Link motherfucker! Or it's bullshit.
link nigger
This is not a TEST!!
Holy fuck it's real boys
So is this the part where I help repopulate the planet?
If this map is real shit is going down.
You heard it here first, folks.
maybe this is good
is this a new total war game or sumthing?
whats happening pls explain. Is it that russia is actually invading/pushing into ukraine or??
Doesn't look like an invasion, just the same occupation as always.
>can't take a proper screenshot
Its not a table top game you dunce
see all those little blue and red symbols? They aren't blue team and red team units, its news reports
for example, that little red tank symbol near the bottom links you to information about how russia had a convoy move through there
pls respond
I always wanted a good world war. We'll be eating stroganoff in Moscow by Christmas boys. Tally ho!
aw, by the time this is in the history textbooks we'll all be dead and forgotten...
cause b is where I expect to hear about this first not pol... riiiiight.
Yep. Its a true
posting in legendaru bread?
Very exciting and all but these events happened almost 24 hours ago.. obviously nothing too eventful going on.
>I always wanted a good world war. We'll be eating stroganoff in Moscow by Christmas boys. Tally ho!
Is that from a movie ?
I don't think so. But it could be
can't find anything on legit newssites, any credible sources?
>firefight at border checkpoint
those are farms you dipshit, we have them in canada too. thats where produce at the grocery store comes from
yeah, cant find anything other than some fsb guys from Russia foiled a "terrorist" attack against chrimea, put in pulls out of peace talks and puts on a training excersie. the conditi8ns are there. usa and especially europe is weak. China backs Russia. why wouldn't Russia attack?
but it hasn't happened yet, it seems.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
if Russia planned an attack, it wouldn't be a simple firefight at the border. they would be bombing bases and cities. they would be moving up whole divisions.
Oh Shit nigger
Posting in case this turns out to be WW3
>I refuse to believe what's right in front of my eyes
apparently I used the wrong pic to express what you said wit a minimal amount of words
does this one work better?
Vladimir Poutine has decided to attack the Ukulele?
We're in for it now.
>I am not gonna let my shitty thread die.
Fuck off faggot op.
you are stupid. india and Pakistan constantly exchange fire. so do north and south Korea and a bunch of other countries. a firefight at a check point dosnt equal an invasion. like I said, if Russia was going to attack they would be advancing from chrimea but especially into eastern Ukraine along their border. Russia would hope to completely overwhelm Ukraine and take out air defense first.
I see none of that. you are just projecting what you want to see happen. this makes you a fool.
Not op
Just some nigger
This guy and everybody waiting for WW3 is delusionnal. The tactic so far have always been guerilla style, with small groups of "rebels" mixed with russian soldiers. I doubt they'd just go full war all of a sudden.
holy fuck are those fucking ufo?! what the fuck is going on over there thats fucking crazy!
how can somebody be invading if its theirs?
reformation of the ussr has started!!!
>I'm too baked
commit sudoku please
I say bread, someone said bread before, bread instead of thread.
>underage b&
I'm not saying ww3 is going to happen. I think this just a simple border exchange if anything.
thanks anon tryin now!
also get help for your parkinson
My bad.
Nice roll. Also whats happening it Russia for the past years has been trying to force Ukraine back into russias territory and control. But Ukrain being fucking cucks wont do it as they tried everything they could to get out of the soviet union originally.
So right now or as we think by this map an no other news outlet that russia is doing harambe warfare by pushing into the borders right now.
Найс объяснил , пидор
>harambe warfare
fucking lost it
even if Russia did attack Ukraine, the USA would not intervene. make no mistake this would not equal a ww3 scenario.
So is this the start of the world war?
спасибо хороший рулон педик
Нет , если пиндосы не вмешаются
When will it be America's turn for war again ;_;
Хуевый у тебя переводчик , фагот
Fuck these ukrainian nazis
nice get
and no
not at all
truth is the western world is fucking blocking out almost all russian or generally slavic media on this as they need to force people into thinking terrorism exists in poo nigger countries.
So no, not at all.
The ukranians will just be pushed into submission again as it did before and no one gave a fuck.
Would we have a reason to?
ukraine would be out good if they would have sticked to the appointments they made..
>Хуевый у тебя переводчик , фагот
thanks m8
those apointments would be??
also different fag
Ethnic Russian here. I live in crimea, this is what is happening.
The Russian Army has moved 40,000 troops to the border between Ukraine and Russian Crimea, trainloads of tanks are reported on their way from Moscow to the region, and existing troops are moving into Combat Formation after a failed Terror Attack killed two Russian Soldiers on the border days ago. Russia has also reportedly shut down the Internet on Crimea "for security reasons."
Ukraine has announced it placed its troops on "their highest combat alert level" and called an emergency UN Security Council meeting, at which they told the UN, "Russia has 40,000 troops in Crimea with bad intent."
In the meantime, NATO has told Russia to "back down" - an interesting warning since Ukraine is not a NATO member. The so-called "warning" has been ignored by the Russians.
США же самая мощная страна в мире. Везде имеет влияние. У нас экономика шатнулась пиздец , после санкций.
very true but considering that the people who actually see through western media will notice that Russia is being a bully which it isnt and that may cause some trouble in the UN and, EU causing russia to leave it.
no nato and no eu
>did they try both?
>does russia want enemy bases on their housedoor?
>is ukraine controlled by the west?
http://www kyivpost com/article/content/ukraine-politics/buzzfeed-russia-cut-off-the-internet-in-crimea-420863.html
fuck is this really happening??
>Harambe warfare
So there is a chance, but we wouldn't have a major place?
nice to hear the things of somebody actually there. thanks anon
agreed. worst case scenario is Russia does a full invasion of Ukraine. the west will do nothing. Ukraine is not a NATO member and it would be a nightmare trying to distinguish western Ukrainians and pro russian Ukrainians. besides, Russia has nukes and remember no nuke armed countries have gone to war with each other. it won't happen, not over ukraine.
this is the reason however put in may attack.
lets hope so.
cyka blyat
How do you internet then ?
Author: BuzzFeed
didnt read lol
Большого не будет. И в открытую войны тоже не будет. Опять в ато прибалты решать украинцев, тем самым продолжая геноцид.
agreed. think of it, if they use nukes over ukrain then everybody gets fucking involved and we have mutually assured destruction. But if they do
>Harambe warfare
then its litteraly another skirmish that no ones hears about
Водка , балайка , медведь, путин, шапка-ушанка.
yeah, but maybe america would be like "Genocide is wrong blah blah blah" then catapult itself into the war.
unfortunately this shit is true, fucked up
Anyone got a local news source or twitter that google can translate?
>Harambe Warfare
is this really happening? I live in crimea. rip me.
America needs to stop getting involved in this shit.
I know they wont stop since therye trying to keep relations between them good but come on.
Stay the fuck out America.
>harambe warfare
My dick is out
naw fuck that
these 3rd wrold garbage countries need to learn their fucking place
Then gtfo of Ukraine, Ivan.
Shit. Well, thanks anon.
Both Russia and Ukraine are 2nd world countries.
speak english you dumb faggot
lol shut up faggot
listen this is coming from a canadian fag I agree with>>699104061
America has no right to intervene. If russia wants to invade S.T.A.L.K.E.R. country they should feel free. No came to america and told them to not enforce in poo-nigger countries.
Also most people in these slavic countries could fucking RIP america
no they are 2nd world as they are not NATO members and had communistic history
>>699104215 <this faggot got it wrong
Isn't ukraine still all fucked up and in two or did they solve that?
>this is what happens when parents let the internet raise their kids
The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO, or the Communist Bloc. The United States, Western European nations and their allies represented the First World, while the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and their allies represented the Second World.
So, was Lee Harvey Oswald driven to the cemetery in a Patsy Hearst?
you're a faggot too.
America will show you cabbage soup eatting mother fuckers no mercy
thread theme
Ukraine's women are better looking.
Ukraine asked for our help. We should be helping. Fuck Putin.
>Also most people in these slavic countries could fucking RIP america
Are you french canadian, because this is the shittiest english I have ever read.
thanks anon for explaining more in depth than i did>>699104580
2nd world and 3 world might as well be the same fucking thing you dumb cock sucking faggot
dude look at>>699104616
Because why? Explain please.
It's interesting that Tito's Yugoslavia was aligned with the 2nd world, when he basically told Stalin to go fuck himself.
usa won't intervene. no way. and it's because of that, Russia has no reason not to invade. europe is all a bunch of pussies and won't do anything. China backs Russia which would outstrip any advantage the USA has in firepower.
sanctions? already there. invasion would be a cheap victory for putin.
cheeki breeki iv damke
Oh yeah ? Then why they can't even defeat the sandniggers and they have to run away like cowards ?
no not french canadian
I fucking hate the french.
and i was using RIP as a replacement to the word reck. as
>Most People in slavic country could fucking reck americans.
ukraine doesnt even have the right to ask for help
they fucked everything up now they pay
no cause alcoholism and where is it said Americans are weak and can't fight?
thanks for backing me anon.
Amerifags most of em are just fucking stupid most likely underage b& since they just think
"Hurr durr america haz gunz, gunz go boom pootin hab no chance"
or there just uneducated or b8
go fuck a moose faggot, America has the right to intervene wherever and whenever the fuck we want. This planet is ours for the next couple hundred years at least so sit your hoser ass down and get used to dealing with it.
lol. We'd just pull out our guns from our scooters and unload 1000 rounds of full leaded freedom in to their asses.
lol how did they fuck everything up russia invaded and annexed Crimea.
>where is it said Americans are weak and can't fight?
in every health and obesity statstic which has ever been written
>Ukraine's women are better looking.
I'm sure traps don't count, especially burly ones such as yourself. Calm down.
they lost to a bunch of rice farmers. They also have to cuck theryre own people into fear by manipulating them to beleive poo niggers actually cause terrorism. In short its a bunch of elitist assholes scaring therye own people
you need to learn you place you filthy little piece of shit.
America is the greatest country that has ever existed
suck my balls bitch nigga
And do you approve of the Russian Federation's expansion and fringe annexation of Ukraine?
they wouldnt stand a chance against a real army - never did.
only thing american army is capable of is shooting sandniggers, which is a good thing, but not a real challenge for an army.
american army sucks - without the help of britain, france,.. they would have never won any war.
You want the place youre invading habitable afterwards you fucking moron
the USA crushed the ussr without even attacking.
defeated one of the largest armies in the world with 2 divisions on their turf.
basically control half the world in several ways.
and you think a bunch of stupid, weak people did this? what does that say about your people then?
>completely wrong: the post
I don't really mind though, it's /b/, people on here deserve to be misinformed.
American army is shit compared to the Russian army.
Navy seals vs Spetznaz is pretty much
Feel Good Beefy but shitty men vs actually trained backflipping tomahawk throwing badasses
conventional bombs guy.
They possibly would due to the fact that Great 'Merica are butt buddies with Ukraine aka on Ukraine's side of things
They only get other countries involved so they don't look like the only bad guy, It is that simple.
well they obviously did not win on the battlefied, so whats your point ?
not to that extent. and the European union cares more about Ukraine than the USA.
my people. You mean americans. dude im from america. New york rural area
shhh, there's a reason we spread the sterotype, who do you think controls all of the worlds media (well other than the jews)?
>New york rural area
New York is a city you turd
new york is a state
it's also a state.....
Um, are you retarded, its called New York CITY you dumb fucks.
i think
was talking to me
also yea I kinda hate the way canada plays the pacifist or the good guy and hops on the band wagon. But America is no hero.
Canada is part of the continent "America" you uneducated fucktard..
One does not eat soup, one drinks soup
it's called new york, new york city. I took the bait and I love it.
even more bait
dude you just gotta add a whole sleeve of crackers and then you can eat soup pleb.
Cyka blyat
There is one country in the world that the rest of the world began to colloquially call America, and it isn't canada you fucking pedantic moron.
Oh yeah, I never thought of that. Right you are.
yeah no I was also part of it m8
dont bite the bait
>They only get other countries involved so they don't look like the only bad guy, It is that simple.
Ye and because they cant fight in urban territory. Just too shitty as an army.
usa fights isis for months - no results
russia fights isis 10 days - oil ressources gone, money gone, training camps gone
what the fuck is bait you faggot, everything I said is correct.
Anon from ukraine is here and i didn't hear any news about invasion of Ukraine recently
and also
fuck Putin
Good points that I never thought of as well. Thanks friend
no, you are right. he was saying you responded to bait.
Produce doesn't come from farms, faggot.
that's because we have different goals faggot, USA wants instability in the middle east and isis provides that.
no no i meant that you were biting this guys bait>>699105873
But that makes every citizen a target. You would conscript every person in your country to fight for someone elses?
Lets just all get along shall we?
bait is inflammatory statements ment to incite anger (trolling)
What the fuck is responded to the bait? I know I'm right, I'm glad you could own up to your mistake.
everything comes from farms...
My fault, I raised the point about the soup and realise only now that I should not have done that.
what does fire have to do with anything? I was talking about why the USA is called America! Are you people balloons?
Is that why the American army is struggling with ISIS and why within a week the Russian army killed 40% of all known ISIS camps
niggers dont
ive never heard of a nigger farm
that is not your official agenda.
even if it was - your army still sucks in urban terr. and close quarter.
But america wouldn't turn its back on an ally would they.
I am guessing you eat niggers then?
is this shit real?
im a vegan man i dont eat animals
the American army isn't involved in the conflict in the traditional sense right now, mostly small groups of special forces and training consultants. Also, the US has an interest in fanning the flames and keeping isis around.
i hope putin fucks your disloyal people over
>special forces and training consultants
i guess somebody has to run the mcdonalds down there eh?
Fuck you Ukrain dog путин уничтожит тебя
of course it's not the official agenda, that would make us look bad. Our army is the most battle tested in the world faggot.
>Implying the US agenda is any more "official"
its not like we are doing worse then any other country in that regard
I haven't bowled this hard since my cousin Roman died.
Greatest country ? It's just the result of a gangbang between all the europeans countries.
fuck amerifats and ukrainian dogs!
we remember wolyn, and never forget.
hope ukraine will be fucking destroyed fast as it can be.
also give back lviv, fuckers!!!
>Our army is the most battle tested in the world faggot.
kek - i didnt know this is ylyl now
what are u talking about? usa and Ukraine are not allies.
Russia is full of pussies and I heard that you guys like to tongue fuck each other in the ass.
amerifags never disappoint with their delusions
Which army is then? How many wars has Russia been in since the fall of the Soviet Union?
Yeah, which show you only want war, and lose everytime against sandniggers. Are we supposed to be afraid of that ?
The USA are backing Ukranie in the issue with Russia. America was ready to send in troops not long ago when Russia moved in
again...not allies. usa only wanted to push its influence and rattle Putin.
spiders are not bugs
>I'm fun at partys!
Nobody has lost anything you ignorant fuck. Maybe you don't know this yet but the goal of the US isn't take territory or leave a stable country, it's to widen the gap on our already massive lead over the rest of the world and we do that by taking what we need and what we need is oil.
if youre so battletested, how it comes you loose every single time?
doesn't matter, is the Ukraine still a country? is there some kind of magic rule that stops an alliance from being negotiated after a country gets invaded?
if you go and hang out with some wierd guy for the day, that dosnt mean you are his protector now.
Victory is about meeting goals, we met our goals.
Iraq and Afghanistan were never about Iraq and Afghanistan faggot.
i am not from russia, you motherfucking retarded scum. go educate yourself and them we can discuiss :)))) xoxo
wow are you a general or something?
you seem to have more insight than any other source
Im not a fan of those americans saying they're better than anyone but you're also spilling quite a load of shit there
so please correct me good sir
How the fuck am I supposed to "go educate" myself about where some faggot on an anonymous message board is from?
You've been corrected.
much better now
>*what Bush needed
Did you see any change in your life because of the war in Iraq ? No, because there isn't for you.
And you lost, you lost so deeply you run away like cowards and now Daesh exist because of you.
without the help of the French?
France has always suffered and been little help to anyone.
ever head of the CFR, fuck off you're out of your element.
true. but they still are allies
and i dont mean ww2 but the middle eastern conflicts.
Daesh is allowed to exist and serves a purpose, it wasn't for Bush, it was much more complex than your capability for understanding.
Isis exists because europe won't help the Muslims enough.
It's one of the most successful military operation of this time, so much better than what the Americans are doing. They're better than you.
good it doenst go over your capability then
please educate us
also please educate the us
>harambe warfare
Doesn't this imply that the Russians are just getting shot and a black lives matter protest will start up soon?
So now you tell Daesh is yours because you're ashamed of being defeated ? That's funny. And this is why the Americans bomb them and Daesh killed some Americans ?
>amerifags talking about shit goin over other peoples capability
no i used harambe warfare as if saying guerrilla warfare
shit. get these faggots over to Libya then.....oh wait.
Never said they were ours, said they were allowed to exist, which is not the same thing at all.
Then why everyone is talking about defeat them ?
>the ukraine
pick one faggot, crimea wasnt part of the ukraine until the USSr made them both part of the same administrative bloc in the 50s
Reminder: Global powers dominate for hundreds of years and the US only just became the undisputed global power in 1991, so all of you faggots better get used to getting fucked up the ass by a rock hard screeching bald eagle, because this party has just begun.
what do the red areas mean?
I'm going to tell this around, that's quite funny. The Americans now want Daesh to exist.
You're such pussies.
if you were referring to the time when the us were just colonies of european countries and how they were given everything by the uk and then helped by france to gain their independance then it doesnt mean anything because if it didn't start with a uk colony it would've started with another and another country would've helped them, when you're sitting on natural riches an ocean away from the guys giving you orders and you have people full of hope and dreams for the future you'd be pretty stupid not to try and create your own country, now if you're referring to ww2 there's even less to say as the americans came up with the Abomb first and even if all they did was overwhelm another country that was already embroiled in war with a lot of nearby countries by doing so and helping those countries they ensured they would have a major role in economics and geopolitics all around europe for decades to come
tl;dr waging war isn't just about killing people on the other side and making peace afterwards and americans sure are better at war than you give them credit for
Pfff ukranian media. They are providing the most ridiculous and stupid shit to the world.
My shit in the toilet right now is more logical than ukranian media
>not realising that america is the only 3rd world country here
only found one current news thing reporting, gg soros.
Whatever you say, Ivan.
I am Mikhail or simply Misha
Okay, Michael. How is Gorbachev viewed in Russia?
Like a glorious motherfucker and traitor who ruined great USSR
broseph stalin my man
Where in ru are you? What is the temperature out today?
This happened like three years ago.
>America has the right
We barely have the might.
In a town called Volzhsky which is next to the Volgograd (Stalingrad in past).
It's hot today, about 38 celcius and I really wait for temperture to go down.
>it's 2016 and simply saying "this is b8" is in itself b8
you live in hell you lieng faggot with that 666 roll
dat roll
IF dubs no ww3 if trips or quads, ww3 confirmed
wtf is that? looks like ufos, they don't have ufos do they???
>First World
fuck your fat ugly mom
mods pls 404 this thead i wanna sleep
This is sadly true.
Tin foil hat much?
Says Ivan,who only watches russian propaganda on his old af TV
fucking circles.....russia has to be SoOoOoOo different
>ITT: Autists who can't read "an hour ago Comments0 Ukrainian Military: Russia does not have enough troops on the border to launch offensive"
Eh, militaries always do what they can to disguise how many forces they have, why would this be a different case?
Shut the FUCK up you cunt
Because when you're about to launch an offensive you can't have your military scattered about trying to hide the numbers. It spread them too thin in case the enemy launches a counter-attack before you move out, and it takes too long to get in formation for when your launch starts.
It's also pretty hard to hide your military if the enemy is looking for them in the right spot. they're watching the borders, and there's not enough military at the borders yet. Tanks aren't Ferraris so it's safe to assume there's no military prepping to launch an attack, at least not for a while.
no it really couldn't be, that was probably the most autistic thing i've read
>Harambe warfare
My sides have died and gone to heaven.
The most significant events in Russian history and culture:
>1066 A.D. - Invention of Vodka, a staple beverage for all Russian meals.
>1812 A.D. - Russia fights France, and burns down its capital city so that Napoleon could not make use of it to film his famous French porn flicks. Millions die.
>1847 A.D. - Invention of Nitroglycerin, the first modern high explosive. This chemical helps thousands of Soviets overcome Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.).
>1914 - Russia fights Germany. Millions die.
>1917 - Revolution and Civil War. Millions die.
>1921 - Famine from above wars. Millions die.
>1932 - Famine from collectivization. Millions die.
>1937 - The Great Terror. Millions die.
>1941 - Russia fights Germany again. Millions die.
>1945 - Yet another famine. Millions die.
>1946 - The only person left in the Soviet Union, Stalin, repopulates the country through asexual budding.
>1948 - The Ak-47 assault rifle is capable of destroying entire families and giving a more realistic substitute to Call of Duty to millions of African children.
>1991 - The beginning of another crisis in Russia. Millions die, probably.
>20XX - Russia tries to invade the Ukraine and gets fucked up by NATO. Millions die
r those accurate up to 20xx?
He is cherry picking dates m8
thanks, so its accurate but dosnt include everything
Your all dumb Fucking niggers theres fuckin nothing going on lmAo fuckin losers
OP is a faggot. We are attacking next week.
If the world retaliates against Russia, please cleanse Königsberg from the Russian scum and erase the name Kaliningrad from history. Köonigsberg back to the Germans.
Genius, let's tell Putin!
> bully takes kids lunch money
> kid beats shit out of bully injuring and humiliating him
> bully is the Victor because he got the lunch money
That's not how it works faggot
if russia annexes ukraine, where will amsterdam get all its prostitutes from?
It's no theirs..Ukraine got their Independence.
yes but the conditions were not met
You knew it was coming. They had to do it now, before Trump is elected.
Hey. Is it real? Because i can't found anything on news
Or before this nasty bitch gets in office.
>Moscow was actually evacuated during Russian-french war
>Russia gets involved in WWI because of alliance with France
>Le revolution in the end of the day brought industrialization and modernization of society
>USSR got involved in WWII because of (guess what) German attack
>First space program evar
>Exploration and exploitation of various unpopulated regions
>Then USSR got involved in Cold War because of mostly own ambitions
>Then economy bled out because of Cold war
>shitty modern Russia happened
Ukranian actions were kind of retarded, no doubts there. But at least i can say that my country survived all that shit through more that a thousand years and is still somewhat alive.
Ukrainians are criminals and/or nazi's . all of them.
Fuck them.
I had a few Ukrainian colleges they really are assholes. steel, lie, and bully where they can.
(dutch/german here, btw.)