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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>700513669 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 179
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Kyouko (11).jpg
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Don't fall for what Syndra tells you. Ro > Yuu.

Look how serious is this stuff.
I dont understand how into this everyone gets, but seeing people pass around '<3' and stuff like that, I get really fucked up and confused.
>We are both male
>From what i can gather Galko is also straight
Like, I don't know what the fuck to think, yeah maybe if Galko was female but my mind is so foggy and stupid.

I like each and everyone of you guys, sure, some more than others but that's a given with everything.
I'm lonely as fuck in real life, I've probably said this before, but it's true, and I am sure many others are like it. Yeah, I have like 2 close friends, but I can't talk about anything serious with them, and they don't know I am a weeb.
But you guys, I can talk about anything, it really feels like I can fit in somewhere and belong.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is, that my mind is mixing up this 'roleplay' stuff, with actual emotions. I don't know how to feel about all these 'I really like you/love you/missed you' stuff.

There, I think thats what i wanted to say.
I don't know anymore.
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Guess who has Internet, finally!
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galko is the biggest elitist in this community
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ruby cute.png
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Yeah, those guys. Those threads started on /r9k/ this winter.
I find masturbating in a hot room to be somewhat painful but very rewarding
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Husbando claimed
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honestly not a great day
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Syndra [95].jpg
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Oh, shit. Hello there. How long has it been?
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fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I was using my yuno folder on another thread this was esdeath

sounds stupid to me
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Oh no! What happened?
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You're dead.
And good luck recognizing any poster around here, Misato.
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hut the fuck up, Saber! You faggot! Fucking skinny butt-munching faggot. I hate you! You know that? I really do. 'Cause all you do is fuckin' prance around /waifu/ talkin' about your fuckin' faggoty fairy waifus. I'll tell you what! I don't wanna hear about your fuckin' waifus and how their assholes work, all right? It makes me sick! And I - I - I fuckin' hope they fuckin' die of fag disease! Yeah
And, and speaking of... dead... Waifus.. I just remembered why bonehead white-trash fuckin' donkey-dick homura got so fuckin' freaked when I started talkin' about his "elitism." He aNeanderthal, drunk faggot put a dick in his mouth and blew Kyouko all over the wall.
You know, I almost forgot that my friend told me that. She said, "His gay lover blew his cock all over the wall." I thought it was gay at first, but now? I fucking hate it
your the biggest meme
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Probably a few months. I either didn't have internet or had too much shit to do, but I missed you all.

Why am I dead? I do recognize you, so that's one.
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Yeah, I don't really think they even mean "waifu", it's more of just a word to describe 2d girls for them.
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Me, of course!
I thought you were a myth.
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>And then keeps doing it.
Fucking slutty maid.
Nope. That's not my area of expertise. I just bully people for being a slutty afterwards.
Maybe ask Mizore. I hear they're pretty in to the slut thing.
A boat is a boat. I don't want either
>Though if i had to pick, Ro is cuter, even if a whole lot more slutty.
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What do you mean, a myth? What did I do?
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you're back from the dead
A person long past.
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Homura (11).jpg
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Will I finally learn who is that character sitting on the top left corner of the waifu beach?

Good choice.
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Have done some slooty things with him
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But who are you?
you can't blame the slutty maid
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I've seen you in the waifu beach but when I started posting back in April you were already gone I think, so I don't really know you, but hey there.
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I didn't really expect you to ever come back, but it's good to know you're here again.
It's been too long. Things happened.
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having one of my in my head fights. an anon from last night freaked me out. sometimes i wonder if my parents where as bad as I thought and I think its my fault and im just complaining I cant remember much of my childhood I dont know if I block it out I only remember a little
oops this was for you sorry my brain is scrambled atm
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You didn't have internet that entire time?
Gosh, you poor thing. Well, sounds like things have cleared up a bit on your end. I hope so, anyways.
Indeed, it's been too long. Good to see you again, though.
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I'm going to be posting slower so I don't run out of images so fast.

Ayy! How's it going?


The /a/ Paintr one? I think Misato is somewhere in the middle, sorry.

Misato. It's very possible that we've never met.

Nice to meet ya!

Like what? Sounds ominous...

I had internet, and I had time, but I never had both at once. Good to see you too.
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Ro is a downgrade
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Why are you a big deal now? A lot of people come and go, it's not that unusual.
I wish I could forget more of my childhood, most of what I remember from age 7 to age 13 was being whipped in the basement.
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There's no point in shitposting without 4chan pass smh.

I swear to god I will fucking kill you you stupid cunt.
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because pic related
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Penny Claim!
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Eh. It pretty close though. I think the flower is the only thing that tips it over.
Nope. I just read the thread.
Can and will.
Does the missile HAVE to go there?...
Also, is this Syndra advocating for a loli boat?
I think it is.
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Homura (26).jpg
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The beach has taken a lot of updates so far until the project was officially closed one or two months ago. I'm pretty sure this one pic >>700523981
is sitting on a corner.

Seems like you're getting strangulated in replies so I'd rather not take too much of your attention, welcome back.

Her moe stat is quadruplicated.
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Yeah i haven't saw you here
I guess you left before april?
can you not do captcha?
its pretty easy tbh
Can't and Won't you mean
>Does the missile HAVE to go there?
>Also, is this Syndra advocating for a loli boat?
Doesnt count, its a sub
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Well, most people don't remember their childhoods accurately. Memories change to reflect how you currently think

We took our lewdness to a private chat
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It's just a thread.
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>implying making a greeting post is uncommon

Yeah, I got one because I went on vacation in the UK and my hotel's WiFI was in a range ban zone.

Oh, I thought you meant the WWD one. Yeah, I have the beach one right here.

I think I did, not great with dates and times.
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waifu claimed
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my dead never used to many tools just my bag full of textbooks and his hands but he says he was just loud and that h never hit me wich makes me think im insane for thinking he did I dont know

ah christ dont tell me it was all a lie
You know what, you are done honestly, GIVE ME OWNER I WILL JUST FUCKING BAN U FROM THIS SERVER

my wifi is shit tho and it's taking awhile, i will be a stupid retard and buy another 4chan pass for myself.

yer i was talking about that /mtfgen/ on /lgbt/ faggot.
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Oh shit, what happened to you then?
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doggo shiro.jpg
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You know, you said you were doing it out of boredom, but that can't be it if you're actually going to spend more money.
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This is the most recent one of those, I think.
It became quiet big.

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Oh i misread the last thing you say. My mistake.
Well ask to make you a slut. He'd be thrilled.
Shh. I already did.
And then the sausage. Jesus. Lewd little sub.
Also, boat=from Kancolle, in my language.
Shit, does everybody here have a sad past?
shhhh, i just want to get 4chan pass again in general, captcha is being a bith to me right now and it's making me want to kms.
>be sitting in hospital bed
>hear woman talking in child's voice one bed over
>Nurse sees my confusion
"We started taking psych patients"

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Syndra [110].jpg
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>Lewd little sub.
Ro is even more lewd.
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12112 - 12.jpg
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Don't get murdered there Yuuko.
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And here I was hoping to break my habit of needing to go really early. See you all later!

Thanks for this.
And like that, he was never seen again.
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Kyouko (6).png
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See you later.
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Alright then
Nice to meet you
your wifi must be real shitty
Well you need to take it back
All boats are lewd
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Sure. Still though, what the hell.
Or what?
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Some might be embellished is what I am saying

I'll ask him next time I see him

Holy shit
nice one
it is indeed shitty. i can't do anythign with it sadly, maybe i will buy new router or modem.
I remember when I got included, it was one of the happier memories here.
>around bottom right
can i claim annoying? i like annoying
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I remember my dad being angry alot screaming at me using hands sometimes everything I cleaned was never done right he was more than hard on me in school thats when he through my books at me I remember being slammed into a wall it was never to physical but verbally was another story
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I'll try.
How are you doing big man?

You'd be a fan of the crazy woman
It's your type
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Devilfu claimed.
yer it tru.

It wasn't intentional
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hello wonderful.jpg
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For you. I'm fine I suppose, just kicking back watching some YouTube, gonna start up Plastic Memories later. How about you?
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Or i won't bully you again
I'm sorry to hear that, at least that's all in the past now, i hope.
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Kyouko (7).png
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I think I know who you are.
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Don't stick your dick in crazy

Hello there
trips i win 700527221
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And what does that tell you about her?
Wait, isn't that a positive?
I thought i was supposed to be the bully in this relationship?
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oh well ok im just scared im just a whinny bitch but I remember a lot of messed up stuff that happened in and outside of my family
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you can take that bully and stick it up your ass fucktard
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he has changed alot maybe becasue im older and not smaller than him but he is better the damage is kinda done beside he wasnt the only thing that changed me
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Plastic memories.
Sounds like my sex life

I'll probably just shitpost here and watch youtube as well.

But crazy women will never leave me
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TheWonderfulNui (5).png
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Hi, Shiro! how has your day been?
Hello to you as well! how's it going?
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Back to where you belong faggots!
You probably do, we chatted and were on good terms. Although I don't think I ever had enemies with anyone here at any point in time, but still.
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No i am the bully
you skipped a page
you ppl are all fucked prolly all men jacking off to each other
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broken arm.png
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Untill they stab you

I'm good
>he wasnt the only thing that changed me
I'm very sorry to hear that, maybe there would be a harmless way to forget all of that?
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Kyouko (19).png
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I definitely know who you are.

Good to see you're still around atleast.

That picture is really fucking bad.
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it was just a monochrome version of the colored first page
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Yuu did nothing wrong.
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hey who wants to go fuck with people. chat room dating sites. dell. hp.??
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You're very astute, or I'm just that obvious. Maybe I'll try to claim next thread again.
>It's good to see you too, and a few other familiar faces
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Please. Not this again.
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Men are naturally attracted to women that remind them of their mothers
That's funny. The anime is supposed to be sad, and I never take feelsy animes seriously.
Oh, it's been fine, been doing nothing really though. Trying to find myself some good places to run in my city. Mainly just been watching YouTube and going to start up some new anime today. How about you?
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chibi (5).png
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therapy is helping im just having a day where i second guess everything and think im just being an emo faggot

why does everything have to be a god damn blowjob

nope im finding a new mama
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So your mom was cray?
hey lets troll. reddit. yahoo. steam. gamespy?? anyone?
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dont like blowjobs?
>trips steals Yuno
check em
Writers shouldn't include the male's name unless it's directed towards homosexual males.
That Yuu did things wrong.
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you gonna catch these blades.jpg
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>he says he was just loud and that h never hit me wich makes me think im insane for thinking he did I dont know
I fucking hate that. I remember one time, when I had spent a weekend afternoon making a huge lego spaceship because that's what my autism required, he got mad because I forgot my chores and ended up smashing and breaking most of my legos before hitting me.

I wish he'd only used belts because around the time which I started blocking shit out he had begun using 2" by 2" by 4' sticks.

And of course my router fucking died again so I went top get some lunch.
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hey somone help me hack google earth. i hate blackout areas.
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She was crazy. Meds destroyed her. She's really stupid now, but no one gets chased down the street with knives anymore soooo...
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Freud please, my mom is a mean and lazy alcoholic bully.
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this is fucking gross

no not at all

all the times he ever yelled at me where just him being loud god I know the pitch that scares the shit out of me this certain tone that makes me a kid again

so yuno is mine too ok
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alright ill try to find you some blowjob porn with your waifu
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I'm just getting in to the bad ones :^)
nice feet
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It's disgusting me.
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Are you like you're father?
Wonder what attracted him to her.
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Too much lewd

I'm sorry to hear that

I guess that's a win?
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TheWonderfulNui (86).png
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Just took a shower and ate, though it didn't sit well but i'm fine now.

Just listening to music now and may have time to watch something.
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That Yuu gave me severe PTSD.
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Well i hope you feel better at some point, it's not good to let the past damage your future.
This motherfucker just got his dick sucked and still thinks it's a fucking dream? This is the shittiest excuse for plot/dialogue. Fuck, just make him say "let's make fucky and I'm gonna cheat on my gf". That would be better. God.
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