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Mami claiming thread Previous:>>702706116 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 151
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Mami claiming thread


>Claim your Mami/Mami
>No Claiming Mamis/Mamis that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in Mami
>Most importantly, have fun!
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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Mami claimed.
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still here
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What's happening now?
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Alice 28.jpg
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Mai is actually Chen.
I'll find a way to prove it.
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Reaction F1.png
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>Joining means a reserved place in Mami
And then the people realized.
In a way, they were all Mami.
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hey kyouko, a little birdy told me you play Siege?

That's my fav. also you are cute.
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I was waiting to be called be somebody else but if you wanna guess I will give you ONE hint, I am here for at least a decade and never used a name
You're the same anon who were claiming Chesire Cat, aren't you?
Make sure to turn off traction control for maximum fun!
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>I am here for at least a decade and never used a name
Then don't fuck it up now.
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Hello, Chen.
I would but honestly it's beyond saving now
Is she your wife?
Do you celebrate her birthday?
Do you cry when you remember she isn't real?
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Welcome back senpai!

Claiming Felix
Mai has three letters, you know what else has three letters? cat.
Chen is a cat
Allison cleared her throat. "Jones, take it away."
Jones set his Mami plushy down. Squeezing it while he waited had provided little of the comfort and encouragment he needed.
"M A M I." he spoke, his will crumbling as he pointed to the letters on the board, and a weak giggle slipping out after the 'A.' "It stands for Multiversally Awere Martian Info-organism."
Yes, you are.
Stop lying.
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Kyouko (32).png
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Hello, and yes, I play on PC.

Haven't played in like 2 weeks tho, but it's a game I enjoy a lot when playing with friends.

Nothing too important.

Who cares anymore
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Well, I can hardly get anyone to reply to me so I guess I already did
Persistence is important tho
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Chen is Mai confirmed.
The funny fact is that Mai started a lot of shit, same did Chen.
We never used "elite" in our thread, but they are the one who came up with it.
This is my theory.
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"Mami" Is literally just "Mai" with an "m' tacked on, you aren't fooling anyone.
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yup I'll get that sucker off. And play this in the background
I think Mai has bipolarity disorder
Chen by day
Mai by night
Again, who cares?
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I actually got so sick of playing with my friends. I was ranked diamond and they dragged me down. So i had to make a new team of strangers on the forums. Was the best thing i could of done. But that's just my experience.

I fucking love that game. Besides it being a little buggy at first it's simply amazing. Voice chat is a must. Give me Thermite or sledge on attack and Jaegar or Castle on defend and it's game over.

What do you think of the new operators? I dig them because they are the first two released that didn't completely break the game imo.
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Thread is also pretty dead
Do you have a chatroom or anything of the sort?
I approve of this message
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Or, maybe, 'Mami' is just 'Manhattan' with the last 7 letters taken out, and then 'm' and 'i' added.
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Yup. Should be back to being lazy now.
There is but anyone there is a elitist
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>Do you have a chatroom or anything of the sort?
Now you fucked up.
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Taiga claim <3
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Kyouko (106).jpg
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New operators are fun, I like Caveira because when you manage to interrogate people it's pretty statisfying (and useful).

Capitao is fun, the crossbow is interesting and can be pretty useful sometimes.

And yes, atleast none of them has a Super 90 2.0
Hi Chen.
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Shut it down
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there is a chatroom yes.
Only here a week and already a elitist
You were right mai,
You were right.
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Sad Lean.jpg
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>That shitty stance
Absolute crap
No, she is my waifu
Her birthday is unknown
She is real though.
Who cares
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You know it's you Mai, give it up.
Hiya Cat!

Try this on for size when you first start to hit it!
Elitism would've saved this place, if it existed like people say

It would've kept a lot of retards away
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Okay, care to explain what an "elitist" this day and age means?



You'll make threads crawlin' if you have another place more cozy to converge. Bad idea.
Hi, Chen.
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Homura (61).png
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Mai is not a person, it's an idea.
Elitism is just a meme that some people call others if they use any mean of communication outside of the thread

Nothing more than a meme
Elitist is just something made up by Mai (Chen, probably Mi Liu aswell) to start shit between newfags and oldfags.
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i only use it when i play games. there is a skype one im in but only about 4 anons use it
Your waifu should be your wife
do you celebrate your anniversaries?
She's a gun, right?
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Mai is a character from Nichijou
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Mai is a bully
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What the fuck.jpg
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I can quite confidently say I started posting here about a month ago and that I have never saved a picture of Cheshire cat. I don't do husbando's
Kyoukutie up to anything tonight?
Welcome back. How was it?
I should have screencapped the Discord.
I've seen shit behind the curtains you wouldn't comprehend.
Is just a thread.
Who cares?
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Heya senpai!
Mai is a person
You are the only retard to call mai a idea
Elitism was actually a thing but it seems like they have actually made it (they being mai and mi liu) be more of just soemthing to use when you are shitposting

Elitism is good.

sekrit discord or newfag discord?
What discord, there's like 3
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Wife is a legal term
We don't really have an anniversary
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That shit is funny
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Kyouko (33).png
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Playing Hearthstone, you?
If this post is dubs, you must suck my tits.
Like what? People shitalking others? You should expect that when the thread broke into different groups
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It killed all communities starting from GAL and AuA till the latest horsefuckers and so on.
I see some sense in that, calling it elitism instead of what it is is rather dumb tho.

Care to elaborate more on that conflict?

Not much, wouldn't justify the thread speed
How many people post here in total?
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It was pretty good. How was your weekend?
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So do you guys use namesync or have you not evolved to that point yet?
>Elitism is good.

Elitism was made into a meme at this point

If it still existed, this place would be a better place.
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wew this sure bumps. I'll be sure to put this on for extra style points and to let people know I'm not messing around
>It killed all communities starting from GAL and AuA till the latest horsefuckers and so on.
I've seen it happen a million times, they never listen.
Some people do.
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Homura (44).png
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>Her birthday is unknown
I would recommend you to make up a date or pick one that is important for her or both of you.

In my case I decided to celebrate March 16, which is what Homura resets the timeline into.

A cute one.

There you are.

It's a dip you meme.
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Kyouko (22).jpg
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A few people do, most of the people don't.
I'm not spoonfeeding you
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not sure. it doesnt really matter in the end either.
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Why not most?

That is how you take shitposting to the maximum level.
How ya doin?

It truly met the sammich end.

If you want people to know you're not messing around, this is truly the best choice.
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Kyouko (10).jpg
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Lazy people/People thinking that NS is a bad thing in a circlejerk
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Gasp Phone.jpg
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There's no specific date that is important to us.
Ok i will ask you, if you legally could would you marry her?
Your anniversary should be on a special day, you could choose it to be on the day you met her or whenever you want
Do you own her?
That is exactly my point.
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>best fox claimed
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Waifu Machine - Magic Beneath.jpg
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I approve of those socks.
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I'm doing good. Still playing gtav because i have nothing else to do. What about you?
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So how active are these anyways? I am thinking of trying out these threads for a bit.

Are mods banning?
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Kyouko (17).jpg
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Mods ban sometimes and it's only OP.

I got banned like 4 times in 3 days sometime ago, recently it seems rather calm though.

But yeah, bans do happen, but it's not very often, usually.
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Y-you too.jpg
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they vary in activity, and only OP ever seems to get banned, though that's rare
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Listening never used to be a strong side of the posters in these kind of threads. Guess history repeats itself for those who never learn from it

I'm just not sure, so the oldfags now are against outside gathering? Because back then it was pretty much the opposite, the old ones had to force the new lads to a new spots so they won't get rekt by stuff like Laughing Man and Guts

Kinda does I guess. You don't have a number?

They are still alive, no? Barely but alive
They are filled with shitposters like Mi Liu, Mai, Chen, Dio, Spike, Tomoko who will make your day shittier.
You should just leave as long as you can
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Chen, Mi liu and Mai are scape goats created by the 8gag namefag cartel (Animus) in order to completely take over /waifu/ and normalize degenerate anti-anonymous tripfag culture.
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alright im back
extra comfy edition
couldnt sleep in bed so brougt my bed to my pc
how is everyone?
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Alice 33.jpg
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Which shit?
Playing WoW. Just started doing a Karazhan run
Boring and uneventful as always.

>didn't press enter
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Homura (93).jpg
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It's 24/7, sadly, because this dries out any waifu related discussion and for most of the time it's just a random circlejerk.
Depending on the time of the day, threads can last from 20 minutes to 3 hours.

>Are mods banning?
Sometimes a bored mod will ban OP and delete 3 or 4 threads before getting bored.
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Eyes are burning, and I'm yawning a lot. I don't have anymore plans to go back out for the day, wondering if my sleep schedule is worth fucking over right now.

I dunno, I've not been near there in years. I only have this single cap that I for some reason found funny.

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wtf I hate discord now
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not a clue. good check mobile it tells how many posters in a thread. probably a way to check it without doing that though.
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Miho claimed

Im mad as fuck right now.
i'm glad they moved to dying chan.
Embracing the meme.
I like you.
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This is going on my FormulaD playlist I'll be using when the time is right
how comfy from 1 to 10?
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Please don't pet the doggo.jpg
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whas wrong?
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And we're not going to take it anymore!
Miho is Mai
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You should try to get some sleep then if you're feeling tired, senpai
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this is a very comfy 9
>sheets around me
>sitting on pillow
>listening to zelda orchestra
only reason its no 10 is because im hungry but too comfy to get food
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You have to be more creative than tacking another letter on your name, Mio.
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Oh, how the mighty have fallen. So, what was your name, maybe we know each other

I see, well I don't have a mobile or refuse to modify 4chan in any way but thanks for the help anyway
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So it is kinda like old days. When the anime threads got super popular, everyone in threads got banned

Ah, I see. Mostly Americans here then?

I have been part of many communities in my time with much, much worse shitposters. I am probably one of the worst offenders myself

No, don't try, or no don't ban?

So who is the head of these threads?
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I remember when Frost first came out and people would like scream and run. I didn't pay with premium so i never fuck with the new operators until the hype has died down. I usually find ppl just fight over them.

It's funny in my group this guy who plays caveira whenever he interrogates people he yells on the mic "WHERES RACHEL" like on batman the dark knight.

Head died, i guess kyouko is the closest there is now
I can't really say for sure, lots of people from all over come here

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TheWonderfulNui (150).jpg
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Hi, Yuno!
>the head of this threads
The holy trinity of shitposters.
You'll learn about them later on.
Three people, just as one.
pls respond
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>Zelda orchestra
I love video games orchestras I saw a local one this summer it was great
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Went to get a EVGA 780 3GB off letgo. I check it looks good.

Get home plug it in. Its a MSI 750 ti 2GB

My rage is real.


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>So who is the head of these threads?
Remember goys, elitism is just a meme.
You have absolutely no clue how much eurobeat I actually posses, do you?

I should, but we'll see what happens.
>I'm down to one eye, the right one is burning too much to keep it open.

I've chosen to disassociate myself with anything from before /waifu/, so I'd rather not say. Plus, I was only there for a small time frame. The last thing I remember was one of the guys being on a pina colada binge.
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You are a fucking faggot
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evening Nui
again happy to see you
sleeping early was the best decision.
how are you?
in case you wanted to hear, its the offical one you get if you pre ordered skyward sword
because of 25th aniverseray
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HomuSaya (12).jpg
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>So who is the head of these threads?
It's not supposed to have any hierarchy. The threads were first started by Tenryuu and some jokingly call him the fuhrer, but he isn't an usual poster anymore.

Nadeshiko looks pretty cute.
The biggest autistic virgin on /b/ makes these threads
This is why you sell bad trucks to fools quickly
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where'd you get it?
>only three people
I think 2 of them are given more credit than what they do
Mi Liu has being doing ALL the shitposting himself this entire time
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I am intrigued and scared at the same time
wow they really sound great
>that was such a cute picture too
Found it on letgo. Its like offer up.

Because Mi Liu is all of them, yes.
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Okay, so do you have a general theme for this? Hope its not hugboxing

Do you think this is a good investment?
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Nui is nice! Why do you like her?!

And you are?

That sounds sort of ominous. Where do I sign up to be head shitposter?

*puts your finger down* You need to calm down

Oh, a Yuno poster! I used to have like a 2k image Yuno folder but the hard drive got fucked and I don't think I ever uploaded to dropbox. Sad times

Well, there are always the "regulars" who keep the thread active. I am sure I will find out who those people are soon enough. You actually seem like sort of a regular yourself

Also, yes she is very cute

You make the threads?!?

mi liu is a trick bitch
Mi Liu fucking left, when is the last time you've seen the filename "memo"
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witty file name 16.jpg
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TheWonderfulNui (88).png
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Doing great! though internet is acting up a bit today, but i got the smash mods working! though i feel kinda stupid i didn't realize this sooner. but at least now i cando crazy stuff like have Waluigi fight Satsuki Kiryuin on deku palace.

also got into the first two episodes of Danganronpa with Shiro anon.
Time to take it out on society

>Hope its not hugboxing

Some anon that posts Yuuko a lot.
I believe Mi Liu is also several of the posters here
He uses different filenames to not give it away
I hate clear liquid diet. Its only for a day but I want to eat all the things. Working with food isnt helping at all.
Somehow words got mixed around
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These threads HAD TO evolve
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flower hat!.jpg
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You seem very friendly. Welcome to the threads.
Hey there.
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You should at the very least just rest your eyes for a little bit
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She's technically a child, so probably not.
We don't have any special days, I met her long before I realized I loved her.
She's extremely hard to get a hold of, once I do get her though I'll celebrate that ad our anniversary.
>Cooking, sorry for late reply
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>how do I become the head of shitposters
You can't. I don't think there is one because they don't like eachother
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yea it is amazing i listen to this everytime im upset and need to calm down
Legend of Zelda holds a very special place in my heart
>yea i have been finding amazin artwork on yuno
its amazing how god people are, kinda makes me jealous
>Yuno poster!
might you be new perhaps? there is always a yuno poster here
either me or youknow
i mean no disrespect ofcourse
oh great job! can you try to explain what was wrong to me?

oh damn you are actually getting your life together
wish i could say the same, still no KLK
did you enjoy it?
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TheWonderfulNui (47).gif
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A lot of reasons, she's got a marvelous and adorable design and i love her playful and cute personality.
How's it going, Shiro?
Hello shiro.
Every thread i see today seems off.

Excited to be back to the old grind tomorrow?

<3 ~
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Maximum overfluff.jpg
80 KB, 600x429
Shockibgly the internet isn't reliable to buy things on
Hope it didn't cost much

why are you dieting?
Small bowel MRI tomorrow morning. Has to be clear.
Then straight into work again. Fun times.
Boogie~ Boogie~
Tottenshan Ton
Fu Pue Pa Po Hohhohoho~
Boogie~ Boogie~
Tetta~ tetta~ Wa~ na~
46.6GB of PURE eurobeat.
>The only song fitting to describe it

What, /waifu/? I like it. It's nice enough, not really hug-boxy depending on who you associate with, and for the most part the conversations can be good. All in all, out of the last 2 communities on /b/ I've been a part of, this has by far been the best.
>Ignoring the shitposters, the amount of drama is insanely low from what I've sen
>I can get a bit hug-boxy, but it's generally for a reason and not just "muh feelings" or some stupid shit like that
All in all, stick around for a week or so, if you like it, great. If not, oh well, was worth a shot.


Maybe, maybe. If it gets a bit cooler, I will.
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Homura (A30).jpg
4 MB, 2557x3709
Close to everyone that you're seeing here right now could be called regulars.
here's my only daki
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>it's a Chuck Norris joke
Glad i didn't get it, thread would've esploded

Oh sounds like fun
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I'm planning to stick, altho I'm really bad at hugboxing stuff
Also this captcha is pissing me the fuck off
But what can I do for eating? Its lunchtime.
And scotch is also clear. As is tequila. And several other spirits.
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cutie with apron.jpg
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Fine enough. Run could've been better. You?
How so?
Not really, no. What you up to today?
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36 KB, 500x465

Cost me $50 still pissed that 780 was better then my 960
>>Ignoring the shitposters, the amount of drama is insanely low from what I've sen
The shitposters make up the majority of posts.
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Nice get

And do whatever makes you feel better, okay?
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Nice to meet you! I am Murder!

Thank you for the kind words. Who may you be?

I can bring the threads together. Murder for president!


I am new. Also, aren't you supposed to only have one avatar per poster?

What about the whole killer part?

Oh, that is neato then

Go post in /animus/
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sometimes I wish I pushed on and got into bigger concert bands after highschool but I didn't feel like attending so many practices
you're a madman
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TheWonderfulNui (49).png
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I put the code to extend the character icon amount but didn't realize BrawlEX's rosterconfig did it on it's own anyway, but with both of them at once they conflicted and ended up eating up the roster rather than extending it.

my life will be the same for a while but at least i did something.

You mean the stream? yeah it was a lot of fun! sorry i didn't wait though, wanted to do it at the perfect time.

Doing well, might take a shower in a bit.

What happened on your run?
Try another species Chen, you aren't gonna fool me just by changing your waifu's gender.
>Go post in /animus/
No don't
it's amazing how your body always manages to keep your testicles at such a comfortable temp
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2 MB, 2449x2042
You know what it probably is. School just started.

I'm getting involved in sad conversations with people over the internet. You?

So say some stuff about yourself.


No you're snakes not crows
Don't gotta hugbox it. Shit, other than teasing people and talking about Warships/car/bike stuff, I generally don't talk a lot.
>But I can talk about that stuff fairly often surprisingly enough


Might have to sleep then. The burning is slowly spreading to my throat as well.

It's a full 236 albums worth. It's truly a collection to envy.
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Crude. Rude.
Oh. You.
You come from the place, using it as an insult only lashes back at you too, realize that

I'm nobody important, I'd rather hear about you guys
Music, movies, animus, anything goes

What is your profession?
Also, aren't you supposed to only have one avatar per poster?
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TheWonderfulNui (42).gif
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She's still adorable even when she does that.
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>implying snakes are not more murderous than crows

P.S. I got the pun, but I just wanted to use this image
Why do u guys want a new mama u already got a mom lol and she loves u mpre than heaven and earth more than life and love itself.....
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are you trying to insult me?
me and him have complete opposite timezones so
we are very rarely on together and we can co exist very well
what isntrument did you play?
perhaps you can start picking it up again
if you are good enough there is still place somewhere
small bands or orchestras
oh i see. i dont think you coud have known this
but now you know right?

i was kinda joking, how we both promised to watch something but never got to it?
you beat me to the punch

its completely fine, i invited myself
you two wanted to do that im glad you had a good time
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It's a pun you autist.
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Are you drunk?
My waifu is afraid of snakes.
This is doomed from the start.

<3 <3


I'm not fucking chen you fucking nigger

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TheWonderfulNui (93).png
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Still, it'd be really nice to do it with you.

perhaps you could watch the first two and we can watch the rest together?
Security guard at night for a business building downtown. Going to be going to school to be a mechanic though.
>I don't need some high paying job
>I just want to work on cars all day
And yours?
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Jesus christ

Then sleep if you're burning like that
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QOTT: how do I convince my sister to start dating black men?
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upside down best.jpg
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My waifu is Shiro.
Showers are nice.
I don't know.
Tired. Bored. Should listen to an album.
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22 KB, 564x318
a collection worthy of a drift king
I don't think I could it's been very long and I wasn't that good. I played the trumpet.
You're such a bad shitposter

Can't even impersonate people right
It's parody not documentary.
talk about bbc
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I need to make that at home.
One of my friends was Porsche Australias first female apprentice
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I actually probably agree with this statement

I mean, I am not welcome there so I don't see how I am insulting myself

There really isn't a better word for it. You make a folder and post using that character to identify yourself

I can't argue with that. I enjoy cute murderous girls

See my above response to that anon. Either way, what drew you to Yuno? Yandere lover?

>I can't read

These can be kinda cute though. Small doses

Ah, I know another Shiro poster from years ago. Still talk to him, but it is a good choice either way
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TheWonderfulNui (79).jpg
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What do you mean? i assume something went wrong?
Well said.
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Paid government shill as of the moment, used to be shift and company leader for 6 years and then some, saved enough money to slack off

>Security guard at night
How much does that pay by the way? And where do you live? Wanna compare

>I am not welcome there

We bros now. I am not welcome anywhere
Your albums seem so energetic for listening to while tired.

So what do you do?

Angry lewding sounds dangerous
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im okay with this
but i dont know what time you want to start
i can start watching right now, since i wasnt sure what to listen anyway
but did you enjoy it? if you practise a bit you can become a bit better again.
some hobbyists who arent that good might enjoy your company
not pushing you but maybe give it another shot, i cant do it so im a bit jealous honestly
at this point i truly wonder what you want from this thread
it is a waifu thread, and it we recognise each other by our waifu's
but yes more or less
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Last image get
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Proof That She Is Fox.gif
699 KB, 500x300
I think I'm going to lay down for a while, if anyone wants to talk to me, message me on Telegram.
Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 151

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