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why is it so easy for black guys to get laid but white guys struggle?

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why is it so easy for black guys to get laid but white guys struggle?

I see so many white girls with black guys but most white guys i know are virgins that tend to spend alot of time in front of games.

Why are white girls so into black guys and neglect most white guys?
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Because they are usually more fit, they are typically more sociable, they know how to dress better, more confidence and the rumor of big cocks.
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Maybe you and your friends are just ugly bastards with no confidence. Girls can smell that shit from a mile away. White girls neglect you because what the fuck do you have to offer them? Nothing.
Didn't you know? It's racist to refuse sex with a black person
You don't struggle getting pussy because you're white. You struggle because you are a pussy.
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>more sociable
Percentage of black guys who get rejections after befriending white girls: 99%. Percetange of white guys who get rejections after going for 5 mins of talk with white girls: 20%. Percentage of white guys who get rejections after going for black girls: 0%. Percentage of black guys who get rejections after going for black girls: 100%. Who is the superior race now fucker?
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I have rarely seen a black man with a white woman. Of course I live in Colorado so the black population is quite small. The same can be said of Mexicans with white women, just does not happen very often. Most of the women I know have a dim view of both of their races. (Esp. Mexicans, having had to deal with their shit throughout school).

Just my $.02.
Social groups.
The 'guys you know' say a lot about you op
They typically are, even the "nerdy" black dudes can at least socialize. I am not saying they slay pussy but the average white dude is meh socially.
I live in Denver and plenty of black guys slaying white poon out here.
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>blacks in the same country as you in the first place
I feel sorry for mericans.
Truth is OP, that black guys accept anything they can get. White or black, there are some lower standards of human beings that I would never consider interacting with. If the blacks are happy with that, and if those girls can stand black people, then I don't care.
It's not about how you do socially. Most girls who get into a relationship realize this. It's the first mistake that drives them into poverty. It's about how significant you are in society. Most girls are gold diggers. If you at least look attractive then it doesn't take that much socially to get girls. It's especially hard for a black person to look attractive. It's extremely rare for them to convince a sexually mature white woman to even interact with them. Anyone with a brain actively avoids blacks that go for whites, regardless of their education.
black guys don't wait to get consent.
They're doing you a favor. You don't want to be with a white girl who's fucked around with a black guy. It displays poor judgement.
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Because the white is a genetic mutation and is unappealing
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Everyone is slowly becoming more introverted.
White females through out evolution were never evolved to have higher thought processes, this is because of their constant pampering throughout history.
White males inherently want to mentally compete with other white males, video games is a good replacement.
Black males inherently want to breed, white females with no intuition or interest in competition are a good replacement.
agreed. that's just the way it goes. why do you think all the pro football teams have mostly blacks playing for them? or basketball? or track? lol It's a big trade off. They're dumb as shit but good for physical shit. White people are weak as fuck but are mentally smart. Everything has an advantage and disadvantage. That's part of nature...oh shit my bad, NIGGERS!! there we go.
A combination of virtue signalling/offering of body as reparations for enslaving their ancestors and a liking of huge cock bottoming them out.
Those white girls only into niggers are the same white girls who will fuck a horse or suck a dogs dick. Fucking sub human animals like you niggers is what gets them off.
Easy, because:
>a white girl with a black guy looks out of place so you notice and go "oh wow look a monkey and a white girl"
And you don't go:
>oh look a white guy with a white girl
Because you'd have to say it/think it hundreds of times every time you go out
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Black Femanon here. I think I have a good grasp on this subject, so I thought I'd drop by here.

This is probably due to the fact that there is always a specific stereotype of the perfect man in this generation ( mainly 16-25 26..ish. Do you want to know why I am saying people of that age group? Because they are young and not mature enough to fully understand the capacity of their self worth. ). And honestly, the personality traits that this perfect man has is what is kindled in the black community ( Over practical things such as education, abstinence... ), and now these type of men are raised up and are the images of the African community today; A hard, bad boy archetype.Which is basically the thug, hoodlums and overall trash of the community. I'm going to be very blunt. That is the majority of the men, which at an early age are indoctrinated into a belief that unsustainable careers such as any that require physical activity or athleticism, or rapping, will get you bitches and money.

I think I'm going on a tangent so I'm just going to stop here. If I sound incoherent, feel free to call me out on it.
Im convinced the posters in these threads both never get laid and never go outside.
White dudes have the easiest time getting laid out of the lot, and most white chicks dont like black dudes.
Why do people seem so butmadd about black dudes getting laid? who gives a fuck?
Not just a rumour. Black men have much bigger cocks, an average of 9 inches. They also cum much more than white men. Women are attracted to the sheer superiority of black men and their huge pussy pleasing dicks. White men don't stand a chance.
It's just as hard as anyone else unless you find a mudshark. The vast majority of human beings will date within their race. Get over yourself nigger troll.
sounds reasonable
Go back to your sissy hypnosis. Hopefully you've taken enough hormones now to disfigure yourself enough that nobody will ever want to reproduce with you.
The problem with race mixing is that even halfniggers perform poorly in society. They are still black, so what you are doing is that you are only passing white genes down into the black genepool.


>dress better

>more confidence

c'mon man, if they were so confindent they wouldnt have to brag about muh deck and we fuck all yo whi wymin

they go after white women becuase they hate blacks so much they cant even fuck themselves

also sage
Are you fucking stupid? Whites dominate sports. Niggers only dominate football and basketball. The #1 sport in the world is soccer, which requires intensive stamina. Ronaldo isn't a nigger. Messi isn't a nigger. Most of Barcelona aren't niggers. Niggers can only compete where there's a massive amount of obesity or simple physical activity required.
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>not black
KYS my dude

or when you need too run fast or jump high
>nature is like the character selection screen in an rpg

Just for that, you should kys this instant. Anyone whose beliefs are based on gross overgeneralizations without the slightest capacity to view the individual on a case by case basis (which requires an ounce of intellect, I know it's hard, but try to keep up) needs to be sterilized immediately. There are many people of many races at the forefront of many fields.
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thats not cristiano ronaldo (portuguese)

thats ronaldo from brazil

this is either bait or just murica
I've converted two white women (former gfs) to the church of bbc. They both left me for a black man and I couldn't be happier. Ofc I live them still, but nothing makes my inferior white/b/oi dick harder than being left. White dicks are genetically evolved to be masturbated as only the alpha bbc is allowed to breed.
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Same femanon
Also keep in mind the fact that White men get laid. Faggot OP got this idea from the simple fact that the media upholds the images of the black community as people who fuck constantly; get money, etc. It's a stereotype that was placed with the AA community ( Which is not far off from being right, really. ) . I actually have no idea how OP thinks that black people fucking correlates to white people fucking
who da fuck game you these facts moron
they never learned to be afraid of women
Black men dominate all sports and also academia. They actually have bigger and better brains than white/b/ois. So it's not just their cocks that are superior. They are GENETICALLY SUPERIOR.
Because as a society it has become acceptable (cool) to behave like a Nigger. Hispanics, Whites and Asians alike dress like Nigger... talk like Niggers... smoke weed and listen to shitty music like Niggers... so of course a White female is going to want to fuck the real deal, not some 2nd rate imitation. But a Nigger is not boyfriend material so they are just gonna fuck your White girls and when they have sucked every bit of humanity out of them they will send them to get saved by some stupid whiteboy to help her raise her half-nigger baby.
I never thought there were black women on 4chan.How did you find this shithole?
Only because they're a bunch of fucking criminals, niggers who are bad at running and jumping end up in jail.
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So many triggered polfags. You all never learn, huh?
"Better brains" Lol name a nigger that can compete with Einstein. "Dominate all sports" Name a nigger that competes with Phelps. You are a nigger. You just used nigger logic.
You could force them to gain an attraction to black females.
Get them attracted to you first.
Then come at them with left hook and show how intelligent you are.
/b/ and /pol/ can't resist an intelligent attractive girl.
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i was originally in /pol actually, to get my daily dose of unpopular opinions. but to answer your question, someone told me of the ' too soon ' meme on /b/ , so i thought i'd take a look.
Not even that. Compare Olympic medals per capita and you get the picture. From a European perspective, I can honestly tell you that most African migrants are really short with awkward body proportions. The African slaves where selected for their physical abilities, if you ever travel to west Africa you will realize how small they are in comparison.
tits or GTFO
>>707624263 LMAO
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Bitch please. The Struggle is real for everyone out here. Really only the fit, handsome and funny black people get pussy easily but every one of them other niggas are struggling. Especially the fat niggas.
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You lose white boiz
>why is it so easy for black guys to get laid
They have guns.
Black people are stupid. Just look at West Africa...
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>Smart Opinion

pick one stupid ass, if #2 then tits or GTFO you know the rules
Mental illness. She probably had a really good experience with chocolate as little and got attracted to it just a little too much.
It's most likely a mixed "black" female.
I'm not gay but I can at least tell when a guy is somewhat attractive it not.
This dude is just god awfully ugly. But he did pretty good considering he got a 3.5/10 white girl. That's the best he'll ever do though
>This dude is just god awfully ugly
That's why she likes him you obvious insecure neckbeard.
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Theoretically that is a plausible idea. But it's not like AA women are better, either. I am an immigrant from Kenya, but I've lived here most of my years. So, because of being automatically deemed AA, I can simply infer the issues of their community from a bird's eye view.

The ENTIRE community is in a stagnant state of mind. They do not choose to congregate for the betterment and overall power of their own community in post - slavery America; for themselves. I'm not going to sit here and act like " AA men are not good, but AA women.. " Because of the fact that they are both at a position that as a WHOLE does not reflect well on themselves in general. They are destroying themselves. I have not met a single one that do not have this mentality ( and no, I'm not looking in Detroit or Harlem . ). I have gone to schooling in the States and I have not met one AA that is to my ' calibur ' when it comes to intellect. I am sure they are out there but I have not seen it myself.
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I am all of them thank you very much. And >>707626185
I am not mixed . I am a dark skinned African. Not one drop of my blood is from any other ethnicity except African.
shut the fuck up and post your tits bitch. i sure hope you're at least moderately attractive
>Likes him for being ugly
I'm sorry what?
if this guy can do it you can do it
black guy here. Where do you guys get this shit from? Its just as difficult if not MORE difficult to get laid than a white dude.
Look at all these autists falling for the bait. Never change, /b/, always making me feel better about myself for not being triggered and wasting time/energy over absolutely nothing.
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ez bait
black men already expect to be turned down due to racism so they approach women with a fearless mindset
easiest way to get laid is with money
>Ronaldo isn't a nigger. Messi isn't a nigger. Most of Barcelona aren't niggers.
They're not white either, m8
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Cucked again white boi

That's a porn star you ignorant faggot nigger.
as if pictures mean anything
pretty much. Or you need to have something unique to get yourself easy pussy.

Porn, mostly, I think, especially the sissy/cuck stuff (seriously like half of those videos involve big black dicks); It's this kind of weird "positive" racism where yeah ok black lives are only worth 60% of a white life but at least they got big dicks amirite, just like with Asians you have the inverse stereotype (small dick, super smart).
Cause most skanklords want to get back at their daddies. Thats really it. Whats the ho-ish thing i can do to piss off my family and show how rebellious i am... hmm... get a nigra baby.


White men look for women, not skanks, we are not monkeys.
This is a lame excuse for bait. Everyone who posts in these threads is retarded. Stop taking the bait. Everyone copy this and post it every time you see one of these threads.
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OP is only saying this because he himself cannot get laid. It's very easy to tell.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. In 1000 approaches, a nigger is guaranteed to get laid at least once.
She looks jewish as fuck lol
lol there it is
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The only real cuck here is the one that took that photo.
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Can you share your entire Shaggy folder? Thank you.
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jewish girls are the best
Because all of the uppity white virgins in these threads are self-loathing closet cucks.
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As a white guy banging a black chick. Fuck your shit!
>misusing that meme meant to be used on attention whores

Kys newfag.
Get the fuck out with your shitposting
Stop with this shit already
Why do you faggots keep making these threads? They're cancer and they don't belong

Mods do your jobs
Mods do your jobs
>most white guys i know are virgins that tend to spend alot of time in front of games.
>most white guys i know

Stop thinking the losers you hang with represent anything but toxic loserhood. To change your life, avoid losers. You will learn this lesson eventually, but consider it now.
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A real argument shouldn't need someone to say "as a female".
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>"Dress better" "More sociable"
Only in your wildest fantasies is any of that even remotely true.
why do black people look grey and moldy
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because the god alien didn't make blacks, he only made asians and whites.
The God Alien let the God Alien Intern AKA satan create the blacks.
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It's simple, girls are stupid. They operate on no level of any logical thought process. In an instant they could be thinking one thing and doing the exact opposite. A majority of women are also not only stupid but disgusting as well amd are attracted to you guessed niggers. Im not talking just blacks im talking about all ethnic forms of trash, a 9/10 girl would more likely consider a broke ethnic man over a well established one any day of the week. Especially if they thought they could get wih other dudes at the same time
Holy shit, I became so cynical because of 4chan, I was a shut in for almost 3 years. A few months ago I got my act together and lo and behold, I managed to get a gf. If I can do it, you autists can too.
They're also brainless, homeless, jobless, ugly and smell like shit. And still, they demand respect. Fucking disgusting negroes.
Well, they are grey and moldy sometimes.

Despite the troll op, it's an objective fact in real life, that blacks are the least desirable of any race on the planet.
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what about pooinloos
it must be just you bro my black friend cant get laid and im fucking all the bitches
Indians are not the most desireable, but you're talking about regional, poor, dumb as fuck indians, and no they aren't desireable, but if you're talking apples to apples, then local African niggers are the dumbest, most diseased niggers around, so even less desirable.

Blacks are just overall too subhuman. Especially the pure blood niggers, who are practically just hairless neurotic bonobos.
>dropping trips AND the truth

Us white bois are simply hopeless.

Better lube up now so my master will have a easy time!
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90% of the time niggers end up fucking the fat white trash women. The ones with weirdly distended stomachs, who wear tank tops and yoga pants constantly, to flash their tiny misshapen tits and flat ass. The ones who look coked out all the time. Go to any supermarket in any part of North America and you'll see it for yourself. They'll be paying with food stamps and holding up the line.
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I hope you all know that wasn't me. I have higher class, then to have Scooby Doo porn. I mean come ON, I would NEVER defile my dear waifus like that.
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>us white bois

Only niggers say "white boi", nigger. But, I see you've got quite the fantasy fiction going here.
Maybe so, maybe so. Although, the main reason as to why I said that was to amplify my point. Maybe to get into some of your thick skulls that I am not a neckbeard pale fucker that is delusional to the real world. I'm not going to explain any further except the fact that using that term with race in essence would heighten my notoriety on the subject of a race of people similiar to my own.
well you're definitely white because you still insist on trying to look smart after sounding like a fucking idiot.
>forgets to consider mocking is a thing
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ayyy white boy, how can you compete with the BBC? Go cry in your chastity cage

>tfw totally ok with this, fag high life
Well if all you go for is low hanging fruit it's hard to go hungry.
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Black cock IS and always was superior.
we need to stop all niggers
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My whole folder is everything that I've commented that isn't porn. I've just been saving photos as I replied.
That black cock sure looks yummy! I hope my master's is that big. I heard that's considered small by their kind too, odd, huh?
I literally laughed out loud. Honestly, dude, you're better off with the flat earth trolling.
>kek bbbc
>bicephalous big black cock

>foot in circumference

As someone who browsed a ton of black cock caption type porn for the last 3 weeks, I have to say the fact that 60% of them are about the superior black race, and 80% them have improper grammar, typos, outright failed english or general utter stupidity in them, REALLY does not help your case in convincing me that a black man can even be superior
Denail is the first stage of grief, anon.

Can't stop SUPERIOR black cock.
WAS and always WILL BE*
lol holy shit, I don't care for race, but if anyone tries to say they're superior while they're being played a fool themselves.. it's kinda triggering
>inb4 white ppl correct me with niggering*
Because white boys are on sites like these asking autistic questions, like these.
That big mouth of yours will come right in handy for our masters.
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Because black guys generally act more masculine, confident, dominant and strong than white guys do out of necessity for their own protection. This attracts women for obvious reasons. This should be obvious.
That's a decent argument. Thanks for bringing it up.
12 inches circumference is 3.82 diameter.
Those dicks look about that thick.
What exactly are you getting into an autistic rage over?
You pesky black women have been stealing the precious black cock from us for years.

I can't wait when your kind is irrelevant and we will be the top option for black cock.
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What did she mean by this?
>the rumor of big cocks.
honestly this. You know it's like men wanting to fuck a pornstar looking girl at least once in their life. Well for girl the same but with big dicks, and there's this rumous about the big black cocks. So yeah.....

and btw, I never understood why people are proud of the average of their race. Do they even know how an average works? Why would you be happy that your neighbours have enourmous cocks if you have a small one. Just focus on your own dick and everything will be alright.

t. guy with 6.5 inch cock and who doesn't have any complex about it.
Let me get this straight. You're a nigger pretending to be a "white boi" who is into black dick?

Nigger, you're a fag. That shit is gay as fuck even if it is all fantasy.
Mentally incompetent people say stupid shit all the time. There's no telling what convoluted nonsense her drunk ass was imagining.
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Could be a white girl too.
White people are literally competing with eachother to get BBC.
white males and white females fighting against eachother for Black men.
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OH my god. That gave me a good laugh. Thanks, I needed that.
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Because niggers are popular in America. Our country has catered and began to worship nigs. Everything from sports to music, nigs are displayed as successful and they get money. Most of them are in shape, and they tend to have big dicks too. The media shovels this shit in our faces daily and it attracts all women.

If you were a chick would you want to fuck a black dude with money that is in shape with a big dick, or a chubby white dude with a small dick that is good at Call of Duty?
news flash... white guys have no problem getting pussy.
Well, one reason might be that you're on 4chan much of your life and you social skills have been degraded by long periods of isolation and listening to the sissy-bitch whining of similarly disaffected wreckage.
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I'm not even racist but data is data.
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as it comes for humiliation niggers and dogs are the best
>"all women"
American women*
Have you ever been on a date by using okcupid?
Have you even seen the bottom of the barrel content okcupid has?
It's autistic males and fat females.
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apologize, you uneducated black swine
>why is it so easy for black guys to get laid but white guys struggle?
niggers will literally fuck anything with the "muh dik"
I'm white and I'll fuck anything too. Your argument is invalid.
im a femanon... but latina. still wanna give my input though.
blacks are so disgusting to me. who wants shit on top and inside of them? just seeing their hands makes me gag.
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My gf
you have to go back

Latina? De dónde?
Assuming that's true, then you're a shitty white person, whereas it's the status quo for a nigger to fuck anything that moves.

Not even that, they'll fuck anything they can get their dick into.
think about it again
However there has never been a nigger psychopath serial killer. BDSM is mostly practiced by whites. It's not often that you hear of a black dude that gets a rush from violence, whereas a white creepy dude that's socially inept will more than likely satisfy a woman's fetish, even if it's to eat shit or fuck dogs.
you just jelly of their bbc, and also racist.
Back to tumblr with you
LOL so obviously copy pasted same fag. you probably wrote it ahead of time.
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wut dis.png
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You kind of had me, but now I think you're baiting.
The amount of white fags on here salty as fuck because they can't get laid like black guys can is outstanding
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I am now looking back to actually read these replies.. Are you all like.. autistic or something?
Because their bodies are ready
>Why is it so easy for black guys to get laid

Because, statistically speaking, they rape more.
I'm glad. I'm a white latino male. I'm mostly attractive. I find black girls disgusting. They also for some reason would fuck me in a heartbeat. I have extremely sexy hair, get hit on my black women all the time, and I find them disgusting.
Niggers never accomplished or discovered anything worth of mention beside rape. But I believe as it comes for killing there certainly was some serial killing nigger.
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this thread was made by a cuck

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OP smells like a jew
Dont project your own faggot problems on the rest of us. I'm fucking two different girls. Just because you're a beta doesn't mean everyone is
Yeah, I agree to be honest. But you know those smelly taco breathing latinos and latinas are fucking disgusting too. I really hope Trump builds that wall, goddamn.
>Dominate academia

>Highest unemployment/dropout rate in the country among races
just white whores rebelling. They know white men hate it. so they risk aids and other stds ,ass whoopins from nigger bitches and niggers themselves just to prove to you they don't need you.Let'em suffer for the consequences of their choices. One day they'll regret it. It just takes a lil time.
>I really hope Trump builds that wall, goddamn.
[spoiler]He won't, even if elected.[/spoiler]
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black women are qt
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once they go black, they can't come back.
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I agree. I would only date truly white latinas, but sometimes they're nasty and I stay way. When I was a child, this blonde latina with blue eyes approached me and said I had good looking hair. We started going out for a short time, and then I left the country. White latinas also go for white latinos, it's the reason breeding is successful within the white latino pool.
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>smells like a jew
"The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of 10,000 years of peace and plenty, Pax Judaica, and our Race will Rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain Mastery over a world of Dark peoples."
-Rabbi Rabinovich
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Because niggers will settle with anyone because they are lonely and all they can do is fuck, steal and kill!
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nope nope nope nope nope and nope enjoy being stoned that's sociable
have you seen the at fucks they generally hang with? Whites simply have standards
youre still a fat fuck tho
stop insulating girls
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Triggered. Faggot kek
>I know are virgins that tend to spend alot of time in front of games.
The people you know have their priorities straight.
>Higher class
>Not knowing the difference between "then" and "than"
Besides, who doesn't likes Scooby Doo porn? So many childhood boners
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coalburners need to learn
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Look up cads and dads theory; cuckolding is part of human evolution. Because of the difference in mating strategies between races, however, blacks have emerged as the natural alpha male - their higher testosterone rates reflect it. Modern events just make the opportunity far more pronounced
sounds right it's why clowns are the new trend. even after trump they got us in the palms of their hand cuz fuckers like me just aren't continuing the line
We can see the bottom
You would think that rumor would hurt confidence, since most can not live up to it.
Former COfag here, the issue is you live in one of the shittest towns in all of Colorado.
don't believe the bullshit, they're just damaged whores and these decent looking ones are the exception. that's why they're posted as an example.they're highly trained apes that can walk upright. 90% of the time IRL they're forced to take our cast offs and no real loss
/b/rother forget the bitch she is tainted she knows her words. when a white 'boi' acts like a white boy he becomes a lawyer a doc, gets rich, when a nigger nig nogs drinks lean to be gangster n jumps on the hood of cars >gets fucking shot dead cuffed and imprisoned.

also, it's actually good that these filthy whores show the world theire shame (or lack of) because it will just make it easier to hunt them down on the night of the rope
Got kik?
white women with nigger babys should be bared from voting, they obviously can't be trusted to make sound decisions

u ever seen a black father that lived like that? nope. they all end up killing eachother or themselves. they get a girl pregnant then leave. who wants to live like that?
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dis bitch
That particular one looks to have plenty of insulation.
Thanks for taking those ugly ass skanks!
You finnish ?

so fucking lame. how is he going to impregnate her with that rubber shit on his cock.
Why censor it, you bitch?
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I'm living rent-free in your head! You're so very jealous of Jews. Poor goy.
I'm a 21 years old white boi and I have slept with a lot o womens and is not because I'm white or black is bacause I'm not a faggot
im a petticoated sissy neo nazi in chastiity
aren't they all?
why people still forget this and get baited is sad but fucking funny as hell
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