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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>700922078 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 190
Thread images: 151
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Kyouko (406).png
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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For Yui (6).png
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Axel - Epic Pose, Smug.png
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>Water under the bridge
Arakawa under the Bridge came to mind.

Oh...didn't know that. Oh well.
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>>700932847 (Makoto)
I've proven myself once before, and I'll do it again.
Claiming self before someone else does.
Hmmm, I'd say so, yes. You lose a bit of range, but you have VASTLY improved armor, and you hit for quite the amount. Although you're not quite as fast, you gain an equipment slot that lets you have a better turning time!

Alright, just get it ASAP then.

Get them, I can not tell you how many times it's saved my feet when I worked at Walmart. And that's not even an actual warehouse!

Is that so? How long did you stay up?
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happy 2.jpg
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I'm blaming the steamy residue of your flirting :^)

No matter how hard you try. I'll take your word for it. I get that, seems like there is just something missing, feel that way quite a lot actually, sucks.

Heh, thanks I try.

Several things did you in heh. Amount of conversations, typing, and of course Mami. Good to see you're still here though.
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Still best waifu
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chibi (8).jpg
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Akiko claimed

They actually already made a human brain simulator. I'm not sure what happened to it after it's completion. Guess they just let it run free

I'm gonna say I have favorite moments rather than one favorite episode
For example

This guy lost his virginity to a didgeridoo

Oh boi it's dat Maki. Only one letter changed
>I never see you up this time
That's because I'm usually asleep from 8 am till 5 pm.

Halla Yui
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>How long did you stay up?
For what? I don't understand the context of your question.
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Axel - Dark Hero Rockout.gif
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That moe blob face is adorable at times.
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Tsugumi 2 (Nisekoi).png
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First time in one of these threads
What's good Akiko?

Ui you still lurking?
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...not that anyone else mentions her, ever. but still
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She's mine.
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Axel - Anime.jpg
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That glasses one.
Damn that's also moé.
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Yui (7).jpg
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Forgot picture.
Bby, things haven't even gotten steamy yet. Unless that's an invite~ ;^)

There's a minimum to be chosen by the void.

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Doll&Maria 6.jpg
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Doll claimed.

>>700933057 Rory
Can only guess why they bumped the age up a bit for the anime. Need to look into Gate.

>>700933083 Shiro
Pretty good, just getting up myself. You doing anything today?

>>700933295 Kirino

>>700933335 Mami
Was gonna say, can't you get tetanus from that?

You're a big girl.

It'd be odd if the fully upgraded upper tier was weaker than the fully upgraded lower tier.

Yep it's an annoying feeling but it always passes. Annoying when it actually happens too, have to be real delicate with my bookcase.

You don't just try, you succeed.

Actually as complex as the brain?
Kek, somewhere out there, a robot in the woods is destroying and polluting, made in our image.
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of course
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Aye, it sure is. Gives her a soft round appearance
I also love puffy cheeks

Well that's a top tier claim friend

Exam in one hour
Feeling the chemicals

>Actually as complex as the brain?
I don't remember. I read the article quite a while ago. I think it was as close a we could get with today's computers
>a robot in the woods is destroying and polluting
Ferngully flashbacks
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>You know
Good thing you did, because "Yuno" what would've happened.....
Kill me.....
Don't worry I will. After that, just have to cope with this pain until it fades.

I might, just, I work in wet environments, cold and sometimes hot environments too. And not much as heavy thing being carried around. I can see you're point 100%.
Yeah, I'm usually on during night thread, just lately busy to converse is all. I think it's clearing up, not sure yet. I'm also glad you're still here too. "The ride never ends."
Wait, what? No! I use that reply because Maki guessed who I was. I thought you would've seen it.....
Oh...... That's concerning...... I'm good, I hope..... If not, you won't see me here anymore.
Ay, ay! Welcome!
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Yui (15).jpg
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Forgive me for not remembering, but what is it on again?
>nice cheeks
Welcome, no turning back now.
Theres a fair bit of sexuality and character dev that the anime skips entirely. And an entire aborted arc that deals specifically with Lelei's magic use.
Ferngully is boss and everyone should watch it.
It's actually like that for the first 2 battleships in the Japanese tier. The Kawachi hits harder than the Myogi. The only advantage the Myogi has is an insane amount of range over the Kawachi, which puts it more in line with normal Battleships.

I always liked the Fluffy, surprised I never saw her claimed till now.

Most steel toes are slip resistant, and regardless of hot or cold, you'll be glad when you still have a foot after something goes wrong.
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Whem loli fags don't find anything fun in their thread anymore, they come here.

This place is like the old /b/. Everything that's shit endd up in here, because this place is just an ocean of shit and circlejerk.
Guess who I am and win nothing!
You have until the time I get back from my shower.
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Hey what's up
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Ah fuck and here I thought britfag had come back
Oh well, this is an upgrade in waifu material in my eyes

>what is it on again?
>nice cheeks
I knew you would appreciate some nice puffy cheecks

Robin Williams did an amazing job voicing Batty Koda like always and Hexxus traumatized little me. It's an amazing movie in my memory. I should watch it again

Yuno or Kagami
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>claims Chen
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can't think of a filename.jpg
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Eating some oatmeal and watching Mirai Nikki. Waiting for school.
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>Homura™ !SoonTMmHfo 08/24/16(Wed)13:58:11 No.700935657RareHomura.png (2.42 MB, 1433x3028)File: RareHomura.png (2.42 MB, 1433x3028) google iqdb wait
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You Know Gasai (100).jpg
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Oi cheeki cunt I see what you did there
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Yui (8).jpg
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How would you go about testing perception? Can't say I've heard of anything like it.
>I knew you would appreciate some nice puffy cheecks
What can I say? I'm a connoisseur of cheeks.
Please be Hand.
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I like using that word, it makes me feel special. Your Waifu is fucking garbage :)
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And that minimum can be found behind the Black Doors.

You responded to the wrong person, but here's some puffy cheeks for you anyways.
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Great villain. Great Batty. It is a good movie and it holds up well. It is pretty damn dark.
Goes for you too. The music fits the scenes well for such a low budget, non-Disney animated feature.
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Homura (235).jpg
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Waifu Lovers, I need your help, please.

I need to know everything you know about this anon:

How do I NameSync? !1zLolicons

Who posted, at least, in the previous Waifu Claiming thread. Only people with the 4chan extension will know who I'm talking about.

Does someone know him? Has he been active recently, or is today the very first time he has showed up in these threads?
I need anything you know.

Thanks in advance!
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listen, Chen is just an unintresting guy who is pretty autistic aswell. Stop making stupid people famous.
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Doll 55.jpg
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That's adorable

I don't think anyone's died from it in ages here anyway, can get a jab and sort it I think. Plus most people are already vaccinatied against it.
Still get it checked though, lockjaw doesn't look very fun.

>Puffed up cheeks a best
I'll have to see if I can find something on it.
Shit, we are Hexxus.

Guessing they had to make some sacrifices for the anime.

Huh, weird. There has to be the trade off you mentioned then, otherwise why would you ever pick the Myogi.
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chen 28.png
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I wrote that pasta.
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You Know Gasai (6).gif
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/autistic rant
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chibi (6).png
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Not really, besides going to school.
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Axel - Faceless5.jpg
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What game?
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Fucking claimed
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Yo, about to head out. Catch ya around.

There are no invites, only reservations and yours hasn't been booked. Maybe next time :^)

Yeah they never last for too long, still hate it. Haha, that one as well.

I think you just scored another point. Ended it on a good note.

Same here, earliest may be 4 or so, depends on what's up. Time will tell as people come and go. It never does, not getting off either. Gotta catch up though my man.

Time for rest. Have a nice night/day/whatever.
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Homura (143).png
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I never complained about lolifags though.

It was fun when I got people so riled up and started that whole snowballing effect in these threads but for the last 4 months I have been desperately trying to grasp at the molten puddle of snow in an attempt to build a fucking snowman, I haven't been relevant in months and just keep churning out low effort shitposts with the hope I'll get a reply at some point, all of this at the cost of my dignity and sanity, this entire post will probably not make any sense because I'm trying to write fragments of some of the thoughts I had while pacing back and forth in my room at midnight thinking about these threads from memory, but what I'm trying to say is that I have lost my touch and that tripfaging attention whore Chen can carry the torch.
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You Know Gasai (22).gif
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Solo play is pure suffering
How many different waifus are usually claimed? i always see Tomoko or Yuno.
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cutie with apron.jpg
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See ya dude.
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I meant about watching Ferngully.
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Wanna do some bathsalts with me?
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I have that game I think...ps4 right?
I'll open it and play it sometime.

my PSN is OverlordAxel
I'll try to catch up on it should be easy.
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I would be surprised if they weren't slip resistant.
Now I have to take some money out to purchase them.
I buy quality stuff, so It's gonna be a little pricey.
Um, sorry to disappoint?
> this is an upgrade in waifu material in my eyes
Kinda pains me, though true......
You Gasai on that, not me.

I got to read a book or something.
It can still happen...
I will get it checked out, you can count on me. Also necrosis can happen too. Which is scarier. Still optimistic.
A little rude to put it like that, don't you think?
Have a great rest, I'll probably join in as well. Maybe.
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Axel - Faceless71.jpg
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I'll be going for a walk later all.
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chen 24.jpg
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>when S/fur and /loli/ joins power
I never been in /loli/ nor S/fur.
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Well it's more biology and physics. Sensory perception and illusions
>I'm a connoisseur of cheeks
kek. What courses can I take to become a cheeky connoisseur myself?

Thanks for the cheeks, cheeky

For a kids movie it hit pretty hard. Also a strong biased message for the time it came out

Can't wait for those Doll pout puffy cheecks
>Shit, we are Hexxus.
We were always Hexxus

Nah not a disappoint. Not at all
Well, I always saw Sanae as more daughteru than waifu
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Best Power.jpg
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You Know Gasai (14).jpg
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Ah good, I'm need more people for the raid in the upcoming Rise of Iron expantion

Mami pls
Farewell dude

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But It's Wednesday.jpg
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Throwback Thursday!
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a lot
tomoko is claimed by like 50 different people and yuno is claimed by 2 people now

What are you trying to be by being the most retarded anon in the history of /waifu/? I mean, you have a small dick that looks like a FUCKING MISSLE, you probably have a retarded wife/girlfriend, because she loves someone who has that dick.
You said you are never shitposting and just a jerk, but that's a lie, because you always say you are a jerk, and that's why you are shitposting.
I fucking hate attention whores like you, nobody likes you except probably cancerous and mean anons of this community, you are gross and your life sucks.
You didn't had internet for some time because YOU ARE A JERK YOU FUCKING BIGOT, you are mean as fuck and that's why you live in america with your mother that you probably fucked.
I hope some jerk kills you, too bad that won't happen because you don't get out of your basement.

Don't even reply to me or I will fucking hunt you down
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top meme.png
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No, that minumum is about 70 hours.

The range, mostly. The Kawachi hurts more, but it has the literal worst range of any Japanese battleship, by nearly 8 km. It has such bad range, I think even Cruisers of the same tier have higher range.

One day, Breeki. One day. :^)

I just bought a cheap Walmart pair. They're still holding up rather well and it's been like, a year or more.

I wrote that for Konata lul
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Kyouko (29).png
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Aw, don't call me a meme.
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I Think You Need Coffee.jpg
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Extreme Pouting.jpg
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Generic Schoolgirl.jpg
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Is it too late to change waifus?
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Don't Fret, Sweetie.jpg
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You're triggering the autists. Stop.
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I'm Innocent, I Swear.jpg
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Here is a picture of me.
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You Know Gasai (25).gif
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I will head to bed.. after I throw some more autistic tantrums

Good night/morning
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Ready For Cummies.jpg
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night night tsundere~chan
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chen 87.jpg
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When Loli Meets SFur.png
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fuck off kinen
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Doll 218.jpg
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I'm heading off for a bit to play some League, later.

Yep it's annoying
4-3 to you now is it?

Ah fair enough.

Very unlikely to though.
That's also pretty bad, don't let it get that far, cut off the entire leg to fix it.

You'll be waiting a while, best I got are passive aggressive disappointed looks like
It's not nice to be reminded of that, but that was the point of it.

Well then there's no point in getting it, what's the point of it being there?
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>Not getting my reference.
You are not worthy.

You're welcome, have the GIF version.
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Look Away.jpg
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It was me
You still win nothing
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This is pretty autistic even by /Waifu/ standards. What the fuck is wrong with you niggers?
spike bb
wanna erp?
>4chans /b/
pick one
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Chen 04.jpg
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And you were blogging about you getting a shower, eh?
I'm gay
I want to have one last cig, finish my beer and go to bed
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Senpai Noticed Me, Oh My.png
2 MB, 1200x1600
why are you always such a fag
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>smoking tabbaco
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Save Me From All The Chen.jpg
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Yeah baby turn you on?
I have a big dick but chicks dont care because I'm a fucking asshole
Maybe I was born with it?
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Chen 10.jpg
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No, it doesn't.
It turns me on that I'm much hated than you are and people tell me to fuck off

I woke up, I claim, and guess what's the reply I get?

"Fuck off, Chen. I fucking hate you."

Every. single. day.
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Yeah. But they didnt include it in S2. Im hoping they do for S3.
Oh god yes.
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Ok I have to get up in a few hours. Night fags! Have a lewd!
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Yiff In 3-D.png
1 MB, 1320x1880
>I woke up, I claim
stop fucking blogging oh my god
oh chen
fuck me off harder

the meme
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Okay, good.

Yeah, I can see it that way too. Maybe it should be viewed as such.

Anyways, how are you?
You know, please.
Also night.
Well of course it's still holding up. They're not in use anymore or rarely used now. Maybe I should go cheap for once.
If I were to get necrosis, I would just off myself. I can't stand the loss of an appendage.
As lame as that sounds, I stand by it.
Should've known.....
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Why No Joke.png
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Am I A French Girl.png
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chen 45.png
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My bad.


I don't ERP.
I'm not 40 years old yet.

kind of strange considering I actually start shit fest and shitpost more than ½ the time....
Maybe it's because you care?
Maybe I'm just a faggot all on my own.

Done poisoning myself. Going to sleep and have more very strange dreams.
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Teach people correct positioning of a BB. Otherwise you'll have a bunch of idiots getting into knife fights with Destroyers.

Later Doll!
>I'll get back to playing LoL one day.

It was a reference to some Lovecraft thing, I assume?

No, they're used daily! They're my normal everyday shoes, since my feet get terrible pains when switching shoes, I try to just stick with a single pair at all times.
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The Joke Is, You're 39.jpg
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fuck off then :3
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We Totally Gonna Pwn Your Nubs.jpg
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smugset shimmer.png
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sunny claimed again
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Painting Your Fantastic Get.jpg
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Does not lie!
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D-Don't Look At Me, B-Baka!.png
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I'm Self Concious.png
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>Maybe it's because you care?

You and that retarded egdelord stole that from me.
The fun thing in this thread is that there is no originality. Everyone is the same dull and illusional guy who cares too much for his "internet" image or how is seen in the thread.
Including you.
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Don't Be Lewd.jpg
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Chen is old.
>The fun thing in this thread is that there is no originality. Everyone is the same dull and illusional guy who cares too much for his "internet" image or how is seen in the thread.
Including you.
You care way too much
File: Ba Dum Tiss.jpg (67 KB, 567x600) Image search: [Google]
Ba Dum Tiss.jpg
67 KB, 567x600
who fucking cares really
you do
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It's good enough a pout

That movie had a lot of really good songs. Even listening to them now in English they're still pretty good even though I remember them in dutch

wew lad
Now that's a top tier pout
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No, Elder Scrolls.
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>Including you.
>You care way too much

I never stated that I'm an asshole nor I labeled myself as anything else.
Who knows.


Is Chen a furry?
You care too much, but you're also correct. /r9k/ holds the originality of which you seek.
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Honestly, more -mimi than anything.
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Captain Falcon.jpg
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all you ever do is shitpost
>inb4 im a jerk xddddd i don't shitpost
>Elder Scrolls
That would be my friends specialty, not mine. They could tell you anything about that universe at the drop of a dime I'm sure.
if you dont care why are you replying to anons
why are you still here
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What Even..jpg
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okay, waifus are cancer, but a fur waifu? literally die
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Ba Dum Tits.
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the memes.
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Gotta Catch 'Em All, STDs.jpg
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She's not a waifu. I just come here to post furry images, see who actually reacts, and go from there.

I don't really care for this waifu thing, and also, I just like shitposting.

Except for when that hand guy posts or that Temmeire person posts.

Well done, Mr. Nintendo.
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what memes
you're the only meme i see here
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shitpost like normal people then, or stick with your own autistic kind in your fur threads. I feel sorry for your parents
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The first movie worked so well. The second ruined it.
What is the music of life?
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Hello again >:3
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>le backpeddle
>g-guise i dont care
>i-im here for le memes and shitpost XD
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>When you know your opinion don't matter and you don't use your avatar.
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witty file name 12.jpg
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Now that's unexpected. Maybe I'll give it much considering now.
I only have two pairs of shoes right now. One for work, other for casual.
What parents? I'm Batman. Also, most of the time, S/Fur is just drama nowadays. I still post there once in a while.
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James Bond.jpg
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When the fuck did giving your opinion, albeit blunt, equate to shitposting? Wouldn't Shiki be a far better shitposter than Chen?
>implying opinions matter on 4chan
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I Win.jpg
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No one can outshitpost a shitposter.
This. Most anons in thread are edgy ass teens who think they know what 4chan is all about
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Escape The Fate.jpg
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>you don't use your avatar.
I don't care enough
when you are shitposting with it
File: qdZHN4o.jpg (24 KB, 468x346) Image search: [Google]
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don't you embarrass yourself?
waifu claiming thread?

more like, why do exist these thread
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15 KB, 477x357
Quads do not lie.
Thread replies: 190
Thread images: 151

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