Where do you land, /b/?
i remember being 14
God tier:
Agnostic versed in theology.
Catholic is the most blue-pill you can get aside from straight Jew.
I hid it in the oven.
You mean Protestant tbh fam
Swap Judaism and Atheism. Jews are successful and civilized. Atheists are cringey, fedora tipping assholes who massacre millions every time they take power.
Islam is a religion of something something something.
Prove me wrong.
>protip: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jews are the quintessential oven fuel, and acceptable tier doesn't mean "good", it means you're not quite bad enough to be thrown into the furnace.
A question for you my dudes.
Analyze the words atheism and agnostic
Sorry, also esoteric
Sorry, also Orthodox
orthodox passing by
Lists like this remind me kids have internet access.
Where is agnostic?
>Where is agnostic?
You guys are the centrists of religion. No one cares about centrists.
Agnosticism is not a belief system. It is a knowledge system. You could be an atheist and still be agnostic. Don't buy into the claim that agnosticism and atheism don't overlap.
Are you a slant?
I guess I'll respond to my questions.
Orthodox = Ortho(the right way), dogma.
Agnostic = a(no), Gnosi(knowledge).
Atheist = a(no), theist(one with a god).
Esoteric = esoterico(literal for inside).
(All Greek words, easy to understand)
Fuck off proddy all the way, catholic scum
what religion is it where you cover yourself in feces and chop the heads off chickens? that's my religion
I guess we're all in the same religion
Enjoy your Jews, heretic
Meh.. I was an Orthodox before I quit the whole church thing. Reading the Bible in catherdral to over 200 people was not my thing really. Now I don't belong to any religious group.
>Oven tier
Who owns your money again?
Analyzing the chronological order and evolution of religion the Christian Orthodox is the only true religion since all the others gravitate around it:
Jews should have been Christian Orthodox and without Christian Orthodoxy the Catholics wouldn't have had a source to modify (in the year 1054) and the other religions Protestants, Evangelists, Jehovah's Witness and any other abomination of the original religion (which is Christian Orthodoxy) wouldn't have existed.
Thus, Christian Orthodoxy is the answer for the question: which religion is a pure, not laced with the occult like Hinduism and Buddhism and not laced with the egotism of man like all the other modified religions which are versions of the original.
Also, fun fact, Bob Marley converted to Christian Orthodoxy before he died.
If you are really ethical, I guess you're one of a kind true Christian
I can't decide between Orthodox and Pagan (ethnic), as I respect both equally. The problem is that there is not much left of the Pagan religion (Romania fag here) and I don't even know much about it and I don't think going Asatru would be any good, as I'm not from the north. Is it ok if I just follow general European paganism, as most ancient religions were kinda similar with nature worship and some common gods with different names?
You're lost beyond
hi you must be an american
Go Orthodox or get lost my friend.
explain more. Maybe another person can see it better. I'm no expert on religion and maybe an "expert" like you can give me some good advice or educate me on stuff that I barely studied.
Don't let me decide for you. I don't know how high quality the reconstruction of Indo-European religion is, but if it appeals to you it's worth a shot.
Pastafarian here
Thanks brother. People box themselves in with titles without understanding that they can overlap. I'm an agnostic atheist for example.
Thats the good thing about norse paganism.
You are welcome to it whether you want it or not.
That is a fucking oxymoron you moron.
Exactly, there's no expertise and this is not a political or mathematical issue
Knowing what the words mean is always the first step
Look. The thing is that the original religions of Dacians/Thracians (the people who lived here before the Romans conquered it) is still a big mystery, as the christians erased it all. How can I follow that religion if I can't even find the names of more than 2 or 3 gods. I would much rather go pagan, as christianity is too jewish, therefore foreign to Europe, but how can I go pagan if our original religion is lost without a trace. idk how to explain it better than this.
Just believe in something that makes you a better human, Geo-location is a rotten reason to "know" what you "should" follow in these things
someone's heading for the oven
Christianity is completely different from the Jewish religion, get your shit together.
I suppose there are worse things than to take up a pagan religion that doesn't quite match your ethnicity. Why not try Greco-Roman or Slavic paganism since they're closer to you? I don't know how Romanians feel about Slavs, but they do have a pretty fleshed out system.
It's not about location so much as race.
doamne cat de prost esti sa-mi bag pula
I don't think a southern/eastern European as me can follow norse paganism, as I'm not even germanic. However, most pagan religions from Europe were similar, the gods were just renamed and some legends slightly modified. My ancestors also worshiped nature and had lots of gods with a chief god among them.
uite altu care injura ca la usa cortului fara sa explice...Zi im plm cu un argument logic de ce as fi eu prost, fara sa injuri ca doar nu suntem cioroi sau animale.
I should definitely answer to this, but then I'd feel retarded
What do you mean?
It's not hard my dude, it is not hard, lurk more
>Slavs, but they do have a pretty fleshed out system.
Southern Slav here, haven't really heard or found much on the pagan religions here. Just a list of greater and lesser deities and spirits.
Can you point me in the right direction?
>Christianity is completely different from the Jewish religion
So why are they both 'Judeo-Christian' religions?
Oven tier.
Ba deci fa ce vrei tu, sa fii sanatos, dar vezi ca datele pe care le ai pana acum din ce am citit scris de tine sunt incorecte chestii precum faptul ca evreii sunt asemanatori cu crestinii, de ti-a zis ala get your shit together. Construieste-ti dorinta pe fundamente reale; religia noastra e ok dupa parerea mea, nu trebuie sa o alegi ca iti spun eu dar mie mi se pare ca promoveaza valori sanatoase adica daca te duci sa asculti la biserica ce zice popa zice de bine adica sa avem grija de aproapele nostru sa facem bine si asa mai departe. Din nou, iti urez sa fii sanatos si sa faci alegeri bazate pe fundamente corecte.
Can someone explain to me why orthodox is god-tier?
I would be happy to know where the word "pagan" comes from and what does it mean
Because it was the "first" before the division I guess, not sure
The new testament is a moral and rational-wise remake, not a sequel for the old testament. Thus, Christianity is completely different from the Jewish religion.
Lurk more doesn't really mean anything in this context.
I'm an English-only pleb, but this seems to be an okay site.
>Atheist not in redpilled tier
OK, sure buddy.
Educate yourself before making statements. It will help you prevent looking like a complete retard.
jew here, and I would agree with anon: Judaism and Christianity are alike in a lot of ways, but different in a few important areas.
Christianity proselytizes, whereas Judaism doesn't seek converts.
Christianity has a clearly defined afterlife, Judaism has scattered references to an after-death existence, all of which can be considered metaphorical, few of which are explicitly "good". The oldest Jewish notion of death is "Sheol", which is just a blank nothingness synonymous with being buried in a dark cave for all eternity.
Christianity has clear incentives for doing good things, Judaism is more about doing things because they're right, and not out of fear of Hell or desire for heaven. In other words, sinners don't burn in Hell, so you won't hear Jews citing divine retribution to scare people straight.
Christianity has the trinity, which is, to Jews, incompatible with the "There's one God and God IS God and there are no gods except for God" things.
I could go on.
It does mean that you should analyze your statement first, think about it in how the correspondent reacts on this (and why) and then give a logical answer to yourself
can tell you hate niggers just by looking at the picture
Every religion makes people genocidal.
Uite, asta asteptam, un argument logic, si e destul de logic ce sa zic...Doar ca-s satul sa ma injure lumea fara sa zica de ce..imi vine sa-mi bag pula in ea de religie la modu general ca mi-a dat doar dureri de cap si panica...no offense daca esti religios, dar mie chestiile astea imi dau dureri de cap pt ca nu sunt ca matematica unde totu e sigur si dovedit cu formule, nu cu pareri si impresii.
Nicely said
It may or may not be correct, but the effect of declining religion on the population is only negative. I personally have no hard and fast beliefs but signal Catholicism for the sake of society.
Good goy.
What's wrong with protestant?
Sinucide-te tigan jegos , vrei sa fii pagan? Mars fututi pizda ma-tii si roaga-te la zeii tai cu 7 capete
religion is the dumbest shit ever you are a mistake get the fuck over it
You know what the words means?
Basically Jews say killing is okay and Christianity says it's not okay to kill someone else.
So, morally-wise the good religion is Christianity since you don't want someone to be able to kill you just because they wanted to.
Pretty weird that you think that.
Jews actually think killing isn't okay unless you're killing to save your life or the lives of others. There's a concept called "Pikuach Nefesh" that we were taught from day fuckin' 1 in Sunday school.
Why yes sir it certainly does
Sola scriptura lends itself to book cults, splintering, and interpretation based on the dominant morality of the time. Calvinism is gay.
This better be b8 you fucking kike
most Christians say whatever the fuck they want to say. They block out the shit in the Bible that they do not want to believe in. Like most Catholics believe in evolution instead of these 2 people that god brought to earth and made them fuck and one of there dumbasses are an apple and it doomed the whole entire world.
Is there anything like an anti-humanist cult?
An hero in the makings
Top Kek , ai spus bine frate.
I'm not Romanian but I speak the language a little and the discussion of you two was way better than the rest if the thread
Stiu, e greu pana gasesti ceva valoros pentru ca si in biserica noastra intra oameni care nu au nicio treaba cu religia pentru ca nu au altceva mai bun de facut. Cu toate astea fundamentalul si esenta religiei e sanatoasa deci fa abstractie de babele care iti spun ce si cum si incearca sa gasesti pe cineva cu scaun la cap; de exemplu daca vrei o mostra buna de religie de a noastra cauta la manastiri, o idee de inceput e la cele din Moldova (zona cu Sihastria). Numai bine!
Basically everything in redpill tier is pretty anti-humanism.
Esoteric Kekism.
>dominant morality of the time
So literally progress
Domo arigato
yesterday I got high as shit and made up my own religion but I forgot all about it
See, this is why you're in oven tier.
>the effect of declining religion on the population is only negative
Our society can only walk as fast as our slowest member. If you are a God-fearing human, of any type, race, creed or whatever, you're just slowing the rest of us down.
It had a place in ancient times, I won't deny that. It gave the population a set of guidelines that basically said, "Don't be a cunt," in the absence of any form of generalized society or structure of law.
These days, we have that. We might not have worked all the kinks out, but we're getting there. You want to put your faith in something? Put it in something that's quantifiable and repeatable, not a cloud-sitting deity that "made us in his image."
Confinement over killing a dangerous person is the right choice, the person must have a chance to redeem itself in front of society and apologize, firstly to itself and then to society, that's why it's better not to kill. Because everyone can do good.
See the post about Bob Marley in this thread.
I agree with that. Only time you should kill is when confinement is not an option and you have convincing evidence that to NOT kill would result in loss of innocent life.
It should depend on the circumstances of a murder; age of the victim, premeditated or not, etc
We aren't that different from five hundred years ago. Most of the population still needs those guidelines, and they get it- just from somewhere other than the Church or the local pagan priest.
Atheism on a national level breeds a nation of nihilists and cucks, with a birthrate and national consciousness to match. Have your private beliefs, but understand that religion has a place in a healthy society that can't be replaced by rationalism or (((humanism))).
>being religious
>population still needs those guidelines, and they get it- just from somewhere other than the Church or the local pagan priest
Congratulations, you have successfully identified what society deems to be "laws."
>can't be replaced by rationalism
This right here is the problem. If something that, while not necessarily has been proven wrong, has overwhelming evidence to contradict pretty much every statement about the universe made in pretty much every religious text can't be replaced by knowledge and acceptance of said evidence, that's the problem.
Have your belief system, but just know that you're fucking wrong and you are just keeping the rest of the human race from progressing at the rate that it should be.
>Congratulations, you have successfully identified what society deems to be "laws."
Where do laws come from?
There's that word again. Enjoy your societal decline, fam.
im' atheism, since i'm intellectually superior all the sheeple who believe in a non-existing god.
it allows me to define my own morality instead of adhering to universal values that reeks of sexist traditionalism & homophobia.
christian values are grounded in the cis-normative, patriarchal family & outdated ideas based on social constructs and hatred otwards the state.
christian are often anti-democrats who'd rather sacrifice poor minorities for the sake of their own, so called "freedom".
if you want the world to be better, everybody needs to chip in financially and help those who are poor thanks to racism & discrimination.
we also need to get rid religion. people don't wanr a "stable society" with "clear gender roles". we the people want an multicultural society built upon love & respect.
The dox in Orthodox is from doksa/doxa (δόξα)
which originally meant "opinion" now it means praise/worship.
>could be exploring the stars
>ragheads blowing up building instead
No, it means dogma, which is way
>intellectually superior all the sheeple
While I agree with most of your points, maybe if you used proper grammar, sentence structure and spelling people might be more open to what you have to say.
Reading what you just wrote makes me want to deep fry your head in boiling mayonnaise.
See, this nigga gets it. He understands.
No it doesn't.
t. Greek
>oven tier
Ragheads can blow up their own buildings in their own countries while white people explore the stars, and if they try to blow up ours then we can DEUS VULT and blow up a few of their cities. Or we could be areligious (((humanists))) and apologize when they attack us.
Easy peasy.
Anon, that entire post was making fun of you.
>no esoteric order of dagon
What's the difference between Traditionalist Catholic and Catholic.
Praise kek
>Traditionalist Catholic
Vatican II was a mistake and Pope Francis is a commie
W-well at least we don't have female priests yet!
Law is a system of rules that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior. But instead of them being written into a book by a few people over thousands of years, they are written into a book by many more people over considerably less time and put to popular vote by the people, like it should be done in a democratic society. Like the one that you probably live in.
What's your point, m8?
Blood for the Blood God
>if they try to blow up ours then we can DEUS VULT and blow up a few of their cities
Do you even fuckin' WATCH the news? They have. And do. Consistently. On a near daily basis.
My point is, assuming you live in America, that (most of) those democratically implemented laws were written based on a Christian moral system, and on centuries of European legal tradition. Law exists to deal with people who step outside of societal morality, and societal morality comes from Christianity. There is no universal moral code.
Democracy was also a mistake, but that's beside the point.
Yes they do, because we're currently in the latter mode, where our politicians get up on stage and defend Islam after an attack. What you quoted was an ideal.
see, it's people like you that caused the war in syria. teh solution 2 everything is violence. how many children has to die bfore you willing 2 embrace love?
>teh solution 2 everything is violence
The solution of last resort, yes.
admit it! you an pepe the frog follower who just wants to hurt innocent, beautiful black babioes
trum will never win! hillary may lie, but at least her lies are humanistic in perspective
OK, so you're saying that just because, "Don't be a cunt," was written in a holy book (in more words than necessary, mind you) that the whole book should be taken as fact, verbatim?
I don't believe that in the slightest. As I said previously, it was necessary hundreds, thousands of years ago to give people a sense of purpose, a primitive understanding of the world, but these days there are systems in place that give that to the population.
I'm not denying that the morals set down in these fairy tales are good ones. In fact, I praise the fact that they were even written in the first place. But the books themselves hold little-to-no value today, except historical.
In the end, they're a good read, but should be taken as fiction. Nothing more, nothing less. You wouldn't call Aesop "God."
As for democracy, how is this a mistake? Please, enlighten me.
I do like Esoteric Kekism but I need to see some scripture before I start following it.
Also, you need to be more subtle.
i knew it, you're frogging for trump , u racist
The only thing that beats hate is love. I'm not the one committing suicide bombers to kill non-believers in the name of a cause that's unjust and completely backwards. That's not the way to get your point across, but at this point, what other choice do we have BUT violence? I just don't see the heads of various religious terror organisations getting together around a table with the leaders of the world and talking out our differences in the name of peace.
>Don't be a cunt,
Your definition of a cunt is different from a Muslim's, whose definition of a cunt is different from that of an Aztec's. Societal morals only work within the society.
>the whole book should be taken as fact, verbatim?
Please. I'm not a Protestant. I'm not religious at all, actually, but you seem to have forgotten that.
>give people a sense of purpose, a primitive understanding of the world,
A better and more fulfilling understanding of the world than modern materialism and nihilism, to be sure.
>As for democracy, how is this a mistake?
The average person is stupid, a fact that can't be ameliorated by education. Democracy creates perverse incentives for leaders.
>sa asculti la biserica ce zice popa zice de bine
da numai ca popa in ziua de azi iti zice si cu cine sa votezi si conduce un Mercedes
>I'm not religious at all, actually
You seem to be arguing the point quite heavily, so naturally I assumed that I was stepping on some toes.
>A better and more fulfilling understanding of the world than modern materialism and nihilism
What's wrong with nihilism, exactly? Accepting the fact that we are nothing but a cosmic accident among an infinite number of cosmic accidents and there is nothing after we die is pretty vital to actually being able to live life in any sort of meaningful way. People that use religion as a crutch and say, "Well, I didn't get it right in this life, but in the next one, it'll be better," are just as bad as the hardcore nihilists that sit on their arse and do absolutely nothing with their lives because they see it as completely pointless (which it is). People that use that crutch really need to sort their shit out in the short time that we have on this planet, because the spirit is what takes the knocks, the bangs, the big hits. Surely you should sort that out while you're still breathing and not either rotting in the ground or being burnt and returned to your constituent atoms?
>Societal morals only work within the society
Yet somehow we all agree on most things. Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal etc.
>The average person is stupid
That I actually can't find a counter-argument for. Well played.
>naturally I assumed that I was stepping on some toes.
You are, but only in that I'm in favor of religion generally. I feel it's vital to societal cohesion and to creating a strong body politic. Atheism lends itself to a wide variety of social ills.
>Well, I didn't get it right in this life, but in the next one, it'll be better
No one does this. Meanwhile some degree of sitting on one's ass and doing nothing is more or less the norm for Western, areligious nations.
>Yet somehow we all agree on most things
In European countries, yeah.
Satanist here.
Well at least Russia goes full DEUS VULT while Europe cucks itself
>No one does this.
Actually, I will admit that there's a certain variety of American low church Protestant that does do that as relates to society. "Muh end times" and all that.
BUT, as I noted, Protestants belong in the oven.
Pagan (Ethnic)
Hail Óðinn
I hope you're a Nord.
jeez what a physically disgusting fat pig. no wonder you low life had to subscribe for such dumb religion.
Satanism is shit tier and you should kill yourself, you untermensch fuck.
Satanist ?More life Fatanist
>No one does this
Apparently you haven't spoken to many people that turn to God because of some sort of life decision they've made and completely regret.
>vital to societal cohesion
How on Earth is it "vital to societal cohesion?" With the amount of religions there are and the amount of infighting that goes on between those varying belief systems I'm honestly surprised that we get anything done at all.
>In European countries
In MOST countries, actually, not just the European ones. Shit, even Islam says something like "And do not take any human being's life - that Allah willed to be sacred - other than in [the pursuit of] justice," and "The thief, male or female, you shall mark their hands as a punishment for their crime, and to serve as an example from Allah." While I don't agree with that particular translation, I hope it gets my point across.
This is not skyrim you autistic fuck.
>Apparently you haven't spoken to many people that turn to God
You mean the ones that convert and then make an effort to improve themselves as part of their newfound faith? Huh. That doesn't sound much like doing nothing.
>With the amount of religions there are and the amount of infighting that goes on between those varying belief system
Yeah well you can blame Martin Luther for inventing Protestantism and fucking everything up as far as Western Europe and Christianity goes. Even then, I'm not talking about at the global level. Thinking globally is cancer. Think nations, or smaller subunits thereof.
>In MOST countries, actually, not just the European ones
Well, kind of, and even then only after we steamrolled them and forced our laws on them. Islam also has a different conception of justice and morality from Christianity, which, while not radically different, was enough to create different civilizational paths for the Islamic world and the Christian one.
>Protestants belong in the oven
>Religion belongs in the oven
If you're not ethnically Scandinavian and you follow the Norse gods you should unironically kill yourself. Stop being a LARPer fuck and learn about the gods of your own race, faggot.
>improve themselves as part of their newfound faith
No, see, that's fair. If it helps them onto a path to becoming a better, more tolerant human being, so be it.
>That doesn't sound much like doing nothing
Never said that those that turn to religion do nothing, I just said that they're as bad as the nihilists that do. Nothing. You get what I mean.
>only after we steamrolled them and forced our laws on them
Not necessarily. Again. Take the Australian Aboriginal tribal structure, which still exists in many forms that are untouched by European policy. Now, most of the laws are completely fucked, yet they still look down on, and punish, many things that are also in many of the religious texts around the world, such as murder, theft, rape, incest etc. Though they may be petrol-sniffing, lazy mongrels, they still have a moral code that is quite similar to the Christian code, yet is completely separate. Though, that's a debate for another time.
That chart is fucking dumb. An agnostic is someone that doesn't understand the burned on proof and decides that since something can't be proven false, it must be accepted as a potential truth.
>Russell's Teapot
If you understand that and aren't an atheist, then more than likely, you're either worried you're wrong, or trying to not offend anyone with your opinion.
>Think nations
Fucked up, didn't put this in my reply. Even nationally, the amount of bitching and biting that goes on among varying groups is appalling. Once again, I'm surprised we get anything done. At all.
Lutheranism. Got a problem with it?!
Gas chamber's down that hallway, first door on your right. Leave your belongings in the chute to the left of the door. Enjoy your cake.
How in God's name can Catholicism be ranked higher than Protestantism?
It's like Windows ME vs. Windows XP.
>implying any of /pol/'s opinions are legitimate
Nigga /pol/ is the crazy uncle who's had a few reasonable arguments in the day, but dementia set in, and now he's pushing it as far as he can, trying to argue that groups of human beings should be executed because of race, country, or creed.
Expain why orthodoxy is red-pilled.
I'm actually curious.
OP's fucked off, man. He's sitting there jerking it to the various arguments he's spawned in this thread.