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Prove that you are white. Remember, this is very different than

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Prove that you are white.

Remember, this is very different than proving you are not black.
I dressed like that everyday during high school.
Also I finished high school.
My skin tone choices are rice cake or a freckled elmo
Finishing high school is not proof. Dressing like OP is a good shot at proof. 6/10.
Certainly sounds pretty white, but might be albino black.
I know my dad
Hmmm. Certainly seems like proof.
Not proof. try again.
I have a job, I'm married to the mother of all of my children, I'm not a nigger.
I own a bicycle that I purchased.
I have a full time job, I have benefits and a roth-IRA (401k), a pure white family, and I am a card carrying member of the KKK.
>Look! Another White Privilege/Trump Thread!

Black Lives Matter Too You Ignorant Privileged Scum
I grew up with a father and a mother, and we didn't rely on food stamps or welfare.
Seems pretty white (the KKK part, anyway)

You guys suck at this.
I have good credit because I pay my bills on time.
Try again.
I play hearthstone
>Remember, this is very different than proving you are not black.
Any of these things could easily be true of an azn. Hell, half of them could be a beaner.
I dont live in Asia or África and im not of any racial minority
Decent, but certainly not proof. Now, if you also had a Hearthstone woodstove in your home that you kept going all winter, then we'd be getting somewhere.

Thank you.
Clever, but come on. You're just as bad as the guys taking pictures of their skin.
I have a BS in Actuarial Math.
I'm German, Irish and Norwegian.
I bet you glow in the night whitey
I glow red in the summer, though.
I'm a cuck on /b/ and really enjoy the trap threads
I'm a fellow of the society of actuaries.
no doubt
spf 80k
When I see another white person, I have no reaction whatsoever.
So you're Indian? Asian?
That's white.
Pfft. Come on. Barely scratching the surface.
Im black and i do both of those things
i firmly believe that obama is from kenya
I go out of my way to shake hands and I clap when my airplane lands
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I have an insatiable desire for black cock.
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I'm not, I'm a filthy gypsy stealing your shit whilst laughing like a hyena.

deal with it.
This kinda seems like the most white yet.
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i genuinely think hunting large game for sport is pretty cool, but i would never do it myself
Why would any sane white man dress like that
I own more than one Sufjan Stevens album. On vinyl.
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Whitest guy ITT
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black jacket... red tie... tan pants.

jesus, you yank faggots know not style nor class.
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How about this, I crochet, go to renaissance faires, genuinely enjoy the music of Echo & the Bunnymen, and go apeshit for brew pubs. Pic related, it's a yarn bowl I got from a ren faire this past weekend.
What's the inhaler for?
>live off hot pockets
>enjoy nascar
>live with my parents
>buy everything at walmart
Commitment is easy for me.
Shut the fuck up geed. I bet you wear cargos too
I dressed like that during high school but I'm not white. You are going to need better proof
Thank you. I enjoy being white. I also use salad dressing when I run out of mayo on my sandwiches and I also wear headphones through the supermarket
I listen to heavymetal
Damn, maybe THIS is the most white.
Even though your 1/10 chance at dubs was successful, doesn't mean you know what a BLUE blazer is, layman.

Another serious contender.
Just buy a bong how can you still smoke bottles after 18 years old
I wasn't born when black people were turn to slaves.
Folks from most of the more affluent latin american countries fucking love metal. Especially power metal.

Never been here.
OP you smell a lot like a nigger.
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I drive a pick up truck and a camaro. I'm a plumber during the day 40 hrs a week and work on a farm after work. I live in the suburbs, go to a suburban presbyterian church every sunday, volunteer free time to habitat humanity, swim and water ski regularly and drink bud light out of bottle.

Oh and i legally own 10 firearms all are for various hunting seasons.

>mfw I can't even hide how white I am on /b/
None of my dogs are pitbulls and they're all registered with the city, as required by law.
i'm afraid of most black people.
Oh and I played Water polo and chess in high school
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shit looks black in the picture, bro. Aside from that, it's still a mash-up and looks like his demented aunt dressed him for bar mitzvah somewhere in upstate New York in the 70's.

You can pronounce my name just by looking at it.
I'm blonde hair, blue eyes. Wear a watch to school and can read it.
>Wore an American flag lapel pin every day
>Do my own taxes
>Have a growing watch collection (no nigger-tier Nixons allowed)
Man i love having an xbox one ps4 and 1500 pc
My kids wish I would leave! Black kids wish dad was home.

>Registered with the city
Conformist nigger faggot, don't register shit, that's what real white folks do.
At parties when my friends pass out I do really homoerotic shit to them.
My good man, you have no idea what you are talking about. That look will never die and will always be a classic. Blue blazer. Starched shirt. Khakis. Tie.
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>thinking being white is a positive

Barbarous northerners.
Nah dude, 2 for 1 loafers at Bass
This is the niggerest of things I've read
Not in the lily white nigger free upper middle class burbs in Montreal. We keep shit on the level up in this hizzy.
The shoes are blucher mocs from LLBean. Maybe topsiders.
I see my dad every week and I have a high school education.
lol and where exactly is this "Montreal?"

fake and gay.
I have a college degree, but did it with loans and not scholarships
> Winner
That isn't a Vinyard Vines pattern. You could be an Asian knock-off
Got caught out past curfew when I was 17,and was given a warning. Also my little brother who was 13 was learning to drive and he was let off as well.
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>Blue blazer. Starched shirt. Khakis. Tie
call it classic, call it contemporary, call it funky, call it conservative, call it Mickey Fucking Mouse & His Jolly Green Retards, but it STILL LOOKS LIKE UTTER SHIT.

reee reeeeee ree reee reeee
reeeeeee and so on

yeah, I mad.
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Albino blacks are eaten by the mother at birth
I started a Super Smash Bros club and DnD club in High School

the Romans were white, the Celts and the Germanics were just whiter.
i enjoy seeing my wife in the company of black men
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I am a 29 year old male with full custody of my 9 year old daughter. The mother can't even see her unless it is supervised and I say so.
Kanadia, jizzlips. 'Murica's Hat. Greatest nation ever to exist. Why you ask?
I burn quite easily in the sun.
Go Trump. Make America Great Again!
You sound asian
Also beat up a black kid in middle school and dad took me out for steaks after suspension
It's highly unlikely I will be shot dead by a police officer during a routine stop.
why wouldn't blacks vote for Trump?
Ah gots a bunch o cars an stuff on mah front lawn an ah'm havin affair with mah cuzzin.

Because Trump is one of the biggest examples of 'white priviledge' going, aside from all the countless non-racial reasons why he'd be an embarrassment as president of course.
I am helping my wife to raise our daughter. And I legally bought a car from a legitimate dealership.
The funny thing about white supremacists is that they bend definitions however they like every other sentence.

Find me one Italian with naturally flowing yellow hair and blue eyes. Or are you saying that the Spanish are white as well? Some Egyptians? There is no such thing as white race. What neonazis keep masturbating about were barbarous illiterates shitting in the woods for the majority of history.
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hahahahahahahha. i like that. no i am totally white.
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But guys, im black
>gets into fights in school
>dad buys steak dinner
sounds like you're an affluent nigger. is your dad a rapper or a sports star?
I have never hit a woman and never will

Ahm havin an affair with ma cuzzin too as well as with your sisterwife, paw.
makes sense
I unironically believe the world owes me a living and get upset when someone non-white has something I want.
Nope, he owned 3 deli marts and underpaid anyone not white or asian
My belt works.
I start cuck threads on /b/.
I haven't been profiled by police officers or airport security, and I had laid back parents.
I have no respect for my elders.
How's that working out for you?
I purchase drugs instead of stealing them and killing the dealer
>and properly anyone not white or asian
You hear last week we stuck a carrot up Steve's ass?
I spend very little time customising my character's appearance in video games beyond the default.
I am apparently cis and privileged
Meh, says the jiggaboo in sheep's clothing
I get offended by EVERYTHING
dude... I'm hardly a white supremacist, seeing as I'm a fucking gypsy.

but I do like facts, especially historical ones. first, Italians are considered white, as they're part of Caucasian race (for those who still deal in races) and back in the Roman day, they were a helluva lot whiter, seeing as they hadn't yet been invaded by the Moors (along with Spanish, getting Islam up their garlic smelling butts in Cordoba and Cardiz, known as Al Andalus) and hence a lotta dark genes were bred into both the Spaniards and the Italians, and that's why the southern most parts of these countries populations are not darker, than other Caucasoids.

don't discuss this with any Spaniards or Italians though, the wogs and the dagos tend to like to forget these facts.

your friendly, local gyppo.
>i think that Eminem is best rapper in the World.
I am ginger
The world is designed to make my life as easy as possible and I still find things to complain about.
Some black guy at my high school did that do. Really into politics--graduated college, but was a black guy. I swear, that guy was freakin' motivated and visionary. A real keeper
I drive a miata
there's some milk in that coffee... but hey, I salute you, /b/lack bro.
so, you're Jewish. Gotcha.
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fuck these guys.jpg
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I supervise commercial construction projects in the United States.

I'm voting for Trump because I hate Muslims
Ehh, its not so bad. Majority of my friends are white, working as a risk management intern for $24 an hour. At 22
Doesn't sound bad at all.
Racism isn't really much of a problem anymore. One of my friends from high school was black.
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>Black Lives Matter
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I own a golden retriever, also; my father is still in my life, my house never smells of curry, and I don't enjoy mascal. Also;

>Pic related; me and the pupper
I play lacrosse and drive a honda oddessey
Sure whatever helps you sleep at night, darkie
But uh my Gf broke up wth me due to her past relationships guys not being trustworthy, she pinned that on me. Although it wasnt going to work because
>lives at home like me
>when we did fug it was at a short stay hotel once a week on friday
>incredibly insecure
Did i mention we work together and it can get awkward some times? Lol
I'm a femanon and I like black dick
I have a small penis. I'm very insecure. I'm afraid of black people.
My first car was a Mercedes Benz
Oh boy
What's it like to work with your insecure twice as old hookup?
I am of anglo, scot descent with a hint of western armenian.
9 to 5 job.
Im voting for trump so he can build the Wall and make america safe with that and the ban on muslim,s
i really really really like this image
I like mayonnaise
I own a claddaugh ring
Weird as hell man. Its like even when i was dating her if she saw me talking to a woman and i meanANY kind of women the woman i was with as well as me would get the death glare. Now its awkward attempts to make conversation and prevent a workplace implosion
Hey faggot i told you yesterday, nixons good watches
I play rugby on my law school's team
I hate watermelon
Finish German English and Scottish
I go to my cottage for a huge part of my summer. I have a modest sized family and not a single one is unemployed or lazy.
Italians weren't considered white until fairly recently.
thats either for a kid with asthma who just combos a hit of pot with a hit of inhaler


the idea is the inhaler opens up brachiosaurus passages when you inhale to increase the amount of thc you get per hit.

if the second one, thats actually pretty ingenious if it works.
I am a homicide detective and I also have my own buisness in which I sell playermodels to game designers.
I had a bottle bong for quite some time. If made right, they hit hard.
I set accurate white balance on cameras with my legs as a base.
Error 404 White privilage not found.
I have two degrees, own a home and land, have never had as much as a speeding ticket, and I check the commodities market every morning.
I know my father, I'm married, my kids are all my own, I can't go out in the hot sun for long without sunscreen, and I have a well paying steady job.
I can get pulled over by police and cautioned.
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Thread images: 21

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