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why are americans so fat and stupid and disgusting?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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why are americans so fat and stupid and disgusting?
Shit food: $1.00
Healthy food: $15

Majority of Americans can't afford healthy food or are uninformed about what cause obesity.

Or just addicted to fatty foods
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Gee I dunno.

Why are bongs so fat and disgusting, along with being total cucks?
This. Plus a McDonalds around pretty much every corner.
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you're truly retarded

I've made the same wage since 2001. It's literally 1/3 of my income to eat healthy, 1/2 of my income to pay my mortgage, and the rest for insurance and a car.

Some people choose to eat poorly so they can go on vacation.
you have been paid the same since 01? 15 years with no progression?

Jesus man. change something.
*carby foods
I don't know man. I'm sorry that we are so unappealing to you guys :(
if you are poor in america. You can get food from food banks. Food banks largely have non perishable food which is mostly salty, prosessed and high in fat.
Also, we are not the fattest by any means anymore
but you are the first real country on that list.
same here, work for indians. They don't give raises to anyone except other indians. Shit sucks, getting ready to quit. Last time I had a raise was about 6 years ago when I had a white woman for a boss
mexico and iceland are not real countries?
sounds like you should move on. you probably stink of curry as well. should get hazard pay from that.
no. one is run by cartels and the other is north of the wall
>real countries

You probably think of that as US, China, and what ever shitty little country you're from, correct?
Don't think syrians or palestineians are more overweight than usa cucks just saying
1st world western countries and asian countries with their shit together. Taiwan, Japan, China etc
Why did Americans dominate the olympics?
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by all measures they are.
Needs to be told the real reason when he is thinking its something else. Dumb American detected.
Afican American dominate
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It's %100 intentional
Bush ensured that all Americans that are not rich are stupid as fuck (see common core).

Their cheap food is made with chemical bi products that corporations would normally have to pay to dispose of. Human Chemical waste disposal units (read ingredients on image, illegal to eat most those chems in my country )
Phelps? he alone has more medals than most countries will ever see.
better drugs
Do you trust the telegraph? Amerifats really are retarded
Even then, that would make iceland the fattest country
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yeah, better be careful with all those chemicals listed
In American society, many types of food consumers choose to eat cause their bodies to react in a way negative to their overall health. Rather than dealing with this epidemic with sensible food portions and nutrient rich foods, a movement (if you could call it that) called Body Positive was introduced. This allows these group of people with an unhealthy and an unrealistic idea of what is healthy to thrive and influence others. Whilst not being required to acknowledge their consistent personal demise and self harm, the complacency and sometimes positive outlook on their choice in obesity is criticized by medical professionals, garbage men and many other reasonable people.
nope. too many wildlings
Trumps fault

bullshit. Rice, beans and chicken is not expensive.
This is actually in Canada
dubs confirm
>In the afterlife Allah will grant me 40 Virgin Pizzas
Hello newfag. How do you do?
There so much evidence that these body positivity groups have little support so to say these groups have any major affect on american society is absurd.
I think that would fit under my argument that people are just addicted. Sure you can eat rice beans and chicken everyday, but most Americans just can't go without their big macs.
White Rice is a carb. It has zero nutrition and unless you work off that carb, it turns straight to sugar. Also, bean are also high in carbohydrates.
So, what you basically said was that sugar, sugar, and chicken are not expensive. Furthermore, you know what chicken is the cheapest? skin on dark meat chicken.
So.... yeah...
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sounds like excuses. all this diet bullshit is ridiculous. just fucking go to the gym you fat fucks.
quads get. All hail quads
Stupid fuck
beans, rice, frozen veggies
cheaper than shit food
lel you marxist cuck
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Wouldn't know. Live in the glorious state of Colorado with the lowest obesity rates in the country.

I am about to get some McD's down the road, though because fuck you this country is awesome that's why

6'1, 170lbs here.
It's still dubs
Double dubs or quads
Welcome summerfag
Honestly OP, do you think that EVERY American is overweight, ugly, and stupid?
I don't believe EVERY Muslim is a terrorist, or EVERY black is a nigger, so why do you give in to THIS stereotype? Is it because you are jealous of our Democracy, our Government and how things are run here? Do you want to move here because of our superior Legal system? Because if you want to move here, we would welcome you in open arms. Not everyone here is as awful as your media makes us out to be.
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Europigs detected.
America is #1, why don't you 3rd world europigs cuck yourselves more for the rapefugees, faggots?
Can't wait until the muslimes bomb all of your major cities.
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chill out, son
America is great. Im sure there is plenty over there to be jealous about but your government is not one of them, be honest with yourself.
like boston?
> Murica
> Democracy
exercise is much less useful then eating healthier food. take something vigorous like pushups. If you do pushups for 30 minutes a day. you will only burn around 240 calories which is less then a salad at panera bread. Most people would rather just not eat.
America is still number 1 in getting its major cities bombed
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post more typical american women to laugh at like OPs

Actually wasn't Common Core Obama's big push? Bush was was all about the No Child Left Behind crap.
Nice one.

The average american still lives like royalty in comparison to the average person in other countries.
you have never worked out a day in your life so dont dismiss it because it sounds hard. nobody does 30 mins of pushups. you do reps. do 20 then rest and do another 20. repeat as much as you feel you need. also i was thinking cardio for the fatties. pushing up 400lbs with flabby arms is not gonna happen.

Once you get going your brain starts releasing them good endorphin's. shits great. makes you want that burn.
> north of the wall

Lost muh shit
If you read past the first sentence: or are uninformed/addicted

Typical "libertarian anarchist" edgy faggot go back to mommies basement
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Ok stop saying that junkfood is cheaper in the US and that's why people are fat. Just no. 1 happy meal might be cheaper, but 1 happy meal 3x a day won't make you fat, 10 happy meals will get you to this state of obesity, and for the price of all that junkfood they can easily afford healthy food.
I'd say the same for U.K, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, The Dutch. west really is best.
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From an American, this is the most sensible thing that has been said on thid thread.
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Why are euros so bored that they make these threads every 2 hours?
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lol 'murrican health care
eurofag asking the same
Babies ruin everything. Abort the little economy killer
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same reason you reply to them. we are bored because we want for nothing.
trips don't lie
the point is that its not worth it. If you had to pick between cutting out food, vs spending an hour or so a day everyday doing mindless exercise. You are going to pick the cutting out of food or reduced caloric food because most people in america who are overweight also work long hours and have to dedicate more of their time to other activities because they can not afford to have services or other people do them. This is why people tend to gain weight after they have children and why the poor tend to weigh more then the wealthy. Its not rocket science.
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its excuses. plain and simple. the science is as simple as burn more calories than you eat. very easy to do.
The fuck is wrong with carbs you fucking girl
>last raise 6 years ago
>getting ready to quit
No you're not, you pussy. They haven't given you a raise bc they know you won't do anything about it.

nothing wrong with carbs if you are going to use the glucose created within a short period. The problem is with the portions most will eat, their body will not use all of the available energy created and thus store it as fat.
How many terrorists have arrested you? How many police officers arrested you? Do you see who is worse and takes your freedom?
what point are you trying to get across? besides looking like a fucking retard?
What's funny is we're not even the fattest country anymore. Britbongs and mexicans are both fatter.
Serious answer though, America is all about speed. We want food now. We don't care if it's healthy, take my money and give me food. Nobody cooks anymore and the average person simply can't be asked to read nutritional labels, much less understand them.
yeah man you sound /fit/ approved not like i live on that shit and am 6'1 190 @ 9% bf...

go to a fucking gym
In the end it's not the carbs that'll make you fat, it's the surplus of calories, whether this is protein or carbs it doesn't matter. You can get fat off fish and skinny off potatoes.
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Thats why they put laxatives into the food, so it can be shat out. Without laxatives those chemicals would take months to pass
Its easy to do if you have an extra hour in your day of leisure time. The less leisure time, the less likely you are going to spend it exercising. Are you brain damaged or just some dickhead who is like "I LIKE TO EXERCISE! IF OTHER PEOPLE DON'T LIKE EXERCISE AS MUCH AS ME THEY JUST DON'T KNOW HOW GREAT EXERCISE IS!"
Similarly to vegans, people who complain about smokers, people who don't do drugs or alcohol, people who complain about coffee. You basically are just trying to dictate your likes on everyone else and not everyones brain works the same way your brain works.
I like to program, How would you like me to sit you down for an hour a day and teach you lisp and emacs and when you complain I just call it an excuse and explain how great it is for your brain and your potential earnings?
So, you are overweight AND stupid? Thanks MURICA
>mudslimes mudslime up a store or school or night club
>dumb white people vote away my rights
Literally happens on a monthly basis.
Lift weights and you can still be a fat fuck bc dirty bulk

you're clearly just fucking lazy
Fast food. Plus you will "offend" someone if you say fat people aren't beautiful.
Police officers are by definition terrorists FYI

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
Shit ameribro, you need to sort something out for yourself. Living like that is going to put you in the ground a young man. Start looking for another gig. Don't just quit. It's easier to look for a job when you have a job, as they say. Don't get stuck in that rut man.
our government... nuff said!
Or you could eat less and workout. Then again, lost of Americans don't give a shit about their health.
Most people are stupid. Roughly 10-20% of adults can't read, that's in every first world country.
Throw in fast food and microwavable meals and a culture that enforces "go go go eat eat eat" and you get a bunch of fatties. I'm assuming the same thing happened in England. Though Mexicans should be able to cook....their food is probably just too good.
Australia is the fattest country by the way. Any image you had of hot surfchicks in bikini, you may now replace those with obese whales waddling around.
You're welcome
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Putin gets it
i smoke, drink and do copious amounts of drugs. still go to the gym. coders also go to the gym. its part of being an adult. unless you want to look disgusting ofcourse. nobody likes going to the gym at first. its later the rewards come.

And on that programming. i have started teaching myself that. Im only doing basics now but have to start somewhere. got them if/thens down. The fact you got angry tells a lot.
I'm not fat, I just don't eat much so I'm not fat, but its just simple math as to why people don't exercise.
Humans weigh advantages and disadvantages. The cost of exercising (doing something you don't want to do) is not worth the reward of exercise (a couple hundred of calories).
If you LIKE exercise, then you would exercise in the first place and not be fat because you already like it.
So, if you are trying to get people who don't like exercise to exercise for their health. You have to lower their perceived cost.
One of the costs of exercise is that it takes time. So people who have more leisure time will see exercise as less expensive then people who have less because the cost is lower another way is to make exercise more entertaining thusly minimizing the perceived cost. However, both of those also require money which then is relative dependent on the persons available capital.

Hence, the less money you have, the less you are going to exercise and bad food is cheaper then good food. Naturally, you end up with fatter poor people and skinnier wealthy people.
Poor education and bad food.
At least they get their required 10k steps a day with all the trips to the kitchen and fastfood joints. That's something
dunno. ask our gold medals

I want to know how she got into the store
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Corn is subsidised by taxpayers in the US to the point where it can go to market for a price cheaper than it costs to produce. There's your problem. Vote for someone who is willing to eliminate this subsidy, move it to broccoli or send the niggers back to Africa.
Horrible comparison..
I'm not fat because I don't really eat much or crave to eat. I'm frustrated because you are retarded who cant perceive other peoples perspectives outside of your own. There is a lot of shit you don't like to do because it does not interest you. Having someone try to force you into be interested in something does not make people interested. You just end up being one of THOSE people.
Basically, you are little better then a person trying to force someone to watch MLP because its your thing.
traditionally fat ment prosperous and skinny ment poor. switched somewhere.

Again tho you are just making excuses. go for a walk. thats free. start jogging maybe. also free. i dont get your angle of costs. surely it costs more to sit around the house eating up your foood and using utilities and the like.
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who told you this?
They are soooo gross. I'm glad I'm a deadsexy European.

Eat your heart out Amerilards!
so your health doesnt interest you? and im the retard. you're an excuse making machine.
Eyes Opened.

not an americafag, but still just got educated. (read anon's post / searched for more information)

Holy shit american kids have it bad.
underrated post

Do you know how much shit garbage food I can get for 10 bucks vs how much healthy food I can get for 10 bucks?
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Legit as fuck.
The majority of what you eat on a daily basis has corn in some form in it. Corn of course processed into tasty but nutritionally empty sugar.

i thought mexico would appear more in the shitty categories...
Fastfood might be unhealthy but is not what makes you fat. Pigging out on the fastfood is what makes you fat. You could easily live off McD's burgers n fries and stay slim, if you don't eat in a calorie surplus.
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your dubs quads has spoken
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That is an actual nugget of shit, wow
not all costs are financial. Time is a cost. Jogging and walking take more time and offer little rewards.
Take cigarettes for example, cigarettes offer an immediate reward. Nicotine. People tried to educate people of the dangers of cigarettes (cancer, which is a cost) but since the award of nicotine is immediate and the cost of cancer is long term. People smoke. If cigarettes immediatey caused cancer. No one would smoke. Hence the most effective way to get people to quit smoking was literally raising the cost of cigarettes. People have to reassess their desires for money vs nicotine and cigarette consumption goes down.
Although, many people who seek the relief of cigarettes also do so because they have more burdens and use it as a form of self medication. So cigarette taxes while benefiting the overall health of the nation also puts a burden on the poor.
i must see those bush fires
do you have an argument? or are you just a mad amerifat?
That operation allows the user to use their heel as a joint instead of a knee when wearing an artificial leg, It's actually a really advanced operation when you think about it, attaching the ligaments ect. I'm not american though btw
Also don't forget feed corn for muh cheeseburgers. That's why the shit is dirt cheap.
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>spends it all on military
>top kek
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>think Wow that sure looks like something drawn up by some faggot baby boomer
>Google Ben Garrison
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>north of the wall

This is now a valid ruling against all of Scandinavia.
Hahahahaha Murcia, acho pijo.
Nobody told me. I looked into obesity one day and all roads led to farm subsidies. Imagine if fruit and veg were subsidised instead of meat and dairy?
some of these need to be population and population-density adjusted.

it doesnt change the statement and stops people from going "but oh noe, mymerica is TOTALLY different from the EU, you CANNOT compare those"
People weigh their health against a metric of many things including yourself. Do you not drive since one of the most common killers in america is car crashes? Do you not smoke? Do you avoid diesel fumes? Do you put suntan lotion every time you go out on a sunny day? Do you make every girl you fuck get tested? do you not drink?

All of those can be hazardous to your health and most people, including yourself, do them. You have just found your thing and now you want your cross to carry.
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tbh idk about u amerifats but here in britin (best country tbh) we 'ave a great shop called lidl where everything is sub-par quality but nigger cheap. all u amerifats are addictde 2 fast food SMH TBH
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fuck off you fucking idiot JEW
Ben Garrison comes up with Good shit, he just speaks the truth so you fucking jews slander him.

News Flash
>Jews religion tells them they must lie to non jews

>Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
This feels so true.
I've got friends from all over the world, and it's only the American ones who are completely ignorant and just plain idiotic when it comes to anything outside of their home state.
Hate to stereotype yanky youth, but man, y'all are some amazing retards.
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>Holy shit american kids have it bad.

Not really.

As an American, I don't blame the government for my failures. That's a perfect example of the socialistic mentality that has served to bring this country to its knees. Instead, I take personal responsibility for my behavior. I don't eat that crap and George Bush (or whoever the hell that faggot said was to blame) doesn't force me to go to the center aisles of the grocery store. I eat what I want. It's just that I don't want to eat junk. And, contrary to some of the excuses in this thread, it's not that expensive. You can get a half-dozen avocados for the same price as a two-pound bag of Twizzlers. It's all about decisions.

I'm fit because I made it a part of my daily lifestyle. And if more people would replace their bad habits with good habits, instead of wasting time looking for someone to blame, we'd all be a lot better off.
Everything. You should cut carbs out entirely for optimal health. All you need is a lot of fat and some protein. Much better for energy and brain health.
>mindless exercise

Just kill yourself right now
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British food = various shades of brown
The Brits are fat AF and there is fastfood fucking everywhere. I work there every year for 4 months, fucking fatasses everywhere in the UK and, as in the US, the fastfood is dirtcheap there and around every fucking corner

Also def not the best country. If I hear one more Brit say "YOU OK" or "SORRY" for no reason at all Im gonna punch them
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Yeah, you're an adult. What if mommy is Jabba the Slut and your dad still hasn't come back after going to buy smokes 10 years ago.
How big is your ego, nigga said kids you retard.
that would probably result in the starvation of millions. We subsidize a lot, but we also feed most of the world. if we subsidized fruits and vegetables which are more perishable and not as fit for transport we would probably kill off a good quantity of the countries of the world.
>Cutting out food won't gain you muscles
You will lose weight but then you'll basically be an anorexic POS
Nice sources. Also US is larger and more populated than most countries. I'm guessing this goes by flat numbers and not per capita.

faggot bait/10

Good try though.
Oh, I'm the retard?

And blaming the government for poor parenting is intelligent?

> living in US
> eat at mcdonalds twice a day
> fried chicken salad and med coke for healthy breakfast
> gotta even things out
> own SUV so can be comfy in stop and go traffic back and forth to work
> cute teens move in next door
> watch them every evening while enjoying light 20 nugget meal with gallon of healthy tea
> wife is nagging. she's so fucking fat
> one day find girl next door crying near fence
> parents are foreign or something and pissed she's getting a little healthy meat on her bones
> pass her a handful of nuggets
> offer to get her a box the next night
> keep it up a few weeks
> girl starts flirting a bit when we talk over nuggets
> always thankful for nugget boxes passed over fence
> wife catches me one day and gets pissed
> try to explain it was just a few nuggets
> bitch doesn't care and walks, takes Mr Snuffles and heads to her mothers
> that night having a sad over my nuggets
> girl sees comes over fence to sit with me
> well, started to, it's pretty high, about chest level, so she went around
>> details
> we share the box, and then she asks if she can come in with me
> had fight with parents when they found nugget boxes in room
> they took her vidya
>> fucking assholes
> find comfort in each others arms
> find out she's only 15, just looks a plump 27
>> oops.exe
> get in SUV, driving away with girl
> we'll go somewhere
> nervous, sweating, stressed out like mad
> pass mcdonalds
> no time to stop, but I wanted a comfort box
> too late
> start to turn, can't because traffic
> too much
> arm goes numb and can't move, slide into oncoming traffic
> hit school bus. luckily SUV is bigger and barely shakes us
> school bus flattened, but fuck those guys. think they own the road with stop signs and shit
> police come
> girl spills beans while we wait for second ambulance so they can lift me
>> fucking ambulances without normal extra-sized stretchers
>> bullshit.exe
> get out of hospital, straight to jail
As a 36 year old american man with a 28 inch waist it is hard as fuck to find pants that fit me properly without going to the boys section but then they are too short.
Fat people really slow everything down for the rest of us, whenever I go out there is almost always one causing problems.
Really lame that they can use medicare and things like that to get stomach staples and other unnecessary surgeries.
I'd kill a dozen fattys for a trip to the dentist or doctor, oh fuck
>we also feed most of the world

What in the actual fuck is happening in this thread?
This. For the price of a meal at McDonalds you can buy food for a family at the grocery store.

But then the fat fucks would have to prepare their own meal and that takes work.
Still can't believe people are nuts over this psycho.
Lazy nigger. Healthy food is cheap if you put some effort in. Exercise is free. Shitty scooter things to enable your extreme obesity are expensive.
You are clearly an idiot. Ever eaten a banana? How about a kiwi? Lobster? Crab? You're fuckin retarded.
Yeah, like now, when it's bad things, it's per capita. But when OL medals, you didn't much like the pr capita method, didya?

Isn't it normally the conservatives that burn books?
lol k

Keep muttering that in your cubicle.
>Oh, I'm the retard?
>And blaming the government for poor parenting is intelligent
Well considering we've given them the job of teaching people and their best advice regarding food is the joke that is the food pyramid and that's only barely covered.....and additionally they don't regulate or punish junk food dealers. Yeah, it's partially their fault.
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Plus, you don't have time to make healthy dinner since the culture is so fast paced. Get up for work 7 am work 8-9 hours traffic on the way home. Don't get in until 6pm. No time for that grocery store and then to go cook.

Don't make enough pay so you gotta work weekends too.

We don't get 30 hour work weeks and endless months of paid vacation.
>TFW us normal weighted Americans have to pick from M or S because fat asses bump us down on the size chart
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I would rather have have 3 refugees than 1 fat mobility scooter burger.

For one thing it would take up 1/3 of the resources to maintain.
I lived off pizza, burgers, fries, you name it, for years as a student and never got fat. I even lost weight. How? I only had money to eat a meal once or twice a day along with 1/2 snacks (Snickers bar usually), drank diet sodas only, and walked around a little.

With multivitamin supplements I was just fine.

Stop blaming fastfood for the lack of control. Stuffing your face all day long gets you fat not junkfood.

I live in the midwest and work at an international grocery store and there are tons of low cost non-chemical healthy things to eat.
A fast food meal is like the cost of 3-5 days of food to me and fast/junk food always seemed gross to me.
I enjoy asking the immigrants how they prepare the wild things they buy from me and trying new foods all the time.

Also I don't date women that eat fast food or drink soda, shit is gross
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It's not just about "doing exercise" it's about not being lazy. Just walk to places. Move throughout the day.
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are you jew or just some fucking sheep that can't think for themselves?

Lots of these need to be adjusted on a per capita basis. It saddens me that someone went to all this effort to create such an inferior product.
what does that have to do with anything?
Right? I'm 6'5" and I fucking can't find jeans that fit and never know if I buy a shirt if I'm getting an XL or a Walmart XL (which is a 3xl or some shit now).

...and places keep adapting to fat fucks like it's inevitable that we all join on and start being whales
This is not GOT summer fag
This has no source and has Syria above America.

I.E its total fucking bullshit.

You honestly think people in a war zone have enough food to be as fat as Amerifats? Ditto Palestine, Libya, Kuwait, Egypt and Iraq.

>being so much of a retarded flag waver that you drink kool aid this pure
I literally have to get my suits custom tailored because fat asses

> criminal suit against me
> two years + probation
> prison beds too small
> portions so fucking small
> always hungry
>> more-of-this.bullshit
> blacks walk towards me in yard
> say something in niggerspeak
> probably going to rape me
> panic and start to run
> bad leg goes out, the one I lost that toe on from genetic diabetes
> arm-numb 2.0
> hear niggers yelling in apespeak
> probably going to rape me
> thankfully guards come
>> mfw they thank the niggers for yelling or something
>> some people
> hospital again
> released early because not enough room
> probation
> go to house to get some things even though not supposed to
> vidya and anime figures > stupid rules amiright?
> see girl
> says pregnant
> parents filing civil suit against me
> mom's gonna get some tits if they win
> go home
> eat comfort box
> cry
Generalization and also, who gives a fuck, it's their life

sorry, are you ok in the head? tbh britain the best country tbh
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Fucking fatties
There is not much you can walk to in america since its assumed you will own a car in america. We do not clutter all our stores together like they do in the uk and such. Most places are miles away from each other. I live in a development and it is about 9 miles from anything that is not a house except maybe a gas station which is about 3 miles away.
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Why were the romans so dumb and poisoned by lead?
The time of that empire had come, so has this.
>Plus, you don't have time to make healthy dinner since the culture is so fast paced. Get up for work 7 am work 8-9 hours traffic on the way home. Don't get in until 6pm. No time for that grocery store and then to go cook.

If you are so busy then where do you find the time to shove all that extra food in your gullet?
Out of curiosity, what did you non-muricans think of Bernie Sanders?
Well, like I said that's the socialistic mentality. Blaming others for your own failures. A little common sense goes a long way.

And, obviously, the food pyramid is outdated. It was created when people actually did physical labor. My job and most of the people I know work in offices and don't need anywhere near 11 servings of breads, cereals rices and pastas a day.

Use your own brain. It's there for a reason. You don't have to trust everybody who's in a position of power, even if you are a socialist.
The US southeast throws all of our averages off. The South is the dumbest and fattest part of the US by a fairly large margin.

Remove Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and parts of Georgia and Florida and the US is a smart, healthy country just like everyone else. Come to Denver, Seattle, Madison or Portland and our obesity rates are actually far lower than most of the world.

TLDR should have burned down the South when we had the chance
Yeah that patch of garbage is fucking crazy and almost no one even knows it exists. Although I doubt all of that was done solely by Americans.
So you have salad for breakfast. Sound alright.
no, they have very high caloric food. Google Syria and Obesity and you will see it is acknowledged everywhere.
So it's not the government's fault because only idiots listen to the government because they're dumb? Nice insight.
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The study covers the time period 1990-2013. This is before war ravaged the many countries you cite.
America's GDP is higher than that of the entire EU. Lmao Holy fuck fucking rekt
>north of the wall
google any one of them. You will find that you are a faggot
I'd let her watch my kids. Then I'd fuck her. Heh
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It depends where you are, some of us are pretty okay. I live where they're hot as hell and moderately smart. Not saying I'm any prize, but I've seen way worse down south and up north and... well, most places. So yeah, America is full of the worst people, for sure, but they're not EVERYWHERE.
Yeah this is your opinion because you live there, just like ISIS thinks Syria is paradise on Earth. The UK is far from being the best country. Fatasses everywhere in the UK too, for fucks sake, they are getting fatter and fatter man.
Also UK was nominated as the country with the most ugly citizens of Europe, I believe a congratulations is in order
Not true. We're very busy wife and kids etc. Work pace just as you described. The key is planning meals my wife does a great job. Pull some stuff out of the freezer so it's ready to cook when you get home and have a planned menu. Most meals take 20-30 minutes to make or the same amount of time you'd wait for a fat pill pizza or the trip to the fat food place.
Kim Jong seems to be the only fat kid in his country

who's that chick? she's very good looking and Penis likes her.
I hate to be that guy, but I'm a Usonian and I am at like 5-7% body fat. Though, a LOT of those around me will truly opt for cheaper unhealthier options and don't exercise or really, do much of anything at all. I don't think that Americans are somehow the only group of people to do this though.
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Lol she's great
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This list is bs. Germany on 56%?
I have friends studying statistics. Germany is currently on 38%.
It runs in Americans genetics.
Second this. When peopletalk about "dumb/fat Americans" theyre really talking about the South. Bunch of retards down there, seriously


If you're a fucking growing infant...
You're only mad because we beat your pathetic lazy ass at the olympics ever year. If we're so fat, and so stupid, why are we STILL the only nation on earth to have landed on the moon? Why does only ONE of our citizens hold more gold medals than any man ever will in human history?

That's right. Because The United States fucking rules, and you're just some jealous little bitch who's probably living in a Third World, Communist shithole. Get fucked and go back to your mudhut.
As a Canadian, he seems like a genuine, authentic, reasonable, progressive politician.

The two candidates you have now....
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Brussel sprouts are disgusting tbh
It's not even an insight. It's just basic information.

This is food going into your body. If people aren't even smart enough to care about that, then they deserve whatever happens to them.

Honestly, I don't even know what you people are whining about. No one's ever told me what to eat or forced me to eat something since I was a child. And even then it was my parents, not some government or corporation or whatever.
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Ketosis jack.
If you have no carbs in your diet your body starts using fat for energy instead of glucose. It's more efficient, good for your health and mind, and most can eat a shitload of bacon and cheddar cheese and it's healthy.
>immigrant food is better than burger food

>b-b-but I wanna make America great again by throwing out foreigners

Without immigrants American society would fucking crumble
truth hurts bro

The number of overweight people in Germany has stagnated between 1998 and December 2011.[12] 67.1% of all men between 18 and 79 are considered overweight with a BMI of 25 or greater.[12]

Childhood obesity[edit]
Italy has surpassed Germany for having the fattest children in Europe.[13] A survey in 2007 had Germany listed as the country with "the highest proportion of overweight children in Europe."[13] However, despite dropping in the rankings, the number of truly obese children have doubled in the past decade.[14] Germany also still has the most overweight adults in Europe.[15]
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americans turning into pancakes
Canadian here. You don't want Bernie unless you want to make things like they are in Canada. Taxes are absolutely stupid high and it's all about taking your hard earned money and pissing it away. It's very depressing anon. We pay well over 50% in tax.
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EU + Germany +France +Italy
Do the math Amerifat
So on my travels I met Americans who believed that all of Europe hated all of the US, and now I see why they believed that.

This is not true. We have seen enough of USA (because lets face it, you are literally everywhere) to know that not everyone there is fat, stupid, and lazy.

Nearly all of the Eupeans find Americans interesting, are fucking everywhere and the movies we watch and the music we listen to comes from you, so when Europeans meet an American they are excited and have a million questions, we do not hate you and don't have the prejudices you think we have.

Also, I would like to add that none of the Americans I met on my travels (and I met a lot) were fat. Not toned, but far from fat, just average.
this thread is top kek
Ok pull your head out of your own ass, I know you love the smell of your farts but let's imagine you're Jack, a 6 year old boy.
Your mom, Fat Bitch, has no idea what to feed you or herself because she never learned about nutrition in public school and what she did learn was "lol carbs=energy=good 5 you".
So you, Jack the 6 year old, eat trash every day of your life. You do so until you're 18 and you're a fat miserable fuck with type 2 diabetes. Perhaps you, Jack, will have a difficult time switching to chicken breast and avocados after a lifetime of being denied information about food. Hell you may never even wake up to what you're doing to yourself until you're in your thirties or forties and already ruined.
KEK North Korea trailing the pack at 4.4%
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He seems great, if only because he doesn't suck Wall Street's dick.

Unlike everyone else who just pays lip service, he actually has a populist record.
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meanwhile in austria

incredients for the cheese pizza I just had:

wheat flour
tomato puree
buffalo mozzarella
sunflower oil
olive oil
wheat bran
milk powder
malt flour
Looks like a fucking marshmallow
Here is the thing, while Britbong is a relatively fat country, the vast majority are healthy, and you have to look very hard to find the kind of landwhale you would easily find here
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fucking kek
I'd fire my employee on the spot so the customer is happy, then call him up later and tell him he's actually been promoted to fucking manager
thats interesting, because I was pretty sure you guys did hate americans and avoid traveling to europe because of it. I mean, I watch some european tv shows and they do represent americans as fat idiots.
Our future in one picture.
Dont fucking dare speak for all non americans you piece of shit. Especially since everything you are saying is fucking false, unless of course you're some little redneck bastard living in a barn somewhere listening to Elvis while saluting the confederate flag. Retard.
As much as I hate PC culture... This is true.
bullshit anti mc donalds propaganda. Uhhhh salad cost 5 bucks and hamburgers 1, that's why in the us everyone is fat

fucking bullshit. you got grociery stores, you can prepare your own food and it's as cheap and healty as you want it to be. Problem in the us is

a: you guys eat way too often in fast foods
b: you guys cook with too much oil/fat
c: you guys drink too many sugary beverages (i like coke cola like the next guy but that shit is 1/3 sugar)
d: your sweets and baked preparations are so goddamn full of fats its unbelievable. just take any facebook group about "baking", most of the recipes are about mixing peanut butter to oreos and chocolate sauce, which, again, everyone loves, even me, sometimes i indulge in something extremely caloric just because it tastes good, but fuck you guys, binge eating and shit.
real Usonians don't say Usonian
Absolutely rekt.
Pedofile detected
I prefer spinach anyway
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Because the FDA is killing us all with the food we consume. Everything we eat makes us lard asses.
Calm your tits, Dr. Bendydick Cuckabunch.

We're in agreement.

It's bad parenting. Not bad government.

You're talking about adults not knowing how to feed their children. That's their mistake. Not the government's. You can't spend eternity blaming the past for a future filled with failure.
Yo up to 79 ? People over 60 aren't even humans IMO. They're walking zombies aka breathing trash.
This is the third time I'm using this response to fuck wads like you who can't read a whole post.

A majority of Americans are uninformed about what is a healthy lifestyle
Some are also addicted to shit food.

And wtf is anti mcdonalds propoganda. You seriously going to tell me you support that greasy deep fried chain.
it's literally a function of government to inform people about food and regulate the quality of food. Their failure is the root cause behind the retarded fat parents.
how do they know plastic bottles degrade in 450 years? they didn't invent plastic 450 years ago. I call bullshit on that one!
this is right, but the public also need educating, because they're fucking retarded.
they eat too much sugar, it makes them hungrier sooner, and they snack and snack and snack.
if everybody passed the middle aisles in the grocery store, those middle aisles would begin to fill up with good shit instead.
how do you educate the fucktards?
No, no. Take the show "Modern Family" for example. We love that show. No fat, lazy, dumb people are being shown there. Same goes for the movies and Oscars, and we are smart enough to know that shows like "honey boo boo" or "jersey shore" represent a tiny flock of black sheep.
Don't fear traveling to Europe, you're interesting here lol
Meanwhile in Mexico....

Spinach is the god leaf.
American Education
from a movie
>A majority of Americans are uninformed about what is a healthy lifestyle

They aren't uninformed. They just don't give a fuck.
The cartels could empty their magazines into his body and he'd just keep on waddling towards them like a fat brown terminator. I think he's onto something.
no one eats those baked foods. Its just food porn. If you want to know the average american meal growing up its like this. Usually a chicken breast, next to a vegtable, next to something else. Maybe au gratin potatoes.
It is literally the easiest shit for a mom to cook in a hury. I ate it as a kid, my friends ate it as a kid.
Most meals followed that formula. Veggie, Meat, and something else. Like Pork tenderlion, corn, and mashed potatoes. Fish (probably talapia), side salad, asparagus.
Occasionally you would just get Spaghetti with jar sauce with garlic bread (or a regular slice of white bread). That is really what the american diet usually is in an average household.
Ah, but you have heard of us!
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>A majority of Americans are uninformed about what is a healthy lifestyle
fucking kek if the majority of americans believe shit like deep fried butter is not what causes them to be fat as fuck, you guys deserve extinction.
>Some are also addicted to shit food.
seriously how many people are we talking about here? like half of the population in the us is obese, you mean to say that addiction is a relevant problem?
>And wtf is anti mcdonalds propoganda. You seriously going to tell me you support that greasy deep fried chain.
of course not but this bullshit right here
>Shit food: $1.00
>Healthy food: $15
is bullshit. blaming mc donalds for obesity is being desperate to blame someone that isn't themselves, you can exercise moderation and eat one burger a week you won't get morbidly obese. it's like saying that every smoker has lung cancer, smoking too much causes cancer.

Again, there are grocery stores, make your own food.
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If so that's part of the problem

>wah healthy food is expensive

Because you grew up thinking cooking was boiling some pasta and heating a jar of sugar and vinegar to pour over it.
>why are americans so fat and stupid and disgusting?
So that us Europeans have someone to laugh at.
Well, I disagree.

I don't think it's a failure of the government. Their goal is to pander to their constituency. Their primary constituency segment is those who fund their political campaigns. And those who fund their political campaigns are the same people who run these corporations who put shit in the food in place of quality ingredients in an effort to boost their profit margins. They're getting rich. Good for them. That's not a failure. But I'm not getting diabetes just so their wallets can get fat.

It's basically the same reason nothing will ever be done about illegal immigration beyond political posturing. The U.S. citizens who hire illegals to boost their profit margins are the same people who fund political campaigns.

It's all bullshit and we don't have to buy into it.
Some of those things are good, though.

Having a certain degree of compliance and conformity in society is hugely beneficial. Could you imagine a place where people just ran around doing what they want, when they want. I kind of like the fact that schools teach kids how they should behave around others.
Why are europeons so greesey
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average trump supporter
That's weird.
You can't just ignore their function because they're getting rich.
That'd like a surgeon who kills everyone he touches but always finds a way to blame it on someone else and get fat paid being a successful surgeon.
are you talking about germans or spaniards?
To be fair, Mexicans are pretty fucking fat too
No the french
i spot one overweight guy in that pic. What's our point
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So when American tourists block our doorways we can just rub it on them and they slide right through.

>A majority of Americans are uninformed about what is a healthy lifestyle
>Some are also addicted to shit food.

Complete bullshit retard, are you saying that 50% of a first world country does not have basic knowledge of eating healthy? No, it's just they lazy fuckers who refuse to admit that they are not living healthily,

>muh genes, cheap fast food

are all excuses. They just can't stand being hungry for a moment.
>the average american meal growing up
exactly. being so shit obese was never a problem back in the 70', or was well below what the situation is today. and you might be right, maybe that's food porn, though you believe nobody even tries that? And besides, the quality of the sweets has gone lost forever since a while now. take oreos, they wanted to make them vegetarian frendly, now the cream filling is fucking palm oil. something as simple as a cookie sandwhich with milk cream between is now baked heart clog.
Notice how all tops ones are full of Muslim pigs
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That's bloody fast.
>vegetarians made oreos unhealthy
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American schools do not teach critical thinking at all, they'll punish for it though.
average trump supporters
too bad it is because our food does not suck total dick
those aren't poor people food. That is average income american food. They make it because its super fast.
There are a lot of womens magazines and daytime tv is focused entirely on women which all advertise meals which are usually quick and easy while still seemingly normalish. Hence you can just throw some seasoning on some chicken breast, throw it in the oven. buy some bagged frozen veggies. Throw it in a pot for like 10 minutes, and just follow a box of au gratin potatoes that take like 10 minutes. You're basically done in 15 and you can go back to picking up your kid from soccer practice or doing the laundry or whatever it is moms do (fuck the neighbor, you know)
at least that was how we grew up in Gen X.
they replaced milk cream with an highly saturated fat. oreos nowadays do not contain milk if not by cross contamination so yes, as far as quality is concerned, they got worse.
Not disagreeing with you. I was just taking issue with the overly simplistic graphic.
I'm sure most Americans know that fair food like sticks of deep fried butter and deep fried candy bars aren't healthy, but we don't eat those regularly, that's literally a once a year indulgence

Also you can get addicted to eating, it's pretty simple, eating more had been good for all of evolution, so nature made eating feel good, but now that securing a meal just means picking out a pizza from the freezer aisle, pumped full of extra carbs and sugars, it's easy to see why you can get addicted to that
To all you pretentious Eurofags/Canadians:
>United States
>Strongest nation on Earth for 70 years and counting
>Highest GDP on Earth
>Worth 51% of the global economy
>Largest navy in the world
>11 'supercarrier' class aircraft carriers (next closest are Spain and Italy with only 2 smaller carriers each)
>Has military bases on 1/3rd of the Earth
>Only country with a functioning railgun (except Iran and it's a prototype)
>30 years technologically superior to any other opposing nation's military on Earth
>Only military that has the industrial and technological capacity to mass produce unmanned drones
>most powerful military to ever grace the face of our planet Earth
>Developing a new generation of spaceships
>Only country to have been to the Moon
>Only country with a private sector actively working in space
>Global center of the arts, humanities, education, finance, commerce, business, warfare, technology, industry, culture, politics and communication
>Owns the most cities on the World Cities ranking chart
>Won WWII singlehandedly
>Leader of the free world

Don't like us? No problem.
At the end of the day, you are all American people. You follow our elections. You eat our food. You watch our movies and television shows. You wear our clothes. You copy our vernacular. You access American websites. You copy our Constitution and our laws. You read our books, ponder our art, use our weapons, drive our cars. The global economy is based on the US Dollar. Our military maintains bases on your soil. When our President speaks, you listen.
You are ALL American people.
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No, healthy food is expensive in the US because we pretty much feed the world and subsidize farmers to sell it cheaply so you non-Americans can afford it. It means they have to charge Americans more.

>Single fillet of salmon: $7
>One potato: $1
>One onion: $2
>One bell pepper: $3
>One tomato: $2
Too much bait
>onions are healthy
>potatoes are healthy
and because trump is been asociated with italo-american mafia fundings and enterprises. 10 years ago he said that he would go for the republicans if he were to run for president, because he thought "all republican voters were so fucking stupid that he would say anything and they would even vote for him". So yeah, gool luck voting for someone who shits in your mouth and laughs at your back and you even kiss his boots for that.
> Fucking Chad

fucking chad
You're making it worse for us, anon.
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wholly fuck, wtf
dude is wrong on more than half his statements.
Realistically American books and food aren't that popular, and your laws are copied from other countries more than anyone copies yours.

>Won WWII singlehandedly

Not sure if troll or just American
So you spend lots of time and money on war...
Protein + side veggies + side of carbs actually is the ultimate healthy combination. This is a healthy diet and most countries have the exact same. Cooking isn't meant to last hours, 20-40 mins is all it takes. This would never make anyone fat, it's quick but healthy, so I'm guessing it's the snacks they consume besides this dinner. Potato chips, chocolate, and so on.
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