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>pic related So what is the reason you faggots, manlets,

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 30
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>pic related

So what is the reason you faggots, manlets, cucks and wizards that ur not like me? I'm the god of aesthetics and Im just getting started. How does it feel when I fuck your girlfriends? Oh right.. you guys dont have girlfriend. Fucking ugly cunts. cant handle this. KYS faggots ur a disgrace to ur family and the world. Waste of oxygen.
Pretty much everyone on 4chan then.

You'd better KYS too, you're already one of us
If you think you are SOOOOOOO manly, why can't you show your face loser.
Can't move a picture he found on the internet unfortunately.

I will never be one of you faggots. I'm only here to humiliate you guys. Are you jealous? cant handle this? DO something good for once.
stop using facts
Place bets on his age?
Apparently, i guess we could go into this tirade of kill yourself or fuck off, it just gets old.
I got more money,ur muscles cant pay taxes faggot

Even if you are a troll this is not good.. Why would you waste your time on here doing this? I really don't see how you could gain a laughter behind the screen.. If this is how you find joy something is wrong..
I took one look at your arms and burst out laughing, waking up my roommate
Probably 22 and just found out he flunked out of kindergarten and will have to repeat it
> Thin Arms
> Thin Legs

Did you only try burn fat and not actually focus on any other muscle?
Living on protein?..
wait till you get old and your looks go and you realise the women you're with is just a washed up cum dumpster with no personality just like you.
how tall are you?
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Is this enough proof? Fucking manlet. Why are you so jealous? Fatass ur a disgrace
Big bank take little bank?

Don't you mean his whole education?

Evidently, this professional gym hitter can only do crunches
I don't need to see you sucking on your dad's balls, gross.
I'm 189 Cm. u go google it in retard language.

So why aint you disgraces hitting the gym? be as good as me? to lazy? fatasses
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i bet hes gay
Still shouldn't skip leg day.
Are your legs as thin as your arms?
I am though
LOL "god of aesthetics." I'm guessing your computer had to auto-correct the spelling of that work for you.

Nice meager six-pack, you fucking chode. Twigs for arms and a faggoty-ass tribal tattoo on your elbow.

Seriously, guy. Suck a fart.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
HAHA "gorilla warfare"
no need to google in retard, im european. Im actually working out myself, tho im 6cm smaller than you
It looks like you only workout abs. What's the point?

I could break you in half u fucking twig.

Yes im god of aesthetics. Are u mad? Why are u mad tho? disgrace.
Because i have a balanced life, jerking off to a picture of myself is not fun, go get some help you actually need it if you think insulting people here really works, you are just sad

yup, I'm hitting it 5 times a week, excluding Tuesday and Sunday.

I don't just focus on abs for a 6 pack, I actually want muscles, not chicken thin legs/arms.

I think it's the same with a lot of people though
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Nah dude. Though, by your hairy-ass arms, you're a curry-lover, too. Eat some more goat meat, Habib. Should help you beef up those skinny-ass arms.
As this is 4chan, I'll assume myself as the supreme ruler of Korea, and as a matter of fact I'll just nuke your location.

That way I'm safe from being snapped in half like a twig.

(Careful of your own arms though)
I'm a lazy fuck, that's why
Balanced life? No, u jerk off to your girlfriend fucking me instead of you. Get cucked. Fatass, do something good for once in ur life. Basement rat. Or hey, just go KYS and end it.

No u focus on sucking dick everyday. You gay man. Gtfo
I have but one question, do your boyfriends tiny hands make you feel bigger?
Only good way of responding to pastas are pastas.
You probably couldnt even empty a cup when the method is written on the bottem
No ur not lazy. Ur a fucking fatass that cant get shit done. No wonder why girls dont want your ass. Fucking beta, get cucked all the way.
HNNNNGGGG you are really hot OP. Come fuck my hairy, NEET, weeb ass please.
but at least I'm not fat.. just too lazy to workout after a day of work. Also some fat covering the muscles is better than having ripped muscles after a fight
I give up, he's too hard to crack and it doesnt seem like he'll give up his stick thin life
pecs/chest not bad but you need to work on your arms
I could empty myself in ur girlfriend u cuck.

Ye go quit as u always do. Fucking faggot. Dont you come crying here about getting friendzoned. Cuckold. Ur a disgrace

You dont tell me what to work on.
No u focus on sucking dick everyday. You gay man. Gtfo
>you gay man
OP stop being a gayman and answer my fucking question
Bird-chested hungry skeleton in dyel is not a good picture to put up, m8. You need to do some compound lifts and build some actual hypertrophy since you're kind of rocking the sk8terboi twink physique. You prolly did some cardio-intensive work most of your life and think you're hot shit because you have lowish BF, but its clear from your asymmetrical abdominals that you're not much for actual lifting.

Average body is average.
me again posting, taking a 2nd look, your arms look shit even compared to mine and the rest of your body, the fuck is your workout? no joke those are skinny as fuck, I didn't think this would be possible??? did u only do flys and ab workouts or what? almost abnormal
Did we have girlfriends?.. i swear we didnt
u need to be told if you body composition is shit and you are boasting
The only thing you empty in are your socks
No I'm not gay. Clearly you are. I bet you're jerking of to my pic? You fucking trap lover. Go fuck urself. Ur a disgrace

Are u jealous? bet you love traps and u jerk off to them? wow fucking gay. Get the fuck outta here.

Man.. I could break you, trust me. Dont even test me.
decent tone, but you cant fix your frame. narrow sloping shoulders, and it looks like yout posture is pretty bad.

also your abs look good but probably have a narrow range over which they are strong.
Sends pictures of his house. Keep it up brainless one. It's entertaining to see someone with a baboons IQ trying to get over on 4chan.
>God of aesthetics
>Doesn't show penis
You can be the god of whatever you want, but if you're not going to show your shriveled up dick because of insecurities than what made you think that a girl would be satisfied with your shit. Are you trying to compensate for what you lack downstairs little fuckboy?

This why you're running two threads simultaneously on /b/ and /fit/? One two beat off and one two ask for lifting advice from the bottom of the barrel /fat/izens since you literally have no clue what you're doing?
where are your legs?
Gets mad, sends picture all quick to /b/. Even funnier. People just like you only smarter, here. Kek.
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Ypu what, you faggot? You call that aesthetics? You skinny ass good for nothing dickless bitch, I've seen women better built than you. You body looks like shit, no proportion, chicken legs, no fucking biceps, your triceps ran away to mommy and so on. Guys like you clean the gym just to be noticed, you fucking disgrace of a man wannabe!
Kill yourself, your genes suck, you'll always stay skinny and useless!
This is how the man who's gonna fuck your woman looks like, with meat on his bones, so gtfo and die in a corner.
I wont show you my penis so u can jerk off. You gay man gtfo.

Are u mad? Motherfucker is jealous. where is ur girlfriend? I wanna fuck her again.

IN ur moms vagina.
>newfag detected
I'm the fucking leader of anonymous, you twat. And now you've thoroughly pissed me off. I wasn't even that close to edge, and yet your miserable dribble has actually managed to push me off. You hear that? To the end of the line. THE BREAKING POINT. Normally I dismiss this kind of shit without a second thought, but you've crossed a certain boundary you fucking faggot. And you should have known better, you should have realized what could happen if you took your joke a little too far. But you failed, and now will await the repercussions. Fuck I haven't even gotten my hacking laptop out in years, I think that shit is still running some pirated version of XP. But it's time to brush the dust off and set an example, because clearly faggots like you are too young to know what can really happen when you mess with the likes of our group. I hope you're ready for what's in store, because mommy won't be able to save you this time. Best you pack your bags and flee now, flee to whatever remote shit hole you can hide to. And you better pray we won't find you. But we will, and when that day comes you will rue the day you made what was seemingly a harmless comment on an anonymous message board. The clock's ticking, pal. Tick tock. Your time is about to run out
You have proven my point, you lack game. Here are some tips if you have a small dick: go fuck yourself. Just kidding, your dick is too small.
Just one question, you feel so alone that you need to post your body to get someone to talk? Just wondering.
dyel? seriously no traps, no biceps, dead lats and the pecks dont pop. your abs are weak af. take your bait else where tiny man.

OP is a faggit.
Faggits don't fuck girls.
>implying having a bigger dick would allow one to fuck themselves

that shit where people can bend their dicks backwards into their assholes is fucked up, I can't even imagine the pain of trying to do that with my erect penis
I lack game? Boy you dont know shit. Already fucked ur mom, penis came out of her mouth. Was to big.

I want to wake you faggots up. Since ur a disgrace and wasting oxygen. Do something good for once. Trap lover.

U wish u had my body. Fucking disgrace
>So what is the reason you faggots, manlets, cucks and wizards that ur not like me?
But I do like you.

I want to shove my dick in your throat and cum on your abs.
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Nice arms and delts bro
Your legs have the ability to shapeshift?! Where the fuck did they come from - skinny AF in the first pic
shiet nigga dat some serious legs there
That's not op, you dubfuck
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Your legs are puny enough to fit in the tightest pussy, faggot
Holy fucking shit. Are you underaged? Is that your best insult. Feel bad for you, almost want to actually give you real sex advice for your short comings...

A bigger dick helps bending it up your own asshole. Much too difficult with a small one.
Nigga pls, ur dick to tiny. Also I'm not gay. Go fuck a trap. I bet that is what you jerk off at? Motherfucking trap lover. You're a disgrace to your family. KYS faggot
Ah, so it isnt.
i'm the extremely wide waist and stubby fingers
Hey if you aren't a troll and this is actually you what's your diet plan? I want abs like that
Bitch ass homemade nigga. You wish you had my body.

I'm 23 y/o. Are you jealous U dont have a body like mine? Get cucked faggot. KYS.

Yes man. Long story short, I eat alot of meat and drink protein powder. Also 20 mins of ab exercise everyday after I've done my gym workout.
That's just a picture of someone with fast metabolism. I have fast metabolism lol like.. you're nothing special. And why are you standing like that? Faggot.
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I go to the gym as well, I was just making fun of the fact that you're insecure about your tiny dick. Btw faggot, going to the gym doesn't mean you can defend yourself, just because you have muscle doesn't mean you have technique.
I'm 189 cm you motherfucking virgin cuck. Go google it in your retard language.

I have trained martial arts for over 10 years. I could break you by words only. Fucking cuck
You forgot the angle but I get your point, he's a fucking manlet hahahah

1) DYEL?

2) Ignore Q1, it's a stupid question. Of course you don't, look at them limbs! You're not even a bench bro, you don't even have tri's. You're just an average non-lifter with a low body fat percentage. Though credit where credit's due, your ab genetics are not too shabby

3) Why'd you pick such a shit tattoo? I'm not a fan of tattoo's admittedly, but even I can appreciate a well thought out sleeve. Why'd you bother with the crappy tribal thing? Trying to add some extra dimension to your bland character?

4) Trim your forearms if you're going to shave everywhere else, you look like a teenage virgin.
I am navy seal ninja master black belt super saiyan but you don't see me boasting about it
googling a universal measurement in a different language? jesus you're fucking dumb. and weak. the only thing it looks like you've worked out into decent shape is your abs. the muscles which do absolutely nothing for helping lift heavy weights etc. they're essentially useless muscles to build. if you wanna look and act big and buff then get some traps, better pecs and jesus fuck work on those biceps
You're here because you're missing something from your core values. If you are as good as you say you are, then you must really be starving for something
>I'm 189 cm
you are not
I proved you're a manlet, with my science.
no question is, DYEL?? Are you jealous because you cant have the body I have? Wow.. so mad. Its ok bro. But get ur shit together u fucking virgin cuck. No1 loves you. I bet u get friendzoned all the time. Wowowowow . So sad. Cant handle this.
I assumed he was murican. U cuck. Why are you so mad? My biceps larger then your fucking existence. Im the god of aesthetics.
I should have this physique in about a month or so. I'm also not a complete shit head and probably have better looks than you. I'm honestly not worried beta bitch
Cant, i had back/spine surgery recently and wont be able to lift for 2-3years. Even then ill be limited on what i can and cant do.
you don't even know what i look like bro. and neither do we since you're too much of a pussy to post your face with that pathetic body you think is 'aesthetic'
Stfu u cuck. This physicue takes ages. You're the beta here getting friendzoned. Show us ur body with a timestamp rpoove me wrong. KYS faggot.

I do know. You look like a faggot who gets cucked everyday. KYS
You're a faggot dude thats not you timestamp or kys you autistic fuck
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Triggered little faggot. I'm willing to bet my life on the fact that you don't get any pussy because you're a fucking pleb. Show some actual proof of your claims of gtfo dude I'm 18 and I know better than to wave my dick around. Anybody with a military background wouldn't need to be a little bitch and show off. You're the saddest man alive.
Hi John, it's been a while
you lil 5ft tall cunt ,you are thin as fuck. wtihout being a fucking cringelord like you and without trying as hard im a bearded 6tf4 bearded alpha cunt ,230pounds of a 82%muscle to 18%fat ratio. go back to school and do smt usefull with ur life lil cunt
I'll break u in half m8. Fucking twig. Pathethic cunt. Good for nothing.
Still not Zyzz. :[
have at it mate , bet youre just some 5ft karate cunt aswell , let me rip you and ur ass in half
>skinny as fuck
come back when you've finished your first bulk, faggot
just realized that i took the bait, fuck me
what do we think? short, ugly or small dick?
all of the above
That moment when you act like a cuck on /b/ and go cry after everyone tells you to kys.
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>those pencil arms
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Come back when you're less of a skinny faggot.
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True dat

Wow look at all these betas. I never thought it was possible, for real thought people like you guys didn't exist.

I was wondering why I got all these girls so easy all the time. Then I see all these 1-6/10s and then I realize that compared to you guys I'm like an 99/10 so there's no comparison hahahaha. Oh wow, here's a tip, get out of your parents house every once in a while and pick up some weights. If you can't even bench press your own weight you are pathetic. Hahaha oh man this is just too rich. I gotta go get my bros to see this oh my God.
Come back when u actually lifted something. Faggot basement jerker. I bet u get turned on by traps? Wow what a faggot. KYS fag. Pathethic.

Blackbelt in tkwndo, judo and trained muay thai for over 10 years. Fag bring it on.
Another cuck without a timestamp. Fucking kill yourself dude we all know you found that picture on facebook you gay fuck. I seriously see more faggots that look like that then straight guys. Nobody actually gives a fuck there is still plenty of pussy because girls want money bro.
>How does it feel when i fuck your girlfriends?
> implying you are having sex with underaged teens who are sluttin' around and then you probably have ended up with some diseases.
routine pls
Fuck you man. I just called John up. He said he's gonna kick your ass. Shit will be SO cash.
hahahahhahhaah are you fukcing kidding me ? , wauw only shitty chink sports where you hug it out until someone falls over , have you broke a plank in half aswell ,cunt
mate a life time of rugby and weekly streetfights will beat the shit out of you but for you ill maek an exception ill cream your ass aswell you femine looking bitchboi all that chink shit mustve made u tight as fuck
You are wasting your time trying to humiliate 4chan. You are trying to trying to cook on a radiator basicly
clearly he's mid-life crisis years old.
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guys, I found OPs face
>god of aesthetics
Yet you have uneven traps, a small chest, and tiny arms lmao fuck off kid
Okay, calm down. I know that the fact you can't eat normal people food - can't sink your teeth into a juicy steak more than twice a fucking year - makes your head spin, but you need a wake-up call. If you really think that the most effective way of getting pussy is religiously following an exercise/diet regime - you need to buy a thesaurus. I've seen bitches like you being turned down by chicks all around 'cause a fat bloke with a bit more confidence, a bigger vocabulary and fewer fucks to give has put you in your place. So go back to bench pressing 40 kg and eating rabbit food, I'll go have a burger and a wank.
Dubs confirm that John will kick his ass.
lol that shit is the ugliest tattoo I've ever seen also.
did you ask your tattoo artist to dip his needle in shit and draw blindfolded?
>zipper abs
>god of aesthetics
pick one
"A skinny dude with a six pack is like a fat chick with big tits - it doesn't fucking count."

Do you even bench lmao weak ass
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im strong 2 m8 lol fuk these beta fegs
You can't do it erect, it's impossible. I can get my soft/semi cock to my asshole but I can't actually get it in because I've never done anything with my asshole and it's too tight.
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Well played sir!
But why are you mad? I can kill u in a sec. U fucking virgin beta. Gets rejected everytime I guess?

Ye, u go wank. Only thing u do best. HAHAHA fucking beta. Disgrace, waste of oxygen as mentioned. Go after girls instead of wanking. Fucking beta cuck. Shameless virgin.

Only fat people like you say that to feel better of them selfes.
Your pretty small you have abs but nothing else do you even lift
No u
>doesn know the navy seals copy pasta
get the fuck out newfag
Show me your dick, if you think you're so tough?
Yes I do. Those abs is what ur girl is dreaming of. Fucking cuck. Pathethic. KYS

No I'm not gay like you.
kek whatever, 150lb weakling. i could bench your deadlift, fag
Are you too fucking scared to reply, you little cunt?
-the real man who will turn you into a cumdump
Just what I thought. Little chicken, pussy-ass faggot. Get off this board and go back to /fit/ with the rest of the homos
Whats your routine bro?
Why are you still trying? It's obvious you're b8'ing. No one else in the entire world uses words like cuck and KYS in the manner you do except /b/ dwellers and a select few others who don't go outside. We all know you're just another faggot like us. What are you trying to prove man?
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>takes gay pictures of self in mirror with faggy apple phone
>posts on a board with 100% male audience for attention
>not gay
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I'll just leave this here.
Well he is getting a pretty good reaction so...well done OP. Acting like a massive faggot to get other people to act like a massive faggot is basically the point of /b/ no?
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Nigga, you're small af. Ooh you do nothing but abs and have low bf%. Good job. No, I'm not mad, you just aren't in a position to shit talk. I have an average body, a huge cock, and I'm already married so I have nothing to worry about, good bait tho solid 9/10. Get actually big and make this thread again or stfu and be a narcissist on your own.
top kek
come on then ? fuck do it little faggot
after im done with you youll be moaning for more and then wishing you were dead
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>why are you mad
I'm mad because you small faggots think you're so big even though you don't even look like u lift and I honestly doubt some small fish can kill me
Hey OP, femanon here.
Don't listen to these stupid fuckers. You got a sexy fuckin body. Tight af.
That I'm the god of aesthetics and u virgin fucks aint shit.
tits + timestamp or gtfo, you know the rules, tranny.
Say it aint so
>femanon here
>sure buddy
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you're no zyzz you twink manlet
Thanks babe.
perfect male physique 11/10
girl here would suck dick even with black faced 10/10
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OP, you are officially gay. You've lost.
hides laces over small penis to cover shamfull small p p
OP seems like a cool guy. I believe I'll try to emulate his alpha behavior at the local pub and see if I cant pick up desirable women to bring home for sexual purposes.
Indeed. Fornication with the opposite sex is a most enjoyable activity. I would take interest in learning of new and better ways to acquire such opportunities of intercourse with the feminine peoples.
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No matter how strong you are you cant even grow toe hair fgt
Fuckin hawt. I'd suck that toe hair.
I shave mine, I like to have the smoothest body for the ladies, beta bitch.
you skipped arm day bud, step up.
You got a kik?
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No matter how strong you are real men have ass hair
not bad
That sdisgusting as fuck u fat faggot.

No I did not.

Yes I do, wahts ur name? I add you.
All diet related, still a weak little homofag
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>Those tiny ass arms

OP is a faggot.
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Not a hater but what makes you think you achieved something? I mean.. whatever.
Hope it's a troll otherwise there is no hope.
yeah toehairbro , got a shit ton aswell same on the rest of my feet im like a fking hobbit
Hes upsetting all of you faggots, he reached more than yall ever will
Decent abs,everything else including your tattoo and face is shit
You're actually sad. People don't give a flying shit about the trannies you banged. 4chan especially, as the second you use it, you are a faggot. Also, learn to use proper fucking english. "U" is not a word and nor is "ur"

Blacks don't get girls easily and you're not even yolked, with your genes you should be a buck, but at least you're not fat&black. How bout them fat white women tho?
Now THIS guy lifts
What small biceps though.
>being this narcissistic
have you ever seen the top of a car friend?
my dick is thicker than both of your arms combined
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Nice stance faggot. You look like a fucking bitch.
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Thread images: 30

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