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Human grill waifu claiming thread! Rules: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 151
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New Vocaloid Bitch.jpg
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Human grill waifu claiming thread!

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>Oversexualised content is encouraged
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>This is /Jenny/ not /b/
>Most importantly, Feminine penises are still penises. You are still gay if you jerk off to them

Best robot claimed
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Tired right now. Work was all over the place.
>which straya though :^)
remind me to stock up porn if ever go there then.
>loli and a-cup porn is supposed to be illegal over here
ain't stopping me though
>did you play it yet
Overwatch you mean? yeah, i got like a few months ago.
Allahu Snackbar! Hiya Karen!
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Dude it was boring. Played Bloodborne chilled with mami and shit. now me and moka and kurumi are just fuckin around on the stream. Livin that moe life yo. I watched season 2 of is the order a rabbit.

Dude did you watch Anne happy yet? fuckin show is a QT factory and i'ts funny as hell.
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still here
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Fairly good i suppose.
How about yours?
Figured you'd have been executed for being a fag by now or something.
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I slept for 30 minutes now I'm going to be awake all night again
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Confused Yuuko - 14.png
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>silly filename/10
And the people here are assholes. It's probably like that everywhere, but I feel like people are especially more douchey here.
>not sure if joke or just mispelling
My pretty sleepy, my dude. Sorry for my autism with wording, spelling, and grammar.
Sounds neat. Which would you watch first?
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Kirino [321].jpg
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Ohhhhhhhhh shit is that a blonde?
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Thats a memelord right there.
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>life on ez mode
heck yeah, my dude (・ω・)

ebin test dude :DD
to spoiler do this:
but take out the x
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Hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia claimed
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Claiming Akiko

What's going on in this thread?
Nothing now. Fun Police is here.
i can't really reccomend any since i've only seen the original '95 series. but if you do check it out, skip ep 24 and 25 and watch "end of evangleion" instead if you want a more accurate experience. 24 and 25 are more like character analysis since gainax blew the budget so hard they couldn't afford to finish the cells.
well karen is shitting up the thread. there's that
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It's almost 4 AM and I've got uni in a few hours.
If you're reading this, have a good night, Juri.
Forgive me, once again, for not properly replying.

My cutest kommander.

Hi there, Akiko.
Have a good one as well.
>Goodnight everyone.
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No fun here officer, just feels

Well well. Right back at it then. What a faggot, am I right?

Hello and goodbye Ruri
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Hi Shino. What's up?
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and what's wrong with being a faggot?
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Happy Karen 94.jpg
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>Most importantly, Feminine penises are still penises. You are still gay if you jerk off to them
no u
also these pictures are pretty hot

something happened?

Yep yep, you can still use tor and some proxies, but accessing 4chan is almost impossible. It was for me at least.
I'm pretty sure all porn is illegal here. But it's illegal in the sense that we pretend we dont have it but everyone secretly does.
Who's your favorite hero? Done competitive yet?

ohayo, how's your day been so far?

Not yet dude not yet, I gotta get back to dorms first and I think I'm gonna watch the order is a rabbit anime first. But its on the list I promise yo

>Figured you'd have been executed for being a fag by now or something.
Well they didn't catch me yet
Mine was pretty good, was back in my old room, downloading anime, playing games, sleeping and more games. All day every day for a full month. Much yes.

Grab her quick!

Who might the fun police be? :(

ew go away

Sleep tight Ruri

o, who are you?

Heyo there, Juvia, how was your day so far?
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nothing watching dumb shit and debating which /x/ doc im gonna put on for bed. What about you?

sup mai
sup beep boop?
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Embarrassed Yuuko - 11.png
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I'll watch it on a particularly slow day, then. Thanks for the suggestion~.

So, when did you get your qt robot waifu? How will you do lewd things to her if she not soft and squishy like a qt human gril?
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I'm done too. My reactions are starting to get weak in matches now.

Goodnight Ruri, and thread.
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Absolutely nothing.
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Well that's good. Sounds like a pretty good time.
Glad you didn't get executed too.
Took too long of a nap and will probably be up all night now. Oh well. Watching a twitch stream i suppose.
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yeah nah, 4chan is pretty solid against proxies. unfortuantely. evading a b& is apain in ass like that.
>done competitive
I finished competitive, by time season 1 ended i was like 34. i fucking love playing as junkrat and mercy. but i'm pretty loose on choosing heroes. who do you normally play as?
nothing much, passing time. checked my bike and turns out it's front wheel is fucked though. What kind of /x/ docs do you have? Ghost? alien?
no problem. I found jenny when i was like 4 but i fell in love when i was 10 when i had to babysit my moms friends girl. i ended up liking it after that.
>How will you do lewd things to her if she not soft and squishy like a qt human gril?
simple, i'd just fuck her like a human. that's the thing about robots, you can do more than you can to a human. what about your waifu? when did you meet her?
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what chemicals are they putting in them? is that blood coming out of the blond girls back
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Seriosly wish that I knew.
But yes, that is blood.
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Blonde Alliance.png
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thats my shino! i have that pic it's a goody.

Same here man.


Naps are a good idea so i don't blame you.
She is mine.
it's goro
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Axel - Camera Shot.gif
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>>700767719 (Determined Karen 33.jpg)

I'm doing fine, and you?
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they both probably have lost a good amount of blood. why are they getting lewd? maybe the chemical is the stuff they pump into old Bane
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Cute Yuuko - 21.jpg
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>fell in love when i was like 10
Damn, how old are you now? Still going strong!
>tfw no android waifus yet to make women obsolete

Well, I watched Nichijou when the anime came out, and really liked it. Read the manga, fell in love with the cartoon I liked, and here I am!
How much space do you have taken up for pictures of your waifu?
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Well for starters you're a faggot.

no u
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Kirino x Ruri [1].jpg
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Good luck for tomorrow, I wish you the best for everything.
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Well, Gumi is being pumped with green chemicals, no idea what that shit is but it's green. And Lily is being pumped with blood...? Or drained..? And also no idea why they're lewd, but it looks noice.
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Not getting executed is kind of a plus I guess
What about you? Still living the neet life?

Yep, and tor circuits are also blocked by 4chan
Mercy is usually a solid pick even in maps where she's not good.
I got like 34 hours on dva now I think and 12 on symmetra. tracer, mercy and reaper after that and then the rest are just kinda balanced with the tanks being above the rest
I got to like 60 thanks to friends helping me out hardcore with my placements but I couldnt really move, always win one lose one
Also holy shit thats a nice pic


Hopefully it becomes better, mine is alright so far considering I just woke up. I gotta split to stuff very soon I think. Just getting to say hi before I go

Decent enough! I gotta leave to take care of things though very soon though.

that's fucking adorable
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why is she missing an arm? going to go with drained. why would you put more blood into someone unless they already lost some
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You hadn't seen little loli Akiko before? She could fit right in Kiniro Mosaic next to Karen
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omfg where is that from its AMAZING!

>how old are you now?
mid to late twenties. all i'm gonna say
>i still need to see nichijou
>but slice of life makes me feel like i haven't accomplished anything
>this is a struggle i face everyday
my folder is like 15mb. I'm just really discriminating on jenny images. i might go through the episodes and make a bunch of screencaps one day.
>fucking someone and stealing their blood
I jerk off to futa cocks. i know i am
i normally play meryc for attack maps. Reinhardt+bastion+mercy is almost unstoppable. especially with a pharah and mcree searching the area.
>won two maps on dorado straight and stole POTG as bastion with mercy aiding
it's like my teen years playing TF2 all over again.
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Do it for Yuuko.jpg
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those fucking filenames show your genius
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Are you sure she hasn't lost some?
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Got a quad kill as junkrat with the bomb tire, mercy revived them, my pc disconnected.
>I'll never know if I got potg.
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well unless she has lost both of her feet or something i dont see her losing a considerable amount before draining. unless its really fucked up and they just want to see what happens when you dump more blood into someone
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Cute Yuuko - 12.jpg
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Early twenties over here, my man.
Oh, I know that feel. Well, kind of. I usually can't take a lot of anime seriously, so the only stuff I like is the comedy slice of life cute stuff.
Mine is 69.2 mb, I think.
step up, boi-o
That's how you get high blood pressure!
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Simmer down.
Oh yeah. Still doing absolutely nothing.
It's rather boring, frankly. Starting to run out of money too.
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>I jerk off to futa cocks
That's pretty ghey m8
>Reinhardt+bastion+mercy is almost unstoppable
Good times. It's strong but really easy to counter

You probably did if they were all full health when they died
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Well yeah but you can get it a more natural way
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Just work stuff. Seemed like a slow day but Im still tired from it.
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Tired Karen 14.png
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I'm still on episode 5 cause I'm a lazy shit and I dont want to watch it without screenshotting more Ana kek
and I cant really do that now around family cause you know how tame and non lewd oniiai is

I have no idea lmao I just found it while searching for Karen pics
Oh you might like this one too, look on the left on the bottom, Shino is spazzing out from blonde overdose

kek, that is pretty cheesy but at some point people will start countering it with their own bastion mercy and someone to take out the pharah, mcree
Ay either way glad you're enjoying it

Look who it is, caught me just as I was leaving

What? Government doesn't pay you anything?
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>She could fit right in Kiniro Mosaic next to Karen

say no more fam.

my skills are top notch

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Claiming best girl
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6 foot robot sucks off mic.png
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Space engine is such a /cozy/ program

It's my only talent as a human being
I can never get riptire to work right. I'm always getting trip-kills with mines and lobbing grenades. i guess people are just good at listening for it.
i'm goign to assume it's just a dialysis machine and it's the ultimate love-making session
as i said, i barely have any screencaps because i don't have time to go through episodes and make them.
i only pull off the mercy+hardt+bast once before changing strategy. a well placed tracer fucks everything.
>that's pretty ghey
and that's why i call myself bi. certainly can't call myself straight when i have 300mb of futa
oh well, if only my ping wasn't shit. as i said above i only do it once and the moment we fall apart we change to a more escort-like strategy. assuming my team listens to me that is.
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Dude im dying over here thats so fucking funny.

she looks almost creepy

Im calm but then u post another with the same specs as the last one. why u do this.
oops, meant to post this image
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I'm not taking anything from the government. I'm lazy, not a moocher. Come on now.
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I am aware my waifu is trash. Suck it.
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why would you do dialysis through the back? maybe i am missing out. maybe it is a huge turn on to lose an arm or have your blood pumped.
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I got the tire behind reindharts shield as they pushed to take a point, my while team was dead, no idea tbh. Mercy may have healed them.
It's bad either way!
Got ya! Now get lewd.
I have no idea what I'm doing. I just started playing, and stopped because my laptop can't handle it. 8fps-2fps.
Love junkrat though.
>My "crush" before I knew about animoo.
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robot jerks off to reflection.jpg
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dunno, maybe her arms gonna be cut off so doing through the back would save her the hassle.
> maybe it is a huge turn on to lose an arm or have your blood pumped.
for me it can turn me on because the idea of a missing arm making them more submissive. idk maybe I'm just sick in head like you said.
jesus christ, i thought getting 20-30 fps was bad for my laptop. are you using intel HD?
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Well probably because i'm a bully. I dunno.
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what should you do to fix it nurse Mizore.
she does have 2 arms. wouldnt it be hard to find an sort of blood vessel in the back? maybe i dont know
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Get on that shit asap you lazy nigger
>you know how tame and non lewd oniiai is
Yea, I know. It basically promotes celibacy

Don't bother

>once before changing strategy
That's for the best. It's a really good strat to stop the first rush and a lot of fun seeing them get mowed down
>300mb of futa
Wew lad
Remember: it's not gay if it is a feminine penis

Well I only know this because when I got the quadra with bae I got straight 100's. Got potg even though they all got rezzed so I guess a Mercy rez doesn't give 100 PpP
It's an old laptop, like 5ish years now?
AMD vision A6 says the sticker.
>People who complain about 20-30
Maybe I've always just had shit graphics but that is managable.
Leeches. Always leeches.
Junkrat mine launch is what got me hooked on him.
it's just another mystery of life like 9/11.
mowing down everyone and then winning the match because none of them expected a completely different team comp feels fucking amazing.

actually now i wonder, does killing a bunch of people, having them rezed and killing them straight after count as a new kill on the killstrak?
>it's not gay if you censor the dick
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Love Karen 13.jpg
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Hm, I get you, just the day being long, yeah?

Eh not really but I'm lazy so just getting out of the house is a lot to me, either way I'll be doing it soon I think. Just college stuff before I go there

Australia ping must be pretty garbage, on good days my ping is 120 and it goes up to 200 sometimes. Pretty annoying

Shino is the best and cutest meme girl, her reactions really do set up some of the best shit in the show. Kinmoza would literally not be the same without her. Like Karen and Yoko do the same thing of being stupid/happy but Shino just takes the cake kek
Honaka comes close but still, not Shino
Damnit dude now I have to go watch it again

Time to get a job then. Or be homeless, I mean they're both chill options
you can mooch internet off mcdonalds

I actually find her really cute. Her and Sakura are pretty fucking useless throughout the entire show though. Really annoying.

Don't do this to me ;w;
Also, you probably already turned dow nthe graphics but try turning down the resolution or render scale a bit further, it turns the game more blurry but it becomes more playable.
mines only a few years old. it's a complete cocktease when i can almost max out, but can't have hi-res shadows or anti-aliasing because of the vram.
>2.4gh cpu
>rip in peace fallout 4

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i dont have any and sounds like it wont work
one is history another you can have an experiment
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He's tons of fun. I love him.
It's a shame he falls off in the higher tiers

>does killing a bunch of people, having them rezed and killing them straight after count as a new kill on the killstrak?
Potg is 15 seconds long. Say you kill 4 in 7 seconds, 3 seconds rez time, and then kill 2 again you will get potg since you got more points in that time window. The reason potg is so busted is because it's based upon numbers like this
>tfw Torbjorn's corpse gets potg
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Yeah. Honaka playing tennis and yelling "blonde hair" every time she hits the ball is great. Anyhow have a good night man glad to see u back. Im going to beds.

have a good night, bully with vigor.
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>Minimum settings
>Minimum resolution
>Everything from Vsync to shadows are off
I know all the tricks, rip me, need to finally upgrade. Still haven't played fallout4 yet.
That's where the line was drawn was the release of fallout4, haven't been able to play anything past that release.
Are you questioning leeches!?
They work 75% of the time 100% of the time EVERYTIME! All the time.
Does he? I'm only like level 5, still learning maps and mechanics.
occasionally i get 32png but most matches are 100 to 300 which makes the "favor the shooter" system feel unfair
>wipe out a reaper as mercy (totally ins lef-defence) but still die
>turns out on his cam i never hit him and got me at point blank
>one is history another you can have an experiment
i'm sorry what? to me that just sounds gibberish
no wonder i see reapers getting POTG. many of them kill the same people because of a mercy rez.
>not having a D.VA corpse get POTG
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Nah don't think i'll be homeless any time soon.
Good night Shino.
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IDK Karen 7.jpg
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Is australia even real? Has anyone went to check?
What if somebody just put it on the map and nobody bothered to see if it was real?
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yeah i am. i dont want some small animal to suck my blood.
9/11 is history. you will never really know probably. you could have an experiment with 2 people for the other thing though
steve irwin is dead
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Doll 221.jpg
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Doll claimed.
Good morning.

Might as well put 'Here be dragons' over it to be honest.
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>first post
>jesus trips
m8 i can't even play skyrim anymore because my fans are dying. but i still have warranty that i don't wanna void. so i can't clean or dust my craptop.
i think F4 might run, but i can't stand having draw distance and texutres down since i see them as the more important part of visuals
>walk forward one step and die
>bandit was only a few feet away
shit happened when i was playing skryim on low
i'd love to timestamp a pic but my internet is too slow to upload. guess we'll never find out
maybe if i kidnap some kids and try it out. i mean, if i hide the evidence right i might get away
absolutely stunning entrance darling, I'd give it a 8/10.
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morning doll. sleep well?
would not recommend attempting it
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nico puri 01.jpg
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Nico Nico Nii~
How are we all doing tonight?
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You let mosquitoes do it!!
And leeches are cuter than them!
Trips confirm Australia is now "Dragonland"
Canned air! Just spray that shit everywhere inside you can. You'll get clouds of dust out of there. Saved my laptop a few times.
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1 MB, 1920x1080
>still learning maps and mechanics
Oh. Well have fun and just fuck around as much as you like. Don't listen to the plebs telling you having 3 genji's on defense is bad

"favor the shooter" is basically just reverse lag. It's bullshit and feels really unfair
>not having a D.VA corpse get POTG
Not anymore now that she can stand next to her mech and emote as it praises Allah

Have I seen you before?
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no i dont i usually swing at mosquitoes. they do it against my will. leeches dont look cute
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Doll 130.jpg
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Thank you, wow what a terrific audience!

Hey Tomo, yep I did. Nice change from the other night. You sleep yet?

Groggy, but I've just woke up. Yourself Nii?

It should have been called that in the first place, doing the world a favour.
Hey there Doll.
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Studying business, wasn't really a choice. I didnt enjoy it or the other subjects but psych and philosophy are a no go here and pretty much anywhere unless you go hard.
At the end of the day though as long as I make money I'm good.

Alright man, night night

Acceptance of the death of the computer is the first step
The next is moving on and getting a new one
but no money for that, yeah?
Maybe when you move you can get one

>32 ping
woah fam, that sounds GOOD
but I think the current system is good, otherwise people might use lag to their advantage

Welp, that's a plus then.

Yo nico
bye nico!

Checkin your trips, sayin hello and leaving
Have a nice day

>can't even provide proof
australia isn't real calling it now

Bye everyone
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the vent has a tiny grill over it. it might work a little bit but it might just move the dust around and nothing else.
yeah, but in some maps (like the Nepal village" you have to park your mech first and then detonate. so alot of times i get killed before i get away. mind you everyone just hides behind reinhardts shield and shoots at me.
tired and hungry. you?
it's worth a shot though!
well you did your best darling and it paid off.
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for an hour. and thats good for you
is it really?
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I'm on here nightly so I wouldn't be too surprised though I can't say we talk much if at all.

The same actually, just had a nice nap n_n

night! sleep well

Hungry and sleepy, seems like we have a lot alike at the moment haha
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Isla claimed
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I claim all of these.jpg
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bye <3
well i can solve a mystery. is that reason enough?
yeah well painkillers put me to sleep. like a sleeping pill and elixer in one. only problem is that i don't wanna sleep
wew lad

I'm gonna go try the new OW map. be back in a bit. stay frosty
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I'm still at the early levels where Noone is talking.
Little squirmy sharp tooth don't look cute to you?!?
That will be the plan. Work and order what I want online.
Get the kind that has a little straw, even if it doesn't fit in the grill it will direct the pressure better.
>It's a lot better than blowing with your mouth.
It may move the dust, but it will break up and that are stuck and the fan should help blow them out.
I just put the straw to any hole I found in my laptop when it was stripped down and let her loose.

Not tired but I have work soon, night guys!
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Heya Makoto, how's it hanging?
Guessing work?

Thanks, you too with whatever you're doing.

I did.
>Tired and hungry
Why not eat something in bed?

Thanks, but you're probably need to get some more sleep, an hour doesn't seem like enough.

You enjoy it? I had my full sleep myself, gotta go to the dentists today, save me.

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mfw having a waifu crisis
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probably not no.
no not really. night.
i slept for an hour then went to a bbq, havent been able to get back to sleep since
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Oh I see.. well I hope your games wake you up then!

Haha quick! Play dead you can't go if they think you died!
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I have been meaning to try the new map but I don't
feel like downloading the ptr
thanks doll~
can't choose a definite waifu
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Feeling exceptionally lazy today. Going to take another nap. Catch you later waifu.
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i just realised i haven't installed PTR yet. shit

because i don't wanna go to bed
probably yes
never mind. PTR needs to install
My anus is ready for it
see ya

>jenny re-claimed
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Ah fair enough then. Maybe when the food goes down a bit you'll feel more tired.

It's no use Nico! They can smell fear!
I've been thinking of this in my head all morning.

No problem. How're you doing anyway Isla?

Later Shizu.
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have a good nap Shizuru~
Nah, I'm off today. Playing Warships with a friend. I'm fairly close to finally getting my Nagato!
How was sleep?

Not a choice? Nothing more interesting you'd rather go into?
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well what do you like about each of them or keep looking
no jail sounds bad
that finished about 4 hours ago. im not so sure i will for a bit
>shit tier taste
Why would you ever park your mech though?
>everyone just hides behind reinhardts shield
Send your mech high up into the air if possible. Reinhardt can choose between raising his shield and exposing himself or dying from your falling mech.

Oh I see. I don't think we've talked before
There's been a lot new people lately and I have a terrible memory. Nice to meet you

>where Noone is talking.
I have team chat muted by default. I wish I could hide text chat as well. No one ever says anything useful. Everything relevant can be pinged anyway

You don't choose a waifu
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I'm doing pretty good thanks for asking
yeah I'm not to excited about the escort+assault either
Pretty much. Drinking with friends now though. Dinner will happen.
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but if i'm never caught? what if no one finds them? then what?
fite me
>nepal village
>launching mech into air
I normally do that. but what i was getting at is that sometimes you do have to park it in order to deal with enemies. on nepal (minus the temple) if i launch it it'll go straight through the point, or hit the roof and fall back down. making the few seconds of falling extra time to get me.
i mean't that i was excited. but i'm ready to have my arse kicked because i'm shit at control point. guess i'm just really tired.
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Oh well rip then.
Wait what? In OW? When did this happen?

Oh well thats good news. Have to see if my computer can run WoWs without exploading.
Real good, ready for almost anything. You sleep yet?

This took a turn.

Huh well it should have gone down a lot then. Maybe you're just not tired yet. What time is it?

No problem again. You doing anything today?
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well then im not sure what you would really find and what you would do after soooo yeah
1 in the morning.
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Oh well then :p lol

Then I wish you the best of luck! and lol dn't start thinking of things like that now! it'll go fine i promise.

Oh yeah I noticed that too.. but nope I'm not new. It's nice to meet you as well. I hope your day is going well.
>robots are shit

i like them both their personalities, they're kinda on different ends of the spectrum, not in one is depressing one is happy way but more just different,
and they also have nice designs
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when blizzard revealed a german map. you have to escort a battering ram, destroy the gate and capture the castle. sounds hype as fuck
well i'll figure out what that image is supposed to do.
very lol indded
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well then which one would you honestly pick to be around if they hated each other?
sure find a green chemical first
will dyed water work?
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I thought the new update would be released to the actual game by now..
It barely runs on my laptop, it has surprisingly high requirements. Probably due to the high range of depth rendering.
Ya, slept till about 3PM today, and then went and got my new tire.
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I dunno then, maybe your body clocks out of wack a bit.

Thank you, someone has to!
I can't help it, always hated the dentist. I'm gonna hold you to that promise.

Just looked it up, hype as fuck indeed. Reminds me a bit of the tf2 medieval map, but with an escort instead of 2 control points.
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i guess. try that aloe Vera water looks about the same color
nah ill be fine in the end
green dye is a green chemical imo don't need to add the water
idk thats kinda my problem im an indecisive person, but thanks man that kinda helps i guess im going with the one i would like better imo
i thought it would be realeased after the summer games ended. but i still get the summer games even though it's aug23 now.
i never played that medievil map acutally. Not going back to Tf2 ever since it died. takes about 10 minutes on average to get a game.
i'll get it next time i'm in town
it'd be quicker and cheaper if i mix the two.
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thats kind of what you're supposed to do yeah
alright then let me know how it goes
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So probably no hope of it on mine then, oh well it's worth a shot.
Oh yeah your tire. That go okay?

You always are. As long as you don't feel tired then you're fine I guess.

It was a lot of fun, especially setting people on fire with the huntsman. Bit of a shame really, wonder how long overwatch will last in comparison. If they get fully into a competitive space like league they should be set I think.
INDECISIVE, but yeah ima shut up now
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I don't know anyone who actually enjoys the dentist so you aren't alone.

I'm just sick of that game because it's just genji. I'm dying waiting for that nerf.
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yeah just going to coast on for a bit
alright let me know if you decide
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alright. it's on my shopping list
i just hope blizzard doesn't try and do what valve did and continue to fuck it over with view able servers and stuff. i feel that the randomized system makes it less like a stale "community moderates itself" like game. i;ve had countless times TF2 players kicked me or treated me like dirt because i just jumped into wrong server. but yeah, it's pretty much set like league. i was just watching the atlantic showdown last night.
i'm waiting for update to leave PTR
>play as mercy
>at least one guy switches to genji and hunts my arse
>pretty sure he sits at his computer every waiting minute to kill a mercy with Genji
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pics when?
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I think I hear faggots
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Holy shit I checked and lurk on this thread so long ago how has it not hit image limit yet?
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Ya. Even my desktop has problems with it at times. Although I'm almost certain that has more to do with sphaghetti code more than anything. Says I keep running out of memory, but I monitored it and still had well over half my RAM left. Gunna install these Windows updates and restart. Guess I'll lay down while I wait for the to finish.
>Care to join~?
Yep. $35 but I should be good. Apparently my dad wasn't surprised, and that thing eats tires for breakfast.
when i actually get everything ready. i have to pick out my victim, set up a remote location to do it in. get a pump for the blood etc.
because it's a slow thread.
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Wew laddie

Was playing superhot for a good few hours trying to get 60+ kills

Then i got onto payday to finally get to V-100

Now i just need to get the last 12 achievements i have left to get
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too much work and planning
superhot was fun. payday has too many achievement
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NOW i can see the panties.jpg
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well kidnapping is complicated.
amazing! now can you expain to me what all this means?

>ptr installing at 100k per m/
>god i love this country
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Hey, faggot. What's with you spounting all this shit about me?
First of all, I do 't even know you. I never mentioned your name.
Secondly, I don't talk about people's backs. I never did. I never will. I said what I have to say in their face.
You're boring, you're dull and you're extremly delusional for a girl, or a guy, or whatever you pretend to be on the internet if you ever tought I'll give any importance to a maggot like you.
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Well i got an xbox one, because i don't have my own money to get my own pc yet

So I'm playing payday 2 crimewave edition

>hoping Almir actually gives us release dates for content in september
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Fuck this was meant to go to the tomoko anon
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Other than the dentists themselves, sadists.
>Genji nerf
It's gonna be a lot of fun.

As you do.

Yeah, its good that you just get what you're given, but also kinda annoying when you're in the mood for a specific map. I'd rather that than, as you say, being kicked from games for no reason. Seems like it's hitting that, they were real quick to roll out competitive.

Well that's odd then. Even if I know what I'm doing when I'm trying to sort something like that, I feel clueless.
Not that bad then. What the car?
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what if they wanted to go
oh well i dont know what its like on xbox, dont know who Almir is either
there's always custom though. but it requires friends to play with. either that or AI, which is about as retarded as one can get
>the human team is waiting for us at the main ship exit
>lets rush out the main entrance!
you mean leave? i won't let them. after i figure it out i fuck 'em, kill 'em, fuck 'em again and hide the body in concrete

>Also nice trips

And also you need 11 of them. I played an AI game at the start, and even then I was thinking, this is retarded. I mean you can get competent online AI right?

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