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Tattoo rate thread ? Got this one on friday

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 305
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Tattoo rate thread ?

Got this one on friday
I'm sure the ladies at the unemployment office will be very impressed.
Friday? Looks awfully healed and even your arm hair has grown back.
How is life in the 1920s?
fucking hideous.
He's right though.
Good luck getting a job where you don't have to flip burgers or stock shelves.
Even some of those places won't hire you.
Yeah it was taken the same day so, its all fresh there, and the artist didn't bother to shave it all really
Just because it's 2016 doesn't mean hand tattoos are acceptable. To me, it shows you don't think of the long term ramifications of having a detailed design that will absolutely look like shit in 5 years when the ink starts breaking down.
I'm an electrician, so being ''proper'' doesn't really fit my kind of job, I can look like whatever, and I don't know about America, but in Norway people accept you for who you are, not by your looks, at least the majority don't give a fuck

why not get one on your forehead whilst your at it?

dapper and respectable
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Why? When your 50 it'll be all saggy and nasty. That just looks tacky. Sweet tat bruh
So be it, it'll match the rest of me
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Like the comeback. Like the tattoo
Thank you, but either way this was to supposed to be a tattoo rate thread, where people posted their tattoos and we all could share and have a good time.

Not question me about my life choices
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My friend is setting up a machine right now. The only thing I cane up with is this
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Checked, but it goes that nasty green and you'll look back and regret it. I hope you don't but I know I'd feel uncomfortable shaking a hands. Does it have any meaning behind it or was it a 'fuck it I fancy a sweet tat bruh'
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First tattoo, got it last week. He fucked up on the males thumb adding a longer nail. And 1 small line wasn't added and one small part of it he forgot to add gonna fix that this friday.

So anyways I'm planing to do more of them. I had in mind to do a sleve with lots of small tattoos "hipster sleve" as you faggots would call it.
Too dark
It'll look even shittier very soon
Norway is chill as fuck then and you lucked out.
I remember working for a propane tank company and they made us cover up ALL of our tats. There were dudes wearing longsleeve shirts and gloves in 100F weather. It's sad tbh
True. It's a nice piece of shading and I like it.

no scab, no swelling

how about telling the truth
So I've heard, that many companies are very strict about apperance, but its not an issue here, as even old people don't give 2 shits, as long as you get the light fixed right
picutre isn't from today, its from friday
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How's mine? I bet most of you wont get the joke
the ''hipster sleeve'' can be cool but you got to get some colours in there man, then it'll be really cool
Really cool tattoo anon, i have quite the few myself, both arms / hands, chest and stomach :-)
It's literally a meme, what the fuck were you thinking
>fresh tattoo

no bleeding, no swelling

c'mon man, at least try
please show, got an whole arm myself, thinking of getting chest but heard it hurt so badly !
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Everytime I lay down some verbal pain i pull up my leg sleeve and give a sharp bazinga. They used to call me "The Sheldon" back at middleschool.
Had in plan to add some colors later on as i progress with the arm.

I'm doing this next week on my leg. Same positio as on the pick. And got already some other works in line to do so at the end of next year i think im gonna finish my left arm and start the right one.
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Posting 2
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There you go, also got a tiger on my neck, going to get more pretty soon there aswell
And yes, chest hurts quite alot, nowhere near as much as the stomach does tho, shit was 10/10 pain
Joke tattoos are a really dumb idea tbh

Sorry mate, terrible tattoo. Why even get one from such an artist? Man look up his work, look at pics in his store/website and get one that is actually able to give you what he says he's gonna do.


I'd say get something to fill up the empty spot on your neck/shoulder/chest. Just something that 'connects' the look more.
Maybe work some more color in or at least a lower amount of black (more space, less shadowing) but I guess that's just taste.
Yea ofcourse im going to be doing that, but it takes time :-)
He's a pretty decent artist. But after he fucked up this simple tattoo that i wanted. I changed the artist for my next one. Gonna cost me some penny more but it's worth it.
Show me the rest of ur tats?
>in Norway people accept you for who you are, not by your looks, at least the majority don't give a fuck

don't give a fuck about your poor decision making skills.
You guys think religious tattoo are a bad idea. I've been wanting to get a Buddha on my arm for some time now.
OP now has sex with a flower
Someone I work with has this retarded shit.

Why are people who get tattoos all idiots?
If you like it go for it, you dont have to belive in anything to get it tattooed really, as long as you like it why not
I even got an SS soldier tattooed on my arm, which you can see abit above
What ever floats your boat dude. Do what you want it's your body & money.
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Got this Friday, my first one.

Going back in a week to finish it
Pretty cool design, but the artist and god-tier
If you're the 'fill up your gap' dude, I know. I have stuff on my neck, and am going to make it a more complete look with a chest peace that slightly flows over into the neck, but indeed, time and money.

Idk man, did you give him a clear design? Idk how you could fuck up something that simple tbh I would ask my money back. But good for changing. I have known people that got shitty tattoos and kept going to the same guy out of.. idk.. fear of offending him?

What, me? I haven't posted any
If you're a buddhist get a traditional one I guess? If it's just for aesthetics, have fun.
Oh sorry, im the gap guy, thought you were OP hehe
Got him a pretty clear design. He was on some shittalk like I'm sick. It's too early and shit like that. I mean it was 11:00 before noon.
>He was on some shittalk like I'm sick. It's too early and shit like that. I mean it was 11:00 before noon.
You do realize 99% of tattoo artists and people who get tattoos are all drug addicts, right?

He probably hadn't had his fix for the day.
Here's one of mine btw. Not everyones cup of tea probably, but I like it. Most of the design is myself, put the rest together in photoshop. For newer tattoos I'm going more towards oldschool type stuff.

I wouldn't trust a guy like that with a tattoo ever again. He should have owned up that he messed up (it's not that bad though, but he clearly missed what he was going for by looking at the design) and even offered to fix it or something.
The one I have in my neck was a piece of shit too, always late for every appointment, changed prices midway, tried to change the design without asking me, but at least he did exactly what I asked him to do.

Lol wat. There's plenty of artists that take it seriously and (at least here) they won't even allow anyone that looks or smells drunk, doped up or even sick.
i mean, unless you go to some shitty area for a 20 dollar piece.
reposting slightly better quality pic though
wtf do u have 3 arms or something?
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And where the fuck did you got that statistic from? Lol dude why you hating on tattoos ?
Have fun being a degenerate in the unemployment line.
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tattoos look at the same to me. stereotypical, ugly fucking drawing. and you tattoo fags call it art.

you look like a 12yr olds school desk
gets tattoos everyone has lol

very similar yeah
kys degenerate scum.
Jam those scissors into your wrist.
Parent passed got a memorial one.
Back story dad died working for department of transportation which is why i put that symbol. Probably gonna be called a faggot regardless
I work in petrochemical, I have to wear glove and long sleeves in 100 degree weather anyway.
Generic as fuck
Would not get it/10
Anyone whos gotten a tattoo knows what they look like after 3 days. Yours is not recent and you're not fooling anyone. You're obviously lying
I got a tatto last Thursday. And i still haven't got swelling or scabing. Am i fucked?
Also quads
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atleast i got a tattoo no one has, god i hate these rose, owl, clock shit tattoo hispters
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That tattoo is 2deep4me
If I were, you know, a normal guy passing by, I would just look that arm and say is just a fucking shit sleve
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that makes it even worse! youre such a fucking liar
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I done this one on Saturday
Thoughts? Also thinking of adding 8 sprites surrounding the design
thats ink you fucking idiot
Fucking dope.
well alot people said its sick so idc what u say
Fuck your stylish shit. Got a pig on my ass.
Insecure manler detected
"most of the design is myself"
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Iv'e been thinking about getting a tattoo, i want a tree on my arm. But i want to be able to expand on it because i know if i get that shit on my arm i'll want a sleeve. I was thinking roots around my wrist, have my arm be the tree with cool shit on it and my shoulder being the foliage. What do you guys think?
why would you do such an horrible thing? It's like a tribal but worse.
Give it time. Also if they've given you stuff to use it may have either helped or delayed the healing process
Sounds dope, just try not to be cheap about it, if you really want it to be nice
okay :^)
I agree with you but your tattoo sucks.
i like that you had one big piece instead of a bunch of stickers for a sleeve
My first tattoo got an upgrade, added the circle and got the red outline thicker around the S itself, a lot happier now!
It's like a tribal but one that doesn't even try to be tough but just like some faggy granmothers wallpaper.
Edgy cunt, it's the Slipknot S; giving up my right up for metal bands and all that; everyone prefer's my banana though
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OP that tattoo is sick
Whats it like being an electrician? Good pay?
>implying tattoos that can't be covered up by normal office clothing won't fuck up your career

How's the unemployment office?
>accept you for who you are
Exactly, and people who get face/neck/hand tattoos are generally trash. It's like frogs with crazy colors, a warning to avoid.
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My first, got it sort of on a whim
Planning on adding a half sleeve and chest piece
are you actually retarded?
Any others with brands? No tattoos but decided to go the route of scarification/branding way back.

Won't post pic as it'd identify me easily, just curious if other anons have gone that route.

To describe it some it covers most of my chest, 2 sessions with a bit of time in each. Made me sweat like I was in a sauna.
sounds good, but you'll need a fair bit of foliage for the tree to look in proportion. It'll probably have to cover the top of your chest as well.
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No coming back from all that black
At least your all in committed
got a couple, latest is noface from spirited away, had it done bout a month ago
> got this one on friday

No redness or irritated skin? Yeah, bullshit. Not yours.
Not bad
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My second tattoo
Did your mom die of flowers?
>in Norway people accept you for who you are, not by your looks

What the fuck does this even meant? The art that you permanently make part of your body is a part of who you are, dipshit. It's like being tall, being short, any event that happened in your past, your aspirations and the rest of the way you carry yourself. Do you think "who you are" is only what you personally decide are worthwhile traits for people to focus on? Because it's not, it's everything about you including your shitty tattoos.
That looks awesome
gay as fuk
Some terrible tattoos, guys. Congrats.
Looks stupid if you don't know about that movie
congrats, you're a walking ad.
If I had to get a tattoo it would probably be something like this, not on board with the placement though
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trips dont lie
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space illuminati confirmed
My advice for anyone getting a tattoo is don't be negligent with the artist.

Make sure they can actually do what you actually want because if they can't your going to be stuck with it forever
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that's my fear about getting a tattoo, to be honest.

too many ways it can go wrong
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every single tattoo posted in this thread is shit. you should all majorly regret these and I bet most of you secretly already do kek

what's it like being a living advertisement?
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guys can i get an opinion?

whats a better design concept?

i have a similar style'd lion on my forearm, i want an piece on the other forearm.
anime 4 lyfe
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Here is my noface
Timestamp or fuck off.
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Also got my hand a couple of weeks ago.

>Mononoke mask

Please tell me your not gonna copy a tattoo another person got..
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Here is from another pov
dont you ever think ' fuuuuuck what the fuck have I fucking done to my arm '
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Are you guys getting tattooed by regards?

Take some time and money to find a good artist, otherwise you'll look stupid forever.

Got this one 2 hears ago, 2 5 hours sitting
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heres a piece i had done 3 weeks ago, i know most people hate the glasses but i like it

Never, should I ?
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scarification like this is what every one should do
"I was eating gazelles before eating gazelles was cool."
my first tattoo is going to be no-face, mind if I save this as the design? I cant find any good pictures of just his face.
As a tattoo artist, those people are the reason why I want to kill myself.
you can just get it redone

>why bother taking a shower, you're just going to get dirty again
>why buy flowers, they are just going to go rotten
>why bother having a career, you're just going to die anyway
Jesus, this thread makes me grateful that I didn't get any tats.
Goddamn hipster cancer.

You should of gotten it done on your ass for your boyfriend.
A proper tattoo artist don't need the drawing, they will draw it from scratch.
For real? Like I said it'll be my first tattoo so if there is anywhere online I can read about it I'd appreciate it.

I know right? Fuck, the scum of the earth ripping other People's ideas and designs off, the nummer one reason i never post pictures of my tattoos
pretty dope dude
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That's queer and you are a fag
hmmm arrow,knee? Someone plz tell me
Was cool until you put the hipster glasses on it. Not sure what's with the design trend of putting glasses on every fucking thing. It's not original nor comedic at this point.
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Kek, a 12 year old did that? Fam, when I was 12 all I could ever draw on desks were dicks and smiley faces. That shit would have been classed as a piece of art by my standards.
ITT: bells that cannot be unrung
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Almost as bad as a faberge egg style tattoo.

Seeing that shit, from the right distance, is sure to stir up some trypophobia skin crawl.

I do agree with the sentiment regardless. Overused, cheesy shit is shit.
>his entire hand is tattooed
What fucking clothes cover your hands
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here is some of my gay tattoos
all americana because they dont age so shitty
I have a full sleeve, my ribs, shoulders, and chest done
worst part was the sternum for sure
If I can do it you can

>quickly take the picture whilst I'm exhaling the smoke.
um ever heard of office gloves you fucking newfag?
Mama potatoes head?
It looks cool. Cool enough to want to see it for the rest of my life? No. I would probably start to have contemp for it as it withers away job prospects
Looks like a miniature baseball bat with feathers with no attention to scale? Well at least it was free? Right...
Which is it, people accept it's looks and your poor life decisions. Or it doesn't matter because of your decision to be just an electricianan your whole life. Your speaking out of both sides of your mouth
what's the male equivalent of girl's who get tattoo's on their tits? the neck tattoo?
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How's This?
Looks like a poorly drawn skull that threw up their small Colan.
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snek dick tatuu
also wasted quads
Yeah. Probably the neck or around the back of the ear. Maybe even the lower abdomen or the inside of the bicep.
Shitty are a person who shouldn't get tattoos. Incapable of getting good work
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The hipster nothing can be cool
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rate mine
Hey look I'm gonna taboo this fags face on me for life. Aren't I random?
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Down syndrome/10
Having that on your arm for life is the essence of sufferingi
is it your mother? Is the name sophie ?
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It's good but all the fractures in the skull (too many) then the perfect teeth or are they dentures 2 sizes to big? Don't worry your big Ole fake titties will distract them from criticizing at least to your face. Oh shit your a man? Lol
average midwest trash.png

quads confirm
Looks like that 90210 bitch that has cancer.

netherlands reporting in

ying-yang it needs shading but nice quads!
so you liked Suicide Squad huh?
looks like steve-o
Brony 4 life!
Thinking of getting a sleeve done but I have no idea what I'd want I've looked at Mechanical Clockwork to nature and patterns but nothing really stands out to me and I don't trust most fucking tattoo artists to do a complete sleeve well.

What do.
the lines and color look good but that 3rd eye (i guess that's what it is) makes the piece a little hard to decipher.
Brony 4 life!
Hot pipe burn
that will look like shit in 5 years
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Taken me 6 years to get. Still remember the old man's last words
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ohh and the dragon is on there for 8 years now. these are the only ones i have
what, "I'm going out for some more vape juice"
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got this one in the right side, a sigil on the left side
No, but if your the only one wearing gloves in the whole fucking office what are they hiding exactly?
Red hot lighter
the tattoos idiot thats why you wear office gloves
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find someone who has a portfolio that blows you away. talk to the guy/girl about what type of imagery you would like in the piece and then let them design the tattoo for you. i used to work in a tattoo shop and 99% of the shit tattoos i've seen are from people trying to stuff as much sentimental shit into their tattoo as possible. it comes out looking all fucked up and they don't age well at all. not to mention your personal taste will change over time and you will wonder the the fuck you were thinking. pick a style that you like (american trad, japanese, new school, whatever) and then just let the artist do their thing - you will get a better quality of work if you let the artist do what they want.
Google hasn't either, literal fag
Na. Called me a faggot
OP these threads bring out all the fedora tippers en-masse. You should know this by now, standing out by getting ink is extroverted behavior, and we all know these autists are secretly jealous of our ability to not give a fuck what people think.

I have a snake wrapped around the world Infidel. Originally it was just INFIDEL in some edgy font, then when i wanted to join the army i had a cover up done and told the dude "Honestly i don't care what you do, just cover it up with some cool shit" and he free-handed this awesome python over it. basically you cant read Infidel anymore, if you knew it was there to begin with you can still see it, but nobody has ever called me out on it, not even army doctors and shit for my entry tests.

that and some bhuddist shit from a trip in thailand on my shoulder. i plan to get more, but at this point the work i want costs so much money i cant justify shilling out for it.
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guess again you edgelord
Right that's why its a while i'm passively looking for a tatoo that surprises me. I don't remember founding one
would get this as a tat/10

>not even joking
nice double dubs.
does the info in your pic work?
Well hi there
What is that power plug? Looks neat!
power plug is from europe..
U call me an idiot? If you wear gloves everyday in all seasons the gloves aren't covering up the fact you make poor life decisions. In fact probably accentuates it. Being a retarded tattoo enthusiasts in denial I could see how you are to stupid to get my point or how you cling to this idea that gloves will somehow make up for the fact you made a life long mistake
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That tiger looks like Carl from ATHF
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and are you? just curious.
yea but the gloves will cover the tattoos you idiot thats the point
lol,, but it healed nicely so it looks different then in this pic,
don't put him down. the syndrome has that covered.
nice calligraphy pen. art class?
lol how did you know out of all the stupid ghetto buildings in S America
why the hate fellow anon?
I love slipknot, but I would never get a band tattooed on me. What happens later in life if your taste in music changes?
Idd such a douchefag
God you are dense. If your superiors look at your hand and see a tattoo or look at your hand and see ridiculous gloves that you HAVE to wear. Either way are going to know you make poor choices and that promotion is better suited to a person who doesn't act as scumbags do. The gloves are just signs that scream "Shitty Tattoo underneath"
If you're going to get sleeves find a better fucking artist holy shit
Tattoo artist here. If the guy didn't bother to shave you he's clearly an amateur.
Downy the Tiger huh? Great choice!
This guy gets it.
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The only music tattoo you should get is the Wu
because The Wu is forever
Don't copy other people's tattoos that's fucking weak.
Do you think tattoos on male are more easily tolerated ? ' than on female '
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Morbidly obese tiger / 10
like is it supposedly still a "manly thing" to have tatoos ?
That's been done really poorly. Get someone else to finish it. You found that design on pintrest.
i have the oddest boner
Now THIS is art
I know right? I need me a chick like that.
Im thinking of getting a trash polka chest tattoo, but i heard they need constant maintenance, thoughts?

Im a surgical nurse BTW
hipster faggot
don't get trendy tattoos
also if youre a nurse youre a girl
tits or gtfo

Nobody gives a fuck this is /b/ not reddit
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This is my first one. I plan on getting more soon.
Laughed way too hard at this
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>Tattooing a sigil
It's not finished yet, and I just found the design somewhere

I go back next week to finish it
you're amongst the first to be burned when brainless christian nazis get into their stupid war.
It doesn't matter if it's not finished, what you have so far has been poorly executed. The shading is rough as hell
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I'm considering getting this tattooed on my right wrist. It'll be my first. What do you think?
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Stupid and ugly. Laser treatment gonna cost a small fortune. But at least its black. Hurts more but also generally comes off easier than lighter colors.
es muy característico Rosario
el fernet con coca light, bien de balín jaja
estas en rosario?
Find a better fucking theme to. There are some really great sleeves out there that fit some people perfectly. The ops is not one of them. I also dislike randomly placed stupid art. Most are .
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Some one paid for this piece of shit?
File: image.jpg (170 KB, 750x1334) Image search: [Google]
170 KB, 750x1334
i actually like it, anon
trips of truth
File: image.jpg (225 KB, 750x1334) Image search: [Google]
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Small penis?
nice. so what's your favorite chelsea grin song, faggot?
Horrible cartoon tattoo.
cerca, por?
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31 KB, 539x385
>cargo shorts
>drinking soda
>trashy tattoos

yep seems about right, white trash faggot.
Borderline. Not nearly as bad as ops. Need full pic to see how you wear it. If it fits your look. Probably dumb but not hideous like op's
quieres Eiffel Tower un puta?
Hipster faggot. Where's the originality????
Bottom left
File: IMG_7983.jpg (408 KB, 3264x2448) Image search: [Google]
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Not cargo shorts
Yes a cig
Its coke and fernet
Americana is trashy? ok

I dont live in the US and I'm not white but try again if you want
You are shit and your life choices are shit.
File: twat tat.jpg (99 KB, 960x960) Image search: [Google]
twat tat.jpg
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3 MB, 5312x2988
One of my favorites
double team a hooker
I love the hookers here
File: Preview.jpg (29 KB, 160x213) Image search: [Google]
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Nice tatt anon.
did some 4 year old finger paint that
hace años que no voy de putas.
que bulín conocés?
You've got me there friendo
Honestly pretty fucking sick. Solid work, mane
It looks like a gun shot wound.
File: woop.png (264 KB, 289x420) Image search: [Google]
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sexyvip dot net

yo yankee pero vivo en rosario
I actually get that. Like old Asian art. Asian gangsters wore this type of stuff and everything had meaning. Crazy full body tatoos. I don't know the right name for the style. But that has some serious potential for geat add ons. Better than most shit posted so far. Minus those fb sleves which look alright.
did you do them with a thumb tack and pen ink?
Jesus christ. You did.. you mid 30's now?
File: tumblr_lnl1tj6ycs1qkarq7o1_500.jpg (79 KB, 482x535) Image search: [Google]
79 KB, 482x535
Whoop Whoop!!!!!
Mmftskwcl fam
>geometric shape
>muh saturated colors
>space and stars
This is so meme-tastic and millenial. NotAShredOfOriginality/10.
looks like a rorschach inkblot test
That's what skin skin should look like anon. (great ass)
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