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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 195
Thread images: 116
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Blacksad 2.jpg
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is time
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There was a Chubbo spotting, but he scurried away before I could get my phone out. He is, however, just as chubby as ever.
a straight white male
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Thanks for the comics yesterday !
hi dev
how are you
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No problem. Decided to get a name?
Music in Elder Scrolls Online isn't that great. Granted I don't spend a lot of time walking through the map like in other games but still. Boss music is still pretty cool.
hi zaryss
I am doing wonderful, I am on vacation for like the next week practically.

How are you?
No, im really the man with no name here. I always change my name.
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Obviously I Googled the word and it's easy to at least recognise the language. Both those answers (and they were intended as answers if they were what you gave in response to my query) were needlessly long compared to "it's French for yum". They were pointless.

I've never heard of cicadas being used for medical research. If you're going to use an insect I can't see why you'd ever want to use anything other than Drosophila.

It's just halocarbon oil which is pretty common.

I don't know if the one I use is by Sigma Aldrich but w/e. All the same stuff as far as I'm concerned.
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What for?
put the cycle in the bag
that's pretty nice, vacation time is always good to have.
i'm alright, just watching The Ring again, it's a while overdue and a sequel was announced a bit ago
what have you been up to
TES games are some of the games ive been wanting to play for awhile now, and might since theyre all on PC. Though its a lot of time to invest into.

the incubation for the cicadas would be a bitch too

and I know nothing of what you talk of
I just didn't had ''yum'' on my mind but at least I made you look it up so you know exactly what I wanted to say. It wasn't pointless after all.
To many reasons but if you got to know who I am, I wont care much.
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ESO requires the most investment obviously 'cus it's an MMO but the other titles not so much because mods let you tailor your experience. Haven't played any games before the 3rd game though.
You really intend on watching The Ring remake ?
are there books for the games?

I would rather read about the games tbh
supposedly it's a sequel
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Well there are two novels set in the universe and a series of books about different aspects of the lore.
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More the fact that we have whole libraries of Drosophila mutant strains that have been created over decades to already use.

I'm talking about the oil. It may be made by the company Sigma Aldrich but I don't actually know. Halocarbon oils are not particularly specialist and see use in a variety of different protocols.

I've stayed up too late again. Going to bed.

Lucky me.

You absolute nerd.
i'll be waiting for reviews before i make the decision, though
what are thes novels called?

gnight mate
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More bovines
lol, goodnight.

Personnaly I dont expect much of it, im pretty sure its a remake.
Have you seen the trailer for The Disapointements Room ?
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You only encourage me.

The Infernal City and The Lord of Souls, written by Greg Keyes.
eh, regardless, i'm gonna wait for reviews.
i haven't heard of it
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whatabout the other books?

have you read any of them?
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I own The Infernal City and "The Skyrim Library Volume 1: The Histories". I assume the other lore books are like this one in that they're compilations of books you can find in the various games with more added. I'm a big nerd for TES so I love it.
the lore atleast seem really neat

where should I begin if I were to start reading them?
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Same here.

It's a movie that seems to look like ''the skeleton key'', I find it really interesting you should go watch the trailer if you like suspence horror movies.
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i really enjoyed the skeleton key, i'll go check it out
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I can't find my Oregel.
Teeth kind of hurt.

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thats a great pic
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>TFW Demos does not say you have great pic
maybe you should get some great pics then
Also I think we can see the room from narnia where there is the magic closet or whateva in the trailer. I find it funny..
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it's literally us
Well I suppose on volume 1. Sites like UESP and The Imperial Library also contain pretty much most of the stuff that I imagine is covered in the books, with the benefit being that those sites don't cost you the £20 the book would.
I'll just usurp Eisen and steal his images.
i'll scour the archives and steal all of your folders
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it is
Give them to me if you do.
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that would take like days
Club Crackers are great

fuck yeah, thanks dude!
If I could at least have my Wick and Paulie folder I would be happy.
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you should like
nor delete everything next time you think you're gonna leave for the last time again
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it would make my job easier if the filenames are "Wick (x)"
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It was a fluke I came back.
Next time i don't plan to return, but I dont know when it will be or if at all.

Besides. I have a flare for the dramatic.

I just smash keys.
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those kinds of filenames are so bleh
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i have no idea how i would efficiently search then
I'd try and stay away from the teslore subreddit though if you come across it. There's good stuff on there but it gets a bit circlejerky because they really like stuff from a writer who hasn't worked on the series in years. Also their crazy theories are confusing even to me and I know a decent amount.
I'm lazy in my old age.
I'll recap them some time.
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oh right, i saved this
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cap Zorori

have you read the entirety of the great berenziah
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It was only for the first month I would be unable to.
I was gone for 3.

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It was beyond a pain in the ass to get the episodes.
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it was your best folder
Capped out at 30K images.
I used the same 40.
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so now's your chance to make a more efficient collection
I'll put it under consideration.
The only bit I remember is the part when she gets pregnant. I'm more of a Sultry Argonian Bard kind of person.
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1 MB, 824x862
you're killing me
It's a major undertaking.
I know Noko has an early copy of the folder.
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New Canvas.png
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too bad you deleted all those folders in your burning rage to never post again huh


hello. i went swimming and walked in the park and purchased groceries today, learned what koroshitekore means, and will read about emperor hirohito, get rank 5 in hearthstone, and draw tonight.

i haven't, no spoilers.
dom you need to post more drawings
Sounds like a nice day.

I'm trying to wrap my head around this damn audio issue I'm having.
I know you're happy I'm back.
dom draw me
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more sega problems?


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dargon also.jpg
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I'm going to lie down.
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They love to be a fucking unique snowflake.
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i meant more along the lines of cute dragons you draw on snapchat and stuff
Yamaha made shit audio chips.

blessings of akatosh...


do you really have to manage the minutiae of each machine this intensely
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I know. It's the dam mixing of the audio that's the issue.

No. This is my personal set up that I want to get working though.
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you'll be my friend.png
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you don't like my memes?


oh, what's the problem?


cute lil whiskers
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memes are cool and all but they don't hold a candle to your original works
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I got a custom audio cable that's suppose to mix in stereo sound sound to my 32X. Thing is, if you put in Stereo, you get Stereo out and nothing else. The cables I have are Mono only.

Finding a good pair of properly wired cables is a pain. I'm inclined to just buy the adapter and wire in 4 wires, Video, L and R Audio, and Mono audio when I need it.
What're you gonna draw?
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great job.png
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such as great job, and great job 2


how did you end up with mono only cables? they must be very old.
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anything focused on anatomy and shade, currently.
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It's what was standard back in the day. You had to pay extra for Stereo.

I e-mailed a seller on ebay inquiring into his cables but he has no idea if they're wired right.
I did my interveiw
this looks like hands grasping invisible breasts
it was dank

it seems increasingly that you must wire your own cables. at least you'd have the satisfaction of knowing they would work.


im surprised it looks like anything, that's maybe 30 minutes of effort.
at least that's how it looks to me
They might work. They're pretty fucking small connections I need to make and my eyesight isn't what it use to be.
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Life is unbearable.jpg
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go away
How has it progressed so far?
demos i think you might need to try a different approach
bite my dick
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No thanks. I already flossed my teeth today
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bite two dicks

you have a beautiful imagination


no bifocals??


what is "it"?
The drawing
a lot of the time when i've been shown abstract images and told what I see, i usually draw a blank.
i would say i haven't been very imaginative in a while
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you should floss with every meal y'know.
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which one? doorwayguy?


perhaps... that is the true beauty in it...


no uh, dentistry glasses with the huge scopes glued to the lenses?
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ever try squinting real hard?
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Yes, the doorwayguy
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This is some pretty gay shit in here, no lie.
certainly there is now.


i am out of suggestions.


haven't touched it since. not really sure how to give something meaningful texture with such a small color pallet.
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pls no
You guys know anything about what a stabbing pain in the liver area might be? It started 3 weeks ago and my stomach has just been getting worse since
it's cancer
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can't resist


damn go to a doctor
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You most certainly can, you just choose not to, do you enjoy seeing me suffer?!
You're cancer
The doctors here are pretty shit but i guess i have to. Guess this is why you shouldn't do drugs kids
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in this manner, above all else
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do drugs, just not the drugs that wreck your liver and kill off brain cells
haha jokes on you, cancer doesn't exist :^)
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You are incorrigible.
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It's a bit too late for that now don't ya think?
I have two main suspects, ritalin or ab fubinaca but it might also be one of the many unknown things i've tried or used.
Oy vey
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why do you think i romanticize redemption stories
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Because you want a bad boy but can't admit to liking the edginess as well.
Whatever it was it was the 160 proof rum i drank that set it off 3 weeks ago.

just awful




they're so dreamy!!
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jew coin.gif
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Hep A
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euuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh shit, yeah, they kinda are...
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your spleen is going to explode
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does this count?
yes technically
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Maybe, but the only sign i have is the pain, im not turning yellow or anything
I dont even know how i could have gotten that
Will it kill me?
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Post the second one instead you waste of space
Contaminated Food. I doubt you have it. Most people in the US are vaccinated against it
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I post what I want
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Im from Sweden though so im prolly fine
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You should be fine in regards to hep a&b being from a country with high standards of sanitation. I doubt it's an ulcer, that pain is described as dull and burning, not sharp like you're experiencing
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This thread still alive ? Dam
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in americaaaa
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I wanna fuck a chub
For real though, that episode was so fucked up.
Thread replies: 195
Thread images: 116

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