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/b/ why don't you love butterfaces?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 104
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/b/ why don't you love butterfaces?
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I married a butterface. From the neck down, she is a classic hot-assed PAWG. Think Jewdank, but with paler skin.

The sex is fantastic. She lets me do whatever I want to her. I bang her like a loose shutter in a hurricane.
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Because their faces typically
Idk if I'd consider her a butterface. She's pretty damn cute.
Yea if you could just provide some pics that would be greeeaattt ok thanks bud.
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i agreat. worth a fuck and relationship ^^
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this thread is cracking me up. seeing an ugly face on a stacked body is hilarious
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half of these are legit butterfaces, the other half aren't even butterfaces
Was not expecting to be chubby at all
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depends haha
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i fucking love butterfaces
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go on
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this girls not butterface dumbass
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she's great anon
My girl is a butterbody too. like face is pretty af but then it goes downhill to others. I still really enjoy it tho
Any of her standing up?
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i have a whole folder on another machine of "unconventional" girls i masturbate to
its slampiggy
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I know who she is. All I see is pics from this angle.
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>I know who she is

LITERALLY the first result you dumb cunt
would not fuck/10
would fuck
would not fuck
would not fuck
would fuck if she kept the Santa hat on to hide weird fucking forehead
would not fuck
would fuck
eww! yuck! this is supposed to be a butterface thread, not a fucking-weird-and-goddam-ugly-all-around thread! would not fuck with a stolen dick
Ariel from The Little Mermaid -- would fuck
would not fuck
Adam "Kylo Ren" Driver -- would not fuck
would not fuck, but would let her suck my cock with that big fucking mouth of hers
would fuck
would not fuck
Vin Diesel and Tom Petty had a daughter -- would not fuck
I threw up in my mouth a little
absolutely would fuck, and would suck and chew those fucking nipples right off
would fuck
Someone knows how to use google like a big boy.
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Rancid butter face
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Ty for lots of info on shit nobody wanted to know.
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>someone took the time to post this
You wrote all that and no-one cares about your opinion.
her weight must vary a lot
fucking repulsive -- would melt down foil oil/10
would fuck, but only if the kid watched
would fuck
umm... mmaaayyyybe would fuck...
would fuck (in ass, of course)
you clearly did, motherfucker
Any chance you could stfu?
Holy shit he's still going this is true autism.
Lol yup.
Kids hey
Listing, ranking and ordering, reminds me of one of those old MySpace questionnaires
you're my hero
I hope I'm just like you when I get into high school...
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different years yea
>I fucking hate Marmite
>clearly you love Marmite, motherfucker
You're not important. Your list wasn't important.
No one cared/cares.
This ain't a MySpace questionnaire
>what is pretending
for someone who doesn't give a shit, you sure invest a lot of energy into telling people you don't give a shit
where's she from anon?
>What is denial and deflection?
>"no one cares"
>keeps replying
>doesn't understand how reality is created
lives in indiana now, nj originally
Well if I didn't, people might think I gave a shit, when I don't

>Derp! MySpace!
>Usenet, Derp!
>Derp! WebTV

Trying awfully hard to prove you're not the twelve year old you really are, are you not? What's the matter, kid? Parents too poor to take you camping for the Labour Day weekend?
Butterface threads are a great proof of what excessive porn does to some people.
I like this...where she from?
"how reality is created" stinks of a kid trying to sound really intelligent and way older than he actually is
If you don't remember the MySpace questionnaires I'm talking about, you won't get the joke. Unfortunately your age holds you back here kid.
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Fucked her while hanging out with her bf, he and the party went to McDonald's, it was not even a minute after they left she had her top off.

This would happen randomly for the next five years. Horney as fuck.
Actually, the anon you're trying to flame is not the one that first mentioned MySpace. Try reading up the thread a ways.
turned out to be a very attractive girl, totally not a butterface imo. I knew she had potential, although I admit, that chubby photo of her scared me
First three words
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Buckets of Cum - Willy Wonka.gif
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You mean to say CHAV.
Also 7/10 would make a litter of chavlettes wit that slut.
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"Tell me, Anon, for how long have you had these insecurities?"
looks crazy, you know the saying...
This from a child who tries to create his own reality, then criticize it. Keep posting, youngster
Gonna be sick
Chat girls are hot I think. I'm very susceptible to the 'slut' look though
Well, here goes
Remind me....what are we talking about again?
still here not caring? how's that working out for you?
Too fucking fat
thats not butterface, thats fucking crazy. Dont stick your dick in crazy!
Happy/ surprised face
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lol just means her tits are bigger
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I do, tgeir great for sketching practice and Original Character templates
is she one of those chicks that are into bodybuilding or smt like that?
there is a limited supply of paper bags in the world
Mc Lovin/10
How's that armchair psychology serving you kid? You've been so far off the mark so far it's laughable. Gonna carry on?
I'm 27 by the way. Watching kids pretend they know how stuff works is hilarious.
"creating his own reality then criticizing it" put the Freud-by-numbers book down, child. It's embarrassing.
Look at the head on that one!
Ha, archetypal US camslut
I'm here for the butterfaces friend. Kids pretending they're of age notwithstanding
noooo opposite ! works out a little
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looks like charred pig skin tbh
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Hey! Ho! Let's Go!

They're forming in a straight line!
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ok dude
Oh man, look at this super cool fucking guy.
Ugh. It didn't until you made that connection for us all. Thanks Bro. Hahaha
You massive fucking bellend
thats good. keep posting
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sorry bro. I've seen both with my real eyes, cant unsee the similarities
holy shit that nipple peeking. got any nudes?
Point is your list was a minor nuisance at best. This thread would have been better if you died this morning.
i honestluy really love nasolabial folds like that
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Batmotherfuckingshit crazy. Hell I once fucked her and my high as balls ex girlfriend at the same tine once. Both got fucking drunk as shit, my girl got high. they started to fuck. Ex did this sometimes, never let me join in or go to far. Batshit looks me dead in the eye and takes it go waaaaaaaaaaay past the point of not return in ex. High ex was like that.

We got back to my place and just went at it. Came in both, watched them eat each other out till they both came after. Batshit had to go home to her fuck of a boyfriend.

Best part? My ex was so fucking high she didn't remember shit. Just woke up nakid next to me, like usual for a night out. She didn't even remember me being there. Since batshit is well... batshit, she never mentioned it.

Ex still doesn't know it happened. My only regret is not taking pics. Bot making that mistake ever again.
what sport does se practice? those are some strong legs
27. Of course you are, even though you have the vocabulary and the grammatical tics of a twelve-year-old. I'm 87 years old, by the way; I am just in touch with the youth and down with the kids.
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Cock wrangling.
"live fast die young" anon
This 100%. Most of the girls in this thread are pretty fucking hot.
that is half it the other half is pussy (bi)
so you're new here.
i would consider fucking her
Fuck man, ain't never going to die. I've got savings from working way to hard, avoided the drugs myself, and an investment plan. I just hang around slag sometimes.

Just like sex is all.
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I didn't intend to say you were going to die. Just saying you living the crazy life with those girls xD
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you know her?
no but i see her posted here a lot. not really means you know who she is? give us more
Great cans. Would titfuck, for sure
/r/ name?
more on this one
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Shit posting at its finest
any new pics?
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Same, friend
Chav as fuck XD
trailer trash material. Will get fat and have kids early
is that your granny anon?
Keep going
MIL would fuck though that is one hot body
Do want.
Was, new slightly less crazy girls now. Plus no sneaking around.

Good life is good.
No, I don't. It's cool that jumping on the grammar wagon is your first port of call. But it's also extremely telling. This is not a debate. We both know I don't type like a 12 year old, so when you say it it just looks like grasping at straws.
"but mah logic says I must be older, cuz my NPD refuses to let me be wrong" learn some humility, child.
jesi ju jebo
No, you keep going, back to (R)eddit, where people give a shit about your limp dick and its wants.
jesi ju ti? ne poznam je ja.. ti je znas?
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But i do.
Fix'd for ya;
Learn some humility, child. Then fucking hang yourself.
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nisam. kurca je ne poznas sta onda sejvas sve njeno. ne seri i postaj nove fotke
Yep my limp dick needs more. So post it it faggot.
sejvao sam je iz hrvatskih kuja tu na /b/
imas ti sta od nje?
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holy shit did she just step out of avatar?
Pretty sure I would rwther do the Granny
perfect if you're into weird alien fetishes
If you can't RIS, then you're clearly not old enough to be here. Underage b&

only distinct flaw is the muffin top
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>implying you even have a chance with these girls
>implying you even have a chance with girls in general
>implying you can even talk to girls
>implying you don't even have your virginity anymore

Boy howdy
more like "butterball"
> eww, I think I threw up a little in my mouth
Show us your disgusting girlfriend
Just by saying someone is not old enough to be on here doesn't make you a bigger man. Keep making a fool of yourself and turn your computer off for the day. If you're going to be on /b/ then be ready to have people ask for more pictures. Fucking over sensitive millenial
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Amen brother well said
Who is she?
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Bad shop more practice
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prove me wrong
What a jackass
sleep tite, piggers
I sure hope those boys showed her how it is done
You keep holding out, virgin.
You've never seen a mask before, huh.
So, groveling, and then a tantrum when you don't get what you want? Fix some tendies, it'll be ok lad.
Omg! Can't believe she was born with a hand for a face!
more on this one
Is there more of her?
You're doing an awful lot of shit talking, and not much searching.
>belittling people on 4chan
>im a big boy!
Isn't that what /b/ is all about?
More Pics less Txts
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She's a solid 8 mate
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Holy shit, someone who agrees with me!
Hot c section scar
Hail Ceaser
dudes dick is fucking tiny

those DSLs though.
She looks like a Nickelodeon cartoon character IRL.
Bitch in the middle, incredible body but the worst, most hideous horse face I have ever seen. She thinks she is hot shit as well
post pics of her face so we can judge
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Separated at birth?
We should be told.
no glasses
Not even a butterface quality. Do you even understand what butterface means/?


Most of these I would...

But remember this

Dont look at the mantle piece whilst poking the fire
You have very low standards for what is ugliness.
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bojack horsewoman.png
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she's pretty damn fine all around
Friends don't let friends fuck goblins

this is just ugly. body has no attractiveness to overcome her face. Learn what butterface means pal.
A little boyish but not so much that I wouldn't.
Keep it going sir!
Andy milonakis?
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Yeah.. would STILL fuck her with that make up on
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No idea who it is, but I got these from a thread a week or so ago.

If anyone's got sauce, drop it here.
But not a butterface in any way. just average look and body. NOthing hot about it.
physical embodiment of the word rekt
ok? lol
Holy Shit sauce
Lit a fart with a lighter?

Could be this girl:
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Is one on left hot?
Not a butterface. Stop posting this shit. Learn what it means nigger.
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What DOES it mean tho? Not same anon.
see above picture
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wat do you dink about meh bananagirl???

would bang 10/10
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More of that hot slut ho(rs)e


Get it?
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friend's little sister, what do you think ?
That's not a butterface. Would fuck her in a heartbeat

Would smash her back doors in
people seems to think she is the few time I posted her
I would too.
Ohh, wel now with that last picture, I can see why, I guess it's all about the right angle.
Yup, she got a nice body but her face... let's just say at least it's a good face to fuck. also it was nice that I was sometime alone at my friend's home and got to sneak in her room.
Yeah, nice body, but all those different hair colors… well, so much batshit crazy for me.
Anyways, you have more, maybe in a bikini or a tight dress? I'm wanking to her atm
Is it bad when I wanna fuck most of these?
this one ? also want more ?
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Someone needs to be heard, how cute.
God dammit now I see Joey Ramones face on her.
Yesplease ,more
got this one when she was a bit younger.
Nice. Any pic on a tight slutty dress
like this ?
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Yeah, more like that
or like that ? also if you have questions you're free to ask

she dead?
I lost my virginity to a butterface when I was 12
I think she needs to get rid of the glasses
And better makeup would probably do wonders
Did she have a stroke?
She's fucking hot any nudes
I am really aroused
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Exactly what I thought too
More like this, please!!

How old is she?
Is she a slut or a virgin?
If so, have you fucked her?
Which country?
Does she have sisters?
If so, younger or older?
>More like this, please!!
>How old is she?
>Is she a slut or a virgin?
>If so, have you fucked her?
>Which country?
>Does she have sisters?
>If so, younger or older?

Social security number?
Mothers maiden name?
Blood type?
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she's 20, quite a slut, only throatfucked her, we were drunk and I don't even think she remember anything, French, she does have two younger sisters, one is 16 the other is 5.
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He said ask questions ffs>>702521467
No one's posted the fucking queen of BF yet? OK I guess I'll post it.
holy shit!
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What in God's name is THAT?
if she fixes her teeth and takes better care of her appearence in general, se would be hot af
It's what populates the midwest
and I'm ok to answer as long as it's nothing too personal.
Great answers, anon
Share more please

The sluttiest pictures you tcouldthink of from her.
That's buttanigger
Have you seen her naked?
Are her boobs perky or saggy?
like this one ?
Kinda. Showing cleavage?
Fuck her 'till she farted
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Sans titre 5.jpg
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Yes, and perky
Ask and you shall receive

On a personal note I think she's cute as fuck just in an unusual way.
don't got a lot of those unfortunatly
Does your bro knows you nutted on her lil sis?
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start posting actual butterfaces
Holy shit, how many different hair shades has she had?
>queen of BF
The Queen of bladeforums?
Nope, don't have a clue
a lot, quite annoying I agree
Because I don't have shit taste, OP.
have any creep shots?
Shrek is love. Shrek is lice.
Nothing about her is unattractive. You don't understand this thread.
not really, but keep asking if you got more questions
Oh the thread is toabout die, so as my last question is she studying something or she's a failure in life? If so, what is she studying?
Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 104

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