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Waifu claiming thread. Previously on Waifu >>705984793

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previously on Waifu

>Claim your Waifu
>No Claiming Waifus that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips)
>Quints is waifu permakeep for waifu poster
>Octs shuts down waifu
>Little, small, minute RP. Same for ERP
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images, you're posting images. Lurk w/o them
>2D. If 3D, convert to 2D
>Joining means whatever you want it to be
>Most importantly, eat. Eat and grow strong my fellow wifi

Tristana claimed
>1hr of sleep. Fml gg no re
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hikage pls im sorry
ayy whats up trist
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What's up is my time for sleep, which I think I won't be enjoying. I have to go to school in one hour. I had to finish a workload I stayed away from. Not doing that again

Und you madamesoille?
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what about quads?

oh, hopefully destiny 2 isn't a shit fest like this one, and also sounds nice

morning best magician
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Hey all again!

Was just about to ask which you recommended! So will defs check them out! thanks! Haha aw cheers, glad I remind you of something nice, as you are a good feller too!

Yea possibly, it's definitely a mystery this accent of mine, no one believes I was born here hahaha, guess it's a fun party trick...

google is based, thank

oh kewl, I was going to get a 3ds but never convinced myself sadly. But sounds cool, so you like the fighty types, girls with a bit of heat?

confusing you are, windmill or no windmill, there is no try. You are I but who are you to me I am.
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A little sleepless but doing good. What about you?
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You know Gasai (58).png
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Sleep well?

Yes.. heres hoping BIGGER patrols and 60 fucking fps
Yo You know, how are ya? I'm restless

Why does Kyuko look like Chen? Is it to annoy him or are they both in the same show?

Quads you get a hug from waifu..yyyaaaaaay???
Idk, dicpic like konata I guess
>>Little, small, minute RP. Same for ERP
dafuq is this even?
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Hello there, I'm fine
Restless as well
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still here
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oh shit thats gonna suck, gonna try to have a little of shut eye?
im doing good just came back from the doc and it turns out im fine
i will just say goodbye then
i am windmill
he is amerifat
also you are the confusing one now
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Haha yea, was trying to be...

So tsunyun is windmill, what does one mean by windmill?
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watcha sippin on?
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Hey senpai
well actually don't know why i said stoic, but shes emotionless, and shit
pretend your a cool foreign dude when you meet a gurl

im find tired kinda, its 3min from 2 am here
anything interesting happen with you

honestly, a 30 to 60 fps fix should't be that hard, also hope for more class diversity

i guess

not good

you disappeared for a while
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An old rule about role play and erotic roleplay. Minute isn't 60 sec in this context, it means small. I was saying how small it should be. Overall, I just copy pasted the rules. I'll write my own whenever

Welcome to the club of suck, here's your complimentary phallic foods and a drawing of someone enjoying their rest. Bless and fuck em, fuck em, fuck em

And accounted for. You must fight me Tomokokoro

You went to the doctor? What fer?
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that was coffee and its great
Ok, DO post a dicpic if you get quads or go on a week hiatus
Corey Felman
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oooh so like a cute tranquil type? I dig it.
and yea, people tell me to do that haha, it works too some of the time! It's usually just a laugh tho
Ooh tasty sippin' indeed, I too, am sippin' on the hot joe
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Remila Scarlet
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What else could there be?
Titans are basically the tanks
Hunters handle the DPS
Warlocks are good support

Shit sucks eh? And I gotta get up early on saturday too
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Mfw you don't own a fire pooch.jpg
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Because this tape demands it
*inserts cassette to boombox*
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it means im from the country known for its windmills
thought i had a pneunomia, but it was just a bad cold
pretty mcuh wanted some assurence
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black or some other kind? i like hazelnut
should i be worried?
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Nothing worth a mention, but I have to take a break soon.
Yemen, shit sucks hard. Oman, Saturday too?
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ooOooOOoh I get it am I windmill?
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Decent enough.

id rather not, uhh maybe everyone dumps lewds on the next thread

no, more the cool emotionless type
sounds nice, and sounds like a fine convo starter

i meant make them more diverse or defined, rather than more actual classes

so you stopping

alright, have a good one if you do go
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You know Gasai (117).jpg
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Yup, got this neuron drink to make me sleepy but relying on a drink to go to sleep is rather sad
Hazelnut ayy? So you like to add a bit of depth, a new flavor?

for me it varies depending on my mood and what I have tbh... But it's mostly just ya classic strong coffee, lil bit of cowjuice, if I'm all out it'll do fine black. But If I'm buying one, then I like to experiment, mix it up a bit, sometimes even go iced.
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idk you tell me
als ik dit type, snap je het dan?
i like you to much
i will harash you untill you start talking to me again
how do you define decent enough

so you don't want to talk with me
Yey, no bad case for ju. Enjoy your health and quality of life while you can :)

Mmm...naah. But word on the street is the Yuno group said some nasty things about you

I'll be dead by then. This is a good thing for me

Meh, as long as it's not a habit. You'll be alright
Hey there Kitten, doing well today?
>That gif makes me wanna go put on some sort of techno

Back was hurting, so I was kinda just leaning back. Too uncomfortable to type in that position.

Hey there faggot.

>All doors locked
>Janitor comes over to me
>Points to where he was working
>3 shirtless nigs standing in the hallway
How the fuck did they even get in here?! The door they said they came into is LITERALLY ALWAYS LOCKED!
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not sure how you got that from what i said
but i just want to dieeeeeee
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I don't follow, are you talking about their own thing? Not just Solar/Void/Arc?

Bought two of them for when I need it, think I'll be fine considering Im not even addicted to nicotine or alcohol
Me too
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i normally dont go out for coffee but i do like this local place house blend and normally a little creamer for me
which yuno?
Good on ya, I'm pretty cheap when it comes to my health, but since I'm rarely sick, it evens out. I usually lay on the bed and pray
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AH bit of a badass, riiight, just goes through life fucking sht up, not bothered. I respect it!

and yea it can be, depends if they pick up on it or what have you

Ah, sadly I am not Dutch...but I am fond of said Netherlands, be it half my heritage is of vaguely similar decent (Norwegian). But alas, no windmill for me...I'm a Kiwi
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About to fall asleep though since I took some nyquil again, don't be surprised if I don't reply
Both of them. Some pretty mean stuff too
Yea me neither, I mostly just caffeinate at home. Although, there's a really nice cafe down the road I like to visit on occasion. Otherwise if im on the road and need a boost the good ol gas station has me covered. But nice, coffee is phenomenal
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I suppose that's one benifit of being mexican, I swear I'm like immune to hangovers
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thats my nickname now?
im not sure how i feel about that
suicide when?
oh im surprised you got that
also dont compare european people we are really sensitve about that
Norfucks are fucking jews
aha thats kinda new also really far
hows life there
i would never
>mexicans are immune
>trump wants them gone
>only thing that threatens his greater immortality
>there can only be one
>illuminati confirmed
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wow i should ask them then>>705993298
yunos are you guys saying rude things behind my back?
yes it is anon
No, I opened the door, let them out, and proceeded to make sure that door, and all the others around the building, were locked.

RIP Kitten
>Me and my friend started looking into some houses to rent, actually. SOON KITTEN, SOON!

No, it's not. Probably mine if anyones.
>Although I remember a friend of mine who LITERALLY went by The Faggot.
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He wants us gone and wants a wall from attack on titan built. Yeah good luck building that without us.

U wot?
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Should have trapped them and tied them up with your kitty keyhole
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well tris is saying you guys are >>705993253
saying nasty things
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It was the windmill thing and old high school geography haha...and yea I didn't mean to compare, hence the vaguely, but yea, I can definitely get the whole comparison thing, us Kiwi's despise being compared to Australian scum. Norfucks hahaha pretty much I suppose, but my blood isnt of new norfucks, but of the ancients! Not that it probably counts for anything. But cool, nice to meet someone Dutch again!

New? guess we're a rare breed around. tis far away least we're ahead of the world in time! And life is pretty great here, if you minus all the politics and crap, but every country has their own sht. I can't complain! How's life where you are?
oh gotta suck for you, so rough day at work?

>i ask you to stop harassing me
>says "i will harass you so you talk to me again"

nevermind im tired, but lets hope everything is op instead of someshit in the next game

lets go with that

it must be nice when they do
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But I'm not...well I guess I am now then

The next doomsday announced by a nutty person

Hee, why are you lying

Yes you should. Ask them real hard too. Umf
>just read you asking them
Erm, it was just a prank bro. I thought you were going to catch on. My b
>good luck building that without us.

when the mexican people are the majority labor force. kek
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then it's settled!

and yea it is, definitely makes things easier! and fun! Win win really!

So how about you? tell me some things about yourself?
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oh. well now i feel bad
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He lies, the only shit talking I've done was to esdeath when he sperged over alice

Yes I rather have op over shit, who gives a shit if the time to kill is onpar with call of duty?
specials are bullshit

Then you are either irish or russian, the holy trinity of hangover immunity

How often do you see anyone not mexican in the labor force?
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i was just kidding dont tell triss
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kek thats true, faggit
what do you mean though?
>someone dutch again
huh you met other dutch people
but yea all you said is true but are you telling me you are a viking?
oh i see
im sorry
>why are you lying
shush dont let him know the truth
well in america, never. Mexican's are based, the true builders of greater 'murica. let's see what happens when they're all gone, who will trim the hedges of the rich scum then?
Why would I let my favorite set touch them?!

Not really, just been driving around a lot today, and those seats aren't exactly built for comfort. Plus, I didn't get a lot of sleep.

Don't mean anything, was just remembering that friend was all. Wonder how they're doin lately.
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Asians. Or niggers as they devolve due to BLM forcing the hands of cops.
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Exactly, I'll just kick back at my grandma's house in mexico, grab some fresh carne asada from the family-run restaurant across the street and probably fuck childhood friend-ish there and watch the disaster rise in america

People will get pissed they'll have to pay more cause they don't have jose working for $3 an hour
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Yea, I used to have a few Dutch classmates, hence my extreme basic knowledge of dutch I suppose. Afterall, I could have been dutch if history went differently for NZ...

Viking, why yes, yes I am...hahaha nah I wish, I mean bloodwise I'm from a bunch of vikings, so that's cool. I only know because my rich aunty spent years and a lot of money researching our family and came up with some really cool stuff! Too bad she's in england now with all said info...
i am a spic that isn't screwed if trump wins


then its settled then

get memory foam or something and staple or tape it on to your seats

if blacks figure out that jobs are everywhere and shit then mexicans leaving won't be a problem
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Syndra [267].jpg
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$3 an're too generous haha, but fo real, sht will go down and it's going to be FUCKED...
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So you can get another set of prints on them.
Wheres that contract
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Oh non non, it is I who should feel bad.
That picture fits your reply perfectly. Noice

Da green man

I'm a bit lazy to be honest
>the truth
What truth? You mean for real???

>zat pic
It is so sunny that my tits are photosynthesizing

Can you do the splits?

Tu est un petit chou

>they don't have Jose working for $3

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i say hit him up on facebook or something
oh really? thats a coincedence i guess
bitch the whole word could have been Dutch if great brittain werent suck cucks

if you have vikingblood and you arent a viking you are a dissapointment
oh that sucks, why did she go there?
i guess
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You know Gasai (40).jpg
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>if blacks figure out

Even if trump isn't elected, we still got a corrupted old cunt. Either way we are indeed fucked for 4 years unless these ameritards remember we can impeach their asses outta the white house. Doubt they will
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You know Gasai (32).jpg
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Irish hm? Never been to an irish pub, I kinda wanna go and play darts
I'll probably just have them redo the upholstery, and when I get cloth, ask for something like that to be put on the backrest.

>Implying their prints are still useable

Eh, I have him on Steam. He hasn't answered back to me the last 3 times I tried to say hi though, so I doubt he'll answer back this time/
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Oh, I thought you were going to get the Russian part of that sentence, "da". Sorry, but I'm just Pacha
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I just glanced at "green man" part
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cmon i cant kill myself withut someone to do it with
shush, im telling you he shouldnt know this
oh thats kinda sad, im sorry
did you guys lend on bad terms?
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>captcha asks for street signs
>its a wall that says stop
>im mexican

sounds like a plan

maybe, but can you

yea for some reason they think work = slavery if its hard labor like construction or something
yup screwed in all directions
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why are you so focused on your ethnicity
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Want in?

Hello, sci! Just letting you know that if you're gonna join this community, I'll make your life shittier than already is and I'll make sure nobody will ever like you and they'll know about your shitty past.

With love, Chen.
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Why are they even getting asshurt from slavery? That happened LONG before any of them were born, no justice for their ancestors either, they're long dead too.
Should we remind them their own PEOPLE sold them out for some goods, so yeah if they wanna move to Africa, by all means go ahead and see how long their asses can handle the harsh environment.
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knock yourself out
You care too much
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that feeling when have internet friend i wish was irl friend rn so i could help him out or at least make him feel a little better cuz i dont know if i can help him at all like this ;_ ;
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Oh you make them usable. And wear gloves when you put them on.
I need to read it first.
Says the one who saves pictures of every anon in here lol
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are chen and neko the same person?

or who is chen?
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Komaeda my husbando.
Nah, not particularly. Just not much to talk about I guess.

I think I'll pass. Besides, again, my keyhole.
Oh I see. That's fine

Kk, I won't and you'll just have to wait until the next time....on DBZ

Yes, I'm very flexible

You're a little cabbage. French idiom for you're so cute

I'm off to enjoy my half hour of sleep. Ciao
Only of you bby
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maybe chen is another 'urban scholar' living in the same hood
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>It is so sunny that my tits are photosynthesizing
ayylmao, interesting concept...

Well I mean, there's only so much you can do these days to be viking...I can't exactly go rape and pillage the christians...I do try though, to be a viking, not raping lmao...Got the whole beard thing going on, some old traditional tattoos eventually, etc. But is true, if you have viking blood and not live up to it, then you are as bad as the christians! haha.

AND DAMN RIGHT the whole world could have been Dutch, bloody oath, amazing people they are, powerful! It was just timing that wasn't on their side...and the gay dumb brits...But hence why Australia was originally called New Holland. But yea, coincidence probably.

And she went there because of 'love' haha, well she went there on work/holiday and met a feller and married him and stayed there forever after, before I was born mind you. I just claim dibs on that research haha. Also she's lucky she is rich...would be nice
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There is nothing to read.
I know right...fkn I dont understand how THOSE two people were fkn chosen as the electorates for each party, the fuck are they thinking, that must really show just how competent the american govt is...or lack there of
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was talking about trump and shit with some faggots here

naw they're not ass hurt about that as much anymore, its about the cops "oppressing" them, and the system being rigged against them
job wise a mexican can do the same jobs as them and live just fine
cop thing is iffy imo of course its exaggerated but by nature cops in some areas are biased against them

either your a woman or or a man with a soft sack, unless you do splits with one foot forward and one back

night everyone
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hmm hold on wait
why the hell were/are you doing that..?
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never mind i think?
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Did you think I was Chen?
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no, someone else
even if you were chen i dont know who chen is unless it is the chen i do know but i also dont really know that chen either
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Then good luck getting me to sign anything.
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Hello Alice. How're you?
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I didn't sign it, and yet, here I am
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Hello Alice.
No, your in.
Good luck.
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Just woke up, so I'm kind of tired. I don't really want to go to school today. How are you doing?
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How are you doing this afternoon. Are you done with class yet?
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Kyouko (298).png
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Mhmh, ok.

Got me confused with Neko?

His old trip is a bit similar to this one, after all.
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i'm ok. Need to take a nap, really.
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it is extremely similar
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You know Gasai (75).png
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Niggers got the highest crimerate, can you blame them for being jumpy?

Niggers live comfy with welfare checks smoking the crack, meanwhile my mother struggles to get disability and shit when she lupus, fortunately her job is afraid of firing her cause of lawsuit threats
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Alice 79.jpg
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Did you sleep yet? When did you last get any sleep?
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Not terribly long ago, i just seem to have caught a cold, so i'm feeling lazier than normal.
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Syndra [338].png
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Yes, mostly.
I still have to go meet some peapole and take a train home.
Sleep boat
Positive, sss.5
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who and why
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Alice 61.jpg
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Definitely take lots of vitamin c and drink lots of water. I highly recommend staying away from decongestants if you can
A nap might also be a more so bad idea in this case
Probably alice
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I'm in your area
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Night all! It has been nice, I'll return again for sure! Nice meeting some of you! Have a really good day!
oh shove it chen lol
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Alice 91.jpg
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It's actually quite pleasant.
Everyone talks about taking the train and out makes me so jealous. I would love to take a train sometime!
You will be home soon then. I have to leave for school in about an hour
Post the animu pasta
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Alice 33.jpg
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Good night friend
Chen has a trip.
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You know Gasai (7).gif
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Greetings fellow pink hair waifu!
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what is your point
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I'll try to shortly.
Why? Naps are good.
I doubt is him.
He is a really chill guy.
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Herro there one of two Yunophiles! Pink hair is best hair!
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I agree, chen is probably the best person here
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You know Gasai (86).jpg
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Oh boy, I get a nicname now?
How are ya?
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are there two chens? who is this >>705995299
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aLICE 60.jpg
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I meant to say not a bad idea, but my phone is stupid and I don't check every word
What hapend with Ruri, cutie? Things didn't work out?
You do like Yuno right? Doesn't that make you a Yunophile?

I am doing...... GREAT!
Probably people trying to start shit
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Things never work out when they matter the most
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You know Gasai (13).jpg
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Like yuno? I LOVE yuno! I get it, she's middleschooler but fuck it lel
Shit I'd love nonon if kek lel kek aired while I was still in marching band
Care to share? What happend?
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are they doing well?
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Whatever could happen? I was selfish and he didn't want any of it
>These fog lights aren't H3s
>They're H3C
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I was never in a marching band, because my high school didn't have one ;-;

I love Nonon too! She was 18 when KLK aired in 2013. She's older than me by a year. I didn't know Yuno was only a middle schooler, looks like highschool
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Depends on your definition
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what is your definition
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You know Gasai (14).gif
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She is, freshman highschooler. When I say middleschooler, I think of the origin of when she fell in love with her senpai
Marching band was.. interesting to say the least, I hated waking up extra early morning to practice our march but I've made friends there to make it little more fun. I wanted the symphonic band but we had to partake in marching band for the fall football season..
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I guess mine is sort of eliptical, but I would say that it's not exactly working out for them right now
Elaborate. Do you liked him, or what?
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well that is good

im glad you talked to me i wanted to talk to you since i saw you last night i think

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Syndra [176].jpg
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Not that soon acually, might take 4 or so hours.
Please do.
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Yes, very much in fact.

Oh, well I'm glad you felt that way then, see you around, I hope
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That sounds really cool. In high school I never really did anything too early as I hated mornings. But I always stayed to 6 when the campus closed to all non staff for my clubs. I started a chess club (for college resume) that ended up winning regionals the founding year. And a technology/multimedia club.

I wish there was more of Nonon in KLK or just more of the show.
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Alice 85.jpg
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Oh wow. I'll be almost done school by then as well

Shower, be back shortly
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You know Gasai (22).png
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Ah I've done multimedia stuff as well.. least til I got paired with my best friends in the same class, then I dicked around with them
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hi your threads are shit ok bye
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Nice, I remember my best friend and I chose or schedules to have the exact same classes. That was fun, teachers would try their best to separate us.
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good day to you then
rude, neziwezi.
Ah. Then yes. Naps are good.
Yes Master.
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