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Hello, i am from Iran and i am going to study english in USA.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 284
Thread images: 56
Hello, i am from Iran and i am going to study english in USA.

Are americans racist against persians?

I am not muslim, i am zoroastrian
You look white you'll be fine. Also, don't say you're iranian say you're persian
We're full up, stay there.
You're good,fam. Glory to Assad
congrats, you're about to be swimming in pussy
Assad is bad, but compared to islamic shit he is very good person
I mean you look white tbh. People'll probably find you interesting, you'll be rolling in pussy if your english is good.
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Really? Why?

i consider myself ugly haha
>looks better than most people here in murica
>weird ass religion that makes you "exotic"
you'll need to wear wellies to wade through that pussy bro
holy fuck you are beautiful
OP is very good looking tbh
Nah dude, not ugly for 'Merica standards
post penis
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haha thats funny, thank you

i want to know about making friends, i have never been in America before and i only have travelled to Italy for a week an to China.
Maybe I am not very extroverted lie americans but i like making friends. i want to make good friends there.

In my country tv say that americans are like devils and i dont know if you think the same about persians
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Fuckin sand niggers. Comin in here eating my pussy and slurpin up my sauce. Faggot. Fuck asssad and your want of furthur edumacatiin. ( i imagine thats the worst youll get in the northern states)

You guys do realize Iran and Syria are actually different countries?

It's like you're calling Obama the president of Canada.
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Just know I'm USA keksandra is most popular may may
>pic related
Depends where you go. It probably wouldn't be smart to proudly state that you're from Iran
Shave and you'll be swimming in boipucci
Where I live, immigrants are highly regarded. We love them. Americans will ask you a lot of questions about your country and lifestyle. Be prepared to be surrounded. We really have no opinion about Persians
i dont shave, always use beard.

what is boipucci?
i am not from syria, i am Persian. We are different races
Man's butt. Ignore the faggot.
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>what is boipucci?

the greatest thing in the world

>Man's butt

no, cute feminine mans butt

there's a diffrence
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Boipucci - gay man's ass

I lold

the fuck is that
The Persian empire crumbled long ago. People that call themselves Persian need a history lesson.

Tv in Iran say that many of americans are gay, is that true?
a holes a hole

explain me

You dont now. Not all iranians are persians, and not all Persians are iranian.

If you think about 5% of 320 million is a lot, then yeah. What area of the USA are you going to?
It looked like zoro artisan at a glance

I had no idea you were so cool OP
>I am not muslim, i am zoroastrian

you'll be fine then
Yeah they can't tell the difference.
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Yeah it's true we are a massive bunch of faggots that control the world from our amazing country. Oh and we killed harambe

welcome to america
ignorance is bliss
Your on /b/. Isn't it obvious. Faggots everywhere.
Nah in the real world I would doubt there are more gay people then anywhere else, even Iran. They just don't have to hide it and are much more open about it.
I dont know yet.

I have 3 places to choose.
Los Angeles California
Dallas Texas
Boston Massachusetts

i like nature and friendly people
I feel bad about using new key ron as my usernames in Twitch for raids
Desu they're actually pretty cool
Holocaust denial
Hate Israel
Texas seems like the right place for you actually

What's your criteria then, cause those three city's are different at fuck
>get stabbed to death by mexicans
>alright place
>assholes with a lot of self entitlement
I'd ignore all three then. Go somewhere in the Midwest like St. Louis, Kansas City, Cincinnati, or the Twin Cities. They'll be a lot cheaper to live in as well as having more friendly people.
OP, have you ever had your DNA tested? You don't look ME. You could pass as as Southern Euro.

I like history very much, ancient cities, i like nature, beaches and sorry for say it i like pretty girls too
>You don't look ME
well he said he was Iranian
That's like calling Italians Roman.
north Carolina sounds like your kind of place
You better eat bacon bitch.
Actually neither are Persian because the Persian empire doesn't exist.
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I am not middle eastern, i am persian.
In my town there are blonde and redhead people.

There are a lot of white looking people here.

I dont consider myself white
What is it with iranians speaking such good enlgish? Three people in my masters program were from IRan. First time for all three to be in an english speaking country (and first to actually live in another ocuntry, though two had vacationed in europe)

and all three spoke such excellent english.
Jacksonville, Florida would be pretty decent. It's close to the oldest settlement in the US. If you could live without beaches, then I'd go to St. Louis, Missouri where there are the Cahokia Mounds, home to the largest Mississippian Indian population in pre-Colombian USA, plus it's pretty history rich. Then, there's always Richmond, Virginia
what town is that?
I recommend Dallas
I live in Houston, pretty close, and my Grandpa lives in Dallas so I've been there a few times
Pretty cool place, not many libtards to ruin it as far as I can tell, just try to avoid colleges, which should go without saying in these times
If you like beaches, and you're willing to pick up some Spanish, no worries as English is still a pretty common language there, I cannot recommend Puerto Rico enough
Friendly af community
Nice and warm
High Tier to FUCKING GOD TIER beaches depending on where you go
Pretty nice place
I'm biased though, being Puerto Rican myself
ISIS pls go
new england is oldest part of settled US, you dipshit
Naa I like Persians
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Spanish empire doesn't exist, there are not spanish people anymore.
Ancient greece doesn't exist, not greeks anymore.

Persia is a region a people and i am proud to be persian and resisted to the islamic invaders
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St. Augustine, Florida is, dumbass
Mate how else are they supposed to understand government secrets if they happen to stumble upon them somehow and feel it to be their duty as an Iranian to tell their country?
Also maybe the hatred of murica drives them to learn English to better communicate with them tell them how much they suck
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There have been cases of pretty much anyone from the middle East being mistaken for Muslims so yeah a little bit
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Maybe, sexy as hell too.
Sorry, I meant you don't look like a typical ME most people would picture, like an Arab. Normally I don't picture people with such Caucasoid features from Iran or surrounding countries.
Than for your reccomendation.

I speak spanish fluently because i study in unversity. I love beaches very much and not very hot weather.

I would like Puerto Rico but i want to live with 100% english language.
Thats because they have money to pay english classes and study in english speaking countries and because persian language is indoeuropean, not semitic
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no, I don't think so
>sh classes and study in english speaking countries and because persian language is indoeuropean

THese three had never been to an english speaking country
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Lanugage may be indoeuropean, but your noses are often semitic
I understand.

You have to know that countries like afganistan for example are not "country". They are a bunch of tribes in an artificial country. There are tribes with blonde people, others are arabs, others are very dark skinned, etc..
Americans are racist to anyone that isn't themselves. They honestly think that their over weight asses are superior to everyone else.
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how so>?
You look white to me. Not being Muslim is also a huge plus. Welcome to the US!
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>New England
Settled 1600
>St. Augustine, FL
Settled 1565
is not very difficult if you study since you are a kid.
yes, persians have noses like that. Thats nose is not "semitic". Arabs have more african blood
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Dude youre hot as fuck. And im a straight guy
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Florida is a shit hole

Very high rate of rhinoplasty in IRan I've read
Autistic muslime. America is the best, sandnigger. Die.
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Kill yourself, europig. America #1, europig. Die.
i can not choose those cities, sorry.

why you say that, are mexicans bad people?
black americans are friendly or not?
Some fags might call you sandnigger or something once in a blue moon but it's got nothing to do with hate or especially racism.

Islam wants to destroy our country, and we're not okay with it
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love ya too friend
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Florida is pretty cool, m8. No income tax, can own a hangar in your backyard, got crocodiles and alligators.
so is your moms asshole. what's that got to do with the price of tea in china?
Gotcha, friendo. Just a warning, Los Angeles has shitty traffic and it's pretty expensive
like every group of people, there are the good and the bad, but there are a higher group of bad with those races, just have to be careful where you go
yup, but i like iranian noses, is part f our blood.

but my nose is straigh, thats weird haha

here first time i drink cocacola
nigger go away
if you're brown expect some bullshit

it depends on where you go but you wont be pushed around or beat up, unless Trump gets elected

you get shit on for your skin color and religion, doesnt matter what you actually are people here presume you are whatever all the time.
In Iran, they hang people for being the gay.
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u wut?
you aint ugly either, if this is you in the pic i think you will be fine in the US
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Hey, I ain't arguing. I find many of the Iranians I went to school with to be very attractive.
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Fuck everyone BLACK ppl rule!!!!!!
there actually crocs in florida now
Do you not know what a crocodile is?
We'll just think you're a time-traveling prince. Because that's all we fucking know/care about persia
in my state they tie 'em to the end of a truck and drive down the dirt road
Your not Black enough. We blacks run this country. Go be gay and white somewhere else.
if you have money in Iran you can live like in any western country.

i have a scholarshio of 1700 dollars per month, can i live with that in LA?
NO Black, so shut up bitch
i dont want to be rated or something like that, i dont care to show my face
pics and info sent to authorities for being a spy. enjoy the cameras, microphones and HIV planted in all that sweet sweet american pussy.
what like you transplanted one?
i was implying that crocs aren't indigenous to FL, shitdick
That's brown enough for me, nigger.
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anons careful, your autism is showing
Post pics of your bum hole and dick man
Go back to your desert you sandnigger
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Yes they are, American Crocodiles are native in southern Florida. Are you the same retard who said that New England was settled before St. Augustine?
Iranian peeps are cool but fuck your government
You kids are dumb boi pussi is not man butt its a dick of a gay man or a dick its what gays and feminists call dick
checked and seconded
Honestly, I don't know. I just know it's expensive. You're probably going to have to live with a roommate or two
don't believe everything you read on wikipedia, kid
no thats a sissy clitty
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There are a lot more gays in Islamic countries than USA but Americans aren't as secretive about it.
Same here. I'm Albanian and I have a perfectly straight nose. They call it a "Greek nose"

$1700 USD monthly has a different value dependant upon the cost of living where you're at. LA, likely not so much. Out in the sticks (southeastern US), you could do fine.

Just don't put up with any shit from the rednecks.
Don't you have to go protest that the airplanes flying over us are emitting mind altering chemicals or something?

islamic rape even animals, truste me i am persian i have seen that.

Afghans rape 5 years old boys dancers
I'm from North Carolina and would be glad to show an Iranian around. It's a pretty cool place.
None of those 3 cities has much nature or friendly people. Boston has shy assholes, Dallas has friendly assholes, LA is a cesspool.
boston has all the cool robotics and secret darpa shit. it has a lot of international flavor and if the massive amounts of opium doesnt tell you, there are a ton of other desert spies you can make friends with. ya know, have someone to talk to about spy stuff while spying. if you get caught creeping around MIT at night, just say you are tracking a rare charmander.
nah i got done with that and am currently working on my new project: murdering your mothers pussy. btw you're a bitch ass nigga with no common sense and if you're still reading this, your mom will die in her sleep tonight
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Most Americans won't even know what "Persian" means.
>shy assholes
i've never met a shy person from boston, they're all loud as shit
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Texas? That you?
nah but just as hot FL
You're good OP, just don't do anything stupid or act suspicious. Have a fun time.
No one like Zorro so fuck off.
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can you fag bash me daddy
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If your moving to Boston, I'm in Worcester. I'll hang with you Persian bro. I've got some Persian friends anyways. Just be down with weed, alcohol, partying and bitches.
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are this typical american girls?
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Oh wow, a Zoroastrian...glad to know a few of you still exist. You ever heard of the Flower of Life books by Drunvalo Melchizedek? You should look into it.
Yeah they're called whores. We have lots of them
You're a dumbass, the U.S. is a melting pot of immigrants from all over.
stupid Eurofuck

We've got a lot better than that, my magic carpet riding friend. Lots of our women are whores, and proud.
i don't know how many dicks you've gotta suck to look like that, but i'd give ya a pump or two
Don't push your culture on anyone and you'll be fine/
are you the fag basher tho?

still got time for you if not tho i guess :^)
you need to be here, son
>>701149375 (OP)
>mental illness bread
New England is fully cucked with one exeption
nah i just got here. shitposter extraordinaire
of white immigrants
>Are americans racist against persians?
Ghetto blacks might be.
I'm a European immigrant to the U.S
Why don't you come to the Moon and say it to our faces?
hi daddy
Dallas is the cheapest of your cities. I don't think you can survive on 1700 in boston or LA
You can do Just fine in Boston with that much. Just don't live in the center of Boston. MASShole here.
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you should be in bed. sorry about your sore ass btw
her pussy is so weird
this is stale pasta. stop it
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Dallas has lots of top secret government contract places too.
post-pregnancy i assume. they cut from the bottom of the vag to about the asshole to make birth giving "easier"
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This is a trap thread now
It's a feminine penis
Lets listen to some Shahram
its okay daddy i wont tell mom i promise :^)

i can live with a roommate.
i am very austere

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To get into the U.S. you need to tell the boarder guard the secret "password".
Look him/her straight in the eye and scream ALLAH AKBAR!

They'll let you right in
i know you won't, because i won't be so forgiving in your punishment the next time. daddy gets what daddy wants.

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Where are you from anon?
Dude, don't make any more posts like this, you are being watched. Get out come to the US or EU and study. It is expensive thought.

No people will not mind you if you are not muslim and define yourself as Persian,

You can't afford threads like this or you may get allahvanned
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please dont post homosexual things

i want to thank all the anons who give me reccomendations

please i want to know if can i live with 1700 in boston, LA and Dallas
:3 just not tonight please im still so sore from today before school
OP confirm for loving the homosex
Nah, I'd say you're not brown enough to have to worry about it too much. You might get strange looks for your accent or for saying openly that you're from Iran, but you'll blend in well enough that you'll at least have the option of flying under the radar. You'll find a few people here and there who are racist enough to give you a hard time, but I wouldn't worry about being treated especially poorly by anyone but total strangers on special occasions.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of racism in the US; it's just that a large majority of it is the kind that's easily ignored. We have such a mixed population that most of us aren't all that surprised to see a guy with a darker complexion and a strange accent. You might have to jump through some extra hoops at the airports though
watch out for mentally ill ugly men pretending to be women when you get to the us. Open society means tolerance for nutty disturbed attention whores due to lack of space in mental hospitals
That's not homosexual they're girls with feminine penis
St. Louis
You'll be cool. So long as you don't have a super thick accent or wear traditional clothes, people on a college campus won't even look at you funny.

Except the girls. They'll probably go rabid once you're here.
as a homosex i can confirm that shemale is not homosex
Live in a suburban area and you'll be just fine
that's a metal attention whore bait derailing the thread....
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tonight, we rest. but i'll be waiting for you after school tomorrow. your mother will be working until 5 if the schedule prevails. that will leave us just enough time for us to "share our love" before i need to prepare dinner. being a house husband isn't easy you know? don't be late
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you look white and are non-muslim so you're golden fam, good luck!
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Dallas is 34% cheaper than Boston.
Dallas is 35% cheaper than Los Angeles.
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why girls will go rabid? they hate people like me?

btw i forget to say that i am going to play football (soccer) in one of those 3 universities
aside from it as being gayeeee you mean?

ie two men fucking each other..

psychosis...trying to redefine reality to suit the mentally ill

either way no place for it here respecting the fact it could get op allah vanned in an oppressive regime.
wow bro, thank you very much!!!
you look pretty white but look a bit more exotic and the ladies love that shit

American women love foreign accents.

No homo but you are handsome.
Which universities?
honestly i'd let you assrape me anytime
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ok daddy :^) give me all your love

ill send you lots of snaps from the bathroom :)
Always a great irony in the fact that the gayeee are much keener to try and fuck straight people than each other. Guess they don't like each others rainbow that much. Best of luck op.
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ummm the whole website could get him in trouble???? its fucking 4chan!
yeah, Jesus Christ they're over the top tonight
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at least they're not as bad as the Russians
True thus my advise to him that this thread could get him vanned.

How do you know this is not someone trying to achieve that against the person in the pic of the OP out of spite because of religious discrimination against zoroastrianin in Iran?
ridiculous to assume that any of these people are actually gay and not just trolls.
speaking of Russians
trapchan has been raiding b for years. They were a joke orinally and they have been trying to make themselves into anything else for years. They can't face the fact that they always will be for some people. It's the whole trying to make the world fit mental illness psychosis thing.
I prefer Fat Bottom Boys, courtesy of /fit/
I checked on /b/ today
To see if I still feel
I see its filled with gay
What the fuck is their deal

The gays have but one hole
The traps are now a thing
Try to close the gay away
But I remember everything

What has /b/ become?
My sweetest friend
The oldfags that I knew
Went away in the end

And you can check what you want
My 4chan of shit
It will let you down
It will make you cringe

I close my browser now
Upon my dirty screen
Full of jizz and cum
I cannot make clean

I remember a great time
When WT snacks was there
Now he's somewhere else
He is still not here

And you can check what you want
My 4chan of shit
It will let you down
It will make you cringe

If I were but a mod
On my favorite chan
I would ban all the gay
I would find a way
There are still Zoroastrians? I thought that religion was long dead.
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The Russian b/tards or the new toxic by product of the fascist Russian state and its ultranationalist bs?

two different things
you killed this thread
you're probably good
It's funny. I don't give a single fuck if these guys want to suck a dick.
Nope, no care
But ...

It does jam my gears when they scream this shit with their "gay pride parades" and all the other "attention whore" shit.
true story
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Look trapchan raiding b again.....yawn. Still no interest in your mental illness thanks and this place was better when you were a star wars derived joke...which ironically you still are.

Must be tough knowing non mentally ill people still sum up your 'lifestyle' with a star wars meme huh?
this hurts
Marco Polo wrote about them in the travels, the three wise men leaving the perpetual flame they got at the nativity with them. It is a genuine religion with old roots.
It's the truth.
I think he meant that it's so autistic that it hurts
fags gonna fag
meh. Long time since there was much fresh and funny, you've got traps 24/7 instead, they are better than paedos but not much.
No they're not.

not even
Both on trying to reach out with underage a lot in common.
I'd take old /b/ over this stupid shit anytime.
The old /b is dead. Has been since 2006.

This is now a place for traps to raid and the public to come to try and imagine what once was.
chink m00t just needs to make a trap board to move them. Same thing happened with the ponyfags, no more ponyfags on /b/
Cut the hair short and grow out your beard. You'll look a lot better.
>Are americans racist against persians?

Just dont allahu ackbar anybody and legal immigrants are welcomed.
unfortunately, you're right

I really don't care if someone's gay. You're going to have a certain segment of society that is. Only in the U.S. Can this happen so openly. I'd never thought I'd say this but Russia and Iran have this right.
The whole thing started because they objected to being taken the piss out of with the its a trap meme. These raids are run out of trapchan which is where these men in skirts huddle and rant and the world not seeing them through their selfdefined psychosis. Like the paedos before them they think bombarding the world with their shit will make them valid.

And they could never take the joke. Men in frocks are sooooooooooo serious about being laydeeees. Thus the ocd 24/7 raiding. Straight teens fapping to them is their ultimate high. Same shit with the paedos.Still a star wars meme though....and always will be really.
Obama basically is the president of Canada after he socialized our healthcare. Ayy lmao
No Russia and Iran don't have it right. Jailing and persecuting people is not right. I can dislike them and still allow they the right to exist. However the traps don't see the world this way. They want the world to 100% buy in to their mental illness or they will screeeem.
lmao holy shit this thread is still here? where did my dadddy go
You're right, I don't think they should be jailed so much as beaten to death.
>from Houston
Legit, this checks out. Houston is like 95% wetback now.
He fucked off and left your mother there to hate you....and in revenge she made you the faggot you are.
iran is very odd. they actually have like the highest rate of transexual surgeries and they can even be paid for by the goverment

gay can get out of punishment by saying they are trans and having the surgery.

because some mullah said that trans is a thing
most americans are fuckin dumb so it depends where you go. most americans that aren't bigoted would think of "prince of persia" or other stereotypes and would probably thing it's really cool that you are persian. ivy league and snobby types might not care as much. also the bedraggled look will work for awhile but you will want to cut your hair regularly and shave your neck/clean it up eventually
go suck Hillery's dick you fuckin little bitch
oh wow..... :( that makes me sad

will you fuck me?
So if they catch a gayeeeeeeeee its chop your cock of or we destroy you?

Hardly reasonable.

Traps and gayeeee is a cancer on b because it is a lutz free zone always was and always wlll be.

You can't even laugh at traps for the hysterical lolcows they are because you have to take men in frocks soooooooooo seriously because they are laaaaydies.
No. Try lgbt. Someone may care there. I don't.
why not fuck yourself?
good idea amiright?
Hey, don't group us gays with those faggot traps. They've been stealing our progress and have been degenerating us for years
Take it to lbgt. I don't give a fuck and never will. Men fucking each other. Boring as fuck in either variety and unfunny as hell in either variety
Half of lgbt has the exact same opinion, the other half is literally just a bunch of trap threads
You're the living proof that gayeeeeeee and traps have to make every thread about gayeeee and traps. Fuck off. This is why it is cancer and part of what killed b
I think it's you and your ilk that's trying to destroy this board.
But really, no one cares
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Considering you're the one who brought it up...
you caught me
Nope, we don't fart or defecate
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Asian traps turn me on. I am disgusted by any other races as trans.
I don't scream that I'm a heterosexual at people. I don't parade up and down streets screaming about pussy.
Jesus Fucking Christ, Bruce ... calm the fuck down
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Studying fuckwit
Fuck off sandnigger.
gays are all jews and niggers. fuck em to hell and stop ruining mah country faggots!!
with an attitude like that OP, you won't like this country
don't come to the south then. stay your ass up north with the people who want you there
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