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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 151
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reminder dash does this
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That's not even true. My dog at the rest of my family's house loves me more than anyone else.

Fucking glorious.
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ok kid.jpg
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>!HALUcidMEw was better.
If I was Lucid Mew that'd be a nice trip I agree. Meh, maybe I should brute for a new trip on some server. But I actually like that one by now.
Yeah I buy cigars and pipe tobacco for whenever I go to a party or whatever, but I never smoke them casually. I just can't afford to. Booze on the other hand is way within my price range and I drink to ease the stress. Not an alcoholic though. Yet.
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Fucking upside down pic.
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Cute! I'd cuddle both of you.
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Hi all! How are you doing?
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Fixed collage.
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Heya! I'm doing alright, should do stuff but am procrastinating. How about you?
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Drinking myself into a stupor and enjoying some porn. Pretty good actually.
Hello anon.

hey mew.

>biolum anthro
saved. also nice dub trips.
Thank you!


I'm alright. How about you?
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I'm doing pretty good. Just chilling and relaxing right now, a little cold in the evening compared to how hot it was earlier today, but it's nice now. What are you procrastinating on?
Daww :3
She's a sweetheart, and loves to snuggle with me. I want a doggo of my own.
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Neato, thx! Yup this should be a very autistic poster. Guess I'd even hang this somewhere.

BTW how does Grandmasters of Autism I look like? Was that 2015?
>no herm guy
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Hiya Mous!
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Sounds like fun. Also enjoying the porn here. Whatcha drinking?


Just relaxing and chilling, all curled up with a blanket since my room is insanely cold now.
*herm faggot
No, kill yourself. You don't even have an intro anyway.
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Reasonable assortment. Is that dude who gets pissy about people posting this character among those?
Sounds nice and cozy.
Animals tend to not like me... but they are still super cute :3
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>Just chilling and relaxing right now
Neat, sounds good!

>What are you procrastinating on?
I need to write some scripts to automate something, not _that_ much work but I don't feel like it right meow.
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You mean the no cub please dude?
wow sorry you personally dislike me
that doesnt mean im not an integral part of the s/fur community
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Want to share? I work in automation/servers so it should be no problem for me to help.
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Just some speights. Got a crate for $30, which was pretty nice actually.
I've only seen him get pissy about this one. Not others, which is funny.
Hnnnng :O

Cuteness overload ^~^

Also you want me to post cub? ;D
That's herm faggot. He's right here. >>705600806

Animals and children absolutely love the fuck out of me. I don't really know why exactly. I just seem to show more love and care towards them I guess, and apparently animals take note of that. Makes sense considering that I'm a zoophile.
Funny story: a few weeks ago I went to see my grandma who just got a new cat a few days before that. She was still getting used to the environment, but even her being there with my brother and sister, her new cat walked right up to me and sat in my lap. She hadn't even done that to my grandma. Animals just really like me for some reason.
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hey mew.

not much. gonna shower, then be back to post octamous.
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That's sweet, I guess I'm afraid of most large animals and so they get nervous around me...
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>Want to share? I work in automation/servers so it should be no problem for me to help.
Thanks for the offer but it's alright. It's not that I don't know what to do, and writing that shit isn't much work anyway. (It's just a puppet manifest, using a module I've already written). But then I need to write documentation, put it into staging to test, then put into production and all that jazz. It all basically just takes time and you couldn't help me much there, but many thanks for the offer anyway, I appreciate it.
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Fucking wow, incredible. He certainly meets the criteria for austist grandmaster in which case.
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Damn nice! I ran out of whiskey and don't keep much on hand, so I'm running dry tonight unfortunately.

Sounds like a plan! A nice warm shower sounds nice to me right now.
Aliens will never visit earth because of you guys.
One very important thing to do when meeting a new animal is make slow, careful movements. The very first thing you should do is let them smell you, always. If they think you're alright, then try to pet them slowly.
Another story from a couple weeks ago: my friend came and picked me up to go to Dragon Con, but didn't tell me he was getting another friend. We went to her house, and I met her big doberman. She was super sweet, and let me pet her all over and sat right beside me until we left. You just have to show love and care most of all.

He doesn't deserve it.
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personally i find it irresponsible of alex to not include me in the collage just because he dislikes me
it is supposed to capture the important people and half of those are literal whos anyway

maybe dash should make it instead
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Have fun with that. I haven't touched Puppet in a while, but working with Ansible is probably just as painful and boring. glhf
>tfw I will never be visited by a super advanced, shape-shifting ayy lmao during the night, and fuck her while she takes the form of a cat anthro
>tfw she will never teach me about her super advanced society while we cuddle together
I fantasize about making love to an ayy lmao every night. It makes me sad that it will never happen.
If you really think about it... aliens will never visit earth because of people like you... and be more likely to visit groups that are accepting of other intelligent forms.
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>implying I would ever include you anyway
Nah, kill yourself.
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>Aliens will never visit earth because of you guys.
Nah they'd come to the weird people first anyway. We'd right up accept them like they are.
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I've got a bottle of green label Johnny Walker. Unopened still, considering my last bottle was drunk by a fuckwit friend of my last flatmate. Course in retaliation I dropped the cunt and got him arrested.
No I'm fairly sure there are far worse things to put them off coming to earth.
His autism is top of the charts dude. If not grandmaster at least high wizard.
I don't even know who you are.
Actually, that reminds me of my close encounter, or whatever the fuck it was. But I'd still like a meet an ayy lmao face to face. Even if not for sex, it would be amazing to talk to one about the universe and all that.
I just stay away... I don't know... I know all that kind of stuff, but I still can't help but be afraid, and they can tell..
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>Have fun with that.
Thx! I actually do have a lot of fun with that.

>Ansible is probably just as painful and boring.
Yeah, same thing. I've used both. I don't think it's boring either, I like what I do in general, but I really don't like to do it right now.
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>I fantasize about making love to an ayy lmao every night.
Fucking TipTopKek!
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dash i know you dont like me and i dont like you, but you are a very unbiased, responsible, and trustworthy person
you would do the right thing
wtf thought that was a herm
That would be giving him attention and credit that he doesn't deserve.

Eh, fair enough. But I'm sure being around a big, sweet animal enough my change that over time. Personally, I don't see why people are afraid of animals, but okay.

It's not funny! It makes me sad because I'll never have an intimate relationship with a god-like being, and have her turn into a big, fluffy animal to cuddle with while we're talking about the universe.

Kek, you don't even post sfur.

gg dumbass
Freudian slip...
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>I've got a bottle of green label Johnny Walker. Unopened still, considering my last bottle was drunk by a fuckwit friend of my last flatmate. Course in retaliation I dropped the cunt and got him arrested.
Oh, you! It's you! I remember you, it's eggs and vore guy here. I'm Mew now tho.

Don't know if you remember me, I wasn't here for two months or something like that because of an accident. Cool to read you again dude!
I don't exactly have a sturdy frame...

Most animals could probably seriously injure me without meaning to... anyway I prefer humanoid cuddles :P
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Dude same. When I'm not getting plastered or working a shitty job. I do some work at the local astronomy society. Amateur shit, would love to meet up with some ayy lmaos and look at stars from perspectives from other than just from earth.
Meh whatevs duderino
Ah, so you've taken the path of the tripfag. Nice. Yeah I remember you dude.
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>It's not funny!
I know I know, but it reads funny. I didn't even know that I wanted that before, but I sure do now. Hope to at least have that in a lucid dream some day. Fuzzy ayyy lmao.
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You should get a cute kitteh! They can't physically fuck you up (well, it would take a while an you'd have to be real patient),so you can be comfortable around them.
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Damn... I'm lucky my roommates are really friendly and respect boundaries. But downing a slightly expensive bottle of scotch might cause some problems.
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Well I don't either. I'm a little 5'2" 100 lb manlet sissy faggot. But big animals wouldn't really hurt you anyway. Unless you're lying on the floor and it comes and plops down on you, but that would be kinda cute.

Badass, man.

See, I have lucid dreams often, but for whatever reason, I have no power to do anything in them. I try to do something and it never fucking works. It's retarded, and defeats the purpose.
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Also, being dommed by a 7ft predator chick would be INSANELY hot.
ho mo
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>Ah, so you've taken the path of the tripfag.
Yeah I was unable to resist the sekrit klub, the autism was just too strong!
alos i feel disgusted that i have the same mousepad

although mine has seen a lot more abuse
At least I don't post gfur and herms, fag.

It's decent. The plastic started to peel on one side, so I had to glue it. I like the wrist rest though which is why I got it. Gonna get an XL mousepad next and use the wrist rest.
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>It's retarded, and defeats the purpose.
Yeah, totally. But why would you call them lucid dreams if you can't do anything? Or you mean you can't exit the setting you're in when the dream begins but you can do stuff inside of that setting? That I have as well sometimes, but sometimes it's like sandbox mode.
they would assume we have already met aliens based on our art, and be more welcome.
I removed the speed side.
It's lucid meaning that I'm completely aware of what goes on and the dream is vivid, but for some reason I can't change anything. I often try to summon an anthro cat girl, but it never works. It pisses me off.

I'm currently using the speed side because I was lazy and didn't put enough glue on the control side, so it has one big bubble thing on it. The control is vastly superior though.
My speed side started warping because I put teflon lubricant spray on it.
Kek, why the fuck did you even do that?
Well it wasn't my flatmate himself, but he did admit to drinking some. Pretty much what happened was that his friend went into my room when I was socialising outside, took my scotch and shared it around. By the time I found out what happened it was all gone. I took him outside and kicked the shit out of him. He ran away, came back later with some big guys to try and fuck me up. But my neighbours at the time, whom I babysat for and mowed lawns sometimes, were black power and way bigger and than them.

Called cops, got them arressted charged with tresspassing, theft and assault (even though they didn't get a chance to even hit me.) And that's pretty much it.

We all go there at some point dude. Way back when /b/ had names built in I had a trip for fur threads. I probably have the pass written down somewhere.
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The speed side was dispensable because it was inferior, so I decided to use it as an experiment to see if silicone (it wasn't teflon) lube spray had some effect.

It had an effect, all right.
I don't know why you would do that, but I don't know why you do a lot of the shit you do, so whatever.
And I should probably go back and fix the control side while it's on my mind.
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>I often try to summon an anthro cat girl, but it never works. It pisses me off.
Aww I see now, that sucks! Continue trying, it'll work one day.

I wish I could remember those dreams longer. I already had one featuring a cute anthro feline grill once, and even tho I know it was pretty long I only remember a few tiny shreds. I don't even know what her face looked like, only know that it was incredibly cute. Brain, seriously, get your shit together!
>I don't know why you do a lot of the shit you do, so whateve
u wot

everything i do makes perfect fucking sense
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>Continue trying, it'll work one day.
Considering my luck I wouldn't count on it, but I'm still doing to keep trying.

>I already had one featuring a cute anthro feline grill once, and even tho I know it was pretty long I only remember a few tiny shreds. I don't even know what her face looked like, only know that it was incredibly cute.
Sounds like a nice dream. Maybe you'll have luck with it someday as well.

Nah not really. But it doesn't matter.
name ONE thing i do that doesnt make sense
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Other than the shit you just told me?
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God damn it.
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... obviously
What about using a shitty old laptop while using a fucking top of the line graphics card instead of using a PC?
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She's one good looking GILF, I'll say that much.
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>wings "magically" pass through clothing.
That's the thing with furries and clothing in general. It just magically works.
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Mystical shit is always the best method
She's no gilf, she's a god damned EGILF. Like some kinda bangable Malsumis.
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Some artists detail that the pants have a tail hole that has a button on it. So you unbutton the tail portion, pout tail in, then button up. It's actually kinda smart.

Although cutting holes in helmets is dumb.
It is the economical option.

Also, contuinity.
prequel guy is making a krystal comic?
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>Some artists detail that the pants have a tail hole that has a button on it. So you unbutton the tail portion, pout tail in, then button up. It's actually kinda smart.
Yeah right, I've seen that before. Tht part of having a tail would be kinda annoying, but I still want one.
Would still bang without hesitation.

Still fucking retarded.

Name field, not email.
That pic is gay.
confound this newfangled technology
Well now everyone knows your trip.
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Yeah, think I got it now. Also this is not the trip I wanted. Oh well, my old one is lost to time it seems.
What was your old one?
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ur retardid
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Something along the lines of faggotbros. Maybe this one is it.
At least I'm white and have freedoms.

Hah, nice.
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I see the autism is strong with you as well!

>That pic is gay.
Oh, right. I wasn't sure from the thumb.
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fuck it. I'll rediscover it eventually. These were all I could find in my most ancient collections.
True, but I managed to walk away from being a tripfag when IDs came out and dragonslaying threads were the best thing ever.
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Germans sure are weird. Guy in the neighboring flat just screamed "Jawohl mein Führer!!" out of the window into the crowded street. It's funny since some Germans get insta-pissed real bad whenever there's some nazi stuff mentioned, burt then others make fun of it all the time.
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I know right? When I was in Germany I didn't realise that someone could make more Nazi jokes than the BBC
Kek, Germans are so fucking based. It's too bad the country is cucked so hard.
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[howdy intensifies].png
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Some are super politically correct about EVERYTHING, and super duper afraid to hurt people's feelings.

Then there are the people who just don't care. Those people are fun.
My sister's last bf was a German exchange student and made Nazi jokes all the time.
That guy was the fucking Ubermensch too. I was so fucking jealous of him.
>When I was in Germany I didn't realise that someone could make more Nazi jokes than the BBC
Yup I like that. I'm not a fan of political correctness at all and I think you should be able to make fun of everything. No exceptions. It's either everything or nothing.

>It's too bad the country is cucked so hard.
Cucked by the US no less.

>Those people are fun.
Yup, that.
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bleeding gash.png
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this is an example of a cool german.
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And all the "refugees welcome" beta leftists that voted for Merkel. You guys need to get your shit together and start a civil war.

Topkek. She's pretty cool.
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>And all the "refugees welcome" beta leftists that voted for Merkel. You guys need to get your shit together and start a civil war.
Yes yes I know, it's ridiculous.
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Refugee reform plan - germany.gif
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/k/ is ready as fuck. The germans on there want ALL KEBAB REMOVED
See, that's why we have guns here.

I would remove kebab in a fucking instant if I lived there.
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That's the opinion of pretty much everyone I know, even the leftish people. The Germans aren't happy but they do nothing. There's no debate either since always the " you'e all nazis" card is played.

It's either you like the influx or you're nazi. Nothing in between.
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I guess no one wants to take a stand and fight the man, huh?
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I was an exchange student to Germany, I was up north near Hamburg, and oddly enough that that's one of the only regions which isn't flooded with refugees because the local councils pretty much are telling the national government to fuck off with setting up refugee camps there because they hold a lot of power, almost to a city state sort of level.
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>I guess no one wants to take a stand and fight the man, huh?
Nope, although some resistance is clearly forming. A little late but whatever
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I would ship out and join the Kebab Killer Kommandos.

They don't because there would be massive lashback from the gov, and nextdoor neighbors. Whether or not they would be happy about it. Unless we can prove they're 99% terrorists. I can't wait for something to cause kristallnacht MKII.
Badass. Good on em. I wish more people would take a stand there, and all over really. Sweden is really starting to need it to. Once glorious Vikings now fallen from grace.

Good. Then there's hope. Pagan prayers to you, brother.

Sign me up! I don't got shit to do with my life anyway.
but not an education
Yet I'm still more logical than you. Funny how that works.
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Quite a few people are making a stand in my neck of the woods. Australia is pretty much sending refugees back to where they came from. And the mudslimes won't come to NZ because of all the indians, who are only slightly preferable.
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furrenheint 451.png
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Sweden is an amazing example of being super duper progressive. It ends in a fuckign mess of rapes and murders that you can't speak out about.
sure buddy
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That makes me happy. Even though I'm an Americunt, I still have a bit of Nationalism in me and look out for my brothers and sisters. I wish the best for Europe.

Yep. That's why although I still have a number of liberal stances I still have a good bit of conservative as well. We need a Fuhrer here.
>rapes and murders that you can't speak out about.
That's the most awful part of it, that you can't even speak about it. No way to have a discussion let alone a discussion in politics. Noone has the balls to do that, because it's so in to be an SJW nowadays.
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