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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>704455996 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 172
Thread images: 151
File: Kyouko (413).jpg (177 KB, 750x749) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (413).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Not me, because fuck 4chanx.
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Yuuki (0).png
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Alice 28.jpg
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evening dress-1.png
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Seems to be how some genetics go

Oh, I'm in Biomedical Engineering, so shit is lit!
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all husbandos claimed
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>fuck 4chanx
What is namesync
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>fuck 4chanx
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Hopefully the era, my dad worries.
Id like him to die happy
He was a beutiful baby born from a 16 year old.
He got pretty lucky
Hana Song


not the hero overwatch needed, but the hero the community deserved.

the salt flows
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A Yuuki.
Atra is objectively best waifu.
She's nice, she can cook, she can clean, and she's a loli.
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Hirasawa_Ui (+).jpg
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Yuuki (18).jpg
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A Shiro
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still here
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How're you doing today?
I always envied the engineers at NASA, they could actually get a job straight out of their internships if they did well enough!
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At least you tried

I certainly hope so
With all my heart...
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Happy Eru.png
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Pretty good, erected a 20ft flag pole and now I'm chillin'
Nice. The grind is always more fun with friends.
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Yuuki (8).jpg
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I'm doing good, worked for a few hours. How about you
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That's nice, pretty catchy, but I don't understand jack shit about it. I like it, it's not the kind of stuff I'd listen to that often, but it's good.
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I'm okay myself. A bit unoccupied, a little bit YouTube on and off.
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Yuuki (48).jpg
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Lets get rooooooight into the noose
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There is literally nothing wrong with pepsi.
There is everything wrong with not using 4chanx.
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>There is literally nothing wrong with pepsi.
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Hey man
How are you?
>Previous thread
Dont force yourself into anything
A skirt and stockings are enough
That is very noble or you
Gonna help and fight against our new enemy? 2nd crusade?
Oh damn yea he really was lucky, that sucks though
He ever wanted to meet his biological parents?
I guess we're more the same than i thought
That sounds wrong somehow.
What do you mean with that?
Yea same for me mostly, but the guy used to be a rapper and I decided to follow him a bit more and he made some catchy ass songs
It's basically some generic shit about love but it gets pretty deep in the end
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>There is literally nothing wrong with pepsi.

wrong. wrong.

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Hey there.jpg
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He breakfast that god intended you to have, can you say the same for dinner?

Never leave

Yuu waddup

What's a 4chanx

I pray for you

Beepity boop boopity

Tristana claimed
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youre slacking
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a name of file.jpg
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Pepsi is pretty good.
My opinion on 4chanx still stands.
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Dragon Ball.jpg
120 KB, 620x582
Pepsi is for noobs
Do the Dew
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How goes it? I just started playing Rim World, its about to get gud.
The colony has two prisoners and five members.
I put up a flag pole and now the flag is fluttering gloriously in the wind.
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>Pepsi is pretty good.
File: Yuuki (45).gif (1 MB, 360x202) Image search: [Google]
Yuuki (45).gif
1 MB, 360x202
Same, I'm in discord with a friend making a minecraft server

>There is literally nothing wrong with pepsi.
shit taste tbh

Hey Yuno! I'm good, just got off work and home from the gym, you?

Heyo Trist!

Same two prisoners from last night?
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Now that's an interesting album cover

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>Pepsi is pretty good.
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>There is literally nothing wrong with pepsi

You get more options and settings out of it, who doesn't want more options?

And better filters
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>pepsi is pretty good
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>what it feels like to drink pepsi
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pepsi and coke are both shit
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yo trist!
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>there are people in the world, right now, who actually like pepsi
File: Damn all this darkness.jpg (163 KB, 800x532) Image search: [Google]
Damn all this darkness.jpg
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Eh, mostly for him.
He doesnt want to see the world be shit when he dies, he worries too much
Never, they were donors for him. They are nothing but that

Im not certain, I leave for that in fifteen minutes to get it!
There will be beer for breakfast for the next five days though, so thats cool
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pixel stuff 2.png
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Coke just tastes like like carbonated mud. Pepsi has a way more fresh taste to it.
I do. Why would I use something with more options if I'm already comfortable with what I have?
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i do
Mountain Dew is best
Pepsi tastes like soap
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>Pepsi has a way more fresh taste to it.

fresh garbage is still garbage.
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My room mate is extremely attracted to you, it scares me
I'm on ep 4 and the way they dissed you and the fact you had to accept it because it's true made me a sadman

How are ya?

Inca Kola over here

How's Sunday treating you?

What brand do you like?

No ples
File: Betelgeuse (1).jpg (397 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Betelgeuse (1).jpg
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Truly shocking.

>Coke just tastes like like carbonated mud.

You know what that tastes like?
How do you know I'm not your roommate?
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Fishing Master.jpg
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Nope, we recruited those two, now we've got some raiders in our prisons, we're gonna consider executing them, its dependent on their skills.
Yeah but Eru can be very helpful, you'll see!
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1 MB, 540x304
My friends and I did a study.
We bought Pepsi for a week, and Coke another. Tallied the cans.
We were going through Pepsi at a rate of 2 to 1.
And we identified why - Pepsi is weakshit. Easier to drink and drink more of. Long run, worse than Coke. More expensive, less taste.
Pepsi a shit.
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Best soda is faygo, not ironic or ICP, it's just that it comes in flavors like caramel apple and fucking cotton candy. And it's a dollar for a 20 oz bottle

>Is loli


That's what I'm going to be doing!

>Tfw only a freshman

Yeah, and I'll murder everything for you

If you want me too~~

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Betelgeuse betelgeuse betelgeuse
I'm not scared
Yea but why?
Sounds like a productive day
Good day at work?
Ive just been trying to cope with a hangover today
I survived though
Yea I could see why
Good reason not to kill self then
Oh okay, I'd be kinda interested where they were now
I understand though

>Phone cucking me again
>Tsun yun
File: shiro a cute.png (2 MB, 2374x2788) Image search: [Google]
shiro a cute.png
2 MB, 2374x2788
Yea it's pretty nice.
I prefer water anyways. I stopped drinking soda.
Don't question me.
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>it's just that it comes in flavors like caramel apple and fucking cotton candy
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It was alright we had a little barbecue over at my grandparents' place and we watched hockey. How's your day going?
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same here, actually. water is the superior drink of choice.

and of course the other thing I drink is vodka. lots and lots of vodka.
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Because it's novel to have and improves your experience?

There isn't anything different about it, it's just more things and more things can only be good. I mean I'm one of those people who like to personalize my browsing so much that I write custom CSS for websites and 4chanx is defientely a good thing
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dew is good. a tad overhyped but good
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How's it going?

The only use for soda is to be mixed with booze

You just started~

I'm on my senior year.

I like it a lot better than the music
>Truly shocking.
>>Coke just tastes like like carbonated mud.
>You know what that tastes like?

These are the questions of the day

Fingers crossed and forced onto the trigger.

It can't be, that's impossible

Dinner w fam at deck. No games to watch just out with Spanish music and the sun
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Shiro, how do you do?
Everyone knows tea is the best drink
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tea has better uses.
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pixel stuff 4.jpg
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Danny Brown is great though.
I'm doing okay. Still getting accustomed to school, which I'm not really enjoying. How about you?
Fuck is this shit

Can I get a source on your waifu?

Shit is amazing

I'm a little dude, only 18
Pls No bully

But it is!

I am your father!

Like a harbor?

File: Kyouko (169).jpg (191 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (169).jpg
191 KB, 500x500
Hey, I remember that one.

>My waifu

Betelgeuse is a guy.

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>like a harbor

exactly. all tea should be thrown into bodies of water so as not to be accidentally consumed by humans with taste buds.

it's quite amusing.
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Your waifu reminds me of Hitei
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I'm ok, how are you?
Sounds like a good time too
File: MyLegsAreCold.jpg (473 KB, 1500x1200) Image search: [Google]
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Old Milwaukee, but most stores dont have it here.
So I drink Busch

I truly hope you are not.
That would be terrifying.
To know he stalks me in my safe place

Oh, Im interested too!
But I wouldnt that to him or my grandparents for that matter
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are they similar in personality? the only thing I see is the hair color.

and quite honestly, betty isn't my waifu. just an avatar that suits me quite well.
File: Yuuki (32).jpg (112 KB, 960x544) Image search: [Google]
Yuuki (32).jpg
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I'm good, hanging out at the moment, helping a friend make a minecraft server. You?


It was alright. I did a drawing of Yuuki in between customers. Drink some gatorade!
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Kyouko (41).png
381 KB, 800x1000
Betty has the superior drills.
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31 KB, 500x699
Mountain Dew taste like diabetes
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Cute chibi, but mine is better.
Chibi Kaga claimed.
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I'm just not a big rap guy

aww, it's a little baby~

Same, playing some EVE before I head out to do some work
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>I need to get better weapons
Only if they're not useful!
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Mayo vs Dublin was kinda disappointing

>If trips get, every waifu of the thread must be given to me this very instant!
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betty is superior in every conceivable way. she is perfection.

betty is the best at everything. hmph.
Coulda been quads RIP
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Kyouko (29).png
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This is also dissapointing
GooGoo Bars are made of diabetes.
Also your waifu is a lesbian
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.. the fuck is that image?
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Hirasawa_Ui (33).jpg
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WoW Legion and tried StarCraft II for a bit so I'm going to try to play it more to get better at it. Other than that things are okay on this side, too.
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This is really dissapointing, you should be ashamed.
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Oh, maybe I should actually watch it

It's not that bad

Pls No bully

Scindo prime dude, scindo prime
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Please leave and never come back.
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I could be.
You'll never know...
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smile 3.jpg
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I see.
Good, good. Yes, I remember you talking about StarCraft II previously. How's that been going?
Hey there.
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its just every now and again
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Tea for me. Antioxidants for youth look

No way, that's... uh improbable

As weekends should be. What's next on your list? Mine is school stuff coupled with league

I haven't tried both of those flavors. I have been introduced to weak arsed Corona. I somewhat tolerate bud light plat, but I'm not well vested in that dept

Nice. Me I'm doing a little hw here and some league there with some no fap over it all.

Don't you die on me in the show

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231 KB, 650x700
it's so bad though.



thanks anon, I'll be sure to take your advice under consideration and disregard it like the trash it is.
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Kyouko (149).jpg
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Well she's definitely best Re:Zero.
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1 MB, 1200x1697
absolutely. not even a contest, really.
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>and quite honestly, betty isn't my waifu. just an avatar that suits me quite well.
Back to /animus/
You at least say when right? Also who's the OG Tomokokoro?
I've met CDATA moko and the one with the smug cup.
Fuck this piece of shit phone
It's weird I always get hit with this cancer at night
I'll just listen to some music and zone out
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438 KB, 800x800
oh please. this place is just another circlejerk. and they are being boring as hell right now. I can handle lurking and posting in both.
File: peace, yo.png (306 KB, 900x970) Image search: [Google]
peace, yo.png
306 KB, 900x970
I'm leaving now. Sorry to whomever I was talking too. I'll be back in an hour or so.

File: kagadrink.jpg (59 KB, 561x595) Image search: [Google]
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Oh, really?

Why don't you get the fuck off here, you huge hypocrite. This is a waifu thread, but all you do is avatar fag.
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215 KB, 1128x1600
You're not that dep yet, you can switch to geology right now!

I can appreciate it, though!
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2 MB, 2089x3069
k bye

yes really. my >opinions are not to be questioned.

tell you what, anon. as soon as you are capable of making me leave, I will leave.

see above.
File: Eru Bunny.gif (732 KB, 320x200) Image search: [Google]
Eru Bunny.gif
732 KB, 320x200
Sounds good, gonna look into it.
I won't! Eru is invincible!
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I've heard some cool things about that game. Have you been part of big attacks that destroy thousands of real money?
nothing much. I'm listening to some music and I'll probably play league too soon
File: No traffic, sad.jpg (476 KB, 1800x901) Image search: [Google]
No traffic, sad.jpg
476 KB, 1800x901
Whats your name...

Thats ok, Im white trash.
My taste is weak
Yeah. It used to be fucking original until faggots that wanted to join used avatars instead of posting pictures of their waifu.
Like you.

Fuck off to where you came from.
File: Yuuki (56).jpg (357 KB, 909x800) Image search: [Google]
Yuuki (56).jpg
357 KB, 909x800
Ooh good luck. I tried that once, didn't last too long

Who needs usefulness when there's execute! What do you need from them?
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hey shiro how are you? Getting ready for the packer game tonight? it's gonna be a blood bath.

heya trist!

Hey buddy!
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I haven't seen Re: Zero yet, so I couldn't tell you.

/a/ just wouldn't shut up about it for a while and now I'm thinking of watching it, but they're pretty similar in appearance.

I usually post Togame because she is my waifu
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The fuck is a GooGoo Bar ?

Nothing really proves she's a lesbian in the show. Plus she's a fictional character, so who give a fuck ?
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No, I haven't been in one of the giant titan battles, but I was an FC for my group in the last great war.
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Kanade claimed
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Lets see, my colony needs a miner and a farmer
>One of them has 12 mining skill and a burning passion
>The other one has a growing plants skill of 8 and a good interest
Another survivor.
Time travel bitch


Well, more for me then

See ya in a bit

Nah man, medical fields a best

It's a big fuck you axe
File: Harambe.jpg (107 KB, 615x615) Image search: [Google]
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Harambe is my waifu
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my original home of circlejerking was /b/, actually.

but your attempts to use...logic? is that the word here? I don't think so, but for lack of a better term we can use that, are very amusing, so please continue.

you have an adorable waifu.

ah. it's pretty good, I'd certainly recommend it.

it seems to be the latest big thing. I ended up watching because so many people I know were, but I don't regret it, I've enjoyed it. season 1 just finished today.
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this is objectively the best choice, to be quite honest.
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yes. cdata was here before me but i know of arbys and another that they talk of. also there is an IT one thats around but i havent seen them in a while. Im smug
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1 MB, 1366x768
omg thanks! thats really nice of you!
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Hirasawa_Ui (35).jpg
293 KB, 765x855
I've learnt the basics of micro (individual unit control) and macro (unit production) along with a basic understanding of all 3 class types you can choose to play; Terran, Zerg and Protoss.
The camera control is going to need some getting used to, but overall it looks like I'm ready to begin practicing with others online.

Normals or ranked eh?

We should drink something together in spirit! Sound good, yeah?

I'm doing it because of school, I need all the time I can get for myself...and possible mates. Plus I made a bet with Saber and she lasted two weeks. I'm going for three months and it looks good

Do you know the ways of the kitchen? At least better than the spongebob fanatic?

I've been mistaken for 18 year old. I don't know how to feel about this
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yeah I'm a certified sweetheart.
Look who it is again, ID Beatrice. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to !Beatrice/c"" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
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well done.
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NOOOOOO!!! That's awesome, now you have 7 people!

I'll try doing no fap starting tomorrow and seeing how long I can go
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Maid Eru.jpg
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I got a big ol hammer, but I like faster melee weapons.
I also want a good assault rifle and a good secondary, but I have the Aklex.
Yeah ^^
Well I will, with the Warden using her natural charm.
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That sounds cool. How many commanders like that are there in armies?
Just some normals I'm not even 30 yet
You're just a huge cunt who cares too much about internet and loves to make drama on /b/, the place where you behave like what you actually are, a huge fucking idiot and retard.
It's something from a youtuber named alchestbreach

She kisses Nui and goes on a date with Mako
No fap is a meme
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Holy shit we don't want to see you every other post m8
Please get the fuck out before we lynch you
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kaga sees everything.jpg
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Hahaha, that's cute...
Just keep trying.
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think so? that's an interesting theory, to be sure.

there's no need to be salty over my impressive shitposting skills.

I don't even have to try. that's just how slick I am.
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I'm guessing you haven't watched katanagatari too then

Do it or I'll suck your dick, I mean it, and then you'll be gay dude, do you want to be gay?
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Kaga sheep.jpg
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So much shit is going down in planetes. Might be a bit slow answering

How old are you?

Wait, we playing some league?

All you need is melee weapons
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I have not, but I might look into it. my backlog of things to watch, both western and otherwise, is so absurd at this point I doubt I'll ever finish it. but I'm guessing it's something cute, and I do love me some cute.

I am actually incredibly gay, so your threats have no power here. although I'd rather suck your dick than have mine sucked.
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Nope, everything you use needs geology~

Depends. my corp was relatively small, so The largest fleet I ever lead was somewhere between 30 and 40 people, but, but higher up, there are one or two commanders per every 100-200 people

It really works like a more loose military command
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>I am actually incredibly gay, so your threats have no power here. although I'd rather suck your dick than have mine sucked.
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Yuuki (62).png
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Our little colony is growing so fast! How big can they get?
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>I am actually incredibly gay, so your threats have no power here. although I'd rather suck your dick than have mine sucked.
I like you

Sponge bob style!

Hi fran! you watching the game tonight 7:30!
~~go ahead and suck mine bby~~

That may be, but I like medical stuff

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not a fan of the gays? plus I thought you lurked where I usually post. there's no way you didn't know this about me.

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Operator Eru.png
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Melee weapons are important, but I use my guns too, they're important for firing randomly into crowds of enemies.
>But yeah Melee weapons are king
>I need a good sword.
No idea, maybe there's no limit!
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a fair few people do. heaven only knows why.
>not a fan of the gays?

The opposite, kek.

>I thought you lurked where I usually post. there's no way you didn't know this about me.

Well, I did know obviously.

Didn't know you were that open about it though, kek.
I'd comply, but I'd probably fuck a cactus with a face at this point.

Only slightly on the gay side

Have you watched katanagatari?

I do?

eh, you're nice?
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