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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>704227861 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 151
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Kyouko (325).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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It might not be super easy, but on the whole it shouldn't be a lot of work.
I wouldn't be so eager if I didn't like the picture, but I can't really promise anything either; the artist might have had a reason to leave it as is.
Furries and pedophiles.
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Yuuki (0).png
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Captain, the subs need a rest.
Where shall we station them?
I win
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Chibi Karen 8.png
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Hey dude! How ya been?
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You know Gasai (6).jpg
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Yuno claim and off to bed

Good night thread and remember, you have a heart of gold, dont let them take it from you
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you can hunt me anytime ;)
Misaki here
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Cheering Karen 13.png
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Yuuki (14).jpg
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Woops, fucked up my post

Feeling a lot better. I started out pretty bad but I hit on some girls, ate, worked out, jerked off, talked to some friends and now I'm much better.

claimed :^)
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As always.
せんりつ の たつまき claimed
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Just toss them onto the DD pile.
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hey what do you know another waifu thread starting with Kyoko, there's a shocker
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Ohayo 1.png
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The fuck? All of this in one day? THat sounds amazing dude. You're on the right track.
Well I came down to tripoli, grabbed all the stuff I left here, fell asleep, sleepwalked around the room for a bit then went back to sleep till 2:30 AM and I've been postin and playing games since then. So a little less productive than you, kek.
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What is Calamity-masu'd?
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Just a lazy way of saying Destroyer.
Of course you can make a separate pile for submarines if you want.
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My way of saying "Claimed"
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Still playing penis monster simulator?
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misaki lonely.gif
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I may have been slightly more productive but at least you weren't in the same mental state as Misaki here. I came home ready to drop out. I was done mentally speaking.

I was in a minor state of panic when I couldn't find you in the threads around 11 EST so now I'm doing much better. I'm typically on around then to now.

So what have you been doing? No cold approaches, work outs? You have work?
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Been playing Payday 2 all day since the DLC came out

Fucking hell it's so fun and I'm happy that it came out and all

But some maps are just so goddamn buggy with the FPS
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>ultimate tender nibble
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nhk 2.jpg
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Holy shit, you're playing Payday 2? I got 200 hours in around a year after release and haven't touched it since.
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Oh! i see, thanks for the answer anon.
I have one last question, you are the only one that uses that calamity thing? I see it in almost all waifu claiming threads.
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Gaah, it's the spooky hole in the wall again.
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Ohayo Pleased 1.png
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I might have to get up randomly and do things, you can't panic when I'm not here. You're a dude that can do so much on your own and you've proved it today.
I'm glad you didn't drop out though, you found some determination?
I've been messing around here, I'm a VERY very lazy person. I spend most of my day doing nothing. I work out a bit but it's mostly biceps and chest, just for the looks really.
I'm a student in Lebanon.
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Camo Eru.jpg
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Eru Claim
>It was a hardcore grind
>But damn it I got Trinity.
Warframe is fun
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Did my good deed for the day.
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Yuuki (48).jpg
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Happy Eru.png
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Yuuki! How goes it?
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Already starting to drink too much. Whoa.
This infuriates the Rin
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Yuuki (82).jpg
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I'm good! Worked most of the day and I've been having a few drinks and playing WoW. You?
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Idea Karen 17.jpg
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Which was?
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This concerns you how?

>you've ended the ship
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Yes I am
Tribal stage with armor lookong buff

Oh look! An Eli!
It is, I main, frost prime, mirage and Oberon
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I am the only dedicated Rem claimer. I see you have a collection yourself.
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There's a lot of DLC if you play it on PC and somewhat less DLC on console after this last DLC drop on consoles
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<-- we would lift each other with our chest hairs for a morning workout, the make sweet love after an afternoon hunt
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Mission Complete.png
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I was playing Warframe with Tomo, it was a GRIND. I got my Trinity blueprints and they're baking ^^
Now I'm tossing a coin to decide between writing and RimWorld.
Nice, I'm gonna do Excalibur, Trinity and Frost. ^^
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RIP Rory
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I helped Eru get Trinity.
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Ryu KenKen claimed!
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It's a personal thing or a distortion of japanese? I've always thought "claimed" would sound like "kuraimedu" in katakana.
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I just barely noticed pic.
>Holy shit thats horrific.
How's the Smugga?
Naive, naive, young Hanako...
I remember that I participated in a few waifu claiming threads a month ago or so, and some calamity boy always claimed my Rem, I think it was you my dear anon.
Indeed, i can explode two or tree threads with my collection anon.
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misaki the future is wonderful.jpg
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Asalaam allaykuum, sadiqi!

(fuck my arabic is terrible)

I'm half Leb- I'm in the US though. My mother's family is still up in Marjeyoun- some still in Beirut. So yeah, I'm a mongrel.

I hope you find some determination too Karen. You should try running and take an extra class if you have time to spare. Next semester I'll be taking intermediate algebra for easy credits and three other classes- any fewer and I lose my scholarship for not being a full time student.

Anyway, good luck to you fariqi. I must go to bed- I've tutoring in 7 hours and I'm exhausted. Please take care of yourself. I will try to post in the waifu thread around 10-12 EST tomorrow. Bye!
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>opponent shrugs off my ultimate move

I can't win against you ;-;

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Amazed Karen 18.gif
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>Asalaam allaykuum, sadiqi!
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emi's lemon mistake.png
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jesus h christ
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Yuuki (50).png
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What is that

How much writing have you done lately?
Its like if you see the girl you love/loved walking around as the arm candy of some Chad. A feeling pent up jealousy washes over you.
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Determined Karen 39.jpg
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Haha fuck yeah, keefak 7abibi?
I got plenty of determination, and lately there has been someone giving me even more. I'm just lazy shit and procrastinate everything. I don't really want to run honestly, not bothered. I got a decent body without it.
I'll seeya later dude, nice to see you again, if I'm not here someone will pass word.
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Sho Ryu KenKen?

[halal itensifies]
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Booksmart shinoa.jpg
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I love frost a lot and Excalibur is excellent against the infected tpye. Never aged as trinity though

It's waifu :)
Im doing fine as you can see lmao. Yourself? How's class?

I know!


I love the fangs/snaggletooth on this one
I may be too drunk. But MWO it is. Need to master these mechs.
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Yuuki (45).gif
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Good lord man, Waifu is scary
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Ah, I see. I guess that makes sense. What will you do about it?
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lmao you got a name for the species?
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Not nearly as much creative writing as I would like, but I've written a lot for class. A week ago I wrote maybe, a paragraph on the one story I'm doing.
I'm doing pretty well myself, I'm gonna write for a bit and listen to Coldplay. I had a lot of fun today, playing warframe and stuff ^^
>It's waifu
Waifu is a horrific monster from the depths of hell.
>I love it.
Does it kill without mercy?
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Here ya go

Well, I'm pretty chill if they are chill. So, with heresy, I let you take over next thread and beyond until I claim again.

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Yuuki (62).png
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What about for that story you were writing?
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I don't have a lot where she's snarling or anything, sadly.

You never any Street Fighter? Tssh tshh.
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Ohayo Intensifies.gif
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Exactly. Wait till it gets to the space stage

Yup! Waifu after this thread

Goodluck with the write and yup. Waifu is terrifying. One of our shit poster spammed drawthread and they attacked but gave up

How about regular ol cute fang just showing?
Only when I was very small on Sega Genesis :\
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Emi the Pirate.png
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what a name lmao
Nothing I can do. You hate me. And there's no way I can change you. To be honest I hate myself. You know that cliché, "Love is like quicksilver".
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I've got three in the works. One of which is started, the other two are half way there but I've lost motivation for now. It comes back in a week or two and I get right into it if I have time.
Wew, hardcore.
Meanwhile, the story goes well, inspired by a (semi)true story!
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I got quite a few new pictures, but nothing foot-centric, I'm afraid.

She doesn't ordinarily have one showing, unlike say Kyouko.

Shoryuken is a very iconic move (or shout rather; it's all about the shout).
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>nibbles hair

Hate you? I don't hate you. Never have. I thought you hated me.
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Yuuki (86).jpg
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I demand pics!

Gotcha, you should RimWorld then if you don't have the motivation. No use trying with writers block
>Well, I'm pretty chill if they are chill. So, with heresy, I let you take over next thread and beyond until I claim again.

Oh! thats nice from you anon, but unfortunately im a bit tired, and ill go to bed soon (between 10 and 20 minutes), but ill come here often, hope i can read you again.
Theres a little gift that i hope you enjoy as i do. (if you havent see it yet)
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Chibi Karen 23.png
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That's fine, her outfit alone is great.
Where'd you get them from?
Ohh okay now that you said that I know what youre referencing, I just thought you were referring to the girl and the anime at first
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Chibi Karen 19.png
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It's a pretty neat car.
Eh, what does it matter. I assumed you hate me because your little erp session while I was away. But I guess it serves me right. Some people are just sluts.
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Big ass fish.png
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Well, I've got a bit of motivation, but if it dies off then Rim World it is.
>Ironically thats where I got the story idea for this.
>Cute lil couple stranded, struggling to build a colony
>One suffers from PTSD watching his friends die one by one.
>The other one is a pacifist.
Its a cool car though.
I know, it was just unexpected! Sure made me smile.
>And I got everything I needed to do today, done... kinda
>Can finally sleep in tomorrow and get more than 4 hours
Comfy days ahead, Karen!
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The ones that (still) have filenames like these are from pixiv.
But I take them from anywhere I can get.
>including one picture from iFunny

I guess SF was my first step to becoming a weeb. Sho ryu ken means upwards dragon fist, I think?
>Dragon FistFist
I'm sure the Kanji are different or someshit.
>google made me confus
I give up.
They should've complimented you, cutie
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4 MB, 2120x2212
Inspired by thread :)

Do tell

Too cute!

Whoa there! I'm in tribal stage give it a few million years in game and I'll get there

Nice, plushie!

I want to be on their good side since they have torches. Despite their height, the fire they have will do damage to my buildings
Sleep during day and go to job at night
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Eh, think of what you want, doesn't matter to me.

>I still consider you my friend, though
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Remember how in Rim World I had those two lil colonists all by themselves? Its gonna be about that, the story focuses on the struggles of survival, romance, and deep psychological scars. Its gonna be cool.
matoi ryuuko all the way baby
I wasn't there so they couldn't compliment me!
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Good night /waifu/
Miho claimed
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Yuuki (63).png
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Sounds like a plan! Post apocalyptic right?

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Pretty good, today started off kinda crappy but its gotten a lot better ^^
>Mfw college is the source of all my problems now.
But its still fun, I get to write a review on Btooom! for my English class.
>He said review a product/entertainment thing so I am.
Shit I shoulda looked there for some Eru stuff. Thanks for the heads up, now I can get even MOAR images.
>More like Post Disaster but same thing really.
Goodnight ^^
Smol gurl
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Yes I do

Very much


>pic and filename
Too cute!
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N-not cute.
I'm scaary. I am the niiight.

Hello cute tank.
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Yuuki (89).jpg
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Nice! Well good luck man!

Girl who's name I don't know

But I'm here, so I'll compliment you! You a cute!

>Writing a review on Btooom!
Can I have my Masters now?

I am not!

I wish to see what smug creation you've made one of these days.

Rory, I'm thinking of selling the black bike as well... namely because in order to stop the connecting rod from breaking again, it needs an injection kit installed onto it to get oil pumped straight to that rod, and it still needs the new rods and crankshaft, plus I never got the fuel injectors for it since Commiefornia makes it damn near impossible to get them. It's just becoming more of a money pit than it's worth, when i could put that money towards a car, or saving for a different bike... like say, a ZX14...
>But god damn every time I think of selling it, my heart aches a little.
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Holy shit that's actually one of my favorite songs

>nibbles fingers
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Maid Eru-Chan.jpg
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I'm gonna cute the smugga.
Also is it weird that I bury the people I kill in Rim World?
>I killed all of them because they attacked us.
Its gonna b gud, I'll make a Quotev account and maybe release chapters on it every time I finish one so I can get critiques from you guys if you want ^^
Kek, I think its gonna be fun writing a review for the manga, I was gonna write one on Code Geass but I haven't finished watching it yet so I decided not to.
Too cute!

So maybe tomorrow

You have seen it. It is glorious
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S U P ER C U T E.jpg
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It's respectful as an enemy
>light gasp!
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Hi Miho. How's it going?
Hi Smug
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I did say it was a bit old... older bikes tend to need far more work than first appears. As far as selling it, if you have to, its something you gotta do. Sadly, in its current state its really only good for parts. If everything but the injector and connecting rods work you can part it out.
>further assaulting with cute
Excellent isnt it?, glad you liked it anon, have a good night.
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Yuuki (74).png
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Ooh that'd be cool. I'f totally be interested in reading it.

I hope you know that I'm going to be awake all night wondering about the adventures of Waifu
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How are you tonight?
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>kisses forehead
I only ever watched the anime, and was hoping for a second season, since the first kinda left a lot unexplained.
>Go watch that shit yo! Go watch it for the JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I... I have? I don't think I have!

>We Super cute now?

Or, I had a thought. The big reason was because I'd still be paying insurance on it. But what if I throw it in Non-Op, cancel the insurance, and just save it as a project? Get the parts when I can get them?
>Could probably convince my grandma to let me build a small shed in the back for it to keep it a bit more protected from the elements.
I really really don't want to get rid of it. It looks so nice, has so much power, and it just needs a few parts to work again. It would honestly be such a shame to ditch it over like, 2 parts....
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Syndra [62].png
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Karen still here?
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Good night to you

>kisses cheek
We're doing this now?
Apparently got very busy rather quickly, so odds are nope.
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I'm alright, how about you?
Good morning, Master.
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Oh shit! Didn't noticed you mimi! I'm sorry!


O-Oh! But imma be sleeping soon :(

You'll see it soon then
>no! My heart can't handle it!
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Yeah thats how I feel, I could be cannibalizing them or feeding them to the wild animals, but I choose to bury them.
>Although bury is a strong term
>The real word would be shoving them in a pit and putting a rock on it.
But it works.
There's a Btoom anime or the Code Geass anime?
>Cause Code Geass has a second season now.
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Goodnight, beautiful.
I made it ^^
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Kek still respectful
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Nothing much just got up.

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Yuuki (40).jpg
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Aww yeah! Now we play the waiting game.

I'm off to bed, good night /waifu/!
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Hugs are always nice
Oh boy!
>Oh it better!

There's an anime for both. And Geass R2 has been out for yeeeeeears! They did make an OVA for it as well, which takes place between the first and second season.

>QOTT: Would your waifu be a strict, or relaxed parent?
Relaxed. Relaxed for sure.
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True ^^
>Eating them is bad for the sanity of my colonists anyway
Night ^^
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Its ultimately your call. But it would be nice to keep it as a project you can do later, as long as its not forgotten.
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Hello. How is my slave doing?
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wheres all the blondes?
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Forever my husbando
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Oh. I wanna watch the Btoom anime now.
Relaxed methinks. She wouldn't be able to scold them, mostly cause she doesn't talk a lot.
>Because Jamming
I'd have to be a strict parent probably.
Eru is blonde. ^^
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I'm pretty good. How about you?
Still here.
> :^)
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Stop you're hurting me
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Tell me about it! Good night, digi-sword!

I used Spears

Lmao! Of course they would get sick. Oooh! Can you find other villages and kill them too?

Wut is it gud 4?

Good claim
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Syndra [189].jpg
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Im alright, still waking up.
Up to mutch?
Also, where is my white hair?
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Operator Eru.png
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I haven't tried to find others yet because we're not as well established as I would like.
>Need moar defenses and guns first.
>Then we find other villages and do as the vikings do.
You're kind of nice too, I guess

>hug squared
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G a r d y claimed
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Thanks, my dude
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Apologies. Kind of.
Sure, here.
Not particularly. Just the usual.
I think I'll do that. I could save a small amount from each pay check till I had enough to fix it!
Most the money would still be going to the car and paying my friend back, but it wouldn't be forgotten.
>As if I could forget my first vehicle to take me to 160 mph

Honestly, it was one of those odd ones out where the premise is so unique, you don't forget it, but the execution is so bad, that you know it kinda sucks.
>I honestly feel a season 2 to wrap things up would make the first season much better.
>Angry mom Eru
I could see that being so hilariously adorable. When she's mad at them she just stares them down with this "You know what you did and I disapprove" kind of look.

Hmmm, i guess the pointy sticks work as well.

Sup Waifumon.
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I mean I can hold quite a grudge if it's applicable
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>Like this
Yeah, I've read the manga up to a point, so I'll compare it to the anime and decide which one I like better.
>Probably the manga.
>Its usually better done.
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