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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 285
Thread images: 122
File: Onigiri.gif (231 KB, 540x621) Image search: [Google]
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Requesting Rukia doing something cute with a Gorebyss
File: Gabox076.png (159 KB, 900x800) Image search: [Google]
159 KB, 900x800
hello there
Posting in a very faggot thread.

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MF Yots_ArtJew.jpg
28 KB, 750x750
If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless
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16 KB, 640x640
Requesting Mrs.Noodles trying to catch cum in the cup
File: dungus.png (35 KB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
35 KB, 750x750
Hey guys hows it goin
File: b draw test.png (198 KB, 1741x469) Image search: [Google]
b draw test.png
198 KB, 1741x469
Just gonna move pic request here as pic related
File: one day.png (29 KB, 447x480) Image search: [Google]
one day.png
29 KB, 447x480
Go back to ur hole pls
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2016-10-05 19.00.20.png
21 KB, 158x159
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Pay me. Thats commission work right there fagwad.
File: geh.png (964 KB, 1018x1879) Image search: [Google]
964 KB, 1018x1879
Requesting this boss lady getting herself off.
>i want art i can use in a project that i intend to make money on
>for free
what is this
File: Kay 008.jpg (67 KB, 1021x849) Image search: [Google]
Kay 008.jpg
67 KB, 1021x849
Also, I forget, how do we know who the original one hundred percent real Sam is?

Yooooooooooo I fucking loved the hulk hands when I was a kid

I have risen above legend...

As strong as you are Nim, you'll never beat the legendary super saiyan hulk hands transformation...
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43 KB, 750x750
Its nice to know that you think I could afford a hole to live in. I'm flattered.

Anyway, taking a couple requests.
Not him, but don't see any mention he'll be charging anything of it, and i've seen him on other boards and it seems like he's just trying to make a little personal game.
"One Day" Thanks.
k... kahl?
File: demonz.png (84 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
84 KB, 700x600
Ara ara~
Scorpion in a top hat
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95 KB, 700x600
they gave up already
dat strong back hair
File: 1.png (40 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
40 KB, 500x500
Theyr probably still drawing, ehg is the fastest in the west, they need time
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35 KB, 750x750
Wrong guy, does he even come around anymore
It really has been a long time

And yet THIS GUY still shows up.

You got it b0ss
File: beans.jpg (31 KB, 720x960) Image search: [Google]
31 KB, 720x960
Heya thread

Hey buddy, how's life goin
Evening Bean, how you doin?
Sorry, I forgot to include on both posts that its a text/picture based game, just as a free game, Im sorry if I sounded like a cheap bastard.
File: iron sayan.png (279 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
iron sayan.png
279 KB, 800x800
you cant beat iron man mask
File: 2.png (52 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 500x500
Any requests?
draw yourself with a mohawk, little punk girl
A left handed shrimp playing yu-gi-oh with a demon who only knows how to say spaggethi
if you don't mind
File: dungus.png (43 KB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
43 KB, 750x750
You still do 2 word requests?
Your eyes scare me.

Draw yourself in high fashion
very rarely

like super very rarely.
File: ChitaRingala001.jpg (317 KB, 657x757) Image search: [Google]
317 KB, 657x757
taking requests
File: demonz.png (43 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
43 KB, 700x600
I'm gonna go watch Netflix and fist Pin's ass, tell that slut I kicked I dipped out.

File: c22.png (75 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
75 KB, 512x512
Oh shit you were so heavy I dropped you, oh shit baby, you gotta boo-boo I'm so sorry, I just went and took things to far. lets go an fix dat boo boo
Requesting EHG fisting pin
Ok champ
File: 11.png (69 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
69 KB, 500x500
One request?

I anticipated something different than this
File: rrqw.png (30 KB, 423x190) Image search: [Google]
30 KB, 423x190
things to draw from memory
i cant tell if he is serious...or fucking never know with ehg...
Horsecock with milfs riding it
File: 3.png (68 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
68 KB, 500x500
I'm no punk!
/r/ oc with tiddies
who died?
you are now, also thanks!
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49 KB, 750x750

I mean same

Give your dad a hug. I dont know who your dad is. But hug him.
I refer you to that post, also, sidenote,love the little sample sketch ya used
File: yo requests.png (131 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
yo requests.png
131 KB, 800x800
working on that guard picture.
Blizzard apocalypse
i thought you left
File: Entity.png (15 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
15 KB, 500x500
How about you work on getting better.
Draw some bane breaking trinket back for me. :'}
I'll pay in memes
I thought that too
File: wip_sketch11.png (380 KB, 1472x3109) Image search: [Google]
380 KB, 1472x3109
Trying to make this guy a sister, could use help, even some designs if possible.
how about you stop being a cunt
File: 4.png (105 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 500x500
Just add tits
Oh shit, grandpa marc is here to complain like a world war 2 veteran
Let's get out of here
Wtf you said to her little shit stain. I'll have you know my father is the president of Philippines and he'll fight you. Also, w you say, scrub
Slap some generic urban clothes and typical teen anime hair on a generic female anime body and you got it
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subtle humor.jpg
33 KB, 420x420
File: Swordbro.png (41 KB, 600x602) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 600x602
Ur dad is duarte?
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58 KB, 750x750

oh god you're still here
Is she into that?
who did the ghost girl. who did it. I want to know. Its fantastic, dick is diamonds ten out of ten
Fiery cuddle
File: 1.png (55 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
55 KB, 500x500
Get the fuck out no one wants you here sam
File: Entity.png (28 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 500x500
That secret anon, that secret.
File: melissa.jpg (28 KB, 332x443) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 332x443
Requesting anything with Melissa. Lewd or non lewd is fine.
With this, I am okay.
File: shrek member.png (108 KB, 610x645) Image search: [Google]
shrek member.png
108 KB, 610x645
get out me swamp
Lewd please.
File: 1c4.png (232 KB, 500x242) Image search: [Google]
232 KB, 500x242
He's asking you to do this
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70 KB, 750x750
Never dating an elemental ever again.
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grandpa marc.png
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41 KB, 500x500
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44 KB, 500x500

uhhh... no


do what fagget?


wise advice.
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345 KB, 1213x800
here we are.
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107 KB, 900x600
Woah, this is better than I was expecting trinky. Would you mind if I used this as placeholder in my shitty vn while I work on it? And ignore the red shitstain, just have fun. Thanks man
File: Sketch141159.png (320 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
320 KB, 900x900
Don't mind me. Just reposting a shitscribble from a year ago to recycle as my Steam avatar
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45 KB, 149x137
requesting someone draw one furry catboi rimming another furry catboi
Kill yourself
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142 KB, 800x800
qt medicine birb
whoa this is amazing
sure you can, also who the fuk are you talking about?
fucking amazing
you absolute god
Wow! That's amazing! Thank you.
holy shit
i want to rub swordy down with vaseline and stick his handle in my butthole
wat the fuck is happening
File: Entity.png (25 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
25 KB, 500x500
Samefagging because your thread is 24/7 suck without loli and fur porn.
We're boning heroin.
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81 KB, 512x512
I'm in love
File: download.jpg (8 KB, 264x191) Image search: [Google]
8 KB, 264x191
I want you to rub my pregnant belly and bless my child
Chunga Chunga
The 'entity' that troubles us all. And cheers, this saves me some time and some inspiration. What was your tumblr again my man?
There hasn't been a single image of either, unless you count the cropped and zoomed in fur face
i was going to bombard you with skeleton puns.... but il save them...
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205 KB, 512x512
You're a skeleton in October, good luck getting any peace
>when an oldfag samefags his drawings to simulate attention

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129 KB, 900x600
I asked you why the tank on the nogging? you a plastic nee san fan desu?
File: Entity.png (80 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
80 KB, 500x500
Did you come back because this is the only place that'll actually give you the attention you seek for your minimalist effort?
Anyone do fur art?
Do you complain all the time because you are old marc?
exactly what you're doing, huh?
>so blinded by salt he can't see the half opacity projector in his head
fucking retard
isn't it kinda cool how his minimalist effort looks better than your actual effort doe
ok marc
I am really really into skeletons
plastic nee-san is poo-poo
Requesting an autumny loli witch
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300 KB, 500x500
draw something.
File: Untitled-1.png (111 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
111 KB, 800x800
sigh... never mind... the wave crash
stop projecting and go watch Pixels
so you can go watch husbando cuck his own carrier.
oh shit
Requesting you hit 'em wit the cheese
File: Entity.png (26 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 500x500
>Old marc
Current entity*

asking questions.

>implying that's true when he almost got kicked from art school.

>Stop projecting
I'm really glad I already beat you to that punchline. Also I'd say his Carrier is carrying his career.
No, just old in general
Your old, therefore you complain all the time
It's not good for your health Marc
File: Entity.png (20 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
20 KB, 500x500
compared to other people here I'm young, boi.
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38 KB, 400x355
Ah, It's a present and I am not (yet) is it worth a watch,l? I got students to teach and quizzes to correct, so I don't have much free time, gomen
Requesting these two flirting.
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701 KB, 800x800
atleast make at shiity and obvios for the folks at home.
Sure gramps
Draw a chubby ghost girl
bane are you ok
im hurt, anon
>watch this clip
its not that long, few episodes~
File: Entity.png (25 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
25 KB, 500x500
>These scribbles and angry typing
are you okay?
can you hold back the tears?
remember when trinket said they would leave
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4 KB, 353x103
File: stab-me.jpg (135 KB, 500x375) Image search: [Google]
135 KB, 500x375
What drawfag do you miss the most errbody?
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211 KB, 2344x476
The "bad" ones that had potential that were shoved out by salty anons.
And salty drawfags as well
Autumn and CSG
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123 KB, 800x800
i cant cry, cuz I cant wake up.
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16 KB, 364x447
Name a few, for sentimental sakes. I know there's too much to list but it's like saying the names of the deceased.
File: Entity.png (23 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 500x500
>bane realizing that he's stagnant as fuck from doing scribbles on /b/ of the same character
>>He does these scribbles of shitrinket because he jerks off to them
>>>>a few friendships he'll cherish

>Last post in this place for the sake of me as an artist
When was your first post, bane?
File: New Canvas.png (359 KB, 2344x800) Image search: [Google]
New Canvas.png
359 KB, 2344x800
wait a minute...
File: j.png (36 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
36 KB, 500x500
yea nigger
>>bane realizing that he's stagnant as fuck from doing scribbles on /b/ of the same character
but you only draw a circle with two legs and a oval over his head
he doesn't realize he's stagnant though
well i mean it doesn't say he's leaving, it says he doesn't want to be here and hopes he leaves. It's like smoking, you can hope to kick it but it takes effort.
I don't remember all the names.
Tinker was one of them. The robot girl.
There was the one that drew that ghost girl (not rin)
The black "glitch" type character
The character themed after candy

That's about all off the top of my head. Given more time I could probably think of a few more.
>gets on b
>throws salt around
>ironically draws for shit cuz 'I'm making fun of them u guyz'

wow, your life is just full of adventure huh?
File: Entity.png (16 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
16 KB, 500x500
But that's not all I draw.
I doubt, highly that bane draws anything for himself, because no one will jerk off his ego if it's his own drawings.
File: Entity.png (26 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 500x500
Bitch when?
File: j.png (47 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 500x500
i consume dick

Sounds like he was leaving
Forever = 20 days
why do you Have a hate boner for Bane today?
well he did leave. that thread.
File: Blushchan.png (28 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 400x400
Any of you faggots got any furfuck requests I might wanna try while this hurricane annihilates my reality for the next few days?
Serperior ;^)
you do pokeporn?
File: Untitled-1.png (116 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
116 KB, 800x800
....well then....
>gay shit
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402 KB, 776x1529
Requesting something of this bear?
Also I feel ya, going to be hit by it as well.
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528 KB, 1280x1408
Can you do something with this character?
File: Entity.png (20 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
20 KB, 500x500
Lemme tell you a story all about a little boi who got a free ride into animation school who put all his effort into drawing trinket taking dick again.

Who almost got kicked out because he was too used to putting no effort in his work on /b/ and getting his asspapped from faceless people.

Who's only fucking improvements is that he can put ears and noses on his characters the ENTIRE time he's been around.

Why do I not like bane?
Because he's exactly what I don't want every single artist to turn into.

Looks like Underforge/Ironcity(my turf)(tm)

drawfag taking requests here
stuff i'm willing to draw:

lolis, robot girls, anal and monsters

name your characters and position
"i want X character doing Y"
i can hide it from my eyes, that's what i can do with it.
You don't have to be an asshole about it.
File: c25.png (82 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
82 KB, 512x512
So something I've noticed is that every drawfag seems to have it's group of haters...
So... how mucha yall hate my guts? o-o
I'm curious
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304 KB, 970x650
POV anal or vaginal fucking/creampie with "my" vulpix? The collar is kinda important.
What's your draw name?
who even are you
File: To those who faded.png (16 KB, 900x850) Image search: [Google]
To those who faded.png
16 KB, 900x850
We should commemorate the fallen with a gravestone engraved with the names of those we lost and try to add more to it every thread.

It'll show we cared once before.
File: bones.png (89 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
89 KB, 800x600
I have a request

look at this

What's ya' name kid I'll be ya' first honorary hater
File: no shit.png (257 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
no shit.png
257 KB, 800x800
>Because he's exactly what I don't want every single artist to turn into.
and who are you to tell people what they can become?
i just returned and i don't even recognize you so i can't say i hate you yet
File: j.png (35 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
35 KB, 500x500
suerpieror tm
he's a human bean
That tombstone would be way too big friendo. There would be hundreds of names.
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143 KB, 800x800
sup nerds. don't mind the garbage fire.
File: Kay 005.jpg (23 KB, 534x413) Image search: [Google]
Kay 005.jpg
23 KB, 534x413
And where the fuck is Moku in here...?
When it gets full, we'll make another stone. The amount of stones will be definitive in how much people come and go.

File: Entity.png (26 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 500x500
>and who are you to tell people what they can become?
I can tell people not to be homeless
Or drug addicts
or murderers
BUT I can't tell people to be useless shits who've been sitting in animation school animating shortstacks so he can jerk off to them.

Okay, I'm just looking out for fellow artists and pointing out what not to end up as. Even bane has realized his own faults, you really can't say I'm unable to tell people not to follow those faults.
We're making an entire graveyard now.
This is a big project anon.
File: image.jpg (51 KB, 400x533) Image search: [Google]
51 KB, 400x533
I got something to watch now, TANK YOU ( destroyed my favorite sweater for a gag )
File: c26.png (148 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
148 KB, 512x512
I am Fay, I haven't been here very long... I guess having haters is a rite of passage, so I'll wait patiently...
Also I forgot I'm not usually on here at this time
File: Kay 005.jpg (12 KB, 535x441) Image search: [Google]
Kay 005.jpg
12 KB, 535x441
Ehehe... good one, 'who?' oh you're a funny person, ehehe
they can actually like you can say what you want
And what exactly have YOU done with art schooling there marc/entity?
You've stagnated just as much as he has.
You're the pot calling the kettle black just because you don't like what he's done with his schooling.
Who can hate a qt such as you?
File: hannia.jpg (66 KB, 540x513) Image search: [Google]
66 KB, 540x513
i want a simple request
File: lemonz.png (81 KB, 900x600) Image search: [Google]
81 KB, 900x600
Some of us are hated by everyone~
etc etc
youre missing about a hundo names there my dude
HOLY SHIT THAT FLEX, a-ahhnnnnn~
>opinion daddy here to collect his Yous
File: Blushchan.png (18 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
18 KB, 400x400
u fucking got me ngl
Will attempt. Also RIP hope you dont die.
Why even bother asking
will attempt

thanks for the reqs, folks
you still being really abrasive about it. you aren't really using him as an example, to me you are using him more like a lightning rod for your own aggravations.
File: bones.png (103 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
103 KB, 800x600
also gimme requests

Hit em with the cheese

Fay, I'm gonna be real here, I hate ya because you missed those quads

Shot a bit wide, bad aim. Hope the sweater's alright.
File: MF Yots_Marc II.png (161 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
MF Yots_Marc II.png
161 KB, 1000x1000
Is this the same Marc as the Marc in this thread right now?
>what they can become
>completely misreading the comment
He doesn't want others to turn into what Trinket IS
File: okis.png (262 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
262 KB, 800x800
like the coffee?
can do~
pushing people from something they like doing isnt really looking out for them, its just making the experience tedious and dreadful
File: Haunter.png (21 KB, 512x720) Image search: [Google]
21 KB, 512x720

Can I request this from either of you? Anything'll do.
loli robot girl anal by tentacles
File: j.png (21 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
21 KB, 500x500
because literally almost everyone else here is too fucking poor to afford art school all willy nilly
File: Swordbro.png (14 KB, 600x602) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 600x602
you know what im lookin for
File: Entity.png (41 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 500x500

>And what exactly have YOU done with art schooling there marc/entity?

>You've stagnated just as much as he has.
Being self taught, instead of having a professor who is there to teach you, that will happen sure.

>>opinion daddy here to collect his Yous

>ou aren't really using him as an example, to me
>to me
No one cares.............about how you see it anon.

>pushing people from something they like doing isnt really looking out for them
I will push people away from sniffing shit, I don't care if they don't like me pushing, I'm looking out for them so they aren't called shit sniffer.
I live in the town that this is from
What was it like?
Become rich
It's okay
A little Rin down but getting better
You too B, thankfully I'm in south florida, so I don't be hit as hard as some people.
File: rest now.png (96 KB, 900x850) Image search: [Google]
rest now.png
96 KB, 900x850
I'd appreciate if others collaborated on this effort

and please, call me the undertaker


I only listed the names that are stated in thread, I appreciate the help.
With that spelling I can see why
File: Gabox077.png (97 KB, 900x800) Image search: [Google]
97 KB, 900x800
it doesn't have arms like me, but it has a bigger smile
File: j.png (24 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
24 KB, 500x500
free coffer
i got my new tablet pen my dude you're after souper i'll fit it in with inktober
it'll probs be better quality rn too
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File: c27.png (122 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
122 KB, 512x512
Different tastes, they may find me obnoxious, or pretentious, or flat out stupid
or missing quads??

wait what??? quads?
Well then, what's your name, I'll hate you back.
We can have cataclysmic battles like the ancient gods!
File: mynx.png (366 KB, 592x1000) Image search: [Google]
366 KB, 592x1000
requesting this rabbit, lewd or not.
File: lemonz.png (155 KB, 900x600) Image search: [Google]
155 KB, 900x600
you forgot marc, dead crusty meme
stop being a poor americuck
>having a professor
Having a professor in modern college is the equivalent of being self taught. Those professors don't give a shit about you, it's the same as being handed a request from an anon every day and being told to do it no questions asked. They provide no help and are only there to be paid.
There's little to no difference between self taught, and someone handing you a piece of paper every day saying "have fun"

You're also in canada. It's practically a free ride here. You DO realize there are multiple programs to help low income students, and any income students enter and fulfill a college career for next to nothing, correct?
Wat do u meen
>looking out for them
Yeah, right. This is more of a cry for attention on your end.
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135 KB, 800x800
so like... Seeing as i'm Marc,s trigger... should I leave, or is he going to keep projecting on me?

im cool with both but I kinda wanna go play Vidya.
File: shit sniffing intredastin.png (224 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
shit sniffing intredastin.png
224 KB, 800x800
but i dont think anyone is anon, everyone has their own way of doing things.... but isnt trinket and bane the same person, im comfused..
>I will push people away from sniffing shit, I don't care if they don't like me pushing, I'm looking out for them so they aren't called shit sniffer.
surely thats how it works
do what you want m8
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501 KB, 642x826
It doesn't matter, filter him and move on.
File: To those who faded.png (17 KB, 900x850) Image search: [Google]
To those who faded.png
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The tombstone grows heavier.
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>tfw her soundcloud died
All those semi-personal messages and songs I asked for
Like tears in the rain
Moku and pech are dead.
They were both in threads the other day.
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Donate to my kickstarted to fund my hit new indie roguelike

>Missed the trips as well

My name is Pooj. Everyone calls me Bones. I don't have a preference. I'll cataclysmically put you in the damn ground, son

I think he has a point. At least part of a point.
so, what ya'll listening to?
How does chiseling a thing make it heavier
Bim you have to add your own name too. .
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thank you
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Oh sweet, and congrats on the new tablet pen
tbh i had forgotten until i saw you just now
havin fun, dad?
The metaphorical weight of all the dead souls that rest in those names
that is sad

I was listening to Kelly Clarkson, but now I'm watching a stream of the Mets game
Holy crap thank you!
And thank you too!
I'm very happy to have gotten this! I appreciate them so much!
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Delet this
trinket I want to suck on your peepee
i'm sorry about that
But souls float upwards to signify rest. Souls dot have weight either. Something a weigh heavily on your soul buy souls don't be weight
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Kay 003.jpg
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>Having a professor in modern college is the equivalent of being self taught.
Highschool was tough for you right?

>those professors don't give a shit about you, it's the same as being handed a request from an anon every day
What class actually ends up anything like that at all, have you actually BEEN to an art class?

>They provide no help and are only there to be paid.
You're putting a blanket statement over all teachers just because the teachers you had were like that.

>There's little to no difference between self taught, and someone handing you a piece of paper every day saying "have fun"
Nah it's a professor who is being paid to actually teach you, not to stand there and do nothing. Please stop having PTSD of your grade nine art class, anon.

>It's practically a free ride here.
Except it's not, because you still have to pay and you get stacked with student debt, boi.

I want the attention of new artists to not be shit, yes.

that only applies if I was in art school, HELL I'll admit I'm jealous if anything that you got a free ride, and furious that you're fucking squandering it.

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