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>The guy most famous for raising the price of HIV medication

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 274
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>The guy most famous for raising the price of HIV medication 5000x is trying to buy 4chan
>/pol/ is on board with it

Why? Am I paranoid or is it reasonable to think he'll fuck everything up?
It's better than letting some SJW buy it.
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Which has nothing to do with what we're talking about. Most SJWs hate 4chan and don't have enough money to spend on expensive ventures.
This. At least he's not a total and complete cuck.
I'm still questioning what he really knows about us

Actually, it could be a decent amount
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absolute fucking retards
dude is an upper echelon troll. just check his twitter
You don't know shit. It was Daraprim for toxoplasmosis not HIV directly. Watch a few interviews and docs about him and you will change your young, uneducated, liberal mind.
HE HAS A LITERAL HISTORY OF SCAMMING, FRAUD, AND FUCKING PEOPLE! SJWs are just pink hair fatties complaining about shit. He should be looked on his own merit rather than compared to others.
does that not make him the perfect candidate to own 4chan then?

Rather that then censorship-happy fucknuts looking for an excuse to be offended.
His struggle to remain relevant is sad.
Daily hangouts where nobody joins.
Constant spam on here about some irrelevant shit.
Big money salvia was the best thing to happen to this man because it gave him the attention he wants so badly.

tl;dr Nothing will come of this, just ignore him like everybody else has
he's perfect.

also he's a really smart dude and the people who have spoken to him personally have said he's actually quite nice. seems like the "weird" vibe he gives off is just a front.

also about the drug thing, he was doing it to get insurance money out of the insurance companies.
he was giving the drug away for FREE to the people who really needed him, you just had to email him and he'd send you all you need.
>who really needed him

who really needed it* (the drug, that is)
SJWs aren't even on the table, they are nowhere to be found on this issue.
He has 100,000,000+ dollars. Buying this site would be a joke to him.
Aren't most SJWS rich kids?
not necessarily. just 1st world, sheltered and never had to work a day in their lives for anything, so they're completely disconnected from the way the world works. they have delusional ideas about how it does work and try to impose those ideas on people who actually have experience.
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>he was giving the drug away for FREE to the people who really needed it, you just had to email him and he'd send you all you need.
Really what 4chan needs is for someone to buy it who can figure out how to make it profitable.
I try not to worry about shit I have no control over.
>someone to buy it who can figure out how to make it profitable
You want 4chan to be facebook?
no, because then it'd turn into a SJW goy-cuck haven, just like le ddit.
So it's him OR SJW ? Theres is no alternative ?
nigga is in here shiiiiiiiiiet
Let Hiroshima keep it. At least the Asians are good about not keeping an eye on things

Well I hate to break it to you but it costs money to run a website. If you can't make it profitable then you're forced to sell it or shut it down.
>Inb4 he makes us his personal army or get banned.
Don't you dare monetize pepe.
he in here
t. Martin Shkreli
If you are reading this martin you are a huge fag!
Fagets wear blue t-shirts
Make me your first mod, Martin.
There are better options than him that are not SJW's

i just witnessed martin reading this post live
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what the fuck is happening to this site

No, 4chan needs an eccentric, rich asshole who doesn't care if it turns a profit, because he's just in it for the keks.

Based Pharmabro would be our savior.

indeed im on board, might make this site great again. or maybe at least not complete shit
Where are you watching him?
Martin, no offense, but I really wanna know what you plan on doing to this site.
This guy is a huge cuck, ive talked with him over his livestreams, hes deceptive, stupid, and a cuck, huge pussy pleaser because he can't get any.
>dude is an upper echelon troll

He bought the wutang album just to piss wu fans off. This mutherfucker was on the breakfast club talking about how he will slap ghost face killa, like really?

>just ignore him like everybody else has
Link us the stream
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This dude has such pleb taste in music.
You're a sad person, but you already know that
Well that would certainly be fantastic, but do you really think they'd sink the required money into server maintenance and keep things updated as technology advances?
Would you trust a guy stuck in silver elo?
We are seriously ok with this faggot buying 4chan?
What the fuck?
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Help us Patton Oswalt you're our only hope.
>increase the edge

What a loser. Is this the kind of fag you want running 4chan?
You're a bumbling monkey if you think hes not in it for money. He'll try to monetize it any way he can, even if that means killing user experience and filtering content.
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Let it die with dignity
He called moot patetic
What the fuck? Yeah moot didn't intended to create this place to fucking revenue.
Stupid capitalist fuck
Isnt he atleast plat? I used to have him added on my main acount
First off, can't say I can find a reliable source on this so it's prob not true.

Second, Shkreli likes to profit, at any cost. He's not gonna buy this website if he can't turn a profit with it (something that both Moot and Mook fail to do).

So if he does buy this place it's either to sell our info to online advertising, load this place with data miners (who's companies pay him), or sell our info to the government at a premium.

Shkreli is not a good dude and there's no one on earth who enjoys profiting off the misery of others like him, it's sort of his business model.

If he buys 4chan, that's a bad thing for us. I'm the oldest fag still here and even I would find a new online hangout.

The death throes of this site have been anything but dignified.
You could open a donate page like Moot did, Hiro
Anyone else can't get over his slide design? It seems pretty horrible
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This nigger is the kind of ironic epic memer that belongs on reddit. I doubt he's serious about buying 4chan.
What we need is for some rich trust fund autist oldfag to buy this shithole and keep it the way it used to be. Not for money but because he can. In other words, not this cocksucker.
This guy is a faggot and if you like home you're an even bigger faggot.
Finally someone who uses is head
How we are gonna prevent this fuck to buy this place?
The guy's red pilled, if he wanted to troll for profit he'd buy 9gag or something.
This. There's got to be some rich-on-autismbux NEET with way too much cash to burn.
shout out to Wu Tang more specifically GFK
Is he even aware that moot's gone
>Asian moot says there needs to be changes in order for 4chan to keep running
>everyone flips and shit and is already figuring out who is gonna buy 4chan
Calm down you autisms hiro is gonna close /pol/ and we're gonna keep this party van rolling
I'd buy this shit place.
I got a lot funds.
But I know shit about economy, marketing and I'm not even american
anyone screen cap his porn when he tried to attach a file?
I love him so much
He's just trolling. He knows fuck all about 4chan.
Sadly even if I had the money I'd be afraid of the world learning my identity like they did with moot. So we need someone who truly doesn't give a fuck, in addition to the rest of the criteria.
luggage lad WAS pathetic thou
Huh. I wonder if they'll all scatter to the 8 chinz or if they'll come here for their white supremacy...
He probably knows that some people here like him, and he seems to desperately want that as much as he also clearly enjoys being hated.
>searches viper
>searches Jessi slaughter's dad
>searches moon man
No I think he's been on there longer than you
But we need /pol/. I only go to /mu/ and /pol/, and sometimes I shitpost here.
The guy is a clear and obvious narcissistic sociopath. He comes across as really smart and friendly in what he says but if you watch his body language and how he meticulously arranges aspects of interviews that he has control over, it's pretty obvious what's going on in his head. The guy invited an interviewer to his house to talk about Daraprim but spent most of it showing off his Wu-Tang album and trying to get the reporter to interview him over a game of fucking chess.

Of course, it's not really surprising that /pol/ can't pick up on the basic subtleties of social interaction, given how many of them are stunningly autistic. This dude is like a richer, smarter Ted Bundy.
Id be fine with him buying it. I like how trolly he is, even though he feeds off of attention. He uses 4chan probably more then most of us.

Also, people make him out to be a bad guy for increasing the price on the HIV medication, when really it didnt change anything. Everyone still got the drug, literally EVERYONE that needed it.
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haha man he knows some of the most reddit shit around? Epic dude he's just like us!
Not enough bandwidth sorry fag
Let them, maybe it will scare of all the tranny and cuck threads
Notch please come and save us
Yup, it's like rich Russian oligarchs and human rights contravening Chinese businessmen buying up sports teams to appear more legitimate. Everybody wins.
>taking vice interviews seriously

that girl was dumb as a rock.

perfect for 4chan then?
>is trying to buy 4chan
> you guys can see my screen?
and that's bad how?
You don't have to take the reporter seriously to see what was going on. There's video of the whole ridiculous thing.
Lmao I'm not giving this nigger cock loving cuck a penny, if he buys it then it was a good run lads
that fake ass phone call just now
not after he goes to trial and gets imprisoned he won't
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You know that the price was raised so that he can keep the company afloat and further research and development to get better cures. On top of that, anyone who cant afford the goddamn pill bcuz the price got raised GETS IT FOR FREE.

Perhaps /pol/ was on board with it since theyre already red-pilled on him which you clearly arent.

Im sorry you got fucking hiv OP, but realize you can get the drug for free so theres no reason to hate on em. Go do your research on it before listening to mainstream media faggot.
Does this guy even know what this place is?
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>implying 4chan is up for sale
>it's better to have no drug than to increase the price for insurance companies and give it away to those who can't afford insurance

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He'd ruin the site in a second for some dumbass reason. Just for laughs, or possibly for money.

I miss moot.
better than a jew
but i prefer the jap
5000% is not the same as 5000x
its 50x
you dumbass
what happened to this guy
wife dies
he goes full sjw
You aren't giving anyone a penny for being here now you sperglord.
what would you say was "going on" then?
4chan doesn't make money off ads because everyone has adblock disabled?
What the fuck is he doing
hes very aware.
>typing his plan on screen
>typing about making a profit

Are you a complete tard who doesn't know how advertising and data mining works?
we didn't start with dignity. why end that way?

this place should have been shut down years ago.

Hes in this thread right this second because he has nothing better to do then to laugh at all of us.
They don't take your money away when you go to jail, except for what you've taken illegally. He didn't make that much on raising the price of that pill.
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were fucked
How could an out of touch millionaire CEO be in touch with a website founded to discuss chinese cartoons and overflowing with social outcasts and retards?
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This fag should buy reddit instead. At least then I could laugh while he fucks it up.
But if we are a source of lulz for him, he won't ruin us. It all comes down to us becoming cancer again instead of being a gay porn board
Iiniku Ushijima if anyone's interesting.
I agree. Media sorta spun things around, he was ripping off the insurance companies, not the patients that need it. Then when called out he was able to masterfully throw it back in their faces all the while grinning like a goddamn Cheshire cat. Same with the wu tang thing, he did it just to pissed people off, and got plenty of keks out of it.

Also, he is smart as shit, that is undeniable. And there are numerous examples of his "real" personality out there. Nice dude, friendly, smart af and was able to troll not only the media but in turn the entire country as well.

Honestly he's a perfect fit for us. Plus, maybe he'll be nice and let us hear some wu tang
>sell our info to the government
unless you're behind 7 proxies, if you're posting here the government has your info, newfag
>that rig
I'm jealous.
Too bad you can't properly use an amp like that in your bedroom tho.
Ever heard of Google or Facebook?
The only times Moot was good for anything was when he fucked with the site for no reason.
You're still not giving him money. you're just helping him make money, you retarded faggot.
He would force /b/ and /pol/'s cancer over to the rest of the site.
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He's trolling
Lmao mook isn't selling the trace of you CP to the feds
>He buys us and /wu/ becomes a board.
I'm in
he literally does nothing now because he has the money to do nothing. he spends most of his time streaming, talking to people, and trolling people with memes.
go do your homework, kid
feds have had the keys to this place for years

everyone know this.
If you want to make an argument on phraseology sure, doesn't change the fact he'd get richer off ruining this place

And will never have to worry about money, social status or getting laid. Thus has nothing to do with 4chan. I hope he'll fuck off and leave us in peace.
that's a pretty shitty pedalboard...
LOL at the retards supporting this guy.

You do know he has no boundaries, he will close/keep whatever boards he wants and most importantly you will see 4chan becoming another famous user-friendly community site out there just for the money it can offer.

Prepare for normies, prepare for political correctness if this guy ever buys 4chins
Ayy lmao then why isn't there any reports of prosecution for CP? Would make statistics look good
So he has enough money to be... us. Seems like the person we want to fund the site
he's such a smug cunt and it shows.
When you say giving someone money, it implies that it's coming out of your pocket and that you will be unable to spend it elsewhere. If you're just opposed to him getting more money, then I've got some very bad news for you.

>He's gonna do that no matter what he does.
We need a Wu board. I had no idea we needed it before, but I do now.
I bet he knows jackshit about playing an instrument and pedals and just bought it to feel cool.
He plays his guitar on stream all the time
Giving him the means to generate a higher income would be a mistake, then
We saw that attempted with the influx of SJW mods after the great tumblr wars. I can't tell if we desensitized them or if they all got fired for general faggotry, but either way it won't last too long.
Omg he is on here now, this is amazingly retarded holy shit i love it
A true poster boy for the arse hole of the internet.
Vive la revolution!
if you ask me, him not having to worry about anything gives him all the more reason to buy 4chan. His personality is pure troll outside business and caring for the sick. Him wanting to buy 4chan makes sense if he actually wanted too.
The guy is a shithead, which is why he'd fit in perfectly around here.
>SJW mods
I keep hearing about this.
Do you have any proof or are you just talking out of your ass?
>if he actually wanted to.
Thank God he doesn't.
>Will you be a less faggy moot?
>I assure you, I ASSURE YOU. The site will be in good hands
Will he let me set my pass flair to automatically show up so I don't have to keep typing it into the Options bar? If so, I can't wait for him to show up.
>I am from the old internet
>I come from IRC
I love this retard
50 million for this site? no way. moot didnt even come close to making a decent profit when he sold out
wtf is a pass user?
Kill yourself.
All adds up to shit as long as we have anonymous and dynamic IP's. Bring on the shitstorm, at least it'll be fun.
It's a method of tracking what users post what and have them pay for it.

Not really hard proof, but there was a guy who dumped a bunch of chat logs that he claimed were the 4chan mods. Moot was flipping his shit because the CEO of Gwaker's niece tried to commit suicide over gore or some shit (read: begged her family for attention like a little cunt). Supposedly Gwaker threatened to go after moot if he didn't clean up the shit here, and his solution was to SJW-tize /b/. I didn't save any of the logs, so this is all hearsay, but that's what happened to the best of my understanding.
You can ask why's all you want, but someone can always come up with reasons as to why this or why not that and its more complex than you know. Everyone should know by this point that the feds have the keys, especially after the snowden incident.
50 million dollars? If he's being serious then bye 4chan. He's not gonna drop that much and not expect to make it back, he's gonna find ways to make this place normalfag friendly so there can ads on this place.
How much is 4chan worth?
5, he dropped it.
I think people both overestimate and underestimate the resources they have, they'd have no reason to not start getting pedos(esp. those who upload it) convicted
It's suppose to be $5m.
This guy is worth way more than $55m though so.. he got the cash for it.
No than 100,000$ at best.
he offline rip
hes too rich to care about ads, if he gonna post any ads theyre gonna be troll af, most likely about harambe.
Moot sold it for 700k.
While he wouldn't be the worse person in the world, I would he willing to bet that he would try to monetize 4chan, and that would be very bad for the board.
An Hiro is changing how the 4chan passes work, now on top of no captchas we got 2 exclusive boards on the way, /pass/ (for talking about passes and shit), and /bsfw/, which is just a random board like /b/ but sfw. It's one of the new things designed to change this place so it makes money. If they make passes look worth the money, more people will buy them. I can't resist exclusive boards, so I payed up.
HAHA. I hope this shithole finally dies.
>it's going down
>so I payed up.
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Two, no four, no Six milion
Actually it was 50k$.

For those wanting to watch his live stream. Hes streaming.
Jackie 4chan must sell! Think of the pharma douche memes. It would usher in a new golden age. Of faggotry.
He's a business man, and every business person and Jew loves money. He's gonna wanna make profit off this shithole.
hey, when /pass/ comes I'll be able to shitpost in a place you can't see. I'll link to your comment there and all of us pass users will laugh at you.
Watch the stream.

Watch and enjoy.
Either nippon keeps this place and we continue on our cancerous way, or we bring in the sleazy psychopath who will change this place probably irreversibly, for better or for worse. In a way, its sort of like US elections. If youre voting for hillary, you probably support nippon and our slow degeneration into a hollow core of what once was, and if youre voting for trump, youll probably choose this guy and have things crash and burn with no survivors.

Personally I vote this guy. Id rather take the jump and risk destroying this place for good if it means revamping everything. If he does end up just milking this place which is a likely possibility, it basically means nothing important has changed.
the patients didn't have to pay more and all the extra cash was spend on science shit for new meds
i hope he buys it. ban ALL furfags. ban ALL traps. ban ALL trash.
how many are you now?
protip: the gold is actually piss.
I don't believe it, 4chan has so much jewing potential.
reddit being sjw depends on the reddit
>for the people not supporting this guy. He has millions of dollars to keep this site going, a couple of house earlier everyone was freaking out about how were going to keep the site up.

If normies and sjws come in just post gore/cp.

Trust me they'll leave after that.
only if they dont already have the money to live off of, or if theyre a pretentious faggot.

He lives in a middle class apartment he clearly doesnt care about flashy toys outside his wutang album.

hes also not jewish.
He is the Fuhrer we need.
He changed it to 5mill. He made a typo. I think he's high.
>this is a man that said he would nunchuck a thot into space

We're going to be alright:')
>90% muslim
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wtf is this guy?
skrillex or some shit
Ayy, if we can get more memes and raids back in to /b/ that would be /awesome
I think he's cringe.
Hes the epitome of a fucking "I'm such a badass trollxD lel u got b8" degenerate.
Now, given I there are very few qualified, but fuck this guy.
Tree fiddy
No clue, a few thousand minimum. Once the pass-only boards pop up there will be another massive wave of pass users.

I can't wait for the sfw /b/, since it's pass users only there won't be much shitposting because people paying for passes won't risk bans as much, and 12 year olds can't afford $15.
/mlp/ should become/fur/ so that /b/ won't have to deal with furfags
It doesnt matter what you think. Youre wrong. When it comes down to it, authorities dont really give much of a fuck about pedos as long as the rest of society thinks they do (unless theyre big time pedos in which case shit gets convoluted because big money gets involved). The NSA is one of the leading holders of CP for fucks sake. Its not like all the data they collect gets filtered and purged in a politically correct manner. They have more important shit to do, and thats what it comes down to. They have other things to take care of. They just collect all the data in case you become an actual problem so they can essentially look you up and have something to use against you to keep you in your place. Just know that they ARE collecting the data.

Theres not enough man power to possibly look through all of the data they collect on everybody. Theyre back up repositories in case you pop up on the radar.

Dont act like you know a whole lot about the situation if you dont even know this far into things. Everybody over and underestimates almost everything to a degree because thats the nature of speculation. Even you. Experience makes the biggest difference.
If anyone should own 4chan, it should be him. Outside moot.
I'm not even a weeb but dat body doe
this guy is way danker than hiro
Guys, he might not be the faggot we need, but he is definitely the faggot we deserve.

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Do you want to win? Because that is how you win.
15 a month?
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He didn't raise the price 5000x, he raised it 5000%, big difference.
Tell nerd to implement our own separate stock market system so we can invest dank pepes and GBP for things like tendies and bananas.
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hey man least i aint one a them buk learnin faguts lyk u
Also, bring back decent word filters. Make them rotate for every day of the week so newfaggotry will be even easier to spot.
I for one welcome our lord and savior
One more, we need more dong pirate.
If you have insurance its no bigger deal, if you have no insurance, then get a job.

51X the original price is still pretty big though
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Is this what 4chan will be like if you have your way wealthy-kun?
$15 a year. $20 if you don't buy during a sale, but there's a sale right now. I suggest you buy a pass now, while it's on sale (48 hour 4chan birthday sale ends tonight I believe) because it sure as hell won't need price reductions once they add new boards and people flock to buy passes by the thousands.
You under estimate pharma bro's extreme wisdom.
>implying im going to buy shit
Look nigga, I know its a bleeding heart cause but i still believe in a free imageboard internet.
Did Chinese moot give you your pass for free in exchange for you making shill posts like this?
I'm behind. Do we know for sure it's being sold? Haven't heard anything since the hoopla over the tweet.
Schmelly wants to buy 4chan? I think i am okay with this.
so basically you get jew board and beta fag/cuck board access on top of paying money to be supervised. GOD JOB fucking moron

if 4chan ever needs support or donations then sure, but I'm not buying no fucking ''passes''
he is a fucking pro.
Lead us to victory Shkreli

Someone here talked about how he was actually some kind of saint, because he raised the price only for insured people and therefore pushed a better medication. Can someone recap/confirm this?
If he frequents /b/ already, it could be the best thing to happen to 4chan.
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nah this will be
Pls pay 1 bitcoin to enter this trap thread
Why? He's a fucking idiot.
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you could
1. fuck yourself
2. Fuck outta here

A quick google search brought up nothing related to this. Probably samefag posting multiple threads about this trying to troll the newfags.
He has no morals. Perfect admin for /b/.

Both of these are why hes perfect for /b/.
>He has no morals
Exactly why 4chan would die quick if he bought the place. Moot is a great guy and that's why 4chan survived for so long.
How much worse could we possibly get?
he voted for Bernie...
Well this website run for 15 years with minimal profit only to keep up the servers.

That's why it's this good and many people use it.
as am I

fuck poz fags
Well I've been here since 2007 ish if this cuck buys 4chan I think it will be it for me, I was okay with the datamining, now mods are deleting creep threads, fbi is everywhere(old fags know) and this cocksucking faggot wants to buy this place now? RIP
Which is why I said earlier:
>If he already frequents /b/
If he enjoys the chaotic nature of /b/, then he won't ruin it.
>moot is a great guy and thats why 4chan survived so long


Your entire post is the antithesis of what anyone from the old culture would think.

Also bring back snacks 2016
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Nah. Unlike you I've actually contributed to this website in some substantial form. You see that clover next to the word "anonymous"? That's a badge of honor, for contributing, shitface.
So... Rich?
he's still a fucking kike

What gods must a please for this girl to do hardcore porn!
>the old culture
What? Only a newfag would say this
Compared to that Shrekli slime, yes, moot is a great gut.
Theyre deleting creep threads but keeping loli up?

Its almost like loli threads are honey pots that are being pushed deliberately, but we all know theyd never do that.
WuTang Clan ain't nothin to fuck with, nigga
Lurk moar fag.

Everyone who even just CLAIMS to be an oldfag is aware of the fact that old /b/ and new /b/ behaved differently. Its even in the fucking images floating around. If youre going to shill, do it properly.
Who would win in a fight? A WuTang Clan or a KuKlux Klan?
Depends on the time period. The period determines how much support each will get.
lol who else was he gonna vote for?
He's not going to jail for raising the price of the pill, he is charged with fraud, essentially juggling his companies. No one really knows what he is worth. Just point that out.
File: Wu.jpg (10 KB, 300x222) Image search: [Google]
10 KB, 300x222
Shaolin style, every time
I'm afraid you have no idea what "shilling" is, if you're going to be a tinfoil hat retard, do it properly.
KKK unless it's an armed surprise attack from the niggers. The KKK are smart enough not to turn their gun upside down.
but we're arseholes, we really shouldn't be in charge of anything.
My nigga
Shilling at this point doesnt even require a product to be pushed. Im sure someone with half a brain would be able to pick up on that implicature instead of avoiding the meat of my post by trying to flip an insult. Language evolves and so has the word shill. It really just indicates that someone is pushing ANYTHING, even if its just an idea, like vote for trump, or "moot was a good guy gg fam".
Holy shit i remember that game. It was fucking bloody too iirc.
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