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Serious question : Why are Americans too retarded to argument

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Thread replies: 200
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Serious question :

Why are Americans too retarded to argument about political ideas ?

With all this shit about your stupid reality show level election, I haven't seen a single of you cucks talking about political ideas.

Its always either :


Seriously America ? Nobody has high expectations for you, especially in matters that require thinking, but come on... Even niggers are smarter than your average American.

You glorify autists who die in jewish wars for absolutely no reason except making them money.

Americans < Niggers, there I said it.
bumping for amerifags to see
Yeah our country is shitty, good job
If your not American, then why do you care?
> <

Because you motherfuckers won't stop talking about this in every single place.

4chan, twitch etc. Its all filled with you fucking idiots "arguing" about this shitty election.
Politics on the world's superpower is just as complex as any other nation

the thing with USA is that the discussion has been reduced to shit-tier rhetoric. 5-second soundbytes. etc. because the attention span of a tv-watching nation is no longer than that.
>actually acting like an sjw
Here's your response
>Going to 4chan/twitch and expecting intelligent conversation
Get the fuck out you fucking normie
Who mentionned intelligent conversation you fucking newfag.

I just don't give a single fuck about your shithole of a country. Stop fucking talking about it.
"Why are Americans too retarded to argument about political ideas"

I dont' expect anything from americans but god damn, you can't even read something that simple ?

Is your education that fucking terrible ? I pity your country.
Serious question: who do europoors care so much about American politics? After we liberated you in the 1940s, and to this day support your militaries with tanks, warplanes, anti missile defense systems, arms and equipment, and US dollars, not to mention our culture is the most imitated in the world, and our industrial & manufactured products are gobbled up by all of your cucks. Face it, you NEED America. And all you fucks do it talk shit about your overlords. Don't you have your own problems to worry about? When you are being forced to face mecca and bow down 7 times per day promise me you won't come begging to the West to save youb (again). You worry about your own shit and leave my guns to myself, deal?
Its a direct quote from OP you autist. He is asking why we can't have NON retarded political arguments. Ie. Intelligent arguments.
Nice try Eurocuck, does ahkmed know you are on the internet without his permission?
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I concealed carry everyday of my life. My question for you is, given European political history, are you so gullible as to believe you'll never have need of recourse to self-defense against your own government? The EU is strategically setting itself up for sovereignty. It now fights for a continental army.

Then again, you're just a fucking troll and thinks that "niggers" are smarter than Americans. Good job. You did it.
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Also, forgot pic.
Basically it's the extreme of the shit that our founding fathers specifically warned against. A two party system leads simply to "us vs. them". Now if you don't support every last cause of your party, you're obviously shilling for the enemy. Who wants to ruin the country. Why do you want to ruin my country you Russian communist? Modern politics is funny because, for how much the candidates always rave about what the founding fathers would've wanted, Washington himself said that a two party system would ultimately ruin the country. You're looking at post-red-scare and post-terrorism-scare America. People will just parrot what their party head says. It's the same mindset of "If you don't vote for X then you're basically voting for Y! You've ruined the country"
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Because americans have been brought up with media that focuses on short attention spans.

Short commercials, comedy that uses simple jokes, movies that get to the point of a story quickly and explains everything fully right away, music that contains no elaborate metaphors but have straightforward lyrics, etc.

So of course people won't have the patience to look into every aspect of a political issue but will instead be content with a superficial understanding of it.
Your bait is bad and you should kill yourself
Just like there's this thread everyday. Both sides have retarded whiners. So don't be just another retarded whiner.
I seriously doubt anyone knows how to fix merica or care to

we've become to diverse and fucked up with greed for any true greatness to happen imo
>says something that actually promotes deep thought is bait
>proves the point of OP

Because most of the political ideas you'd like to "discuss" are ideas that infringe on your own liberties due to CENTURIES of living under facism, monarchy, and other forms of government not founded in the idea of personal liberty.

Because you can't, won't understand that there is no discussion: to use the issue in your image as an example, owning firearms is and always will be a RIGHT that Americans belief every person has. It is not up for discussion.
yeah OP image happens all the time in america...
scary white guys walking around threatening with rifles
you better stay away OP
Considering the sentence should be "Why are Americans too retarded to argue about political ideas" or "Why are Americans too retarded to have intelligent arguments about political ideas", Iwould say your education sucks.
>>says something that actually promotes deep thought is bait
Promotes deep thought..... Americans<Niggers....... righttttttttt
Serious answer: gerrymandering.

In the USA the currently elected local leaders are allowed to change the borders of their constituencies. This has been done over a long period of time and produced some very strangely shaped counties, many with "panhandles" that veer off far in to other neighbourhoods and split them down the middle. This has been done to help ensure re-election. By picking the areas of people who already vote towards your political leaning you're securing your seat for the next election.

In time this led to communities being literally divided along county lines as to which political party they supported. An us vs them mentality has grown to the point now where no moderate politician stands a chance. Because fuck Neighbouring Town, those guys are cunts!

The general election is a moot point for most politicians. What matters is winning the primary for your party. Politicians focus their politics to win the primary and not to win the presidency. The result: moderate politicians are forced to lean farther to the left or right than they may actually want to appear more desirable along party lines. Moderates never do well in political primaries because they don't lean far enough either way and don't pander to the us vs them mentality as much. Fuck those fence-sitting faggots amirite?

Democracy has become a show spectacle of left vs right. The politicians with a chance of getting the presidency have to lean way further one way or the other just to have a chance of getting the chance.

Take away the ability for politicians to literally pick the people who are voting for them, draw county lines on a geographical : population ratio and it will begin to undo this mess. It won't be quick though. The us vs them mentality is a security blanket for many people that they genuinely can't accept even the possibility that maybe all Jews don't need gassing or letting all refugees in to the country might ruin it.
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>uses American based forms and services
>upset mainly American user base talks about America on occasion

I know , why don't you use any of thoes cool European based sites oh wait
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>we liberated you in the 1940s
America joined the fight in its later stages alongside England, France, and freakin' Russia.
Americans didn't even want to get involved at all before Japan decided to take a shot at an american base.
>our culture is the most imitated in the world
The West is a global minority. Look at Asia's cultures if you want some world-wide cultural big players.
>our industrial & manufactured products are gobbled up by all of you
Americans drive german cars, use japanese cell phones, and imports a bunch of other stuff.
The only areas where America really excels are fast food and military armaments, the latter of which sometimes gets exported to America's own enemies. Because money, I guess.

I know I'm taking bait but I'm too much of a faggot to resist.
All my views on this topic are discussed here:
>Why are Americans too retarded to argument
Good start. Excellent quality b8.
>You glorify autists who die in jewish wars for absolutely no reason except making them money
Ooooh, you transitioned into the anti-Zionist rant too soon. You've got to be more natural about it.

Pro-tip: To keep from seeming like obvious bait, don't run a David Horsey cartoon with your post.

As an amerivan i can safely say that my fellow americans dont read. Well. They do. But only on their phones.
Americans arent retarded, or stupid, theyre just normal people. But they ARE extremely ignorant. They cant discuss politics, or anything else really, because the vast majority of them dont know anything about it.
The US is waaaay down the list of democratic governance, the population at large has almost no influence over policy no matter who they vote for. Big corporations and wealthy lobby groups will get the policies they want enacted regardless of who wins the election and the public will be thrown a few emotive but meaningless bones of policies around social issues, race, religion, guns, immigration etc.
The adversarial two party system has been very intentionally cultivated to be as hateful, doom-laden and personality driven in order to make the idea of the "other side" having office as appalling as possible so all most voters really care about is "their side" getting in without really caring or even knowing what they do once theyre there. Thats how the way is cleared for the real rulers of the country to govern it as they want without the interference of the electorate.
i agree with 80% of clinton's policies and about 20% of trump's

just because we don't discuss it here, faggot, doens't mean we don't think about it.

get fucked

also notice how these plebs are too embarrassed to name the country they're form.
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Amerifats btfo
Will they ever recover?
the moms want the monster cock?
>that pic
wat da fuq

I'm tempted to believe that's just a silly story and not real.
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Not OP but I will give you a clue as to which country I'm from. Compared to America my country:

>Higher ranks in IHDI, education, university graduation rates, life expectancy, reptrak, freedom and democracy index, social mobility, and education

>lower rates of disease both chronic and acute, taxes on the upper class, crime across the board, and civic and political corruption.
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If only that were true Americut
could be any number of tiny little shit countries that no one cares about that doesn't ever invent anything and will never be much of anything in this world.


too bad you're still too embarrassed to name it though.
Saw you post this thread last night

Not impressed
>to retarded to argument
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I hope trump wins and pulls out america out of nato let's see how long before eastern Europe is raped by russia
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>could be any number of tiny little shit countries that no one cares about that doesn't ever invent anything and will never be much of anything in this world.
It'a G7 member state and top 10 GDP economy. This country also invented half of the things Americans take credit for
>to retarded to argument
>to retarded
>still won't name it

if you're too embarrassed, why should i care?

must be like russia. they claim to have invented everything too.
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France or Britain is a match for Russia, especially in a defensive capability. The entirety of NATO, sans America, would have no trouble against Putin & Co.
>niggers are smarter than your average American
nigger IS the average american
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>too embarrassed

I don't think you understand the point of this game at all Amerilard.
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What a shit cartoon. Holy fuck.

a couple of dumb teenagers on 4chan are not representative of America
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It's not just the 4chan teens
But your president is, vote Stallin!
Why is his.... gun... open carry tho..
>>Benchmade Griptilian

Mah nigga.
Fuckboi the nazis don't deserve credit for anything they invented nice try germanfag
You're on an American website if you don't like talk about America then fuck off I'm russian and j understand this
Fuckboi the nazis don't deserve credit for anything they invented nice try germanfag
*retard alert*
>American website

GTFO newfag don't even know 4chan just ripped off 2chan, a jp website lmao.
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>too retarded to argument
we're done here
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It'a a website owned by a jap based on another japanese website with a predominantly not American user base both in terms of sheer volume and per capita posts.

Not German
TFW americans can only read 2 words and can't read the rest.
>American website

Your retardation knows no limits. The internet is even an European invention... Seriously america ?

Your propaganda has no limit but the WORST part is that you are AUTISTIC ENOUGH to actually BELIEVE IT ?!
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Suck my Star-Spangled Cock, you commie faggot
Thanks for proving my point (op here)
Words are always more eloquent with concrete examples
Is that a 2 dollar bill in the moment clip?

> NRA "Muh Freedoms" fag spotted
Is that a 2 dollar bill in the money clip?

> NRA "Muh Freedoms" fag spotted
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Shake some of the sand out of your pussy and worry about your own national affairs
TFW when you think anything else is relevant. Writing in garbled English while making obvious statements and your Eurocucks suck his cock over it. European elections have the same bullshit my side is best. The difference is Americans don't give a flying fuck about European "Elections" aka UN promotions.
>Another murifag who can't read
>Another murifag who can't read
This website and especially /pol/ is filled with paid shills. That's why people are so paranoid about people being shills.

Getting ANY sociological message out into the public, in ANY way you see fit, costs a tiny fraction of modern advertising.

The question is not "is there shilling on social media?" The question is "How much." Off of 4chan, it's called astroturfing.
The best part of this image is ever time this sad loser posts him images its never in english.
>Look at Asia's cultures if you want some world-wide cultural big players
Do you not know what Hollywood is you fucking retard?
Excellent comeback, my hats off to you sir
Mods, the /pol/ faggots escaped again
Kill yourself
Get raped by niggers
Die again
Get raped by god, who is a three dicked nigger
I just love how, through all of this thread, the answer to Op's post is not "we're not retarded" but "why do you care".
At least they know what they are.
Also we care because 1) the USA has a big international impact and 2) empathy for 300M people.
The crumpetsperging cuck state of the uk, has its pigs harrassing the anyone who disgrees with rapist immigrants.

OP is nothing but a raging shillary faggot who deserves to has his testicles removed for being the redcoat pisstain human garbage he is.
>Didn't answer OP's argument
>Cries he gets retarded answer for his retarded question

Darpanet faggot
Switzerland had a prototype much before.

Retarded Americuck. Go back to sucking nigger dick, the only thing you excelt at.
wow, someon who really thinks because he has a big population and wealth of resources that makes his country great. doesnt care that those resources are being squandered and the people short changed. that they live in shit hole third world conditions, but that is ok because some scientists (mostly foreigners) invent stuff.

you are what is wrong with America.
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I don't think your posting in English either
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Commie cockroaches, can ram their "gun control" as far up their hipster nu-male candyassess as their wife's bull ram their bbc up said candyasses.
So many european jimmies... so little time.
Not the anon you're arguing woth, but this is exactly why I'm trying to make myself seem useful to another country so I can expat. I'm so fucking weary of all of the US and it's bullshit.
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Lol this is the same shill that got butthurt in the Martin Shkreli thread.

Nobody listen to this guy, he's an absolute fucking idiot.
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Given our geographical location, we can afford to be.
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So basically, you're using AMERICAN sites, wondering why AMERICANS are arguing on them?

No wonder why europe never invents anything. Whens the last time a tech company was started in europe that actually did something?

Mfw Amerifags can't write aything else because they know they're wrong
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When was the last time you actually did something relevant so you don't have to rely on the acomplishments of other people from your country ?
>Owned by Japanese
>Ripped off Japanese website
>Mainly used by Asians and Europeans

= American website ?

Fucking hell America... Even the internet is European... Stop being this retarded for the love of everything.
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Meanwhile no one gives a fuck about your insignificant country.

Get a hobby, or go outside more
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Regardless of the current owner, who mind you has done nothing since taking over and regardless of the demographic of people... Moot is an american and created this website for AMERICANS to use so we didn't have to learn commie japanese.

Asians and europeans can use it because we allow them to, because in america we don't care if you're black white hispanic arabic jew

I know you're an idiot because you bring race of people up in every post you make, keep furiously typing about us americans while we laugh and post joke images about freedom because it pisses u cucks off
>Reads thread
>Hundreds of triggered amerifatties

Yeah sure buddy bud.
always the same shitpost, enjoy the rest of your thread. I have a job to get back to.
American here. You're doing god's work anon.
A website owned by a jap made by an American and about to be owned by an American again stay mad eurofag the real countries will be over here
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Calm down before you have a coranary
A fight for America's soul to convert it to or reject charmin """""social justice""""" has created this undertow. Hopefully, after this election we will have quashed the charmins, Google Lives Matter, skypes, and the Department of Candy Shops.
>default answer
Our public relations industry is very successful and our citizens are too tired to question what's going on from being in debt to pay for college to get jobs to pay off their debt. Slogans and empty concepts have taken over. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on communism, the war on workers rights, the war on the American people have all been going very well. The work of the propaganda machine had been so ingrained that many of us do not know which way is up. So you have trump and Hillary, the controlled spectrum, and within that controlled spectrum there is lively meaningless debate. It will be over soon and will resume in four years
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Yes, we are.
Mostly because we turned politics into a reality TV show. People watch it for entertainment instead of information or ideas, and so it doesn't matter in the end what anyone says on either side. Its a battle of which person has more charisma, with a sprinkling of dedication to being called X politically aligned.

Fucking depressing, but yeah. Even people who pretend to be intellectual about it usually don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Hell I probably don't, I only know this because fucking hell any presidential related thing on TV is treated like a new series or something and hyped to shit like sports are. For us, politics is just something to complain about and fight over every few years, then blame someone else for us not paying attention.
>Didn't make it happen.
and yet you still won't admit to which one you're from. sad.
they almost always do this
weakens any arguments they put against america when they well know we can shit all over their country
Nice try faggot. You've been posting this image all day.
What would you answer the question ? You can't just forget it.
>No point detected
Just like every war the European has decided to give up
yeah, it's sad. why not just lie and say the UK or something?
Hey OP I literally know nothing about your country. Wanna know why? Because I don't fucking care about your country. Other countries do way more batshit backwards shit than our country. Wanna know why you arnt bitching about them? Because they arnt the most important country in the world.
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>unironically arguing about politics
If you do this you're literally the biggest beta faggot on the earth and should really kill yourself asap
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Not him but I'm Canadian
it could be he's from an even worse country than canada.
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Canada is a pretty good country
it's alright. like USA jr. no real relevance in the world, however.
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>not including Asia and South America
Honorary whites if I may say so
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>too retarded to argument
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Your ignorance about Canada doesn't actually mean we lack global relevance
i live in a city with people from all over the world and i have never ever seen a single canadian tshirt or hat that isn't hockey-related.
why is nobody commenting on the monster cock? Are Horsey and Jab collaborating now?
just fucking with you. i like montreal and vancouver. montreal strip clubs are much better than any in the US.
Pink Floyd sucks.
>No wonder why europe never invents anything.

NOw lets see yours
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>Look at Asia's cultures if you want some world-wide cultural big players
found the brainwashed weeb
Found the google
The internet.

After all, that's the only one that matters to you and the other yurocucks.
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Yes, I agree, Montréal strip clubs are top tier

Hockey is popular
Dear God tell me you are trolling...
In the 1980s, research at CERN in Switzerland by British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee resulted in the World Wide Web.
Who did .com, .org, .net,
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Holy shit man how much free time do you have? You've been doing this shit nonstop. You always have the same response to everything because you're too retarded to argue anything like a civilized human.
Maybe you should go out and find a hobby or apply for a job or find something you enjoy. Travel the world or take up underwater exploration.
Inb4 "another murifag who can't read"
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>US department of defense research research and the ARPANET
>active in the 1960s
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>Can't argue facts
>bring ad hominem

There you go little Amerifag.

Btw, not OP. Just found your lack of intellect funny, at least pic is related
>le ad hominem xd
Doesn't make that anon's post any less true

Also, before you call me "stoopid Amerifag" since that's the only retort you can come up with, I'm Swiss.
then why the fuck are you defending america you stupid shit
I'm not, I'm saying that OP is a faggot.

These threads are fucking stupid, and are always made by the same three groups of people: Weebtard, American troll wanting replies, or disgruntled cuck
Not American actually aussiefag just find this shit hilarious with the amount of stupid stuff spewed in these threads. Its also hilarious how people automatically assume your american if you don't agree with them.
Nice one pretending you aren't american.




I'm still waiting for anybody to actually talk about my post in the OP and answer with facts.

Hasn't happened once in this entire thread, just a bunch of triggered amerifatties.
Gun control is a losing argument for the left. Fuck off. People respond that way because all of the logical, reasonable arguments are completely brushed aside by you and your ilk. But this is obviously a troll, but on the rare chance that you're actually serious (because I've seen much more retarded arguments from the left and they were completely 100% serious) then let it sink in that every place where strict gun control laws are implemented, the murder rates and crime rates and rates of innocent civilians being killed, by illegally bought guns mind you, (criminals do not give a fuck about the law, that is why they are "criminals") absolutely skyrockets to absurd numbers. Why is it so hard to go on Pew Research and look at murder rates per capita in places where strict gun control laws have been implemented? Seriously, the facts are completely against you, and again, might be a troll, but if you are serious, you have to know that you are criticizing people of the very thing that you are. But again, strongly think that you are a troll.
Because America is to be destroyed
Were actually turning fast food low quality workers into robots and are disregarding most of our industrial might for technological exports. So tech stuff instead of material such as steel.
Thats exactly my point in the OP.

>Someone talks about politics
>buh muh leftists retarded

I don't give a fuck about either side. If you can't understand that you are the very reason I created this post.
we're just another brick in the wall
>Nice one pretending you aren't american

>they disagree with me!?
>surely theyre pretending to not be american!
>ill show them!
Swiss m8

Also you're looking for well-formed arguments on a shitty imageboard. You're the tard if you think this is the best place to see what Americans are like
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>Pretends to want to talk
>Respond to 1/10th of the text

You are as retarded as them at least.
Right and all of this is exactly because our government has been hijacked by globalists whom want to see not only America destroyed, but every single country in the world. And if you don't believe that (which is public, stated fact) then we can at least agree that some either exceptionally incompetent and/or corrupt people have run the U.S. into the ground. America was instrumental in the allies' victories in both World War 1 and 2. I mean it might just be me, but I hear constantly from the UK that they "desperately need America to be strong because it really is the last bastion of true freedom in the world."
>Pink Floyd sucks.

kill yourself
Dedicated troll
>You are as retarded as them at least.

>Assuming an entire country which has produced more than whatever country you are from is 100% full of retards
I like how anyone can just disregard this
What are you on? Niggers in the US are part of the reason No child left behind became no child gets ahead.
>why wont you argue about politics
>im sick of you arguing about politics
youre fucking stupid
I say leftist because those are really the only people that go after guns so vehemently. If you don't want me to lump people into groups, then I would be more than happy to go get the research I referenced and I will call them "people who are breathtakingly ignorant of reality" instead of leftists. I really couldn't care less about political parties, but I do see good and bad in both, but at the end of the day I'm with George Washington in that I believe that political parties and tribalism will destroy the country.
rekt nerd
>What is rheinmetall
>What is the Leo 2 A6
>What is a Chally 2 ATDU
>What is a Eurocopter and Eurofighter
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>"You don't smoke weed you wouldn't understandI It's great music to listen to for bonding with my wife's son when she sends us out when Tyrone comes over!"
Also I do differentiate democrats from leftists.
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fucking rekt
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>insert generic cuck comment
You can look at the polls for who supports Trump to see what percentage of the US is retarded.

So yeah, there are a lot of stupid people here, but not every American is stupid.

Most of us were simply born here. It's not like we all just decided to join Team America (fuck yeah)
>Why are Americans too retarded to argument about political ideas ?
Can't top that sentence, folks.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, bub- Or has your local department against kinkshaming detected wrongthink on the website you're visiting and you're worried about a visit from the rozzers and a paddy wagon?
We the people, being voting Americans, ARE the government. Any armed rebellion against the proscribed democratic system is treason. If you don't like the way things are going, vote instead of walking around with a gun trying to intimidate people. You might as well join the black panthers.

Stop being a paranoid faggot trying to circumvent the system for your own advantage.
The man plays some amazing guitar.
Yeah pretty much this.
The former CEO of A&W made it up for his memoirs to cover for his own failures to market the chain properly.
The complaint about price was legit because the McDonalds came with an order of fries and a drink where the A&W burder was the same price, but you had to pay more for a root beer
>None of you fuckers are in MBA marketing, I see
Tree times did thou ignore me...
Not according to NATO, actually.
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you try being an American living in a democratic republic thats actually an oligarchy. corruption is in plain sight for those who are smart enough to see it but there is a lot of obstacles put in place to keep us from caring for each other (race wars, religious blinds, trivial media issues and fear). If the people are separated they are easier to control. So get off your high horse and lend a helping hand if you seem to have the answers because if you dont you're just as much apart of the problem.
>someone from 4chin
>cultured enough to know Jerry

I'll be damned.
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I've read a lot of teenage novels, with the exception of game of thrones. I live in the U.S. too.
>there is a lot of obstacles put in place to keep us from caring for each other (race wars, religious blinds, trivial media issues and fear). If the people are separated they are easier to control.

Someone gets it
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American politics focus on emotional manipulation of the lowest classes in the country.

If there was any profound logic, or nuanced assessment of issues, then the entire political circus would have to be entirely reformatted, since it has nothing to do with logic or reason, and everything to do with power and profit as it exists. With enough money you can push almost any law through congress and prevent laws that will harm your business model. It's corrupt as fuck and everyone knows it. They're just exploiting it while there's life left in it and figure someone else will clean up the debris once it destroys itself.
The entire reason NATO has for existing is to combat Russian supremacy, so of fucking course NATO thinks NATO is necessary, lol
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