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do you people actully believe that trump will build a wall, ban

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 297
Thread images: 151
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do you people actully believe that trump will build a wall, ban islam, etc? like, you cant be that stupid, can you?
Literally never said he would ban Islam.

>Trump supporters say they hate hillary becuase she is untrustworthy
>Hillary supporters try to convince trump supporters to change, using lies that are easily fact checked

oh my sides.
I can be stupid if I want to. You can't stop me being stupid, it's what I do
Yeah, fuck that OP, i'm going to be double stupid now.
samefagging this hard
check the number of posters you fucking moron
>trump, a retard that SAYS dumb things
>hillary, retard that DOES dumb things

pick one.
I hope he tries to do all of that.
Both do dumb things. Trump is more retarded, but that's why I want him to win. Imagine the memes and retarded shit he's going to say and do. Hillary can't deliver on that. She keeps her cool too easily. A hothead like Trump is exactly what we hear on /b/ need
Summerfag, transitioning into Newfag. He'll get it eventually.
Ofc no one thinks he's being literal. Thats why we are voting for him. Only libtards think he's literally going to go that extreme about shit
the butthurt this man has generated on a glabal scale has gone beyond our wildest shroom powered expectations and if he actually gets into the oval office liberals worldwide may actually have psychotic breakdowns. in or out it will be a wild ride.
Nope. America has already rejected him, he has failed. Labor Day is coming and the votes are already baked. There's barely anymore Trump threads, they've all given up an an hero'd. No point even trolling anymore.
When Trump builds that wall, I will take my class on a field trip, so they can learn what America is all about, and have tacos for lunch.
>Talking about the future, in past tense.

Is it true half of Americans have homeschool from their parents?
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>this will change your life

Changed nothing
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cause you already knew it was true
No but ok.
I will vote for literally anyone to make sure that shillary gets cucked out of the whitehouse. I just want to see the look on her face after the ballots are counted.
The news article you linked didn't have any proof that Trump said he would ban Islam.

why do you insist on lying so much? normal people fact check, why do you think we're any different?
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Trump hate is the former Obama hate
He's already president :)
Suck it cuck posters
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never said it did.
>Trump hate is the former Obama hate

Post your address dude, we need to call you an Ambulance, you are having a stroke.
>poorly educated
Except blacks only vote democrat
>babbys first election
US Elections haven't seen a beatdown this bad in August since Reagan bitchslapped Mondale around in 1984. If you think Trump has a chance you're not paying attention.
wait now i'm confused as well. he replied to a post someone made about Trump banning Islam. He said Trump never said that, please post proof...

And then you posted some random news article?
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>why do you insist on lying so much?

>Donald Trump - True or Mostly True - 15%

>Hillary Clinton - True or Mostly True - 50%

inb4 muh liberal media derp. Politifact has a Pulitzer Prize, does fox newz?
>US Elections haven't seen a beatdown this bad in August since Reagan bitchslapped...

Are you trying to be super ironic?

You citing the election of a president that was a former Hollywood actor.... yet the Democrats say Trump isn't qualified to run for president.

wew lad.
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>Trump supporters say they hate hillary becuase she is untrustworthy


It's really not rocket science....unless you're a trumpie
>tfw all shills in americucks are losing their shit for an impending republican victory
WTF did you expect? them to post a video link to trump saying 'I'm going to ban Islam"?

Back to the oven jewboi
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and then you woke up in a puddle
Oldfag here
I know you guys don't care about my opinion but Bernie Sanders was our only hope the world is going to hell in a handbaskit I suggest you all prepare for the impending doomsday

>User Generated Graph

why did you photoshop?

Do you think Tineye doesn't exist, newfag.
My name is Seth Rich
>implying Anonymous polls are trustworthy
>posting on 4chan, anonymously.

thanks for the chuckle kid.

P.S, i am Abraham Lincoln.

When are you losers gonna get a new buzzword?
>Bernie Sanders was our only hope
>socialism was our only hope

I wish i could socialism as hard as bernie does when I'm older, his new summer home (third house) was $600,000.
That's from 538
>When are you losers gonna get a new buzzword

Is that a new term for Jargon? you must be real hip.
hurr durr he's not PC for me therefor what he says is pure madness and lies.

HEAVILY consider suicide.
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Sage gos in all fields newfriend.
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wrong and wrong again

do a little research next time derpy
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Next summer.

the Vocal minority, like the college kids in this thread, are the ones that fill in polls.

the silent majority are the ones that vote in presidents, which is why polls are NEVER accurate.

bonus lulz: The silent majority in America are old white men, 'cis' white men, that have had enough of you kids bullshit.
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>Imagine Shillary in the white house for a moment
>cringe hard.
>h a r d.

People are literally supporting a killer.

It's almost like you're signalling 'hai guys, this is what the majority are doing, you better do it too!'

And? My dad a single father of 2 owns 2 homes the second worth 300k now and he makes less than 80k a year your telling me it's unbelievable a congressman who makes a starting 165k a year couldn't afford twice as much? He also has a wife who works

Tl;Dr your argument is invalid

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please be sure to be here on November 9th so we may enjoy your salty tears and butthurt
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Goes *

No roody-poos allowed GTFO

This... exactly
I'm sure the DNC staffer who leaked those emails was killed for reasons totally unrelated to leaking those emails. Anyone who says otherwise might come down with a sudden onset of acute suicide / failed robbery syndrome. It's catching.
Are you implying your dad is a successful socialist?

>Bernie ran on the campaign promise he would bring socialism to America
>All the college kids with berets and Che Guevara pins donated their pocket money
>Bernie leaves the rigged nominations, leaving college kids donations to Hillary
>gos and buys his third house worth over 500k.

I haven't laughed at kids this hard in 20 years, literally getting dumber the longer they're in college.
Is it possible to milk a man? I have my own theories based on crudely drawn blue prints and hormone injections, however I have my doubts. My latest diagram calls for a surgically implanted mammary gland. Wish me luck
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>what we hear on /b/

meanwhile Trump trashes the economy and starts WW3. Kind of a steep price for a few keks
It has nothing to do with who he does or doesn't look like, it's advocating the removal of rights for the press and appeals to nationalism.
You amerifags have about as much democracy in your ciuntry as iran, china and belorussia. Your elections are bought by sucking the dicks of banks and special interests. Only reason to have the election is to make it bloody and distract the people from the fact they have no choise. Trump is a retarded fascist who will cause ww3 and would be lucky to be able to cook a poptart himself. Shillary is croocked as fuck and with superdelegates bernie never had a chance. You know what its called when the party gets to choose the candidate.. KOMMUNISM/ FASHISM/ DICTATORSHIP. Take down your bi-party-fuck-you-system and unfuck yourselves
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>be Canadian
>Trump gets elected
>mfw his shitty decisions make the American dollar plummet
>mfw the only thing Trump will make great again is the looney
He's advocating social democracy, for Christ's sake. Sweden doesn't line capitalists against the wall, you know.
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No price is too high for keks anon
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>it's advocating the removal of rights for the press and appeals to nationalism.

I get that
Obama has already laid the seeds for WW3 with constant 'freedom of navigation' naval exercises next to China's new defense islands in the Pacific.

Trump has said he will withdraw all troops from world wide conflicts, especially ones that have nothing to do with America

>TFW you're a democrat warmonger, and Replicans are the ones ending wars.
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Ok, kiddo
get yourself some tim and enjoy the show
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You're telling me the working honest people will vote shillary, when she's accepting 500% more immagrants to the country? I'm not even gonna delve too hard with your shit for brains since im Swede and actually dont give 2 shits who gets elected but if you think about it, people aren't going to accept a woman to be leader.. It just doesnt seem right, not even being sexist just laying it out there + The emails + the war she fucking started in the middle east.. Need I say more?
But it's Trump that lies much more.
Do you honestly believe that he will do nothing? That he won't push any laws to make deporting illegals easier or push laws to increase border security?

Here's a better question, do you understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration.

Also, why the hell should we take in refugees from countries we are currently bombing? It's true, that most of them might be nice people. But there are plenty that are angry with USA.
>trashes the economy
>already on the brink of depression

Nice try, but were fucked either way.
Rather have meme-king Trump than broken brain corrupt Hillary.
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>and Replicans are the ones ending wars.
wow you people are seriously deluded.
Reagan was a former governor.
this is actually what it will probably come down to.

Women dont like being told what to do
>Left media telling women to vote for Hillary because of Vaginas.

Women are half the population.
If women voted on the basis of sex only, then half of all senators would be women
Demonstrable fact that women vote for whoever the fuck they want.
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>when she's accepting 500% more immagrants to the country?
citation needed
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>The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

Yes, stupid people actually believe these things. Stupid people also believe the United States is a democracy. See >>699868649

>dumb frog poster
>doesn't think the president of the united states should be a killer
quite possibly the stupidest person in this thread

>I have never voted in my life... I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win.
>since im Swede

In my experience people who include tangential points like this are super legit. None of them are edgy teenagers pretending to be worldly geniuses
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>+ The emails
>I have 100% no idea how polls are conducted but they say I'm losing so therefore they're wrong
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>+ the war she fucking started in the middle east
u wot m8?

>the war she started
>>doesn't think the president of the united states should be a killer

So much this. The Clinton conspiracy theories only make her out to be more qualified. Who doesn't want a president who solves "problems" so well that the FBI is afraid of her?
If it's so obvious he would never build it, and would never ban Islam, why are the media and leftists so upset?
Are the 'freedom of navigation exercises' promoting peace, or instigating hostilities?
>Democrats starting wars

Has trump said he will recall troops from all overseas conflicts?
>Replicans stopping wars

unlike the 'Trump said he will ban Islam' lies you keep spreading, there is actually video proof of Trump saying he will withdraw troops.
Trump is an unqualified manbaby
That would be the mountain of OTHER shit he's said
Hey guise I just trimmed my pubic hair in my private area for the first time.Its feeling a bit itchy.How long would it be like this?
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Hillary supporters will believe whatever their echo chamber MSM tells them. And the MSM - owned by a ruling class that intends to stay that way - are united against the threat to the oligarchy that is Trump.

This capture is from Google just a few minutes ago. Look at how consistent the MSM is in their attacks. It's as if they get a memo with the code-word of the day (much like they do when they promote Israel).

The plan is to convince the public that Trump is losing - so when Hillary steals the election through vote-rigging there won't be an investigation.

The problem for the MSM with this propaganda is if they're too successful in portraying Hillary as winning and Trump as failing then the few Hillary voters may stay home, leaving Trump with a landslide so great it can't be overcome with the cheating (like what happened with the Brexit vote).
Because it's demagoguery
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If compared to murrika, everyone else is a genius
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>Trump is an unqualified manbaby

Qualifications required to be president of the United states:
1. 35 and Older
2. born in America

>MFW I have to educate Americans on how their elections work.
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>michael jackson is pop king of sick fucking country, my main man
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Umm . . . are you really saying FOX and Breitbart are pro-hillary?
Woo hooo, moooooooooaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr
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you dont actually believe trump will be president right?
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Looks like the Hillary shills have finally spat the dummy and started the picture dumps.

little crybabies.
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I wonder what the trigger post was, that they're trying to hide this time?
>“First, I’d get out of Iraq right now,” Trump said to British GQ in a 2008 interview. “And by the way, I am the greatest hawk who ever lived, a far greater hawk even than Bush. I am the most militant military human being who ever lived.

Please note, last week Trump criticized Obama for getting out of Iraq, a move actually authorized by Bush before Obama's presidency.
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>>Hillary supporters will believe whatever their echo chamber MSM tells them
>This lack of self-awareness
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>Looks like the Hillary shills have finally spat the dummy and started the picture dumps.
>little crybabies.

pretty sad tbh.
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ahhhh yeeeaaahhh, this is THE shit, right here. Diamonds.
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Y u No jill Stein
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keep up the good work
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Swiss fag here.

Don't you all want that Adolf Hitler 2.0? DONT YOU PROUDLY WANT PRIDE IN YOUR COUNTRY AND RACE?

Fuck yea you do.

To be frank I just want to watch Trump take over and put on a show just for mere entertainment(at least for me in the EU), hell imagine /POL/ if the madman builds a wall?

The way I see it is he'll gas all SJW fucking Binary queertron Transgender cucumber buttfuck who knows.

Gas Muslims, ofcourse.
Gas Niggers(notice I didn't the educate african americans)
Add latinos to the pack as well hell even gas em all while your at it (non whites)

And make it so you have a work flowed wealthy country with White popularity LIKE IT WAS MEANT TO BE!

You look at africa, and then detriot, with other places and you just see, where black goes? trash follows.

Don't you miss your chances folks shit like this comes by once, he'll you oughta make history!
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FOX is one of the few outlets that doesn't always toe the MSM line - though even they are not always Trump supporters.

It's ludicrous you'd call independent site Breitbart part of the MSM.

Even Glenn Greenwald - himself no Trump advocate - said this week the media are 100% united against Trump.

In any other country this would rightly be called propaganda.
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Honestly she's way too passive to be a world leader she would give in to any demands of n. Korea and Russia if they agreed to cut down on emissions

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yea stupid 160 IQ what's your OP?
(I guarantee under 90)

fucking paid CTR shill
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A lot of ignorant points in here although I know you're fucking around but yea, I do agree on the first part.

>fuck yea I do.
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The really interesting scenario is if Hillary's seizures get so bad even the MSM can't spin her as viable, the Democrats may assassinate her themselves - and try to blame it on Trump.

In one move the D's would

1. Get rid of dying Hillary and create an immortal martyr
2. Give themselves a huge weapon to use against Trump
3. Make the election about personalities rather than policies
4. Give themselves the final false flag they need to destroy the 2nd Amendment

If Hillary's health continues to fail watch for the D's to kill her themselves.
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>trump said

>believing anything trump says
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>trump said
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or maybe Trump really is a raging idiot who makes shit up as he goes along.
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It's possible. It doesn't even always require hormones, though hormones will help. Just start using a breast pump twice daily.
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damn you ignorant rednecks will believe anything, won't you?
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>implying Hillary is any better
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It's daytime, gotta Corrupt The Record - since there aren't any real jobs under Obama-Clinton.

30%+ unemployed is a boon for those paying for shills.
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Fucking kek
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because timmy hit john i'm allowed to hit john
also do you really want a second bush as a president
I dont think trump is that bad
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>also do you really want a second bush as a president
no, that's why I'm voting for Hillary.
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yes ppl can be THAT stupid

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too late for spiderman thread
I think Trump is just making the Republican party to boost Shillary's image. Every time she says or does something stupid, Trump says or does something even stupider by several orders of magnitude.
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I forgot where I was for a second and though I was in /pol/, wtf is this politic shit?
Hey shill go kill yourself
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Trump says what those ppl want to hear.
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Kek vote for trump.. Just imagine the memes bro.

This is how I know it's all over now
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>Swiss fag here
>at least for me in the EU
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>Make the elections about personalities rather than policies
elections are always about personalities instead of policies
it has been for the last 20 or so years
>swiss fag here
Aren't you too busy taking refugee dick in your ass to be on 4chan?
>or maybe Trump really is a raging idiot who makes shit up as he goes along.
Kinda like what you're doing, huh?
Not him and I even found a lefty site for you to read. It goes on and on about how trumps wrong and that's not what she said but on down in the article when it pops in the actual numbers it says Hillary wants to accept 65000 refugees instead of obamas proposed 10000. That my friend is a 550% increase. I particularly like the part where it says that they are required to submit paperwork and have background checks, you know like they are actually being vetted, but then it has a short phrase about how it's impossible to determine the legitimacy of said paperwork. Lol
fake and gay
no, nothing like what I'm doing
the quality of the shills keep getting lower and lower, is clinton running out of shekels?
And the shills just keep on coming.

Anyone who's serious about meaningful discussion needs to understand *disinformation*.

Don't make the mistake of believing everyone is arguing sincerely. Many are paid to intentionally impede and prevent sincere discourse. Of course there are others who piss in the pool simply of their own immature volition.

They've succeeded not when they've changed any minds with convincing arguments, but when they've simply *prevented other people from discussing*. It's the cognitive version of chaff.

Read this: "Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation"

Particularly relevant here is

>Rule 5: Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

Learn to recognize disinformation and avoid wasting energy interacting with it.
>Rule 5: Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule.
like what Trump does

basically you just argued for Hillary and against Trump.
>quoting the Washington Post as an even remotely unbiased source
b8 m8
it's gonna be a wall like you never seen before.
an amazing wall, cos if there's one thing I know it's walls.
I'm a very successful wall builder it's my thing.
not like those fat cats in Congress who can't build walls.
but anyway it's gonna be an amazing wall and who is gonna pay for it?

you mean the woman that tried to argue the source from wikileaks shouldn't be trusted because it are most likely russians?
while wikileaks never gives away there sources
>that have had enough of you kids bullshit.
get off my lawn too
Trump is not a good guy but voting hillary is just insanity and its like electing stalin thinking surely the workers in charge will work out.
Rather vote for an idiot who will have most actions blocked by both politically affiliated sides of congress than a proven threat to national security that will buy and manipulate congress to carry out the agenda of all those who have donated to the clinton foundation. Also, I don't want politcally biased supreme court justices being sworn in, instead of men and women of merit who do not let politics hold sway in the house of the law.
Nice try. Didn't work.

Ridicule is a perfectly valid part of public discourse - and Hillary and her supporters deserve a lot of it.

The crucial point is the *relative proportion of ridicule to the rest of the communication*.

When a statement is purely ridicule, devoid of any additional serious attempt at argument, *then* it falls (effectively, whether intended or not) into the category of disinformation.

(Sadly, America's adoption of 140-char text message Newspeak is doubleplus ungood for thoughtcrime, and the rounding math of charlimits often leaves no room for fuller exposition. Thus the statements must be taken in larger groupings, rather than singly, to be fairly evaluated. Since the 4chan charlimit is 2K that's an indulgence posters here don't merit.)
why not build a wall. US of A prints it's own money. Obama just spend over 13 trillion dollars in 8 years. A wall....very feasible.
Dude like 90% of our country thinks that the president is a king that can do whatever he wants, I swear. Do you remember all of the dumb shit people were promising obama would do once he was elected?
>US of A prints it's own money.

But it doesn't. The federal reserve does. Don't be fooled by the word federal. They are not actually a government organization. We just borrow money from them.
pls give a source
Oh my dear child.
Please read some economic theory. Lowering taxes means more money to hire people and expand.

High taxes discincentivises people from keeping money within the economy. Trump is not saying "lets keep taxes low forever", but more "lets stimulate the economy because its fucked".

America has low labour force participation, and indeed a tiny labour need.

They rely on illegals for "cheap" work to keep their costs low.. lowering taxes AND kicking out illegals means AMERICANS get jobs. AMERICANS pay tax, and stimulate the economy, instead of sending cash to mexico!
Holy cringe you sound Like a dumbass. Cringed hard
>She keeps her cool too easily
>has people killed
yeah keeps her cool sure
>p-please dont vote anon you lost give in
the faster democracy ends the better
So you're a raging idiot lacking even the ability of extemporaneous speech?
>Even Glenn Greenwald - himself no Trump advocate - said this week the media are 100% united against Trump.
annnd, you quote a guy from a blatant right wing "news" organization?
>Glenn Greenwald
>right wing
Some statements are so wrong they deserve applause just for being entertaining.

Sincere thanks for the welcome humor. Really, I laughed out loud and I appreciate the break.
>Is it possible to milk a man?
Sure. Just watch the "Milking Table" videos.
everybody in america is enraged by the idea of building a wall in the mean time they already have a fence along the entire border it would just making it more difficult to enter the country illigal
ah so it is all sarcasm and a big joke, yeah? so when is he going to tell us what his real policies are? when do we find out what we are voting for?

I won't vote for a man who lies anout not saying things that he said on tape the day before - who just makes shit up and promotes anti intellectualism.

and no, OP he won't do anything, except slink back to his reality TV show after November..
that look of knowing you will be called Madame President for the rest of your life...
not only was regan governor ofone of the largest states int eh Union, he also had a lifetime of political activism. Trump is nothing more than a TV reality show sockpuppet who has never served and never thought of anyone but himself.

If you have not worked out by now that he intends to loose, and will use his new fame to make more money, you have been suckered. As it is he is making money from this election (he loaned his money, not spent it and is now taking it back out of the donations of the suckers who support him, and using his own plane and hotels, charging full rates to the campaign)

trump is not only unfit to serve, he is unfit to run.
jokes on you, i'm a productive member of society with a wife and a child.
no, it is not that you had better do it, it is that the majority in this case, have made a good decision, and the minority, of bad decision makers, who turn out in droves for stupid rallies to listen to rambling incoherent demagoguery, will loose.
did you see the video where they asked that same question, "what's your favorite Trump policy" to Trump supporters?

the cognitive dissonance was uncomfortable. they literally had people who had no idea what his policies were and said "the details are unimportant. i'm voting for trump as a person and the policies can be worked out later".

trumpfucks literally have no idea how politics works.
wife who works - wife who bankrupted a college and may face fraud charges.. as well as nepotism
>bernie never had a chance
if bernie had got three million more votes than hillary in the popular vote then the superdelegates (and the elected delegates) would have supported him.

the election was not rigged, it is just the Bernie, who was never a Democrat and did nothing to help the party, could not expectt he support of real democrats who had worked for the party for thirty years and who he was then slagging off and telling lies about.

Bernie was repeating Republican lies and smears about Clinton - what kind of Democrat does that?

so take your butthurt home, but don't forget to vote Hillary, and democrat all down the ticket, and kick the teabaggers and the NRA Republican out this year.
>(like what happened with the Brexit vote).

no the brexit vote was subored by lies - the people voted for £350 million for the NHS, for kicking out the niggers and pakis and arabs, and for a mythical soverignity that appealed to Little englanders.

all lies, all tracked back within days of the vote.
The ShillBots really believe this.. and they also believe they are a walking, breathing, hemmeroid..
source for the audio... no? because she never said that? yeah. go take your smears somewhere else, liar.
ah, because the email headers and metadata showed they had been transferred through a russian server? becaus ethe FBI and NSA and CiA all confrim that it was a russian hacker group with known links to Putin and the russian secret service...

yeah, just disinformation... by the russians
well done trump shill, or is it Putin shill - good use of your newly learned technique - the throw a little negative at trump to show I am not on his side really, and gain Clinton supporters trust, but then heavily undermine Clinton, so making a sneak attack on her.

won't work. Trump is not merely not a good guy, he is a cheating, lying, fraudulent KKK loving narcissist who has never served anyone but Trump, and now his money man Putin.
>a proven threat to national security
where is your proof of this?
>I don't want politcally biased supreme court justices being sworn in
so you want all those the republicans put in power removed?
oh my poor child of the nineties. Before the nonsense that calls itself economic theory (as in it works in theory, just not in practice) which is neoliberlism and trickle down (or voodoo) economics, there was real economic theory that accurately described the way supply and demand work, which the rich didn't like because it sufggested that progressive taxation works.

every time a republican cuts taxes for the rich they thank him, and bank it in t bahamas, and buy a new yacht from germany, and they do not employ anyone new, because they have all the workers they need. the money goes into wall street and stocks and trades and shares and never reappears on the street, or the real economy.

but your so called economic theory never sees that. because it is wrong.
rand paul was the only republican who didn't seem like a total scumbag
>In any other country this would rightly be called propaganda.

sorry that the truth hurts, but the reason everyone is against Trump is because he is a relly bad candidate. he lies, bullshits, has no policies, no ideas, no knowledge, no morality, and no chance, thank goodness.

he is a demagogue with no substance, and the wrong man for the job. that is why everyone with a college education and without a snout in the trough is against him.
he won't because he will never be elected
If he is elected he will be thrown in to the machine that is the American political system and not be able to deliver anything he promises or desires to do.
it's simpel

trump will possible start ww3 or a civil war but most likely just anger some people and nothing major happens

hillary will sell america to the one that offers her the biggest profit

so either way you are fucked
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