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Faces of /b/, rate thread Let's make this interesting and

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 331
Thread images: 74
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Faces of /b/, rate thread

Let's make this interesting and say what we do for a living

Im a Flooring apprentice
go to bed kiddo
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Pussy annihilation
You can't tell me what to do, you're not my mom!!
Not you/10
Look at this wannabe gangster. go the bed kid, you have school.
Lol what i do for a living?
Im just your average subway employee.
Not all too bad though. I have only 1 bill to pay so i get to keep most of my money
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Ah shit
I wish, work sucks
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i work for boeing as IT
Timestamp? Age? What is your 1 bill?
Nice b8
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>So sad to see faggots with arthritis at such young age
Well currently cant provide a stamp but if you dont wanna believe me then thats fine.
Im 26 and i get 10 bucks an hour

And i just pay my phone bill
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Fast food :(
Live with parents? What is minimum wage in your state?
You're fucking cute dude.
Pretty cute, 8/10. Where do you work?
Hey cutie :) whats your name?
I live in Cali. Its pretty much impossible to live on your own here unless you can land a damn good job.
Realistically i know ill never be able to live on my own. Ive accepted the fact that ill be homeless in a few years oh well.

Technically i think its 10.50 an getting duped 50 cents...oh well dont really care
I would rub my dick all over your smooth body
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Oh sorry... OP
I'm not a fan of sharing my real name but you can call me Carmel
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OP earlier this summer....
Oh yeah, I work in property management
Thanks man
Holy shit!
What's up?
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27 I build test cars 22/hr
You're welcome. Umm... are you working in new houses or renovating houses people already live in?
You're also cute and also look really young.
Nice beard
Tits or gtfo Carmel
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Used to be longer
I'm older than I look =)
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The fuck are test cars? I work for a high end luxury car brand
Yo take that shirt off
DAT forehead
Both, doing some 2x2 porcelain tiles and engineered hardwood in a new bungalow at the moment
No, you're not
The ones they test crash, do durability testing with, aero testing, cabin noise. Its all preproduction shit. Everything I work on is two model years out
Do you take your shirt off when you get sweaty at work?
That's cool. I'd like to smoke a joint with you and play with your cock.
That's fucking sweet. Do you mind if I ask what brand. If it's the same brand I'm at then I fucking hate you lol
Nah, mostly work inside air conditioned houses. I got it pretty easy as far as trades go
It's one of the Big 3.
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I work at KFC A&W
I can't make up my mind if you would be more attractive if your personality is really shy or really outgoing. Really shy, that would be so sexy for me, I would control you and get a little bit rough. Really outgoing, that would be very sweet.
A new house without a floor that already has air conditioning? For chrissakes I just want to fantasize about licking your nipples throw me a freaking bone
my profession job?
That's good. Can you leak any info I understand if you can't.
Well I'm about as shy as it gets when I'm sober, if I'm on drugs/alcohol I'm dead opposite
How would you feel if a guy overpowered you and raped you? If we were in the same place right now I would force you to have sex with me. I feel a little bad about that, but not bad enough not to do it, but I would try to not hurt you.
Holy shit you're a fucking gay cunt.
I'm a freshman in college right now, no job just yet.
I dont want to show my face, on the account of me being ugly
>Harris teeter deli
Haha, no I think he's a guy fucking gay cunts like me jerk off to. Be nice
OK well this house doesn't have the a/c on yet, these boxes of tiles are 28kg, sweat my balls of bringing In 2 skids of those
Sorry man. I could lose my job. What I can tell you is after about a week the novelty on working on something gen-pop won't see for a couple years wears off. It sucks when I look at the cars on the road that I've worked on all I see are the headaches I had while building them and all the engineers I had to refrain from dismembering.
What appeal does someone who dresses like that honestly have? Genuinely curious now.
Sure, as opposed to what though?
There that's a nice image for me! Umm... suggestion if you're sweating your balls off wear basketball shorts with no underwear
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Non food manager at a dollar general market
It's their attitude about themselves combined with my sense of superiority and dominance over people in the social class who dress that way. He's a young guy who sees himself as tough and manly. I see him as young, sexually attractive, probably naive in some ways, in a relatively vulnerable socioeconomic class, probably easy to manipulate, and if he isn't naive, probably motivated a lot by money, smartphones, that kind of thing.
Haha I feel the same way about the engineers. Or I see nice cars and people get excited and I'm like meh I drive them every day
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i sell cell phones actually. Just to keep me paid through college... realize my last question was a stupid one.
>i sell cell phones actually. Just to keep me paid through college... realize my last question was a stupid one.
did not mean green text
LOL. I'm sure my balls would be a lot happier
Lol i know who u are
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studying for ITNA linux concentration
delivers for pizza hut
Yeah I could see the outline of your dick in that lol
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Hi, I'm Dale. I'm 26 and a telemarketer
well that's good i suppose.
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>>706510322 here
so you're the fucker spamming my fucking phone
>Go to school and help run a business with my wife.
Dammit I scared you off. I wasn't trying to be mean or to emasculate you, I was just being honest. Look, a guy bigger and more powerful than me could do the same to me, right, though I suppose there aren't as many guys like that....
Is that you tahl?
omfg you are young
Find another profession or go to school for a real trade... Leave that shit for uneducated people.
Do you really want to break you back and fuck your knees up?
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>tfw am fat
>look 12
this is surely the life
We're all ugly, don't be shy brother, we are anominous
So did my explanation make sense to you? I view OP as a potential boy toy, the clothes just hint at details of his background a bit
But what other trade can he blaze yolo and dress like a Bafoon? Did he mention his rate of pay?
Sucking dick won't change that
Ahh I'm stronger than I look, my job keeps me in half decent shape. If you want to rape me, you're not getting it without a fight =)
These are pictures of the same guy....
Same shirt.
those quads could have stopped ultra giga nigga. where were you!?
Still a faggot
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gayest picture I have of me
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25/hr I'm a production mig welder
I should, I graduated high school with honours as well as with a few certificates in the technologies. Definitely don't want to be like my boss, 45 years old and his body is used up
Yeah I believe you. I think I'd still be able to overpower you.... Sorry to go all dark on you but I like you.
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I'm a student at a mediocre college and I awkwardly cold call people part time
Okay, that I understand. Interesting to hear the other side of the story, cheers for sharing.

He still seems like a fucking cuck, but if it works for you then by all means.
I'd like to see you try =)
What country are you in? Our economy is in the shitter now but if you were smart during the boom here you could have retired in 5 years and worked a shit retail job and just bang young sluts
Thanks for still chatting btw I like being honest and I do feel guilty about some things but it's nice to get it off my chest.
I'm In Canada, our economy is pretty shitty too
Fuck off, normie
No worries brother, I've been here a little while, not much phases me
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lol... so in the first pic you're a little bit gangsta and in the second a little cuter. Are you really in the situation you claim or are you dressing up a bit?? If it's the latter my boner for you is even getting harder....
And you are also them
Cool! Did you just tell someone else you're from Canada? I'm in Nova Scotia :D
is this really you?
attractive, I'd talk to you outside /b/
you seem interesting!
cute :)
An improvement, imo.
Huh? No I'm the guy who admitted to wanting to rape him.
Same here bud just grind it out or upgrade until oil recovers. Trades are down right now every ones down but this is the time to make a fortune. I'm the high end dealership guy even were taking a hit. But all those people who bought what they can't afford if just ripe for us to pick.
It's the latter, it's fun getting a rise out these faggots. Too easy
Yes, I'm from Ontario, close to Toronto but far enough away that it still looks like canada
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From a few days ago
Awesome! You like to mess around with people and that is something we have in common. Even if what you're now saying is untrue, my assertion still holds. I'd really like to meet you
Probably shouldn't said all of that stuff about rape I guess :/
>wearing a New York City baseball cap
>displaying a West Coast gang sign

Fucking pick one. You can be a dumbass NY sports fan or you can be a dumbass wannabe gangbanger from the west coast, but you can't fucking be both.
In OP's defence, is that really a W or could it be an E on its side?
I'm sure we live pretty far apart, I'm way up north in the land of maple syrup and mooses
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Dude, could you post another pic so I can rub one out to you before I go to bed??
Yeah..... that's right! This anon knows what's good
Oh man you're in Huntsville or something. Or north bay, blech. Stay in touch? hmmm how...
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Why not?
Durham region, near toronto
Thanks man ^^
I was thinking a little more along the lines of basketball shorts and no underwear tho :D
Looking into going into business with a good friend of mine in the near future. Can't stand busting my ass to make someone else rich anymore
My old yahoo email username that I don't much use any more is sk16blue btw
I don't have anything like that and I'm not at home so I can't take any pictures atm
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Agree. Post a dick pic or something..
It's cool man I'm pretty close.
What do you do for a living anon?
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Op is best meme
To ejaculating, don't worry, I didn't mean close to you!!
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What do you do for work rancid?
Student, work in a sporting goods store in the mean time. Overall happy
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Hi lo driver for a paper plate factory.
Used to work at an oldfolks home
Studying right now so that i may become a nurse one day.... Maybe
Good to hear. What are you studying?
Work part time at a bike shop mostly assembling new shit out of the box. Wish I could get into fucking IT because I have all the skills and could easily work an IT job with little to no training, I just fucked around in highschool and dropped out so no one is going to hire me
I hear nursing pays pretty well, my brother was looking Into nursing not long ago
Ever consider getting your high-school diploma and going back to school?
Ok goodnight OP and thanks for being a sport.
And if you every really come across someone just like me it's ok to fight back a bit but don't take it too far because my type would see it as a fight that cannot be lost under any circumstances :/ Sorry to go dark again but I like you and simultaneously want to protect and violate you.
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Business management, used to study chemistry but switched majors because bio chem is insane in the membrane
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Ciao niggers
I make/deliver pizza. Not ideal but it pays bills
So you mean your dads bitch
Not really, I left for a reason, it was awful. They don't teach you anything actually useful in highschool anymore, all the major tests I passed really easily and scored above average, I loved physics class and did everything in there. Everything else was same old boring and fairly useless shit day in day out. Incredibly pissed off that the only reason I can't get a decent job doing something i'm actually good at is I don't have a fuckin piece of paper that says i memorized some useless bullshit
Forgot to mention work status

Barista at local coffee shop/apprentice carpenter part times on weekends
I'm a flooring Master. Bow to your Sensei
Do the GED then, since you're soo smarter than other people
It cramps all four years in a few months plus you have to pay for it
Lol good night comrade. I warn you though if I am successful in defending myself I probably won't be able to stop there, I may as well take it a few steps further, you might find yourself to be the one getting raped
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yes this is me. im not really that interesting unless u like competitive video games and REAL SCREAMO

my dad is lookin real sharp in this pic ;>
>flooring apprentice
more like massive faggot
G-good morning sempai. C-can I get you some tea?
ur the rock from central intelligence
lol Maybe I'd like that! Fuck I want to find you
Massive burn brah
What kinda games?? I used to play fighting games competitively :3
Get me your sister-kun
Male or female??
Did you just assume on her Gender? You fascist pig!! OMG, the misogyny!!!

B-but I don't have a sister master sama
Ow, well what do you guess?
I'm not that dramatic anon
What do you mean by real screamo. You talking orchid
Im ashamed of everyone in this thread posting pictures. I bet you have no real facebook friends
Oh god this shit again. losing my shit but in actual sense. My attraction died, but nice beanie and scarf combo in last post. Also what do you do as a living?
No, can't you see my feminine penis?
thats exactly what i mean
you must be female with those glasses, hair, and eyelashes

i play tf2 competitively because im a fuckin retard
Maybe. But if you say all that then why'd you ask!
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Come say that to my face, I'll beat you off with both hands faggot!!
I can't see your face you fucking foreskin.
Oh. Yea had a feeling it'd be fps or moba. I suck at both, lul
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rate me /b/ros
I'd give you a solid 5/7
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24. No reason to get a job until I go serve my three months in jail so I just drink and do cocaine. Not skinhead.jpg
you are throwing a stereotypical westside, with that vanilla ice hat, fronting this fake ass blood look. how am i supposed to take you seriously?
Because I'm not the guy who asked!
Three months in jail for what? Did you have long hair not long ago?
Ease up homie, I ain't set trippin
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This is me I guess.

I work at a temp agency from time to time for shit pay. Haven't worked in a couple of weeks.

I also make music, which makes even less money
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I've had a warrant for my second dui in San Luis Obispo for nearly a year. My buddy got the same charge and did the months so im assuming ill do the same,if not more considering I had priors. I shave my head alot cus its easier. Currently growing it back out. I'm sort of addicted to having a bald head though. This is more recent.not good photo though.
Ooh sorry, forgive me!
Jelly. I wish i could have "unnatural" hair colors, but work won't let me.
Your freckles are adorable. I'm the skinhead looking fuck. Kek.
rate or roast me.
didn't know there were femanons on /b/ these days.. hot!
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r8 me
It's okay, you inspired me and this is me >>706521450

I've never posted in one of these threads before
Black flag was my first ever assflap back in '07. Fuck yeah dude. Up the punx!
Not really them, they never post timestamps, it's just some greasy neckbeard looking for attention
i got into em pretty late, but they definitely changed my life. thanks

had to look up what an assflap is lol
it is me you asshole you can send me a message on facebook and ill reply
Inspired? How'd that I feel helpful atleast! You should smile though
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Are you in Cali? There's some dope shows coming up in Bakersfield and Fresno soon. Even more in NorCal.
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well, i think gender is a funny thing. im not gay or transitioning, but this is my current picture on fb
Chicago. You near LA?? You like FIDLAR, Cherry Glazerr, or Criminal Hygeine?
Never heard of them! Always on the search for more music though. I just got back from LA 2 days ago. I'm couch surfing at the moment. Staying where I can,where ever the liquor takes me.
Whatever you say. I couldn't care less how you get your kicks,
Your hair is pretty awesome though. Mine was longer before I decided i like short better. I dunno i just say do whatever is comfortable. You wouldn't be the first guy to wear makeup you know, just ignore the haters.
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IT student
theyre more garage less punk, you could maybe consider them punk but definitely not hc. one of my best friends lives in Arcata, part of Humboldt county. I love it there. We used to camp on Mad River beach, in the dunes. I definitely want to make it back out there soon. As of now the liquor has guided me back to my parents house. Which I absolutely hate. But I'll be living somewhere again soon, I can feel it.
I'm just a line cook
R8 me pls
well im not going to disclose my name or anything but with a simple image search you can find my facebook and send me a message and I'll be happy to reply.

Thanks, I just died it black. And I just feel comfortable presenting myself a certain way sometimes. You have a lovely face, I wish I could keep my hair that straight without having to use a straightener for hours.

How long have you been on this website? I'm pushing 7 years.
Black is my favorite. I'm naturally blonde, but it's my least favorite color. Yea dude long hair is a pain. I've been here since 2004ish i guess, sadly.. also, thank you :3
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Ft. Old T-shirt from days not spoken of
Don't make stupid ass faces and stop wearing hoodies otherwise you're good to go
2004!? No way! I feel like everyone currently on /b/ has been here for like 2 years tops. What was it like back then? I mean it was kind of savage back in 2008-9 but I imagine you could get away with anything back in 04. Do you frequent any other boards?
You look like a highschool freshman or something. Adorable though
Eh..mostly the same old shit. There was just way more cp i guess lol. I was still in highschool so i just lurked for le funny memes. I really only go on here and /ck/ though, you?
I go on /mu/ almost exclusively, even though it's complete trash these days. I just recently returned to /b/ to check in like a few months ago. There's way more normies, and it's lost a lot of it's edge. But then again so has everything. I'll occasionally drop in on /x/, /pol/, and /r9k/.

Well I guess if you don't mind me asking, did you transition or were you a born femanon? Not that I would've thought so, it's just with that guys first comment coupled with the fact that I find it very hard to believe that I'm talking to an oldfag from 04.
The garbage threads of today existed back then, just different names. Still the same old shit, i think i only come here still out of habit by this point. /mu/ would make sense for you of course! Normally i never really answer, but you've been entertaining, sooo I'm trans, but i never really mention. I just say im female obviously.
I would definitely want you if we were to meet in real life. Lately the prospect of hooking up with a trans person has been really appealing to me. If you were near me (630), i would definitely say let's meet up. I have so many questions but i dont want to bombard you, id love to keep contact though

sadly enough, /mu/ legitimately shaped my life into what it is today.
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Heh and thats where I'd stop you anon. Sure I'm trans technically, but im just a woman in my mind.
>inb4 mental illness
The fact that you said those things after i revealed is something i avoid. No hard feelings towards you though!
Opioid addict/10
Bruce Jenner/10
Comic book guy/10
Needs a heater/10
Daddy issues/10
OK fine
This is me
Want to let me sniff your butt buddy?
I feel that, I actually felt like that would hurt to read if I were you, but I wasn't sure. Just speaking my mind. You probably feel that I couldn't look at you in the same way or only see you as a novelty now that you've revealed something. I don't know if it's a mental illness, and I would definitely classify you as a woman. Gender dysphoria sucks and like I said, I find it inspiring that you're doing what you think is right
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only pic i have right now.
ima student
you look sad
Oh nah i have a tough skin (kinda have to) but you're sorta right with the rest. Safety is a pretty big concern. It's becoming more mainstream, so less violence towards trans, but a lot of people are still jerks. I suppose i wouldn't mind keeping in contact though, i do enjoy rambling on. Have snapchat or something?
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i think so. I haven't used it in a while

add rimboclives
How about you snap some pics for all of us?
Oh geez, this tranny again.
ok. ill do you one better, a quick video. its up i think
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"before" pic from about a year and 30 lbs ago, just for fun
Okie dokie, added.
Ah not up :(
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Jesus christ what a fucking faggot.
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Studying 24/7 ;'(
yes it is, check again, which one are you anyway??

cool, i dont see anything rn but ill double check
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I am a Salesman for a big company.
Someone who wants to see your smelly butt
Idk. If it doesn't work we may be doomed
i found you i added you

Doesn't that sound hot?
yeah do you want like a private show or something? i dig the attention.
I noticed! Looks like you're about to get your ass eaten out by that other guy
How does it feel that a undocumented immigrant can do your job not only cheaper, but better?
Yeah how about kik?
Leafy, get the fuck outta here
Not really possible given the distance between us... at least I should hope not...
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im not a fucking nigger i don't use kik, nor have i ever. what is it anyway? just add me on snapchat and we can go from there

i haven't used snapchat in a long time do you not have anything up for your story?
That's rude. I'm much Sexier than that faggot

Cold call me and I'll cold cock your ass.
No snap chat lets put on a show I'll make you a star in here
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Gay out of 100

Not gay, but I would like to be your bf.
No i don't. I recently downloaded it again cause a friend coaxed me. I basically only text but of course I'm not posting my number on /b/ and neither should you kek.
Yeah if you want the Chinese dab and slab, go ahead and have George Chong do your floor but have fun when half the tiles are cracked in a couple years
what do you have in mind? can i just promote my youtube channel?

You would make a sweet pirate.


What is your YouTube channel? I have some dirty talk in mind
I wouldn't hire you to drink my piss.

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ashamed to share /b/ with you fucking retarded teenage edglord faggots.
back to /soc/, all of you.

pic related its me and my btich.

let's hear it

I know, let's hope this doesn't go anywhere too far. You should text me or something
fuck off faggot

I thought that was a roach from the thumbnail.
I'm sure you couldn't afford me boy
>> leeeeeeeeeeeon
raid this nignogc
Sure if you wanna, as long as you're okay knowing i have no interest hooking up, anon. You gotta check your chat on snapchat though, fucker.
God damn boy just upload your naked ass. You're getting a diaper
im good on that, buddy. im honored tho, i really am

yeah that's ok, ill check it right now. Also, that implies that you are actually close to me! :3
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In administration circle of a cleaning company.
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i dont see it

Are you FtM?
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A pirate! Fucking cheers, dude.
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IMG_20160924_190715 2.jpg
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I leech on government welfare
Professional photographer
3-5k per wedding
Roast me
Very pretty :)
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42 KB, 424x362

Me too. Disability + EBT.
Thanks for the laugh, but no.
Thanks anon. Where's yer face?
Why don't you get a job?
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1 MB, 1936x1936
Minimum wage unarmed security.

I have only the laxness of my job to look forward to.
Are you dating Chris Brown by any chance??
you have the same haircut as most of my old lego figures
Uh no, I don't think so? Why?
I'm waiting on new ones but there are no jobs where I live, the economy is in the shitter.
Holy shit you almost cut me with all that edge!
Fucking terrible photo. You preteen girls think it's cute to contort your face like that?

Thanks for responding. I don't mean to offend.
Femanon? Sorry the pics kind of dark
Rhianna came out of that relationship looking similar.

Should have clarified, all I have to look forward to job wise. Its boring sometimes, even with 4chan. Not fulfilling if you want to do something in life.
Create your own job, that's what I'm in the process of doing
Ehh, I'm not sensitive enough to be offended. I have a feminine looking face.
Meh, I like it. Where's your face, anon?


Hahaha thank you!
Love ur mouth:)

It's okay, I have a feminine face too.
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Right here
You look like you should be on a reality show. Get off /b/ man.
U are more than welcome
judging from the pics
b is full of petty criminal agressively hetero guys
or femguy low income earners.
mmmm. gross.
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But this is where I go when sleep evades me.
Did you miss my post?
Damn, she's cute! She could do way better than you.
Please show more
Afraid not :-/ All she has going for her is a killer body and good fucking skills. Beyond that convos are pretty weak
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