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post your every day carry faggots

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 80
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post your every day carry faggots
Why the Tabasco sauce?
Why smoke? Are you like secret service or some shit?

for scrambled eggs nigga
I do understand anything but the fucking smoke - imho a flash would work better if the smoke is for distraction
Forgot your inhaler you fat fuck
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Nice pellat gun faggot,
I don't have a picture of my burdens...
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Carrying a smoke > a flash grenade.
>faggot wants to tatticly shit himself and run away like some coward ninja rather than pushing the offense.
>camo cargo pants
>tribal tattoo
>drives a diesel, but doesn't use it as a work truck
>has a hambeast of a wife who is just as much of a cunt as you are, just louder
>favorite restaurant is mcdonalds
>highly insecure, especially when someone passes you in traffic

>not using angled brackets properly

go back to 2nd grade, you retard
why the smoke grenade? why not a vape grenade?
Lol insecure little fat bitch. You're definitely are a little faggot trying to look badass because you obviously can't fight for shit

say that to my face when i pour tabasco in your eyeballs, bitch nigga
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My post was just fine autismo-maximo
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I prefer to vape thru my Avon M53 NBC gas mask
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Pic related it's OP
Yeah, he carries all that macho stuff to try to compensate for a being a tabasco sauce eating pussy.

Ooooh, going to tickle him with a feather next??
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shit, I didn't even bust out my 10mm yet you fucking faggot. 9mm is hardly macho you faggot.
Aren't you just tacticool. No wear anywhere on that firearm. Go put it back in you dads safe. The your college fund afterall
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now this is podracing
you wrote that the smoke was greater than the flash then called using smoke a pussy move

the alligator eats the bigger number you fucking 7 year old
Why do you carry a fucking bayonet with you?

because it's a joke, you retards
You can bust out the .50ae and it still wont be enough to compensate for being a tabasco sauce eating pussy.
You've reached the pussy event horizon and you are never coming back.
>autism speaks
having that extra flashlight for when its dark but you don't know whether you are going to shoot anyone yet
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>no wear
>omg not oper8or enough

huh, guess my G17 operates to the fuckin max then
Tabasco hot sauce the most faggot hot sauce of them all

Well...that is actually valid. Plenty of reasons why you'd want to use a flashlight and NOT bust out your gun and wave it around and shit.
Your Glock looks like a K-Mart USP, tbh
The amount of spell-checking-shut-in is on another level here.

>the green text is my actual opinion
The normal text was a refection on OPs mentality. Op thinks smoke is > (greater than) flash
>learn to green text newfag.

>damage control this hard


It's true.
Maybe. But none of you have dropped a time stamp
such as?
Tabasco's fucking weak. Wait until I drop some 9 million scoville Plutonium sauce in your eyes as I fuck yourasshole with your "grenade" lubed with your puny Tabasco, while your scream for your daddy for help. fucking newfag
have fun advancing over open ground when you're shot, fag.
I'm just going to refer you here.

such as when it's dark and you need to see shit, faggot. Do I really need to explain to you why a flashlight is a useful tool?

oh shit we got a hard ass nigga who thinks he's bulletproof. Good thing 9mm kills niggas easily.
>b-but I use smoke grenades all the time on mah vidya
Op smells of shame and disgust, cum stains on his camo shorts, fat ancles has a small dick and hates niggers
But hating nigger's is okay we all hate niggers
but carrying two is overkill surely?
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If you have a light on your gun, it's advisable to carry a second handheld one because 99% of the time you need a light you don't need to pull out your gun. The light on the gun is only going to be used in a situation where you need to pull your gun and you're in a low light environment and need to ID potential threats.
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In that case, rate mine
Why don't you just use the knife (or even the car keys) to open your beer like a man?

Also proper dental hygiene is all you need to make your breath fresh. Unless you have some kind of problem.
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also got my iphone 6 and i just ordered a small led lenser flashlight
can't you do some MGS style CQC cross hold thing using the flashlight you already have? That way you have extra pocket space for gum or condoms.
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shit nigga nice edc. Oh what, that's my pic.

Yes, you can. You see a lot of cops doing that light/gun hold. It fucking sucks if you actually have to shoot though. You aren't nearly as accurate or as fast vs a light on the gun which lets you have a proper 2 hand grip on the pistol.
Come again?
I got the bottle opener as a material sample at work and i liked it. the mints just tastes good, i dont like gum as a concept.
how many days a week do you have to accurately shoot in the darkness?
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Is that grenade real tho?

Also u need to polish your blade boi.
edc? would you recommend a glock 43 or 19 for first time pistol owner?
Why are you depressed op? :(
Hmm ok.

I personally do most of my shooting at night. Out in the desert, it's fun as fuck and lets me practice low-light shooting techniques. Also I've done some night pistol/rifle shooting competitions, also fun as fuck.
To all:
Yeah right, ok.
give the guy a break the west-front is hell too
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Grenade is a trainer.

The Arisaka bayonet is in good condition, the sheath is just tarnished

19, it's the "do all" pistol. Especially if you live in a free state and can buy the 15 round magazines. Big enough for home defense, small enough to conceal under a t-shirt with a good belt and holster. And can take the G17 and G18 magazines.
But is it a Bayonet or an M9?
So you don't know how to use your knife to open a beer bottle. Got it.


I can open a beer with another beer. Neat party trick, girls always ask me to show them how.
cool. i mostly use gum and condoms in the dark. Never together though, it's a real choking hazard when you are pounding it.
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You guys are weird.
the handle is a bit naff too
ah. understood.
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true dat homie
certified Finn
Considering it's a 75 year old bring-back, I'm fine with it.
Cool thanks for the advice anon my friend has a 45s that's fun to shoot and a couple .357s I was wanting a 9 mill but yeah the short clip on the 43 would suck a nut.
you seem like a totally nice guy and i was gonna try to slam you for your outlandish pocket content. I am humbled. I really learned a lesson today
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Who needs a gun when you have a scooter that can go 70mph
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Maybe i don't. but i wouldn't want to use my knife. This knife was hard to get. its a CRKT Fulcrum.
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No carry gun BC under 21 but truck gun is standing at the ready. Also wear a f-91w
Phone is Nexus 6
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Too lazy to take a picture but my EDC set consists of:

- keys (five keys on one ring plus a bottle opener)
- a simple leather wallet (id & other licenses, cards and some cash)
- a phone (nexus 6p)
- earphones (sennheiser ie80)
- a tiny knife (spyderco dragonfly2)
- a small handgun (glock 43 in a minimalistic iwb holster)

I think that's it. It's pretty light overall, although I keep thinking about getting an even smaller gun...
You use the spine of the knife not the blade. If your knife truly is a sturdy knife then removing an aluminum beer cap can't hurt it.
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>hard to get
Literally in stock everywhere
Don't lie anon, you don't talk to girls.
nice bayonet, where can I get one of those?
no gum 0/10

It's USMC current issue. OKC-3S by Ontario Knife Co. Should be easy to google. Kinda pricy tho.
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Also in stock
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In this thread: morbidly obese cock gobbling fags show off their dads weapons they stole out of his closet
U expect me to open carry like a pleb ? US conceal carry laws my ninja
not the same knife....
the Fulcrum "1" was Discontinued in 2009. its more expensive and better looking
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deadass b
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>morbidly obese

eh, not really

>cock gobbling

no comment
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Too lazy to go get it, but this is mine. It's a Mercator k55k
I have a girlfriend mate. And have never had a problem getting laid when not in a relationship.

I think my key to success is that I don't carry a gun around with me like some fat paranoid autist. And I certainly don't post the guns I own on 4chan.
Always gotta carry the smoke grenade, so you can get an evac when the wife pulls her car around.
What can you tell us about your dads ar?Q
>trying this hard

What is your skateboard set up?

You better not have that Grizzly grip bullshit.

Real talk. LZ is hot as fuck when I'm evaccing from Wal-Mart and trying to avoid hamplanets and the down syndrome greeter dude. Poppin a few smokes is the least I can do.
I guess you guys like to touch each other with your dicks too, amirite?
I really wanna see someone do that.

OP is a 'murican
Gen 2 Glock 17 with holster wear.
That's serious gun porn man.
If that's actually your gun, respect man. Respect.
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Where's phone, keys, gum? Why are you carrying hot sauce and a smoke grenade? You're such an autistic fucking cunt, holy fuck.
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It's not gay unless your barrels touch
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only upgrade i want is a 940-2 osborne and a streamlight pen light, unless anyone has a worthwhile suggestion
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That 2 pin 1990 gen2 is my favorite glock, also my current competition gun for action pistol matches
>g shock
mah nigga
Some times it pays to try in life. You can be as fat and a apathetic as you want but unless you put forth effort in say diet, exercise, a social life then your concealed weapons arnt going to get you laid. Unless you rape....

There are probably a lot of rapists in this thread soooo yeah.
is gum some sort of code word? I expect you to have some minty gum in your pocket in your pocket so your breath don't stink when you interact with the public.
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i don't feel too good about carrying a glock. there's no real safety.

i keep mine uncocked. but i guess that's okay 'cause cocking a gun before you're about to use it makes you feel super cool.
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noice, fallkniven u2 guy here
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You're going to be one badass corpse, anon. Super cool.

That's great, IF you have both hands available. But if you're attacked a la Trayvon Martin and you're already on your back after being tackled, you're shit outta luck. You won't be able to rack a round in the gun. You should carry chambered, or choose a gun with a safety. Carrying a glock and not carrying it the way it's supposed to be carried is dumb as fuck.
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Is it painful to hear that one one in this thread is going to get laid by carrying around a pistal like some kind of imaginary cowboy?
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>every days kit.....
I ... Don't know if i should trust you
Are you from Florida ?
he's an edgy faggot, that's why

i wonder if there's a steel and/or kevlar holster that'll stop a 9mm bullet in case the glock accident goes off.
Stupid homo

This is entirely a non-issue as long as you have a good holster and good trigger discipline. If you don't have either, you probably shouldn't even carry a gun in the first place.
My duty gun and personal carry gun for about a decade was a 2 pin gen 2 Glock 17. I still have it, still my favorite pistol, but my carry gun is a gen 2 Glock 19. One of the earlier ones still made in Austria back when they were even still stamping the Austrian proof marks on the polymer frames. Those are hard to find now.
what is the watch for?
Is that good? Also are you that confident that youre gunna eat scrambled eggs everyday
there is alot of projection here. Its ok friend you might get you dick wet some day. your beer opening with another beer trick might get some young lady convinced. good luck.
How do you get smoke?
Man , I should start carrying a pen.
Nice. I have the pxs-17.
you carry a smoke grenade and a fucking sword?
That's faggot shit.
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I like feeling superior over people on the Internet, don't you, why do you post on /b/ to prove to yourself you're a cool guy with a gun?

I don't carry a gun and my gf touches my penis on the reg.
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well shit, guess the US military are all fags since the Avon M50 and M53 are the new gas masks. Actually, ya that makes sense, armyfags are pretty common
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That's a sweet pick set. I just wish they would include some top of the keyway wrenchs and a deforest diamond
>larp faggot
I do feel superior to many people on the internet. but that's not where i'm on here its to get a glit inn to other peoples lives.
I don't carry a gun and I fuck someones GF "on the reg"
Are you retarded m9?
Doesn't it bother you too that there is an entire class of people caring around guns while living in a fantasy world were they think they're going to stop a terrorist plot?

At least most don't leave their basement.

the gitmo fun brigade will be with you shortly
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Just make your own top-of-keyway wrenches.
Next time you change your windshield wipers, take out the two pieces of flat stainless steel wire that they use to stiffen them. Use pliers to bend and also to snap off pieces. You just make a really short end bend for a top-of--keyway wrench. Make sure it's short enough that it doesn't hit the pins when you insert it into the keyway.

Found the nigger
Nigger spotted
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it bothers me more that people pretend that everyone is safe and nothing bad can or will ever happen to them
No, not really. Im willing to sacrifice some security for more freedom. even if im not going to take advantage of it.
i already have a set from sparrows. I do plan on making some a bit later but I dont have to tools to properly finish and polish them atm.
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Y'all pussies
To pour into the bullet wound you dumbass, it sears the wound shut.

I've never been threatened by terrorist activity in the US. No one I know has either. If you turn off your TV for long enough you'll realize you fall into this category too.
Pliers, chainsaw file, wet/dry sandpaper. It's all the tools you need to make picks. We're talking maybe $20 at most. $10 total if you can find some deals.

For tension wrenches all you need is pliers, so... maybe $3. And only polish your picks, not wrenches. Wrenches are more likely to slip out of the keyway. You can even add serrations to the wrenches with a gentle crimp on the thin ends with the wire cutters on the pliers.
>a grown man
>actually wearing a casio watch
If Amerifatfucks feel the need to walk the streets with a loaded gun, then I'm pretty fucking happy here in the UK.

Been to most major cities over here and never once had a knife or gun pulled on me or been in a position that i felt any kind of weapon necessary.
Hi mohommed
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i am not sure what is going on with this. but i want to see more
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> terrorists are the only bad people out there that would ever think about hurting you and your family

ill make some eventually, thanks for the tips.
It doesn't happen here in the US either. I've never even known someone involved in gun violence.

I do know we have an abundance of paranoid basement comandos here in the states. They usually just stroke their guns and post on /b/ so they're no harm either.
Just Google lockpicking. There are two really fucking big forums (and some really shitty small ones) out there with a shit ton of tutorials.
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Just in case
not black but did buy it off a nig nog for 8 bucks and a smoke
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couldnt fit the fedora in that picture you fat fucking murritard?
Dick isn't black enough
What's on the flashdrive magic man?
Terrorist is a broad term.

Home invader = terrorist

And no, I'm secure in my community. I'm also secure in my ability to care for my family. Bringing a gun everywhere is the opposite of secure.
Easy now. His stash of Cheetos isn't going to protect itself.
If I had a scooter I'd have a gun just so I could fucking shoot myself

Less than 3% of the population is made up of shit stains.

Serious, ten minutes drive away from any city and you see next to none of them.

The media would have you believe we are overrun by the paki cunts. We aren't.
I've had to deal with terrorist threats inside the US, and had to use a sidearm to deal with criminals too on multiple occasions.

But in fairness, it's mostly because of my past employment. Your average citizen... probably not so much.
you don't even know the definition of the word terrorist. why am I arguing with 13 year olds on 4chan.
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The mind is the ultimate weapon.

Every single thing posted here draws attention, makes you look like worthy target. Better to appear defenseless until you need defend.
It's a boot drive for Gentoo
>smoke grenade
wtf you gonna ninja out of the place?
thats pretty gay op, i only need my hard on to beat my opponents into submission
Look at this fag, he doesn't have smoke bombs.
>moving the goal post- "everything is a terrorist"
>your unarmed community can protect you from an armed threat.
i follow bosnianbill and lockpicking lawyer, im active on lockpicking101 already. Also been picking for about 6 years now and been repinning and making challenge locks for about 2 years now. just havent gotten to making my own picks yet
You fucking spic
i ejaculate into my opponents eyes in the rare case if i need to retreat
lol, we probably already know each other under our usernames over there.
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poorfag preparing for the impending squirrelpocalypse
Funny think, I'm eating Cheetos right now.
U fags are not even NFA. PIFFFF...

>Giving $200 monies to the ATF for a 9mm carbine

what a waste...
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Go back into your house you got from your mom cokefag, you're drunk.
Love that Glock! You could shoot a bad guy in the leg then run up and pour Tobasco sauce in his eyes.
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We're not unarmed. I live in a community where everyone has guns. We just don't carry them around like delusional comandos. My pistol is in my night stand, it's a precaution but I never once imagine myself using it.

The root word of terrorist is terror, anyone can be a terrorist, someone who kidnaps children is someone who causes terror.

That's what was idiotic about Bush's "war on terror".
My purse is boring. Knife, wallet, keys, pepper spray, phone, and a lot of pens.
>smoke grenade
>extremely illegal knife

yeah, ok

I only have my 2 hands, I don't need weapons since I'm not a faggot
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well, I got this little thing.
>who is the mayor of london

Also, the cities there are worse than fucking Detroit or Shitcago. Source:

>every fucking official publication relating to it
>extremely illegal knife

what are you, a fucking britbong? "illegal" knife? fuckin lol
Blow into it and record on vocaroo, play us the sound of your people.
>extremely illegal knife
eurocuck detected
>illegal knife
When will this meme die?
Haha all the faggots here with their 2-3 flashlights are too stupid to install a flashlight app on their phone ...
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too funny!
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>why fix what ain't broke
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lol you absolute fucking spastic.

You could walk pretty much anywhere in London/Manchester/Liverpool and not get a bit of trouble.
Why do you carry a guitar pick?
What mtg card?
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seems like you are compensating for something
Use your mind and you'll find the answer.
To stop da booty infutrait
Just don't walk near the canals in Manchester at night time or the pusher will get you.

The biggest threat in Merseyside is Purple Aki squeezing your muscles.

There are illegal knifes in the US you bunch of basement comandos.

Here in CA we can't have a double edged blade, a concealed blade, a blade longer than your palm, etc.

These laws are usually over looked but they exist here.
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Desperate Stand.
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Plus the phone that took the photo.
Mugged many people with that gun nigger?
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tits or gtfo
Can we have a picture of you ?

(preferably bewbs obviously)
How do you know I'm not a trap?
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I'm right next to him LUL
Why the fuck does everyone carry a gun?
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as much as I'd love to. I live in town and my threaded .22 is not here.
No idea.
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>not owning a panzerfaust
are you even trying i can fuck up any motherfucker coming at me
Even better. :3
Purple Aki has his own wikipedia page...

In high school we all used to joke about being raped by him.
I live in America, there are a lot of shootings.
Lol, that tobasco tho
No wonder, you cunts are all carrying guns.
*there are a lot of niggers
Legal gun ownership has a negative correlation with violent crimes.
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I just carry that shitty red knife and hope for the best.
Still don't understand the pick thing. Do you just carry your guitar around?
if you have a gun available everything becomes more dangerous. You go out and get drunk , and instead of punching the guy at the bar who slaps your gfs ass whats gunna stop you reaching for the gun

when normal people see you americans "open carrying" We laugh at you.
I try to avoid laughing at people who obviously have guns
1. I don't drink.

2. It is illegal to have a Concealed Carry weapon on you while in a bar or while drinking.

3. No one said open carry.
God tier guitar pick right there
You never know when you'll need a pick. If you're at a friend's and want to jam it's alway better to play with your own picks.
Also I find mimicking picking gestures on my lap very relaxing even though it looks like I'm fapping.
It's always in the most unexpected occasions then there's somehow a guitar lying around and you have to play
Carrying a gun aparently has no impact on violent crime
tactical tobacco sauce
real guitarists dont use picks

get a manicure, faggot
Good for you anon.
Huh. Ok then. Makes sense
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here's mine guys
fuck you nazi. fuck germany you faggot!
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Actually carrying a gun reduces violent crime.
Good goy.
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Nobody has fucked with me since I started carrying my BFG3000.
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People look at me funny.
Probably for going to taco bell.

That place is gross.
>not carrying a smoke grenade, S&W model 59, Samsung tablet, spare mags in a wwii mag pouch, Swiss army knife, flash light, and limited edition Zelda 3DS
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I'd look at you funny too
taco bell is shit but their sauce is boss
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2016-10-02 17.29.27.jpg
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Who's the nigger now? This pistol is a prime example of german precision engineering.
that's the reason why I'm asking. RETARD!
Gratz on getting your white room mate to hold your gun
nail bitter
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>car key
>credit card

You really are one big man child, aren't you? Feel more secure in this nanny society with your little toys? Please... It's not even the happening.
ITT: Faggots show each other their Glocks (aka EDC) and feel cool about it.
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all the fucking choperators in this fucking thread are giving me turbo cancer
lol, calling CA a part of the US, especially when it comes to weapon laws.
Says the guy that shoots dildos from his anus


>1.5 gun per person.
>carry gun for protection so nobody can take your life
>What are statistics.
Glock? How dare you.

I am legitimately jel.
How do you acquire a legitimate pull pin grenade?
not OP but I EDC so I'll play
yes, 40lbs
>camo cargo pants
>tribal tattoo
no, no tattoos
>drives a diesel, but doesn't use it as a work truck
no, sports car
>has a hambeast of a wife who is just as much of a cunt as you are, just louder
wife is overweight too, but not a cunt. she is outgoing and makes friends everywhere so i guess she's louder than me (I'm laid back)
>favorite restaurant is mcdonalds
lol no
>highly insecure, especially when someone passes you in traffic
well i didn't buy a faster car than everyone else to get passed by some liberal faggot in a Saab or a balding middle age white guy (or even worse, a ghetto nigger) in a Challenger who thinks they own a fast car. hey, if I'm lucky I get a race out of it, and that's fun. if not, they're still my bitch

so did I win?
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check my digits
I think you dropped these
what knife?
Quit trying, you're embarrassing yourself.
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2016-08-25 09.55.27.jpg
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Yanks and their fucking guns...and you call yourselves civilised!
I know fam
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You go to a White Sox game heavy, or you don't go at all...
>hot sauce
Who the fuck are you? Hillary Clinton?
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