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I'm a 59 year old high school Chemistry teacher. Virgin

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 290
Thread images: 14
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I'm a 59 year old high school Chemistry teacher. Virgin and unmarried. AMA /b/
Go back to wizardchan, cringelord!
fuck a student you dip what do you have to lose you'll be dead before you serve your sentence
so youre a wizzard?
go away walter white
how many times do you fap a week?
any spells to share?
breaking bad but with an aging wizzard.

Ar you a paedo?
how do you think this all happened? was it by choice? poor social skills?
seconded. time stamp needed

what grade do you teach and can you still get it up so you can fap while thinking about the hotties?
How many times have you masturbated to the thought of your students?
Not confident enough


But isn't he like 56? Anyways, his life is a hell of a lot more interesting than mine.

At least twice daily, putting that around 14 times

I mean, I don't care much on age and I'm around girls 14-17 most of the time so..
dude, get a pack of condoms, goto a "massage parlor" on backpage, get yourself a double girl package for like $200-300 bucks.
What kind of bond is it when two atoms share a pair of valence electrons?
Teacher by choice, virgin and single due to poor social skills and inability to put myself out there.

I teach freshman and sophomores. For non Americans that's 9th and 10th. And yes.

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dude, that's like middle school science. don't insult Walt's intelligence.
whats it like being a teacher? is it easy or hard? and are there any students you really don't like being around?
Why don't you hire a prostitute?
>freshman and sophomores

Fuck dude. That shit has got to be distracting as fuck.
how hot are your students
best bet to prob get your feet wet at a massage parlor like i said above, get 2 girl package... get comfortable with fucking whores then find a hot expensive escort for like $500, probably some hot college kid.. dont go for junkies.
Both anons correct. Pretty easy screening question, but you tried.

I honestly have sort of lost the desire to lose it. My hand has been working wonders for as long as I can remember.

Its pretty easy. I teach the same material year after year so its kind of ingrained into my brain. The most time consuming thing is grading, but I do most everything on scan-tron papers so the only grading is grading any written work and participation grades. I personally hate being around the loud obnoxious students, obviously. Wish I could hold their heads to Bunsen burners.
I have to say, that at 59 it has become your choice to be a single virgin. There are many options out there, even for those with a lack of skills as you mention. All you have to do is want it and put in some effort.

Stop being a pussy.

This is also probably a bullshit story.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
even if you lost desire to lose it, those massage parlors are great.. normal ones are like $60 bucks an hour for a massage, around 45 min mark they ask you to roll over, give em an extra $20 for a tip.. even if youre not losing it, nothing better than a sensual massage and getting your junk rubbed.
Get your ass to Thailand and you can get girls cheap. They like old dudes for their social security checks, the older the better as they only have to wait a couple of years.
For a woman yes, but for a man the default is no sex. It takes a conscious will to get laid unless you are a literal 11/10 or have enough money.
you wish you could ever spank the bad students like what they did back in the 50s and 60s
do you ever think about shooting up your classroom or school?
Yeah, it is. Depends, I teach in Colorado, USA so there's a lower population of fat lards compared to other parts of the country, have anywhere from 2/10 to 9/10 in any given class

Pretty much. After 40 I sort of lost the desire to lose is and here I am.

Sort of true. I'm sure I probably could have lost it. I mean I'm a teacher so obviously I'm not wealthy by any means but I try to save. I would rate myself about a 3/10 so that doesn't help either.
Go breaking bad
nice try fbi!
Oh trust me, all the fucking time.

Nah, I'm not really the violent type.

Would if could friend.
In 29 years, I hope to post this very same thing
Do you know how to make meth?
is making drugs as easy as tv makes it seem? and did you get a phd in chemistry?
Do coworkers assume you're gay, since you've never been married and are never seen with a woman?
zozzle, you don't know how to make meth!
Have you ever secretly masturbated at your desk with students in the room?
whats your favorite experiment to demonstrate:?
I love you op please don't leave :(
Sauce of pic?
I wish. Would be better income and more interesting than teaching.

I've never tried, but I'm pretty sure its a lot harder.

I've been mistaken for being gay multiple times, not by anyone I currently work with. Not sure if they think I am or not.

Nope. But I do record testing sessions "just to make sure you aren't cheating and keep you honest."

Anything with chemicals that react in odd ways, love seeing the looks on students faces.

Don't worry, I'm still here. Just don't let go anon.
Why wont you hire an escort?
Not sure, sorry. Opened a random thread and got a random pic.

Like I said, have lost the desire to lose it. If I had the opportunity with a student that's probably one of the only ways I would.
Teen girls are horny as fuck OP, you should fuck them.

Just project dominance.
Have you ever considered how easy it would be to stick spy cams in the locker rooms?
Thats bullshit, do you like the sensation of you hand around your penis? then the sensation of a vagina even if its a middle class escort would be amazing, there is no "desire" to lose anything only the desire of something more sexual....

or you are a pedo, and thats all

Nigga, what did you do to your life?
there are plenty of cougars out there that still have it going on, why not look
Do you masturbate in the morning and evening, or immediately after school, then another hour after that?
fucking age 15+ is not pedo
im 23 with vcard and would shag a cougar no problem
If you are a chemistry teacher you would know that making drugs is easier than on tv. fuck man, you get to order for your School. The shit you can get..... fuck man, this shit is fake
maybe if you are 16, but if you are a 59 year old teacher, then it is....
has anyone ever gotten hurt my mixing two chemicals and getting a bad reaction?
why'd you choose a degree in chemistry?
If I'm going to try it will probably be the year before I retire just so that I'm not out a job because it leaks.

I'm never in the locker rooms, would raise suspicion if I even entered the gym. I set one up in the girls bathroom at a different school about 15 years ago. Haven't done much since.

I guess you could define my likes as the likes of a pedo, so. But yeah, pretty much.

Its not what did I do to my life, it's what I didn't do to my life.


Typically before school and immediately after, sometimes later that night if I'm horny.

Whatever you say. The conditions you need to simulate in order for them to form is probably relatively hard. It would also raise suspicion if I ordered more of a chemical that just happens to be an ingredient in meth.

Second anon pretty much nailed it lol.

Myself no, some of my students have. Nothing life changing, but I've had a couple students leave with minor burns or tattered clothes.

Didn't know what the fuck to do with my life, I had mild interest in chemisty.
if there's grass on the field play ball
Do you fap to the videos? Also, wouldn't it be kind of suspicious? I know if I had a teen daughter and her single male teacher videotaped the class I'd be asking some questions.
Fucks sake mate, do something while your dick still works. Post on craigslist. Hit up women on facebook. Something.
do you ever sniff the seats of where the hot girls sit?
Fifty-fucking-nine??? You've got to be kidding me!!
How does it feel to be a faggot?
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Yes I do. I get a lot of emails from parents about it. Just give a big long speil about academic dishonesty, blah blah blah you're enabling it if you think this is wrong, blah blah, I only watch them if I have a reason to suspect cheating blah blah. Administration knows and they're fine with it so it's not like they can stop me. If parents are still spooked I offer to transfer their child to another class.

Eh, could, but like I said, people on craigslist aren't exactly in the age range I'm most attracted to.

Nope. I have had gym bags left in my classroom and I'll take them home overnight if the student doesnt pick them up by the end of the day, you know, just to ensure nobody steals anything. Gym bags always have pants/sports bras, occasionally panties. Backpacks usually not much interesting,
Did you do your fair share of partying as a teen/adult
Have female students ever flirted with you?
how often do you drink and what kind of alcohol do you drink? ever drink while at work?
whats the stupidest thing a kid as said or done in your class?
You tell me.

W-a-o-w, people who are older than 30 exist on the internet? w-a-o-w!

Didn't go to very many, kind of sat at home and did nothing.

A couple times, I've gotten some feels in on girls but nothing past that.

I have about a glass of wine or two a night. Box wine, whatever is the cheapest at the store, not picky. I don't think I've ever drank at work.

A kid swiped his tongue over a Bunsen burner once....
Did you ever catch a student cheating using the footage?
How many High School teachers do you think are actually closet pedophiles?
im pretty sure at least one of your students want to fuck you.
>hand pic
>soon tits or gtfo
Whats the weirdest way you've jerked off?
So was your autistic cripple son adopted then
I would lile to add to this question, do you know other teachers perving on female students?
how many electrons can each shell hold?
You ever hear students talking about 4chan, or /b/?
Ever hear them using memes that you know, and kind of die a little inside because you're 59 and you know what they're talking about?
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
New thread
are you ever 'propositioned' for improved grades? or is that shit just in porn?
1)how do i produce artificial thc
2)easiest way to manufacture homemade lsd
Eh, occasionally I will while "reviewing" the videos. But I hardly ever actually act on seeing someone cheat unless I dislike them or have a reason to.

Not sure, not very many, but I'm pretty sure they exist. I'm sure most male teachers are somewhat sexually attracted to students, only a few teachers have ever talked to me about it though. Originally I wasn't attracted to younger ages but the longer I've taught the more I have been.

I don't know about that. Like I said, not very attractive. Some girls have let me grab and squeeze but I don't think they wanted much more than attention.

I'm pretty average when it comes to masturbating. The weirdest I've done is play around with stuff in my ass.

At my current school, I know of only 1. He claims to have intercourse with about 2 girls ever year. Hes sent me a few pictures of his own students have shared with him so I believe him.
what substance should i use if i what to clean me body of tar ?
fuck you
Is this like a poor and/or dangerous school? (inner city)
Why are we transitioning threads?

Another very basic question but, the formula for electrons in each shell is 2 times n to the second.

Never heard any talk of 4chan, heard them using memes though.

About 24mph

Dont know and if I did I wouldn't share.
Dude you jack off to children, lol thats so fucking gross
Where did your parents go wrong?
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You've answered every question I've asked OP so I just wanted to say thanks for being a bretty cool OP and I hope you have a good life.

Here's a nipple of a Spice Girl. You're old enough to remember them.
Man, I live in Colorado and I'm really wondering if you taught me.
Remember what happened to Masse? Heh.
>banged/texted these 17 year old whores. Like the biggest whores in school.
> claims she was raped
> he got life, possibility of parole after 10 years
His wife worked at the school and was fucking sexy.
Google it. "Masse Colorado school Broomfield" or something like that.
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Goddamn normies
>jacking off to children is cool bruh its 4chan
you faggot, spend less time on this site
when are you expecting to kill yourself? also i like chemistry
why are metals shiny
What is the hardest metal known to man?
nobody else answer...wait for OP. we'll see just how much he really knows.
What is your name and which school do you teach at?

I feel like your students should know this information.
metal reflects light
To each his own. Depends how you define children as well. I would call them young adults but that's me.

Nope, suburban Colorado. Colorado is incredibly white and even more so in the area. Crime rates, and ugly blacks are both low. Most middle to upper middle class students.

Don't know

No problem /b/ro. Thanks, same to you. And of course.

Yes I remember it. I currently reside in/around broomfield, don't want to give exact location for obvious reasons.

I probably wont. My life isn't interesting but it's not bad either. Its a simple life.

Electrons vibrating when light hits them, reflects the light back.

If were speaking metals, I believe it's tungsten? Not completely sure.

Nice try.
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why haven't you killed yourself yet?(serious question)
I'm a 25 yo wizard apprentice and my only goal in life is to NOT become a wizard if you know what I mean.

without hookers btw
I live in fucking Broomfield hahaha.
Holy shit.
If you taught at Broomfield or Monarch I probably knew you.
fuck off reddit
How close have you come to getting laid?
Titanium in strength to weight. Why are you teaching chemistry?
What's the slutiest thing a girl ever tried for grades?
Eh, once you get over it, it's not too bad. Social shaming for being a virgin is pretty much gone once you hit "old man" status because its assumed that you aren't. I don't hate life, I don't let my virginity bother me honestly.

Neither broomfield or monarch. In A12 though.

Cause why not.

When I was younger, pretty close. Making out in a car close. Recently, nothing more than groping.
when du plan to retire?
they are not nearly competent enough to be called adults, they wont be until sometime after college
archived and submitted this thread to the proper authorities in Colorado

I used to teach physics at an all girl's college. Several girls used to stare at my crotch while I was lecturing. Very unnerving.
Used to live in littleton, place was the shit before moving to niggerland ohio
Unless you're talking about Cleveland or Dayton, most of Ohio is pretty white.
I'm thinking about becoming a teacher, how much does it pay? does the pay go up significantly as you get older? benefits?
Depends a lot on your degree, except for private schooling. Also not OP here
why didn't you just become a principal?
Came to me after school, let me do whatever I wanted besides actual sex for half an hour. Was given an A

Probably 65

Thats why I said YOUNG adults. Not adults, not partly adults, on the verge of being almost an adult.

>The stories and information posted here are >artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here >as fact.

Yeah? Maybe you should make an AMA thread. Bet you have better stories than I do.

I lived in littleton when I was young, nice place.
cleveland bro
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not really, most of the cases around my town (which there are plenty) the only people that get laid are basically degenerates
what kind of degree did you get in college? bach, masters or phd?
Saying that everything on /b/ is fake is just being blatantly retarded
Snitch. Nothing lower, even pedophiles are better. Faggot.
lmao sucks to be you.
whats your favorite kind of food?
>Came to me after school, let me do whatever I wanted besides actual sex for half an hour. Was given an A
how hot was she?
do you ever miss any of the kids from last years class?
>Yeah? Maybe you should make an AMA thread. Bet you have better stories than I do.

No one would believe it. I'm 72 now.
I'd rather be a virgin with your knowledge than the useless man whore that I am.

Sex is overrated, keep going dude.
what kind of porn you watch?
What did you do? She blow you?
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>Social shaming for being a virgin is pretty much gone once you hit "old man" status because its assumed that you aren't.
that just makes it worse for me tbh, but thanks for the answer tho...
does your school have a gang or drug problem?
My whole school was lit with Milhouse back when he wasn't a meme. I felt like half my school used 4chins
snitches get stitches m8
Can you cook?
Probably been 35 years since he last studied Chemistry himself. Since then he probably just regurgitates the textbook and pre-written curriculum.
Would rather do chem than administration. Don't want to handle that shit.

Pretty much. Also, unless you have a passion for teaching itself, I wouldn't.


I like mexican.

7/10, decent ass, decent tits

Believe it or not would still be interesting.

Pretty average vanilla stuff. Boring, I know.

Nope. Literally just groping
>If were speaking metals, I believe it's tungsten? Not completely sure.

there's a /b/ meme about diamond being the hardest metal known to man.
mention it sometime in class just to see how your students react. see if they're /b/tards. then play it off like a joke or something.
what is a standard day for you like?
yea, that b8 is fucking gay
Do you coach any girls' sports?
what kind of hobbies do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Did any student ever offered you sexual acts in return for good marks?

At least that's how i imagine a teachers life
you're right, I don't believe, post pics with timestamp faggot
Groping under the clothing?

Also, what's the average age of the girls in your fantasies?
what time do you usually get off, and after the classes are over how much more work do teachers need to do before they can go home and do whatever they want?
Didn't think about that. But, my chemistry teacher in highschool was 76 when he taught me, he is without a doubt the smartest person i had ever met. He rarely ever used the book.
>jacking off to children, thinking of it as young adults to feel better about it

im pretty sure their is a psychological term for warping your view on something wrong to justify it in you mind. Cant think of the term.
'If I say I'll get arrested'
>Nope. Literally just groping
want details of how everything went down
maybe a greentext
How are you virgin as a highschool teacher? You could easily fuck one of your students.
Someone explain this girl. Her porn is everywhere. She looks like a 12 year old that somehow has tits. And shes always solo. Whats the deal.
go to a fucking porn thread, not and ama of a poor old wizard
this... every detail

she's probably in her 30's at this point, most of her content was filmed when she was 18-25 tho
but chances are high that they'll blackmail him
How come you never brewed up something to get you some of that fine, teen puss?

For fuck's sake, Man, you're a goddam CHEMIST!!!
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I'm the distributor of well over half of what you see, probably
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

judging by the way this supposed 59 year old individual types it's extremely unlikely he's saying the truth
one person got it right

so she isnt 12, ill be damned
Don't you also need a Masters in education to teach public school?
It's a shame, isn't it
Right, because people over 30 don't know how to type or use the internet.

We invented the internet for you, son. You're welcome.
Decently well, probably better than average, but thats because I have a lot of time, need something to do to fill it.

Nailed it on the head.

Wake up about 5 AM, masturbate, shower, go to school, come home masturbate, spend time playing with my dog, masturbating, cooking, 4chan. Pretty much it. Weekends I'll go golfing on occasion.

Nope, never coached any sports.
Golfing, playing with my dog. I tried video games, not my cup of tea. I like to hike and ski, havent been able to in recent years due to hip problems.

Unless I need to enter grades I can basically go home. Classes end at 3 PM, but I usually stay until about 4:30ish.

Average age is highschool age.

Nope. Not op here
Do you wear sweater vests and ties from 20 years ago, and have a combover?
are you fat?
it's still unlikely, and im not buying anything this 15 year old is saying until i get a timestamp with some elderly white hair involved
It really wont be that interesting as a story.

I think that idea comes from porn, not sure.

Lmao, not sure what you mean but all I have to say is lmao

Yeah, it's difficult to tell someones age based on typing or technology prowess.

No and no. You don't have to dress that well. Can get by with collared shirts pretty much.


The more time they spend here the more of a goblin they become, marking them for easy avoidance by actual children.

Stop advocating making pedos look like normies you faggot
nah, dont have any disorders. Cant get off to someone that looks like they play with barbies
Do u marry waifu doll yet? Is she nice to u?
>technology prowess.
you mean technological prowess, so called wizard?
Well you could either brew up something to make one really compliant, or something fun they are willing to trade sex for.
did you fuck a high school girl yet
Exactly how dry is your vagina?
>It really wont be that interesting as a story.
idc, tell it
>Lmao, not sure what you mean but all I have to say is lmao
I think he means that you should cook up a date rape drug.
did you consider any other careers other than teacher? like working for pharm?
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I wish this were you OP.
59???? how long have you been browsing /b/?
Chemistry isn't potions class you tard.
you ever had a gf?
au contraire
Like I'm going to do that with what I've said in this thread. Nice joke.

I'm not into any of that weird stuff.

I didn't claim that I had any, was just saying.

Haha ok.


So dry it doesn't exist.

Maybe another time I'll tell it. If you see the bat symbol be there. Yeah, I'd rather not be even more of a fucked up person than I already am. I'm not attracted to who I am by choice, thats what you guys don't understand. If I could change I would.

Considered, but being a teacher is pretty autopilot. Get off early, summers off, not much work that requires much brain usage.

Maybe 3-4 years?

High school I had a few for like a few weeks to a month or two.
Perhaps a good point, but how do you suck my dick and type at this same time? its quite a show
lol no
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> look who didn't pay attention in high school potions class
what's your favorite season?
>confirmed for underaged nigger spawn
Post your cock OP
Tomorrow I have a test based on physical properties of solution, we use the Chang text book, any advices?
I don't think grown men who find high school girls attractive are pedos. You're not supposed to fuck them, but wanting to is perfectly normal. A pedo would find elementary school girls attractive. That's a big fucking difference.
59 years old
dang, you're only 3 years younger than my dad
are you happy with the way your life is going so far?
wow, nice catch, steinberg.

it doesn't make much sense to try to use his grammatical shortcomings to impugn his technological prowess, whatever that is supposed to accomplish anyway
are you a nigger?
ITT faggots that don't know the definition of pedophilia and an old lonely ass man
Nope, the idea is not all porn. I know quite a few girls who had sex with teachers.
ever been on wizardchan? how does your life compare to theirs?
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it's joke
Am 47, can confirm OP is at least in his 40's or later just from his answers and attitude.
You must not have develop much post highschool. By just how stupid the kids are, I could never be attracted to one.
>How to look like a dumbass 101
Do teachers gossip about students in the teacher lounge, or do they just gripe about things like pay and management?
Definitely complain about students (not OP)
Fall or winter. Fall because of mild temperatures and sunsets, winter because I like snow and skiing.

I guess thats valid, but I disagree on some level.

Eh, I'm not happy, but I'm not unhappy I guess.

Made me chuckle


Never visited. I may be a virgin but I don't think its something that defines me as a functioning human being.

What's your story? Occupation and relationship status? Also what makes you say that?

Theres definitely talk about stupid shit students say/do on the day to day, but its a balance between both mostly.
what life advice would you give to someone in there mid twenty's
I know it seems wierd. Saw another anon make a thread with his doll. he seemed at ease with himself, being a virgin at thirty and what not. you could even get a loli body if your into that
so we shouldn't expect abnormally intelligent people to be sexually attracted to their comparatively stupid peers?
I'm talking looks along. Some high school girls are breathtakingly beautiful young women. When they start talking they ruin it, but just walking by some of them sure as fuck turn my 48 year old head. I haven't fucked one since I was that age, though.
opposite answer as this guy.

Mr. wirtz fhs
what state do you teach in, when was the first day of school what city
Well, you see them as emotionally stupid and annoying in your 20's and 30's maybe, which makes them unattractive, but by the time you're middle aged you don't care about the emotional stuff and just want to fuck.
Are you looking for sympathy or advice? You'll get no sympathy because it's obvious it's a choice you made. My advise - stay a virgin. When you actually get to stick your dick into a pussy, you'll find out what you've been missing and hate yourself for having waited so long.

Einstein allegedly wore the same "outfit" every day.
>someone in there mid twenty's

Learn the correct words to use.
Whats best way to make meth, or nitrous oxide?
An odd question. I personally find a sharp mind extremely attractive. Stupidity is like a bad odor, i dont even like being around it. If you find stupid people attractive, it says some interesting things about you.
I have two questions for OP.

Did you grow up watching Mr. Wizard?
And how awesome is Mr. Wizard?

(not making fun of your wizard status..I just love Mr. Wizard)
It's an AMA. Learn your shit, anon
Do you post on /ck/?

Are you on the autism spectrum, or other mental health problem?
I got dysleixa probably, I can use text to speech or hire an editor
>Hire editor
>browsing /b/
These don't add up, anon
least i'm not a virgin at 59 i guess, i'll keep my bad spelling, you keep your virginity
47 year old HS math/computer teacher, not virgin but sexless for 7+ years, can relate about not caring anymore. Hand works fine and is more efficient.
are you voting for Trump or Clinton?
Why would I want to learn anything from a 59 yr old virgin, he's got no useful information for me. Besides, don't you see his post as a cry for help?
Very true. Its definitely not an intelligence thing, its a body thing.


Colorado, not last tuesday, but the one before it. Prefer not to say.

I'm looking for neither. I was stating some simple facts about why people might like to ask me questions, and I say I was sort of right based on the amount of replies.

RIP Mr. Wizard. And yes. Also, make fun of it all you want.

No, this is the only board I frequent

Not that I'm aware

Someone agrees

Sad to say probably Clinton. Just cant bring myself to vote for trump.

some of us are just here because we're a little fucked in the head. not because we're worthless scum that can't succeed at life, as I assume is your case.
OP if this is you I'm baked af right now and trying so hard not to laugh so loud

>Eh, I'm not happy, but I'm not unhappy I guess.
then I guess you're just fine
have a good day
>Assuming I'm OP
I guess it's the thought that counts
While someone is at work, it is common and normal to find women attractive who, outside of work, you wouldn't pay attention to. The same may be true for intelligent people perpetually surrounded by less intelligent people: Their standards may lower to meet the actual quality available. And that doesn't mean they are defective or under-developed. It just means slim-pickings.

Someone always surrounded by young idiots may similarly see them as more attractive than they would if alternatives were available.

And matters are complicated further by consideration of the purely visual aspect: Typically, when we're watching porn, the intelligence of the actresses doesn't sway our boners much, and that's (again) fine.

It is compatible with ALL of this to find intelligence supremely sexy in others, especially when looking out for prospective mates.
I don't see it as a cry for help. But then again, I'm not super master psychologist, Dr. Anon-Kun III

absolute meticulously organized body disposal system. not a trace.
cool, I thought you were a teacher I knew for a second.>>701740620
nice trips
>some of us are just here because we're a little fucked in the head
Getting a little edgy there
If you think it's sad to vote for Clinton and you clearly don't want to vote for Trump then why don't you just not vote?
Feel uncomfortable introducing yourself on the first day of school, knowing the students are cringing at you?
what would you do differently if you could go back to being 20?
>Sad to say probably Clinton.
You obviously aren't a teacher. No one with a brain would say that
how would his students know he was a virgin?
Czeched and you stole my question
Not what i was referencing, but ok

I don't think normal people do /b/. They may have looked, but I suspect there's something wrong with most of the folks here. I'm 33, and wasting my life shitposting. That isn't normal.
erroneously assuming no one with a brain would say that
erroneously assuming all teachers have brains

>are you lonely?
>do you have fits of rage?
>do you think you are "in your head" a lot?
Seems probable. Thanks for making me feel better about what I'm attracted to, lol.

Another chuckle inducing post.

Not likely, but would be crazy.

I prefer to vote than not vote. Just a belief of mine.

I don't think students find me too cringy. I guess you could call me cringy though. But to answer your original question, no, I didn't/don't.

Not sure honestly. I'd probably be as lost as I was the first time.

Alright I guess?
I was in a class where the teacher got asked on the first day during that whole introduction "any questions you have for me?" thing if he was a virgin by one of the students.
do you have any relatives? do you see them often?
That's a very nice vocab word, I'm proud of you
Also gave me a little kekkle
59 year olds have experienced and already figured out how to deal with everything and don't "cry for help."
I've given two chuckles
Is it sad to say I'm somewhat proud of that?
What's the difference between an Anode, and a Cathode?
to you travel during holidays? you should go to Thailand or some shit and fuck teenagers
>google search exists
Teacher's complaining about pay is bullshit, right?

I mean, they make what, like 35k a year with 3 months vacation and benefits, and the education requirements and skill set to become a teacher ranges from very easy to moderately boring depending on what your major was back in college.

I'm all for more taxes being allocated toward education. I'd just prefer it be for more/better supplies, transportation, food, better extra curricular classes and club choices, and more new teachers to lower the class sizes rather than a bunch of overpaid happy teachers that would still think they deserve more if they made double what they do now because everyone always thinks they are being underpaid. Even rich, asshole CEOs are pissed their bonus was only 4 million instead of 6 this year.
thx bb!
I am an aspiring teacher, and I agree with you fully.
File: thedevil.jpg (125 KB, 700x875) Image search: [Google]
125 KB, 700x875
Is your name hepburn? do you teach in Des Moines?
If yes and yes, you are a fine teach, and role-model to young wizzards errywhere
No no and no.

His response?

Had an older brother deceased, as well as his wife. I don't talk to his kids.

Pretty much this. I don't think I need help, and if I needed help with anything at all, it'd be due to my attractions.

You should be. I enjoy chuckling, and I thank you for helping me chuckle.

Only inside the US. No thanks.

Pretty accurate. I don't have much issue with my pay. I'm sure I couldn't support a family and or wife with it, but thats not an issue now, is it.
$35K is poverty wage for a family in the USA.

>pay peanuts
>get monkeys
>monkeys teaching and influencing your children
dubs... also whats her name?
File: 04.jpg (246 KB, 1118x1491) Image search: [Google]
246 KB, 1118x1491
Do you get to see a lot of downblouse nipples? Whaletales, buttcracks? Whats your favorite bit to watch? Any alpha wizard techniques for scoping out the wins?
I'm considering becoming a teacher, what are the odds I can fuck some students or at least come close to it?
Are you attracted to your students?
Kozlova Monroe is the best thing to search
Her actual name is Katerina Kozlova or something of the sort but that isn't important
lol i make more than a teacher and im 23 doing an electrical apprenticeship. not even licensed yet
Read the rest of the thread
You don't need help for your attractions. For God's sake, you're a sexless man spending your days in a room of hypersexed teens filling the air with pheromes. It would affect any man.
that's life
What brought you to 4chan for the first time? What are your favorite breads?
What race of students are the worst to deal with? whites, blacks, asians?
Have students ever made fun of you or disrespected you?
probs loli
>His response?

Well for clarification he was a student teacher trying to get experience in the field or whatever. So right away the actual teacher of the class scolded the student, but right after that the guy said, "that's not really any of your business, but the answer should be obvious; I have a girlfriend." He was probably in his early thirties.
Apparently you've never been to Thailand to fuck teenagers?

>Get back to U.S. Customs/DHS
>Angry-looking DHS agent scanning the line, notes single male traveler without wedding band
>Where U coming from, Anon?
>Business or pleasure?
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