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Remember how we pulled together and almost single handily defeated

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 212
Thread images: 42
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Remember how we pulled together and almost single handily defeated Scientology in 07? why can't we be the old /b/. I'm itching for a raid!!! dubs picks
band together anons
trips says it. We must obey
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Triple double
dubsssss choose
bump this thread boys
bump for potential
>pulled together
pick one
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bumping for glory
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This is sad :(
Another tumblr timebombing?
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rollin for Merkels facebook
Maybe something to do with deviantart?
Rolling fer this
join internet aristocrat in his fight against babyfurs
we have a winrar
merkek it is
All the newfags are scared
sry should be
op here roll for win. and no not tumblr splosian
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/b/ is populated by millennials now, with no clue what a raid is or how to do it.
They're more interested in fapping to traps, and fags and posted banana pics.
and spiderman
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We need a cause as unifying as the blatant bullshit that was scientology OP
The people need a specific purpose.
What did you have in mind?
I agree we need a purpose
the modern Jesus army
Is fucking with people not a cause enough? We sit here and stagnate, lets bring others down just for spite and because we can.

we have hitler dubs with >>703674588
and the purpose is Merkel being an ugly bitch, flodding europe with snackbars.
Isn't that enough ?
no I didn't really have anything in mind. I would suggest DDos on maybe a tumblr fags own blog page but no pc cause I'm broke kek

adding it's also rumoured she's a feminazi
lets raid msnbc for miss reporting pepe as a white supremcy symbol...Lets raid there twitter
Lets raid there twitter!
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Oooh lord that level of fuckery definitely deserves some kind of response.
Thats what I think!
Rollin for this
Lets come up with a hashtag to use in the tweets
Raid fox news and slap pictures of Harambe everywhere
#diksoutforharambe it's already done
Not bad but I think Msnbc Deserves a response for there pepe fuck up
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Add this to the picture of Donald Trump?
Why not both at the same time?
I like your thinking but we got to go through with this...
Some one make a discored to discuss this raid
Bump this shit
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i m just here to ask if someone have any idea how to found an open ip cam with a audio option ?!
We are trying to plan a raid wana help?
Lets fuck up keem
but raids are against the rules.
GTFO new fag
We are raiding msnbc with the #pepesameme and #pepesgreennotwhite
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Its decided
There twitter yes lets
i'll join your army if you help me sir !

If you need an idea of a raid , just target one of those famous YouTubers fags who mad their fame on kids bullying like lefay or ricegum , back in the days we had morals !
I agree but because of this I think Msnbc is a better target
No. I'm new here
i am not a newfag, i have read the rules and plan to follow them. No need to call me names.
OK worst bait
it still got you to respond, newfriend.
im not a newfag ive been here since july
kek you got me
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Yes. Lets bring down
>reason: causing more problems than solution
Lets move forward with raid
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anon chess at raid.jpg
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No fuck off we raid msnbc for pepe bs
Global Rule #4
The reason this can't be old /b/ is because you're a bunch of newfags.
You don't have the sense to use irc or any other of the various platforms available to do anything.
I for one am tired of the guber mint and msm coming here.
Reeeeeee etc
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sci-raid van.jpg
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Who dat?
no we raid msnbc
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>copy links
>no links in picture
>impossible to copy from picture.
Let's fuck with the hammer skins
>hammer skins
What the fuck are you arguing.
I said you're all retarded and don't even know how to raid, and you reply back with a very Australian non sequitor.
Go fuck off and arrange this flaccid cock of fail elsewhere. Like reddit. Plenty of retards there and it won't bring yet more unneeded attention by normies or LEA
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K. Lets compromise: we spam all msnbc hashtags with blacks submitting to white and black women porn.
/r/esearch that shit, faggot.
It was a joke dumbass
This is everyone itt
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/b/ was never good, before the scientology raids it was still neckbearded basement dwelling faggots laughing through their cheeto dust about longcats and cockmonglers. We raided habbo for shits sake, there was no point, it was just dumb bullshit, and it's still just dumb bullshit. Banannas are the new desu, furries have been here forever, traps have been here forever. The only thing that has changed is that people used to actually talk about shit on /b/, now it's just "hurr durr, facebook fap thread, daily furry fap thread, daily gore fap thread". I mean... fuck! There are boards full of pron on 4chan, if you wanna fap, go there. Let /b/ remain a piss stained abyss of bullshit.

Make /b/ suck again!
Bring Back Snacks!!!
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You were only pretending to be retarded.
Clearly I have been coaxed into a snafu.
Epic troll is epic
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thx fag senpai san
even if it gonna take me a while type and try those links , a text version would be appreciated .
As an anonymous image board we are Schrodinger's collective. Given we all have the same title and no of differentiating one user from another we can be considered 1 or many.
Let's do it
Cosign on the movement to return Snacks to his rightful throne.
Hiroshimoot plx
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/b/ has nearly single-handedly elected Trump president. This is the biggest raid in history.
pretty much
Even a anonymous can't win against the HS. Fuck u fuck all of u 88 bitch
Ayo hol up
*sips mountain dew
So wut u b sayin is
*puts fedora into battle mode
Wut you be sayin is
*sets tendies aside
That we wuz like
*closes loli folder
We wuz like lee-jun n sheeeit?
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>closes loli folder
no fag that stays open unless mommy walks in
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/pol/ is doing the work of Lord Kek.
You degenerate underage faggots just sit and guffaw at ylyl shit threads and post "how would you violate this girl I know on facebook" threads.
Fuck you
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are you fucking kidding me

project chanology was the cancer manifested

that's probably around the time all you 'oldfags' fucking got here.

as soon as you faggots got all gay with the raids they stopped becoming fun. "OH SCIENTOLOGY IS EVIL, STOP DEMZ! FEMINIZIM IS EVIL, RAID DEM!"

we used to just go dress up as fucking niggers in tuxedos on habbo and stand in swastika formation and block the fucking pool

we used to just go out to those random live-cam places and stand in the shape of a swastika for fuck sakes, those were raids

you guys forgot why we fucking do it


at least we got the irl EFG out of it i guess
Pretty much, who woulda guessed being repulsively rightwing keeps norms of your board?
Fucking Bernie cuck lookin ass nigga
who would've guessed that no one wants to participate in your echo chamber except lolbertarians and typical redneck republicans
you didn't defeat anything, you just brought a lot of unwanted attention.
This is what /b/ has been doing for months actually. Don't take credit for anything other than massive amounts of fail and faggotry
Shillary Cliton
Check 'em fucking scrubs
God a million times this. The fucking wave of newfags that pointless and yet somehow international raid caused is still crashing on these shit stained shores
Git gud nigger
No u I am the dubs king
BUMP. Thisss. Greek Pride.
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Never mind, I'll be seated now.
>lgbt community
>pc culture
Take your pick its all cancer. Everyone gets so buttmad about fucking words now. Shouldn't be hard to instigate something good
Trump is a motherfucker. Go.
this isn't "I-want-to-be-arrested-and-go-to-Club-Fed-dotcom."
I never thought of making /b/ shitty again. Is this what we need to do to fix /b/?

Honestly, should THIS THREAD raid /b/? The rest of /b/ will never even know what hit 'em.
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We tried a "make muslims hate her" a while ago but didn't go far, lets do it.
I like traps though
The cancerous culture they spew off shouldn't be accepted
>muh 900 genders
Rolling for tumblr
they could use a good attack and seem kinda easy
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What happened to
>pic related
the "lulz" have to be greater than the effort. if OP would have started off with a target, a chat room to organize, and telling exactly what to do it would have happened. there are atleast 10 of these threads a day and they all die because they start with no objective and OP expects everyone else to do the work.
Yeah, fair point.
I say we timebomb BLM related stuff on tumblr. Make the bastards chimpout, partly due to blatant racism, partly due to facts and shit, i don't know.
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We didn't have morals, we were just ass holes for the sake of it. It gets pretentious quick if we do things for moral reasons, then we are no better than the rest.
That's just crazy enough to work.
They should just turn this site off. It's fucking bullshit
I seriously don't know if this thread is well-conceived bait, or if you gang of illiterates are really the hero /b/ needs.

I never spent a lot of time lurking in raid threads, but I can't remember anons writing like English was their second language when they'd make them.
we was marginals but we kept the common base of morality aka not fucking with childrens !
nice try
>aka not fucking with childrens !

the consequences will never be the same.
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Are you a retard? /b/ fucked with children all the time.
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Im with you anon, lets get this raid going on something, lets do something meaningful in this community again
I absolutely support this.

It should be more than just derailing the most cancerous threads with scat and gore.
i know! we can post a bunch of shemale threads to slowly turn them gay, everyone knows gays are the shittiest of people.
That already happened senpai. I think we should just spam the board with >>703689695 pic, with "Make /b/ shitty again" in the subject.
Why did you reply to it you fucking retards?
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I admit, I am not a raider. I am from back in 07, but I have lurked as one of those "I will give you advice and hope you can better yourselves" kind of people. But in all honesty, why not raid something and find out what you can do again? It would be nice to see /b/ find something to attack that would hold weight or meaning. But if I had to choose, why not something like banding the anons to actually go after ISIS recruitment and their websites on the deep web, or perhaps hit up large scale stupidity movements such as "Black Lives Matter" or the more intolerable so-called Femenists. I admit, I am for women having equal rights in all ways. They get the same punishments, the same protections, and lose the protections they have to get on the same statistics as men. But these self-proclaimed femenists are trying to gain nothing but privilege for their sex and leave men to rot.

So take whatever you wish to be honest, raid up a storm against something that damages society. I wish you luck and I hope that /b/ can actually band together for SOMETHING.
we should raid chataboutjesus. com :^)
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You're crazy... Crazy like a fox!
Lets just raid tumblr again; spam those fucks and their stupid ass tags with some bullshit. Or pull a fake "4chan sucks" and see if they end up raiding us
The last time pol did that a bunch of femmy's got triggered.

I'm in you newfag
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check em.jpg
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i wanna kms, fuck you
Mormonism. Please destroy it.
I wouldn't mind tumblr raiding us, honestly. As much as I vehemently despise them, it would get /b/ into the raiding mood again.
I just want to do something. Let's just hurry up and make a choice.
>inb4 raid thread banning
Faggots don't realize we stopped raiding since we have been getting ban hammered constantly.
our causes have become self serving and meaningless. the elite bought up news companies to signal-boost divisive subjects that would interest the demographics that were doing shit like the scientology take down and more importantly the occupy wallstreet movement. They also inserted "breakers" into the group to stir animosity among each other.

So here we are. A bunch of sanctimonious fuckheads skirmishing with each other in the name of feminism/mens rights/lgbt/alt-right/black lives matter/gamergate.

until we can look ourselves in the face and realize we've been taken for a ride, nothing is going to change.
I'm ready, let's go to war with politicians.
Just go get tumblr to raid us. You do it. we'll follow up.
Do it. You won't be missed for a retarded post like that.
Fucking retard.
That seems like a good idea

Operation: TumblTheTowers is in progress.

Join us. Lets fuck some SJWs up. Raid info in the discord.
So what are we raiding?
Go to tumblr and provoke them in some way to a couple of specific threads i dunno gay hate, nigger hate etc made by anons in this thread they raid threads and BOOM gore and triggered hamplanets out of fucking nowhere
there's more than 40 of us in here come in
we got alot of dedicated anons in here.
and that's without counting the ones offline
>not changing your IP every post
Realistically we are 4
this is huge
Lets fucking TumblTheTowers yall

I'm 69 and what is this?
bump bump bump-do
we raid tumblr get in and check for yourself
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Double dubs!
We're gonna outdo the 2014 raids, aight?
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They're taking calls, stand up anons and show us what you got
I just hope no feelings get hurt.


Yes of course we are. If we get enough people.
We might.
if we get enough dedicated anons willing to help we might, we're twice as many
#BlackLivesMatter nigger posts
Bumparino, join the discord group, we are preparing there, bring your most offensive maymays.
do it. We might need to start this thread again tomorrow though.
Oh yeah, and here's two huge fucking SJWs, too. They're also furries, so anything is fair game.
Dis gon b gud
Bump for visibility
thanks for the bump :)
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Go meme him to death.png
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>inb4 nypa
Here's one of toxoglossa's reposts on trump, guy is a massive cuck.
top kek
No problem anon.
Yeah and if you want to spam audio, you need a microphone (apparently?).
The raid in 2014 was the best thing 4chan did in years. Some chick I think actually killed herself. Was crazy.
What the fuck happened? Gamergate really fucked this place up. In just a year alone, 4chan got so boring. I don't even remember being this bored in 2013 or 2014. We actually did pull some pretty great pranks and raids in 2014. I remember some guy pretended to be a mod for DA tricking deviantart users into changing their passwords which then the OP of that thread posted the password in the thread and people raided the accounts posting gore and porn. One guy even posted CP and people freaked out. It was lulzy.
Raid Lindsay Lohan
Actually...this is a good idea. Should probably start a separate thread. I was thinking Amanda Bynes though would be a better target.
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Coffin corner of internet history is long since past

Can't happen again

Game over newfags go suck a kankle
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No,no it wasn't.
m00t cucked us, fam. I'm sure most of the real oldfags are on other sites.

Seriously, look around. When was the last time you say a genuinely interesting thread? I almost popped a boner when I saw screenshots of a "best of /b/" ylyl thread. Cancer and degenerate g/fur porn claims 95% of /b/'s space.
Why don't we just raid Lena Dunham. Bitch admitted to molesting her sis and got away scot fucking free. She had the audacity to stereotype a man for NOT looking at her fugly ass. She is a fatass feminist molester that deserves the best /b/ has got.
Okay hear me out,

I was thinking that we find ourselves some sort of pay-per-click advertiser and stack up on money by just putting all of our combined clicks together.

After this i still have no idea where to start, but at least we'll have some money to spend amirite?
What's the big deal? If you know what to expect it's not that bad. There aren't epic wins daily on this board and there haven't been for a long time, but the bulk of the shit you had back then can easily be viewed and participated in today, it's just not all accumulated at once place at one time

You guys are dumb as hell. Threads on this board are usually amusing for me, and I haven't stopped browsing for the 11 years I've been using this place. The only difference today is that y'all have literally no idea how to internet. You're jackasses, but that's what makes this place valuable. 4chan is high-impact, fast-paced foruming. While other websites that are slower have much more consistent prime content, they typically have 50 users in total or fewer.

And while these places will always be home to me (and no I'm not going to tell you what they're called), 4chan has the merit that no other site is exactly like it and that it's constantly changing. I don't want this place to be what you want it to be. I want it just the way it is.

Thankfully none of you understand this, and hopefully it will stay that way
Honestly most of the oldfags moved to infinite chan after moot went full cuck and in the aftermath of gamer.gate
>Honestly most of the oldfags moved to infinite chan
As someone who gave it a shot, infinite chan has a lot of the same issues some of us anons have with half chan.
Minus "the reply to this post or nothing will happen" posts, there's a fucking mlp thread that's been up for a month.
It was cool for like 7 minutes and then I left
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typical 4chan conversation.gif
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finally a true oldfag has spoken
Thread replies: 212
Thread images: 42

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