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Why don't you have a girlfriend, /b/? Tell us what went wrong.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 218
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Why don't you have a girlfriend, /b/?

Tell us what went wrong.
i was born.
Born unattractive.Simple as that.
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shy as an motherfucker
don't know any girls
don't go to partys
never meet girls in my line of work
Socially retarded and deep rooted trust issues from backstabbing friends and borderline abusing ex girlfriend who I also abused to some degree.

I feel like I'm undeserving of another girlfriend because I always treat them like shit, so I'm avoiding getting any more. Unfortunately, that has resulted in what I have mentioned above

She died in the twin towers.
My birthday is also Sept 11th.
Been major depression ever since.
I did, but she broke up with me last night.

Something about not wanting to play "second fiddle" to my wife.

Fuckin' whore.
Really? I'm sorry man. But you gotta get over it after all this years
I do have a gf she's just in another state. She's a super hot model.
The last few girlfriends I had is what went wrong, Plus I get bored of most women.
I have a girlfriend of 3 years
I had a gf two weeks ago.
She left me for another guy, but she said we would just not fit together.
She still thinks I don't know.
If I knew what went wrong I would fix it ass clown.
I'm about a 6/10 looks wise, and I can't bring myself to get with the caliber of girls who show an interest in me, who are usually 5/10 or below.

Probably from spending too much time on the internet
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Women are just not interesting. Any educated woman is a feminist. Educated does not equal intelligent or interesting.
I get bored with them so easily.
I enjoy flirting, I enjoy seducing them. I like sex just fine.
But after sleeping with them a few times, after the sexual tension is gone, I find myself wanting to spend my time with friends who can rant with/against me on all kinds of topics.
When I'm with my friends, I game, I play, I go out and we talk about all sorts of things and go off on all sorts of tangents.
With my currently girlfriend, there's nothing to talk about.
Few women have any interests or hobbies or can have fun on their own that doesn't involve drinking, dancing/clubbing or sex.

Yeah I keep telling myself that every birthday. Everyone does. Wake up Sept 12 and it's the same thing for the next 364 days.

I'm socially inept and awkward so actually finding someone like her that we thought alike was like finding some lost ancient treasure.
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Met this girl through a friend a year and a half before my dad died. He was sick for a decade. I was and still am Hella depressed and just pushed her away because I felt she couldn't and didn't understand what I was going through. It's been about two years and now I am extremely regretful.

She's plaui g games with me. Dont really know what to do
Last girlfriend was insane and made my life miserable. Just haven't really been ready to get back into things
I'm MGTOW, and women are incapable of love.
the one I liked didn't like me back. Nothing special tbh
You sound like a proper idiot.
Maybe you should start sucking dick.
don't have much friends and don't leave house other than uni. Also I don't find many girls interesting.

Social life is not really something I put effort in so that's a part of what went wrong

Not fit enough to offset my shitty personality yet. Still in college so my career prospects aren't an asset yet.

Gimme like 2 years. I could date like 4/10's and under right now but I want to swing for the fucking fences
Aren't you a special snowflake
Too shy and no social skills. Only one girl I know I have a chance with but not my type.

Don't even care, feelings died a long time ago.
Nope. Fuck women. And yes, all women act like this. It's simply female nature.
>Don't even care, feelings died a long time ago.
She decided I was not her "love" anymore, she was disrespecful towards me, so basicaly she didn't like me anymore. I was really sad and uspest like a huge beta fag. Then I decided it is time for good quality girls... I tried to make something happen with 2-3 nice girls... just in a few days they had a bf or a fuck buddy while I am here trying not to give a fuck.
Wrong? Nothing went wrong. I don't have a girlfriend because of all the things that went right.
I am very intelligent. That's my problem. It's easy to find intelligent men to engage with. But with women, they just can't keep up. Most other men can also not keep up. My superior intellect (cringe) has been a problem for me (socially) my entire adult life. Many normies and plebians such as yourself think I'm weird and use such words as "idiot" to describe me.
I lost my fiancé
I'm simply too shy. and nothing will change that.
born unattractive, but I've also developed into a social retard because of the choices I've made.
Don't even care, feelings died a long time ago.>>703345616
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She decided that me moving away from home was to far (she can drive and it was only 30 mins drive) and split up with me. I was depressed for a while but now I'm more along the lines of fuck her, she doesn't know what she's missing.
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>neglet raped
Lel ok kiddo. Women are humans just like men, and they have different personalities. But enjoy being alone faget.
I'm sure you're just ugly and boring like the rest of these cunts and you think it's the woman's fault for being repulsed by you.
>I am very intelligent. That's my problem.
That was about 11 months ago.
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Coz they are want to talk and live with you. And i don't want to come home from work and there will be someone annoying who want social interaction. When i need fuck, i go to bar to pick some chick over night. But more? Fuck you nigga
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My girlfriend bit off my penis. :(
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But I have a qt gf.
pic related
how about you take your superior intellect and fuck off, idiot
Just broke it off with my girlfriend of 3,5 years.

It just didn't work anymore; we'd grown apart and came to realise that still loving eachother isn't enough to hold a healthy relationship.

Mutual, but it still feels bad man.
So you're autistic? You know women are in average more intelligent than men, right smarty pants?

You are definitely just ugly. Admit it. Release yourself from the lies you are living. Be free.
schizoid, so not really into relationships.
>superior intellect
>tries his best to make his writing support it
>fails miserable at the first little bit special word

it is plebEian, you illiterate fake fuck :D
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show us her face we can't see if she is really cute
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Became homeless in a period of a month, when i got back on my feet she didnt want me back, been single ever since, about five years now
>in average more intelligent than men
kek. stop shilling bro.
Because my friend's girlfriend sucks my cock everyday
>Any educated woman is a feminist
you are a true dumbass
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You just feel intimidated by my superior intellect, pleb.
too fat. anything that will date me is below my standards, and I'm below everyone's standards who fits my standards.
Its the truth. Sorry if that's hard to wrap your head around. Men dismiss women and think they're stupid but they're not. They know what they're doing. Thats why they're so dangerous. Men don't take them seriously.
socially retarded. cant talk to a girl if my life depended on it. Pretty much just given up at this point, opiates are now my girlfriend.
xoxo love you baby girl
I'm pretty toxic and I spread my toxicity there where I go, infecting others with my disgusting behavior.

Shy, paranoid, antisocial, distrustful, geek, extremely negative, extremly cautious, potential suicide, very lazy (NEET) and getting old with no work or studies

No friends, no social life, deep hatred for women, deep resentment to my family/society/life in general.

give me a reason for have a girlfriend
This pretty much
Because I have a Meme page on Facebook.
I'm sorry for laughing at you. Be well honey bunny. Shit will get better.
Nope, I fucked 6 girls in high school, fag. And I tell you, each one is a slut.

Your insults are bland and original, you must be a femanon, since men make way better insults that are actually humorous. Jump off a cliff, blue pill trash.
>fucked six girls in high school
Pick one
nithing i couldnt fix, honestly. self esteems pretty low and my weight is pretty high, would be better if it was the other way around. i, for the moment, just dont find anyone who is interested in me. its not like im a shit guy, but im not interesting enough for the people i like.
hah at least you can say someone would date you. I'm fat to the point no one would.

i'm under-educated, physically unfit, and severely depressed by my shitty life choices and failures.
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>Because why not having one
Same. Addicted to heroin for the last year and a half (got clean recently, 5 months good) last gf was about 2 years ago and we broke up cause I was always high (alprazolam and opiates and shit before the heroin) I just can't talk to a girl and I use opiates because it makes me not even want the interaction, I make my own feelings of well being.
Im gonna go with schizotypal. good luck anon, see a doctor
I'm fat and disgusting. that's all.

Had a few, realized they only after my moneys.

Maybe she"s not lying. That other dude was probably a better fit for her.
I do though.
I have the sosical skills of a /b/ tard. Had a actual hot gf. Fucked it up, now 4 years alone...
it's so quiet now.
I denied one because i cant let myself stray off my faith
Last girl fucked me over and did me wrong. We had plans for a future and I was in love with her. Now I'm enjoying single life while I can, but I miss having one.
your all in the wrong thread
Come on
my dick stinks like my breath
I have no friends, therefore no parties, therefore no girls

I've had girls hit on me before, call me hot and say they'd like to have sex with me etc, the usual, but I don't know how to react unless I've had a drink, and I can't walk around uni drinking.

Just wish I could go to some parties, get drunk, and pick up bitches.
Socially awkward, insecure, too afraid to start a conversation. If a girl shows interest in me, I chicken out and say no, push her away etc.
Watch rsd
Because I can't trust them
She went out with him several times when I wasn't around.
Also she "had" to stay a night at his appartment, because she was "too high" to take the tram or a taxi back home.
Before she got to know him, we were fine with each other. There didn't seem to be major problems, aside from the ususal things.
It took four weeks till we broke apart, in wich she got distant more and more.
I know it is him. But she could have talked to me about that. Instead she decided to push up all my little mistakes and throw them at me for hours till I was convinced that she don't love me anymore. I left and that was the end of our story.
I couldn't deal with her Princess Disease. Was mild but still too much. She promised to change but never even tried, really. /b/, beware of Chinese girls, they may be cute as fuck but their parents may have screwed 'em up good.
She left me because my depression made it so I was never happy
Not an ugly guy, but not pretty. 27m never had a relationship before, I mean sure I've gotten laid but I have never had a fulfilling relationship.

I talk to women all the time, though the step between friends to boyfriend/girlfriend has never been to obvious to me, and whenever I try I always get hurt, and when there is a girl thats interested and I know it, she's a gold mining needy cow. not interested in that.

lately, I am finding that I am losing interest in porn, not because I don't find it hot, but because it is just a painful reminder of what I think I'll never have. I also feel numbness, like I am losing my compassion and faith in myself. once, I cared for people, helped people in need wherever I could. now, I feel like I deserve this.

should I continue? chronicling my depression, even on 4chan is even just bit makes me feel better.
You sir have made my day.
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I'm morbidly obese, have piss poor attitude, crushing social anxiety, and I'm not dumb enough to become a sugar daddy for some whore. At least I make decent money, so there's that.
Dude, same here.
got married
I have gf been together 5 years I don't think she loves me no more
>it hurts to think about
>love sucks
Having gf sucks especially long distance relationships they make you do stupid things and then you regret something you say
im ugly
Was in love last time when i was 15, Girl that i loved left me because she "stopped loving & caring" about me, felt so bad man.
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she looks lively...
Even if kinda good looking I was born with a disease who doesn't let me walk normal like everyone else, sad life
Anyone able to send hlep?
Are you me?
Found the feminist
There she is again

same here
I just never made any friends outside of school and they sort of vanished after graduation.
I'm in my mid 20s, live alone, work in IT, go to a rave club probably every 2 months or visit some festivals in the summer with the only friend I still have left.
Even if I am out "clubbing" I am either too shy to make a move or the girls are just drugged up whores who I couldn't stand a minute if I was sober. I basically have adapted to being a loner, it's just the only thing I "miss" is sex. On the other hand I've only been laid two times in my life...
sure satan
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Lol wtf?
Did one of you faggots report me for this shit or?
Maybe you're 12, How do you like your new teacher Timmy?
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i like the idea of a girlfriend, but once i have the opportunity for one, or at least once the girl i'm messing about with thinks she's my girlfriend, i start to miss being alone.

i like talking and doing what i want with any girl, haven't enjoyed the restrictions that come with a girlfriend. also haven't enjoyed having someone there all the time.

i like to sleep alone.
Chloe brown?

>Just wish I could go to some parties, get drunk, and pick up bitches.

Just do it.
Well I went on the red pill reddit a year ago. Now I hate all women, but I desperately wished one would like me.
There she goes again
Mostly I'm too busy.

Also I let myself get fat.
But I'm fixing that part, mainly because I want an IQ boost and just want too feel better in general.
I'm running every other night and lifting on the leftover nights. The toughest part is going to be the food...
>When I meet the right girl, it'll just happen by itself

>I'm happy being alone and think of all the money i'm saving

>I'm going to relocate for work soon and I don't want to get tied down or have a long distance relationship

Those are the things I keep telling myself anyway
Life is great, don't waste it pleasing a dumb cunt who is after your money.
There she goes again
Mr. Anderson? Shako represent!
Born short at 5'4. Born in the wrong time period where everyone is just shallow bitches wanting tall successful confident types.
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>What went wrong?
My face, and the my personality, or rather, lack thereof...
No clue.
Got it from infinity chan.

not every guy is fit for the "meeting drunk girls at parties crowd" but i understand it can be frustrating if you're not that type.
Thanks for being mgtow and not giving validation to pussy. It drives down smv so we can easily pump and dump. This is a genuine compliment
How does this violate the law? Did you kill her?
But Kevin. Since when do we write in capital letters after a comma? Maybe it's you who should consider to take another lap in high school.
Im a poor and ugly bastard
Fiance (girlfriend of 10 years) had an online relationship with someone from World of Warcraft she never even met.
She is WAY too young for me and I am NOT going to try that.
My face went wrong
Used the wrong drugs and didn't get enough sunlight. My chemicals got unbalanced and I got really fucking depressed and socially inept, so I locked myself in my room for years.
Things are changing, though. I can feel again, and I can focus. I'm leveling out my brain and giving it what it needs.
I'm very good looking, but I have a small dick. Once I fuck a girl, it's hard to hook up with her friends, and girls don't stay faithful to me, I can be with them for about two months max, they find someone new or go back to their exes. My name is mud here where I live, but I can usually pull pretty easily in a strange city, so I'm trying to get a job where I travel a lot, but that will just get me laid more. If I want to get a girlfriend or married, I'm afraid I'm going to have to settle, at least in the looks department, but I'm still a little to young and immature to be ready for that yet.
I met my girlfriend on minecraft... Then I gave her my number and then we Skype I turned on my video I was so ugly she ended the call blocked me and we never spoke again...
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Hope your mom doesn't mind you crying like a bitch every night
Get really good at oral. I'm serious. If you can get them to come before they even see your dick you'll have better long term success. Unless you have a micro-penis.
I had a messed up school life. 6th grade a classmate saw me pop a boner, I'm "above average".
This pretty much ended any normal social life in school, it didn't recover until I got out of college.
It meant that girls hit on me, people stared, slut-shamed my girls, and jealous classmates always cockblocked or messed up my relationships.
By high-school I would insult anyone trying to get close to me, just to stay out of the social drama.
One particular problem in high-school was an obsessed short girl would hug me anytime she got close enough... she caught me on the stairs once and vigorously rubbed her face on my groin... I was the one called into the counselor's office for "sexual harassment".
I finally had a talk with her, told her that I would never date her because I didn't want short children. She ran off crying and I got another trip to the counselor's office.
Having a big dick is more teenage soap opera drama than it is sex.
Can't have a normal relationship because I've developed so many 'Complexes' from this that in my 40's I still have dread, panic attacks, and spontaneous depression involving anything about intimate relationships.
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Nice humble brag faggot.
Wash your face and cut your hair anon. Also take off the fedora.
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Used to have one but I dumped her. Was the happiest time of my life while we were together and I'll never forget it, but still.

Late in the relationship she turned into someone that I didn't know at all when we first met. She started drinking obscene amounts of alcohol and started blaming her father and her mother for this. She was a really mean drunk too. She'd often go on these escapades with her jackass friends who were nothing but bad influences on her. I didn't want to do anything however, because I didn't think it was that bad at the time.

At the end, I broke up with her because she stopped seeing me all together. Every time I'd ask her if she wanted to do something, I'd get a lame excuse, but then get a report later from her friends that she's wasted outside the club and needs a pickup. I told her I couldn't do it anymore and told her to pack her bags and get the fuck out.

Feels kinda bad, so here's some tits
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the only retarded part about this whole mgtow is that this mentality exists a lot more naturally than it feels coming from someone who uses phrases like "it drives down smv so we can easily pump and dump" and "I'm MGTOW"

i appreciate the desire to change your perspective on women, but you can do it and still maintain your own convictions and personality. you don't have to speak like some drone. the perspective your after doesn't need the crutch of "teachings" pumped by a bunch of people who only learned after divorces.

i hope you 2 eventually stray away from the herd. there's a lot more room out here.
Maybe you should kill yourself.
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because she's now my fiancee!

she said yes!!
I decided I didn't want to after the last one, and i haven't properly pursued it since. I might be doing it now accidentally but I dunno if I like the grill, and I dunno if she likes me. She's kinda awkward and I'm kinda awkward so I can't tell what it is. I kinda prefer it this way because I don't have to think about things, and I can just let it take it's natural course, which I suspect is drifting apart over time.

Also like, I'm an alcoholic, so that's basically a relationship in and of itself.
You can't trust a single goddamn one of them. I wish I could give a fuck, but I just can't anymore.
I have been married now for three years to a very incredible woman, however before her, most were sluts and incapable of being in a relationship. All these women want is someone to feign interest in them and make,them feel good about themselves. Do that, and the pussy is easy. Sadly nowadays, relationships seem to be completely overrated and not worth time. In that instance just tinder or some Fuck app.
...what the fuck's going on with that midget middle finger
Or maybe it was because I posted krush!ngpr0n in a different thread.
Thread 404'd.
it has no big knuckle. the finger next to it has an extra one tho.
or the spooky skeleton point finger?
I don't get invited, though. Because no friends
I am mate, it's just that I was a moron when I was growing up and hated those people because I was a religious idiot. Now I've seen my mistakes and I have no friends because of it
We were dating for three years.

Found out she's been cheating on me for one.

The light inside is broken, but I still work.
My past caught up with me
Are you me
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>post lia
>literally no other lia pics
the fuck is wrong with you faggots
Yeah, I do oral, all that. Wouldn't say micro, but I know I'm small, and not in the "OMG I WATCH 8 HOURS OF PORN A DAY AND MY DICK IS SMALLER THAN A WINE BOTTLE, I'M DOOMED" kind of way. Maybe I just mess with shallow girls, and I'm probably shallow myself, since I usually only try to talk to really banging ones. In middle school I was a real heartthrob, so I guess I had unrealistic expectations in the grown up dating scene. I'm getting over it now, but it's been a bumpy ride.
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I'm you?
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Fuck you I'm working on it. Now over the last one (her husband got all butt hurt that I can make her come from intercourse), me and my wife are looking for a new one. Preferably a sub that is into watersports
I might be.

I hope you find someone who loves you for real next time.

Things will get better. That's my hope at least.
>Love of my life broke up
>Not interested in relationships anymore
Likewise, man. Keep your chin up. There's gotta be at least one good one out there.
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i think my penis isn't big enough. Statistics say it's average though.
maybe i just watched too much porn and /b/.
i'm a nice guy and i've had several girlfriends before. That was 6 years ago though until i discovered /b/ (during end-high-school and stuff).
Everytime i go out with my friends we meet some people, sometimes i talk to women and don't go further because of that issue - even if they are interested.
Started dating a girl in January 2015, we clicked a lot and she was pretty cool.
Lost my job one day and she just broke it off without talking to me for two weeks like I was nothing to her.
I was already depressed and that just put the icing on the cake. Took me four months to sort my shit out.
Joke's on her though, I got a better full time job and just went on to purchase my own house.
Haven't dated anyone since.
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> Any educated woman is a feminist.

Both my wife and I have masters degrees.

One day we start talking about some news story involving feminism.

I can tell my wife cringes at even hearing the word "feminism".

A very slight, satisfied smile appears on my face.
What the fuck is wrong with that fucking hand
I think the same, buddy
>No friends
Yea, that's why.
Did it again.
I'm taking a break from dating

Last time...Went really wrong.

I don't know how emotional breakdown really is but I think it came close to her that time.
To all the people that have been cheated on, yeah it sucks. But here's the deal. We aren't monogamous creatures. Anyone you get with WILL want to fuck other people. So you got two options for success.

>1 Get a girl that is honest about it and wants to experiment as a component of your relationship.

>2 Find a BDSM slave and be thier daddy. Bitch'll do what daddy says.
I have 2 tbh, fucking nightmare. Dumping the slightly more annoying one for when I hit basic.

Pro Tip: Dont have 2 gfs
100% right. Don't listen to the dissenting faggots. They've been conditioned to think that chasing women throughout their entire lives is the only way to find purpose as a man.
>use to be ugly as fuck 5/10 fat and shit lost all the weight now I am a 7/10
>never use to talk to much girls when I was young (gr1-gr12) because none of them showed an interest or they were scared of me or some shit
>all those years of not speaking to much people
>became a social retard to womenz
>still finding my self

Trying hard Af to find a bitch I get looks all the time from women but only the ugly ones approach me

>22 yr old virgin
>You know women are in average more intelligent than men

They're found to be approximately equal on the IQ test, but that intelligence isn't in reasoning like it is in men. Their intelligence is in language and the emotional sectors of the brain, faggot.

>Thats why they're so dangerous

No, it's because men build trust and loyalty in relationships and generally expect others to do so.
Same here
i dont trust women. pussy is easy enough to get without having to run the risk of crazy shit happening to you and possibly winding up in jail
Felt in love once. Best friend, didn't like me back. Never talked to her again, really. Never felt anything since. 10 years ago now. I feel nothing when people around cry for whatever reason I feel nothing but hate at the best moments.....
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Mom died. Lost all faith in Mormonism. But the only way I could end up with a girl is if that fucking cult were involved. They breed abnormal relationship metrics. My dad is autismo but married a beautiful 9.5qt traditionalist psycho who just wanted someone permanently stable. I'm easily a 8 but don't have the social skills to land a girl unless she jumps into my lap like my mom did for my dad.
Broke my leg.
Got chunky.
Got depressed.
Got Fat.
Got more depressed.

Not many women want to date a Fat alcoholic with limp.
> Introvert
> Borderline Psychopath
> Dark sense of humor
> Don't have a lot of feelings
> Play video games to escape
> Don't go to bars or socialize much
> Look like a cereal killer (In that dark broody good looks)
> Like BDSM

> I scare people, but have clam energy. So I've been told. Wtf does that even mean? Weirdos.
I live in the middle of fucking no where in a super conservative community, but Im into kinky grills, kek. Plus my ex was fucking crazy, but wasn't every one's?
Screencap this please
going to add that i was home-schooled until i was 12 and she died from having too many kids. I am relatively autistic.
We're still looking for Captain Crunch's body.
do it yourself?
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I am not able to express my emotions seriously without either turning them into fucking jokes or by denying them completely hence I am affraid to open to people for I am scared of them turning away from me when they find out who I actually am and realize I am not as I pretend to be
Happy birthday
Ah the curse of auto spell check.

> I ate him, with a nice glass of OJ and the bodily fluids of a cow.
> Fvfvfvfvfvfvfvfvfv
I've only ever had one gf in my life, and i'm damn convinced that the way I treated her layed a curse on me for the rest of my life, forever denying me another chance

I deserve it too
kek, fail
There's nothing wrong with me as a person, I have an alright personality and all that, I just stay inside all day playing videogames.

I don't go outside to actually meet girls to potentially go out with them.
> I ate him, with a nice glass of OJ and the bodily fluids of a cow.

Best of luck dude.
she was so hot that she melted steel beams
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