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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>703791635 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>703791635

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
>Naps are a GOOD idea
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Refrain from being lewd
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Claiming Felix
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I'm awake now
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Then your persistence isn't!
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Fuck Walmart!

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Wheres Kneesocks.jpg
3 MB, 2800x1760

Cant fault you for that either.
Wear whats comfortable, I live by that!
Im wearing light flannel and cowboy boots right now

But thats bad
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Smug Sako.jpg
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Normally only Krogers or Wal-Mart, but every once in a while I just get an urge while at a smaller place.
So a standard "Huge cunt who is too good to be fired" show?Doesn't sound like my thing tbh.
I'm not bad I just do bad things sometimes.
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Happy Eru.png
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The show is *relatively* accurate, and extremely plausible, many of the situations can happen in daily life.
>Drug Addict.
I dunno, haven't gotten TOO far into the show, I know he has a bad knee/leg and he likes to fuck with his coworkers. I don't think he's a drug addict though.
I blew the asshole part a bit out of proportion, he's well liked, but he can be a dick at times.
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Yep, I suppose that's true.
Lovely lady.
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And titties
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Saya nom 004.jpg
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Claiming best girl

>Teach me how to love again.
Get a kitten.

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Kyouko (16).png
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I got used to the feel of it I guess, makes it feel 'human' in a way.

I'm actually a bit disappointed this the video not muted by youtube of this song
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It's too warm for flannels, I only have heavy ones

Normal button ups will have to do
Fuck Walmart!

At least more so than Grey's anatomy?

Aren't you watching it as part of your homework for a class?

I think I saw part of an episode once
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2 asses 4 titties

my boy

i am quite the ass man
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>mfw the kitten grows up and learns to ignore and disrespect me
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birthing hips.jpg
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Ass is nice.
No "Claimed."
are you even trying?
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What about abs?

Poor dude

Get a pupper!

Or a snek!
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I think so yeah, I don't know how accurate "Testosterone Dick Booster" paste affecting a child and making their hormones go rampant is, but it seems feasible.
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I might give it a watch sometime
I might end up getting a tool to open the game cases sometime
Ass a best

>Watching Minions with her kids, this Scarlet Overkill character is pretty hot tbh
>But more Esdeaths type than mine
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Shiro is my bae
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I actually don't see muted videos at all anymore, usually they just get pruned.
Good song though.
This gay retard is fucking based, claimed.
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you could say its v e r y nice

i dont care very much for abs


holy shit that pic is great
I do have a dog. I swear it has Asperger.
There's no other explanation for its constant depression.
Still fun though
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Saya QB.jpg
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Bribe with food. Cat wouldn't disrespect it's feeder/slave/pet.
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witty file name 14.jpg
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Yea, it is very nice.

Its cold as hell in this school somedays.
Laundrey room is boiling though

Again, I've never seen either, this is just from what I've heard

Fuckem up!

Maybe later an anarchist revolution?

Hey dude

Isn't it late in Nazi land?

Abs a best

Poor doggo

I think mine also does, she hides bones in the middle if the floor
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Cats would rather use you as food than respect you.

My dog doesn't like to be pet on the head. What madness is this?
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witty file name 1.png
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You need to be punished now. ;)
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Mission Complete.png
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Yeah its a good mix of comedy/drama/medical fuckery ^^
I would prefer House because Grey's Anatomy seems too Soap Opera like for me.
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cum rag.png
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No not really today

Is it safe to only drink tap water
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Alice 28.jpg
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i have some good stuff
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No air conditioning

What the fuck?

Well, I am watching am anime about garbage collection in space

If you want a nice manga with medical elements, Franken Fran. It also has a certain qt in it
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Happy Sand Castle.jpg
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How accurate was it?
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He didn't get enough love as a puppy
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fake eyebrow.jpg
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my cats love me :^(

oh shit. i haven't checked out art yet. i guess i probably should because this stuff is good.
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Alice 11.jpg
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Chibi Saya 004.jpg
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Planetes is so good

Your cat's love is as fake as your eyebrows.

Yes, enjoy that name
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wow yuuko you fucking roasted me good right there. i didn't know you didn't like cat.
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Oh what?

Poor pupper...

Give him love now!

But I'm a fag, so my words don't really matter

Yeah man, it is
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Kek, nice. I think I'm gonna download the Fran manga later today
>When my wifi stops being shit
Pretty accurate, though some situations seem odd or out of place, they don't seem entirely impossible.
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Tatsumaki (149).jpg
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That's pretty nice, very good song actually.
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Lies kid, theyre all lies.jpg
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None, its like a fucking boiler room with all those dryers running.
Im sweating profusely and am wearing white...

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I do like cats. I just know they can never love me back, but i'm use to that feeling so it's fine. I'm fine.

Father has him atm. probably getting lots of love from him.

You had to leave your dog for school didn't you?
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jar of cookies.jpg
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Now what? Do we ERP?
my waifu
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Alice 24.jpg
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Who's name is Wonder?
Did you try a new thing?
Wall? Are you Trump?

>Did something happen while I was not paying attention
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How gun laws develop.
Love me some accuracy
Zadavat'sya voprosom
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Saya smile 004.jpg
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Cats only tolerate, but are very good at pretending to love you. That is enough though.
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Do it fam!

No,in the majority of my campus

We can hope

Yeah, I'm sure my dad is giving her tons of love
You realize it would be impossible to take your guns, even if somehow a law like that got passed, which it never could, right?
>not using her real name

there is a difference between waifu and liking how a character looks
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You be quiet my cat loves me
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Hey Ruri.

I quite like that one.
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oh. one of my cats jumped onto the bed with me as soon as i got home. even if they don't really love you i like to pretend mine do because it's closest to love i'll get.

i guess the female equivalent would be tummies or something. i still don't really care about them though.
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Yours silly

Is it just me or do all female pets seem superior?
female pets ARE superior fam
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*My food

Just do you

No ass to mouth though

Hana Song but since i assume most of you dont play overwatch i claim her by her alias which must be easier to recognize. though her jumpsuit is good looking i would prefer her more like this
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A person jumping onto you in bed is good too.

I have to agree.

I'll ask you again after you get a male dog.
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Female pets are superior.
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Grand theft kneesocks.jpg
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Im not sure, I dont really know what to do...


I-Im scared

Oh, awesome. The place where I live was built in the sixties, has no central air, and air conditioning is prohibited.
A fuck ton of people on here play Overwatch.
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Saya 008.jpg
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That's what they want you to believe.
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It doesn't matter if the law is possible, it matters if it exists.
Never fed my neighbors cat but he rubs against my legs and lets me scratch his back
It just means wonder in Russian
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Alice 40.jpg
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Why is my name changing :(
Wake can be a wonder I guess?
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Uh, I don't know either. This is awkward.
not everyone
i dont know who does and i dont care about that either
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I always called you this though?
: (
Get your mind out of dreamland

What about humans?
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>a person jumping onto you in bed is good too.
that will never happen.
apparently someone likes me and i don't know how
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Tatsumaki (40).jpg
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Well I think it's time for me to go to sleep.

I'll see you around.

Really like the beat to that, vocals are okay too
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What if I get a male snek?

Well I'm in Wisconsin, so you only really need it for a month and a half, and that is over now

They won't make it if they know they can't even try upholding it

When cats run against people, they are claiming them as territory
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Me too, it makes it more immersive, especially when you study medicine for fun/as a hobby like I do.
Its gonna be good.
>Did the ol 10 seconds unplug plug back in routine.
I am the best IT guy.
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12112 - 12.jpg
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That's a no.
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All males are born with a snek. You should know this.

You calling your waifu inferior?
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Rest well.
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My legs hurt.jpg
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Ah, thats...wonderful!


Im a horribly awkward person!

Ive actually gotta dash for now gals, Ill be back tomorrow!
Love ya
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Saya 009.jpg
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It's true, but it's more than enough

D.Va's mech has such bad design. Why are her arms unprotected?
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You're still young.

I'm also a virgin, so rip both of us

I'm actually generally pretty bad at it

My computer over heated a bit recently, I thought my power supply was damaged by it, but I tripped the fuse box and definitely killed it when I tested it.

~~a big, powerful snek~~

No, an actual snek though, I want a Kenyan sand boa

Good bye!
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a file name.jpg
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Of course not!
So am I. See ya.
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for ez crits
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Oh wow, i just watched this video yesterday. Weird.
I take it you've talked galko's ear off about this.

Well which is it man!
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Happy Laughing.gif
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They've made many laws they can't uphold
For example the arm brace shouldering law.
I don't study it, but I know enough to get by without going to the doctor unless I'm dying
>Also muh apocalypse
Bye Kneesocks
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Thats pretty big.jpg
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Oh, and a goodbye tune!
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1 MB, 918x1528
Ah, I only had that problem when I had three games of Skyrim open running max graphics.
>It was an accident though.
But after I let it chill out it was fine. I wanna get a cooling pad though.
I'm going to school for IT so its a passion of mine to fix computers n shit, I love fiddling around too.
If any sort of apocalypse happens I'm a valuable person, I can stitch wounds and provide a lot of first aid care.
>I'm too knowledgeable not to be in the medicinal field
>but I don't wanna do medicine.
>RIP me.
I found out that I didn't wanna do medicine when one of my coworkers at my old job got his leg all cut open so I used a first aid kit to help him out before the ambulance came. "Wow this is pretty good stitching for an amateur, do you ever think about going into the medical field?" "After today, no absolutely not."
cute gif
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leg kickin.gif
1 MB, 540x300
Females in real life are rude and bad usually.
Haven't talked to him in a while actually

But not one that would require fighting with angry rednecks

The hell is that face?

Battlefleet Gothic Armada was bugging out and opened two, so similar thing.

Also, about how long should a power supply work for? 3-4 years?
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A Kiss .png
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>three games of Skyrim open running max graphics.
Yebat' ?
Thank you
Was that >implying I'm a redneck?
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upside down best.jpg
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Oh, ive also had DIY surgery. I fell out if a tree in boyscouts and put a stick through my calf

Not you specifically, but possibly
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witty file name 12.jpg
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Thread died.
QOTT: Who's your pony waifu?
Mine would have to be Apple Bloom.
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Usually 3-4 years so yeah, about that time frame.
I did it on accident, kek.
Wew. Sounds like pain, but yeah I always carry around a first aid kit, its mostly bandages and some antibacterial cream+ pain relief for like paper cuts and small shit, but there's a roll of gauze in there, just in case.
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Alice 38.jpg
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OH, I get it now
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Alice 31.jpg
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I don't know the names of any of them other than RainbowDash, and I'm not too sure which one that even is.
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I actually watched half the first season, my friend made me

Probably Twilight sparkle, I think you know why.

Or Big Macintosh
>It was 5 years old...

It didn't go through much muscle, just an inch or so in my soleus. The stitches didn't hurt much suprisinly
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Saya 010.jpg
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Pony waifu? What are you talking about? No such thing. Only Saya.
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bask in her kawaii-ness.gif
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I haven't watched a single episode of the show, so I don't know why you'd choose Twilight Sparkle.
I only chose Apple Bloom because she's a loli.
You know what I'm talking about.
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broken arm.png
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The nerd one

Fucking pedo
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Jammed again..jpg
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Soleus? Wew. But hey, it wasn't super serious! Worst injury I've ever had was when this fuckin big ass lab attacked my face when I was five.
>This dog was a dick and had attacked people before.
I still have a scar on my upper lip from the incident. But yeah, deep wounds on my face, luckily I healed fast and the stitches didn't hurt, I remember trying to clean myself off with a towel and my parents found me and went "Holy shit what happened."
>The dog got euthanized for being a dickhead.
I've never hated a dog, except for that one, all other dogs are surprisingly nice to me, either that or they avoid me.
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Pfft... no...
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Saya 011.jpg
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There's only room for Saya
Yeah, healed up with no problems

Something like that happened to my sister, but on her left cheek, she has a dimple there now

Moat painful thing for me would be when I tried mountain boarding, think of mountain biking but with a big off road skate board, and fell on gravel. Skinned pretty much all of my back open

You know you are
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Pew Pew.png
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>Pony Waifu
You mean Heresy. L85 is my one and only!~
Wew. Skinned wounds are the absolute worst.
Makes me cringe just thinking about it.
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What is the up my people
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My self esteem.
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Chen is a cat.jpg
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>Best fox claim
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Good to hear ?
I couldn't move my back at all with out hurting, or reopening it

The rest of summer camp sucked pretty hard

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Saya 012.jpg
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There was something about also having pony waifus, but that's utterly ridiculous, right?
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pixel stuff 2.png
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What's the 'Awww' for?
I'm playing Siege and my lil sis is having her b-day party with all her friends from school.
>Every once in a while they come in here and stare at me for some reason, luckily they close the door so I know if they're coming.
>Gotta keep this shit under wraps.
Sounds like a fuckin pain.
>Mfw when I use to work in the metal shop I strained my back once really bad.
>Went home, laid down.
>took a nap
>could not move for the next three hours other than my arms/hands and my face to talk.
>My legs didn't wanna move
I got my lil sis to bring me my laptop so I could play vidya n watch stuff.
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Agree to disagree it is then

Shit man, what did you do?

Oh, you still here?
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ill name it eventually.jpg
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>that pic
You'll just end up jamming her
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Everyone is playing tic tac toe but I've been playing 657 dimensional Taikyoku Shogi for a millennium.
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Pony waifu.... I don't know. Sounds like there's potential. But not in these threads

I can't stand kids. How old are they?

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It was a nice post

I'll always be here in spirit franny
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evil shiro (8).png
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How am I a pedo anyways?
Okay. I don't know how.
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Well, I lifted a gate, but the gate was easily 50 pounds, and I am not very strong, plus it was super unbalanced, and I twisted wrong, and my back said "FUCK YOU" and crapped out on me. It healed itself though.
Between the ages of 8-10, I like kids and they're not bugging me too much, I think they like watching me play Siege.
Get that new thread ready op we're getting close to 150
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"Is this real?"
You're a spoopy ghost?

You know why

Shit fam, sucks
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Alice 33.jpg
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Something happen to lift yous, Shiro?
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actually kyubey.jpg
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Totally do not.
I've been happy for a while now. Running is going great, and Shiro makes me very happy.
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8-10 is TOLERABLE I guess... and if they're quiet it's even better. How long will you be trapped on your computer?
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I still name these.jpg
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Hi Alice, how's it going?
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Hi everyone! I hope your night is going well

Taiga and Shino are about to take down vicer amelia on bloodborne im streaming it on twitch


If you would like to come watch
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Alice 19.jpg
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I'm glad you found something that makes you happy. Still looking
Not too badly I guess, how are you doing this evening?

>asperger street, thanks captcha
Sounds sexy. To bad I'll miss it
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Yeah, but hey, at least I got this cool machine that you mix ice and water in and it makes a cold patch around your back, it felt nice during the summer.
Implying I don't want to be here.
But Alt tabbing every 10 or so minutes is a pain, but now they're doing other stuff so its much easier.
>They're watching netflix
>I cannot play Siege anymore
Oh well, I can play somethin else.
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Let Alice bring happiness into your life.
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oh boy.jpg
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>Two players
It won't be worth watching then

I'm just watching shitty anime and relaxing, the usual
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evening dress-1.png
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Ay, watching planettes, sorry dude

Shit that's pretty nice!
Let me rephrase. Something that doesn't get me mocked by society.
Which shitty anime is it tonight?
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Alice 30.jpg
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>Find a trove of every Galil pic ever
>Going through it finding all the pics I don't have
>Suddenly futa Sako on Futa Galil porn
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thats adorable.jpg
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>All these people not claiming M16

Post it pussy
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dress 6.jpg
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Everybody lookin' at you crazy
What you gon' do?
Lift up your head and keep moving
Or let the paranoia haunt you?
gimme pls
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Don't do it Galil, I know you won't lewd the waifu
I've never actually watched that before
But looking down and being haunted by my mind is what I do best
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Not that bad I guess if you put it that way. When I was 16 my parents would always throw these huge fucking parties in the house and all the adults would be super hammered and shit. I would be stuck in my room, for hours. All friends on vacation, don't have any money or anything to do. It felt like hell. Now and then some schmo would come upstairs and wander for a bit, comedic relief. Still practically suicidal of boredom

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