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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>702810097 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 151
File: KyoukoHomu (22).png (354 KB, 740x397) Image search: [Google]
KyoukoHomu (22).png
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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I will probably forget it soon so it doesn't really matter though
>Too lazy to dig up that post Rin
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Alice 28.jpg
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nice feet
at first I thout you had ruined saber for me but then I thought well saber is all noble so she would probably beat me up for somethings that I do so in a way you have improved her also have this
>you have to guess the anon though
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Hmm? Need something from me?
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Homura (258).png
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Gee I wonder who could it be behind this post.
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Thats pretty big.jpg
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The horse? Or the records?
The records guy is pretty chill
Gee I wonder who could it be behind this post.
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Hey Esdeath.
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1-1 boyss
we can do this
also srry for ignoring anyone last thread got caught up in futbol
yea i mean records
he pretty much stopped spamming and just reacted to everyone
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Syndra [110].jpg
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>WT russian tanks are balanced
>bounced artillery shots in a light tank

Now come please the Syndra.
Don't worry about it.
This is definitely Edgedeath
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>got caught up in futbol
You mean Soccer?
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>Not trips
Still not my master
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no i mean football
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Let me guess.

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But i'm supposed to worry about how to serve my Master. Come on now. Tell me what you want!
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I thought it was Togame, honestly
mugi tier meme
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Your memes are out of control!
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Well I did save it from him.


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Homura (100).jpg
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Still busy.

Gee I wonder who could it be behind this post.

>Did you like it or did it feel more like just extra concentration?
I enjoy it a lot, except the fact that it rapes my wallet for momentary happiness.
It makes me more creative too which helps with design and other things.

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Damned woods.jpg
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Yeah, that was pretty cool
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What the fuck.jpg
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Maybe, I am the persona master afterall

i accept payment by Paypal
Yes this is definitely Edgedeath
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Syndra [18].jpg
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You cant deny the inevitable.
It happened before it will happen again.
Not yet.
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Homura (25).jpg
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Nice sample.
And you will not win till then
>Syndra with liandrys
not even a little hot to anyone ?
>ill stop after this one just go this one
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how do you remember the questions i asked 4 threads ago?
i cant even remember what i had for dinner today
i am actually not sure how much weed is, but its practically free in the netherlands bc you can have youw own plants
so you still do it from time to time?
you up to anything socks?
Gee I still wonder who could it be behind this post.
Nice elitism.

You'll be hearing from my lawyer
No people tend to look down on that fetish especially
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No one else is into it. It's said every time lol. You do you, but please don't post it since no one else enjoys it
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Syndra [147].jpg
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I have seen you post samples too.
You could end your suffering early.
>it works
Then when?
Making more edits of me in locations.
Doing some in my college
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QOTT: What is the quickest suicide method?
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I dont see why their is worse fetishes
why are blowjobs and facials ok?

one day ill find someone who does ill stop
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2 MB, 2700x1800
No ill savor you trying your hardest to get me :^)
Maybe with deathfire touch and magic pen but thundermeme is too good
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im wondering this as well, i always thought gun in mouth but then i need to be able to get a gun
i have heard that slitting wrist while in a bathtub is pretty okay since it feels like doozing off
cant wait to see them
photoshoop meister
anymore movies you doing? perhaps some games?
What is with you and hating blowjobs/facials?
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Homura (10).png
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I don't really see the appeal.

Fucking tripfags man.

Do you?

I try to keep track of everything that goes in these threads, I don't think that's something I should do though.

>i am actually not sure how much weed is
Could be pretty much free if I planted my own, which wouldn't be illegal for personal consume but my parents wouldn't support it and I don't have the equipment for it anyway.
At a decent price I can roll 1 spliff per euro but it varies a lot from seller to seller, time to time, and if I'm buying in bulk or just a little.

No you didn't.
Struck by lightning
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103 KB, 1280x720
you might actually be onto something
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Consider the following.jpg
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I haven't unlocked that ability yet
I really do
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I just find them very disgusting and the fact that collectively most people like that shit but my fetishes are shunned dissapoints me

as much as I like that pretty face it will be ok yuno
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Syndra [79].jpg
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But what?
Im not trying that hard.
I still need to check some older pictures.
File: Run me over, please god.jpg (275 KB, 1024x767) Image search: [Google]
Run me over, please god.jpg
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Not sure honestly, any ideas?
Already doing a wheres waldo
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1 MB, 1920x1027
stand in an open field with a long metal object, like an umbrella
you will get struck and insta die
i feel like its probably better if you shouldnt. but i am impressed anyway
where do you live if i may ask?
where do you buy? local dealers or stores?
yea no we should have stomped sweden
it was a draw though
what you up to queen?
>Already doing a wheres waldo
kek, that will be fun
you play gta V right? perhaps next to the main characters
what about a pokemon game, with Oak?
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Gun in mouth is actually a terrible way to soduku.
Oh shit nigga, what's up my man where you been?
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Have you watched Katanagatari yet?
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yea i heard other people say this, but why though?
shouldnt it just be over after you pull the trigger?
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re watching a jontron vid actually

internet got fucked up but im back now and im ok just worried about school tomorrow
>maybe I am the persona master after all

Nah, you're just a guy who puts to much emotion in your arguments and gets angry on the internet.
hi chen
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Unless you get a very specific angle (and even then, its hit or miss) you will bleed out until you pass out, get medical attention (because everyone called 911) and live on as a tortured soul.Its happened quite a few times, look up failed shotgun suicide in google images
Just keep to yourself, you'll be fine. Also, blowjobs are top tier.
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nice get
which one you watching?
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How much is too much?
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Bone already.jpg
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I like this, onnit

Who knows. But being pissed because someone said something on the internet?
Hell yeah. That's too much.
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Behind ear for killing yourself
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Bespectacled beauty claimed!
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oh i see, these people look dead though, but they have no face so idk
i didnt know this, bc people like kurt cobain did die this way
yea its a good one
although i dont get the refference
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So what? I won't die from it. It's not anything new either.
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yeah going to play the loner instead of trying to fit in its very tiring.

oh shitdidnt notice my get
watching food games 1 is good
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Happy Run.png
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I need a good hentai, anyone got a recommendation?
It has to be in the joint where the jaw is just behind the ear and pointed up a little, preferably a pistol.
Nah, they live on doing L4D cosplay
Or you could play the nigga that beats everyone down, if you're /fit/ enough ad know how to fight
I doubt both of those though tbh.
>being pissed because someone said something on the internet?
when someone wrongs you you fight back attacking someone online or on the street is still angering as all hell

nope im not one who fights from the front kek
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Yea that one is fun alright, but not his best imo
Bootleg Pokemon is amazing or nightshade is a classic as well
What? You're saying that's fake?
Cuz it's not
when someone wrongs you you fight back attacking someone online or on the street is still angering as all hell
File: Homura (81).jpg (668 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Homura (81).jpg
668 KB, 1920x1080
No you don't.

Me too. Also need to make a smaller res version of some pics.

Portugal. My closest IRL friend and sister's girlfriend plant. But yea, usually it's from local dealers, there's no such thing as stores that sell pot here.

Nuu. I have too many things to watch. Did you get into CA?

The legend who pioneered an hero on stream.
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1 MB, 1280x720
Whatever you want, Master.
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Tomorrow, for now I got some other stuff to do
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bootleg pokemon is one of the best for sure

am I seeing double
Waifu Ratings
pretty good
very good
nice feet/10
That's pretty cute
Looks pretty bland
Edgy but other than that alright
Very very good
I like this
looks pretty weird
slutty maid/10.
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actually juliet starling.jpg
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Start working out and shit man, being fit is 1000% better than not being fit.
That usually doesn't work out too well, he juat had the right angle (and a .357 instead of a 9mm or something)
when someone wrongs you you fight back attacking someone online or on the street is still angering as all hell>>702825803
>Didn't rate best gun
y tho
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i like her and thats what is important
>best fox is claimed

Somebody was caught stealing at work, she wasn't too happy when she was caught
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you have bad tastes then and yuno is not edge just becasue it isnt normal doesnt make it edge

I dont want to be fit I just want to be skinnier wich im working on if im fit I have less chance of finding a girl stronger than me
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Claiming Felix

Out of school, just waiting for the bus now

>she wasn't too happy when she was caught

no shit
better than korbo
Yuno is without a doubt edge
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intense happy.gif
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Bottle Openrr.gif
1 MB, 363x564
Where do you work?
I forgot you're into femdom
Felix! <3
Shit tier taste confirmed
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Oh that's pretty sweet, that's why it's so cheap
I'm not sure if you've heard but the Netherlands has a coffee shop every corner where you can just buy weed, in any form or quantity
>The legend who pioneered an hero on stream
Fucking kek, it's a pretty weird video but yea if you think about it he is
Tbh his uploads make my day
He doesn't do it often but when he does oh boy
Nice try sacho
Hey shiro
How are you man?
Oh well I don't know the details
Maybe he got lucky
Then what do you suggest is the best suicide?
Oh hello there. How are you doing today?
I finished my first day back to college nicely.
Wasn't a compliment.
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slightly above average is good enough for me

a store
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Syndra [181].jpg
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But what do i want?
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Hey, this contrast doesnt really taste bad.
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Galil-chan <3 how are you doing?
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chibi (6).png
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I'm fine. Just got back from school, which was also fine. How about you?
I am good enough I suppose. That's nice to hear.
why you bully
but yuno is pretty edgy
furry trap
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images (2).jpg
30 KB, 315x467
Because you're mean.
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then call me edge cause she is relatble to some you know besides the cage

its ok my friend how are you I like you

yeah he makes me feel good on bad days he is awesome
when did rating peoples waifu become being mean?
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Good to hear
I'm okay tomorrow first day of college. Gonna sleep soon
Not denying it
But your ratings don't mean shit bully-san
Did you watch game grumps when he was on there? Made me die of laughter
I literally had to stop watching their sonic 06 playthrough because I started to get hurt
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1 MB, 339x190
Me? I need a rating before I go to sleep.
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Syndra [177].jpg
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chibi (25).jpg
1 MB, 3780x4480
Try to enjoy it and make some friends.
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I'd say stabbing in the heart tbh, kills you in 2.5 seconds IIRC
Probably painful though
What store
I'm good, just watching Murican Snipar, its pretty shit.
Is it possible to have worse taste?>>702827117
I like you too, you have a hot waifu.
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Dont listen to that guy he's a bully.
She's a solid 8/10 qt
stop bullying me
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229 KB, 1920x1080
you gave my waifu 1/10 thats mean and what dont you get she is relatable especially the way she shows her love
>wich is a much better way of doing so

I didnt heard he was good on that aswell but only got into him after he made jontron
7.5/10 I'd say
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That's not what's mean.
...Don't say that over such a lewd photo.
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I've heard that it was pretty shit, from /k/ and people on my friend's list on Facebook
Its all personal opinion
I rated like half based on photo because i haven't seen animu
Then what is?
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Kings 3;12.jpg
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>Try to enjoy it and make some friends.
You're cute shiro,i know you mean it
Thanks dude
Yea I'd say that's pretty fucking painful kek
Stop bullying other people
Also stop bullying me
Anything lower than a 9/10 is just bullshit
Oh well try to check it some compilations of that stuff I swear it's worth your time
It you don't like it I'll make it up dw

>I'm off to sleep now
It's been wonderful once more, night!
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Kyouko (10).jpg
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Pay denbts/10

Michiru is best Grisaia :^)
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Syndra [176].jpg
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I tought it wasnt a problem for you.
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15 KB, 250x300
Meowmel is better
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this a better photo

goodnight yuno good luck at school
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Kyouko (20).png
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But he's dead.
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good night
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1 MB, 500x281
I mean... It's not exactly a problem. Just in the interest my sanity and following the rules...

You're meaner
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best smile.jpg
567 KB, 1920x1080
It's not a big deal.
Goodnight, I hope you sleep nicely.
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>Nobody knows any good hentai
Only for a few seconds though, plus it doesn't ruin your sexy face so you can have an open casket funeral.
That was rhetorical
You heard correct, its just idolising Chris, even though he was an asshole who lied, broke the law, and eventually got shot for his retardation.
I'm nice to nearly everyone. Just ask around. You're the mean one here.
File: Syndra [271].png (470 KB, 900x1125) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [271].png
470 KB, 900x1125
>Michiru is best Grisaia
Please no.
Isnt that what im going for?
You have done worse, boat.
Dorei Usagi to Anthony was good, Victorian Maid No Houshi, Futabu Mix Futanari World (if you're into futa), Love 2 Quad, Mankitsu Happening, and Baka na Imouto wo Rikou ni Suru no wa Ore no xx dake na Ken ni Tsuite
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2 MB, 540x304
If you say so... I'm not fond of disturbing the peace if i can avoid it though.
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Wew i know how he lied about a lot of fucking shit

Made me laugh
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Fucking loser. What's important is you getting a life.
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Syndra [195].jpg
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But can you avoid it?
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259 KB, 513x800

Clean my garage. You thought I was going to finish that song, but it was me, the anon who's about to take a stroll down memory lane!
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except me
He's a loser because he has a 2d girl that makes him happy?

Hiya Syndra.

I just got done rearranging the garage a bit. I actually have fucking room in my room!
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chibi (22).png
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That's more up to you than me.
Except you. Because you're mean to me.
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How are you doing today?
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Accidental Soda.gif
2 MB, 533x300
Real nigga right here
Yeah some of my family was talking about him and when I said he lied about his medals none of them believed me because "It would have been on the news" and none of them would look it up.
>They seriously believe the news tells you everything you could ever know and it never lies
>That pic
File: chibi (2.1).jpg (216 KB, 869x988) Image search: [Google]
chibi (2.1).jpg
216 KB, 869x988
File: tumblr_o9r6954bwQ1sorxx9o2_500.png (142 KB, 500x284) Image search: [Google]
142 KB, 500x284
File: 1472794153131.gif (88 KB, 10000x10000) Image search: [Google]
88 KB, 10000x10000
Can't steal my waifu .gif
File: 189134.jpg (29 KB, 225x350) Image search: [Google]
29 KB, 225x350
Heya turds!
Mako claimed
File: 1471468533104.jpg (585 KB, 955x1500) Image search: [Google]
585 KB, 955x1500
Jesus christ, galil

That's honestly fucking sad tbh

Everyone in my family might be dumb to a degree, but at least they aren't that dumb

>the pic i used

I got one more, Galil-chan~
File: 1471366293832.gif (2 MB, 260x320) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 260x320
Not many things kill my browser, and this failed as well.

Nice try.
File: 1461111999329.jpg (52 KB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 600x338
File: image.jpg (124 KB, 1500x844) Image search: [Google]
124 KB, 1500x844
No wonder I couldn't open it

Unless you mean like the cellular virus
File: Its Her.png (477 KB, 1024x724) Image search: [Google]
Its Her.png
477 KB, 1024x724
When I open this gif Chrome just crashes
I need to excuse myself for a minute
I laughed
File: Syndra [223].jpg (340 KB, 747x1200) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [223].jpg
340 KB, 747x1200
Probuably not.
Anybody who opened this is fucked
File: 1465733354144.jpg (41 KB, 300x280) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 300x280
Opened multiple times without any problems, feels good to not own a potato.
File: Queen_of_dominatrix_201.jpg (233 KB, 750x420) Image search: [Google]
233 KB, 750x420
No i use my computer not my phone
File: 1471905054408.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
File: Chaika.png (2 MB, 10000x10000) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 10000x10000
>mfw even this image can crash lesser computers
File: received_164702320607300.jpg (28 KB, 953x536) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 953x536
Have fun then if you're doing what I think you're doiny, Galil-chan~
Decent enough. Got around to getting that haircut, and holy shit was it overdue.
>My mom is also fine with me getting that RX7, providing I figure out a way to finance it.
So might be going back out in a few minutes here to head to the bank for a bit.
I am the one don't weigh a ton don't need a gun to get respect up on the streets
File: MakoReizei01.jpg (11 KB, 200x311) Image search: [Google]
11 KB, 200x311
Wait, what's going on? What does the image do?
File: shizuruisveryexpressive.gif (2 MB, 540x420) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 540x420
Well damn. I guess i'll just wait on you commanding me to do something then.
File: Syndra [267].jpg (61 KB, 500x498) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [267].jpg
61 KB, 500x498
Calm down Roryprime
Hand cunt?
File: received_162832617460937.jpg (34 KB, 490x701) Image search: [Google]
34 KB, 490x701
That's nice!

I also somehow ended up cutting the side of my hand a little bit a couple days ago
You can't get a virus from opening an image, if you download it and extract it as a zip file maybe.
How the dicks did you manage to do that?!

>Yep, heading out again. Tele me Cat!
Nope. Just a .gif file.

Keep guessing.
Kyouko you lazy basterd
Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 151

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