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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>703206262 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 186
Thread images: 151
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KyoukoChibi (3).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Alice 28.jpg
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Ohayo 1.png
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Peace dude

That sounds great, where should we get married? I'm muslim you know, you'll have to convert.
I'm a little girl in our relationship though so it's not gay, we're good.

Are you sad, Mr Noose? Why do you post the noose pictures?
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still here
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Waifu 4 Laifu.jpg
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My little loving Tiger.jpg
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Still here as well!
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hello agian, friends in the great thread.
Im not sad. Im posting noose to make people remember the worth of life and that we should care for it.
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>Ah, I've mostly just claimed and then not payed much attentino to the thread unless someone replied to me
That's pretty much me, I always have a tab open to claim but don't participate that much.
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Ohayo Smile 1.png
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Post music.
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Kyouko (136).jpg
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its important to have social interaction in your life, or you might become alienated for other people.
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>stellar claim
I do not know what kind of picture is that, but it looks adorable.
fuck off kike
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And no one will ever suspect a thing under your robes.
I think we should get married under falling leaves in an Autumn forest.
I hope the 26 children we'll adopt will understand.

>i have to leave now, thanks for the conversation.
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I'm watching some interviews right now, I'll probably post when I'm listening to it.
I am not of jewish descent, and I`d rather not be know as someone who is.
please follow directions for use on the back of the package

fucking jew
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Hello there, I think we never had the chance to talk~
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Ohayo Pat.png
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It's called a Gyate Gyate Ohayou. My favourite kind of picture. I have many variations for Karen.
Where are you from?

>muffled alcoholic noises can be heard in the distance

That sounds great, until next time, my illegal love.
Bye Yuuko.

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waifu what do I have two potential loves one is taller but a little less good looking the other is great looking but short as hell the fuck do i do waifu
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Alice 37.jpg
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I'm just busy doing other things most of the time
I am from a country know as albania.
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Such a beautiful story. The love between a narcoleptic japanese tank driver and an insomniac american skinhead.
Mako claimed.
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I have horrible vision but have put off going to the eye doctor for years because I'm so socially anxious.
AKA fucking retardland
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Ohayo Happy 1.png
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Follow your heart.

Do you like it there, friend?

Why are you pissed at this guy?
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Why hello there~
I don't think we ever did. You're doing great I hope

>muffled explosions can be heard in the distance
its funny
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Yuiko Claimed.

At least your flag is cool
that is not a good thing. but dont worry, its better to do something later then never. I belivie you will do it one day and break your anxiaity.
I dont really like it, but its probably becasue I never really visited the whole thing. Im living in a small town, and never left it, but 1 day I hope to leave it and see the whole country.
I do like the flag a lot, it looks good.
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We have a brand of vodka with your flag on it. Pretty sick.
are you serious?
on a scale of 1 to Serbian how patriotic are you?
And how come your country would be 55% albanian if you actually took all the territory you claim?
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my heart just wants esdeath
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I sure am? What about you?
the land of stolen cars and white niggers

what a shithole to live in, but i hope you stay there for your entire life
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Smug Karen 25.gif
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>on a scale of 1 to Serbian how patriotic are you?
I am happy that my country is know around the globe.
I like my country for the town where I live, but I dont really know too much about it, I never really used too much of history lessons we had back in school.
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Well I'm doing great too
Went for a run with my dad, quality time
Where are you from?
nice feet
you aren't even getting mad
how high are you?
Just because I used to drink a lot. I'm trying to member the brand's name. Orloff or something like that
nice feet
he obviously isnt fluent in english because he is literal shit
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That's real nice to read! I'm from Canada, Québec to be more precise. May I ask you the same thing?
I am not getting mad becasue I understand that everyone has right to have an opinion.
it is still nice that someone knows it.
hello poster.
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Stop bullying noose guy!
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Let's Do It Here And Now.jpg
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What are you up to?

Well, sure.

bullying is cool
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You and I are from the same place then
Small world~
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Ohayo Smile 2.png
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What would Esdeath want you to choose?
that is not needed. they are expressing themselves, and that is a good thing.
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can short girls dominate and be mamas?
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Ohayo Dream.png
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Good night.

Sleep dont bedbugs well bite!
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That's sooo cool! Nice to meet you then~
are you muslim, catholic or orthodox?
>inb4 none
if that's the case tell me what you were raised as
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The tripfag finder is acting up again
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hello agian queen poster.
my parents were catholic, but Im not really religious.
Hey, noose guy, I have a better deal for you.
Just claim a waifu from an anime and be a regular, id you're a new poster.
is literally being human garbage a religion?
You guys should meet up!
and fuck
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Why is Bo Burnham killing himself
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Jeez anon, d-don't make me blush
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oh hello noose

I would have to bend to kiss her I dont know if I want butterface or shortiy
>kill me
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Why the fuck have a waifu
when you could have a perfectly trained pet negro
I do not want to claim an anime girl, as I canme here to make people remember that thier life is precious and they should care for it and themselves.
I do not know the invidual you are talking about.
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As always.
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Can you stop making me jealous with all your ohayous?

Hope we get along nicely~

That's an idea :^)
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What's wrong, Taiga?
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He's a comedian.
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I understand. sadly I cant help you as I do not know his reason to end his life.
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I hope the same thing! But we must be aware, there's some people who can understand french in here, scawyyy~
Nothin' really, it's quite a good idea you gave! Thx~
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The person in the picture looked like him.
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descarga (3).jpg
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Hitler claimed :3
oh I understand now.
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Don't you ever want to spice things up?
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They can understand French, but can they understand the Québec dialect~?
Must be hard to read for people that learned French as a second language

Truly wonderful claim you make, anon

Niggers are perfect pets
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SmokyCat claimed :3
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Let's try then! Fek, sik tu as fais de bon avec ton papa aujourd'hui, si chpeux t'le demander la.
Triple 2
As expected
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ok my friends in the great thread, I`ll be leaving now. thank you for your time here.
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Alice 43.jpg
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Thanks for HANGING out with us
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On a juste fait nos douchebag comme des tabarnak, training à fond là~
Pis toé l'gros? Fait kekchoses de bon aujourd'hui?

Goodbye noose guy

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Alice 16.jpg
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>Nice get
I'll be here all night!
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No. Not these things, at least.
Hi Discount Beard.
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Gah! What kind of monkey speak is that?
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See you space cowboy.
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Po grand chose, je suis allé au resto avec ma soeur pis mon beau-frère, c'tait chill.
Don't bully me nice language.
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Good night.
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Why? Posting the same thing gets stale after a while, at least that's what I think of it.

I'm not cut out for avatarfagging
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alice 9.jpg
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*pats the kitty*
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yo yo yo friends
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I'll bully you, your language, your country, your family, your friends and your pets, bitch!

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>no u
I'll try to be here longer than usual~

Hello cute loli bote
Just woke up?

Don't bully such a nice language

C'est bein beau ça, passer du temps en famille.

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Alice hug 3.jpg
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Vraiment, c totalement un truc que je considère important, la famille!
Hello there qt!
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Having something predictable is nice. That said, i'm not necessarily posting the same thing anyways. Interacting with people is unpredictable enough to satisfy me.
Yup. Not quite fully awake.
How're you?
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1 MB, 700x1014

hi! how are you friend?
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Interacting with people is such a hassle though

Helpfully people don't interact with me most of the time, which means I can focus on posting pics I like instead
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>Mfw earbuds broke
I have a pair of cheap headphones, but the quality is really fucking shit
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Claimed, desu~
Pretty good and you? What's up?
Hey there bby~
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Faut la chérir, c'est précieux ça
Pis à part de ça, qu'est-ce tu fais de bon dans la vie?

Fite me

I had a light hangover when I woke up, because le drunk Ama at birthday
But a run fixed me up, so I'm alright.

Fucking elitist get out
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hello friend, i acknowledge your plead for interaction

im p good too, watching gochiusa with alice right now and its great
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Gasp Phone.jpg
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These headphones really fucking suck, I'd be better off not listening to music at all.
>Only Felix can call me bb
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Hello scary human
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Saber claim
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Heya R.. Saber, how goes?
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Je ne fais pas grand chose, je suis en sabbatique, mais je gardes quelque personnes handicapées et déficientes mentalement! Et toi?
I started it recently! I'm at episode 3 tho~ The moe in that is over 9000!
Mah real name's Felix. It makes you mah babe.
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To each their own. You obviously want some form of social interaction, otherwise you wouldn't be here, no?
Well good thing you're feeling better.
Doing pretty good and you
>Cute image
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Howdy saber~
The elites will take over again, desu!
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Best Buds.jpg
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Only the guy who claims Felix is allowed to call me bb
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Welp, that makes me sad...a little.
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how goes things fellow scary human?

yeah its really cute, syaro is my favorite so far
what are you up to?
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A neat extra, when it happens. I won't exactly pursue it most of the time

What about you?
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Présentement en sabbatique aussi, mais je m'engage dans l'armée. Mercredi prochain je passe des tests médicaux pis signe quelques papiers
Fek tu fais du volontariat?


Doing pretty good too, any plans for today?
>no u

We'll bring autism whenever we go
What a glorious day that'll be
Nothing much, I'm pretty bored. Listening to some crappy music on youtube.
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111 KB, 1280x720
I'm fine.

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evil shiro (6).jpg
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Happy OPPR8.jpg
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Sorry, we can still be friends though.
Welp fuck, I'm pretty autist. Was meant for >>703228029

Woah, c vraiment cool! Pis non, je suis rémunéré. Torcher de la marde, je ferais jamais ça gratuitement.
Assisting the school band in an event today then probably vidya
Doing well Kongou?
File: happy walk.jpg (416 KB, 768x1024) Image search: [Google]
happy walk.jpg
416 KB, 768x1024
Why listen to crappy music? You could listen to some good stuff.
That doesn't even look like Kongou. How are you today?
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I enjoy social interaction with rather extreme moderation.
4chan has the nice feature of people not being able to contact you if you aren't on it, and "missing a post" gives you a kind of plausible deniability for ignoring people you don't feel like dealing with, assuming they're not overly persistent.
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>torcher de la marde, je ferais jamais ça gratuitement
J'aurais dû y penser

Sounds like a hassle
But then again, I never was interested in school events
Hope you'll have a good time!
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what kind of crappy music?

im pretty good
you up to anything?
File: Taiga77.jpg (809 KB, 1280x1024) Image search: [Google]
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I sure count on it!
Not mah kind, but thx! But it's better now listening to that masterpiece
Kek, c'est vraiment pas l'fun à faire.
Everything's better now, but I was listening "Creepy doll house music"
Oops, sorry! I meant

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Hmm I see then, that's fine too

I'm drinking coffee and trying to decide between Makoto Shinkai or Kara no Kyoukai
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Oh, Gorillaz. Never really listened to them. What music you generally listen to?
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I set up an appointment for a psychiatrist evaluation. then you and I will have answers. but if they say im not a sociopath you guys ow me lewds and an apologize

why do these threads exist
what level of autism is this shit
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Happy Run.png
556 KB, 1366x961
I heard they've found you know
Underground not alive
A burden gone to sleep
Just a creep mine to reap

I heard they wrote my name
I'll be the one you blame
I'll never feel a shame
When they breathe out
How's your day going Taiga?
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Asti que ça doit puer
Mes condoléances
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What higher tier of autism is this, desu ka?
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I'm listening to a lot of thing. My interest field is so huuuge. Recently I'm listening to RWBY'S songs a lot. And I strongly recommand Gorillaz to you and even the ones lurking my posts. (If there is)

It's goin' real good. What about you? Did anything fun?

Merci, j'en ai vraiment besoin, kek.
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that actually sounds terrifying

i dont really know either so i cant help you there friend
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12112 - 12.jpg
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Ah, nice. I listen to a lot of stuff too. How about this?
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kongu I thought we were friends unless you are a different poster

what is this face what emotion?
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Esdeath I honestly had to read this three times to understand it, please make an effort to type better sentences.
They exist for people to claim their waifu/husbando
I got in (friendly) fights with my friends, dug holes and threw shovels.
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I'm back i this thread, why not.

Putain y'a des français...
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We are. I mean, my autism levels are at 26. But that doesn't mean I can't think you're messed up. It's why we love you, desu<3
File: Mah cute baby Taiga.jpg (198 KB, 680x960) Image search: [Google]
Mah cute baby Taiga.jpg
198 KB, 680x960
Ikr! There is way more better ways to pass time than listening to this ><'

I'll listen to it and give you some feedbacks soon~

It seems kinda extreme o.O
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bask in her kawaii-ness.gif
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I said hi.
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You did? Didn't see it. Probably cause mobile sucks. What's up Shiro? Been well I hope, desu.
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It's okay, I wanted to choose on my own anyway.

Probably Kara no Kyokai, since I already have that downloaded

It's utter dissapointment
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Québecois pour être plus exacts! Oh et saluuut!
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>Owe lewds and an apology
Hell no
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oh ok no probrem desu~

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dress 6.jpg
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Ah yes, I've been great really. Been keeping up on running, that's the highlight of my life I guess. And college football season.
How about you? I hope I catch you at a time when you are also well.
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This. I only gives lewds to trips, desu.
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yes you do

your problem not mine
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Holy fook, do you really enjoy that? You totally have the right to, but I must admit that it's outta my league.
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No, you ARE the problem
Nice trips per second.
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yeah, like watching anime and watching anime
maybe some anime too

well i hope you have fun watching it
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Nos bons amis Québécois !
Salut !
Yea, it's a bit hard to get into. If you're even slightly enticed by it, this is the album that made me start to enjoy the genre.

~Mittens Shiro
I honestly had no problem reading this.
I am indeed. Still coding games and what-not. Working. Life's at a calm point right now, desu.
I can actually see why don't want to use that one.

It's kind of hard to spot at first

I will try to, my soul was recently ripped in half by watching Katanagatari again after all.
We always fight, its fun.We're careful though.
Do you often speak with niggers, retards, Asians or angry children?

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