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Alrighty /b/ it's been about 24 hours, time we begin day

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 242
Thread images: 81
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Alrighty /b/ it's been about 24 hours, time we begin day 2 of the operation. Any of those who messaged her yesterday please post the message, results, or screen cap. If anyone screencaped anything or has more information please share here.
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Feed her to a snake
did anyone actually message her?
Did you faggots even remember to bring the snake?
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Yes. Someone posted this yesterday
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The rest said something like this.
"You will be filmed during the process for documentation. Preferably you will be fed nude, a completely natural state, however if this makes you uncomfortable you can wear a swimsuit or any form fitting clothing g that desolves. This way nothing will snag or make the snake feel ill. When you respond please respond at (link for the thread) and we'll go from there.
Did you guys tell her she'd be a star and end up making history?
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No. Someone should
Wats dis aboot snek?
Sneks gotta eat.
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It's about feeding Alyssa Welch to an anaconda
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Her insta
Am out of loop. What are you guys talking about?
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Boot snek, und dubs. Chek'd
More people need to message her so she understands
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Post screencaps of them when you message. Show the full message too
How can we contact her
post her email so we can ask her
and that was my message lol i didnt get a reply though
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Anyone message yet?
Can you post a screencap of the full message?
[email protected]
hey, i have a serious proposition foro you. the internet has decided that you would be the perfect candidate for a radical new idea. so if you are willing my associates and i would like to feed you to a python. now stay with my on this, we will need you to be naked, but if you feel uncomfortable with that, than a small bathing suit will suffice we presume.if you have any questions please contact me at

i didnt screen shot the whole thing, but thats basically what i said
anyone got any funny ideas for me to send her? or should i just wing it again?

ill post screenshots
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We should've done anothing email
Are you>>705139839
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To Alyssa,
We have a serious proposition for you. Many of us have decided that you would be the perfect candidate for a radical new idea. So if you are willing my associates and I would like to feed you to anot anaconda. Now stay with us on this, we will need you to be naked, but if you feel uncomfortable with that, than a small bathing suit or any form fitting clothing that dissolves will suffice we presume (as to not snag or make the snake uncomfortable, it's completely your choice).If you have any questions please contact us at "email address".

We need an email so she can respond
So what incentive are we giving for her to do this?
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We let her respond first.
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got anything else?

i got loads of bogus email accounts
obviously i edited it before i sent it
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Fix spelling and replace "email address" then see what she says
You fucked up. What the hell she can't send a message to "email account"
All you fags emailing the same shit again and again, I bet she'll reply to anyone of you.
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you.
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already said i edited it first
dude are you retarded? kek
Get rof anot and put an
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smol bt vry angry pp.jpg
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All you fuckers did jack shit. You didn't get a reply because you
You do it then you fucking fucked dick head talk the talk now walk the walk
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That's more like it you cuck.
Go on lad
always doubting and shit. ohhh were too scared to send an email. take a Valium and hush pls
For the love of God correct it
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Post screencaps
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Pic related
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Quit fuckin around and make a fake instagram account and start posting
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this. ill do it if others do too
Dont die pls
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Alyssa will be snake shit by 2017
someone make an Instagram and post pics
Can we fuck her first?
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Why am i doing all the work?
just send her a message on instagram
Have in the past using a few>>705146467
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She'll be a hero if she says yes
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I'm doing it too
Point is to ask
why dont you do it then faggot
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that poor fucking snake is starving. we have to feed him bois
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heres a pepe bois get to it
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Has there been a response of any sort from anyone?
no, we need someone with less followers and has low self esteem
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We got a reply!!!!

Step it up fags
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Why her?
nobody know, but its too late to stop now
They already fucked it up and did a poor job.

Really? Name starts with troll? Gtfo you dumbasses blew it.
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>100 lbs
post something then fag
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he blew it? how exactly, did you think she was actually going to go find a snake to get eaten by?
Someone ask her what she means
I'm at a lose, so is this entirely devoted to annoying people and baiting her followers into replying to you.
I mean linking her to 4chan?
>Rule 1 and 2 also faggots.
Our main campaigner is called trollsec?
And read something like
>The internet has decided
Who gives a fucking shit what the internet decides? Even if you do have associates.
FFS guys.
>Why was we not from a talent agency.
>Why did we not have someone make a professional email address even if it was hotmail/gmail.
>Why the fuck would trollsec be her one and only follower that has not only heard about it before she has but won't shut up about it?
>And what the fuck is "snake science"
inb4 science about snakes.
yeah this thread was doomed from the start, maybe we should just brainstorm about another raid
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Someone comment asker her what this means.
yes. this. please come up with a better fucking target.
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We can get her to respond once, we can get her to do so again
well other people join in then
Alright guys, heres the thing. This bitch is NEVER going to agree if she isn't getting paid. I figure she gets a pornstar rate for this shit, since its about the same as really kinky porn. Question is, how are the neckbeards on here gonna scrape together that kind of money?
I liked the target she was pretty tidy.
I would feed her my snake.
It was your shit execution that made this thread suck so hard (wish she would suck me as hard as this thread sucks)
Anyway find a new target and we can have another go.
We could even pull of the snake (wish she had pulled of my snake)
NM we lost that sexy bitch to snake science
Try and find another preformer and we're from a reputable agency this time. Don't decide a name either once you find out where the target is google will give you the name. And the names of the employees there.
by selling tickets to the (snake science) "watch this get get eaten by a snake!"
only 25 bucks a ticket
bro i didn't start this thread i just like shit posting. we need to go back to hitting edgy teenagers with weird faces so there is a show they might kill themselves
im not op bro
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Are faggots only capable of reading posts with a (you)?
Get your shit together guys, you're literally an embarrassment. I'm ashamed to browse the same site as (you) yes all of (you)
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Good job.jpg
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And (you) guys voluntarily put 4chans name to this.
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So what we doing now?
(You) just mad none one replyed to (you)r post on here ain't (you)
we were told to in the last threads.
Newfag always does what he's told
Well if anyone ever tells you that again you now know to tell them to GTFO.
Rules 1 and 2 are not just a gimmicky reference to fight club.

Does anyone have any other good candidates?
Maybe someone less high profile but who does dance, or in a small band.
Someone who wants to be famous but stands absolutely no chance of archiving it but are convinced otherwise basically.
Let's get her to respond.
She already did.
She was lol'ing about how much of a joke you are.
This thread is full of dipshits and newfags
Nobody's got a friend on FB that will have visited/enquired about a talent agency before but never got anywhere with it?
Or can think of a small time model/artist?
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Sent her this
I was actually willing to put some effort into this and hopefully shape some newfags into rolling, trolling, shitposting faggots.
Shame actually fancied a good raid.
NM, back to just shitposting on the chan.
Unfortunately I guess Alyssa really was the perfect option
Maybe a few days from now
Good effort anon.
Definetly more likely to reply to that, just a shame she already knows it's a troll.
Do you have comics with this? (Except that one with the giant frog)
I ain't trolling
Well I've actually got a very good candidate in mind but I ain't having this shit linked back to me and after the performance displayed in this thread, I'm sure you can understand why I would be dubious. Also no matter how good the troll some fag will snitch at 1st oppertunity and think it's funny anyway.
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I got dis
Good luck convincing her that now.
When you see this thread again in a day or two you tell. May you post a full body pic though so we know what we gotm
I have the strangest boner right now
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Its time to start the cash offers. $300K and she gets to pick the snake...
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Okay anon, deal.

Shall we see if we can find anyone else in the meantime, or salvage what's left of this?
Defo not worth the effort of makeing an instagram now though.
Oh, and just another for all (you) I know you probly just think
>This fag again.
But wouldn't you feel more "unopinionated" confident and "unopinionated" if you had real names and actually had profile pictures?
>But wouldn't you feel more "unopinionated" confident and "unopinionated" if you had real names and actually had profile pictures?

Was suppose to say:
But wouldn't you feel more confident and "opinionated" (opinion matters) if you had real names and actually had profile pictures?

Fuck knows how that happen guess nobody's gonna be paying a blind bit of notice to that nugget of wisdom now.
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Ok. Who's this
i'm genuinely impressed this thread has lasted this long
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Any snake commented
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That would be me
Thing is you can't speak to her as the sneeky snake properly.
But damn fine job of creating a mascot. We look like a group of people who do actually have a plan now though.
Any chance of a bigger snake?
Is that the only comment you made
Took me all of 20 sec to make that account and find that snake pic want it changed just pic what you want me to put on it
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How about this as our snake?
Yeah so far
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We should get a snake
thanks for saving this garbage idea.
Someone say they're willing to help her music career in exchange
This is by the far dumbest thread i've ever seen on /b/

what the fuck is 4chan becoming

listen... post more of the maid outfit or nudes... if not, get the fuck off and go about your fucking life man. God damn, it's incredibly sad to see you post this bitch all the time. OP be butt hurt over breakup
Where is this slut actually from I'll create an account for the producer.
If the 1st guy can prep his account to look more like the casting director.
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It don't crop right
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Dangerous minds.jpg
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Nope I'm willing to roll with this now.

>If I can just reach these kids

Good practice, so we don't constantly look like newfags when we go on expeditions.
A state College in massachusettes
Hang on let me fire up PS.
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Snake copy.jpg
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How about that, or does it look weird?
Should I just trim it?
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This bitch deleted everything
Wasn't earlier
who the fuck are we gonna feed to the snake
We can still set it up and see where it goes?
I mean this would have gone alot better if abit of planning had been put into it in the 1st place.
Also we're creating an agency it has many applications for trolling?
lets just find a new target, and not fuck it up this time. like actually idk have a plan
maybe we can add each other then start dming each other until we create a fake agency trying to get an actress to be eaten by a snake
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Model club.jpg
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Yes anon.
This you all see mine the sneaky snake one
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[email protected]
i was in mashpee yesterday, damn, wheres she work
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She's in college so she wouldn't have been there
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op has been making this threads for months now.

its the purest and finest form of autism in existence.

i for one, want to see this mission to suceed.
oh, i live in another part of cape cod, whats the deal why choose her?
i was pre ocupied last night thinking 4chan was gona disapear for good and got drunk in celebration , missed this thread
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Meet Ethan Cray from Modeling Club inc My need to tweek the name slightly.
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>i for one, want to see this mission to suceed.
Make an account somwhere, prefably everywhere.
We need her specs before saying anything
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Or her?

We need weight and height. If there are 200+ lbs or 5'5"+ they won't fit
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I'm willing to bet there's a snake big enough to eat this "model"
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I would say her but she is friends with Alyssa
Lets do both? Double our chances of success.
How about you fags make a few more accounts.
We could do with a sectary and some fanboys maybe. Also if anybody fancys making Ethan a twitter account and I'll just send you an email to use? Meh that's ok I'll do it later.

Anyway I'll start typing up our introdution email/post.
Also any anons that wanna do that and we can compare notes before we finalse what we actually send?
Sounds good to me
We gonna have a thread for this tomorrow? Or when do we start this whole thing
capecodcanal life bro, lets SUP all day...
9:00 pm eastern standard time US. Will use the same pic as OP.
I'll be looking out for it then
Lets crack on boys, there's work to be done now.
Maybe we can get Alyssa back, just be more mature and offical
We will defo have a go.
She was pretty hawt and petite frame.
I think we should start fresh
Reason why Alyssa was chosen is cause her weight and height were known. If we choose someone else we need to know the weight and height.
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XDDDDDD kekeeeekekekekerrekekeek
To keep in contact here's my email
[email protected]
I'm worried if you keep this up you will find someone willing. It sounds hot, I'm sure, but the gravity of the situation is not to ignored. If this happens it could only be seen as an event horizon of the human race's depravity.
Gotta full body pic so we got her figure? She my be too big
Better question is, where's the snake?
I'll get in touch tomorrow with anyone who leaves an email and we can strategize. Mines [email protected]
This is what I got so far let me know what you think?

Dear anon,
Representative of MCInc.
Here is some information about how we work:
We specialise in helping aspireing young actors and actreses connect with business who require young actors, actresses and models for advertisement and marketing. Acting as creative business clients with no contracts or strings atached we aim to launch carreers rather than manage them.
We work on behalf of third parties to match perspective clients, agencies and businesses alike.
with their design needs, from logo’s and corporate identities, to packaging and websites. We want to create unique promotional and marketing ideas that work for our clients and reflect who they are.
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This is why we can't have nice things anymore.
This is why we can't have nice things!
We can't have nice things!

Fucking white Knights everywhere.
That's good so far
No we need to use the shotgun tactic until somebody bites.
No we don't we just say they seem desirable for the role and ask the details later.
That's literally what everyone was asking people to do in the last thread. Stupid. But we're moving up now
This guy is probably right. We can just bait a bunch a people and when one responds we focus on them
We can just go gun blazing, we need to be careful and precise. Choose people of the right physical type, then ask the general stuff. If they are replying bring up the snake. We all consult though
Fucking idiot
>[email protected]
Saved it probably post it somewhere later and troll fuck out of you.

Anyway, why don't we just create a discord?
>implying that's not just a burner account
Email is better, allows us to work when best for us
Why would you link the thread you retarded white knight piece of shit
[email protected]
Someone make a list of all likely targets
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Ok let's list them now
Yea I saw that earlier, pissed me off to.
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Why are we trying to feed people to a snake?
Because Internet
I agree with consulting each other.
But consider.... We are building an agency, we can have many clients and give them any job we see fit or just role thread and have the faggots decide?
Makes sense
My email 4 this
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4chins is ruined

> /b/ has become to widespread
> /b/ can't accomplish shit on the down low anymore
> white knights are here to stay
> nobody's innit 4 teh lulz anymore

we used to be a complex organism, we shared a toxic yet symbiotic relationship, where every anon hated every other anon but when the common enemy was the outside we b& together and trolled hard... oh the lulz we had.. the lulz that were had... the lulz are gone now... hello darkness my old friend
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Alright anons it's been fun. Please keep me informed.

[email protected]
now i may have a vore fetish . But seriously guys, this is kinda fucked up
what a stupid question
Fuck off
Go away

> gril meets snek
> snek meets gril
> gril falls for snek
> snek falls for gril
>snek eats gril
profit? perhaps some lulz?
This is the dumbest raid thread /b/ has ever come up with, and there's been some doozies. How its still alive after 5 hours 50 minutes is amazing.
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jesus man it's sounding like you're trying to sell us a fucking trip to Narnia . The good old days are always talked about like old war stories and ya know what , yeah shit has changed like ya said but what's done is done . like all things it needs time to heal . ain't shit we can do now but wait and try to post decent content and do decent things but until the bullshit either stops , leaves or is somehow eradicated sit down , watch and wait
My snake can eat her if you know what I mean.
We start with a short discussion to identify our client’s needs, what has been working so far, and what they want to achieve. We then have a meeting to discuss some examples and budgets, and to create together a design brief and plan.
We then seek to match aspireing young actors actreses and models to perspective jobs we think will match both parties to create oppertunites and employment prospects.
We have recently finished a marketing campaine for Delicious Dot Com and we also worked with Fabulous Franchesca re-launching her modeling carreer and back into a line of work she belived she had outgrown.
Listen if you can pull that off and fit her down that thing you will be king of the internet for life if you post it all
no seriously shit cant be legal
might as well start a go fund me page pal or a kickstarter campaign
Keep yourself informed faggot.
shit would be so cash tho
Cock vore is my specialty. You are of course are talking to anon of the interwebz and aka the "hacker known as 4chan"
Fuck of this shit is happening.
Wtf are you doing on the computer at such an hour? Don't you know the internet is a dangerous place, especially for pussys who take artistic works of fiction literally
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Ner I started it for the lulz, i'll finish it for the lulz.
And It's only a rehashed copypasta faggot.
I just wish faggots would brain storm ideas rather than chat shit
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Big Bait.jpg
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Thread replies: 242
Thread images: 81

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