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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>704320551 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 187
Thread images: 151
File: Kyouko (104).jpg (61 KB, 599x900) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (104).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Alice 28.jpg
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But the tail is my fluffy bed :(
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Yeah I heard, but did it get translated/localized or?
>not liking animal killers makes you an asshole
I want you to think really hard about that sentence, and yeah when a child is acting retarded you call him out for it, you don't enable it like you do.
せんりつ の たつまき claimed
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Pomf =3
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>Stuffed burgers
Nice, I'm gonna get take and bake for dinner later.
Meanwhile Warframe, where everything is a grind!
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mandatory cc claim

tea edition
Claimed rem
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Yes. Boat mostly.
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Cirno claim
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RIP Chen.jpg
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There's room for many lolis in these tails


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Tbh shiki is as bad as Edgedeath
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>Trying to flip my words on me
Not today nigga.He is not acting edgy because he can, but because he can not do anything else.
Warframe a shit
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I'm already here.
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im on league but im comming to get you shikki hang on
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Shiki 0868.png
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Just using an ssd is harsh, especially if you're big on pictures like me, I would definitely recommend getting something easy storage like a usb stick.
Good I didn't think so, I'm absolutely terrible with languages so probably never going to try to learn moon.
Thanks for you input Tumblrfag.
You'd have to be a complete retard not to realize that there's an element of attentionwhoring, what do you think this entire thing is all about?
my waifu
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You guys are supposed to respond and tell me how great I am
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should I watch the hobbit or not?
Shiki you do know that Edgedeath is a shitposter? Why are you feeding the trolls?
S-stop it you, b-baka!
I don't know
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Alice 17.jpg
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I don't want to share :(
I have an external hard drive, but I also use that for school
I never finished it. Still need to watch the third one, it didn't seem worth my time
I may love futa dick but I ain't a tumblrina
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You'd have to be a complete retard to be this completely retarded.
You're pretty great.
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I know you are~
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is everyone here a cum guzzling ball jugglin sjw ass tumblr fag?
>Leave for a bit
>Fight over Edgedeath again
What he's claiming is detestable pointing out he's wrong isn't being am asshole, it's being a rational human being, people who defend those actions are almost as bad as the ones who commit them.
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cat out of nowhere.jpg
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~Children are adorable

Chen is, by default, already cuddling the tails anyway
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Shizurulurk - Copy.jpg
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Slutty maid.
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Shiki 0546.jpg
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Because I'm pretty sure I'm getting more enjoyment from his episodes than he could possibly get by pretending to be an autistic child.

Honestly what's more worrying than him is how some people seem to genuinely defend him, expected from the Rabbit crowd though.
You say that but your picture says otherwise.
I'm sure your picture can spare the gb.
>nibble nibble

Maybe I should get out of my bed
External Hard Drive.
My how a witty and original comeback.
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Loli Boat
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I could say the same.
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do you an shikki suck eachother off?

why does everyone call me a shitposter or a troll?
As expected of Esdeath's tardwrangler defense force.
>nips ya
I'm 28, you baka!
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Happy Eru.png
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Its really grindy but I like it.
>I like feeling like I worked hard for something
>I worked hard for my Trinity warframe.
Fucking losers
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still here
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Shiki 0771.png
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A vague hope that there's not people as utterly retarded as you. And your actions being deliberately set up to get reactions, like this entire thing.
Galil is in on the shitposting
but were you still queer?
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I'm staying in mine
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Spooky Demon.jpg
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As expected of Esdeaths tard tier hate force.
I prefer Borderlands 2 as my grind game
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Operator Time!.png
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So I realized that the Junction missions are REALLY easy if you use Excalibur.
>Radial Blind
>Gut the stunned fucker.
Ez Pz.
Borderlands 2 is fun too, but what about SPACE NINJAS?!
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while looking for songs about tea i found
and i love it
Hmm, maybe you're right. I'll stay in bed for a little longer...

>lots of hugs
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I'm over 800
You're just a wee babby

>Ultimate Lurk
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still here
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R-Really o////o

Are you not cute?
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Syndra [159].png
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Refer to
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i guess
they werent hard in the first place
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whatever im going to play league have fun being you i guess
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Love you, faggot~
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also thank you friends who are defending ut maybe just ignore him do waste your time for me
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Just going to hide behind quads? I see how it is.
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Borderlands 2 has space ninjas though
Czech Republic'd
Yeah, I'd put you in the top 10 list of /waifu/ posters
Esdeath is in therapy and is taking pills, he's trying to get better.
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You do fit league's target demographic perfectly.
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Then again, she is slow to fuck so IDK.
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muh smugs.png
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still here
Because you don't seem real.

I still stand by the fact that all of what you're saying is complete bullshit, like stalking or having the unusual urge to gut squirarals.

It's fine Esdeath we know that you just make shit up on the internet to make yourself seem cool and edgy to your 4chan friends, and we are okay with that.
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Are you sure?
You are a fucking LOSER
still nobody cares.
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He's trying to but he's not making progress. We're trying to help him along by telling him what he's doing wrong. We're not trying to be assholes were trying to help him this is just our way
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Alice 34.jpg
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I will kick the Chen out, my tail :(
I really will one of these days. But none of these really do her any justice
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not me>>704330853
although if you want to try and talk to them go ahead
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Wow, it is an honor. I really only know like five people here but I would put you in my top 3!
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Grr! You're a baka!
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I have no idea who is who over here
That from katawa shojo?
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I'm slowly but surely turning into a Saberfag

Also I'm not trying to help him for shit, I just like being an ass, and he is the most deserving target out of the lot of them

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A Kiss .png
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>I'll be happy when you kill yourself
This is not constructive criticism. This is destructive criticism.
>inb4 "it was just that one time lol"
How's it going dude?
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Alice 29.jpg
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Yes, it is Hanako
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Jammin For Dayz.png
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Where did that Jr come from
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So what's up?
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Screencap of that exact phrase?
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Boxxy is the only exception

I found it to be easy but I guess to each their own
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deciding what to do with the rest of my day. you?
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Destructive people get destructive criticism.
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Another sibling and the best one of all!
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Little Alice.png
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Hello Saber
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Super foxy fun time.jpg
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>You think you can
Chen is fairly strong

especially if she's armed with a bike

no u
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Kinda the same, relaxing after a long week

I should probably study for the GRE
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you enjoy imitating me don't you?
well I got dubs...might as well post more Minami
Komine is KOhai
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473 KB, 689x984

I would be offended if you didn't
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Komine is KoMINE
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do it tomorrow.
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Not really.
But does Warframe have billions of guns?
Yeah I just screenshot every post
This doesn't even make sense
Do it
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Hey Tohsaka Rin.
Still salty Hanako left you?
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That was the plan.

I still have a few weeks until I can take it, anyway.
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Camo Eru.jpg
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Yeah actually, futuristic SPACE GUNS
>Not literally billions
Also you get a cool SPACE DOG. He goes bark and rips people's arms off.
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I think you replied to the wrong person, Galil is the one you want.
I'm sure if you tried really hard you might figure it out eventually.
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oh I like you

as you wish
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Tohsaka wouldn't defend Edgedeath
Just reminding you your waifu is a whore/furry
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ahh well best of luck on that
The hand id at a completely different angle in the mirror.
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Given how utterly retarded he was, he very well might.
Either way, my waifu is best waifu~

Any closer to deciding?
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Wanton faggotry

That's the spirit!
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938 KB, 1260x1666
You can search the archive.
We screenshot the shit Esdeath says when we want to prove a point, the fact you don't have evidence to back up that claim means that argument is invalid
This. Even Old Man pleasers have standards
See above
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nope boredom has taken me
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And Thats coming from the source
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Angry fox.jpg
433 KB, 1000x1200

Checked for blue Saber
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No vidya?
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>cute baka fox
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nothing sounds appealing
This is actually correct. It's a well known fact that ShiKKKi enjoys making multiple personas and shitposting with them.

After all this is expected of a sadist such as him. King of manipulation and master of the shitposting arts he is, his fierce posting skill has laid waste to many a quality threads such as this one.

Careful around him boy, for his temper is not one that should be tempered with, lest he gives us hell like before.
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start poaying EVE, then you'll never be bored until you join a wormhole corp on a whim and are thrown completely out of your element.
Hello esdese
hello chen
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2 MB, 490x281
what is it?
Chen is the worst shitposter
File: Happy Sand Castle.jpg (1 MB, 500x301) Image search: [Google]
Happy Sand Castle.jpg
1 MB, 500x301
Space dog is neat but can you turn into a 12 foot fire breathing monster?
But Esdeath is constructive
Please continue
Nice dub trips, too lazy to screenshot the post but here
Go fuck yourself
Play Peacekeeper on Kongregate.
File: Jammed Again.gif (420 KB, 574x323) Image search: [Google]
Jammed Again.gif
420 KB, 574x323
Eru's going to get pizza. Be back in a bit ^^
Chen is the only shitposter
Mai and Mi Liu are just his personas
I don't think so, should be implemented though. Will recommend to the devs.
>You gotta build an incubator battery
I fuckin love/hate Warframe.

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What, EVE?
A MMO space sandbox game
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Hey, Green.

Come back pls.
>Also, Weeb gramps isn't that bad.
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U the baka

How does it feel knowing your waifu is Adam Sandler's daughter?
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This guy
Mi Liu is persona of Mako
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space sandbox? is it subscription based or f2p?

You got to get your gun fixed
>Start playing EVE
>join a "guild"
>all I do is fucking mine or kamikaze the enemy during sieges

Fuck. EVE.
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Stay mad newfaggot
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He gets off to this shit

>Says I told Esdeath to kill himself
>Posts a Shiki post

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It's Pay to Play AND Pay to Win.
Ah, Esdese a man of great nobility and stature.

Unfortunately he was dropped on his head when he was two and is in fact mentally retarded.
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lost me at pay to play. im not paying for an MMO that ill probably stop playing in a month
Also nah

You are cutie tho
You can pretty much do whatever you want.

Subscription based, but it's going to limited f2p soon

and it is not really pay 2 win, you can just play for free once you get good enough at the game

That's your fault for joining an indy corp!
should have gone with faction warfare or something along those lines to start
Ok in all seriousness esdeath, you should join SLA, and do it quickly, before you end up in prison
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>forgot image
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Alice 32.jpg
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Does she have a bike hidden in your tail? I hope not in this case
>though I would love to see how she hides one in there
Back to be a cunt again?
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Syndra [62].png
2 MB, 3000x3280
First month is free.
>i think
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3 MB, 1597x2417
limited f2p?
may check it out if i get really bored
listen esdeath is a sociopath, plain and simple. However they way you and saber approach him is just as unacceptable. im not saying be nice but maybe just pretend to like him. making him angry will only make him worse. hiding behind this weird notion that you are helping him, only sounds delusional and honestly you both only look like the average 4chan user.
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>Back to being a cunt again?

I never stopped in the first place. Eat shit.
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Shiki 0652.png
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Reminder that he approached me, he initiated this.
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limited f2p in a similar way as runescape. You will only be able to train certain skills and fly certain ships on a free clone.
You can generally get a trial account that is basically the same.
but if you start to make enough money in game, you can buy months of play with in-game money instead of paying for real
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Alice 35.jpg
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Apparently you stopped understanding english though
>at least write the same thing I did
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You all look the same to me
Grinding is too much for me usually.I prefer optional grinding.
>What kind of pizza
100% this, exactly this and nothing but this.>>704335295
You're waifu is already married, cuck.
Oh I left them almost immediately. Then I quit playing because every guild was the same way. And no one will pick you up if you don't have a good ship that costs $10000. And the community is more elitist than this thread.
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very lewd.jpg
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>Marry Mavis
>Deal with this every day

The bike doesn't need to be inside the tails

And Chen gets stronger when she's near Ran

>If Yukari cuddles Ran's tails, you'll never get them
Reminder that Shiki is Rin
Does your waifu HSP?
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how much grinding a week would that run someone to pay for it consistently?
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clearly he suffers from some sort of illness. just be kinder might make a difference in his approach. he only attacks you because you get to him. Besides is you current method working?
Mi Liu? A disgrace to his shitposting school, he couldn't handle a simple shitposting sortie let alone a raid that the higher ups were looking for.

So, he just said "fuck it" and decided to pursue the path towards becoming a maiden, specifically a trap.

Helping him? Fuck that I just want to fuck with him, and if he can take and kills himself, maybe that's for the better, he wouldn't be able to handle himself in real life anyways, I'm just saving him the trouble


Shiki is Shiki, but is not "that" Shiki

Rin is Rin
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You obviously didn't try factional warfare, then
or one of the newbie corps
It isn't there fault you didn't find any of the places that are open and easy for new players to get into.

Totally depends on you.
I could probably pay for all my accounts in a weekend if I tried.
File: Screenshot_20160910-130938.png (2 MB, 1440x2560) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1440x2560
I have no problem with him posting. When he posts some of the shit he does like pic related I WILL call him out on it.
Generalization. Keep the fallacies coming. If you want to debate first bring facts and evidence and 2 learn your fallacies to make your argument stronger

Horizontal Stripe Panties
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