Jordyn Jones thread
im looking for something
post the slip, anyone who has it
shes so fucking hot
>11 / 10 / 3 / 2
>spoonfeed me da slip plz
Any sexy videos of her dancing?
dont have, looking for it
Sexy face begging for cum. What a little slut.
Do anyone have the slip?
What is this?
Didn't even know she had one
really fucking neato, mate
what this is? deep?
lewd as fuck
Not motherless, what is it?
what was it?
what was the deleted link? its not motherless
yea but what is it? im guessing deep web. but i dont know how to
head over to librechan dot net and post. they don't delete or ban. she has a thread in /teen
on tor?
What's librechan?
no, its just a chan site. no need for tor
but if whomever posted the deleted post could tell us what it is, that's be cool
I guess he is banned. What was it?
i save copied the link. but i dont know what adress
.jpg it if you catch my drift
? i dont catch your drift
i dont
Tried that, doesn't work
type link in google search, screenshot, crop, boom.
go on librechan dot net and then teen. jordyn thread
No results
This bitch is sexy. I want her, where does she live?
what im expecting
screenshot the link, not actually search results
not clicking that shit
8ch dot net
screen it
>Every link posted on le 4chan is illegal content
Summer's over buddy. Neither of those links will have Uncle Sam breathing down your neck.
then prove it
Not him but I clicked on it, just brings u to a archived thread.
mods wouldve erased by now, furthermore, yuki is an archive for 4chan. still, doesnt mean it can be safe
One is a link to /gif of a fails thread, one is a webm of goat fuckers getting blown up. Promptly plan your much needed suicide
I checked all those links. Nothing. But I still don't know what the deleted link went to
what was the link if i may ask
i know someone has it here, i hope you are willing to share
go there and ask for it
been hearin about a jordyn slip for a few hours now, is it true or someone yanking our chains?
was the link numbers and letters?
i dont really know what 8 chan is.
its a chan
the link.
oops, didnt realised it got deleted
Yes, obviously.
Literally no one else is talking about it in the places they would usually be talking g about such a high profile slip.
OP and everyone else has been ruled, and has told a ton of newfriends about some great sites that they will eventually help ruin
If not a ML what is? Vola?
cant help if we dont have the link... heck.. when you think about it, how is it a link if it doesnt have "com net org" etc
just a troll attempt
To not be an obvious link and to only allow people to follow it who know their shit. Gotta be a bit vague my newfriend
? then why was it deleted?
troll deleted himself
People itt thread really prove that they are here since summer
You should delete yourself, reddit tourist
been here long before that. thats getting old. still, not sure where it belongs
so its dead? im never gonna see jordyn's perfect little baby feeders
What is. Fucking fags it doesn't mean shit does it? This is all a troll. Don't play with my heart. Jordyn is my favorite. Ever. Fuck y'all.
i dont understand how someone can be that hot.
it defies all laws of attraction
i feel the same. dont fuck with jordyn baits. i'd do anything for her
she has the body of a 14 year old boy. no wonder you guys like her so much
good that someone realized that
so you looked like a girl when you were 14. fucking trap
Thought it was Vola but no good
Thin and pretty face. Thats all she's got. Literally no chest or ass.
kinda hard not too when you look at her and your cock springs up so fast you get lightheaded
she is seriously lacking in the tits and ass department. taylor swift/emma watson syndrome.
im not sure why the internet obsesses over these no figure having girls with just pretty faces
now you're just trolling
holy shit
could be shopped tho
she has an incredible ass
and of course her tits arent full grown yet anon
she has an attractive figure
women's looks dont revolve around niggers tits and ass. its about symmetry and petite and long legs for some people
give me another hint anon
well she actually has a amazing ass also not everyone is a fucking caveman here alot of us have other things that attracts us such as, she has a gorgeous face she amazing amazingly good skin she is not too short or too tall she works out constantly she can dance Ie very flexible she eats like a fucking champ not all this gay salad shit. man i could go on but my standards go beyond "no tits no good"
There is no slip.
It was a bait and they got you all
They got me :[
face > tits and ass
and since jordyn is 10/10 on face and ass. its perfect for me
yes. she's not fat and has a pelvis. also my 'ass' would look like that if i was in tights and stuck it out like that. stop trying to make her more than what she is. she's pretty but has noooo ass or tits. she's like 5'0 too so there even less of what you think there is
this is a guy who likes niggers like nicki minaj and shit. fucking disgusting
>im not sure why the internet obsesses over these no figure having girls with just pretty faces
ask your question again keeping in mind the kind of people who use 4chan and how often they interact with actual women, let alone attractive women.
you dont need huge tits and ass to be hot so i dont know what retarded standards of beauty you were brought up with but your an idiot
>she has an incredible ass
she has an ass. it exists. thats the extent of the ass she has. just like how you have an ass.
where's the tights?
where's the tights?
so there's no slip is there
i never said you need huge tits or an ass to be considered attractive. I'm just saying she has neither
>chicks have to have an ass the size of jupiter in order to be attractive
nigger lover detected. plz gtfo
so taylor swift body type or nicki minaj? its just one or the other, no in-between lol? some world you live in
>jordyn will never dress like this and hit up the town with you for an entire evening before collapsing on your bed exhausted at the end of the night
why live
change that filename
I'm not that guy but you're really upset some people think this girl doesn't have tits or an ass lmao. she your sister/gf or something?
none. taylor to tall and skinny, flat everywhere. nicki, ugly fat fake nigger
>tfw no qt jordyn gf
Not him but that's the kind of question a dumb nigger would ask.
so we both dont like either of those women. I'm not sure what you're arguing about then. this girl is def in the taylor swift category of body types, just shorter and younger.
you still sound upset
Do everyone a favor and decide whether you're going to capitalize the first word in your sentences or not, Jamal.
so? everyone can call me an idiot but in my eyes shes perfect
how? jordyn is not even close to swift.
Pointing out facts isn't an indication of emotional involvement. Be less impotent in real life and you won't care so much about how people feel on the internet.
never called u anything. just said she has no ass or tits and ppl r really mad i insulted there waifu
leaving this here until we know what that /a-------- thing is from
because its not true. and jordyn is holy, you dont talk shit about her
definitely a non-white
the fact that you're upset? have you calmed down?
>i'm super smart so i'll use punctuation and zero substance as an insult. just fuck off, you dumb faggot.
>mfw my insult had just as much bearing in reality as yours.
im not mad tho i dont get mad, you wouldnt believe how pissed off people get when they cant make me angry, its the most amusing thing in the world watching someone throw a tantrum when i dont react to there insults or bullying
>mfw that's your first post in this thread
The people who actually belong here can tell, cancerfag. Didn't daddy ever tell you it's gay to whiteknight for another man?
It's like watching two 10 year old niggers try an figure out who the retard is.
Protip: It's both of you and your parents.
you still sound upset bro
but i aint black so you might wanna try again lol
>implying you need to be black to be a nigger
Life is going to chew you up and spit you out, kid.
pedo scum
(thanks tho :^))
Who the fuck is Jordyn Jones? Really, have never heard of her. She some instagram famous person no one in the real world gives a fuck about?
not if i dont care what the world thinks, goes back to my its impossible to make me angry comment, world cant hurt you if i you dont care what the world thinks of you
some dance shit too
nice repost :>
>Life is going to chew you up and spit you out, kid.
most faggy thing said in this entire thread lmao. what are you 40? either way just sad.
>mfw anon delivered
>not if i dont care what the world thinks
You're doing such a great job of confirming that you're a nigger.
>world cant hurt you if i you dont
You're going to die flipping burgers, Tyrone. Lucky for you that you're not intelligent enough to feel shame or dread about it. Hell, you probably watched your parents work embarrassing jobs your whole life so you assume it;s normal. That's fucking sad and pathetic now that I think off it.
slip is real. she has a small mole near her left nipple
She is the most beautiful creature that has ever stepped on planet earth. My life goal is to meet jordyn jones, then i can die
>High profile
Pick one. She's still a relative nobody.
Jorydn dancing sexy.
do i need to post a timestamped photo of myself to prove im not black, that im the biggest pasty white kid you will ever meet?
what's her snapchat
>is human garbage
>tried to pretend he can feel bad for people who are better than him
What website are the letters and numbers for
yes, I think you had better do that
I never said you were black. I said you're a nigger. The fact that you repeatedly need simple things explained to you is more proof of this assertion.
proof please, you has pic?
that place where the wild roses grow
>the literal retard keeps trying to defend himself
Just fucking post it then you fag. Create a kik group if you are such a pussy
pasty white kid
What do you use to screenshot her snaps?
Keep requesting child porn and you're going to suffer the consequences.
holy shit she's horrible. the only thing she has going for her are her looks. she can't even do anything attractive people do. can't sing, can't dance, can't act, undoubtedly pampered her whole life . it would be horrible to live such a shallow existence. then again i'm just a piece of shit on 4chan. fuck me.
whats with the doubt? her fucking face is in the picture.
hint #2?
more like
pasty old white piece of shit amr.
im 28 not that old yet
>obvious white trash
>doesn't understand anonymity
>is learning disabled
>looks depressed because life is going nowhere
>habitual drug user
>probably writes with left hand
Nigger confirmed.
How can you have a receding hairline and not be able to grow a beard like a man?
sept 19
whatever im deleting the photo and going to bed its midnight and i work in 9 hours
She's hot but she always has those fucking long white nails
i put 14th but realized it was after midnight so i changed the date
how is the future?
>posts his mug in a thread where he requests cp
>posts his visage on 4chan at all
oh shit nigger, what are you doing?!
Its cute. They are not to long
just a normal family...
Here it is guys... Sorry I took so long
...or IS IT?
Add fastinthebutt
$10 says shes banging a black dude while the white dude in the picture watches
This nigger requested child porn.
She's been having them for years now, it's actually become bothersome. Even the guy who sometimes spams her on /tv/ agrees
Not her
not her
Add me dude
this? a vid? pic?
Who then?
Coal burner
That is a pretty sad life dream
Hi Jordyn Jones, I heard you dance, that's cute.
If your not black, JJ will not have anything to do with you
needs more camel toe pics. I've seen a ton and they are glorious
i'd drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart over a walkie talkie
those fishnets..
So young and already such a whore
well, where did this even come from?
fucking saved
We're probably going to have to go to libro sham for that thread..
Maddie dont got shit on jordyn
Looks like shit hit the fan with this one, I shoulda been here. Fuck
penta-trips checked
>posts picture of himself
>fuck u guys ill juat delete it
Lol rekt fuckint newfags, when will they learn.
met her at the OC fair
mhhh her feet..
Before someone says it this isn't Lexee
You're right, all Maddie did was win this year's Teen Choice award for hottest teen while Jordyn Jones hooked up with niggers.
We're all waifufriendos here there's no need to bully
which website?
I've tried imgur and motherless
I suppose you could be right.
why does she look underage?
How do
her dad must be a huge fucking cuck to allow her to act this way.
i love maddie
Every fuckin time
read the thread
damn that kids right arm is STACKED
I've always thought her pussy proabably looks like Emily's.
But it literally says nothing
it's not in the thread
I did. Vola imgur ml all tried
i've been reading the thread. theres fucking nothing of use here just a bunch of vague comments and edgy faggots. idk why somebody cant just post the domain for the link
>No dad
>Older brother looks like a btard
Well, BLACKED it is
I bet she has the most adorable crotch. I just want to nuzzle it.
Who's the sexy black girl?
google it newfag
im >>703973146
this is got to be a bait, just bail.
she's so cute
Me too.. love her. I've posted all her pics in this thread, and lots of the JJs.
What is the slip?
Thanks then.
I really love both. Jordyn is hotter but Maddie is cuter.
She had a slip? Lol
There is no slip. Anons just trolling.
Is she not 18
nip slip
No, you're just too stupid to realize how many fucking websites exist. A string of random characters could be put after neopets or steam.
Should I just try every single site from to whatever fucking end point there is?
She's 16.
Post it then she's 18 right?
16 mate
If her pussy/asshole looks like this, then she's a 10/10 imo
come to /tv/ :)
If you are really that new, I guess thats the only way for you
I want to fuck this little slut in her poo hole do bad
who is her friend?
Chloe East > Jordyn Jones
Dude. There is no nip slip.
What was it
You need to get a life, champ.
*wink wink*
nip slip
She never got blacked
kay dot ee ex ee
Yeah, you sound like a faggot millennial.
Being new means I have too few options. I have too many. Kill yourself, autist.
that never happened anon
shes totally pure
Lily Wallace, a tight little piece
chill dude
that's because i am literally a faggot millenial
How 'bout instead you get a job "dude".
Lies. Post it
Then you really have to kill yourself since you contribute nothing to society.
>Should I just try every single site from to whatever fucking end point there is?
this means, that you are new. thats not having many options, thats having no fucking clue
youre the dude, fuckwit
>le millenials r bad
How old are you bud?
but i like living and i like my job
>Nip slip
>i don't know about the law but i'll type up a post anyway because i was born in the 90s xD
>i liek pouring concrete!
Old enough to accurately judge you.
>especially the black girl
The first one you tagged is Brooke Green
Judge me then dickhead, all me
>Brooke Green
thanks man
Emily Bloom newfreind
Black girl is Teala Dunn
>Teala Dunn
You're painfully average and you try way too hard to be percieved as intelligent because that was your defense mechanism when the popular, masculine boys picked on you for being a fairy because you were raised by a single mom.
>inb4 you lie and deny these truths
You're pathetic.
If you keep saying he's upset maybe one day it'll mean something.
I didn't give you permission to reply to me. Listen, it was entertaining, first. Hell, it was actually funny.
But now I'm getting the feeling that you actually think that you're on my level. From the day I was born, I was destined for success, you little shit. I was brought into this world by a software engineer and and a prominent actuary, both of Norwegian descent. From the moment that the fucking curtains were raised, I was set to dominate the STEM fields. And because I had guardians that actually cared about me, I flourished. Pretty soon, I was placed into a special school of correspondence, specifically I.M Gelfand's school for gifted children in New England. I not only reached my parents' expectations, but I passed them with flying colors. I had raw talent. I was fucking better. I was surrounded by 6th graders, many from Hong Kong, whom were smarter than half the posters in this fucking thread. And now, where am I?
In MIT, getting my double BS in Electrical Engineering and Physics, with a Stanford-Binet tested IQ of 147 at age 17.
Get this through your head: you are nothing. I am worth more than your entire goddamn family. I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, taller than you, wealthier than you, and more employable than you. While you type out another post to get cheap laughs, I'll be simultaneously working with the brightest minds in the world and fornicating with my beautiful girlfriend. It gets on my nerves when people pretend to be better than me.
Know your place, you fucking vermin. Never, ever reply to my posts, again.