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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 215
Thread images: 151
File: Karenism.png (118 KB, 1000x562) Image search: [Google]
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Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
Miho claimed
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all of you weebs have garbage taste
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Just woke up and claiming da best.
Post yours faggot.

Ah, I'm sorry /g/fur fags are that stupid.
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What's your name on warlight?
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It'd probably be Len

Im a sucker for blondes

if grill probably yuno

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>da best
Says you.

Miskia claimed
Why are there so many of these threads
So some of that boy puss not bad.
Claimed so fucking hard.
Yee, Blondes are top tier

Also Pride is pretty qt as well

Also most pokeboys are cute
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Taiga89 (1).jpg
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I only speak the truth.
Also whats with all of you weebs having shit trips
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You got no idea who i am do you? Now dont you have a cat box to clean?
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I'm still level 2 because I only play against the AI.
probably can't gen trips
not like yours or mine is good either though
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Maby best if you like tsundere
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So a husbando claim?
Mines just there to be obnoxious

Also my gen spat it out randomly for some reason

Also genning isnt difficult anymore
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I don't know how to add you.
same tbh
any decent program will spit out 'unique' trips like ours when they hit/find them
it all depends on peoples hardware really. i just got myself a gtx 1070 3months ago and for the first time had above 10m trips/sec
>850m/s avg while playing games
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hi taiga
Claiming rem
Post moar
I still have a 980 because the extent of games I play are Runescape and Overwatch

I got this a while ago and decided "hey lets use this was my unoriginal name" and thats that
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Hakurei Cleimu
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Did you use a throw away email signing up?
If you invite someone to your game via email they automatically get added to your friends list.
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I was here before you, fuck off
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BEST GIRL claim. Better than that blank image you keep posting!
It's a boy
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I used my email.
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I Will claim ram then
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If you're talking about your waifu, I totally love Index and Railgun. Apart from that, I must admit that I don't know you and thanks for reminding me since that I really need to clean my cat box.
I was obviously kidding, she's the best for me as your waifu is the best for you.
Wassup bby.
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you use merikens, right?
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That's a guy

Fair enough, she has a nice tho.
Good day to you
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She very much a very cute.
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Just go to this page and copy-paste [email protected]
to generate? I dont remember I just found whatever I could that works
It's a trap. Will you and the other poster that is fighting with me tell me what's up with the blank images you guy's keep posting?
yeah. i find it works the best compared to all others (besides the supr secrt /g/ one)
eh I didnt really care. I had time and no real want fr anything too specific

Fairly sure I had a amd gpu when I last did it so just whatever was available and worked
Hey, do I spend 300 dollars to foil out my Merieke deck in magic?

Oh wait, only Shizuru, renge, and homura play
Actually this won't work because the invite goes to your inbox, So I'll have to invite you.

Added you to the friend list.
i was thinking of buying one of their cards specifically to gen trips, i shit you not i stood in a store staring at a card for at least an hour with money in hand thinking about it
Oh I didn't think that would work, are you Haiv?
this was like 8 months ago when Im fairly sure the card died

In aus we have a fairly good store which stocks pc parts which you order online and go to the store. Built all my pcs from them

Fuck yeah, cheapest prices. Umart is second best.
I had to go to them for my cpu because everywhere was sold out or wanted to charge me $100 more
I just noticed
>3 days
Problem is that they run out easily or don't stock many items, at least where I'm at.
They had my cpu. Had to drive to them at like 4pm in the arvo to get it in time

The joy of buying a $600 cpu
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No, it's a guy. Not a girl. Not a trap. Confirmed in the anime, a guy.
Oh fuck that's insane.

I'm still looking at buying a new monitor, 27" 144hz is now under $500.
Yeah I was considering it too but again, I only play runescape and overwatch. dont have much to warrant the higher fps
I want it for the size, may as well go all out and get the high refresh rate. Plus playing rs and watching something on a small screen at the is such a pain.
never liked having 2 screens

I just have everything in windowed borderless
I'm pretty sure the anime confirmed Felix a trap when Subaru said Felix was a "beautiful girl" when his gate was being healed the first time. Guy, girl, whatever. I still want to dick this cat stupid as hard as I possibly can. Atleast Felix isn't a braindead vegetable.
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We already have a Felix claimer anyway
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290X is king
i dont play games which have a gpu bottleneck
>also arguing if its a trap or a guy

There isnt a difference faggots
I'm actually becoming less of a fan of amd since my pc is starting to shit. That's survivorship bias speaking though.
I've been the only poster in here dedicated to the boipussy, anon.
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AMD has its ups and downs. I was thinking of making a bitcoin mining rig out of my old PC for the funzies and the 280X is probably the sweet spot for that

or maybe a ASIC card if I can find one, but that's for bitcoin only.

I use a 1070 myself

shes a girl you retard.
yeah but what do you play that 'needs' it?
One would be making an effort to present as female while the other would not be making any effort in that regard?
get in on the benis action
Biologically I don't think so. Nothing will keep me flaccid for Felix though.
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ryuko 7.jpg
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Hey /waifu/, how are you doing today.
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does it really truly matter though

>theyre also shit tier compared
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Well I don't game as much as I used to, but I've started this little known game called Witcher 3.

Sorry if you haven't heard of it

And beyond that I have the trouble of sharing a desktop with my roommate and he games a lot more than me
thats a girl
File: Ohayo Sad 1.png (179 KB, 800x500) Image search: [Google]
Ohayo Sad 1.png
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Why you gotta leave your niggas hangin?
>little known
Ye, I think most people know it. I personally dont play single player games though

>sharing your computer
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i started benis
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pls do not
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chibi (22).png
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I could be better. Yourself?
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I'm gar for Sichika

Cause theat's where all niggers belong. Hanging

He payed for more than half of it, and we can't afford separate machines on our own, other than a shitty chromebook for schoolwork
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Sad Karen 7.jpg
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Come back.
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that sounds like living hell

Guess the cancer known as uni in murica
Hot now I'm gay ty
reward benis of barbed benis
I'll have to leave, I'm sorry. I switched, it's too late!
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Fine, call it a trap if you wish.
>and Subaru is the only vegetable
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ryuko 3.gif
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Pretty good, like I'm no euphoric with joy, but I don't feel depressed either.
Is there something bothering you, if that's not too much to ask ?
Pretty sure the blue haired potato nobody remembers is the one you keep posting the blank pictures of. What's her name again? I forget.
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Menma and Shiro.png
2 MB, 1467x1437
I think my dad is coming back today. I'm sure I'll be fine though.
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Sad Karen 6.jpg
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Just give us a way to talk to you, nigger.
Did daddy gib you the benis?
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Eu claimed~
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Smug Karen 17.png
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Sorry, I'm getting a second job, plus a lot more uni stuff is happening in the backround, so yeah, not a lot of time and I don't want to spend any of it.

It's actually Greece, much worse
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armored up.png
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Hey there!
its okay. Nobody in greece has money
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Agitated Karen 1.png
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I mean, I wish you'd kinda fucking said that before leaving us all like that, I'm happy and shit dude and good luck or whatever.
Just drop by here sometimes.
I love you cunt.

>cheeky trips intensify
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You have all of my respect. Nice claim!
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File: Eu200.png (751 KB, 1200x1400) Image search: [Google]
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Hello friend~
How are you today~?

>Karen dubs intensify

Thank you friend~
Eu thinks your claim is nice too~
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3 MB, 960x540
No oversexualised content?! Fuck you.
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I've been better. I hope you're doing well.
>bam and the cum is gone
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That statement contradicts itself
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Eu hopes you'll feel much better once again~!
Eu is doing well~
You are such a rebel
That blank post isn't an answer.
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survived another insanely hot day
time for lots of homework
what are you all up to?
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A "blank" post would have no context and you wouldn't reply because it wasn't directed toward anyone
You call me out for posting "blanks" but described who was in the picture
>excluding potato part
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cutie with apron.jpg
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Shiro makes me feel much better, may just take some time.
Glad you're doing well. You doing much today?
Just listening to some music. Tired.
Great claim! It's a shame Yukki was such a cunt though.
Currently I am fighting off a hangover with pictures of a cat and arguing with some dingleberry about him posting pictures that don't have anyone in them.
How about yourself, anon?
Hey Eu doing good?
>Late replies cause classes
Woah that turned out different
I'm loling at the posts between you and the blue potato.
also can confirm felix is husbando
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1 MB, 1080x1920
Oh it was the wrong file
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what are you listening to?
maybe take a nap later?
you must be a new felix claimer, welcome and thanks
did you get wasted yesterday? had a party or?
im trying to get some homework done but everything is distracting me atm
good thing thread is slow
what class do you have now?
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My waifu
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hey bby
how are you?
File: Eu-1.png (1 MB, 1080x2003) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1080x2003
Eu isn't up to much today, how about you~?

Ara Ara~ Thats a really awesome wallpaper you got there friend~
Eu is doing well, how have you been~?
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i'm on a panda.jpg
2 MB, 1920x1200
Mac demarco's Salad days. Really comfy, happy album.
Probably just listen to some music.
cut me yuno
File: Eu6.jpg (114 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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What are you listening to~?
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better than last night. But I'm kinda stressed now I got a new interview tomorrow for a bigg job
Man, I say blank post because there is no QT waifu in any of these pictures.

I wish I could see what you want me to so then we wouldn't be so cut-throat with each other. I see you have a metal post and a ball and chain in this one, is there supposed to be a girl there?

I say blue haired vegetable because in that show Subaru talks about someone fitting that description.
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i will give it a listen when im gonna study
how was school?
what was wrong last night?
another job? i thought you already had one
you can do it!
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A for effort love.
Nice outfit, Eu~

Also Rin is alive for real this time
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Love you too gay boi
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fancy dress.jpg
38 KB, 148x606
Also, nice pic. But of course, all the pictures you post are very nice.
Woke up late, didn't go.
My QT2D trap waifu. I already made the claim, but I would let you watch our loving consummation in front of the potato-loving blank-posting cuck.
File: Chen 996.jpg (561 KB, 1060x920) Image search: [Google]
Chen 996.jpg
561 KB, 1060x920

Thank you.
You should play against other players, not versus AI.
Did you noticed that there is a way to make real money from winning?
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1 MB, 500x500
Finance class right now
I've been good. Thanks for the wallpaper Eu.
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695 KB, 1386x724
Hey Rin doing good

>Reminder to expect late replies
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Sad Karen 8.jpg
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I'm gonna go to sleep now, it's a big scary world out there. Stay safe, make sure to write. Remember papa always loves you, don't talk to strangers.
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>Did you noticed that there is a way to make real money from winning?
I'm having some welcome to the NHK flashbacks.
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Ohayo 1.png
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Thank you, Eu loves it~ <3

You post very lovely pictures too~

Eu is glad to hear you're doing well~
And you're welcome, anything for a friend~
Allahu Ackbar to you too then
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450 KB, 500x740
oh okay, sucks
actually no its great
any plans then?
oh cool
im guessing it isnt giving you too much of an issue since you are on here
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No human beings, regardless of who they might be, want to look directly at their own shortcomings.
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Yeah I have secured a chill job in a hardware store but I just a call from a huge shop to to some actual mechanical work. The hiring process will take a while but I think I'll go for it
I never expect anything, but
I wanna make a lion of Narnia joke here, but nah. Marhaba
And I love Eu~
File: Eu337.jpg (97 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
97 KB, 1280x720
Eu loves you too~
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leg kickin.gif
1 MB, 540x300
Nope. Just music.
We all love Eu.
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498 KB, 490x245
Eu loves all of you~ <3
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77 KB, 480x600
oh thats actually great news, will it have a better pay i assume?
you can do it man, own that shit
alright thats fun i guess
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I want to be your ship.
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Chen 12.jpg
379 KB, 800x800

Weren't ships cancer?
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I want to be cancerous with you <3
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A tale of two shitposters
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Coming to a circlejerk near you.
And I'll smother you in my love, too
None, more than me
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ty for believeing

You know it, though.
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shiro in chains.png
1 MB, 1280x800
I'd have to disagree. Eu is a shared love.
Oh, you have no idea~
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565 KB, 2480x3507
you okay?
you know i always do and always will right?
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dress 3.png
165 KB, 192x732
I do have an idea actually.
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2 MB, 707x1000
But what?
Then you know what me and Eu do alone, then?
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I'm going to seize your means of reproduction~ <3
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Noodle claimed.
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Meet me at your nearest IKEA shop in your area.
I'm there buying us a bed.
Check the happiness on Chen's face
Always happy and innocent. How would I know how reproduction even works?
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12112 - 12.jpg
56 KB, 900x675
All I said is that I have an idea. I don't know for sure.
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Sarisa (8).png
897 KB, 800x1000
Sarisa claimed.

Any good good music, today? What are you guys listening to?
you're one of my fav posters here
In that case, what's your idea?
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Just JAM it in!
Java script?
File: calm.png (2 MB, 3840x2160) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3840x2160
I think I'll listen to some Radiohead.
just sayinnn
that took me a second to figure out what you mean.
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977 KB, 612x612

He meant "just saying", you silly.
File: Sarisa (16).jpg (169 KB, 754x851) Image search: [Google]
Sarisa (16).jpg
169 KB, 754x851
Radiohead. Which album or song you got in mind?
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My kitty Waifu
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17 KB, 404x345
No you're silly adorable!
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a file name.jpg
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OK Computer. I've only listened to The Bends so far, and I'm going through their discography chronologically. I skipped Pablo Honey.
File: Eu315.png (4 MB, 10000x8317) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 10000x8317
Saber a cute too~
File: chensmi.jpg (72 KB, 300x405) Image search: [Google]
72 KB, 300x405

Nice trips, you cutie.
Nah, I have yet to erp with Eu
But it's nice, is all
File: 1473115283562.jpg (186 KB, 850x1202) Image search: [Google]
186 KB, 850x1202
>i second guessed saying baka and or cutie
>i second guessed getting a reply
Trips confirm
you shouldn't but I know you do
File: 1470546342171.png (105 KB, 450x420) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 450x420
File: Vigil - 356.png (104 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 356.png
104 KB, 400x400
Thread replies: 215
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