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YLYL Ultimate God tier edition Post only the toppest of keks!

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 147
YLYL Ultimate God tier edition

Post only the toppest of keks!
Well that's a good start...
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This is one of the wordt threads I've ever seen.
>YLYL Ultimate God tier edition

>Post only the toppest of keks!

You failed your own thread.
Get out
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Humourless fag detected
Idk why but i lost
Soz didn't mean to interrupt your pussy patrol.
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This thread is aids, full of shit memes
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best type of ylyl
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Im a loser
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Nice Cringe thread
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Revolver Ocelot.png
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Aren't we all
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I'm out
top left = harambe
top right = police brutality
bottom left = terrorism
bottom right = SJW movement / gender issues / equality

if you didnt understand this picture than you obviously are a basement dwelling recluse.
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What a meme
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Get off the stage!
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radio broadcasts.jpg
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not really.
our signals are barely even out there.

space is big yo
Shit site dont bother
There's 4 pictures, not one. It's shit
hes right
horrible keks
That's actually a pretty huge area.
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jfc this is the worst thread i've ever seen.
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>200 light years

first radio broadcast >1920 = 96 years ago

radio waves travel at light speed, so 96y x 1(E=mc²) = 96 light years

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>I don't understand the difference between diameter and radius
This thread feels like 9fag

This thread is terrible, but that haircut...

That hairstyle on a middle-aged woman always means grade-A cunt.
Its secretly is shh

I didn't get it either, and my house doesn't even have a basement.
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I'm not.
No one would be able to understand that except the person that created it. It would be better if those things were actually explained in the picture.
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Top kek
Numbrr 5 got me
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Hey look. It's the guy who just heard about memes
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a good rule of thumb: if your joke starts with "when you", it's not funny.
>when dogger has more personality than your own children

Da fuq?
>monumental maths failure
You fucking idiot
I see what you did there
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Sick quadz
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id didn't get harambe
poor doggo
Not my proudest fap.
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We ra nonyamousv
Don't forget
Forgive isn't
I am legend
1 2 3 6 7 8 10 are wrong
cringey as hell
I'd still fuck the girl on the left though
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University aged Marxists seldom rise above the level of pond scum
Doggo just taking a swim it ok.
All jokes are from reddit
I've put my dick in worse things than that
This webm is very interesting actually. The way his face gets a sort of euphemistic expression intrigues me.
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Oh lol
My pond scum comment was referring to everyone except the girl on the left.
Oh yeah, the girl on the left is hot.
Picture unrelated.
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funny none dare approach the only one amongst them that actually look like a girl
What's the name of these guys again? The something something twins? They're on youtube but I can't remember
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They're the daughters of Robert Paulson. So probably the Paulson twins.
>mom can you buy me these?
>what the fuck do you want latex pants for?
>mom please it's for the internet, I need to look cool
>ok fine but you don't get tendies for a week
>but mooooooooooom I want TENDIES!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>ok honey ok, you can have your tendies and the latex pants just don't scream
>yay! thank you mommy!
Hartley hooligans. git gud
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>Mum: Don't forget to Nazi salute on camera!
I seriously don't get it
What is a "front facing camera" and how do you open it?
did he photoshoped his glasses ?
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The Thompson Twins
no, he just has two pair, cauz he's blind without his clear ones
pretty sure he's just wearing shades over his glasses, this photo was probably early days or before those UV sensitive glasses that change.
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donkey lips
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Now that you've pointed that out I can't un-see it.
Just 40?
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But anon that wouldn't bother me
>> 4
These memes are bomb
This thread is a graveyard for shitty OC
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that actually did make me laugh
why not just end it's pathetic and worthless existence... I would want someone to kill me if I was like that.
wow this thread gave me cancer
lost here fuck
Nigger detected

>fuck da police muh black lives matter
>being this much of a newfag that you don't understand the rearrangement of the panels
>someone knows I'm a nigger
>ill get defensive and call them a newfag
>thatll impress everyone else
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Seems about right, bunch of tards and an AW
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Explain more.
Ha fuck you I already knew that one
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What the fuck has happened to ylyl? This is all normie Twitter cancer, and it's not funny.
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Get out of my thread REEEEEEEEE
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fukkin lost
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Dafuq is this 9gag tier shit?
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dubs decide my h1z1 charactername
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Thanks for joining us tonight Bill!
LMAO this thread is GOD TIER. 4chan seems resurrected, thumbs up for you guys!
GTFO, go start your own thread bitch tit.

Fuck you and your alchemy, Edward.
oh no
I have seen this several times, where is the rest of the bus? If it's a picture of a bus, how come he runs through it and the front of the bus is still there?
FUck you
What looks like another street in the left side is actually a building wall made of glass. So the rest of the bus is behind the building
The building to the left is made of reflective glass
Judy Hopps
Angelina and Brad during happier times
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Oh shit! The car on the left is synched with the street on the left cause it's the same car
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lost i've seen them a million times but the expressions on the little ones face still get me.
Lost, friggin creeps man
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This is the most normie fueled ylyl I've ever seen wtf
This has to be shitposting
I got it.. you is all retarded
>my face when paycheck was much lower than it should
xX lorddarkkill Xx
>implying several pictures merged together don't make a new picture
Could some kind anon make this go even slower?
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Same guy?
So, he's smart then?
1. It's 2016, not 2002. "Autism" memes went out of use in most of the world by 2005 at best, yet somehow they persists with dumb Eurofaggots.
2. That meme is old and gay. Why make a post proving how gay your are and clog up a thread with a shitpost?
3. FYI, it was absurd back when created: autists account for the vast majority of geniuses who have advanced mankind. Not sure why people use "autist" in a derogatory sense unless they are trying to prove they don't know the meaning of words.
4. Btw, people also stopped using "kek" over a decade ago (again, except in eurotardland). If you aren't aware, this is old, gay, and also dumb from its inception. I bet you don't even know where it came from, do you? Or the fact that it shows you are a World of Warcraft basement dwelling fag from 2004. Even actual faggot 12 year olds that still play that don't even use "kek" anymore. Think about how dumb you really are now. Just do that all day, k?
5. Gtfo of my 4chan.
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First time I've lost to anything ever posted "barbecued his dick for an hour"
what's always bothered me about this faggot is that he's smoking a fucking cigarillo and acting as though he's smoking an actual cigar.
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Mashed potatoes.png
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harambe=something uninformed yurpeans say to pretend they are hip and instead only show they are out of touch
harambe was the gorilla at the cincy zoo who was shot when he grabbed a boy who fell into the cage

"harambe" makes no sense for any type of meme or anything at all
it's a nonincident for the most part and stopped being anything about 2 days after it came out

dumb yurps are dumb yurps
>"euphemistic expression"
>"police brutality"
>radical islam
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proven fake many times now

i thought this was a ylyl thread

why is op so fucking gay

keeps posting fake gay and dated shit

OP: you know there's an age limit here, right?
i meaned in the picture you retard
Einstein was autist
Gods failed creation
original source though?
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Lost to this stupid post
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This may very well be the best single item social networks have to offer.
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These are the least funny things I've ever seen.
this shit is tumblr tier. My brain hurts
harambe does not mean "police brutality"
there weren't even police involved in that
it was a zoo, a 4 year old white boy with irresponsible parents, and a zoo keeper
wtf "reality" are you even living in that your entire world is made up of nonsensical shit?
are you fucking retarded or something, you dumb brit?
throughout this shitty thread of yours that you claim is a ylyl thread you have posted garbage--most of it only showing you can barely understand culture and intertwined with outdated shit people stopped re-re-re-re-posting in 2011 B.C.
The spartley spooligans
>i meaned
>you retard

I'm gonna need you to come in tomorrow and not make another thread ever again, mmmm-k?
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Wow. Someone got really offended by that. Anon, are you legitimately autistic? Because if so, this only serves to validate previous claims about your character.
holy shit that last reply wrecked me
Fuckin' checked
I agree
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I couldn't agree more
i will piss you with my ass retard
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this is a shitty shit shit thread
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Those are some weird puppets
pretty sure he's not
he's also right
that you reply to that with an ad hominem suggests you have very low reading comprehension and ability to logic, reason, or argue intelligently
maybe grow up?
maybe go read some books?
you don't belong on 4chan
at all
Hartley Hooligans
Op is a Eurotard and needs to stop posting and never return here again.
He's just too dumb.
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The only funny thing in this entire thread
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If only.
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Just posted on the NY girls thread
You know, I could sit here and defend my intelligence to you if I really felt like it, but I don't. Here's the main problem: 4chan is not a place for people who get offended. Period. Especially not the /b/ section.
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Looks familiar
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Stop saving thumbnails faggot
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Why they train the baby to do this :s
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Calm down faggot
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What the actual fuck is happening. Is this meant to troll? None of this is funny, nothing made me laugh. It is all recycled ifunny trash. Does "God tier" just mean nonexistence?
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i've got those shoes but i aint selling shit
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i think his point was you and your thread are off the charts suck and it is pretty clear why . . . you are really, really dumb
nothing for you to defend with your posts telling the whole story
worst ylyl thread in the history of 4chan
i'm not even kidding
get a clue
Seinfeld is shit.
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Saved my friend
I just kekd myself
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You're just far too cool for us mate.
I must know what this is from
Revolver Ocelot
wow somehow this happens everyday
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I don't get it.
You know that earth is flat right? Open your eyes, ya twat monkey
Millenials think some dumb shit is funny

They are the same kids that made five nights at Freddy's so popular, so it makes a bit of sense
He throws the gun and not the empty clip
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3 MB, 555x312

Perople should start have called this '7 days ASMR'
Oh and start watching at 1:17
I'm not OP. I'm just looking for memes.
The problem is niggers. It's nigger humor and could be why your head hurts, it is like taking medicine for a horse when you are a human, it wasn't made for you and now you are worse off for it.
>God tier edition
>Toppest of keks

>Posts terribly unfunny image
>Now thread is shit

Fuck loli, THIS is why /b/ is dying
Shitty ghetto memes and image macros. Fuck this thread
Dane Cook has more comedic value than this thread.

95% of the images posted are either bananas or retarded Facebook memes. Not only have you all failed to be funny, but in doing so have produced the most aggressively unfunny thread I have ever seen in my 12-year history of viewing this website.
It really is a shit thread. Loser 13 year old cousins and my aunts who nobody likes post funnier shit on their Facebooks
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I'm not OP. I'm looking for memes.
boy do I wish
found the autist

also checked
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Fuck you!
Anyone under 34-35 is a millennial. So i am too. This boils down to people thinking that /b/ is a place where you can half ass a thread for the sake of receiving a bunch of cool edgy b/ exclusive memes they can show everybody in their circle. Im going back to banana threads rather than this underage eurotrash cringe. Eurofags are always late to the game and have the convictions of a lapdog. Fuck Europe except for France, we love you.
thats 4 picture you delusional fucks
which end did he shove the toilet plunger up his ass?
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bill murray 4 eyes.png
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This thread has been alive for 5 hours. Best ylyl ever!
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Dont care if you are OP or not. You are a faggot for even posting that. /b/ is for fucking random shit, not shit posts and ylyl garbage that could be posted anywhere on your stupid internet full of personal hubris and fags showing blown out assholes. Get the fuck out. Nigger. Spic. Kike. Bitch. Whatever you are, I know you aren't white male.
lol !!!
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Doin' Fine 54.gif
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Totally unrealistic scenario. Everyone knows niggas don't claim their kids.
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he is a /b/tard for sure.
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2016-09-20 10.19.23.png
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Roll With It.gif
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well thats one way to get a new hairdo...
>color blindness testing
>"mental disorders"
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those are 8...number 10 isn't a fact
this is now canon. I can call him Frankenstein in peace
i don't understand
Zika virus innit
I honestly don't know whos more autistic
Yep, no question
I am (partially) speechless
>humourless fag detected
>posts low facebook tier "humour"
>why am I even answering to this bait.jpeg
Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 147

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