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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>701077698 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 204
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>701077698

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, Remember to get enough sleep!
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Alice 14.jpg
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You're essentially fighting the physics in the game by changing the amount of sliding you can do on the sides of surfaces. So you're pushing into the ramp while the ramp is trying to slide you off.
Purely for fun, but you can get drops from the servers so it's not entirely pointless. It's mainly something to do
Sachi ~
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>>701091439 (Alice)
Yea it's bad
How are you holding up?
>>701091565 (anon)
Kek, its not that friendly sounding to me
Where you from?
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Claiming this qt

Oh hello purple borderline furry midget. Heard you've been wrecking faces with Mugen.
I'm doing good but it's way too hot over here. How do you deal with heat?

>Morgen naar het strand
Rip Yuno
Niet te crispy bakken he

Well dutch is an anglogermanic language so there are parallells with english for you to associate with. It's still considered one of the hardest languages to master
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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Come here for a better thread.
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claim cirno
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IDK Karen 12.jpg
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Why would you do this, doc?
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Waifu Machine - Magic Beneath.jpg
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Because Waifus and Husbandos never get a chance to claim their Anonas in these threads.
Do you really think that's fair?
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the cringefest.jpg
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>Delete thread after old one dies
>Be cute, if you think that means being lewd, you're a fucking psycho
Why tho
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Red Dress Alice.jpg
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Back is pretty sore this morning. Might take some tylenol and go for a walk or something
Good morning Taiga, how are you today?
Do you ever sleep? teach me your secrets
Why is this cringe
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Anyone answer either of these, btw?
>Yeah, but it means I can do more surfing in CS:GO between posts than normal
Can you explain exactly what CS:GO surfing IS?

I've seen it, but I don't understand it. It doesn't contribute to the game itself, does it? It's almost like seeing if you can follow traffic laws in GTA?
No purpose, just... "fun", I guess?


Also, has anyone seen Shizu-chan?
I was looking for her last night. I had a weird experience when I started watching Rewrite.

Weird sorta Deja Vu shit, but I remember parts of Shizuru's story VERY clearly.
Like From years ago...

I checked last night, and she wasn't here

Nooooooo... yours was the last of all the new threads. baka~
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Confused Karen 4.png
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Syndra [218].png
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Claiming my glitchy waifu
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Ik ga proberen er onder uit te komen
>2 uur in de auto voor een fucking over
Nee bedankt
Wat ben jij aan t doen tegen de hitte?
Oh damn, sleep in a bad position?
I recommend doing nothing if your back hurts
Actually no, I recommend doing nothing all the time
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I wish I wish I had a fish to throw at idiots that can't drive properly
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Same as last night. Contemplating sleep and sick beats.

Anything new happen, or the same old?
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i haven't saw loli slutty boat since he left yesterday afternoon
I miss my bully
Can i hugbox you?
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Neutral Karen 44.jpg
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Surfing is just a gamemode in counter strike where you fly around and glance off objects
I haven't seen Shizuru yet, he should be on later.
Bin aber kein Inselaffe
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You're not seeing the big picture, Karen.
Pic related, it's a glimpse of another Universe, as real as our own.
I'll ask again.
Do you really think it's fair that Waifus don't have a chance to claim their Anonas? They probably do it in their Universe, but until the technology exists to bridge those two Universes...
You deleted it.
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Oh ok.

>Surfing is just a gamemode in counter strike where you fly around and glance off objects
Hmmm... what's the purpose of it, though? You still play the game otherwise normally?
I deleted the image not the post, refresh the thread if you don't believe
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I can also pet the cat.
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Little Alice.png
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I injured my back at work when I was 17, it's been fucked since then so it hurts fairly often. More so today for some reason
>Taiga the new Skrillex
Back is pretty sore today and I should probably go find something to do today. Trying to figure out what to do though
Do you siphon rest from the dying? This is a trick I need to learn
*pets kitty*
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checking my own trips

you have forgotten the face of your father

mfw this is a chatroom
ITT:fake cats
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how god ws daee????????!11
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I find it cool how I can actually read that text. Now, if only I knew what 99.9% of Russian MEANT.

But, Russian is the third written language I've gotten into. After English (natural) and 日本語.
Pretty neat.
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Didn't see that

sorry I missed it
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The purpose is speed. You must fast.

Skrillex is good at what he does in terms of production, just not my type of music, but he's a press play walk away laptop dj. That video where he brutally smashes his head though, I'd pay to see that.

Hopefully your back doesn't rebel too badly.
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We doing nekos now?

Halla Alice

>2 uur in de auto voor een fucking over
Fucking hell zeg toch gewoon dat je niet mee wilt. Of gaan ze u mee sleuren?
>Wat ben jij aan t doen tegen de hitte?
Gordijnen dicht en t raam open. Niet veel anders dat ik kan doen. Men kamer ligt pal op het zuiden en de hele muur is een groot raam. Ik zit in een broeikas hier

>zegt dat hij ons bijna kan verstaan in engelstalige post
>Is eigenlijk Duits
Komaan anon dat is wat ik noem misleiding ja?
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Ah, I see.
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Nagito 8.jpg
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What the fuck.jpg
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No problem <3
I've never been very big into that genre at all. Some of it is okay but it seems overhyped by a lot to me
Meow meow kitty =^.^=
How are you doing today?
>tfw no kitty art
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hello there waifu
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Determined Karen 11.png
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It's just fun, the movement is very smooth and when you finish it it's like finishing an obstacle course. It's hard to understand unless you try it.

We're gonna have to wait till the tech is there. Doing it here will upset the balance. We can't bring them over and make them post.
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Neko Karen 8.jpg
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But first let's talk about parallel universes
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It's not about liking or not liking a genre for me, I just don't listen to his stuff specifically. It's sort of like this, if put yourself in that club environment, that sound is exactly the sound that suites.
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Ohayo Intensifies.gif
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I just searched my entire house and found 300+ pennies. Acquired pack of smokes

10 points hufflepuff
Ich ging einfach davon aus, dass das nicht so einfach für euch ist weil ich mit Deutsch und Englisch zwei Referenzsprachen hab anhand derer ich mir den Sinn eurer Konversationen erarbeiten kann.
U c fgt
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Homura (94).jpg
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That's great, how many years did you have when you learned those?

Post your best Karen hugs.

Parallel universes are pointless to talk about. None of them interacts with ours.

You're taking a lot of pennies just for a pack of cigs.
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Love Karen 15.jpg
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I don't think I have any you haven't seen already
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Parallell universes?

I'm not sure if this is pathetic or amazing.
Also hey there Shino
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smokes are 7bucks minimum here. I had some regular money. I walked into the gas station and announced "I am balllin on a budget so bear with me"
In a parallel universe all of us are getting buttfucked right now as we are speaking.

Feels tingly
Claiming, how's everyone?
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Yes see above
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Alice 16.jpg
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Heading out for a bit, see you all soon
An a press is an a press, you can't say it's only a half
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Homura (31).jpg
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I prefer to buy rolling tobacco, much cheaper and you can use just as much as you want. But I rarely smoke and I understand that pulling a cig and lighting it right away is comfy.

Then just post cute pictures, they shall help.
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It's been some time since i came to the day threads

Shinoa claimed ',:)
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Confused Karen 11.jpg
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>Translation: Honoka, what are you doing?
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>That's great, how many years did you have when you learned those?
Well, I took 2 classes in Japanese in Community College.

I can understand some when it's written. I've been looking into it more on my own since then and also before then a bit. I can usually read a reasonable amount IN CONTEXT. But, I really need to learn more Kanji.

I only just started looking into the Russian alphabet, though. I only know a few words, but I can phonetically read it about half the time.

English is just my first language, though.

Sorry, I'm also watching something. That's why late responses, lol.
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Just trying to beat the heat Alice
How about you?
>tfw no kitty art
Yeah I know that feel. There's almost no neko Akiko out there. Most of what I have is from the official stuff

yeah, right
something not easy for me something something 2 reference languages on which to base our conversation U c fgt
My german isn't that great
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Hello smuggers
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Worship me.gif
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>>tfw no kitty art
There's only one i have :(

Hello sword. I need a. Better nickname for ya
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As long as it isn't insulting like Discount Lucina I'm fine with whatever

What's up?
discount lucina
I get it. But like when i'm desperate enough to buy rollies they are always the same or more then just a pack of smokes. Plus I like the filters and taste i guess of regular smokes. Not to say i haven't done the whole rollie thing.

anyhow what are you up to homura?

Sup smugs?
Dudes check out this fucking redneck rapper
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I didn't mean to link that video to you directly shinoa
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I never want to see another barstool
>discount lucina
Well then. I don't call people something like that. Never called amatsu discount megumin

Doing fine coming up to day threads
Oh okay lol

Hello franny
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Just watching Rewrite right now.

I, personally, had to rewrite several parts of tables in my database last night. But, I think I can use them right, now.

I'm gonna watch one more episode, then I'll be off for a while.
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IDK Karen 4.png
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Smug Karen 47.gif
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What're you fuckin gay?
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What happened?
What the fuck happened?

How are you smug?

Hugs back
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Ew piss off
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Fran i wanna play some League of Nigger Bear
Do you actually know any German?
That's quite good actually. Most of the first sentence was just some jumble around the first bc of grammar rules.
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oh hi Fran

uh... thanks but who are you?
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Youre so annoying.jpg
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Doing fine here. Watching JLU. Yourself?
around the first > gist
Idk what went on there prolly autocorrect plus some Bad typing
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Hey, i have a question for you.
Can you please answer? That's for an special homework :)
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Das focken ghey

I like it

Alright, sounds good

Hey Chara! Haven't seen you in a few days

How is it going?

About to play some league of legends it seems
>waifu thread
>"go be a faggot elsewhere"

Kill yourself, maybe?
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Your schedule change or something?
I'm thinking of becoming a legitimately waifu claimer.
I'll spout simplistic opinions for hours on end, ridicule anyone who disagrees with me, and generally foster divisiveness, cynicism, and a lower level of public dialog.
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Appreciated! What are you up to?

Oh god, I hate messing with databases. I took a web programming course and we did a bit of MySQL and made some databases with all kinds of tables. It's really cool, but writing out MySQL code is so difficult.

Going to take a shower, be back in a few.
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Happy Karen 100.png
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Sounds good yo
You forgot talk about overwatch.
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I have some very limited knowlegde of German as we get german classes in school. Aside from dutch I'm somewhat fluent in French and English and I speak a tad of spanish. No I don't know japanese

>for an special homework :)
Is that because you go to a special school?
* happy hugs*
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Forgot pic.
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Smug Karen 44.png
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>Is that because you go to a special school?
you look like every waifu poster

and showing my banter to everyone
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my waifu is best waifu because neet
Your my kind of scum.
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Just had to move a couple hundred of them upstairs and honestly it was just a giant pain in the cock

>Several armed hug

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Hey there.jpg
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Yes it's true, I'm playing with Mugen lots.
The heat sucks; the way I avoid it is by wearing light colored clothes and don't go outside in the afternoons, but in the mornings instead. Very fresh and relaxing

Tristana claimed
Why spanish and dutch?
*loli hug*
*trips hug*
*normal hug*
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poppy update someday-1.jpg
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*bad touch*

Who goes there?
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Going to play some league

Hey trist

Super hugs
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Sounds fun. Both of us hase something with league lol

What? No its that i dont come up to day threads as i used to

Gotcha! Watching Justice League unlimited

*smug hugs*


Tristy! I'm in day threads :D
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Yeah, I had a visitor so I didn't come online
*mug hugs*
*? hugs*
*bye hugs*
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Mfw you don't own a fire pooch.jpg
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Yoo Fran
I'd like to join you, but I'm usually online five hours from now

Solid copy Smugsy; I'll be around on mornings too. I'm working on sleep schedule for morning classes next week
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Because the boss said so

dd he fucked you?
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Ooh lawdy.png
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Deeewd, who are you? I doubt you'd like getting hugged by a stranger, well around my parts, but still, who is this?
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Oof, did you get paid at least?

Oh man, I remember watching that show when I was younger. I watched the hell out of that and the original Teen Titans
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Dutch is my native tongue
My spanish really only incudes the very basics. I took the lessons as my course of choice in high school

Yeah I indirectly followed some of your games. Specifically the proxy Singed one
>The dog has been flipped
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Agitated Karen 1.png
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Time to go to the store...
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>I took a web programming course and we did a bit of MySQL
Yeah, mine's in MySQL, too.

Ok, I'll be out for a bit.

cya l8r
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Go buy a bubbaloo
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TheWonderfulNui (84).png
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Everything has been rough this week

Anyway what's going on? did anything happen while i was gone or same as always?
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I got my school stuff sorted. Oh that reminds me, those who can't get their books for free, go to slugbooks. It's a website that links to all the cheapest prices for books.
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Desolation of smug bt akiko.png
1 MB, 736x1099
*hug mugs*

Adding that to the list of nicknames. I kinda have my sleep schedule for classes starting next week

I never finished the show so im binge watching it now. Ive seen most of teen titans but i dont think i saw all eps

Just the usual
Hast ne nutte bestellt?
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Kyouko (206).jpg
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How could I fuck up this hard
I meant German
You have stores? Like actual buildings with refrigerated food and shit? Or are you talking big about Ali selling his stuff on the Market?
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TheWonderfulNui (146).jpg
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*hugs back*
Well that's good.
Ah, well okay then.
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Happy Karen 90.jpg
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Nevermind, got a menu to order instead.
I'll get stuff tomorrow.

A whataloo?

Ali is a pretty chill guy, he always gives me a 10% discount on goats and chickens.
Also yeah, there are stores here, one of them is even 24/7 and it's run by this 65 year old woman and her son. They own buildings too that they rent out.

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Distressed Karen 19.png
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The restaurant is closed, I have to the store anyway.
Chen is dead.
He's fucking dead. I don't know.. I just. Fuck. He texted me a little bit earlier about the threads,
I tried to convince him not to but just FUCK. He thought the chick he was RPing with hated him.
I wasn't here for it, but we were texting about it. Some asshole, according to this thread it was most likely some random faggot.
vent and framed him as a shitposter and made it look like he was hitting on that anon or some shit.
I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck dude he's young and that feels like the end of the fucking
world when a girl thinks that about you and he just got out of a relationship a while ago but fuck. I just.. fuck.
I don't know what to do anymore. He told me he was going to end his life. No reply. No matter how much
I text, it says he hasn't read it. Before that he just didn't sound like the same guy anymore,
he was going off the deep end saying he was worthless and that women all think he's a creep and he's ugly and bullshit like that,
he said 4chan was ruining him but it was irreversable which is bullshit. Just fuck. I'm just trying to cope here.
I'm hoping so much that I'm going to wake up in the morning and he'll have replied to me, maybe he fell asleep first or something.
Fuck I don't know if i can sleep I don't even know who to go to other than here
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There's always next week Nui

kek. That happens
German is actually an obligatory class in most courses. I used to have it but I switched to art after my fourth year so I missed out on about half of all lessons german
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That pic, jesus.

>a whataloo?
Ah this aloo

Battery is at 2%, I'll beeeeeeee goooooone in a hour or twoooooooo
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good to see you, been some time
>watching kill la kill right now
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oh shit i just read how rough its going for you
want to talk about it?
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I don't even remember the show for the most part. I remember at one point it was like Batman, Wonder Woman, and I think Flash, and they were on some other planet with apes that they were helping or something?
The elitist is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an elitist and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
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Sure, that's what you were watching.

>Goodnight /waifu/
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Ohayo Question 1.png
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How come just yesterday you were freaking out about sterotypes but now you just roll with it
absolutely haram
On Sundays all shops are to be closed, it's sacred
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Is it bad if I understand this reference?
Mai stop being retarded
nobody is elite in here
Hast du Gras bestellt und es nach Hause liefern lassen?
Oder hat dir jemand original Manga aus Japan mitgebracht?
Wieso hast du Besuch?
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>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat.
is from pol
mai hangs there a lot being a retarded social outcast
i was, its on as we speak
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Ohayo Smile 1.png
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>freaking out about sterotypes
I was only pretending to be retarded I swear

Also it's fridays for muslims, sundays for christians.
And it's Lebanon, shit isn't strict here at all. No closing on prayer times or making women wear the burqa.

Hey Leila
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TheWonderfulNui (212).jpg
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Really? how far in would you be?
Well i already told you about the family member, and yesterday after i left and went to take a nap apparently there was a very big tornado warning so i got woken up and had to move into the basement for a bit with the rest of my family which gave me a headache because it was incredibly loud.
>switched out German for Art
If you weren't germanic this would be unforgiveable
Do you live Close to the German belgians or is it mandatory for all of flanders/belgium?
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Selamat Pagi

Einfach weil ich den Typen lang nicht mehr gesehen hab und er ein Freund von mir ist. Hab ihn eingeladen und wir haben halt gelabert und gezockt.

>No knife option
I am disappointed
Back from getting my ass handing to be with shino

So it seems

What kind of visitor? A friend of yours?

Welcome back hugs
I might not be on late enough today, sorry dude

You work in a bar?
where is the "i don't fucking care" opition?

>No knife option
Then pick the cuteness option.
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>No closing on prayer times
You don't have a day dedicated to god/allah?
I mean, it would be understandable considering you 'have to' pray way more than Christians.
They instead just have one day per week you're supposed to spend glorifying god.
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Do you still have that Christian minority kicking around?
Also, why is Lebanon such a shithole? Don't you at least have some oil or slaves?
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claiming ran as my mommy
>where is the "i don't fucking care" opition?
in ur moms cunt lol
awful feetsies
>posting lewds of Tharja
give me a minute to correct your mistake
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i believe we are on ep 6 right now
>still no nui
right i remember that sorry to hear man, is everyone okay though? did it cause any major damage to you house?
stop posting this shit kyouko
Step 1
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Yup :/


The gorilla city?

Night plushie!
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feet of a goddess
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Kyouko (102).jpg
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I'm not Sachii.
Nom violence obviously. Surgical accidents maybe, but never on purpose

Wie romantisch

Du bist also mehr so ein freizeitweeb? Und außerdem dem transenkram bist du auch normal?
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Something like that, yeah. Again, not to sure about all of that because it was so long ago
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Step 2
I see history repeats lmao. But with fran and shinoa. Not yuuki and shinoa

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Step 3(D)
No, I will not delete this.
selamat malam
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I'm not kyouko
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How are you Karen(?)
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Betelgeuse Best Girl
Goodnight, beautiful <3
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1 MB, 1280x1727
Yup, I know him for more than 10 years now.


Did that. It's the closest there is

>wie romantisch
Wusste nicht dass es romantisch ist mit nem Freund abzuhängen.

Inwiefern meinst du Freizeitweeb?

>Und außer dem transenkram bist du auch normal
Würde mich schon als normal bezeichnen.

>1 off
the pain
How are you, best dork?
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Pleasing feet.
Please stop embarassing yourself.
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Going back to the cancer, wish me luck

I haven't played with Yuki
nice feet
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Cute blushing.jpg
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That city was still in earth. The gorillas were very advanced and hid themselves from humans

I like this one
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A fellow weeb?
Meant the chat with things that has league in it lol. Have fun!
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TheWonderfulNui (84).jpg
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You have five more to go to get to her then.

You watching sub or dub?

>did it cause any major damage to you house?
None at all, All the panic in one room that irritated me a lot and made things stressful though.
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Finally, step 4.
Friday, but that's only for muslims, it's not enforced and you only go to the friday prayer for 20 minutes then go home. If you want you can stay longer for the full 2 or 3 hours but most people don't.

Half the country is christian, it's not a minority.
I'm trying to get a slave myself but Ali won't give me a good deal.
But nah no oil and no slaves, it's a shithole because the leaders are corrupt as fuck. Too much embezzlement.
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