is this guy seriously going to be the next President?
Yup, now go cry and write a Huff Po article about it
he is reaching his final form. America's President.
No way that's happening, OP.
Yes, he is.
no he isn't faggot
Settle down friend.
He's up by 4 points in Colorado as of CBS' last poll.
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina are all now showing Trump with a lead larger than the margin of error. Might want to check your math again before creating bullshit maps that mean nothing.
That silly little faggot doesn't even realize that map is fucking old, it can change at any time. But NAH, just trying to push a little bs agenda.
>when your opponent is triggered of frog maymays
Vote Democratic, so I can smoke weed off of your hard earned dollars! I don't need no job; I got the government, you have the job.
This election is over...
Trump is killing it in September
Wikileaks Killary Dump in October
where did this pepe is a racist even come from, can i get some racist, white supremacist pepe memes?
Can't say I care about a "poll" you read at Breitbart or Fox
edgelord samefagging confirmed
Killary supporters are either insecure women, or clueless full retard sheep.
google it
nobody feels like filling you in on old news
Im offended that she doesnt give us credit, pepe was ours yet she acts like facebook used it first and we made it racist.
what's-her-face ... that woman who is campaigning as Not Trump. She'll win.
TFW Pepe a Meme Becomes President
Everyone hates Killary
only niggers, spicks, and arabs hate trump...
>Historic White Person Turn Out for Trump
>Killary = NOT OBAMA
I fucking wish with every fiber of my being.
there's jack shit out there for actual pepe racist memes though, i get hillary made it up, but there has to be some basis in reality for it right
edgy teenage faggot
go to bed
this triggers the libfags
you can "wish" all you want
Clinton's still ahead and winning the race
Fucking kek
actually it was first reported on the Daily Beast long before the Hillary website so no
Oh my too much suggar you are losing your good boi points better go to bed now.
I can't wat to read all the Huff Po articles after he wins, it's going to be glorious reading all the butt hurt!
> not seeing it was made by a lobby group
> citing 'polls' and not research
> no sources
God I hope you are a felon or under 18
is it peep or paypay?
I always assumed peep because s4s shitposting and memes, and paypay sounds foreign.
I hope the second he is sworn in in January all you leftist sjw free shit army faggots kys en masse.
>/b/ is still in denial
>fails to see that hillary is pretty much a corpse
>fails to see she's killing her own campaign
HillDawg just don't have good health...she should drop out of the race
Watch hillary rig the election
Yeah, your polls are trash. Can't wait for the delicious Democrat tears when the debates happen.
Probably not.
poor little marco
What's the worst that could happen? The President doesn't even have that much power in the US. The founding fathers were careful with that checks and balances system. He couldn't do half the things he's promised to do no matter how hard he tries. I'm not worried.
If he's not America is screwed.
Awww shit whaddup
>Build a Wall
>Deport illegals
>Lower Taxes
>Repeal ObamaCare
>Protect 2A
>Better Trade Deals
>No Special Interests
>4% Economic Growth
>Win Biggly
What a prediction. Also check'd
Is this a repeat of 2012? Are you retards just going to pretend all the polls are wrong?
god damn, he seems so virile. Can't wait for him to get in. Unless some monkey named Tyrese runs, he's probably even better at pleasing women so he should lead us.
They are cherry picked for sure. Nice trips though faggot.
>Implying any of that would actually happen
>Implying it would work even if it did
>trump supporters are freethinking intelligent individuals who are very sure of themselves and their political knowledge
Please, my sides can only go so far into orbit
I supported Hillary......
>When she voted to remove a evil dictator
Just take a look at polling in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Colorado. Polls in these states are consistently in favor of Hilary and without these states Trump can't win, even if he wins Ohio and Florida
>inb4 Nate Silver butthurt
Wew lad
Not a chance. He's about to get bitchslapped repeatedly on a debate stage. Nobody has ever stood up to Donald like Hillary will. He will be seen crying on national television.
>Implying it would work even if worked great...
Typical liberal double dub lojik
ITT: libtards think that a 2%lead is safe for hillary
TRUMP 2016
Its an uphill battle for Republicans and polling numbers are fucking horrible with every group except uneducated white men.
Trump is about to hand Democrats the White House, the Supreme Court, and possibly lose us the senate, but somehow you memers are alright with killing American conservatism.
Shhh. Only dreams now.
>Nobody has ever stood up to Donald like Hillary will.
>Nobody has ever stood up like Hillary
And nobody falls like Hillary.
All the Democrats in the country...and only 2 viable candidates run for President
Hillary Rigged the System to beat Communist Sanders
9.9/10 webm
>killing American conservatism
and nothing of value was lost
Trump is Leading in all Swing States!
>Clinton is Sick
>Clinton is a Criminal
>Clinton is a Lesbian
>Clinton is a Bitch
Make America Great Again
-Trump 2016
lol no
Thank you sir <3
im voting for him for the same reason most other republicans with an IQ above 70 are. We're hoping the government will shuffle him off with a very polite, quiet misshap so Pence..yanno, the guy with actual experience in politics can take charge.
Do you even know what you are talking about or are you one of the mindless idiots that equates all forms of American conservatism with religion?
End yourself. You are just a mindless puppet. Do you know the REAL reason they killed Hussein?
your data is old
wtf is with this old poll. trump has florida and ohio.
Excuse me, but what tinfoil hat world are you living in?
He's not your friend, guy
try reuters retard
Saddam was Evil and needed killed
>Implying Pence would be good
This fucking joker right here
Except Hillary has been a proven failure when it comes to national security and foreign policy (among other things) as well as being a pathological liar who has sold her time and office to donors and special interest groups.
they'll never make it far enough to reunite with your brain
>There are people unironically supporting either the republican or democrat candidate
and look how well that worked out
Here's what we need to do. hangout around open polls, disguise ourselves like LGBT/Womens rights/Nu-Males and pretend we're doing an interview for a very popular youtube channel.
Lure liberals in for the "interview" nearby, yank them into a van and..well..
alternate ideas. if your city is a libtard-rich enviornment, drive by and throw smoke bombs into the crowds, blast loud offensive music, do whatever you can to shut down the polls. be quick, hit 'n run style.
no killing tho. they dont need more martyrs.
Yeah, just like Osama right? I bet you believe in 9/11 too.
Actually... youre right. "Money is the root of all evil", and your government sure hates losing it.
Hillary only offers welfare. I can see why the poor niggers on here would support her.
dont forget. all posts on 4chan are works of fiction and should not be taken seriously.
God Bless George W Bush
>Greatest President of the 21st century
Trump only offers memes. No wonder the autists here like him.
Im planning on wearing a trump shirt to a hillary rally. Then just wait for the hate from them to come. Then its fight time. So basically wearing a trump shirt so i can fight small groups of liberals.
seriously, i'd love to see some rednecks think this is actually a good idea and get sent to prison for the rest of their natural lives.
Everyone knows Trump will win.
Trump won long ago..
Back when america thought we could go to war with terror.
When news became entertainment.
When we started seeing the same old bullshit safe bet TV/movies/video games.
America is a mess. Trump isn't going to fix a damn thing. But he sure is going to win.
>Fahrenheit 451 wasn't about the dangers of an over reaching government. It's a satire on the dangers of democracy. Those idiots VOTED to burn all those books.
Nah, the CIA will have him killed. They aren't stupid enough to let an idiot like him take charge.
I'm voting for a redo. Might even write in "Self Inflicted Nuclear Assault".
>Lowest approval rating of all time
>Turned an over a hundred billion dollar surplus into a trillion dollars in debt
massive tax cuts for the poor. Child care credit. Federal cpl. Simplifying the tax code. Thats just off the top of my head. I can see why you would hate all those things.
Where do you live i want to join you and fight back to back with you. We can crush the foreign hordes and the liberal scum
except liberals dont care. they'll probably call you a few names, say you're triggering them. and then you'll have nothing left but to be forced to start the fight.
but then, this might be the first time you've ever taken the initiative for anything ever. so, good job
That electoral map is BS: Show Hillary winning Ohio when he's up by 5 points here.
Near freeport illinois.
Yes, I know exactly what I'm talking about. American conservatism is steeped in racism, bigotry, privilege and rich fucks making sure they get to remain rich fucks.
How are you incapable of seeing that?
Sweet comeback, fag.
except that there have been experiments that show reublicans just think its funny and democrats get violent.
RIP Robert “LaVoy” Finicum
>American Hero
Killed by Barack Hussein Obama, a kenyan born muslim
You know what? I'd even take Ronald "Trickle Down Economics Works" Reagan over the shitshow we have now.
Dude I'm like an hour away from Chicago, but in Indiana. We can't be that far away from each other... Can we? Bro I'm serious about this
Hhhmmmm looks like the rich are backing hillary
this is so true
>Says there have been experiments showing x group is more violent than y group
>Doesn't post source
all those edges yet still a neckbeard
I see the shills have arrived
Im voting for trump just because its hilarious to piss off the demofags
>not realizing that rich campaign contributors play both sides of the fence, because they don't care who wins as long as they can have their hands in the government
and dead
You can think both candidates are shit without being an edgelord. One is just less shit than the other.
im 2.5 hours west of chicago. So we are probably like 3.5 hours from each other.
yeah, junior was a walking disaster area. they literally had to create "designated protest zones" in places far away from him in any city of any state of the country he visited. He threw our army into a revenge war on hussein, fucked up on getting Bin Laden time and time again. Blew our surplus straight out our ass and watched the banking system swallow its own tongue, saying "heh, the market will regulate itself, heh" Oh and lets not forget Homeland Security. which did jack shit other than militarize the police force and wipe away writ of habeus corpus. If you were wanted in question relating to a Homeland Security issue (which was decided by unsupervised local authorities) you could be taken away to jail and nobody would know where you went.
bush was a tool.
>muh CTR boogeyman
Finicum was a faggot
Well where are you planning on attending the KillHill rally? Plz Jaysus let it be somewhere in the middle
what's goin' to happen with the niggers?
Candidates ∩ Worth mentioning = {Clinton, Trump, Stein, Johnson}
Candidates ∩ Has a chance = {Clinton, Trump}
Evil(Trump) < Evil(Clinton)
∴ {Candidates ∩ Has a chance : Evil(Candidate) is minimized} = {Trump}
>can't keep up a coherent argument
>falls back on memes
Good thing you won't actually vote.
your english is getting really good comrade :)
I think you mean sand niggers fucktard.
Nasty fall, what kind of pussy world do we live in now?
smells like krokodil and high quality vodka in here.
niggers general you nigger
Trump shills are always here
pick which idiot drives the runaway train
I honestly thought 4chan would fucking love this guy. I know I do. But to each his own I suppose. Regardless he would be a phenomenal president.
pushing and yelling arent violence.
straight up punching people in the face is.
did you already forget when hillary opened a jar of pickles on television to prove her strength
or the time she went on the ellen show to nae nae
And all the polls said Britain would remain in the EU
> thinking polls mean anything
>Breaking news!
>Faux-Populist candidate who openly insults his opposition and can't keep his stances straight is divisive
>More at 11
Been voting since 08, when I turned 18 my man. Ashamed to admit it, but I actually voted for Obango that year. Then by 2012 I had, yanno, grown up and joined reality. But by all means you do you bro, ignorance is bliss!
>he would be a phenomenal president
yeah a guy who's made a career out of manipulating the companies he's in charge of into failure for personal financial gain will be a totally reliable leader who wouldn't ever fuck over the people who support him.
theres one i cant find where he was spit on and then cornered by a bunch of them.
That butthurt works both ways. All I've heard for eight years is buthurt as Obama schooled the right wingers in every way possible
but.. women can't become president because they will make bad decisions during their periods.
shouldn't there be a law in place against this?
w.e hilary will hopefully die from whatever sickness she has anyway
... Trump lies and is lied about - he's not a good businessman because he makes poor decisions based on ego over and over and scrambles to recover by deception and chicanery. His behavior is erratic and bizarre. I can't even believe we're talking seriously about him in any capacity other than a media celebrity - the GOP's nomination seems Russian Roulette risky for them... and the only people I know that back Trump are over 50, white, full of vitriol and exclusively right wing media messages, at least slightly racist, not terribly bright, and can only defend his record by attacking hers. I mean, it's the one thing he claims qualifies him, that he's a good businessman, but it's there in black and white - decade after decade, he puts his name on a product and expects it to sell because of that, and it doesn't, yet he persists. It speaks of a diseased mind, a man who cannot control or understand himself.
I wasn't voting to give Palin a CHANCE at the White House.
>been voting since 08
you literally don't count.
Except... No he isn't
pathetic inbred Americans at work over here... you guys gonna get "hard" with each other?
/pol/ pretty much meme him into the nominee.. but /b/ has been overrun with normies
>Anyone who doesn't submit to the circlejerk is a normie
Stop this meme. /pol/ isn't 4chan
stopped reading at "trump lies". At this point its just all bullshit because the vast majority knows that hillary is the bigger liar. You should have said something else instead.
That's right folks... I'm a disaster!
i thought those were free obama dolls
>Obama founded ISIS
>You mean he lead to the events that started ISIS?
>No, Obama literally founded ISIS
People call him out on his BS
>Don't you guys understand sarcasm?
Truly a bastion of truth-telling.
>fuck no
why the fuck are we arguing with people we don't care about over opinions we wont change?
fuck this thread, im going back to looking at titties.
Oh you mean another thing he's waffling on like the unqualified twat that he is?
dropping the corporate tax rate from 30 to 15%, simplifying the tax code from 7 brackets to 3 saving billions per year but trump is baaaaadddddd
hell yea, awesome pic
not really lying, just having the same intellect as an emotionally manipulative, attention starved 7 year old boy.
has /pol/ basically become the new /b/ since the normie invasion?
Better than hillaries
Rather have him than Hillary, but then I'd rather have Skeletor with Mumm-Ra as his VP than Hillary so that's not saying much.
I'm not worried about Trump for one simple reason. The only reason the republicans are supporting him right now is he's the nominee. Moment he takes the oval office both parties are more than happy to call him on bullshit.
I honestly hate them both, though I hate Hillary far more than trump. Pretty good shot she's the most blatantly corrupt candidate we've ever had "nominated" by the democrats at, what I would hope, is the most corrupt point in party history. They're selling political positions and got caught red handed fixing the nomination for fuck's sake.
Really hope the dems show that they do not approve of a rigged game and write in Sanders if they have to, he got screwed royally. Honestly wouldn't be one bit surprised if he was also threatened with committing suicide via two gunshots to the back of the head.
I'm just throwing my vote behind Johnson. He won't win, but he's probably going to get a hell of a lot more votes than usual with the other choices out there being a loudmouthed jackass and living corruption in a human skin suit.
If you're not going to vote instead pick a 3rd party candidate on the ballot you're OK with and vote for them. If everyone who doesn't normally vote said "fuck it" and just threw a vote at a 3rd party we'd have waved goodbye to the two party system years ago and I guarantee you we'd be better for it.
Cheers brother
>but somehow you memers are alright with killing American conservatism.
Neoconservativism got too fucking hung up on abortion, weed prohibition, and gay marriage.
It needed to die. Voting for trump in the primaries was the best choice of my life.
Every. Libcuck. Ever.
this guy's good. basically he's taking aim at a bunch of very complicated problems the government has been slow to solve and is claiming he can solve them with cartoonishly simple logic.
if he was a kid running for class president his platform would be "no more homework, english books replaced with comic books, and find a cure for girl cooties"
>It's wrong for a presidential candidate to talk about things he will try and change
Looks like you're still at he Bargaining phase.
Trump is nothing like Hitler.
Hitler wasn't an idiot
this ones better
nice b8 m8
Even if Trump sweeps, Arizona, Colorado, Maine's 2nd district, Iowa, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida plus all the reliably Republican states, he still falls short of the 270 electoral votes to win. If he loses just one battleground state he is pretty much out of the running.
mfw I give you facts and information and you come back with opinions and editorial
thats almost a year old. He has talked many times on how hes going to do this since then. Most recently, yesterday in flint michigan.
>expected him to struggle
>expected him to choke slowly
Mfw he lost his head
I don't think someone with parkinsons can effectively bitch slap anyone lol
>schooled the right wingers in every way possible
I never said that. I just said the descriptions of his solutions won't work. building a wall doesnt stop illegal immigration, it just makes it more covert. simplifying the tax structure into 3 groups leaves enormous holes in tax law that need to be completely rewritten in a slapdash manner. marking muslims as potentially dangerous citizens is just fucked up and also points the nation's suspicion entirely on one group of people, leaving it more blind to other extremist organizations to infiltrate and attack for their own agendas.
none of these plans work. this isn't negativity, this isnt being a libtard. this isn't defeatest. this is reality being bigger than the solutions proposed.
Johnson/Weld are the only dubs I need
Never underestimate humans, anon. They'll let you down every time. Yes, there's a good chance he could win. History is full of people who ended up in undeserved positions of power.
people voting for trump just because they want to shit on everybody they dont like
people voting for hillaryy just because they want to shit on everybody they don't like.
who do i vote for if i don't hate anyone?
libtard here. i laughed. :D
This whole thread is a ylyl
That shit legitimately pissed me off. That fucking opportunist bitch
Fuck off globalist cuck.
He's just another Hillary.
>who do i vote for if i don't hate anyone?
Im willing to bet you hate them because its fashionable to hate them and havent really looked at what their positions are at all.
try doing that.
That's one of those sites where you can change which state voted which way.
Trump supporters on /b/ are 18 year olds with no political knowledge whatsoever. They only like him as a means to troll.
:D im glad i'm not the only one. I'm actually pretty chill about the election. whatever happens happens, my friends will still be my friends and my penis will still be awesome.
Yeah, because before just now you really cared about DDay and people acknowledging it. Fuck off you fucking blowhard.
>implying that either President would do anything in their first term
Hardly any presidents do stuff worth noting to ensure another 4 years. Obama didn't do shit until after 2012. Of course trump might change this since he has a lower chance of being reelected.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that 4chan is full of pussy ass liberal faggots....
I'm 26 with a Political Science degree. Whatever you want to tell yourself though mate. Fine by me!
>US 2015 gdp is 18 trillion
>4% growth is 680 billion dollars
>expecting over half a trillion economic growth in less than 4 years
>Greatest President of the 21st century
pic related
>Dukakis fucked up really bad
Non-American here: What happened to him? Some kind of scandal?
You have to keep in mind that the people on this site are the ones that fap to tranny and cuck porn
This would make a great attack ad
the murikan election is pretty lulzy. all we hear about in straya is that hilary's gonna die soon and trump keeps offending pretty much everyone
I'm just burnt out on the rhetoric. For all the baiting and banter on here, I actually like people and I'm not angry or think someone's stupid for disagreeing with me.
>trump keeps offending pretty much everyone
Sad thing is he's saying things that every single president has said before, it's just relentless low blows by the liberal media because they don't like republicans.
Expect it to get even worse for future elections if Trump loses.
Because then the media will know it works and will control voters till something breaks.
I agreel
If that was true, you'd probably have a better argument then the shit you just posted.
I'm going to bed folks. May your candidates win and may your penises be awesome.
Hopefully not. This isn't really an election for presidency as an election for the Supreme Court. If Scalia had not kicked the bucket, you wouldn't have the immortal support from GOP representatives that we have now. "If da dern dems win then the govment gunna take our gunz" is how this is being propagated in my state.
Not only would these plans not work but he could never actually follow through on any of them. Even if he could get Congress on board, targeting a religious minority for different legal treatment is very unconstitutional. SCOTUS has interpreted the free exercise clause of the first amendment as being perhaps one of the most iron-clad rights guaranteed in our society, a federally-managed nationwide deportation program would implicate the 9th and 10th amendments, and under implied fundamental rights jurisprudence, any government action that targets a specific ethnic group or race must be narrowly tailored to fulfill a compelling government-need. "Figuring out what the hell is going on" is not a compelling purpose and forcing anyone who might be Muslim to register with some agency is the exact opposite of narrow tailoring.
tldr: anyone who thinks that Trump will ever be able to follow through on anything he says is retarded because most of it is illegal as shit.
Cheers mate. Sleep well.
What if Killery is getting sick because she is realizing she is not going to be prez and can't deal with being beat by Oslama and Drumpf
Bill wasn't impeached you fucking retard. He resigned before it happened so you can't actually consider it impeachment.
Is that Rick Harrison in his pawnshop?
ill turn my key if you turn yours. then we push the button and run into our shelters, kk?
Wrong. Lmao.
>he resigned
Kinda true though. If the democrats take the white house AND congress it's over. They can fast track through the most anti-gun SCJs they can find, "reinterpret" the second as "military and police only", then legislate whatever they want for the next 4-8 years. The only question is how much can they get away with before the start of rooftop voting season and are they arrogant enough to push it that far?
>political science degree
for fuck's sake
Just pay your fucking student loans and get the fuck over it already. No one forced you to take them out for your music history degree.
The Don is right. Ford wants to abandon manufacturing in America and he calls them on their bullshit, meanwhile Cuckington post is calling him Hitler because... Well just because you fucking fascists! REEEEE
Liberals went full retard and this is the reckoning they brought down on themselves.
>He resigned
Nigga what?
Trump is up 5 points in Ohio according to the latest Bloomberg poll, and he's up 5 points overall according to the USC/L.A. Times poll which is heavily weighted in favor of democrats
dat file name
Trump is taking the party the only direction it has a chance of surviving into the future. Literally every other republican nominee would have rolled over and been slaughtered this election. Be grateful someone was there to save your failing party.
Politics is theatre, you could have a degree in reality TV studies and be as equally useful to the world as you are now.
whatever happend to
>4 tha lolz
That was Nixon, dumbshit.
>Build a Wall
not going to happen
>Deport illegals
>Lower Taxes
just like every president? nope
>Repeal ObamaCare
good luck
>Protect 2A
>Better Trade Deals
doubt it-- you're clearly clueless
>No Special Interests
except for the ones who are in bed with trump, right?
>4% Economic Growth
doubt it more like -%10
>Win Biggly
not even a bit
naw fam someones going to assassinate him.
He was a pacifist and his campaign staff decided to fight this pacifist idea by having him ride around in a moving tank while standing out of the hatch with a helmet and vest on and a stupid ass grin.
It lost him the presidency.
Seriously, it's just wikipedia, but it was the first fucking google result. He was impeached, nitwit. Nixon resigned before impeachment.
oh, fucking burn!!!!!!!
That's right, you little bitch. Go be a liberal cuck somewhere else. Men are talking.
>yfw your candidate is a walking corpse with no chance of winning the election.
Got a PhD in economics? No? Your opinion, while you're free to have it, doesn't make it even slightly less fucking retarded.
Thing I love about this is the Individual totals. The Clinton ones are "oh no, this bank doesn't support Clinton, just people who work there *wink* *wink*"
Such bullshit. Funny that the union ones are mainly doing what unions do - sticking together
You you stupid idiots.
Trump's ahead in most polls now. National/swing state.
He's been rising in the polls for 2 mos now.
Just what the fuck are you going to do to stop him.
God damn, dude... that's a fuckin scary thought...
Trump 2016
Your argument was so painfully wrong, it hurt to read. Do you just go cumguzzle Huff Po authors? Because your reasoning is tantamount to their ridiculous bullshit nonsense.
oh gosh that darn liberal media!
reporting what racist republicans say (verbatim).
>but what they meant to say was!
>that's not what he said!
>you're taking what he said out of context, when he said gas chambers, he was talking about gas for cars!
>damn you liberal media, you're making us look bad!
you fucking idiot.
>"Yeah! and fox news is liberal now too because they're PC man and they don't mention the terms niggers and spics! 'Murca's so liberal now, it's turned into commieland! They want our guns!!"
fuckin agreed
>implying trump isn't a neocon. implying any dem or gop'er isn't a neocon.