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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 205
Thread images: 151
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Fuck off furfags
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Would you just fuck off with these endless stupid fur cartoons?
Sorry, I was busy. Thanks for having my back, OP.
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i have a billion of these, dont you fuckin worry
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What the fuggggg
Have any of you gotten intimate with a female
Are any of you attractive
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which is weird because
when i was 19 you were the age i was when i first even looked at the chans
and when i was 19 i made threads even quicker
i fucked a hooker once but she insisted on using two condoms so i didnt feel anything and she had to finish me with a handjob
that handjob was worth the 50 bucks tho
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I am of course extremely attractive as well
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you may want to change your question to "Human female"
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awkward9 (2).jpg
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have you guys ever seen the weaver zootopia comics? i got depressed after watchin em
now i have to watch them again, thanks, faggot
Huh.... Why?
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I've had 7 girlfriends and one I was with for eleven years.
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werent you 19?
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No, I'm a permavirgin. Some people have said that I'm attractive, but I certainly don't think so.

That was actually Rabbie you were replying to in the last thread. My brother first showed me 4chan when I was 9 and he was 16, but I didn't really start coming here until I was 11, mainly /s/ for porn. I started coming to /b/ and became a furfag at 14.
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man that's a lot of elementary school relationships
also that's a lot of words i know
elementary school relationships
fuckin shakespear
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you guys know what, im gonna post a quality comic
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Best Furry right here
Btw I suggest >>700822069 to fuck off with his furryporn threads because of >>700823467
Fuck that im 5'4 and I am happy with my height. Easier to manipulate and less weight to damage me when I get into an accident of any kind what so ever and what not D:

I would have said that your mom is a retarded language but... sadly you are right it is a derivitave of England where in higher classes it was rather defined, now however you are listening to the hicks and hillbillies of those people, and when you go to the south of amurrica ( the usa) day beee tallkin like this now I theel you whhat? ( lol) every time english moves away it loses meaning, if we ove further it might progress to moans and grunts with weird..... sounds...

I like how you are like "Hmmmm.... got... to.... cover... my... faaaaace...... hmmmmm.... lol

Wont work, we'll just fap to it... e.e...
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Hello everyone,
how was your day so far?
i hate my job and i would love to take drugs
but i only have cheap alcohol
also, korean music best music. sometimes
i saw that coming.
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this should be six
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At least you have a job m8
I'm a little tipsy and didnt do shit today
Funny thing that guy started blocking all furries once.
no, wait, that was five, this is six
My post was sarcasm I don't need porn images of Tony jfc

You furries really are the worse pic related
You may be happy with it, but I'm not. I hate it. Life is so fucking hard because of it.

I don't know where everyone seems to get the idea that everyone here in the south fucks their cousin and has an IQ of 25, but we don't talk like that here in Georgia. Even the ones with a very thick southern accent don't sound like that. In fact, I've had many people think I'm from the north because most people don't sound like that, but I was born and raised here in GA.
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and seven. this should be seven. i didnt sort these
do you have money for flat, food, health insurance and drugs? yes? continue, then
i am proving me tremendous knowledge of english by writing out numbers here
and noone is congraulationing me
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and the last. want more? search for the_weaver, this guy makes simple but great comics
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Yeah I'm good, got kicked out of work two weeks ago because of reasons I dont wanna roll out in public
Still getting paid for this months but shit sucks anyway
Not a fan of drugs anymore, was a massive pothead for several years
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And for the record, yes I probably am a redneck by most people's standards, and I live out in the country, but even so, I'm nothing like the stereotypical hick. Very, very few of us are like that.
But whatever. Stereotypes.
That doesnt really get me off, it tickles for a bit then its just slobbery... i guess you can only toss the salad a little, not too long... or it gets old... D:

I told you we'd fap to this, lol

the fact I just read that full conversation in their voice is fun and pretty funny. Whos did dedid diz D:
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tbh if i had a source for any drugs i would do a ton of them
id say this is a good ten percent of us much like everyone else in the world lol
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i've been to /wowg/ and even in the worst shitholes of the internet only a few were actual erp'ers
so no, that's not everyone else
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If you have the money, eh why not
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i have about 4k in the bank so technically i should be able to do it
i just simply have no idea where to get them from
i found a source for some chemical stuff by accident through the internet but the guy isnt replying anymore and now im left to alcohol only
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Do you have anything special in mind or just drugs in general?
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this is how you shift gears... :3
Hang... in there... :3
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tbh, im mental enough to try them all
but im scared of the darknet because i dont have a second address to receive packages
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Getting them is easy, if you know one guy you know them all
It's just hard to find the first one and I can't help ou with that
What an "electrifying" situation I'm in, a machine couldn't "pump" this much "Juice" in a day.
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that's the problem
im a tremendously shut-in basement-dweller and i have literally no contacts in this area
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Always forgetting the pics..
"Tacos" anyone? let me just "Toss the salad" so we can eat. :3
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Its actually quite easy... "being cheezy"..... *fap fap fap fap* :3
I cant help right now, im all " tied up" at the moment. :3
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Is this some kind a meme I didnt ketchup with?
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This thread:

Nope, but it can be.... With more effort and brain power. Im doing this cause i thought it be fun :3
Go to a bar and look for college kids. Ask around, you can bet your ass you'll find someone for just about everything.
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? your ability to speak has decreased to unacceptable levels.... please go learn a language and come back when your unit is more capable of communication...
" The Bi-bi-birds the word, the bird... is the word.... the bee bee bird bird bird the word is the bird." :3
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these are hard cause they have to be doing something... all i can think of is the lil ol bee.

" Hay...... how you doin.... im jus sittin here... bottomless... yeeeah..." :3
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Have you tried not being autistic?
You laughed xD or fapped... o.0... either one is acceptable :3
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No.... No I havent... Id have to be to try, so technically im trying to be autistic? by your logic? hmmm...
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there is bearly Sign of humanity in there isnt there? or I furgot that that's normal for your kind Did my language infuriate you? fur what's the point of your type existing? Most of them are knot even good, and those that are, I find annoying now please pawse and think about your future because according to my gnawledge I deserve an appawse for those puns faggot
Post more m8.
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Well fucking try it. Those emoticons are malignant tumors on the terminal cancer that is /b/.
ahem..... No. :3 and you cant get infuriated on the internet, that is just Bollocks :3 I simply didn't understand that tag at all. ^-^ but you are free to hate i guess o.0...
Legit boners for this image, more?
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The artist is Xaenyth.
okay, ill try to be autistic just like you said ^_^ It will be hard because I am not autistic, but ill do my best Ahem...
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>all furries act like immature children
>masturbate to animals
Aaaaaand that's why I hate furries I swear you guys are worse than the horsefuckers over on /mlp/
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so much cancer.gif
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I said stop being autistic, you cancerous twat.
You're in the good books this year I tell ya.
I would post their art if I had it, but my folder isn't organized.
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=^-^= :3 X3 :D ;d O_O XDDDDDDDDDD
Morgan Freeman: And as she explored the inner depths of her bare wet vagina, The world discovered through this wet drunk skank, a new sound... The sound is now called Dub step... Invented while singing into the microphone while masturbating on a bass speaker.

See man? its hard to be autistic lol Too long man too long... :3
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>Using overly abused john tron trash clips.

It seems you have become what you always hated, utter shite and cancer. Good job. Pretty much only fandom retards and tumblrites use that shit.
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who organised! Fuck it is what I say.
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Hey Harpo.
I love the people here who think calling us furfags is going to offend us or something. I mean the internet has been around for exactly 25 years (Happy Birthday Internet!) I think people by now know of people known as "Trolls" that are people who purposely try to post shit like "furfag" to offend a person or persons and upset them. Its old. Find something new instead of beating a dead horse. Be creative. Find another insult to call us so we can laugh at you. I mean, you have to know of something, right? Or are you so stupid you can't contribute? This is me, a furry, calling out furry trollers and telling them to be creative. Tbh I would like to see what y'all come up with. Now, get to thinking. I want to see what a bunch of idiots on the internet can make.
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carrot cum.jpg
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I bet.
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Shut up, furfag.
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How are you?
Immature? What is the definition of the word? cause it changes as you travel to different parts of the world. So on what basis ? Western eastern or Nordic? what is it?

but, by your logic, if im not autistic, asking me to stop being autistic based on my current behavior, it would mean that for those words to make sense, I would have to try to be autistic before I even attempt to stop such a feat. Besides,
There hasn't been anything good to pun yet... I lurk in the shadows, popping up only to provide horrible cancerous puns to images that deserve praise.
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maus intro.png
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SNEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, Snek go Hiss hiss!! :3
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New Canvas(BlackCat).jpg
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Throat still hurts.
I need to go get some antibiotics.
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You are autistic.

Hey Mous, how's it going?
Aww, look at this retard. He can't make anything new so he has to use an old insult. Make something new. Also, like I will do something someone on the internet told me to do
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Yes, Hi.
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That would probably be a good idea.

Kill yourself, you fucking furfag cunt.
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you must be new
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Your thoughts? Does anyone here play this or contribute to it?

R2CK 0.1.1 WIN64:

R2CK 0.1.1 MAC:

R2CK 0.1.1 LINUX:
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I AM a woman, dipshit!

Anyway, stronk!
She held the necronomicon! as an asshole in the sky opened up, providing her freedom from... Oh... its the moon..... so..... if you paint those clouds red, and the moon tan, it would look like the inside of an asshole..... PUN RUINED Dx
How would you like me to kill myself?

Not new. Just tired of seeing the same insult. Want to see at least a tiny bit of creativity
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Hey Draka, how are you?

Kill. Your. Self.

Self immolation, or harakiri.
yeah, the area around the moon with no clouds just paint pink.
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Hi Draka.
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Loved Rack 1. Thanks for the link, not paying that much to beta test.
I'm fine with furry porn if it's well drawn and has no edgy OCs with neon colors. Furries with fursuits that go out in public and go to conventions deserve to be euthanized though
Say that to my face fucker, not online and see what happens
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nobody cares.png
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your mom :3
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acala acting cute.png
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Kind of annoyed. trying to run a difficult mission solo because people are idiots.

Hey harpo.
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How did I know you would suddenly show up?

I know how that can be.
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Quite happy!
Why does it say "islam" in the first panel?
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" Im a Virgin, OOOOH!! Touched for the very first Teimeh!"
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Ever rage quit because randos dont know how to fight a boss so you would never beat it?
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Because I need a break from writing shit for school
What's got you so happy? Did you get snu snu?
This is why I can't deal with you people
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Look at the pic I posted. I love porn of that series!
I thought that exact thing before you even posted, but I'm still surprised to see you here. Very strange.

See >>700829882
buncha cucks if you ask me
No. Do not desecrate The Land Before Time.
" Happy birthday brother!~"
I think it's a pretty standard response for something like that, even in jest.

I'm just dropping in for a little bit, I'm going to have lunch in a few and then head to class

A'ight, man.
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I enjoy raping my childhood! The Land Before Time was the first movie I ever saw.

Question: How many different Bahamuts are in this pic?
I don't know, 6? I'm too tired to care right now.
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Datz what I call some good snow fuckin... :3
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Comp 2_3.webm
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And you too.
weed is cool man but if you cant control your ability to smoke then you fucked up, not the weeds fault, it was your fault. lesson here is dont make excuses, admit it was you who fucked up, dont blame inanimate objects ( weed is dry not living no more) accept your responsibility, and dont make the same mistake again.
whatever helps you sleep at night :3
Thread replies: 205
Thread images: 151

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