing view point.
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Delicious flat chest.jpg
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Oh i meant the reply above. Thats my fault for not being specific. Im bored at work

Where you work at?

Gym/warehouse. Its fun when it can be
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Which Tomoko is this?
Memes are 10/10

That sounds gay as shit tbqhwufamalam
ur mums house lmao xD
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It is bullshit

I'm honestly probably just gonna half ass it like most of the other shit in the class and settle on a barely passing grade
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are you fucking daft?
everyone plays the game, i have all the generations repsective games
just some bullshit going on, nothing too big
yea exactly, they were surprisingly chill about it too
not nintendo, they sold the pokemon rights for a flat ammount
what the fuck
who and why?
no kek i read that
i meant which of the seven jobs
you dont sleep do you?
perhaps its a bit far fetched
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初音ミク – 45.jpg
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I'd have to analyze statistics and what not to confirm which one was the best from that view.
>gen1, 47.52M sales
>gen2, 29.49M sales
>gen3, 22.54M sales

Welp. Although from a competitive view point I honestly think each gen only improves it, the megas may be bullshit and somewhat uninspired but it really made the competitive scene more diverse and fun.

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It's sachi being a fag again
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I like these numbers
That sounds easy, but is it really the best choice?
Maybe in the Netherlands people do, but nobody here plays Pokémon unless its the card game or PGO
Ah, OK.
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D A B.jpg
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OH im dumb lol. Sorry. Gym
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A lot of the work in my class has been from a D to B's so it wouldn't hurt that much, probably make my grade go to a low D, but it's still passing
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>That pic
Since when are D's passing?
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they still see pokemon go is doing better than anything they made, partly for the reason of it being gen 1.

i agree, but i think everyone hates gen 6 for megas though i think it was needed to spice things up
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Anyone and every one who takes part in these cancerous threads needs to off themselves with a large caliber bullet. Fucking Betas
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Hi galil have you eaten today?
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stella told me to
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LeLouch vi Britannia.jpg
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You are the one and only CC in my heart
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I like that pic
>Large caliber bullet
Like what?
I actually haven't, I'm going to eat lunch in a few hours though.
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Yeah, definitely seems like a job that'd be slow during a weekday morning
Delicious flat chest
Just petty shit? That's the worst. But at least you'll have your computer back. Any idea how long it'll take to get fixed?
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