3 murders. Quads for a body. Need a place to stash the bodies. Thinking of cutting them up into pieces, putting them in boxes, and hiding them on the border between Texas and Mexico. My current spot seems pretty good, just worried about the smell. Im a very paranoid person.
>pic related
cut them up, then eat them, human tastes pretty decent m8
How should I cook them? And what about the bones? I suppose I could replicate Jeffrey Dahmer
Post proof, like a finger or toe. My quads will prove op as a a fag
I call bullshit
Oh do you super cop? Wtf tipped you off?
58?3#5@?0 or &5%9
Who says you aren't just exploring an abandoned warehouse?
Have a hand my friend.
The US-MEX border seems like a bad idea, don't they patrol that area with dogs and shite to find dem immigrants? And, boy, if yall ever get to build your wall down there, and they dig up your bodies, you gon be in deep shit
Also don't you have coyotes and vultures and other animals that like to eat dead stuff? Better make those pieces VERY small so they get done quick, or bury that shit DEEP.
Alternatively you could rent a boat or something, weigh them down and drop 'em in the gulf. Make sure to wrap them with wiremesh fence, wires or cables though, so when they eventually decompose there won't be body parts washing up on the shore.
I thought waaay to hard about all this
>tfw on an alphabet soup's list
The dead don't bleed, m8
Nice b8, clearly not your photo. This was used back in 2015.
what the dick is that supposed to mean
You just got memed homie
Let's see.